What is the correct position to sleep in? Correct body position while sleeping

It is believed that a person spends a third of his life sleeping. No wonder that good sleep- one of the main guarantees of excellent health and mood. So why might sleep problems occur? Insomnia, nightmares or restlessness during sleep can be caused by an uncomfortable mattress, noise, light, a heavy late dinner, or even the position in which we prefer to sleep.

What's special about the poses?

Depending on whether you prefer to sleep on your back or curl up on your side, your breathing, blood flow and acid reflux may change. Some positions cause back and neck pain, wrinkles, and even snoring. Overall, the right or wrong nighttime sleeping position can make all the difference in how you sleep.

If you do decide to experiment, remember that one night won't solve anything. Often the body gets used to falling asleep in one position, and it may take a sufficient amount of time to retrain it.

How to choose a suitable sleeping position?

If you are not satisfied with the quality of your night's rest, but there is nothing wrong with the mattress and you do not eat at night, try changing your position. To determine which one is best for you, take a look at the following list. It is best to find the position in which you are sleeping now and check what is wrong with it. Then you should choose a more suitable position for yourself, depending on what exactly is bothering you.

Face down

If you sleep on your stomach in a straight line, your spine is deprived of optimal support. In addition, in this position your head is turned to the side, which causes neck pain. The benefits of this position include improved digestion. Great for those who like a treat before bed.

Fetal position

Falling asleep curled up in a ball and trying to touch your forehead with your knees can be very comfortable, but this position provokes pain in the back and neck. Too much curvature of the spine and a partially closed face limit the freedom and depth of breathing. On the other hand, this position is useful for sleeping during pregnancy, in addition, the fetal position is more convenient for people who have problems with snoring.


If you sleep on your back with your arms and legs extended to the sides, you don’t have to worry about your spine. However, stretching your arms out to the sides, especially if they are raised up, can lead to muscle tension in the shoulders. Sleeping on your back reduces wrinkles on the face and chest, but leads to snoring and delayed acid reflux.

On the side with arms extended to the side

Sleeping in this position is comfortable for the back and neck, but uncomfortable for the shoulders. A sideways-extended arm, in addition to placing extreme pressure on the nerves of the shoulder, can cause temporary atrophy of the shoulder and arm muscles. Probably, many of those who prefer to sleep in this position are familiar with a sleepy state when it seems that there is no hand, or it does not move at all.

On your side in soldier pose

This position is as beneficial for the back and neck as the previous one, but it increases the rate at which wrinkles form on the face and chest. A huge benefit of sleeping on your side is that this position reduces the risk of sleep apnea. Apnea is a temporary disturbance in the ventilation of the lungs, which leads to the cessation of breathing movements.

On the right or left side

If you prefer to sleep on your side, which side you sleep on also makes a big difference. Sleeping on the right side increases the formation of heartburn, and sleeping on the left side increases the load on the heartburn. internal organs, such as the liver, lungs and stomach. Doctors advise pregnant women to sleep on their left side, as this position improves blood flow and circulation. nutrients to the embryo.

On your back in soldier pose

Sleeping on your back with your arms extended along your body is considered the most beneficial, especially for the back and neck, if you do not overuse pillows. However, among people who snore, the majority sleep on their backs. Also, in this position, interruptions in breathing become more frequent.

Embracing a pillow

Regardless of your favorite position, your sleep will be better and your body will be more comfortable if you decide to “lean” on a pillow or a soft, voluminous blanket. If you sleep on your back, placing a small pillow under the curve of your spine will help your body get maximum comfort. If you sleep on your side, a pillow can be squeezed between your knees, and for those who prefer to sleep on their stomach, a small pillow under the hip joint will relieve tension from the spine and muscles.

Sleeping postures are special positions that the body takes when falling asleep and during a long night's rest. With their help, you can determine the character of a person and create a psychological portrait. Differing in variety, they depend on the conditions in which you have to sleep.

A person needs sleep like food or water, but if without the last two components he is able to survive for several weeks, then without rest he quickly dies. A person spends almost a third of his life sleeping, and this is an important period of time for him. Full-fledged night sleep allows you to accumulate energy wasted during the day and gain strength, creating a feeling of vigor, freshness and readiness for new activities. According to I.P. Popov, it is considered protective inhibition, since it allows the brain to rest and restore its performance.

But situations often arise when a person slept for the allotted time, but did not get rest, but became irritable or lethargic, overwhelmed. There can be many reasons for this, but incorrect posture is of great importance. It has been proven that body position during night rest is directly related to the emotional factor. Sleep, by scientific definition, is a psychophysical state of the body when all reactions to external stimuli slow down, and only the brain remains active. Chronic lack of sleep negatively affects an individual’s well-being, causes dangerous disruptions in the functioning of organs and systems, and leads to various disorders and serious diseases.

Choosing the right sleeping positions

Blood circulation, muscle relaxation, and freedom of breathing depend on the correct placement of the body on the bed when falling asleep. This in turn affects the quality of rest. To get the most out of your sleep, you need to find a comfortable position for yourself. If the pillow and mattress are chosen correctly, and the diet is followed, but the result of a night's sleep is not satisfactory, experts recommend changing the position, choosing the best option from an extensive list.

The best sleeping positions for a healthy adult

People prefer to sleep differently– on the back, stomach or side, curled up. The posture taken in bed is considered to be a reflection of a person’s spiritual infusion. Experiencing excitement, anxiety, fear, he tosses and turns for a long time, and eventually falls asleep in an uncomfortable position. So what is the best way to sleep so you can wake up refreshed and refreshed? There are many variations, among which the most favorable can be identified.

On the back. This position, from the point of view of experts, is the best position for sleeping. It allows you to achieve the following results:

  • reduce the load on the intervertebral discs as much as possible;
  • release pinched nerve endings, eliminate pain;
  • improve blood circulation, ensuring maximum saturation of organs and tissues;
  • relax the muscle corset;
  • reduce the load on the heart by normalizing its rhythm.

Advice! The body in a yoga pose is in a position of maximum comfort, since it does not feel compression of soft tissues. The sleeping position is not recommended for people suffering from obstructive sleep apnea.

On the side. This is the most common position during night rest and includes several various options– “embryo”, “log” or lying pose with extended upper limbs. With a properly selected mattress and pillow, this position has the following advantages:

  • reduces pain in the spinal column by adopting the correct position;
  • improves digestion, eliminating nightmares;
  • increases blood circulation;
  • reduces unpleasant symptoms of heartburn;
  • prevents snoring.

Sleeping on the left side of the body is more favorable than on the right, but the right of choice remains with the person. This position (on the side) has a number of disadvantages. These include:

  • swelling of half the face;
  • limitation of inhalation due to compression of the chest;
  • deterioration of the pancreas (when falling asleep on the right side);
  • pinching of the nerve roots, leading to numbness of the fingers of the upper extremities.

Rest when sick

When a person gets sick, his body takes on characteristic postures during sleep that help alleviate the manifestations of the pathology. In this case, it is possible to reduce the load on the source of pain.

  • For diseases of the heart and blood vessels, it is recommended to sleep lying on your back or in a semi-sitting position.
  • For hypertension, hemorrhoids, and people who suffer from heavy drinking, experts advise resting on your side. A girl who has started her period can sleep in this position.
  • In case of spinal hernia and the development of cervical osteochondrosis, scoliosis, the ideal position is considered to be the “embryo” on the side or on the back with a folded blanket placed under the legs bent at the knees.
  • People with bronchial asthma are advised to fall asleep lying on their side or back with a pillow raised high under their head.

Sleep in babies

For good growth and full development, it is necessary to allocate sufficient time for the baby to rest. A proper and comfortably organized sleeping place in a crib or cradle, natural bed linen, optimal temperature and humidity conditions, and, most importantly, a comfortable position will help him have quality rest both day and night. Pediatricians point to a number of positions that are acceptable for use in newborn babies.

  1. On the back. It is ideal for babies because it is absolutely safe. The body is completely relaxed, the head is slightly turned to the side to prevent the possibility of vomit entering the respiratory tract. It is not suitable only for diseases such as hip dysplasia, increased muscle tone and intestinal colic.
  2. On the stomach. Relieves the symptoms of the above pathology, but is also suitable for healthy infants. Being in this position, the child learns to raise and later hold his head confidently. The baby begins to get acquainted with the world around him, expanding his primary knowledge. In this position, digestion improves, intestinal colic is eliminated, and gases are eliminated. Suitable for the period of wakefulness, in case of sleep, the presence of adult family members next to the crib is mandatory so that the baby does not suffocate, burying his nose in the mattress.
  3. On the side. A baby who has not yet learned to roll over will feel safe. For older babies, you need to support your back with a rolled up towel or blanket. Children suffering from intestinal colic or frequent regurgitation of food should be placed in a position with their arms extended forward.

Important to know! In any position, the child’s head should be at the same level as the body, which will ensure proper development of the spine. If there are no special medical recommendations, it is better to refuse a pillow in early childhood.

Rest for pregnant women

As practice shows, the correct position for expectant mothers to sleep at night is on their side, usually on the left. A pregnancy pillow is a necessary accessory for supporting your back and maintaining a stable, comfortable sleeping position. It helps you fall asleep faster. It is strictly not recommended to roll over on your stomach at any stage, but especially in the last trimester of pregnancy, as it can cause discomfort to the fetus.

Attention! Lying on your back is contraindicated due to the likelihood of compression of the inferior vena cava and harm to the unborn baby.

Adequate rest for pregnant women is extremely important, as it allows you to maintain not only your physical, but also your psycho-emotional state. The bedroom should be kept clean and ventilated daily. For comfort and complete relaxation, you should choose the right mattress, pillow, and bed linen.

Sleeping positions on the road

Sleeping while sitting in a chair or armchair is considered unacceptable for most people due to discomfort and inability to relax. Experts note it as non-physiological. But if absolutely necessary, you can try to rest in this position, taking the most comfortable position. There are several common options.

  1. If possible, you need to purchase a special head accessory designed just for such situations. Having settled down on the seat, you need to lean back, placing a collar pillow under your neck. This will relieve tension in the area without impairing circulation.
  2. If the device is missing, you can rest in a different position. You should place a large hard bag on your knees, fold your hands on top and rest your head on them. Schoolchildren sitting in the back desks often sleep this way, claiming that this position allows them to rest well.
  3. Tilt the back of the chair back (if there is such a function), sit comfortably and relax all muscle groups as much as possible. The fall into sleep will be short and deep.

Sleeping at work

Work in the office and at an enterprise requires waking up early and falling asleep late, as a result of which chronic lack of sleep develops. In order to get a little sleep during the lunch break and at the same time have quality rest, you need to properly organize an improvised sleeping place and try to take a comfortable position. Here are some actionable recommendations.

  1. Find a suitable chair or office chair with a comfortable back and armrests.
  2. Use a soft pillow, folded blanket or jacket as support. Special accessories are sold (for example, an Ostrich pillow) that can be used for sleeping at work.
  3. Raise your legs, placing them comfortably on a small stand (bench or ottoman).
  4. Lean back, preparing support for your head in advance.
  5. Cover yourself with any suitable item of clothing or a blanket at hand.
  6. Choose a quiet, slightly darkened corner.
  7. Wear earplugs and notify employees about your vacation.

Advice! You should not lean on the work table with your hands to rest your head on them. Even if the temptation is great. This position does not promote complete relaxation.

Holidays for two

The positions in which couples are during sleep can indicate their relationship, spiritual and sexual intimacy. Such arrangements relative to each other are considered common.

  1. Spoon pose. One partner hugs the other from behind. There are two options for such a vacation.
  2. "Back to back". It also has several varieties, when sleepers come close together in their sleep, touch one part of the body, or are at some distance.
  3. "Embrace". The couple falls asleep facing each other.
  4. "Romantic." One of the partners lies on his back, the other sideways, and is turned to face his “half.”

Positions in which it is better not to sleep

  • formation of wrinkles on the face and neck;
  • spinal injuries due to increased loads at night;
  • breathing disorders.

Characteristics of a person by his postures in sleep

The position in which a person most often sleeps can tell about his character traits and psycho- emotional state.

  1. The favorite position on the side is taken, as a rule, by people who are weak and unsure of themselves, seeking to find protection and support from stronger friends. They are closed, uncommunicative and rarely reach career heights.
  2. Assertive, purposeful people who want to protect their personal space like to rest in the stomach position.
  3. The category that feels peace, tranquility, and confidence in the future tends to fall asleep on its back. Representatives of this group are considered reliable partners and true friends.


For a good night's rest, doctors recommend properly organizing your sleeping area. The mattress should be elastic and moderately soft, the pillow should be orthopedic. An optimally comfortable sleeping position will help your body completely relax. You can find the ideal position for yourself through trial and error, and then you will be able to fall asleep faster each time.

The quality of night's rest is directly affected by the correct sleeping position. However, each of us likes to sleep in different positions, changing them several times a night. Most sleeping positions are physiological for humans. However, there are poses in which the body and mind rest most effectively. So, let's figure out what are the best sleeping positions.

Best sleeping position

The correct position is the one in which you feel comfortable falling asleep. Everyone has their own: some people like to fall asleep on their side, while others like to fall asleep on their back or stomach.

WITH scientific point vision, the best position for sleeping is the position in which the most rapid onset of deep sleep. During deep sleep, the body recovers and the brain transfers information from short-term memory to long-term memory. Thus, this phase is very important for good memory. And, as it turned out, you can achieve complete relaxation in the deep phase if you sleep in a position that is comfortable for you.

Why is the correct sleeping position important, and how to sleep in the end?

If you sleep well in a position that you like and get enough sleep, you can continue to do so. We, in turn, will consider the pros and cons of all known sleeping positions.

Sleeping on your side

Most people choose this position. Side sleeping is suitable for those who like to cuddle with a pillow, blanket or loved one.

A reasonable question immediately arises - Which side should you choose for sleeping? On the one hand, some medical sources recommend sleeping on your left side, since in this case the heart and digestive tract work better. On the other hand, there is an opinion that you need to sleep on your right side. For example, for diseases of the liver or gall bladder, it is advised to lie on the right side of the body to speed up the healing process. However, you can sleep on both sides. For a person without health problems, both postures for relaxation are certainly suitable.

In some cases, it is still recommended to sleep on the left or right side. Yes, when heartburn or peptic ulcer stomach is advised to sleep on the left side. Women are also advised to sleep on the left side of the body. If you snore, you are allowed to sleep on both sides. The main thing is that the person does not sleep on his back.

There are also disadvantages to sleeping on your side. Staying in an uncomfortable position on your side for a long time can lead to numbness in the shoulder, pain in the pelvic area, as well as discomfort in the spine. As a rule, these problems arise due to an incorrectly selected mattress and pillow for sleeping.

To prevent the occurrence of pain in the morning, you need the correct sleeping position, in which the spine maintains straight position. In appearance, in a side pose, you should look the same as in the photo below.

Fetal position in sleep

The second most correct sleeping position. Less than half the world's population sleeps there. This position is comfortable to sleep in when there is very little space to sleep.

