The blade has no power over me. Lyrics of the song - lighthouse "except for your love I have no sun, and I don’t even know where you are and with whom"

The tobacco smoke has eaten away from the air.
Room -
chapter in Kruchenykhov's hell.
Remember -
outside this window
for the first time
In a frenzy, he stroked your hands.
Today you are sitting here,
heart in iron.
It's still a day -
you'll kick me out
maybe by scolding.
Won't fit in the muddy hallway for a long time
hand broken by trembling into sleeve.
I'll run out
I'll throw the body into the street.
I'll go crazy
cut off by despair.
Don't need this
let's say goodbye now.
Doesn't matter
My love -
it's a heavy weight -
hangs on you
wherever I would run.
Let me cry out in my last cry
the bitterness of offended complaints.
If a bull is killed by labor -
he will leave
will lie down in the cold waters.
Besides your love,
to me
there is no sea,
and you can’t beg your love for rest even with tears.
A tired elephant wants peace -
the royal one will lie down in the fried sand.
Besides your love,
to me
there is no sun
and I don’t even know where you are or with whom.
If only I had tormented the poet like that,
I would trade my beloved for money and fame,
and for me
not a single joyful ringing,
except the ringing of your favorite name.
And I won’t throw myself into the air,
and I won’t drink poison,
and I won’t be able to pull the trigger above my temple.
Above me
except your glance,
the blade of no knife has power.
Tomorrow you'll forget
that he crowned you,
that he burned out a blossoming soul with love,
and the hectic days of the swept up carnival
will ruffle the pages of my books...
Are my words dry leaves?
will make you stop
panting greedily?

Give me at least
cover with the last tenderness
your leaving step.

Analysis of the poem “Lilychka!” Mayakovsky

V. Mayakovsky is a separate figure, completely unlike anyone else among Russian poets. All his work was vulgarly original and extremely sincere. Fascinated by the fashionable futurist movement, the poet fully accepted its laws and rules for the creation and construction of poems. Moreover, he boldly broke not only standard stereotypes, but also the framework of futurism itself. Nevertheless, Mayakovsky differed sharply from most of the mediocre representatives of the avant-garde. His poems shocked his contemporaries, but deep analysis revealed to readers the real inner world of the poet, his vulnerability and sensitivity.

There were many women in Mayakovsky's life, but he truly loved only one. Lilya Brik became his constant muse; he dedicated his lyrical poems to her. The woman was a supporter of free love. Mayakovsky also adhered to “advanced” views. But in this case, human nature did not stand the test of passion. The poet fell hopelessly in love, which cannot be said about Lila. Mayakovsky suffered unbearably from jealousy and created loud scenes. In 1916 he wrote the poem “Lilychka!” It is noteworthy that the woman was in the same room with him at that time.

The work represents a passionate appeal of the lyrical hero to his beloved. His distinctive feature– describing a strong feeling of love using harsh language. This immediately introduces a huge contrast into the content. At all times, poets and writers have depicted love through bright, joyful images. Even jealousy and melancholy were significantly softened with the help of special expressive means. Mayakovsky cuts from the shoulder: “heart in iron”, “my love is a heavy weight”, “howl out bitterness”. A few positive epithets and phrases (“blooming soul”, “last tenderness”) seem to be the exception to the rule.

All the canons of futurism are present: the construction of verse with a “ladder”, torn and imprecise rhyme, an infinite number of neologisms (“kruchenykhovsky”, “fired”) and deliberately distorted words (“going mad”, “dissected”). Mayakovsky uses the most incredible word constructions: “a hand broken by trembling,” “I’ll throw my body into the street.” The lyrical hero compares himself to both a bull and an elephant. To enhance the effect, the author introduces detailed description methods of suicide, after which he admits that this is not a solution, since death will forever deprive him of the opportunity to at least see his beloved. In general, the work has the highest possible emotional intensity. It is interesting that with such frenzy, Mayakovsky never uses exclamation mark(except for the name itself).

The poem “Lilychka!” - an example of love lyrics not only by Mayakovsky, but also by all Russian futurism.

