Mandatory state pension insurance. Insurance pension

In our country, all citizens, regardless of work experience and income level, receive financial support according to their age. The pension system is still under development.

Every year in existing laws changes and clarifications are being made, the procedure for calculating pensions and the age of retirement are changing, but compulsory state pension insurance remains unchanged, as a guarantee of future material support from the state.

Mandatory pension insurance refers to a whole range of actions and means that the state carries out in order to compensate people who have lost their ability to work for their previously received income. , which determines the general procedure for insurance and all its main provisions, appoints three entities as participants in this system:

  • a person with income working for the policyholder is considered the insured person. They can be not only a citizen of Russia, but also a foreign citizen or a stateless person permanently or temporarily residing in our country, if they are entitled to a pension by law;
  • policyholder– the employer of the insured person, who pays annual contributions to the Pension Fund;
  • insurer- an organization that pays funds to the insured in the event of disability due to age or other reasons established by law.

According to “On Compulsory Pension Insurance,” the guarantor of the implementation of the pension program is the state represented by the Federal Pension Fund of Russia. He is in charge of all funds received from policyholders. In the regions there are local divisions of the state fund, subordinate to the federal one.

Rights and obligations of pension insurance participants

Insurers, at the choice of the insured person, can be the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and non-state pension funds. All rights and obligations of the insurer are also reflected in. The insurer can check employers and require them to eliminate inaccuracies; request information about the policyholder from the tax office; has the right to manage the funds of the fund.

In turn, his responsibilities, according to the law, are the formation of insurance premium rates and their justification, verification of all incoming information and documents, assignment (and recalculation) and payment of pension benefits to citizens upon the occurrence of an insured event.


The employer must transfer funds to the Pension Fund in the amount of the established tariff, and also, at the request of the Pension Fund, provide all necessary documents. He has the right to participate in insurance management and receive information from the insurer about the amount of premiums paid. If necessary, he can go to court to protect his rights.

Insured person

In order to start receiving state benefits, a citizen must submit his documents to the Pension Fund. In addition, Law No. 167-FZ obliges him to notify the insurer of any changes in life that may affect the amount of payments, timing of accrual or procedure.

The insured can receive all information about the status of his personal account upon request; According to the law, he has the right to receive a pension upon the occurrence of an insured event, and if his rights are not respected, he has the right to file a lawsuit against the policyholder or insurer.

Structure of compulsory pension insurance

All officially working citizens who have a “white” salary, from which deductions are made to the state budget, are registered in the OPS system, have their own personal account and a document confirming their registration. This is a certificate of state pension insurance, which necessarily reflects the insurance number of the individual personal account (). It is by this number that you can find information in the Pension Fund database about contributions and your savings, from which your pension will be formed in the future. You can obtain a certificate by contacting the Pension Fund office at your place of residence.

The employer transfers monthly to the Fund social insurance funds in the amount of 22% of the annual income of the insured person.

According to , of these contributions, 6% are directed to the formation of the funded part of the pension, and 16% - to its insurance part.

This money goes to pay pensions to today's pensioners, and in the future will form the basic part of the pension of the insured person. The state annually indexes the basic part of the insurance pension taking into account inflation.

Important! The funded part of the pension is not indexed by the state. The unprofitability or, conversely, profitability of the fund chosen by the insured will depend on the competent investment of the funds of the fund members and on many other factors.

Since 2016, citizens just starting their working career can choose how to form a future pension during the first 5 years: send all payments only to form the insurance part or transfer part of the funds to the funded one.

Compulsory pension insurance agreement

In order to be able to use your funded part of your pension in the future, you need to conclude a compulsory pension insurance agreement between or the management company.

It has a single template approved by the government. Such an agreement is drawn up in three copies: one remains with the insured, the second and third are transferred to the Pension Fund of Russia. It must reflect the following points:

  • information about the insured person, his passport details, address, etc.;
  • insurer details;
  • rights and obligations of each party;
  • duration of the contract;
  • responsibility that is assigned to each of the parties for non-compliance with the terms of the contract;
  • the procedure for accounting for received funds and their investment in investment projects;
  • conditions for payment of funded pension and payment procedure;
  • conditions for early termination of the contract or amendments and additions to it;
  • details of both parties.

To complete the agreement, the insured will only need a passport and SNILS.

Sample contract for compulsory pension insurance with NPF “Soglasie”:

The contract also stipulates in advance the conditions for payment of the funded portion to the legal successor of the insured person if he dies before retirement. This point can be omitted, then the heirs will be determined on general legal grounds.

All changes affecting the size of the future pension and the terms of its payment must be reported not only to your Pension Fund branch, but also to the insurer with whom the compulsory insurance policy agreement has been concluded.

Quite recently, the Russian Federation carried out and is still carrying out a pension reform, which has led to many questions arising about what the old-age pension consists of.

The ongoing pension reform has significantly changed the conditions and procedure for retirement since 2019. And one of the significant changes is the increase retirement age. Changes in legislation affected persons who turned 60 years old in 2019, 2020, 2021.Let's take a closer look at the new retirement conditions starting in 2019.

