How to protect yourself from cardiovascular diseases. How to protect your heart from diseases: advice from a cardiologist Protects against cardiovascular diseases and

World Heart Day is celebrated annually on the last Sunday of September. On this day, the World Health Organization (WHO), UNESCO and other organizations try to draw attention to the fact that there is an epidemic of cardiovascular diseases in the world. Today, cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in the world.

Timely prevention of heart disease and a conscious attitude towards your body and health can stop the spread of this epidemic and save many lives.

What causes heart disease?

Risk factors for heart disease and stroke include high blood pressure, cholesterol and blood glucose levels, smoking, insufficient consumption of fruits and vegetables, increased weight, obesity and physical inactivity.

What symptoms indicate cardiovascular disease?

You should contact your doctor immediately if you experience one or the following symptoms::
  • chest pain;
  • dizziness, sweating and weakness;
  • causeless fainting;
  • changes in heartbeat that are accompanied by malaise;
  • pale skin;
  • frequent swelling;
  • dyspnea.

Remember that heart disease is easier to prevent than to treat, so none of the listed symptoms should be attributed to the results of overwork or temporary malaise.

What is needed to prevent cardiovascular diseases?

- Physical activity. This is any kind of sport, in older age - in a gentle mode, or 30-40 minutes of walking if you have never been actively involved in sports.

Proper nutrition. You should not overuse red meat and side dishes; the less a person consumes sweet, salty and starchy foods, the better.

— Daily routine and healthy sleep. At the same time, sleep should be not only complete in terms of quantity, but also in terms of quality - the bed should be hard, and the pillow and mattress should be orthopedic.

- Pay attention to your well-being - if you listen to your body, you will be able to notice all the warning signs in time and, accordingly, consult a doctor in a timely manner, thereby preventing the disease.

- Giving up bad habits: smoking, alcohol, stress, overeating and poor lifestyle in general - all this significantly increases the likelihood of heart disease.

- Positive attitude. Depression and even everyday stress immediately affect the functioning of the heart, so it is worth protecting yourself from strong negative experiences.

- Sense of proportion. “The first and most important thing is that there should be a sense of proportion in life in everything: in eating, playing sports, working, walking,” says Chief Cardiologist of Moscow, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor Yuri Buziashvili.

What symptoms may indicate heart problems in a child?

The skin color is not pink, but pale or bluish. A blue tint to the skin may appear in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle. This symptom is especially noticeable if the child is crying or nervous.
  • In children of the first year of life - “perspiration” when breastfeeding, poor weight gain.
  • Children of preschool and school age experience fatigue, shortness of breath, and reluctance to play outdoor games.
  • Fainting and pre-syncope.
  • The child has chest pain and difficulty breathing.
  • The child “feels” the heart as if it is working intermittently.
  • High or low blood pressure.

How often should you visit a cardiologist?

Cardiologists recommend going to an appointment not when your heart begins to seriously hurt or when dangerous symptoms appear, but to regularly visit a doctor for preventative purposes. The fact is that heart disease develops slowly; the first symptoms can be headaches, pressure surges, and pinching in the heart area. Therefore, the ideal mode of communication with a cardiologist is once every year to a year and a half, and then, provided that nothing bothers you.

It is worth paying more attention to your heart after 45-50 years - at this age, regular checks of all body systems are necessary, and the heart in the first place.

How is the heart examined?

If you have heart pain or any other symptoms, you should immediately contact a cardiologist or cardiac surgeon.

There are several examination options:

— ECG (electrocardiogram);

— stress ECG (recording an ECG during physical activity);

— ECG Holter monitoring (ECG recording during the day).

A deeper understanding of the work of the heart is provided by methods such as:

— echocardiography (examination of the condition of the heart muscles and valves using ultrasound);

- phonocardiography (study of heart murmurs);

- radiography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging of the spine (in order to understand that the causes of pain in the heart area are not directly related to the heart).

What are the types of cardiovascular diseases?

Arrhythmia- These are disturbances in the rhythm of the heartbeat. Common causes of arrhythmia include smoking and alcoholism.

is a chronic disease that affects fairly large and medium-sized arteries. The essence of the disease is that lipoproteins are deposited in the inner lining of the arteries.

Varicose veins or varicose veins- this is a pathological process of damage to blood vessels or veins, on which “nodes” are formed that impede normal blood flow.

Hypertension- manifests itself in the form of increased blood pressure. This disease damages most vital organs.

- damage to the heart muscle, which occurs due to blockage of the coronary artery, or its branches. In most cases, it is a consequence of atherosclerosis and obesity.

Coronary heart disease- resulting from a violation of the blood-filling function of the heart. Usually this disease occurs in combination with other heart diseases.

Cardiosclerosis- a heart disease based on the development of connective tissue in the myocardium as a result of coronary atherosclerosis.

Heart failure- a condition expressed in the inability of the heart to function as a pump that provides blood circulation. Also, heart failure is a consequence of other diseases of the cardiovascular system that deactivate this function of the heart.

is a form of coronary artery disease. Manifests itself in sharp pain in the heart area.

Thromboembolism- blockage of blood vessels with blood clots. The most dangerous is thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery and its branches.

What to do if your heart “sicks”?

Main features serious problems with the heart - this is pain behind the sternum, radiating to the left arm, under the shoulder blade, to the neck. The pain is severe, but for some it may be aching or dull.

First of all, you need to call an ambulance, and you need to call a special cardiology team. While help is on the way, you can take one nitroglycerin tablet.

This is a universal remedy for heart pain. It will also help distinguish a myocardial infarction from an attack of angina. During an attack of angina, the pain will quickly go away after taking nitroglycerin, but during a heart attack it will not.

You should not take more than one tablet of nitroglycerin: it can lower blood pressure, which will worsen the patient’s condition.

If there are no contraindications, you can take aspirin in a dosage of up to 500 mg, and then lie down. The remaining first aid measures should be taken not by the patient, but by the doctor.

More recently, there was an opinion that heart attacks are more common in the male half. This is a strong misconception. The disease does not choose whether you are a man or a woman. According to statistics, every third woman after forty years has heart problems, and for those who are already over fifty, heart problems occur much more often. According to statistics, they are twice as large as those of the male half. We have to think about it.

True, there is one positive point: in women, angina attacks occur 10-15 years later than in men. According to doctors, this is due to the protective properties of the hormone estrogen, which is found in excess in women in their young years. But when the attack occurs, the protective properties fail and therefore heart diseases begin to increase at a steady rate. In order for the heart to remain healthy and functional for as long as possible, its protection must be taken care of from adolescence.

Weight control

As women age, it becomes more and more difficult to maintain their shape in the desired condition. It is also difficult for the reason that after fifty (with the onset of menopause), the metabolism in a woman’s body slows down by 5%, and every next 10 years. As is known body fat They belong to the tissues of the body and in order to supply them they need a larger number of blood vessels. For 0.5 kilograms of added weight, 1.5 km of vessels are needed. Accordingly, there is a large load on the heart. Imagine when you gain even more weight and even up to 20 kg? In proportion to the increase in clothing size, the likelihood of heart attacks, high blood pressure, and diabetes becomes higher. To the best of your ability, try to keep under pressure to protect and prolong the performance of your heart.

Motion force

Using physical activity of any kind is better than nothing, but regular training will be much better. Scientists have found that people who exercise daily reduce their risk of heart attack by half. But with regular exercise, the blood's ability to clot decreases. Subsequently, blood clots form, and the balance of “harmful” and “good” cholesterol improves. According to statistics, athletes are half as likely to suffer from atherosclerosis compared to people who work in offices.

Properly selected physical activity remains an important point. One of the most simple ways, this is the so-called “ladder” test. How does this work? Just walk up to the fourth floor and take your pulse. When the beat is less than 100 beats per minute, you can train in unlimited quantities. If the pulse is 100-120 beats per minute, then the load is accordingly moderate, and if it is 120 beats or higher, then you better consult a doctor and he should set the load that is suitable for you.