The text of Mayakovsky's poem "Lilichka!" written in the nervous, “ragged” manner characteristic of the poet (especially his early work). It is dedicated to Lilya Brik, a young bohemian with whom the poet was in love for many years. Their dizzying romance by the time they wrote the work studied in literature lessons in the 11th grade, that is, by 1916, was on the decline. Lila was tired of being faithful to one man, she preferred variety, and Mayakovsky, who still loved her dearly, was not ready to share the girl with other men. But the poet’s feelings never faded: he returned to his beloved again and again.

The mood of the work is very agitated, it is noticeable that the poet is overcome with despair, because he realizes with complete clarity: a break is inevitable. Lilya Brik is not capable of a permanent relationship. This causes the poet mental pain. Starting to read the verse “Lilichka!” Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky, pay attention to the features of the poet’s author’s style. This includes writing with a “ladder”, and non-standard rhymes (whether to line the leaves, etc.), and parallelism (“Except for your love, I have no sea” - “Except for your love, I have no sun,” etc.) .

The tobacco smoke has eaten away from the air.
Room -
chapter in Kruchenykhov's hell.
Remember -
outside this window
for the first time
In a frenzy, he stroked your hands.
Today you are sitting here,
heart in iron.
It's still a day -
you'll kick me out
maybe scolded.
Won't fit in the muddy hallway for a long time
hand broken by trembling into sleeve.
I'll run out
I'll throw the body into the street.
I'll go crazy
cut off by despair.
Don't need this
let's say goodbye now.
Doesn't matter
My love -
it's a heavy weight -
hangs on you
wherever I would run.
Let me cry out in my last cry
the bitterness of offended complaints.
If a bull is killed by labor -
he will leave
will lie down in the cold waters.
Besides your love,
to me
there is no sea,
and you can’t beg your love for rest even with tears.
A tired elephant wants peace -
the royal one will lie down in the fried sand.
Besides your love,
to me
there is no sun
and I don’t even know where you are or with whom.
If only I had tormented the poet like that,
I would trade my beloved for money and fame,
and for me
not a single joyful ringing,
except the ringing of your favorite name.
And I won’t throw myself into the air,
and I won’t drink poison,
and I won’t be able to pull the trigger above my temple.
Above me
except your glance,
the blade of no knife has power.
Tomorrow you'll forget
that he crowned you,
that he burned out a blossoming soul with love,
non-hustle days, swept up carnival
will ruffle the pages of my books...
Are my words dry leaves?
will make you stop
panting greedily?
Give me at least
cover with the last tenderness
your leaving step.

Poem by V.V. Mayakovsky “Lilichka!” is included in the golden collection of works about love, in it Mayakovsky is real, without the shockingness characteristic of him in his early works.

“Mayak” - a song by the group “Splin” based on poems by Mayakovsky

Who is the poem “Lilychka” dedicated to? History of creation

In 1915, the fate of the young poet changed dramatically: he met Lilya Brik, a woman who left a fatal mark on both the life and work of Mayakovsky. Lilya was married, but this did not stop her from leading a fairly free lifestyle: she preached “new” boundaries of behavior for women. The young and talented poet only attracted her, but Mayakovsky truly fell in love, realizing the tragedy of this relationship. A year after the young people met, on May 26, 1916, “Lilichka!” was written; the subtitle “Instead of a letter” shows all the intimacy of this excited confession.

Lilia Brik

Poem “Lilychka”: genre, theme, idea, direction

The theme of love is brilliantly revealed in the poem, each comparison refers us to it: “If a bull is killed by labor, he will leave and lie down in the cold waters. Apart from your love, I have no sea, and you can’t beg rest from your love even with tears.”

The idea of ​​"Lilychka!" in the eternity of complex but colossal love: “Over me, except for your gaze, the blade of a single knife has no power.” The poet realizes, but cannot accept, that the feelings of his beloved are not as strong and large-scale: “Today you are sitting here, your heart is in iron. One more day - you’ll be kicked out, maybe scolded.”

Mayakovsky at that time was an ardent futurist, but his “Lilichka!” resembles a futuristic work only in a “torn” line. However, this line also helps in the artistic perception of this poem, because this is not a rationalistic, but an excited and passionate monologue.

