Nuvaring after 45 years. Nuvaring contraceptive ring - instructions for use

Unwanted pregnancy is what worries most women. Everyone knows that abortions are harmful to health, and that is why contraception is the most pressing issue. Gynecologists, in turn, ring the bells, because taking some new generation contraceptives, unplanned pregnancies still end in abortions.

Medicine and pharmacology do not stand still. New modern drugs that protect against pregnancy are being developed and improved. This allows us to reduce the number of abortions and the consequences after them. Now there are not only hormonal pills, but also a whole group of topical medications.

How do modern contraceptives work?

Vaginal contraceptives work very simply - when a chemical enters the body, it kills sperm. Oral contraceptives prevent eggs from developing in the ovaries. They affect the uterine mucus, making it viscous and impenetrable for sperm. Birth control pills slow down or completely prevent the embryo from attaching to the cervix. All this prevents pregnancy from occurring.

Local medications, for example, suppositories, are a local and chemical method of preventing pregnancy. They contain nanoxynalone or benzalkonium. It is these active substances that affect sperm and make them immobile by disrupting the integrity of the membrane.

The vaginal ring is one of the methods of contraception and belongs to the group of hormonal drugs. It is made of elastic material, which contains a small dose of progesterone and estrogen. The dosage is such that the release of a mature egg is prevented. There are other contraceptives that are highly effective and safe.

Are modern contraceptives harmful?

If the contraceptive is chosen incorrectly, it can harm the female body. For example, side effects will occur, weight will begin to gain, and hair growth will increase. This applies only to hormonal drugs, which are contraindicated for diseases of the cardiovascular system and diabetes. Even with problems in the liver and kidneys, such drugs are contraindicated. Women who smoke need to choose other contraceptives, since hormonal drugs put a powerful strain on the heart. There is also an increased risk of thrombosis.

According to medical indicators, if you regularly take hormonal drugs for a long time, sexual activity gradually decreases. This is explained by a decrease in testosterone production.

What types of contraceptives are there?

Contraceptives come in a variety of types and forms: hormonal pills, intrauterine devices, condoms, topical medications, injections.

"Jess" is a popular new generation of contraceptives. These are not only birth control pills, but also a drug that treats certain gynecological disorders and hormone dependence. This remedy treats acne and other facial skin imperfections. The contraceptive effect is achieved due to estrogens and gestagens included in the drug. They are the ones who block ovulation.

“Jess” affects health during menstruation. Its composition has an effect on reducing anemia and pain symptoms. Your periods are going faster. Very often, gynecologists prescribe this remedy for severe PMS symptoms. The advantage of these tablets over similar drugs is their low concentration of active substances. The drug is prescribed to women before menopause.

Jess Plus is an effective contraceptive. In addition to hormones that inhibit sperm passage and block ovulation, the drug contains folate (calcium levomefolate). This is a type of folic acid that is essential for a woman's normal health. B9 is quickly absorbed into the blood and has an effect on the nervous system. This drug is unique in that, unlike all contraceptive drugs, it provides the greatest guarantee. In addition, the composition of the product protects the woman from all troubles if pregnancy suddenly occurs. Her body will be prepared for this, and the active form of the drug will help eliminate deficiencies in the formation of the neural tube of the future fetus, that is, eliminate the development of disorders of the baby’s nervous system. This is a safe remedy for women of reproductive age. It can be used from the age of 18 until the onset of menopause.

Marvelon is a new generation of contraceptives for people over 35 years of age. Women who have already given birth and are of childbearing age should take low-dose hormonal medications. Marvelon can also be taken by women who have not given birth. It contains minimal hormone content. This drug belongs to the group of oral hormonal contraception. Intended for women with an active sex life. The composition of the tablets provides high-quality and complete protection against pregnancy. Medical indicators – 99% protection. Marvelon is safe for health, easy to use, and helps eliminate the problems of women during menstruation. If a woman experiences severe PMS syndrome, gynecologists often resort to prescribing this remedy. The low-dose drug contains ethinyl stradiol, gestodene, and norgistimate. These hormones are perfect for women after 35 years of age, as they improve the condition of facial skin, normalize hormonal balance and reduce the growth of unwanted hair. The drug is recommended for women over 25 years of age and before menopause.

Depo-Provera is a new generation of contraceptives for people over 40 years of age. It appeared on the pharmacological market not so long ago. This is a synthetic product of progesterone hormones. Currently, the drug is prescribed to women for contraception, treatment of a number of gynecological pathologies and even oncological pathologies. Women over 40 years of age can also take oral contraceptives, but doctors give preference to special injections. Depo-Provera is a suspension that contains medroxyprogesterone acetate. Once it is injected under the skin, it begins to act as a contraceptive and block ovulation. The injections are very effective, are administered intramuscularly, and have a number of positive therapeutic effects. Belongs to the group of safe drugs with minimal side effects. Recommended for use by women over 40 years of age and before menopause.

Pharmatex vaginal suppositories are excellent new generation contraceptives after 45 years. Since it is very difficult to choose contraceptives for women at this age, as there are various difficulties, Pharmatex is a reliable and safe option.

By this age, a bunch of acquired diseases are observed, and what could be taken in youth is not at all suitable for 45 years. Closer to menopause, gynecologists prescribe barrier contraceptives to women. It could also be condoms. But for those who are sexually active, the only way to avoid getting pregnant is to use vaginal suppositories. Pharmatex is such an effective remedy that it is compared to hormonal contraceptive ballet shoes and an intrauterine device. In addition to protecting against pregnancy, the active components protect a woman from various diseases because they destroy pathogenic microflora. Candles are recommended for use from the age of 45 until the full onset of menopause.

"Patentex Oval" - modern contraceptive suppositories. It contains chemical components nonoxynol and auxiliary substances that reduce the tension of the lipid membrane of sperm. Once in the vagina, suppositories paralyze the ability of sperm to move. The mechanical obstruction is caused by a spermatocidal substance, which, under the influence of body temperature, is distributed throughout the vagina. Thus, a stable barrier is formed. This prevents sperm from penetrating into the cervix.

The drug provides good prophylaxis against various infections. These suppositories can be used at any reproductive age, including after 45 years.

Nuvaring is a modern contraceptive. This is a ring made of a smooth and elastic material; it contains hormonal components that affect the movement of sperm and prevent them from moving into the uterus. A ring is inserted into the vagina. Since it is quite flexible, it takes the desired shape. This method of protection is convenient and safe. The ring does not interfere with leading a full life and engaging in sexual intercourse. There is no discomfort. The ring contains estrogen and progestogen. The ring is valid for one menstrual cycle. An excellent and effective remedy that treats a number of gynecological diseases. Prescribed to women aged 18 years and before menopause.

"Lactinet" is a contraceptive called a mini-pill. Each tablet contains synthetic analogues of female hormones. Progestin and estrogen interfere with the movement of sperm into the uterus. "Laktinent" is not more effective than combined contraceptives and has a number of contraindications, so these drugs should be prescribed only by gynecologists. Mini-pills are usually prescribed only to breastfeeding women or when combination drugs are contraindicated. These drugs are also prescribed to women over 45 years of age with varicose veins and diabetes mellitus. Suitable for women who smoke.

Contraceptive sponges are used more and more often. Some women do not want to be protected by contraceptives and barrier contraceptives help them save themselves from unwanted pregnancy. Contraceptive sponges do not allow sperm to penetrate into the cervix due to a mechanical obstacle and the release of a special spermicidal substance.

Modern contraceptive sponges are made of soft polyurethane. Contains benzalkonium chloride and nonoxynol. They are very easy to use. Prescribed to women of any reproductive age.

The most common method of protection against unwanted pregnancy is intrauterine contraception. The material used is polyethylene, which contains barium sulfate. Modern spirals differ in shape from those used 10 years ago. The spiral contains coating (copper or silver). The T-shaped intrauterine device is most often used.

This method of preventing unwanted pregnancy is not new, but, nevertheless, some forms and types of contraceptives belong to the means of the new generation. Some coils contain progestin or antibiotics. Inserted deep into the cervix.

Women who belong to the progesterone type, that is, have an angular figure, small breasts, who have skin problems and menstruation are accompanied by painful symptoms, should give preference to drugs with an antiandrogenic effect. These are: “Jess”, “Jess plus”, “Yarina”, etc.

If a woman has normal skin and her periods are painless, then you can choose the drugs Mercilon, Regulon, Femoden and others.

It is also important to know that hormonal drugs are addictive, so you should take a break, otherwise side effects may appear.

Latin name: NovaRing
ATX code: G02BB01
Active ingredient: Ethinyl estradiol
and etonogestrel
Manufacturer: Organon, Netherlands
Conditions for dispensing from a pharmacy: By prescription

Nuvaring is a new highly effective contraceptive drug of the latest generation, intended for intravaginal use.

Indications for use

The Nuvaring contraceptive ring is prescribed for contraceptive purposes.


The active ingredients of the vaginal ring are ethinyl estradiol together with etonogestrel, the dosages of the active components are 2.7 mg and 11.7 mg, respectively.

Additional components include:

  • Magnesium stearate
  • Ethylene and vinyl acetate copolymer.

Medicinal properties

Price from 989 to 3897 rub.

Synthetic hormones released by the ring when used vaginally have a contraceptive effect by blocking the onset of ovulation. Each of the hormones entering the body affects the functioning of the ovaries, preventing the maturation of the follicles. Etonogestrel is the progestogen component of the ring, which binds to specific progesterone receptors in the so-called target organs.

Ethinyl estradiol is an estrogen component; the action of this drug is associated with the occurrence of various processes, which are mainly aimed at suppressing ovulation.

The hormonal drug exhibits not only contraceptive properties, normalizes the menstrual cycle, reduces pain during the first days of menstrual-like discharge, reducing blood loss. Due to this effect, the risk of iron deficiency and the development of anemia is reduced.

When using Nuvaring, the likelihood of ectopic pregnancy, the development of ovarian and endometrial cancer of the uterus is significantly reduced. At the same time, cystic formations in the ovaries, inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs, and benign neoplasms in the mammary glands are less often diagnosed.

Etonogestrel penetrates the vaginal walls, its highest concentration is observed after 7 days, precisely when it begins to act as a contraceptive. Moreover, its bioavailability is 100%, which is significantly higher than that of oral contraceptives. Metabolic processes occur in liver cells, excretion is carried out by the intestines and the renal system. The half-life of metabolic products is about 6 days.

Ethinyl estradiol is characterized by fairly high absorption rates. The highest level of the hormone is observed after 3 days. from the moment of installation of the hormonal ring. The bioavailability rate is 56%, which is almost the same as the oral use of hormones. Metabolism occurs in the intestines and kidneys, metabolites are eliminated within 36 hours.

Release form

The surface of the hormonal ring is smooth, transparent and completely colorless. There is a small transparent area in the connection area. Inside the moisture-resistant bag there is 1 Nuvaring hormonal ring. A pack may contain 1 or 3 packets (with 3 rings - Nuvaring 3) along with instructions.

Nuvaring: instructions for use

The ring must be inserted into the vagina for 21 days. After this period, it must be removed on the day of the week on which it was installed. After a week break (7 days), a new contraceptive is introduced. It is worth noting that after 2-3 days. after removing the Nuvaring ring, menstrual-like bleeding usually begins, which ends after the next intravaginal installation of the contraceptive. If this contraceptive is used for the first time, then you should pay attention to some features of its use:

  • A hormonal contraceptive has not been used before - the Nuvaring ring is inserted in the first days of the cycle (best on the 1st day). If the installation occurred later than 1 day. cycle, it is recommended to use additional methods of contraception for the next seven days.
  • If you have previously used hormonal contraceptives, the ring should be inserted in the interval between taking COCs (seven-day withdrawal period). If COCs are used correctly and it is confirmed that the woman is not pregnant, the Nuvaring ring can be inserted on any day of the MC. You can go from Yarina using the same scheme.
  • After taking the mini-pill, single-component progestin contraceptive pills, using hormonal intrauterine systems, injectable contraceptives, and implants, the ring is inserted according to certain rules. After progestin pills (mini-pills), you can insert a contraceptive drug any day, regardless of when the last pill was taken, whether the cycle after childbirth has improved or not. After removing the IUD, you will need to insert a contraceptive ring on the same day (according to the instructions). If you have previously used an injectable contraceptive, you will need to install the ring on the day when the hormone injection procedure is to be carried out. During the seven-day use of the ring, it is necessary to use a barrier method of protection against unwanted pregnancy.

Instructions for use after abortion

If an abortion is performed before 4 months of pregnancy, you will need to insert the rings immediately after this procedure or wait until the first menstruation (in this case, the contraceptive is administered on the 1st day of the cycle).

After termination of pregnancy during the second trimester or after delivery, a vaginal ring can be installed no earlier than a month (4 weeks) after natural childbirth (breastfeeding is stopped) or abortion.
If the use of a hormonal drug deviates from the standard regimen, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • The break in using the hormonal ring exceeds 7 days. in the presence of unprotected sexual contacts: first of all, pregnancy is excluded and a contraceptive is immediately introduced, the next 7 days. It is preferable to use barrier methods of protection against unwanted pregnancy.
  • Temporary removal of the hormonal ring: its stay outside the vagina is less than three hours, but the level of protection against pregnancy is not reduced. If the period of absence of a hormonal drug in the vagina was more than 3 hours in the first weeks of using this contraceptive, the ring must be inserted as soon as possible. In this case, the contraceptive effect may be reduced, and there is a need to take additional measures to prevent pregnancy. If the ring was removed for more than 3 hours in the third week, you must stop using this drug and insert a new one. The break in use should not last more than 7 days. You can also wait for menstruation; on the first day when menstruation begins, you can insert an intravaginal contraceptive. Use condoms for the next 7 days. is mandatory.
  • Use of vaginal contraception for more than 4 weeks. requires further exclusion of pregnancy due to the fact that the contraceptive effect of the drug has significantly decreased. After pregnancy has been ruled out, you can use the drug according to the standard regimen.

How to delay menstruation

To postpone your period (the onset of bleeding) by a day or several days, you can administer a hormonal ring without the standard seven-day break. However, the possibility of bleeding should not be ruled out.

How to properly insert a ring into the vagina

Before inserting the ring, you need to squeeze it with your index finger and thumb and carefully place it inside the vagina.

If the ring accidentally falls out when using tampons, it is recommended to rinse the contraceptive under running warm water, then reinsert it. If necessary, you can check with your doctor: “What should I do if I pull out the tampon along with the ring?” It is worth noting that with a tampon a woman will not feel any discomfort. When using tampons, you need to be more careful to prevent the ring from falling out of the vagina.

To remove the ring, you should pick it up with your index finger, squeeze it slightly, and then pull it towards you. The used hormonal drug, which the woman removed from the vagina after 21 days, should be disposed of.

If a woman inserts the ring incorrectly, it is accidentally placed in the urethra, the likelihood of developing cystitis increases, and frequent urination may occur. In this case, the woman can become pregnant. Before you fight cystitis, it is worth finding out the true cause of its occurrence. You will need to remove the ring as quickly as possible. As a result of subsequent correct administration, it must be securely fastened, frequent inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system, and in particular cystitis, after Nuvaring will no longer bother you, pain during urination will disappear.

Using a ring for fibroids

The presence of fibroids is not a contraindication to the use of this contraceptive; you can use the ring without harm to your own health. It is worth noting that fibroids do not grow during the use of the ring, as evidenced by ultrasound. Patients with fibroids are advised to consult with their doctor about the advisability of using the ring. If necessary, you can switch from Nuvaring to tablets. Whether it is possible to treat fibroids in this way and which contraceptives to give preference, check with your gynecologist. Cancellation of Nuvaring should be agreed with a specialist. Recovery of the cycle after hormone therapy will occur after six months.

Treatment of endometriosis

For endometriosis, the use of a hormonal ring may be indicated; when switching from other COCs (for example, if Yarina was previously prescribed), a significant improvement in the course of the disease is observed; during menstruation, a woman loses less blood. During the first month of use, the severity of pain decreases, which contributes to the gradual restoration of the endometrial layer of the uterus. After a woman switches to using the ring, her periods are painless. The drug acts gently, without disturbing the functioning of other organs and systems. Each of the active ingredients has a local therapeutic effect.

Use during pregnancy and pregnancy

Such contraceptives are not prescribed to this group of patients. The use of Nuvaring during lactation and pregnancy is contraindicated.


  • Tendency to develop thrombosis and thromboembolism
  • Conditions that indicate the development of thrombosis
  • Current or previous severe migraine-like headaches with significant focal neurological symptoms
  • Diabetes mellitus complicated by vascular lesions
  • Pancreatitis with hypertriglyceridemia
  • Serious liver disorders (including benign and malignant tumor processes)
  • Presence of hormone-dependent neoplasms
  • Bloody discharge from the internal genital organs of unknown origin
  • Pregnancy, GW
  • Excessive sensitivity to Nova Ring (main components).


If you have not previously used contraceptives of this type, you should undergo a medical examination to identify diseases that are a contraindication to the use of a hormonal ring. Control visits to the gynecologist should take place every 6 months.

It must be remembered that this contraceptive does not protect against AIDS and other infectious diseases that are sexually transmitted. When using a contraceptive, the risk of thrombosis increases significantly.

Possible symptoms include:

  • Feeling of heat in the lower extremities, pain or severe swelling
  • Hyperemia of certain areas of the skin
  • Cough syndrome, developing shortness of breath with characteristic attacks
  • Impaired vision clarity
  • Intense and prolonged headaches
  • Blurred speech
  • Collapse
  • Impaired motor activity
  • Lethargy, decreased sensitivity of some part of the body
  • Acute abdomen syndrome.

If possible blockage of blood vessels by blood clots cannot be ruled out, you must immediately stop taking the drug and seek medical help.

During contraceptive therapy (women used pills), the development of a tumor process in the liver tissue was diagnosed. The use of a vaginal ring does not exclude the development of such pathology, as with tablets.

During hormonal therapy, the risk of pancreatitis increases rapidly.

If you are prone to chloasma, you should avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.

A worsening of the course of ulcerative colitis, as well as Crohn's disease, cannot be ruled out.

Persons with diabetes need to remain under strict medical supervision during the first months of hormonal therapy.

If your period stops and a woman becomes pregnant, you should stop using the contraceptive immediately.

Cross-drug interactions

It is necessary to read the instructions for drugs such as oxcarbazepine, carbamazepine, topiramate, phenytoin, felbamate, rifampicin, as well as barbiturates and drugs based on St. John's wort. This is due to the fact that with combined use the risk of acyclic bleeding increases. It is necessary to use additional means of protection during treatment with such drugs for a month.

The use of antibiotics (for example, tetracycline or ampicillin) reduces the contraceptive effect of the hormonal drug. It is recommended to use a condom during antibiotic treatment. It is better to ask your gynecologist which antibiotics to use and what the consequences of taking them are.

When using antifungal suppositories intravaginally, the risk of damage to the hormonal ring or its rupture increases.

During hormone therapy, changes in the metabolism of other drugs may be observed, these include cyclosporine and lamotrigine.

Side effects

With long-term use of hormonal drugs, it is worth studying the instructions for the drugs, as multiple side effects may develop, in particular with Nuvaring the following cannot be ruled out:

  • Excessive sensitivity
  • Increased appetite and weight gain
  • Decreased libido
  • Sudden mood swings, depressive mood
  • Migraine-like pain
  • Impaired visual acuity
  • Deterioration of the cardiovascular system, which is characterized by thromboembolism, changes in blood pressure, and the occurrence of so-called hot flashes
  • Gastrointestinal disorders
  • Rashes, acne formations and severe itching
  • Soreness in the muscles, spine and limbs
  • Dysuria, tendency to frequent urination, cystitis
  • Lethargy, swelling
  • Reproductive system: breast engorgement, the appearance of a genital node, the development of dysmenorrhea, heavy periods or their absence, bleeding of unknown etiology, discharge mixed with blood during sexual intercourse, a local burning sensation, pain inside the vagina.


No serious consequences of overdose were detected.

Bleeding and indigestion cannot be ruled out.

Please note that there is a dedicated hotline to help women with various vaginal ring concerns. If side symptoms develop due to an overdose, you should call the hotline (the number is listed on the official page of the drug Nuvaring in Russia). Hotline operators will advise and give recommendations on what to do in a given situation.

Storage conditions and shelf life

The hormonal ring must be stored under strict temperature conditions (2-8 C) for 3 years.


Bayer, Germany

Price from 759 to 3295 rub.

Yarina belongs to combined hormonal drugs, the dose is designed for one month. The tablets act comprehensively, exhibiting a contraceptive effect and antiandrogenic effect. The package can contain 21 or 28 tablets.


  • Eliminate the appearance of acne
  • Normalize MC
  • Easy to switch from other COCs.


  • Produced by a foreign manufacturer, which is reflected in the price
  • Has a negative effect on liver function
  • Adverse reactions may occur during hormone therapy.

It is so arranged by nature that in the life of every woman there comes a certain period, which is characterized by a sharp decrease in the production of hormonal components, as well as the functionality of the ovaries, and it is called menopause. But the most interesting thing is that during this period there is still a possibility of fertilization of the egg and, accordingly, the development of an unwanted pregnancy occurs, and then the acute question becomes how to get rid of it, in what way. So, after the age of 40, such manipulations are not recommended, since as a result of abortions and other interventions, a complication may arise, which will become the reason for the development of pathological processes.

Even if menopause has occurred, gynecologists still advise continuing to use contraception, since detection of pregnancy may be late and then it will require surgical intervention. According to doctors, reliable contraception in this case will be the use of a special ring called Nuvaring.

This contraceptive is produced in the form of a vaginal ring and at the same time it is quite elastic. It is very easy to use and has good performance indicators. We should not forget that it belongs to the group of hormone-containing drugs and therefore, as soon as it is administered, hormonal substances begin to be released, which in turn suppress the functionality of the ovaries, the normal process of ovulation does not occur and, as a result, pregnancy will not occur. Inside the vagina, it is located according to the organ, does not cause any discomfort and remains there for exactly 21 days.

All Nuvaring rings have exactly the same size, which is a thickness of 4 mm and a diameter of 54 mm, and it can be used at absolutely any age, regardless of height and body weight. This ring can be purchased at a pharmacy and there can be one or three pieces in one package. If you look specifically at the composition, it includes etonogestrel in the amount of 11.7 mg and ethinyl estradiol in the amount of 2.7 mg. The material itself is anti-allergenic and the composition of these hormones is lower than if you take hormonal birth control pills, which is a plus.


    You cannot use this method of contraception during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

    High blood pressure is a contraindication.

    Avoid its use after the age of 36 or with excessive smoking.

    Individual intolerance to components or individual hypersensitivity to them.

    Doctors prohibit their use if thrombosis develops in the cavities of the veins or arteries.

    It is categorically excluded completely if there is a history of a neoplasm, both benign and malignant, located in the genitals or in the liver.

    Use is also contraindicated in the development of diabetes mellitus.

    You can’t use it for vaginal hemorrhages for some unknown reason.

There are also some relative contraindications, so you should definitely consult a specialist.

Doctors speak only positively about the Nuvaring ring and therefore prescribe it quite often. Firstly, it is convenient and suitable for those who cannot use other methods of contraception, and secondly, they have a lower dosage of hormones than special pills. But of course, before prescribing, they completely exclude contraindications and warn about unwanted side effects, of which there are actually quite a few. Reviews from women vary, some say that this method is reliable, convenient and less harmful to the body. But another part of women respond negatively and this concerns the development of side effects, but this is not always the case. They say that during intimacy it helps to get some more pleasant sensations. But what type of contraception is right for you, only a doctor can determine individually.

Today it is more than wide. Each woman, having received consultation from a specialist, can choose the remedy that suits her both for health reasons and personal wishes. Many people today prefer to use the Nuvaring vaginal ring. What is its fundamental advantage over other drugs? Do doctor reviews and instructions for use allow you to use the Nuvaring ring for endometriosis? What are the general contraindications? What do reviews say about it? Read the details in this article.


What is included in such a contraceptive as the Nuvaring ring? Instructions and expert reviews report that each ring contains 11.7 milligrams of etonogestrel and 2.7 milligrams of ethinyl estradiol, as well as some additional components. That is why the product in question is called a contraceptive with an incredibly low hormone content. This significantly reduces the risk of any side effects typical of other hormonal contraceptives.

Indications for use

Instructions for use, reviews of the Nuvaring ring recommend using it as a means of contraception. It is, of course, hormonal, but the doses of hormones contained in the product in question are so small that the negative effect of such hormone replacement therapy should be practically not felt. However, this does not in any way reduce its effectiveness. Moreover, the Nuvaring ring, instructions for use, reviews from practicing gynecologists are recommended to be used for some time by those patients who are planning a pregnancy over a certain period, but it does not occur. In this case, pregnancy may occur due to discontinuation of the hormonal drug. When using contraceptives, there is a significant suppression of ovarian function by hormonal agents. After discontinuation of the drug, the appendages begin to work at full strength and ovulation occurs, which gives the woman a chance to become pregnant in this or the next cycle.

Side effects

According to patient reviews of the Nuvaring ring, side effects may occur with some frequency. A number of women do not feel them at all, while others suffer from them throughout the entire time they use the drug. How to determine which group you belong to? Consultation with a qualified medical practitioner should be sought. So, what are the side effects of the Nuvaring ring from expert reviews? The most commonly reported reactions are:

  • Increased fatigue, weakness.
  • Dizziness.
  • Headache.
  • Depressed, depressed state.
  • Unreasonable anxiety.
  • Emotional lability.
  • Migraine-like headache or migraine itself.
  • Cystitis.
  • Vaginitis.
  • Increase in body weight.
  • Nausea.
  • Decreased libido.
  • Vomit.
  • Quincke's edema.
  • Difficulties during sexual intercourse that are directly related to the placement of the ring.
  • