Numeral name and its categories. Places of numerals by meaning

A numeral is an independent significant part of speech that combines words that denote numbers, the number of objects or the order of objects when counting and answer the question how many? or which one? Which?.
Syntactic role: In a sentence, numerals often act as the subject, predicate, attribute, and less often - as the nominal part of the compound predicate and adverbial. Cardinal numbers in combination with nouns are one member of a sentence in the I.p. forms. and V.p. In other cases they are different parts of the sentence. Wed: There were three cups on the table. — There were three cups missing on the table. The combination of an ordinal number with a noun is not one member of a sentence. For example: I love the evening light, and the first lights, and the pale sky, where the stars are not yet visible (V. Bryusov).

Places of numerals by meaning

There are cardinal and ordinal numbers.
Cardinal numerals denote abstract numbers (five) and the number of objects (five tables) and answer the question how many?.
Cardinal numbers are integer (five), fractional (five-sevenths) and collective (five).
Integer cardinal numbers denote whole numbers or quantities. Whole cardinal numbers are combined with counting nouns, that is, with nouns that denote objects that can be counted in pieces (two books, nineteen pages).
Fractional cardinal numbers denote fractional numbers or quantities (two-thirds, five-sevenths, thirteen-twenty-fifths).
Collective numbers denote the number of objects as a whole. Collective numerals include the words both, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

Digits of numerals by structure (structure)

Based on their structure, numerals are divided into simple, complex and compound.
Simple numbers have one component (two, two, second).
Compound numerals are not single-component, that is, they are written with spaces (fifty-five, five tenths, five thousand fifty-five).
Complex numerals - those that have two or more roots (five-hundred, five-and-hundred-thousandth).

Declension of numerals.

Changing numerals by case is called declension. The numerals two, three, four, forty, ninety, one hundred, one and a half, one and a half hundred are declined in a special way:
Cardinal numbers do not have a gender category (except for the numerals one, one and a half, two), and do not change according to numbers (except for the numeral one).

The numeral one agrees with the noun to which it refers, in gender, number and case (one berry, one pencil, one window; one berry, one pencil, one window). All other numerals in combination with a noun in the genitive case form are used in the nominative case form (two friends, five tables, twenty meters).

Numerals from five to twenty and thirty are declined according to the model of nouns of the third declension:
I. five fifteen thirty
R. five fifteen thirty
D. five fifteen thirty
V. five fifteen thirty
T.five fifteen thirty
P. (o) five fifteen thirty
The numerals forty, ninety, one hundred have only two forms in declension: I., V. - forty, ninety, one hundred; R., D., T., P. - forty, ninety, hundred.
When declension of numerals from fifty to eighty and from two hundred to nine hundred, both parts of the word change:

I. seventy
R. seventy
D. seventy
V. seventy
T. seventy P. (o) seventy
two hundred nine hundred two hundred nine hundred two hundred nine hundred two hundred nine hundred two hundred nine hundred two hundred nine hundred
When declension of compound numerals, each word changes:

The numeral thousand is declined as a noun of the first declension; numerals million, billion, trillion - as nouns of the 2nd declension.

Lecture, abstract. Places of numerals by construction and meaning,
declension of numerals, syntactic role - concept and types. Classification, essence and features. 2018-2019.

1. Cardinal numbers indicate the number of objects when counting ( two tables, one hundred rubles) or abstract number ( two, one hundred) and answer the question how much?

2. Cardinal numbers change according to cases.

    Cardinal numbers have no gender or number.

    Wed: three people, three windows, three banks.

    Exception are made up of the numerals one and two.

    The numeral one changes according to gender and number, like an adjective.

    One pear, one lemon, one apple, one cream.

    The numerals two and one and a half have two generic forms:

    • masculine and neuter gender - two, one and a half;

      Two tables, two windows, a day and a half.

      feminine - two, one and a half.

      Two paintings, one and a half baskets.