Middle-earth and their diet

The living population of Greece and Italy has much lower problems with cardiology than residents of other countries. According to experts, this influence has national cuisine. Each meal is accompanied by the consumption of fruits and vegetables. These foods are enriched with antioxidants, which help reduce blood pressure in the arteries. Pasta dishes made from wholemeal flour have the same effect. Usage olive oil in dishes, improves the condition of blood vessels. It falls into the category of saturated fats. In these regions, very little red meat is consumed, but legumes are eaten in large quantities, which are a source of protein. As a result, with this diet for three months, people who had heart problems improved their blood pressure, cholesterol and sugar levels.

The heart is the most important and hardworking organ in the body. It pumps oxygenated blood. But these days this organ is at great risk (from a medical and emotional point of view). Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide, killing one person every 34 seconds.

If you want to live long and feel good, your heart must function properly. Here we have listed the top 10 tips that do not require any extra effort or worry and can be incorporated into your daily life.

1. Sleep well and get up early

Sound sleep regulates the overall functioning of the vascular, digestive and muscular systems. A person should sleep at least 6 hours a day. Sleep deprivation is bad for your health.

Maintaining family history illness is very important. If your ancestors/relatives had severe heart disease, you should take precautions in advance.

2. Regular checkups and additional vitamin supplements

Timely and regular inspection is very important. Today's food is not as healthy and fresh as it used to be due to pesticides and scientific technology.

You can take fish oil, vitamin capsules and grape extract as supplements to your regular diet.

3. Foods to avoid

Reduce your intake of unhealthy foods. Fatty foods, although they are loved all over the world, try to avoid French fries, mayonnaise, fatty foods such as hamburgers, pizzas, cream pies and candies.

This will prevent not only heart disease, but also other health complications.

4. How to avoid hypertension and stress

Stress and hypertension need to be controlled. Emotional stress is one of the main causes of heart disease. Tense situations should be avoided as much as possible. Keep yourself calm and relax. Don't be angry. Smile more often.

If you are in an unpleasant situation, take deep breaths. Keep tension and stress away from you if you want a healthy heart.

5. Control blood sugar and pressure

Blood pressure and blood sugar levels are related to each other.

People with high sugar levels are more likely to suffer from heart disease. High sugar and salt levels increase blood pressure.

When it is high, it means the heart is additionally stressed, so avoid large amounts of sweets in your diet.

6. Maintain cholesterol levels

LDL, known as bad cholesterol, leads to fat deposits in the arteries, which causes constriction in the vessels and causes blood pressure to jump.

Read labels before you eat anything. Check the amount of saturated fat, cholesterol and calories per serving. Be careful and remember your heart at all times.

7. Stop drinking and smoking

It is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle. If you want your heart to function properly, stop smoking and drinking alcohol excessively. This takes a serious toll on the heart. Smoking causes nicotine to accumulate in the blood, which not only causes cancer but also clogs the blood vessels, which ultimately affects the heart.

Drinking alcohol in excess is very dangerous. Although it is said that a glass or two of wine a day is good for heart health, but excess consumption leads to excessive blood depletion and causes heart problems.

8. Watch your weight

Excess weight is one of the most common problems around the world. Adults and children are crazy about food. If you are overweight, your heart needs to pump blood with greater force and in turn this puts extra stress on the heart and blood vessels.

A large accumulation of body weight in the abdominal area is one of the causes of a heart attack. A BMI test will help you monitor your own weight.

9. Regular training

An active lifestyle will definitely support your health. Nowadays people do not pay enough attention to exercise. They spend the whole day sitting in front of the TV, laptop, eating or sleeping. Exercise keeps you active and is essential for proper blood circulation in the body.

You should exercise 35-40 minutes a day. There is no need to do exercises that are unpleasant for you. Walking, climbing stairs and cycling are the most effective and comfortable exercises and will help avoid blockages in the blood vessels that cause heart disease.