Lyrical hero in the poem “Lilichka”

The central image is the poet himself and his experiences. To emphasize the scale of his tragic love, the author introduces images of a bull and an elephant, who seek and find peace and relaxation, in contrast to the lyrical hero. Mayakovsky separates himself from poetry, saying that the poet would not have suffered so much, “he would have exchanged his beloved for money and fame.”

Means of artistic expression: examples from the text

The poem is replete with metaphors: “a heart in iron”, “a hand broken by trembling”, “my love is a heavy weight”, “I burned out a blossoming soul with love”, “my words are dry leaves”. They show the hero’s experiences, his doom, the understanding that better days when his soul blossomed, passed.

Hyperbole is Mayakovsky’s favorite technique: “I won’t throw myself into the air, and I won’t drink poison, and I won’t be able to pull the trigger above my temple. The blade of a single knife has no power over me, except your gaze.” With its help, love acquires cosmic proportions; it’s amazing how so many feelings fit into one person. Epithets “Lilichki!” figurative and original - “Kruchenykhov’s hell”, “cloudy antechamber”, “bitterness of offended complaints”, “burnt sand”, “carnival of hectic days”. Thanks to several vivid epithets, a whole picture is created: the reader sees this room, the street, the images, and feels the feelings of the hero.

Analyzing the poem “Lilichka” by Mayakovsky is not an easy task. The pearl of intimate lyrics resembles a real avalanche of the poet’s feelings, suffering and thoughts. He is so open and frank that it seems as if the voice of this lump of a man in Russian poetry is heard through the lines. In the article we bring to your attention Mayakovsky and a short history its creation.

About the poet

Vladimir Mayakovsky is a controversial but very outstanding figure in Russian poetry. The poet, whose height reached almost two meters, created the effect of his power in poetry. His sharp, biting style was strong, as if the shadow of the greatest poet, cubo-futurist, revolutionary and anarchist, actor and playwright was visible in him.

Mayakovsky is known not only for his outstanding poetry, but also for his rebellious lifestyle. His biography includes years spent in prison and at war, travel, tragedies and love dramas.

The poems and poems of this giant of literature have an incomparable style. Only the great Mayakovsky wrote this way. “Lily instead of a letter” is one of the poet’s most powerful lyrical works. It amazes with its sincerity, the open, vulnerable soul of the poet, which he reveals both to his beloved and to his readers.

Who is Lilichka? The history of the creation of the poem

The mysterious Lilichka is the wife of the poet Osip Brik's friend - Lilya Brik. The poet met her thanks to her sister Elsa, whom he courted. One day he was invited to visit her. There he read his poems to the Brik family. The poems sank into their souls, and Mayakovsky himself fell hopelessly in love with Lilichka...

The poem was written in 1916, a year after meeting his muse. Without a brief background to the relationship, a literary analysis will not be complete. Lilichka (Mayakovsky was madly and hopelessly in love with her) was a classic heartbreaker. The poet’s heart was already too exhausted and wounded. Lilya held him close, not allowing him to get closer and at the same time not letting him go. It was about these complex relationships that the poet wrote a poem.

Analysis of the poem “Lilichka” by Mayakovsky

Poetry belongs to the golden collection of intimate lyrics of Russian poetry. The title is supplemented by the postscript “Instead of a letter,” but we find no signs. More like a poet's attempt to calm the storm of his feelings, from which there is no salvation for a tormented heart.

The analysis of “Lilichka” (Mayakovsky, according to biographers, wrote while in the same room with Lilya) is difficult due to its emotional burden. It seems that the poet tried to pour all his pain and suffering onto paper.

The poet calls his love a “heavy weight” for a woman, but it is worth saying that this is precisely the impression Lilya sought for him; she liked to feel her power over the poet, to make him suffer, and then to read hard-won poems washed with the tears of her heart. But her lyrical hero compares with the sun and the sea, that is, the absolute of life and vital energy. This was the feeling that slowly killed the poet’s heart, both at a distance and next to his beloved, from whose love “even crying cannot beg for rest.”

The literary analysis of this work is very complex and multifaceted. Lilichka (Mayakovsky put all this into words) evoked such a range of feelings in the poet’s soul that it is difficult to understand how his so-suffering heart could beat.