The fetal position is identical to the side-lying position. The back and neck are in the same position, with the knees pulled towards the stomach.

They say that mostly shy people, as well as people with an ardent temperament, sleep in this position.

The fetal position is a fairly comfortable position for sleeping. However, for greater comfort, you can place a pillow between your legs. This way, you will reduce the load on your lower back during sleep.

Is sleeping on your back a good sleep position?

Some experts believe that sleeping in this position is more physiological than sleeping on the side. Internal organs experience less pressure when sleeping on your back than in other positions. This means that their work at night is not disrupted.

You should not sleep on your back if you snore heavily and. If you have such problems, it is better to rest in a different position.

It is noteworthy that the supine position is mainly characteristic of people with sleep disorders. At the same time, those who sleep in this position do not get enough sleep more often.

Also important for sleeping on your back mattress. When sleeping in this position, the mattress should follow the curve of your body.

Sleeping on your back with your feet on a pillow

In this pose, the load on the lower back is reduced, since the legs are in a physiological position. According to experts, lying on your back with a pillow is also considered the correct sleeping position.

If one pillow is not enough, place one or two more pillows under your feet. When choosing pillows, focus on your lumbar comfort.

The supine pose with legs thrown up is not for everyone. Therefore, before constantly sleeping in this position, lie in this position for 1-2 hours before going to bed. Evaluate your feelings. If you are comfortable and your legs do not become numb, you can safely sleep on your back with your legs thrown up on the pillow. By the way, many, having tried this position, continue to sleep in it and consider it the best position for sleeping.

Stomach pose

According to 7% of people, the prone position is the best sleeping position. This position reduces the risk of developing apnea and snoring.

Experts do not recommend sleeping on your stomach. In this position, the head is turned to the side for several hours, which overloads the cervical spine and leads to pain. The lower back is also often in an unnatural position, which can cause discomfort in the morning.

Cosmetologists also do not recommend sleeping on your stomach. In their opinion, sleeping in this position promotes the appearance of early wrinkles on the face. This is especially true for those who sleep on a pillow, completely buried in it.

If you are still used to sleeping in this position and do not experience pain in the morning, you don’t have to give up sleeping on your stomach. However, for proper abdominal resting, it is recommended to adhere to the following tips:

  • Choose a low pillow. Since this pose overloads the cervical region, you need the pillow to be thin. In a prone position on a high pillow, the neck takes an unnatural position. This can cause headaches in the morning. To avoid this, sleep on your stomach with a thin pillow or without one at all.
  • Place another pillow under your stomach. The second pillow will take the pressure off your lower back and prevent back pain in the morning.
  • Stretch your muscles after waking up. Morning stretching will relieve tension in the back muscles after sleeping on your stomach.

Correct position for sleeping together

Many couples prefer to sleep cuddling. Some people like it and don’t feel any discomfort. Others choose to sleep separately in the same bed, because sleeping together is completely inconvenient for them.

You can sleep in an embrace if both partners feel well-rested in the morning. After such a dream There should be no swelling or muscle pain. Otherwise, it is better to refuse to sleep in a hug and sleep separately in the same bed.

The most useful positions for sleeping during pregnancy

The closer to childbirth, the more difficult it is for pregnant women to find the right sleeping position. After all, now when choosing a position, the expectant mother needs to take into account the position of the baby in the stomach. In this case, it is necessary to select a position that would be comfortable for both the child and the woman herself.

The best sleeping position during pregnancy is left side pose. In this position, the load on the fetus is minimal. In addition, while sleeping in this position, the blood supply to the placenta and pelvic organs of the pregnant woman improves.

We agree that sleeping on one side can be uncomfortable. Therefore, in order not to lie to yourself left side body, you can temporarily change your position to a more comfortable one.

Read more about the correct sleeping positions during pregnancy.

What is the best sleeping position for a child?

  • Pose on your back. A good option for newborns under 1 year of age. In this position, the baby feels as comfortable as possible, which contributes to sleep soundly. When your baby begins to sleep, make sure his head is pointing to the side. This will prevent vomit from entering the respiratory tract if something happens. Note that it is not recommended for a child to sleep in this position if there is intestinal colic.
  • Side sleeping position. Comfortable for babies as it helps fight stress caused by external factors.
  • Sleeping on your stomach. Thanks to the position on the stomach, the child learns to independently raise his head after waking up. In addition, in this position the baby’s digestive tract functions improve and the likelihood of intestinal colic decreases. Before putting your baby to sleep on his tummy, observe the position in which your baby's head lies. If in the first 30 minutes of sleep he turns his head and buries himself in the pillow, it is better not for the baby to sleep in a position on his stomach, since in this position the child’s breathing will be impaired.

In addition to the correct sleeping position, a child also needs a comfortable bed or crib, hypoallergenic bedding and a comfortable temperature in the children's bedroom.

Correct sleeping position for men

For men, especially young men, it is best to sleep on their back. Unlike other positions, the position on the back does not interfere with blood circulation in the pelvis. Thanks to this, a man gets an erection more often in the morning, which indicates the absence of problems with the reproductive system.