3. Declension of numerals:

    declension of numerals one, two, three, four resembles the declension of adjectives;

    numerals from five to twenty and thirty are declined as nouns of the third declension (for example, as the noun steppe);

    The numerals forty, ninety and one hundred have only two forms when declensed:

    nominative case and accusative case - forty, ninety, one hundred,
    other cases - forty, ninety, hundred;

    when declension of complex cardinal numbers 5-80, 200-900, each part of the word changes, although they are written in one word ( fifty - fifty). Moreover, the second part of the numerals 200-900 has archaic endings that do not coincide with the endings of the independent numeral one hundred;

    Wed: one hundred rubles - three hundred rubles; no one hundred rubles - no three hundred□ rubles, one hundred rubles - no three hundred rubles.

    in compound cardinal numbers all words and all parts of compound words are declined.

    Five hundred forty six - about five hundred forty six.

4. Examples of declension of numerals:

Numeral ONE

Simple and complex numbers

Pay attention!

1) In the nominative and accusative cases, numerals from 5 to 20 and 30 are written with ь at the end of the word.

Five, fifteen, thirty.

Numerals from 50 to 80 and from 500 to 900 - with ь in the middle of the word.

Fifty, six hundred, nine hundred.

2) In the middle of numerals: fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen- b is not written.

3) The word eleven is written with a double consonant.

5. When combined with nouns, numerals either control the nouns or agree with the nouns:

    if the numeral is in the nominative case (or in a similar accusative case), then the numeral controls the genitive case of the noun ( two tables, five books), and with numerals two, three, four, as well as compound numerals ending in two, three, four, the noun is singular ( two windows, twenty two windows), for all other numerals - in the plural ( five windows, fifty windows, fifty five windows);

    if the numeral is in any other case, then the main word is the noun, the numeral agrees with it.

    Wed: there are no five windows; to five windows, five windows, about five windows.

Pay attention!

1) Words thousand, million, billion are classified differently by linguists. Some call them numerals, others call them nouns with the meaning of number. In any case, it should be remembered that these words, in their morphological and syntactic characteristics, coincide with nouns.

Thousand - refers to the feminine gender and is declined as a noun of the 1st declension: no thousand, with a thousand.

Million, billion- words are masculine and declined as nouns of the 2nd declension: no million, with a million.

2) Words thousand, million, billion, like nouns, always govern the genitive form of the dependent noun, regardless of its own case.

Compare: a thousand rubles, no thousand rubles, with a thousand rubles, about a thousand rubles.

However, if these words are included in compound numerals, then the general rules for combinability of numerals with nouns apply.

There is no thousand five rubles, to one thousand five rubles, with one thousand five rubles, about one thousand five rubles.

B) Collective numbers

1. Collective numbers denote a certain amount objects as one whole.

Two, three, five.

    In modern Russian, collective numerals can denote the number of objects as a whole in the range from two to ten. They are formed from cardinal numbers using the suffixes -оj- ( two → two, three → three) and -er- ( four → four, five → five, six → six, seven → seven, eight → eight, nine → nine, ten → ten).

    The word both (both) is characterized differently in different manuals. Some linguists classify them as numeral pronouns; other researchers - to collective numerals.

2. Collective numerals (except for the word both) can be combined with limited group words:

    with nouns that have only a plural form;

    Two forceps, two scissors.

    with nouns children, guys, people;

    Two children, three boys.

    with nouns denoting male persons;

    Two friends.

    with nouns denoting young animals;

    Two kittens.

    with personal pronouns.

    There were three of us.

3. Collective numerals are declined like plural adjectives:

4. The word both changes according to gender: both are masculine and neuter (there is no form wallpaper!), both are feminine. The declension of this word resembles the declension of plural adjectives, with the masculine/neuter and feminine forms having different stems in oblique cases.

B) Ordinal numbers

1. Ordinal numbers indicate the serial number of objects when counting, that is, ordinal numbers, indicating the serial number of an object, indicate one item.

First day, fifteenth day.

2. Ordinal numbers are formed from cardinal numbers, except for such ordinal numbers as first, second.

Five → fifth, thirty → thirty.

3. Ordinal numbers, like full adjectives, change according to number, gender (singular) and case.

First, first, first, first.

    Their declension coincides with the declension of adjectives. This is why some linguists include ordinal numbers in adjectives.

    Wed: the first is new, the first is new.

4. When declension of compound ordinal numerals, only the last word is changed (unlike the declension of compound cardinal numerals, where each word is changed).

One thousand nine hundred and forty-five - in one thousand nine hundred and forty-five; two thousand and three - from two thousand and three.

D) Fractional numbers

1. Fractional numbers They don't call whole numbers.

Two thirds, five tenths.

    In meaning, fractional numerals are adjacent to cardinal numerals.

2. In composition, fractional numbers, except for the words one and a half, one and a half hundred, consist of a cardinal number (numerator of the fraction) and an ordinal number in the plural (denominator of the fraction).

Six seventeenths, three fifths.

    Fractional numbers can include the nouns zero and integer. This mixed numerals.

    Zero point five.

3. The numeral one and a half changes according to gender:

    one and a half - masculine and neuter gender;

    One and a half days, one and a half apples.

    one and a half is feminine.

    One and a half bottles.

    The numerals one and a half (one and a half), one and a half hundred have only two case forms in declension:

    nominative and accusative cases - one and a half, one and a half, one and a half hundred;
    other cases - one and a half, one and a half hundred.

How often do we ask ourselves: how many days are left before the holidays? And one of the most frequently asked questions is: what time is it? Answer these and many others important issues we can use numerals. In this lesson, the concept of this part of speech is formed.

Topic: Numeral

Lesson: Numeral noun. Number places

1. The concept of a numeral name.

A numeral is an independent part of speech, which includes words denoting

Numbers (twice two is four),

Number of items (four tables) or

Order of objects when counting (fifth house)

and answering questions How many?, which?

Scheme 1. Numeral as part of speech

2. Number categories.

From the point of view of meaning and grammatical features, numerals are usually divided into groups, or categories.

Discharges - groups of words combined general meaning and having the same grammatical characteristics.

Numerals are divided into quantitative And ordinal.

TO quantitative Numerals are words denoting quantity ( five houses),

number ( five not divisible by two without remainder), item number (house number five).

TO ordinal Numerals include words denoting the order in which objects appear when counting ( fifth house).

Scheme 2. Places of numerals

3. Cardinal numbers.

Within the group of cardinal numbers, in terms of meaning and grammatical properties, the following subgroups can be distinguished:

Cardinal numbers denoting whole numbers

Cardinal numbers denoting fractional numbers

Collective numbers.

Cardinal numbers denoting whole numbers are numerals that name the amount of something in whole units: two table, five tickets, thirtythree ship. Note that these words are combined with nouns that name objects that can be counted (you cannot say two gold or three youth).

These words change according to cases ( five, five, five) and do not have categories of gender and number (except for numerals one, two). Word one can have masculine, neuter and feminine forms: one, one, one and the plural form: alone.

Numeral two/two changes by gender, maintaining differences by gender in I.p. and V.p.: two shirts, two table.

Fractional cardinal numerals denote fractional numbers and fractional quantities ( two thirds, zero point seven). These numerals are combined both with the names of countable objects and with real and collective nouns: two thirds table, one tenth youth, three-fifths gold.

The words of this subgroup change according to cases: three quarters, three quarters etc., but have no gender or number.

The exception is the numeral one and a half, which has two forms: m. and f. r. ( one and a half months, one and a half minutes), as well as fractional numerals, which include the numerals one And two. At the same time, while maintaining the category of gender, these words as part of fractional numerals by gender do not change and are always used only in the form w. r. One seventh of the table, two fifths of the book.

The last subgroup of cardinal numbers is collective numerals. This subgroup includes 10 words: two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, both/both.

All these words change according to cases ( two, two, two etc.).

Word both/both changes by case and gender, where both- masculine and neuter form, both- feminine.

4. Structure (structure) of numerals.

According to their structure, numerals can be simple, compound and complex.

Simple numerals consist of one word ( eight, five, twenty). Composite - of two or more ( eighty two, fifty three, five hundred twenty five).

In terms of the number of roots in a word, complex numerals are also distinguished. These include words containing more than one root. Words fifty, sixty, seventy are complex because have two roots.

Fractional numbers - composite ( three tenths), numeral one and a half- simple, numeral one and a half hundred- complex.


Scheme 3. Structure of numerals

5. Syntactic function of numerals.

In a sentence, cardinal numbers form one part of the sentence with the noun they stand with. So they can be any member of a sentence, which could be a noun.

Three girls under the window

They were spinning late in the evening (A. Pushkin).

(...) And my choice only blesses three favorite faces. (B. Akhmadulina).

He traded greyhounds for them three dogs!!! (A. Griboyedov).

Ordinal numbers are either modifiers or part of the predicate.

I repeat everything first verse... (M. Tsvetaeva).

One hundred and first I will never! (E. Yevtushenko).

Exercise 1.

Write down the text, determine the digits of numerals.

On August 22, 1880, the first tram appeared in St. Petersburg. But only in 1892 did tram traffic begin in Kyiv. The length of the first branch was 1.6 kilometers. The first metro in our country was opened in Moscow on May 15, 1935. The length of the first line was 11.6 kilometers and it had 13 stations.

Exercise 2.

Determine the ranks of numerals by value.

1. On February 15, 1906, the famous Tatar poet Musa Jalil was born. 2) Musa was not even six years old when he began to ask to go to school. 3) Musa mastered the curriculum of all four grades of a rural school in one year. 4) In 1941, Musa volunteered to go to the front.

2. Preparation for the Russian Language Olympiad ().


1. Russian language. 6th grade: Baranov M.T. and others - M.: Education, 2008.

2. Russian language. Theory. 5-9 grades: V.V. Babaytseva, L.D. Chesnokova - M.: Bustard, 2008.

3. Russian language. 6th grade: ed. MM. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lekanta - M.: Bustard, 2010.

1. Cardinal numbers indicate the number of objects when counting ( two tables, one hundred rubles) or abstract number ( two, one hundred) and answer the question how much?

2. Cardinal numbers change according to cases.

    Cardinal numbers have no gender or number.

    Wed: three people, three windows, three banks.

    Exception are made up of the numerals one and two.

    The numeral one changes according to gender and number, like an adjective.

    One pear, one lemon, one apple, one cream.

    The numerals two and one and a half have two generic forms:

    • masculine and neuter gender - two, one and a half;

      Two tables, two windows, a day and a half.

      feminine - two, one and a half.

      Two paintings, one and a half baskets.

3. Declension of numerals:

    declension of numerals one, two, three, four resembles the declension of adjectives;

    numerals from five to twenty and thirty are declined as nouns of the third declension (for example, as the noun steppe);

    The numerals forty, ninety and one hundred have only two forms when declensed:

    nominative case and accusative case - forty, ninety, one hundred,
    other cases - forty, ninety, hundred;

    when declension of complex cardinal numbers 5-80, 200-900, each part of the word changes, although they are written in one word ( fifty - fifty). Moreover, the second part of the numerals 200-900 has archaic endings that do not coincide with the endings of the independent numeral one hundred;

    Wed: one hundred rubles - three hundred rubles; no one hundred rubles - no three hundred□ rubles, one hundred rubles - no three hundred rubles.

    in compound cardinal numbers all words and all parts of compound words are declined.

    Five hundred forty six - about five hundred forty six.

4. Examples of declension of numerals:

Numeral ONE

Simple and complex numbers

Pay attention!

1) In the nominative and accusative cases, numerals from 5 to 20 and 30 are written with ь at the end of the word.

Five, fifteen, thirty.

Numerals from 50 to 80 and from 500 to 900 - with ь in the middle of the word.

Fifty, six hundred, nine hundred.

2) In the middle of numerals: fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen- b is not written.

3) The word eleven is written with a double consonant.

5. When combined with nouns, numerals either control the nouns or agree with the nouns:

    if the numeral is in the nominative case (or in a similar accusative case), then the numeral controls the genitive case of the noun ( two tables, five books), and with numerals two, three, four, as well as compound numerals ending in two, three, four, the noun is singular ( two windows, twenty two windows), for all other numerals - in the plural ( five windows, fifty windows, fifty five windows);

    if the numeral is in any other case, then the main word is the noun, the numeral agrees with it.

    Wed: there are no five windows; to five windows, five windows, about five windows.

Pay attention!

1) Words thousand, million, billion are classified differently by linguists. Some call them numerals, others call them nouns with the meaning of number. In any case, it should be remembered that these words, in their morphological and syntactic characteristics, coincide with nouns.

Thousand - refers to the feminine gender and is declined as a noun of the 1st declension: no thousand, with a thousand.

Million, billion- words are masculine and declined as nouns of the 2nd declension: no million, with a million.

2) Words thousand, million, billion, like nouns, always govern the genitive form of the dependent noun, regardless of its own case.

Compare: a thousand rubles, no thousand rubles, with a thousand rubles, about a thousand rubles.

However, if these words are included in compound numerals, then the general rules for combinability of numerals with nouns apply.

There is no thousand five rubles, to one thousand five rubles, with one thousand five rubles, about one thousand five rubles.

B) Collective numbers

1. Collective numbers designate a certain number of objects as one whole.

Two, three, five.

    In modern Russian, collective numerals can denote the number of objects as a whole in the range from two to ten. They are formed from cardinal numbers using the suffixes -оj- ( two → two, three → three) and -er- ( four → four, five → five, six → six, seven → seven, eight → eight, nine → nine, ten → ten).

    The word both (both) is characterized differently in different manuals. Some linguists classify them as numeral pronouns; other researchers - to collective numerals.

2. Collective numerals (except for the word both) can be combined with a limited group of words:

    with nouns that have only a plural form;

    Two forceps, two scissors.

    with nouns children, guys, people;

    Two children, three boys.

    with nouns denoting male persons;

    Two friends.

    with nouns denoting young animals;

    Two kittens.

    with personal pronouns.

    There were three of us.

3. Collective numerals are declined like plural adjectives:

4. The word both changes according to gender: both are masculine and neuter (there is no form wallpaper!), both are feminine. The declension of this word resembles the declension of plural adjectives, with the masculine/neuter and feminine forms having different stems in oblique cases.

B) Ordinal numbers

1. Ordinal numbers indicate the serial number of objects when counting, that is, ordinal numbers, indicating the serial number of an object, indicate one item.

First day, fifteenth day.

2. Ordinal numbers are formed from cardinal numbers, except for such ordinal numbers as first, second.

Five → fifth, thirty → thirty.

3. Ordinal numbers, like full adjectives, change according to number, gender (singular) and case.

First, first, first, first.

    Their declension coincides with the declension of adjectives. This is why some linguists include ordinal numbers in adjectives.

    Wed: the first is new, the first is new.

4. When declension of compound ordinal numerals, only the last word is changed (unlike the declension of compound cardinal numerals, where each word is changed).

One thousand nine hundred and forty-five - in one thousand nine hundred and forty-five; two thousand and three - from two thousand and three.

D) Fractional numbers

1. Fractional numbers They don't call whole numbers.

Two thirds, five tenths.

    In meaning, fractional numerals are adjacent to cardinal numerals.

2. In composition, fractional numbers, except for the words one and a half, one and a half hundred, consist of a cardinal number (numerator of the fraction) and an ordinal number in the plural (denominator of the fraction).

Six seventeenths, three fifths.

    Fractional numbers can include the nouns zero and integer. This mixed numerals.

    Zero point five.

3. The numeral one and a half changes according to gender:

    one and a half - masculine and neuter gender;

    One and a half days, one and a half apples.

    one and a half is feminine.

    One and a half bottles.

    The numerals one and a half (one and a half), one and a half hundred have only two case forms in declension:

    nominative and accusative cases - one and a half, one and a half, one and a half hundred;
    other cases - one and a half, one and a half hundred.