Antithesis and parallelism in the poem

To convey his feelings, the poet uses antithesis, elements of parallelism and a special technique of chronotope - playing with time by alternating verbs of the past, future and present. The poet “stroked the hands” of his beloved in the past, today her “heart is in iron,” and tomorrow she will be “kicked out.” Playing with tense forms of verbs creates the impression of a real kaleidoscope of events, feelings, suffering and experiences.

The antithesis manifests itself in the opposition of the poet’s inner world and feelings for the woman he loves. The severity of suffering is replaced by temporary enlightenment, from the “favorite gaze,” which the poet compares a line later to “the blade of a knife.”

The analysis of Mayakovsky’s poem “Lilichka” is complicated for any reader by his own emotions. It is difficult to read this confession of the poet and remain indifferent. Monotonous lines alternate with sudden impulses of address, tender words and requests to the beloved.

In conclusion

This is how our analysis turned out. “Lilichka” (Mayakovsky tried to say in poetry what he could not say out loud) demonstrates not only the poet’s ability to use linguistic means, but also allows us to understand who the poet was. Very strong, not broken by prisons and war, he found himself unprotected and vulnerable in the face of love. When reading the poem, a double impression is created. You sympathize with the poet, but at the same time you understand that without such strong feelings, we would not be able to enjoy such a poignant poem about love, which has no analogues and has never existed before.

The tobacco smoke has eaten away from the air.
Room -
chapter in Kruchenykhov's hell.
Remember -
outside this window
for the first time
In a frenzy, he stroked your hands.
Today you are sitting here,
heart in iron.
It's still a day -
you'll kick me out
maybe scolded.
Won't fit in the muddy hallway for a long time
hand broken by trembling into sleeve.
I'll run out
I'll throw the body into the street.
I'll go crazy
cut off by despair.
Don't need this
let's say goodbye now.
Doesn't matter
My love -
it's a heavy weight -
hangs on you
wherever I would run.
Let me cry out in my last cry
the bitterness of offended complaints.
If a bull is killed by labor -
he will leave
will lie down in the cold waters.
Besides your love,
to me
there is no sea,
and you can’t beg your love for rest even with tears.
A tired elephant wants peace -
the royal one will lie down in the fried sand.
Besides your love,
to me
there is no sun
and I don’t even know where you are or with whom.
If only I had tormented the poet like that,
I would trade my beloved for money and fame,
and for me
not a single joyful ringing,
except the ringing of your favorite name.
And I won’t throw myself into the air,
and I won’t drink poison,
and I won’t be able to pull the trigger above my temple.
Above me
except your gaze,
the blade of no knife has power.
Tomorrow you'll forget
that he crowned you,
that he burned out a blossoming soul with love,
and the hectic days of the swept up carnival
will ruffle the pages of my books...
Are my words dry leaves?
will make you stop
panting greedily?
Give me at least
cover with the last tenderness
your leaving step.

Translation of the song Spleen - Mayak "except for your love, I have no sun, and I don’t even know where you are or with whom"

Tobacco smoke has consumed the air.
Chapter kruchenkova in hell.
outside that window
for the first time
thy hands, violently, stroked.
Today I sit here,
heart in iron.
kicked out
maybe sruga.
In the muddy front won't fit
broken trembling hand into the sleeve.
Coast to stop,
the body in the street I will give up.
the desperation, isacas.
Don't need this,
let me say goodbye now.
my love -
a heavy weight because -
hanging on to you,
wherever fled b.
Give the last cry of variety
the bitterness of offended complaints.
If the bull will be the death of -
he leaves,
razlyazhetsya in cold waters.
In addition to your love,
no sea,
and I love you and crying is not going to make the rest.
Want peace of a tired elephant
Regal Oparina will lay down in the sand.
In addition to your love,
there's no sun,
I don't know where you are and with whom.
If so, the poet is tormented,
b favorite money and fame traded,
none the joyful ringing,
in addition to the ringing sound of your beloved name.
And in the span will not rush,
and do not drink poison
and the trigger can"t push over the temple.
except your opinion,
no power blade a single knife.
Tomorrow you will forget,
you were crowned,
what is a soul blossoming love burned,
and vain days smetany carnival
will muss the pages of my books...
My words dry leaves do
forced to stop,
greedily breathing?
Give me
last tenderness can shoot
your outgoing step.