10. Eat healthy

Nutrition should be balanced. Try to eat fresh fruits and vegetables in sufficient quantities for you. Eat foods rich in vitamins and fiber, such as bananas, oats and wheat bran. Protein in the diet is one of the most effective ways prevent heart disease, such as fish and legumes.

Natalya Mukha graduated from the ChSMA with a degree in General Medicine in 1998, then completed graduate school at the same university. In 2004 she defended her thesis and is working on her doctorate. Teaches at the Department of Faculty Therapy of the Medical Academy. Has a certificate of cardiologist, therapist, doctor functional diagnostics. Conducts a private consultation with a cardiologist and therapist. Member of the All-Russian Society of Cardiologists, Transbaikal Society of Cardiologists.

Currently, cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in adults. On average, heart and vascular diseases account for 55% of total mortality.

The most common diseases of the cardiovascular system are: arterial hypertension, known to everyone as hypertension, coronary heart disease, which is a wide range of diseases (myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, heart rhythm disturbances, etc.), and acute disturbance of cerebral blood flow ( stroke).

One of the reasons for the high mortality rate from heart or vascular diseases is the lack of effective measures for the primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular complications. Most often, people do not rush to see a doctor if they notice initial symptoms. Although, this should be done, because timely intervention by a cardiologist can save lives.

Experts are confident that it is possible to minimize the risk of heart disease. And the reduction in mortality due to heart disease should not be caused by the introduction of new treatments, but by increased attention to risk factors. There is a group of factors that cannot be influenced. For example, it is known that men suffer from coronary heart disease more often and the disease develops in them at a younger age than in women. It has been statistically proven that arteries not damaged by atherosclerosis are found in only 8% of men aged 40 to 70 years. However, only 48% of women are at risk.

It is impossible to prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases in the case of a family history. People whose immediate family suffers from such diseases (especially if they suffered a myocardial infarction before the age of 50) have an unfavorable heredity, and the risk of developing coronary heart disease increases by 25%.

Age is the biggest factor. After age 65, the risk of developing cardiovascular disease increases significantly, but not equally for everyone. If there are other risk factors, the probability of the disease increases by 65%, in the absence of such factors - by only 4%.

Other factors include those that can be modified or treated either non-pharmacologically or with medication. These are various bad habits, to get rid of these risks it is enough to lead a healthy lifestyle.

According to the World Health Organization, smokers are more likely to develop cardiovascular, oncological, and bronchopulmonary diseases. The severity of the pathology and the frequency of complications are associated not only with the fact of smoking, but also with its intensity. According to experts, there are no “safe” types of tobacco products, since the spectrum harmful substances in tobacco smoke is so wide that measures to reduce them generally do not reduce the dangers of smoking. People who smoke die from coronary disease 2 times more often those who have never smoked.

Of course you need to watch your diet. Diabetes and obesity directly affect the condition of blood vessels, and therefore the heart. Alcoholic drinks have the most detrimental effect. The risk of death is increased in those who abuse alcohol.

Low physical activity also negatively affects body tone, body endurance, resistance to external influences and increases the risk of disease by 2-3 times. Increases the risk of sudden heart attacks.

It is contraindicated to expose yourself to stressful situations. In a state of stress, the body does not function fully, especially with regard to blood vessels, metabolism and all other systems associated with nervous system. Acute stress can become a catalyst and impetus for the occurrence of some kind of life-threatening acute vascular accident.

The higher your total cholesterol level, the higher your risk of heart disease, so you need to monitor your blood pressure. If it is elevated, the likelihood of myocardial infarction, stroke, heart failure and kidney damage increases.

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Currently, certain systems and scales are used to assess the risk of death from CVD in the next 10 years of life. For example, SCORE, it takes into account risk factors mentioned above: gender, age, smoking, blood pressure and total cholesterol. Based on all this, the cardiologist decides on the need for preventive measures, including medications. Subsequently, upon repeated treatment, the cardiologist is able to evaluate the result of preventive measures. Thus, a person who quits smoking will move from a higher risk category to a lower risk category.