In accordance with the “new pension reform”, the old-age pension consists of two parts:

  1. insurance pension;
  2. funded pension.

One of the components of the labor pension is the so-called insurance pension.

What is an insurance pension - concept

The definition, conditions for receiving and paying insurance pensions in Russia are established in the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions”.

Insurance pension - is a monthly cash payment for the purpose of compensation to insured persons wages and other payments and remunerations lost by them in connection with the onset of incapacity due to old age or disability, and for disabled family members of insured persons, wages and other payments and remunerations of the breadwinner lost due to the death of these insured persons.

As a general rule, the monthly payment of an insurance pension consists of two parts:

  • insurance pension;
  • fixed payment to the insurance pension

Types of insurance pensions

Depending on the grounds for the emergence of the right to receive a pension, the following types of insurance pensions are distinguished:

  1. old age insurance pension;
  2. disability insurance pension;
  3. insurance pension in case of loss of a breadwinner.

Who is entitled to receive an insurance pension?

To receive an old-age insurance pension, three conditions must be met:

  1. age;
  2. work experience;
  3. minimum number of individual pension points.

Minimum age to receive an old-age insurance pension

Now, in order to receive an old-age labor pension, you must reach 65 years of age for men and 60 years of age for women.

The Law “On Insurance Pensions” for persons of pre-retirement age establishes a gradual increase in the retirement age according to the general rule (see table below).

The retirement age in the Russian Federation has been increased since 2019 for men to 65 years, for women – to 60 years.

Retirement table

Year of entitlement to old-age insurance pension

Year of pension assignment (terms)

Year of birth

Retirement age

I half of 2019

II half of 2019

men born in 1959 (1st half of the year)

women born in 1964 (1st half of the year)

60.5 years - men

55.5 years - women

II half of 2019

I half of 2020

men born in 1959 (2nd half of the year)

women born in 1964 (2nd half of the year)

60.5 years - men

55.5 years - women

I half of 2020

II half of 2021

men born 1960 (1st half of the year)

women born 1965 (1st half of the year)

61.5 years - men

56.5 years - women

II half of 2020

I half of 2022

men born 1960 (2nd half of the year)

women born 1965 (2nd half of the year)

61.5 years - men

56.5 years - women



men born in 1961

women born in 1966

63 years old - men

58 years old - women



men born in 1962

women born in 1967

64 years old - men

59 years old - women



men born 1963

women born in 1968

65 years old - men

60 years - women



men born 1964

women born 1969

65 years old - men

60 years - women



men born 1965

women born 1970

65 years old - men

60 years - women

2026 and beyond


men born 1966

women born in 1971

65 years old - men

60 years - women

Minimum length of service to receive an old-age insurance pension

Federal law“On Insurance Pensions” defines a gradual increase in length of service for the assignment of an insurance pension.

Since 2015, an insurance pension is assigned if there is at least 6 years of work experience, with a subsequent annual increase in the minimum length of service to 15 years.

See the table for the minimum length of service requirements to receive an insurance pension in Russia:

Thus, from 2024, an old-age insurance pension is assigned if there is at least 15 years of insurance experience.

The minimum value of the individual pension coefficient for receiving an old-age insurance pension.

The Appendix to the Law “On Insurance Pensions” establishes successive increasing requirements for the minimum pension coefficient. Thus, from January 1, 2015, an old-age insurance pension is assigned if there is an individual pension coefficient of at least 6.6, followed by an annual increase of 2.4 to 30.

year of retirement minimum number of pension points
2015 6,6
2016 9
2017 11,4
2018 13,8
2019 16,2
2020 18,6
2021 21
2022 23,4
2023 25,8
2024 28,2
from 2025 onwards 30

Thus, from 2025, an old-age insurance pension is assigned if there is an individual pension coefficient of at least 30. For more details on the procedure for determining pension points, see the article at the link.

What is insurance experience

The insurance period is the total duration of periods of work and (or) other activities for which accrued and paid payments are taken into account when determining the right to an insurance pension and its amount. insurance premiums to the Pension Fund Russian Federation, as well as other periods counted in the insurance (work) experience.

The insurance period itself is nothing more than labor activity. You can read more about how the insurance period is calculated and what periods of work are included in it in the article at the link.

Periods of work included in the length of service to receive an insurance pension

Along with periods of work and (or) other activities (provided that during these periods insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation were accrued and paid), the following periods are counted as length of service:

  1. the period of military service, as well as other service equivalent to it, provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation "On pension provision for persons who served military service, service in the internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, drug control agencies and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system, and their families" (service in the police, police, customs, prosecutor's office, court, etc.);
  2. the period of receiving compulsory social insurance benefits during the period of temporary disability;
  3. the period of care of one of the parents for each child until he reaches the age of one and a half years, but not more than six years in total;
  4. the period of receiving unemployment benefits, the period of participation in paid public works and the period of moving or resettlement in the direction civil service employment to another area for employment;
  5. period of detention of persons unjustifiably attracted to criminal liability, unreasonably repressed and subsequently rehabilitated, and the period of serving their sentences in places of imprisonment and exile;
  6. the period of care provided by an able-bodied person for a group I disabled person, a disabled child or a person who has reached the age of 80 years;
  7. the period of residence of spouses of military personnel serving under contract with their spouses in areas where they could not work due to lack of employment opportunities, but not more than five years in total;
  8. the period of residence abroad of spouses of employees sent to diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Russian Federation, permanent missions of the Russian Federation to international organizations, trade missions of the Russian Federation in foreign countries ah, representations of federal executive authorities, state bodies at federal bodies executive power or as representatives of these bodies abroad, as well as in representative offices government agencies Russian Federation (state bodies and state institutions of the USSR) abroad and international organizations, the list of which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, but not more than five years in total;
  9. the period counted towards the insurance period in accordance with the Federal Law “On Operational-Investigative Activities”.

It must be taken into account that these periods are counted into the insurance period if they were preceded and (or) followed by periods of work and (or) other activities (regardless of their duration).

The procedure for calculating the insurance pension

The old-age insurance pension is determined by the formula:

SPst = IPK x SPK + FV,

  • SPst - the amount of old-age insurance pension;
  • IPC - individual pension coefficient;
  • SPK - the cost of one pension coefficient as of the day from which the old-age insurance pension is assigned;
  • FV - fixed payment.

Thus, the larger the value pension coefficient (pension points), the larger the pension. In turn, the size of the pension coefficient depends on the length of service and the amount of wages.

The size of the insurance pension is adjusted annually by increasing the value of one pension point, as well as increasing the size of the fixed payment.

It should be noted that if a person refused to form a funded pension, then the maximum value of pension points that will be in 2021 will reach 10 points, and for those who did not refuse the funded part it will be equal to 6.25.

The cost of one pension coefficient is reflected in the table.

Cost of one pension point
Date Size (in rubles)

Fixed payment to the insurance pension

Since 2015, in addition to the insurance pension, the insurance part of the pension also includes a fixed payment. The fixed payment to the insurance pension is established simultaneously with the assignment of the insurance pension

A fixed payment is paid to the old age insurance pension, to the disability insurance pension (with the exception of the fixed payment to the disability insurance pension for disabled people Group III). The fixed payment to the disability insurance pension for disabled people of group III, as well as to the insurance pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner, is established in an amount equal to 50 percent of the established amount.

There is no additional payment to the pension for persons who receive military pension and a pension for long service in law enforcement agencies, that is, for persons receiving two pensions at the same time.

Amount of fixed payment towards pension

The amount of the surcharge is indexed annually.

Thus, as of January 1, 2015, the amount of the fixed pension payment was 3,935 rubles per month.

The amount of the fixed payment to the old-age insurance pension from 02/01/2016 was 4,558.93 rubles.

Since 2019, the law has determined the following fixed payment amounts (see table):

Fixed payment amount

Amount of fixed payment to the insurance pension

Size (in rubles)

From 01/01/2019


From 01/01/2020


From 01/01/2021


From 01/01/2022


From 01/01/2023


From 01/01/2024


Increased fixed payment amount

For persons who have reached the age of 80 or are disabled people of group I, an increase in the fixed payment to the old-age insurance pension is established in an amount equal to 100% of the approved amount of payment.

Also, increased coefficients are provided for persons whose dependents are disabled family members, as well as persons who have worked for at least 15 calendar years in the Far North.

All non-working pensioners have the right to receive a federal social supplement to their pension if their financial support (and this includes a pension and all established social supplements) is below the subsistence level of a pensioner in the region of residence. For information on the procedure for calculating the social supplement to a pension and who is entitled to it, read the article at the link.

For details on the specifics of assigning and calculating pensions for working pensioners, see the article at the link

The procedure for recalculating the insurance pension

The legislation provides for the possibility of recalculating the amount of the insurance pension as a whole, or a separate fixed payment as one of the components of the old-age insurance pension. This can be done as a result of the pensioner providing certain documents that confirm the presence of additional earnings or the occurrence or cessation of any circumstances that may affect the amount of the pension he receives.

Every pensioner should know that such a recalculation can be made either directly at his will with the provision of an application and documents that confirm his right to such a process, or as an initiative from the state.

A recalculation of the fixed payment can also be made when, as a result of passing a specialized commission, a person’s disability group has changed; for this there is also no need to write an application, since the certificates are sent directly from the medical institution to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Submission of an application is necessary in cases where there are disabled family members due to the loss of a breadwinner, when for any reason the classification category of the insurance payment has changed, when the required length of service has been developed, or the period of residence specified in the legislation in the Far North Region and equivalents has passed subjects.

If you submit an application, you must provide a copy and original of your passport, as well as documents confirming that the pensioner has acquired the right to demand recalculation of the insurance or fixed payment. In case of refusal to satisfy the applicant’s demands, the Pension Fund informs the citizen about this within five working days from the date of making this decision. If the answer is positive, then the provided documents (copies thereof) cannot be returned.

What is the difference between funded and insurance pensions?

The main difference between the funded and insurance parts of a pension is that a person can influence the insurance pension only if he observes fairly strict time and other frameworks pre-established by the state. A funded pension allows you to use these funds either by immediately receiving everything in your hands upon reaching a certain age, or by independently supplementing the amount that will subsequently go to the funded part of the pension. You can also independently choose the number of years during which the funded pension will be paid, but not more than 120 months. All savings made by a citizen towards the funded part of a pension, and not received by him during his retirement life, are inherited by his heirs in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Prepared by "Personal"

There always comes a time in life when a person loses the ability to work. It is not so important for what reasons this happens, either due to the onset of advanced age, or the ability to work was lost due to illness, but independently finding a means of subsistence becomes problematic. It is for this case that the government bodies of the Russian Federation have provided a pension insurance system.

What is it like and what does every citizen need to know about this issue? Let's figure it out.

Mandatory pension insurance

Today, the pension system is almost the only one in Russia that undergoes changes almost every year. Nevertheless, the main type was and remains compulsory state pension insurance - a system of state payments of labor pensions to citizens who have lost the ability to work. The accumulation of funds for making such payments is carried out at the expense of employers making monthly contributions to the Pension Fund.

Legal regulation

The fundamentals of state regulation in the compulsory pension insurance system are established in accordance with the Law “On Compulsory Pension Insurance in the Russian Federation” No. 167 - Federal Law of December 15, 2001. This document determines the legal status of the subjects of the OPS, their basic rights, duties and degree of responsibility. Additionally, pension insurance in the Russian Federation is regulated by:

  • Constitution of the Russian Federation.
  • Federal Law No. 173 “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”, as amended on December 28, 2013.
  • “On the basics of compulsory social Insurance" - Federal Law No. 165, edition 01.12.14.
  • No. 27 - Federal Law of 04/01/96, “On individual registration in the compulsory pension insurance system.”
  • Federal Law No. 272 ​​of October 16, 2010, “On insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Mandatory Medical Fund. insurance and territorial compulsory medical funds. insurance."
  • Some other laws and regulations, adopted on their basis.


Based on the legislation of the Russian Federation, pension insurance in Russia is carried out by an insurer, which can be either state-owned (PFR) or non-state.

The state insurer is the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR), which has an extensive network of territorial branches, making up a single integral mechanism.

Along with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, non-state Pension Funds, whose activities are strictly controlled and regulated by law, can also act as insurers under compulsory insurance. The federal laws of the Russian Federation clearly define the procedure for the formation of pension savings, the possibility of investing them, the procedure for payments, as well as the amounts and terms of insurance contributions. Regardless of the status of the insurer, he has both rights and obligations.


  • demand from tax authorities providing information about insured persons and policyholders (including confidential information), if this is necessary for the implementation of compulsory pension insurance;
  • carry out checks related to the accrual, payment and recalculation of insurance coverage, obtain information on individual accounting of the insured;
  • in case of detection of violations, require the heads of enterprises to eliminate them independently;
  • to return the insurance premiums made back to the policyholders in the event that it is not possible to establish for which insured persons they were paid;
  • carry out independent management of the funds of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as control the legality of their expenditure.


  • conduct free consultations and promptly inform about innovations in the field of pension insurance;
  • maintain a data bank of policyholders and individuals participating in the compulsory health insurance system on a voluntary basis;
  • calculate and ensure timely payment of labor pensions and other payments provided for by the pension system of the Russian Federation;
  • exercise control over documentation in the field of pension insurance, as well as guarantee the intended use of funds;
  • register policyholders, as well as deregister them;
  • formulate the draft budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and ensure its execution;
  • promptly offer justification for the rate of insurance contributions, carry out high-quality accounting of funds and inform all participants in the process about their financial condition.


No pension insurance would be possible without one more participant in the process - the policyholder, which can be an organization, an individual entrepreneur or an individual who makes monthly contributions to the Pension Fund.


  • participate in the OPS through their representatives;
  • defend your rights in court;
  • require the insurer to provide free information about the amount of insurance coverage paid to the insured person for whom he made insurance contributions;
  • Receive timely information from the insurer about changes in legislation in the field of compulsory insurance.


  • transfer insurance premiums to the Pension Fund in a timely manner and in the most complete amount;
  • immediately eliminate violations identified during inspections;
  • provide documents to the Pension Fund to ensure the maintenance of personalized records and timely calculation of insurance coverage.

Insured person

Citizens of Russia, foreigners or stateless persons, temporarily or permanently living in the territory of the Russian Federation, who, according to the law, have the right to compulsory pension insurance, belong to the category of insured persons.


  • receive compulsory pension payments in a timely manner and in sufficient volume, generated from the funds of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • defend rights in court;
  • upon request, receive information about the number of contributions to the Pension Fund and the timeliness of their payment.


  • present documents containing exclusively reliable information as a basis for calculating a pension;
  • promptly inform the insurer about any changes that could affect the amount and procedure for payment of insurance premiums.

Insurance certificate of the mandatory insurance system

To register your right to state pension insurance, you must obtain a special insurance certificate confirming the registration of the insured person. This document is unique for each participant in the pension program; information about all contributions made by the employer throughout the entire period is entered into the database using the personal account number. labor activity. Subsequently, this will become the basis for calculating and accruing the labor pension.

You can receive a personal insurance pension certificate at any territorial branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation within a month from the date of application or by writing an application at your place of work. The citizen is responsible for the certificate independently. After concluding an employment contract with an employee, the policyholder takes a copy of it or writes down the number to which deductions are made.

Contributions to OPS

Insurance contributions from compulsory pension insurance are practically the only source of replenishment of the Pension Fund, guaranteeing all citizens the receipt of a labor pension. The basis (base) for calculating insurance payments is the entire total income subject to taxation. In general, pension insurance contributions are calculated at a rate of 22% of income if the total amount does not exceed 670 thousand rubles. The extreme point of the tax base is considered to be 711 thousand rubles. — income exceeding this amount is not subject to insurance premiums. Tax is imposed on all amounts received by an employee as a result of work: salary, bonus, various financial incentives. Payments that are social compensations and guarantees are not taxed: grants, benefits, compensation, amounts received by inheritance, voluntary donations, volunteer fees, payments to citizens of foreign countries and stateless persons.

Insured voluntarily

In addition to the state compulsory pension system, there is also social pension insurance on a voluntary basis, carried out by non-state pension funds. By applying there, a citizen makes a decision about the need for additional financing of a personal pension in the future. This type of insurance can be provided by private pension funds or non-state insurance companies. What is the difference between pension insurance:

  • there is a choice of various insurance programs;
  • you can independently choose monthly or quarterly payments;
  • the client independently determines the amount of funds to be paid at the end of the contract;
  • You can independently regulate the size and order of payments.

This type of pension insurance is not mandatory; the contract is concluded solely on a voluntary basis. It absolutely does not cancel state pension insurance, but is an addition to it.

Formation of a funded pension

Today, pension insurance offers citizens a division of pension into two parts: compulsory, for which the state is responsible, and funded, transferred to the management of non-state funds. There is no need to worry here; the activities of NPFs are carefully controlled by the state. Such funds not only undertake to preserve the citizen’s pension contributions, but also undertake to increase them by investing in various areas through management companies. Thus, upon reaching retirement age, a citizen has the right to count on substantial dividends.

How to manage your pension yourself

In order to take advantage of the funded part of the pension, you need to personally contact a non-state pension insurance fund or insurance company and conclude the appropriate contract (have an insurance certificate and passport with you). You also need to contact the territorial branch of the Pension Fund and write an application for transfer to the NPF.

If the selected pension insurance fund does not suit you for some reason, you have the right to switch to another company. To do this, you need to write a standard application and enter into an agreement with another insurer. This can be done annually from 01.09 to 31.12, however, if you have 5 or less years left before retirement age, then you lose this right. The funded part of the pension is also interesting because the right to it in the event of the death of the insured person passes to the legal successors; an application for this can be submitted to the NPF at any time.

In the Russian Federation, pension provision operates under the terms of the compulsory pension insurance system (OPS), therefore it is guaranteed for all residents of the Russian Federation. From the transferred insurance payments, the budget of the country's Pension Fund is formed, from which registered citizens are paid pensions, assigned depending on the funds received to the personal account of each participant.

Explanation of some basic concepts of OPS

Compulsory pension insurance is a system of measures (legal, economic) taken by the state and providing for compensation of the official income of citizens previously received by them (before retirement).

In Russia, the performance of these functions is carried out by special structures:

  1. Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (state).
  2. Non-state funds.

Insured persons are persons covered by the insurance policy. These include citizens who have citizenship of the Russian Federation, citizens of other states and persons who do not have citizenship, but permanently or temporarily living within the Russian Federation.

Personalized (individual) accounting is a procedure for concentrating and recording on a personal personal account (PAL) information for each insured person, including information about:

  • his employment in the form of length of service;
  • made transfers of money for the formation of a pension.

The amount of payment due to the recipient depends on the total amount of accumulated money. The account number (SNILS) of each recipient is indicated in the insurance document (certificate).

An agreement on compulsory pension insurance is a document drawn up between a citizen and a non-state fund and predetermines, upon the occurrence of the event provided for in the transaction, the payment to the recipient from the NPF of a part of the collected amount (cumulative).

Policyholders - legal organizations, individual entrepreneurs who transfer insurance payments to the Pension Fund for themselves and for employees (insured).

Structure of the OPS

Pension insurance, involving all categories of residents of the Russian Federation, is divided into:

  1. Mandatory, which is assigned:
    • upon reaching the age specified by law (old age);
    • when establishing a group;
  2. At ;
  3. Voluntary, providing for payments formed from amounts paid by employers and independent transfers from citizens.

PFs of non-state affiliation are entitled to conduct activities in both options.

Pension benefits are paid to the recipient in the form of a set amount of money on a regular basis, when they reach a certain age, or as a benefit in certain circumstances.

The pension consists of parts:

  • a fixed payment, which is transferred by the state without taking into account the income received (earnings) and the amount of contributions to those who have reached the legal age and if the applicant has work experience (at least 10 years);
  • , determined depending on the amount of payments paid in the Pension Fund for the period of the citizen’s labor activity, and calculated as the ratio of the amount of capital before payment is assigned and the number of months of waiting for payments (252 months);
  • , for citizens born in 1967 and younger, if a choice was made in its favor before 2015.

Subjects of the pension insurance system

The main elements of the OPS system are presented:

  • the main insurer or Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • insurers or employers paying their own contributions and for employees;
  • insured persons or registered citizens who have received a certificate of a participant in the compulsory insurance policy.

The factor determining membership in the category of insured is the transfer of insurance payments to the Pension Fund by persons with Russian Federation citizenship working in the country or abroad, stateless persons and citizens of other states present in the Russian Federation temporarily or permanently.

Attention! Insureds or organizations and persons engaged in private (individual) activities belonging to several categories are required to pay insurance premiums on all available grounds.

Additionally, for the obligations of the insurer (PF) carrying out compulsory insurance, responsibility is also accepted by the state. A non-state pension fund can also perform the functions of an insurer, but only in relation to the formation of the funded part.

Responsibilities and rights of system participants

The legislation of the Russian Federation defines the rights and responsibilities for participants in the compulsory pension insurance system in the implementation of functions, the rules for the formation and expenditure of budgetary funds, as well as the rules for payment of payments (Federal Law on Compulsory Pension Insurance, No. 167 of December 15, 2001).

The policyholder is obliged to register as such with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and pay the premiums on time and in full.

The insurer is obliged:

  1. account for and control incoming funds;
  2. ensure strictly targeted use of proceeds;
  3. assign and pay pensions (insurance, funded).

Insured persons have the right:

  • make additional contributions (above the mandatory amount) to the pension option:
  • receive statements from your individual account.
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Obtaining an insurance certificate

Anyone can obtain an insurance document (SNILS certificate) independently or through an employer.

When applying in person to the Pension Fund branch at the place of actual residence (registration), the applicant provides a questionnaire and an identification document (ID, passport). The certificate must be issued within 5 working days.

When applying for a job, the data of a citizen who has not opened a personal account in the OPS system is sent by a specialist from the employer’s personnel structure to the Pension Fund division within 17 days from the date of employment. The Pension Fund registers the applicant in the system and prepares a SNILS certificate within no more than 5 working days after receiving documents from the employer. The prepared form is issued by the policyholder to the newly registered person within 7 days.

To obtain SNILS for a minor child, one of the parents applies to the Pension Fund department with the following documents:

  • your passport;
  • statement;
  • child's birth document;
  • certificate of registration at the place of residence or place of stay.

Children from 14 to 18 years old can obtain a document from the Pension Fund on their own if they have a passport.

Contents of the pension insurance agreement

If a citizen has chosen a non-state pension fund as an insurer to form a funded pension, then an agreement on compulsory pension insurance is concluded between them.

Under the terms of the contract, the fund is obliged to assign to the insured and pay him a cumulative share of the labor pension upon reaching a legally defined age. In the event of the death of a registered person, payments are made in favor of legal successors.

The text of the document contains a description of the personal data of the registered person, information about the insurance situation, details of the parties, as well as:

  • duration of the transaction;
  • obligations and rights of the participating parties (PF, insured person);
  • accounting for received money and subsidizing it;
  • liability of participants for improper fulfillment of contractual obligations in accordance with the legislation of the country;
  • requirements for assigning and making payments from the funded portion of capital by age;
  • criteria for transferring accumulated amounts to the legal successors of the deceased insured person;
  • conditions for making additions and requirements for the transaction.

During the same period, only one insurance contract can be concluded between a citizen and a non-state pension fund.

Attention! The agreement is recognized as coming into force on the date of receipt of the money transferred by the insurer to the current account of the selected fund.

Formation of pension components

In the compulsory pension system, insurance and funded pensions are formed mainly from insurance contributions. Until 2014, employers paid contributions for employees for both types of pensions. However, until the end of 2015, citizens were given the right to choose: to direct the entire amount to form an insurance pension or distribute it between insurance and funded pensions.

The general tariff for insurance payments (22%), taking into account the chosen method, is distributed as follows:

  • in the case of the formation of the insurance part, 6% is allocated for payment of the basic share to current pensioners and 16% for the formation of future payments to the insured person;
  • in the case of the formation of the insurance and funded parts of the pension, 6% is allocated for the payment of the basic share, 10% for the payment of the registered person himself, and 6% for the payment of the funded share.

The opportunity to distribute insurance premiums is still available to those who have entered into an employment relationship and for them for the first time Contributions began to arrive after 01/01/2014.

Important! The receipt of new insurance contributions from employers for funded pensions in the mandatory pension insurance system was suspended by decision of the state for the period from 2014 to 2020.

Citizens who have made a choice in favor of the formation of an insurance and funded pension have the right to refuse the formation of a funded pension at any time. To do this, you must submit an application or change the decision before the end of the year in which the application was submitted by withdrawing it.

Attention! The state does not index the funded portion of the payment. Investment of accumulated funds can be both profitable and unprofitable, which will be reflected in the amount of the pension in the future.

Payment and tariffs of insurance premiums

Contributions to compulsory pension insurance are calculated taking into account the maximum amount of earnings ( 865,000 rubles in 2019). If income exceeds the specified value, an additional tariff (10%) is provided.

Payments are subject to payment to the Pension Fund by the employer no later than the 15th of each month, and are also reflected in mandatory reporting in a unified form submitted to regulatory authorities in paper and electronic form. Violations of the terms of payment of contributions and their volume cause the imposition of a fine on the policyholder.

The rate for transferring contributions this year is 22%. For himself, the policyholder pays 26% of the annual minimum wage, which in 2019 amounted to 11,280 rubles. For self-employed individuals and entrepreneurs who do not have hired employees, the fixed payment will be 26,545 rubles with the addition of 1% of the amount exceeding 300,000 rubles.

Important! The money from the country's Pension Fund is not an integral part of the federal budget and is intended only for the fulfillment of target obligations.

Pension Fund expenses in some periods may exceed the amount of accumulated funds if employers, for various reasons, do not pay accrued contributions. The resource deficit is covered through subsidies from the state budget of the Russian Federation.

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Compulsory pension insurance agreement- concluded with a citizen if he has chosen a non-state pension fund (NPF) as an insurer to form and invest his pension savings. This is an agreement according to which the NPF is obliged, upon the onset of pension grounds, to assign and pay to the citizen the funded part of the labor pension or payments to his legal successors.

Insured persons- citizens who are subject to compulsory pension insurance.
The insured persons are citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as permanent or temporary residents of the Russian Federation foreign citizens and stateless persons:

  • working under an employment contract or under a civil law contract, the subject of which is the performance of work and the provision of services, as well as under a copyright and licensing agreement;
  • those who provide themselves with work (individual entrepreneurs, lawyers, notaries engaged in private practice);
  • who are members of peasant (farm) households;
  • working outside the territory of the Russian Federation in case of payment of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • who are members of tribal, family communities of small peoples of the North, engaged in traditional economic sectors;
  • clergy;
  • other categories of citizens whose legal relations regarding compulsory pension insurance arise in accordance with Federal Law of December 15, 2001 N 167-FZ “On compulsory pension insurance in the Russian Federation”.
Compulsory pension insurance (OPI)- a system of legal, economic and organizational measures created by the state aimed at compensating citizens for the earnings they received before the onset of compulsory insurance coverage - pensions.
OPS in Russia is carried out by insurers - Pension Fund Russian Federation and non-state pension funds.

Mandatory insurance coverage- fulfillment by the insurer of its obligations to the insured person upon the occurrence of an insured event by paying a labor pension, social benefit for the funeral of deceased pensioners who were not subject to compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity on the day of death.

Individual (personalized) accounting- organization and maintenance of records of information about each insured person for the implementation of his pension rights in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
This information relates to length of service (insurance), insurance contributions for the insurance and funded parts of the labor pension, etc.
The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation opens an individual personal account for each insured person (ILS). The size of the pension for compulsory pension insurance depends on the funds accumulated on the individual insurance plan. The higher the earnings and longer work experience of a citizen, the more funds will be reflected in his individual personal account.

Policyholders- all legal entities, without exception, as well as individual entrepreneurs and persons who provide themselves with work, - lawyers, notaries, etc., engaged in private practice, paying insurance premiums for their employees (insured persons) or for themselves personally to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation .

Individual personal account insurance number (SNILS)- number of the citizen’s individual account in the compulsory pension insurance system. This number is indicated on the insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance.

Insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance- a document that a citizen receives from the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at his place of residence by filling out a form. A citizen entering work for the first time receives an insurance certificate through the policyholder (employer).
The insurance certificate indicates: individual insurance number, last name, first name, patronymic, date and place of birth, gender, date of registration as an insured person. An insurance certificate is presented when applying for a job, when concluding an employment contract, when contacting the Pension Fund on any issue, including the assignment (recalculation) of a pension.
From the moment of registration in the compulsory pension insurance system, data on the length of service, accrued and paid insurance contributions of the insured person for the assignment of a pension are confirmed on the basis of information from individual (personalized) records.

State Management Company (GMC) - legal entity, authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation to invest the pension savings of citizens transferred to it in trust for management by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, who did not exercise the right to choose a private management company or non-state pension fund, as well as those citizens who consciously entrusted the management of their pension savings to a state management company.
Currently, the functions of the State Administration are performed by State Corporation development of "VEB.RF" (VEB.RF, VEB).
VEB.RF is creating two investment portfolios for investing citizens’ pension savings:

  • investment portfolio of government securities, consisting of government securities of the Russian Federation, bonds of Russian issuers guaranteed by the Russian Federation, funds in rubles and foreign currency,
  • expanded investment portfolio, which is formed from government securities of the Russian Federation and securities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, bonds of Russian issuers, funds in rubles and foreign currency in accounts with credit institutions, mortgage-backed securities issued in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on mortgage-backed securities , deposits in rubles and foreign currency, securities of international financial organizations.

In order for citizens’ pension savings to be invested in an investment portfolio of government securities, it is necessary to submit a corresponding application to the territorial administration of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. If a citizen has not applied to the Pension Fund of Russia with an application to select a portfolio of a state or private company or to transfer to a non-state pension fund, his funds will by default be invested in the expanded investment portfolio of the State Management Company.

Income from investing pension savings- dividends and interest (income) on securities and bank deposits, other types of income from operations on investing pension savings, net financial result from the sale of assets, financial result reflecting the change market value investment portfolio based on revaluation (in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation).

Investment of pension savings, depending on the choice of the citizen, is carried out by a state management company, a private management company or a non-state pension fund.

Investing pension savings- activities of a state management company, private management companies or non-state pension funds in managing pension savings. The purpose of investing is to preserve and increase them. Pension savings funds are placed only in low-risk assets ( cash And securities), permitted by Russian legislation:

  • government securities of the Russian Federation;
  • government securities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • bonds of Russian issuers;
  • shares of Russian issuers created in the form of open joint-stock companies;
  • units (shares, shares) of index investment funds that place funds in government securities of foreign countries, bonds and shares of other foreign issuers;
  • mortgage securities issued in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on mortgage securities;
  • funds in rubles in accounts with credit institutions;
  • deposits in the currency of the Russian Federation and in foreign currency in credit institutions;
  • foreign currency in accounts with credit institutions;
  • securities of international financial organizations admitted for placement and (or) public circulation in the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the securities market.

The Government of the Russian Federation may establish additional restrictions on the investment of pension savings.
Investment portfolio- assets (cash and securities) formed from funds transferred by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to the management company under one trust management agreement and separated from other assets.
The investment portfolio is formed by the management company in accordance with the investment declaration, which is an integral part of the trust management agreement for pension savings, and additional restrictions established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

"The Silent Ones" (everyday expression not enshrined in law) - citizens who have not exercised the right to choose a state or private management company or a non-state pension fund to manage their pension savings. The funds of these citizens are by default invested as part of the expanded investment portfolio of the state management company.

Inheritance of pension savings
The funded part of the pension is not inherited according to the laws of inheritance, but is transferred to the legal successors of the deceased citizen.

Non-state pension fund (NPF)- non-profit social welfare organization.
In the pension insurance market, NPFs carry out several types of activities, including:

  • activities for non-state pension provision of NPF participants in accordance with non-state pension provision agreements;
  • Acting as an insurer for compulsory pension insurance;
  • Acting as an insurer of professional pension insurance.

Pension savings- these are funds that are formed through:

  • the amount of insurance contributions by the employer for the funded part of the employee’s labor pension within the framework of compulsory pension insurance;
  • amounts of additional insurance contributions for the funded part of the labor pension, including within the framework of the State Co-financing Program (from the citizen himself, the state and the employer);
  • maternal (family) capital funds aimed at forming the funded part of the labor pension.

Succession of pension savings
Legal successors can receive funds from the pension savings of a deceased citizen, recorded on his ILS, if the citizen’s death occurred before the accumulative part of his labor pension was assigned to him or before the amount of this part of the pension was recalculated taking into account additional pension savings.
The legal successors are the persons specified in the citizen’s application for the distribution of pension savings (an agreement on compulsory pension insurance concluded by the insured person with a non-state pension fund). This application is submitted to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (or NPF). In the absence of the specified application (agreement), relatives of the deceased citizen are recognized as legal successors, to whom payment of pension savings is made regardless of age and state of working capacity in the following sequence:

  • first of all - to children, including adopted children, spouses and parents (adoptive parents);
  • secondly - to brothers, sisters, grandparents and grandchildren. In order to receive these funds, legal successors must apply to the territorial office of the Pension Fund within six months from the date of death of the insured person.

A management company selected by competition (in common parlance - a private management company, PMC)- is a legal entity licensed to carry out activities related to the management of investment funds, mutual funds and non-state pension funds. Selected through a competition to invest pension savings transferred to her for trust management by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in accordance with applications from citizens regarding the selection of an investment portfolio (management company).
Only those management companies with which the Pension Fund of Russia has entered into trust management agreements for pension savings have the right to carry out trust management of pension savings funds. Competitions for the selection of management companies are held annually by the Federal Service for Financial Markets.
An integral part of the trust management agreement is the investment declaration of the management company, which establishes the purpose of investing pension savings transferred to it by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the investment policy of the management company, as well as the composition and structure of its investment portfolio.
The management company has the right to offer several investment portfolios. For each investment portfolio, the Pension Fund concludes a separate trust management agreement with the management company.
The management company is obliged to invest pension savings exclusively in the interests of the insured persons - wisely and in good faith, based on the need to ensure the principles of reliability and profitability. Income from investing pension savings is not the property of the management company, but is attributed to the increase in funds transferred to it for trust management.