The side position is also safe for male sexual function. Therefore, to maintain your sexual health, you don’t have to sleep on your back all the time; you can turn on your left or right side.

It is better to avoid sleeping on your stomach. This position interferes with blood flow to the genitals, which can cause problems with erectile function.

Correct sleeping position for women

If you don't want to sleep on your side, sleep on your back. This pose is also physiological for sleep and helps you fall asleep quickly. For a more comfortable sleep on your back, you can place a pillow under your feet, which will reduce the load on the lumbar region.

The prone position is not suitable for sleeping because it interferes with the blood flow in the chest. And, according to some information, if you often sleep on your stomach, your breasts become less firm and elastic.

Pregnant women sleeping or even just lying on your stomach is prohibited, especially after 12 weeks. In a prone position, the mammary glands experience greater stress, which can lead to lactation problems.

The most comfortable position to sleep on the road

Most people sleep in a sitting or semi-sitting position when on the road. These poses are not physiological, so if you want to sleep during the trip, you will have to get out.

Before a long journey, purchase a special collar pillow under the neck. It will support your head while sleeping in a sitting position, making sleeping on a bus or plane more comfortable.

If you didn’t take a collar pillow with you, it doesn’t matter, there are other options for comfortable sleep on the road. As a rule, on long-distance planes and buses, the seat backs recline to an almost horizontal position. Thanks to this, you can fall asleep without any equipment.

If the back of the chair does not recline, you can try fall asleep on a bag located on the knees. To do this, just put her on her feet and place her crossed arms on her. If you are tired enough, sleep comes very quickly in this position.

Sleeping at work

If your job allows you to sleep during your lunch break, you can try taking a nap. To do this, use the following tips:

  • You can sleep right on your desk with your hands folded in front of you.
  • If your desk chair has a comfortable backrest, sleep in it in a comfortable position.
  • Under your head while sleeping in a chair, you can put a folded jacket or pillow that you brought to work in advance.
  • If possible, straighten your legs on a small stand for greater comfort.
  • You can cover yourself with a jacket or the same sweater.
  • When sleeping, use earplugs to protect your sleep from extraneous noise.

If, on the contrary, you need to stay alert during the working day, read. It describes in detail how to avoid falling asleep at work if you are very sleepy.

Correct sleeping positions for various diseases

With the development of a particular pathology, the human body intuitively takes the most comfortable sleeping position in order to ease the discomfort. However, you can help your body get rid of diseases just by adopting the right sleeping position.

For pain in the spine

Slightly less than half of people over 35 years of age experience back pain. Therefore, it is important for such people to adopt the correct sleeping position.

The best option in this case is pose on the left or right side(depending on the location of the pain). This body position will take the load off the spine and keep your back straight throughout your sleep. In addition to this, it is recommended to place a medium-sized pillow between your legs. This will allow you to feel as comfortable as possible while sleeping.

Comfortable sleeping position for shoulder pain

If your left shoulder hurts, lie on your right side. Accordingly, if the right side hurts, sleep on your left side. In addition to this, in the side position, it is recommended to bend your knees and extend the arm on which you are lying forward. At the same time, you can hug the pillow with your other hand for greater comfort.

If the pain spreads not only to the shoulder, but also to the arm, take a reclining position with a pillow under your lower back.

When both shoulders hurt, it is best to sleep on your back with your arms extended along your body.

The best sleeping positions for insomnia

If you have insomnia, changing your position does not always help improve sleep. Therefore, the cause of sleep problems should be sought in other factors. Poor sleep may be to blame depression or various diseases that negatively affect the quality of night's rest. In addition, sleep problems may be associated with an uncomfortable mattress and poor sleeping conditions.

Helpful sleeping position for heartburn

The best thing to do in such a situation is lie on your left side. In this case, your legs can be bent at the knees. Lying on your side increases pressure on the esophageal sphincter. Due to this, gastric juice is not thrown into the esophagus, which eliminates the occurrence of heartburn.

If you have severe heartburn, you can place a thick pillow under your stomach. As a result, the pressure on the sphincter will increase, and the unpleasant burning sensation in the stomach will disappear.

Correct sleeping position for painful periods

In this situation, it will help to alleviate suffering pose on your back with a pillow placed under your feet. Thanks to this position, the load is removed from the lower back. And this, in turn, helps eliminate pain during menstruation.

Also, if you have pain in the pelvic area, you can sleep in the fetal position. It is not recommended to sleep on the stomach, as this increases pressure on the woman’s internal genital organs and increases pain.

Helpful sleeping position for nasal congestion

If you have difficulty breathing through your nose due to a cold or allergies, do not sleep on your back. In this position, the nasal cavity can become very swollen, so it is better to rest in a different position. Here we can recommend pose on the left or right side with bent legs. If you have a severe runny nose, place another small pillow under your head. It is important that your head, lying on the pillow, is not too high, as this is harmful to the neck.

Correct sleeping position for cervical osteochondrosis

If you have this disease, it is contraindicated to sleep on both high and low pillows. Due to incorrect head position, pressure on the vertebrae in the cervical region increases. And as a result, pain occurs.

During exacerbations of cervical osteochondrosis good option is side pose. At the same time, the pillow you sleep on should be medium in size and suitable for you. Occasionally, doctors recommend removing the pillow from under the head altogether to ease the pain of osteochondrosis.

Sleeping position for bruxism

Bruxism, or teeth grinding during sleep, mainly occurs in children and is only rarely observed in adults. This disease leads to damage to the teeth, and subsequently can lead to their loss.

To prevent tooth decay, people with bruxism are advised sleep on your back. The muscles of the maxillofacial region relax in this position, which minimizes attacks of teeth grinding. Read more about the treatment of bruxism in.

Comfortable sleeping position for pain in the pelvic area

For pain in the hip joints, the best thing to do is sleep on your back. To make the pose more comfortable, you can place a pillow under your feet, which will alleviate pain in the pelvic area.

If you have pain in the pelvis, you should not sleep on your side, especially on the painful side.

By the way, the cause of such pain is most often associated with arthritis. hip joint, which can occur due to excessive stress on the legs and wearing high-heeled shoes.

Correct sleeping positions for other diseases

  • At cardiovascular diseases You should sleep on your back, as this position puts less strain on the heart.
  • If you have high blood pressure, you are allowed to sleep on your right side.
  • If you have hemorrhoids, it is recommended to take a position on your side before going to bed.
  • Asthmatics are advised to spend their nights lying on their sides on a high pillow.
  • With a vertebral hernia, it is best to rest in the fetal position or on your back. For greater relaxation and reduction of pain symptoms, you can additionally place a pillow under your feet.

Sleeping positions: meaning and characteristics

Your sleeping position can tell you a lot about your personality. Let's look at what sleeping positions say.

  • According to psychologists, people who are unsure of themselves sleep in the fetal position. As a rule, they are introverts and do not really like to communicate with other people.
  • Most often, calm people who easily cope with life's difficulties sleep on their backs, lounging in bed. Often such people are good friends.
  • Impulsive people who won’t go out of their way to talk prefer to sleep on their stomachs. Adherents of this position love independence and carefully protect their personal space.
  • Choose the right mattress. The product is selected according to the height, weight and anatomical features of a particular person. The choice of mattress is very important because it directly affects the quality of your sleep. A good mattress will support the correct position of the back and neck, and will also prevent pain in the spine after getting up.
  • Buy orthopedic pillow . The pillow supports not only the head, but also the back in the desired position. You should choose a pillow according to its height: when lying on it, your head should not be too high and should not sink into the pillow. It is best when the head, while on the pillow, continues the straight line of the spine. That is, it lies almost parallel to the bed.
  • Place a small pillow between your knees before going to bed. This will take the pressure off your lower back. Please note that the pillow should be comfortable and suitable for you.
  • Lighting in the bedroom. Darkness is not only a friend of youth, but also a guarantee of good sleep. In the bedroom you need to hang thick curtains that will not let in light from the street. In addition, you should turn off all illuminated electronic devices in the bedroom at night.
  • Noise level. Background sounds impair sleep quality. Therefore, excess noise must be eliminated. To do this, turn off the TV before going to bed and ask your family not to make noise while you sleep. If noise from the street bothers you, close the window tightly or use special ones that help you not to be distracted by extraneous sounds.
  • Using a smartphone, tablet or computer before bed. The bright light from an electronic device screen can disrupt the process of falling asleep. Therefore, it is not recommended to use gadgets at least an hour before bedtime.


As you have already noticed, the most correct sleeping position is the position in which it is comfortable for you to sleep. Therefore, you can sleep the way you want. The only exceptions in this case are diseases in which only a few sleeping positions should be adhered to. In all other respects, there are no restrictions on poses.

Good dreams to you!

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Not everyone thinks about what position is best to sleep in. At a young age, as soon as one goes to bed, sleep immediately overcomes the person. In this case, the body automatically takes the position that is most convenient for it. But not everyone is so lucky. Some people cannot sleep for a long time and constantly toss and turn, taking the most incredible poses. But it’s enough just to choose the right position to wake up cheerful and rested every morning.

In order for a night's sleep to be not only comfortable, but also useful, you need not only to lie down correctly, but also to ensure necessary conditions. It is worth following these recommendations:

  1. Do not do intense exercise before bedtime physical exercise. They are allowed to be performed 3-4 hours before a person goes to bed.
  2. It is better not to watch programs that evoke a strong emotional response, and not to solve important everyday issues.
  3. The room should be optimal temperature air: 18-20 degrees.
  4. The more fresh air in the room, the better. It needs to be ventilated before going to bed. Additionally, you can take a light walk outside.
  5. Dinner should be organized a few hours before the intended rest.
  6. In the evening hours, you should not drink energy drinks, coffee, or strong black tea. They excite nervous system and do not allow you to sleep properly.
  7. The pillow should not be too high. You can't rest without it either.
  8. It is better to use a hard mattress.
  9. You should sleep only on the bed.

Ideal sleep should be sound and healthy. The recommendations presented will help you have a good rest and not feel overwhelmed in the morning.

Important to know! It is useful to sleep in such a way that you can achieve a quick rest phase. It is defined simply: the eyes begin to move rapidly, the person sees dreams. It is during this period that the body’s energy recovery occurs.

Sleeping positions: which one to choose

To sleep properly, you should choose the most comfortable position. This does not mean that a person will stay in it all night. At this time, consciousness turns off and cannot control the body. If a man or woman tries to catch every turn, it will give a bad result.

The best poses

Useful and proper rest is the key to health. Otherwise, breathing becomes impaired, the back and neck begin to hurt, snoring appears, and problems with blood circulation appear. The person is in a depressed emotional state and cannot get rid of the constant feeling of fatigue. Which position is best for sleeping, everyone decides for themselves. This will take some time. It still takes a certain period to retrain the body to a suitable position. It is preferable to rest like this:

The “starfish” position is not bad.

Attention! This sleep position will tell you about your characteristics and outlook on life. This is how liberated, self-confident people who strive to control the situation relax. The only drawback is that blood circulation in the shoulder joint is disrupted, since the arms are in a bent position.

It is important for a woman and a man to sleep properly together with their loved one. The main thing is to be comfortable. The farther young people sleep from each other, the less their emotional and physical connection is, which is bad for family relationships.

Now we need to talk about how not to sleep. If you use such poses, the person’s health will deteriorate significantly. It is not advisable to rest:

  1. On the stomach. This position is the most dangerous for humans, so it is contraindicated for almost everyone. It is especially forbidden to sleep like this after 45 years. Members of the older generation may have a stroke. Since lying on the stomach causes compression of the internal organs, a person develops sexual dysfunction. Due to constant stretching of the skin, wrinkles appear on the face and nasolabial folds become deep.
  2. Sitting. In this case, the load on the intervertebral discs increases. Pain and swelling appear in the cervical spine. Osteochondrosis gradually develops.

Important to know! The fetal position is not bad. It allows you to achieve psychological comfort. However, it contributes to the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Sleeping during pregnancy

Pregnancy is the most amazing and difficult time. Hormonal changes, abdominal enlargement - all this contributes to sleep disturbances.

Rest in the later stages is especially difficult.

In the first weeks, a woman can still rest on her stomach. This does not harm the baby in any way. Already from the second trimester you will have to sleep differently. It is better to do this on your left side. This position allows you to reduce pressure on the liver and normalize blood circulation. If necessary, you can bend your legs slightly and place a pillow between your knees.

When expecting twins, it is several times more difficult for a woman to do everything, even sleep.

Advice! If on early You can rest in any position, but in the third trimester it is forbidden to lie not only on your stomach, but also on your back. The enlarging uterus puts pressure on the internal organs, the vena cava.

The choice of position here depends on how the babies are positioned in the stomach. If the presentation is breech, then you should rest on the side where the head is located. At night you need to turn around often. If a woman has had a caesarean section, she is not allowed to sleep on her stomach until the wound has completely healed.

If you need to get pregnant, your sleeping position is not essential. Other factors come to the fore: state of health, quality of nutrition, presence of bad habits.

Sleep in infants

If a newborn child appears in the family, then parents are interested in what positions are best for the baby to sleep in. In the first or second month of life, the baby still cannot toss and turn on his own; he must be closely monitored. It is important to do this over a year or two. At this age, the baby’s skeleton is still soft, it is just beginning to form, so incorrect sleeping position is the cause of scoliosis and other pathologies of the supporting apparatus.

The baby should rest like this:

The child must be placed on a flat, hard surface without a pillow. He should be able to move his arms and legs freely.

Diseases and night rest: how to sleep

In the presence of certain pathologies, a person cannot lie in one position or another, as the symptoms intensify. If the liver is damaged, you should not sleep on your right side in order to reduce the load on the organ and restore normal blood circulation. If the patient has a hernia or chondrosis, then it is necessary to take a position in which the spine relaxes: on the side, on the back (on an orthopedic mattress).

For other illnesses, it is better to sleep like this:

  • injured lower back: on your back with your knees bent (put a cushion under them);
  • cough: on the back with a high pillow;
  • pancreatitis: on the right side;
  • scoliosis: on the back;
  • hemorrhoids: on the side.

Your doctor can prescribe a sleeping position. It all depends on how the pathology progresses.

The best position to sleep in during a flight or while traveling

Many people travel by plane or bus. Naturally, it is impossible to get enough sleep in such conditions. In both cases, you need to choose the right place. You can lie down on the folding table.

If you want to spin around in a chair, you should do it. You are allowed to place a special support pillow under your head. To sleep, it is important to wear headphones, with the help of which complete silence is achieved.

Eastern teachings about proper sleep

The East is a storehouse of spiritual wisdom. Followers of Taoism and other teachings of Tibet attach great importance to the interaction of the energy of the body and the surrounding world.

Attention! For good rest, you need to coordinate your magnetic field with the earth's. To do this, according to the laws of Feng Shui, the head should be directed to the north or northeast.

Depending on how the space is organized, proper sleep strengthens marital relationships and helps development creativity, business qualities.