The heart screening system includes the following examinations: ECG, EchoCG, lipid profile study, study of the hormonal status of the body, consultation with a cardiologist. This spectrum of examination provides a quick and accurate classification of the heart condition into one of the groups: normal, pathological. If a pathology is detected, only a cardiologist is able to decide not only on the diagnosis, but also on further therapeutic and diagnostic tactics. All these examinations can be completed at medical center"MedLux", and then immediately get an appointment with a cardiologist.

Cardiovascular disease can be prevented by following your doctor's treatment recommendations, making lifestyle changes, and simple rules. It must be emphasized that compliance with the rules healthy image life and prevention of cardiovascular diseases is the life’s work of the patient, not the doctor. And first of all, the patient’s health should concern him.

Health ministers may be blaring their horns about ending heart disease by 2013, but the truth is that today one in six women will die from coronary heart disease and nearly half of us have cholesterol levels above the recommended level. norms, and between the ages of 50 and 64 it is almost impossible to find a woman with normal cholesterol levels. But recently new insights into the underlying causes of heart disease have emerged. Experts suggest that some risk factors are not as important as previously thought, and in fact simple changes to diet and lifestyle can help protect your heart.

Main enemy hearts - cholesterol. Why is cholesterol so scary? Cholesterol is the main cause of atherosclerosis (blockage of heart vessels). It has long been known for certain that atherosclerotic plaques are formed due to its excess intake into the body with food.

How to protect yourself

Try to eat right. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables (especially green ones) several times a day, use gentle cooking methods (steaming, stewing), fry in oil containing unsaturated fats. The meat should be lean (for example, veal or poultry), and should be eaten no more than twice a week. Replace animal fats (butter, cheese, etc.) with vegetable oils - olive, sunflower or wheat germ.

New risk factors. It is generally accepted that if you smoke, drink a lot and are overweight, then you will have high cholesterol levels and by the age of forty you will be at risk for cardiovascular diseases. But cardiologists have always been puzzled by the fact that a large number of people of normal build, who do not smoke or drink, nevertheless suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Today, many cardiologists believe that homocysteine ​​levels are no less important than cholesterol levels. One recent study found that homocysteine ​​levels were forty times more important than cholesterol in determining heart health. Homocysteine ​​is an amino acid produced by the body during the breakdown of proteins in meat, cheese and some other foods. Many cardiologists today believe that homocysteine ​​somehow contributes to the hardening of the walls of blood vessels and arteries.

How to protect yourself

Since homocysteine ​​is not found in food, it cannot be avoided in the same way as saturated fat and cholesterol, but you can reduce its levels by taking folic acid with vitamins B6 and B12 more often, since vitamin B works much more effectively when combined with this acid. than alone. Research has found that consuming 200 mcg daily folic acid in three months it reduces the level of homocysteine ​​in the body by as much as twenty-five percent. At the same time, beans and all dark green leafy vegetables, such as spinach and savoy cabbage, contain folic acid and vitamin B16. Since it is very difficult to get enough folic acid from food alone, you should take special vitamin complexes in addition to these foods.

Did you know?

Recent studies by American scientists have shown that Guinness (a brand of black beer) can reduce the risk of cholesterol plaques. The fact is that it contains many flavonoids - powerful antioxidants that help fight the growth of fatty deposits in the arteries.

5 simple tips for your heart health

1. Drink more cranberry juice. Three glasses of cranberry juice a day can reduce the risk of heart disease by 40%. Juice increases levels of good cholesterol and antioxidants.

2. Snack on walnuts. Walnuts contain a lot of alpha-linolenic acid, which makes the arteries more elastic, allowing them to dilate and increase blood flow depending on the body's needs. In clinical studies, scientists found that adding walnuts to patients' diets increased the elasticity of arteries by 64%.

3. Eat well-cooked corn. The longer the corn cooks, the better it is for you. Scientists have found that cooking corn increases its antioxidant content, which protects the body from cardiovascular disease. Antioxidant levels increase by 22% when corn is boiled for 10 minutes, but after 50 minutes of cooking, antioxidant levels increase by 53%.

