The ability to comment on this photo is limited in the group. How to hide comments on VKontakte

VK users who post their own photos often don’t even know that comments on pictures can be turned off or even hidden. This is especially necessary to do if unflattering messages and reviews are left for photographs or posts on the wall.

In order to hide comments or leave the ability to comment only for friends, you will need to go to the album. Not long ago we told... If you don't have one, be sure to create one and transfer all the photos to it.

So, go to “My Photos”.

Here we see a list of all photo albums. We hover the cursor over one of them, after which a pencil icon appears. Click on it.

You can edit the album. Here you can choose who will view this album (for example, all users), as well as who will comment on the photos in the album. For example, select “Only friends”, then only those users who are your friends will be able to leave comments. If you don’t want anyone to be able to comment on photos at all, select “Only me” - no one except you will be able to leave comments.

As for other posts, for example, those you make on the wall, the privacy settings for them need to be changed using the “Privacy” section. Click "My Settings" and go to the "Privacy" tab. Find the subsection “Who can comment on my posts?” and select one of the available options, for example, “Friends only.”

Leading a group may not always involve feedback. Most often this is due to excessive spam or a lack of need for subscribers to discuss news. Naturally, comments that violate community rules can be deleted by moderators, or automatically according to pre-prepared keywords.

If the topic is such that it does not require (or excludes) the possibility of commenting on posts (this can be found in news or entertainment groups), then the administrator should know how to disable comments in the VKontakte group.

Screening out content under posts, be it spam or profanity, allows you to: firstly, keep the group “clean”, and secondly, not violate the rules of the social network, significantly reducing the risk of blocking by the administration. This, in turn, will lead to an increase in the number of subscribers, have a positive impact on the community rating and increase its ranking in search.

What methods of comment control are there?

For community administrators on the VKontakte social network, comments are one of the main tools for maintaining feedback with the audience, which, moreover, can serve as an excellent tool for directing and improving the development vector of published content. However, there is often a need to limit the access of discussions under posts in a group.
There are several configuration options here. The standard function allows you to enable or disable commenting on posts. When creating a group, this feature will be enabled by default. There are several filters in the comments section:

  • An obscene expression filter, with the help of which user comments containing obscene expressions and insults to other subscribers will be deleted automatically.
  • A keyword filter that will remove comments based on pre-specified queries.

It is worth noting that all automatically deleted messages will be displayed in the “Operation History” section, where the administrator will be able to view each previously deleted comment at any time.

How to prohibit comments in a VK group

To block subscribers’ access to discussing group news on the wall, go to the “Community Management” section, then select “Comments” in the right-hand column and uncheck the “Feedback” field.

When you create an affinity group, the commenting feature is enabled by default. To limit it, you need to go to “Community Management” and select “Sections” in the settings menu. The window that appears will open parameters with which you can configure the group. In particular, you need to select the “Wall” item. There are three options:

  1. Open. Every user will be able to participate in discussions under posts and send messages to the group, regardless of whether he is subscribed or not. In this case, there is a high risk of “mess” and excessive amounts of spam. In particular, users will be able to publish links, text messages, pictures, audio and video recordings.
  2. Limited. Only people with administrator status can publish posts. However, comments remain open (it is recommended to use filters).
  3. Closed. Only administrators can publish posts here, and comments are not available to subscribers.

Open but controlled comments in a group have many benefits: firstly, it is a great way to maintain feedback with subscribers, so you can find out what content they prefer; secondly, obscene expression filters and keyword filters allow you to automatically filter out unwanted messages. At the same time, the community administrator can regularly access the transaction history, where all deleted comments are displayed. He can view them and, if necessary, restore them so that other users can see them under the entries.

How to open comments in a VKontakte group

As noted above, by default the commenting function is in active mode. If it was previously disabled, you can enable it as follows:

  1. Open the “Community Management” section.
  2. On the right side, in the “Settings” section, select “Comments”.
  3. In the “Feedback” item, check the box and save the changes.

After this, users will be able to leave comments under each post on the community wall. Unlike comments, filters are always disabled by default. At the same time, they are one of the main tools that makes it possible to control the communication of subscribers and prevent the appearance of spam, curses, insults and other materials that could cause the group to be blocked by the administration of the social network. In addition, the available filters are an excellent assistant for the moderator - they relieve the person of the need to track every published message and take appropriate action. manual mode.

The algorithm of actions for enabling filters is the same as the actions for enabling comments: “Community Management”, “Comments”; Next, you need to check/uncheck the boxes next to the required filters. It is worth noting that the administrator can select both filters at the same time, or use only the one of interest, according to which user messages will be filtered out in the future. When choosing a filter by keywords, you should enter queries manually (separated by commas).

How to track comments in a VKontakte group

A community administrator can track comments in several ways. First of all, on your personal page in the news section there is a “Comments” item, where all the information is displayed: comments left and responses received, as well as messages to posts on the wall and in albums. The main thing here is that this tab also allows you to track comments and posts made on behalf of the group.

If there are several administrators in a community who publish content, each will only see replies to their own published posts. In this case, solving the tracking problem is quite simple: you just need to subscribe to comments under the post of interest. To do this you need to: open the post in a new window (or click on the publication date); At the bottom of the post, near the “Like” button, select the “More” and “Subscribe to comments” sections.

VKontakte is a social network that is popular among users from all over the world. This is why many people choose to create thematic groups on this resource. You can dedicate your own group to any direction: from an entertainment page to promoting your personal business. Thanks to the presence of many functionality, the owner of the group can publish news, create discussions for discussion among participants, add audio recordings, photo albums and videos.

This algorithm of actions will clearly demonstrate how you can protect your creation from unwanted negative comments or annoying spam.

Disabling comments in a VK group

Step 1. You need to go to your personal page and go to the “Groups” tab. Next, among the list of your communities, find the created group and go to its page.

Step 2. Under the group avatar, find the settings button, click on it, and then select “Community Management”.

Step 3. In the window that opens, select the “Sections” tab in the sidebar.

In the “Wall” line, you can select three types of group walls, depending on which you can regulate the comments that participants leave under posts.

An open wall gives any group member a chance to write a message on the main page, as well as add a comment to any published post. In fact, in this way a group member has no restrictions in writing messages.

A limited wall allows only community administrators and editors to post news, but any user can add comments.

The closed wall is intended only for the publication of news by community administrators; any comments on posts are disabled and group members can only view written posts and extract information from them.

To ensure that your posts on the wall or photos in albums do not go unnoticed, you need to configure the open comments function on VKontakte.

If you add some material to your wall, then by default it is available for viewing for all users of the VKontakte network. It can be discussed, shared, and liked. As mentioned above, you can either open access to comments or close it. This is done in the following way:

  1. Go to settings, to do this, click on the icon with your name in the upper right corner;
  2. Select “Privacy”;
  3. In the post section on the wall, see what conditions are set for comments.

There are two settings here: who sees and who can leave feedback. They can be opened to all users or to a limited number of people.

If they leave a review on your page, you can respond to it. There are two options: simply write in the field that opens below or through the “reply” function. If you choose the latter option, the name of the interlocutor will be displayed in front of the text. And after sending, the user will receive a notification that his review has been answered. So, you can discuss the selected topic or post.

The comment you left can be edited if necessary by clicking on the pencil icon. To remove someone else's review from your page, click on the cross next to the entry.

When adding photos and videos to albums, the ability to comment on them is also configured. To do this, you need to go to your photos (column on the left) and click on the desired album. All images contained in it will open.

The cover will be displayed at the top and the option to change the title. And also a choice of availability. It is presented in two categories: who can see these photos and who can comment.

If you do not want to leave reviews about the images in this album, then simply select the appropriate option. Or, conversely, open access to everyone. You can do this for each of your albums.

The more interesting the material you post, the more users you will attract to your page. Popular blogs and topics are actively discussed. Therefore, if you want to create a group or community, be sure to open access to comments.

Nowadays, quite a large number of people express their feelings through social networks. Well, we have such time, what can we do? One can not only condemn this way of expressing feelings, but also see some advantages in it, for example, the absence of embarrassment. After all, not everyone is able to immediately come up and express to their eyes everything that they feel for another person. Well, it’s easier to write a message on VKontakte or put a sincere comment under a photo. Thus, we will devote this article directly to comments and how to hide or completely close comments on a photo in VK.

Quick navigation:

What are comments and what are they for?

In this section, we will briefly look at what comments are and why they are actually needed, and we will also explore how you can close comments on a photo on VK. Comments can be understood as various inscriptions, pictures, emoticons and even photographs that are left by visitors to express their feelings and emotions. Comments can be placed both under photos and under various posts. When talking about commenting, it is worth understanding that a page visitor can express an opinion not only directly about your person, but also leave an opinion under various advertising posts that you reposted to the wall. Thus, a negative opinion expressed by someone from experienced users about a service or product that they tried before you and did not agree with the quality can benefit you. But most often the comments still reflect the feelings and emotions experienced towards the owner of the account.

How to see comments

When your photo albums on VKontakte are overflowing with numerous photos, pictures and drawings, it becomes quite difficult to keep track of every comment. Do not review all photo archives in order to see the latest comments and monitor them in a timely manner. Of course, when new comments are received from their subscribers and friends, the user receives corresponding marks in “Alerts”. But even in this way, it is not always possible to notice newly received comments. If you do not receive notifications, you need to see how to enable comments on photos in VK and take the necessary actions.

If you don’t visit VKontakte very often, the situation will drag out even more. As a result, your acquaintances and friends will wait a long time for you to deign to respond to their comments on the photo on VK. And you will remain in mysterious ignorance that any wishes exist at all.

Let’s talk a little about how you need to look at the comments received on the photo. First of all, you need to go to your page and open the photos and then visit the “comments” option. This way you will be able to see everything that visitors to your page “told you” about.

But with all this advantage of the VKontakte system, it may happen that the comments to your photo contain far from unpleasant moments that you would like to see and know, and even more so would like for your loved ones to see and know. If you notice negative comments on your page, you have the opportunity to close comments on photos in VK. What we'll talk about next...

Who sees comments on my photos?

It is important to understand that the comments left will be seen by every visitor to the page if you do not take care of privacy in advance.

VK users who post their own photos very often do not even suspect that it is possible to disable or even hide comments on pictures. This is especially important to do when unflattering messages and reviews are attached to photographs or posts on the wall.

In order to hide unpleasant comments or reserve the opportunity to comment directly for friends, you will need to go to the album and select from the list of albums exactly the one that you want to limit in comments. You have the option to edit the album. Here you can select who will be able to view this album (for example, all users), as well as those who will be able to comment on photos in a particular album. For example, by selecting “Only friends”, only those visitors to your page who are confirmed as your friends will be able to comment. If you don't want your photos to be commented at all, select "Only Me." This way, no one except you will be able to leave comments. Now you know how to disable comments on photos in VK.

Sort photos by albums

As for other entries, say, that you put on the wall, to refuse to comment on them, the privacy settings must be changed in the “Privacy” section. Go to “My Settings” and click on the “Privacy” tab. Go to the subsection “Who can comment on my posts?” and select one of the generated items, for example, “Friends only.”

How to delete comments on a photo on VK

If you decide not to bother with privacy settings and don’t think about closing comments to photos on VK, you can completely delete comments that you don’t like. Deleting a comment completely is as easy as deleting a careless VKontakte message. To do this, find the comment and click on the “delete” icon.

If you want to delete a comment on someone else's photo, then this is only possible for yourself. That is, if you click on the cross, you will hide the comment only for yourself. If you indicate a violation, the comment will be deleted by moderators or, depending on the number of complaints, it will disappear automatically, and the page of the person who left it will be temporarily .

Privacy settings to hide comments and avatar

In this section, we will take a broader look at privacy settings for VK comments and learn how to disable comments on a VKontakte avatar.

Privacy settings control access to your page, using which you can block or allow other users to view information on your account. The developers of the VKontakte website took a very careful approach to working out all the nuances related to privacy, since these functions have a very close connection with the Constitution Russian Federation, for example, from secret correspondence.

Privacy settings make it possible to hide comments on a photo or other posts from others. In other words, absolutely every user has the right and opportunity to completely block access to a personal page for unverified users and, in addition, even friends. If you want to cancel the ability to comment on an avatar photo, please note that this can only be done together with all comments, also through the privacy settings.

How do privacy settings work?

All users of the VKontakte public network are divided into specific groups, divided into friends, subscribers and others. This was done to differentiate access between all categories. When registering a new account, access to the page is open to all visitors, but by going to the privacy options it is quite possible to set access rights to certain sections for any specific group or in order to add a specific person to the “”. In this article, you learned how to hide comments on photos on VK or delete them altogether.

After all privacy options have been set, each person who visits your page goes through a special filter. Determining his category of users and inviting him to view the page.

But what if you are interested in a person whose access to his page is blocked? In this case, you just have to accept it, because viewing protected pages is unlikely. When the social network was just beginning to develop, its code had a large number of holes through which it was quite possible to bypass privacy protection without any difficulty. However, as VKontakte’s reputation grew, the company’s software developers brought the security system to almost perfection.

Personal data protection is being improved

There is practically no way to gain access to protected information, since all user information is stored on the company’s secure servers. Similarly, to replace the denial of access to explicit categories of users, came more correct system protection that allows access to a specific person. This is the main reason why, including advanced users and almost all hackers. Specialized software that allows you to view hidden pages can no longer bypass reliable protection privacy.