About the health benefits of sleep

So, how to sleep is already clear. However, not everyone knows that irregular rest leads to the development of diseases.

In the absence of adequate sleep, a person experiences the following health problems:

  • neurological pathologies;
  • problems with blood circulation leading to numbness of the limbs and neck;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • increased risk of developing Alzheimer's disease;
  • Disc displacement.

If the most comfortable sleeping position is chosen, a person can get quality rest and avoid well-being problems associated with irregular sleep patterns. For everyone, this position in bed when falling asleep and throughout the night will be individual, but it will be useful to listen to the recommendations described.

Restorative and healthy sleep is the key to good health and longevity. The quality of rest depends not only on its duration, but also on what sleeping position is most comfortable. It may seem that in a certain position the body receives maximum relaxation and rest, but in the morning there is a general malaise, weakness, and unsatisfactory appearance. This means that the position is simply not suitable for a particular organism.

Types and features

Doctors say that when choosing which position is best to sleep in, you need to take into account the presence of chronic diseases and any health-related disorders.

Let's consider the features of each position, its pros and cons.

Name of the pose Peculiarities Indications Pros Cons
Lying on your back The spine completely relaxes, the load on it is distributed evenly, the pressure on the internal organs is minimal, and all the facial muscles are straightened. This position will be good for those who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. The pose allows you to completely relieve tension from the musculoskeletal system, the facial skin is straightened, which prevents the earlier appearance of wrinkles, the natural shape of the breasts in women is also preserved, and potency improves in men. For sleepers who snore or suffer from sleep apnea, this position is not at all suitable. It can also negatively affect your health if you choose a pillow that is too low or too high. This leads to compression of the vertebral arteries and poor circulation.
Lying on your right side In this position, you can remove the maximum load from the musculoskeletal system and digestive system. This is an ideal position for people who suffer from reflux disease as it prevents stomach contents from refluxing into the esophagus. It also effectively relieves stress from the spine. Helps relax muscles and the spine, reduces the secretion of gastric juice, and is suitable for people who snore during sleep, as it prevents the closure of the respiratory passages. This is not the most useful position for those who have liver disease; the organ is compressed during sleep, and blood supply to it is disrupted. This position can lead to the development of osteochondrosis and displacement of intervertebral discs if you sleep on an uncomfortable pillow, so you need to choose it especially carefully. The pose can lead to the premature appearance of wrinkles and bags under the eyes.
Lying on your left side A person who sleeps like this has all his vital organs protected; it is believed that this is the most physiologically correct position. When pregnant women are interested in what position to sleep in correctly, gynecologists recommend that they rest on their left side. If we sleep in this position, the load on the spine is distributed evenly, blood circulation is not disturbed, and internal organs are not compressed. Even the most comfortable sleeping positions can become hazardous to your health if you choose the wrong bedding. It is necessary to select the pillow and mattress very carefully so that the position of the body does not lead to the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
Position "Embryo" Psychologists say that we sleep in this position when we need protection and support, and experience life’s troubles. Indicated for people who need to “unload” and strengthen the nervous system, and deal with their psychological problems. It does not overload the digestive system, allows the body to retain heat, and at the same time does not block the flow of air to it. Sleeping in this position is contraindicated for people who have diseases of the musculoskeletal system, since it involves the spine remaining in an elongated state for a long time, which negatively affects the condition of the intervertebral discs.
Position "Starfish" Sleeping positions will tell you about your views on life and character traits; those who choose “Star” feel confident and relaxed, and like to always be in control of the situation. The pose is recommended for those who have been diagnosed with varicose veins (using a bolster under the legs) and respiratory diseases. Reduces the load on the musculoskeletal system, helps to relax, and relieves internal organs of pressure. It is considered not very useful, since bent arms lead to poor circulation and compression of the tendons in the shoulder area.
Lying on your stomach When mothers are interested in what position to sleep in for babies suffering from colic, doctors recommend this particular position. Indicated for people suffering from flatulence, it is also suitable for women after childbirth, as it promotes uterine contraction. Relieves the condition of flatulence. Doctors strongly do not recommend this sleeping position for people who do not have any special indications for it. The pose leads to blocking of the vertebral arteries, the spine being in an unnatural position, oxygen starvation of the brain, increased pressure on the internal organs and the diaphragm, blood circulation throughout the body is disrupted, which leads to numbness of the limbs.


When choosing what position you need to sleep in, you should pay attention to organizing your own sleeping place. Only an orthopedic mattress and pillow is the key to a healthy and comfortable rest. Avoid beds that are too hard or too soft unless you have a specific medical reason for them. A medium-hard mattress with targeted spine support will be the best choice.

If you don’t like to sleep on a pillow, get a cushion that you need to place under your neck, so that all parts of your spine will be in the same plane, and the load on it will be distributed evenly.

In conclusion

No matter who tells you that there is only one ideal position for sleeping, do not believe it. The appropriate position for rest will be different for each person, since we all have certain characteristics of the body.

You can choose the most successful positions for yourself, guided by the advice of ancient teachings, or you can listen to your body and make your rest as high quality as possible.

Sleep in comfortable and healthy positions and experience complete recuperation.