4. Eat southern fruits. Persimmons can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease. It contains a lot of fiber, minerals and phenolic compounds - important components in the fight against atherosclerosis (vasoconstriction). It has also been proven to improve lipid metabolism, which is how our bodies cope with fat.

5. Drink more tea. Tea helps even those people who have suffered a heart attack. The study found that over the next three and a half years after an attack, tea drinkers who drank more than 14 cups per week had a 44% lower mortality rate than non-tea drinkers. tea drinkers.

Vitamins and microelements

Taking vitamins daily will help keep your heart healthy. Pay special attention to:

Magnesium and potassium.
A fairly common phenomenon is a lack of magnesium and potassium in the body, and this leads to arrhythmia. Therefore, try to eat foods and take vitamin complexes that contain these beneficial substances.

Vitamin C. If cholesterol deposits have already appeared in the vessels, they increase by forty-four percent every year. But there is still a vitamin that can significantly slow down this process. American researchers have found that active consumption of vitamin C for more than six months stops further narrowing of blood vessels.

Arginine amino acid , found in meat, dairy products, chicken and fish, significantly reduces bad cholesterol levels. In vitamin complexes it is designated as L-arginine.

Did you know?

Aspirin can serve as a good preventive measure in the fight for heart health. Acetylsalicylic acid protects blood vessels from the formation of blood clots.

Useful plants

Hawthorn helps regulate both high and low blood pressure. It contains the active element proanthocyanidin, which has been used for centuries to prevent diseases that weaken the heart. It is also believed that hawthorn reverses the process of vasoconstriction.
Garlic is known for its beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system. It thins the blood, lowers blood cholesterol and regulates blood pressure. It is recommended to eat two cloves per day.

Dandelion leaves also have beneficial effects (they are rich in potassium, iron and antioxidant vitamins). Add them to salads or brew them as tea. Dandelion helps the body fight bad cholesterol and lowers blood pressure.

Steps that can help prevent illness

Check your blood cholesterol levels
Almost half of all female deaths from coronary heart disease are due to higher level cholesterol, and 67% of women have levels much higher than recommended. To reduce it, exercise regularly. More than a third of women die from coronary artery disease due to lack of physical activity.

Watch your diet

Avoid Saturated Fats(they are found in butter, pork, hard margarine). Replace them with polyunsaturated fats (nuts, seeds, fatty fish) and monosaturated fats (olive and canola oil). Fatty foods should not make up more than 30% of your diet.

Eat foods containing fiber, – oatmeal, legumes, vegetables and fruits.

Give up bad habits
Smoking causes serious harm to your heart. Substances contained in tobacco smoke harm the coronary arteries and increase the likelihood of blood vessel blockage. Quit smoking today, and within two years your risk of developing coronary artery disease will drop by a quarter.

Monitor your blood pressure
Every tenth woman suffers from hypertension and is not treated for it. Constantly high pressure harms blood vessels, promoting the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls, which leads to coronary artery disease and increases the size of the heart, worsening its function. To lower your blood pressure, do it regularly physical exercise, eat less salt, limit alcohol consumption.

If symptoms appear, consult a doctor
As soon as strange, causeless pain appears, go to the therapist. Sharp pain in the chest, heaviness behind the sternum, unexplained pain in the neck, shoulder, stomach or jaw, unexpected attacks of “gastritis”, lack of air, severe unmotivated fatigue, nausea and vomiting should be a reason for examination.

3 main risk factors

1. If your parents, grandparents or siblings had heart problems before the age of sixty, then you are at risk. Tell your doctor about this so he can assess your risk level.

2. Diabetes increases your risk more than threefold. More than 20% of people suffer from non-insulin-dependent diabetes and don’t even know it. Contact your doctor immediately if you experience the following symptoms: increased thirst, blurred vision, weight loss, fatigue, itching in the genital area, or an unreasonable increase in temperature.

3. Familial hypercholesterolemia is a hereditary disease that causes dangerously high levels of cholesterol in the blood.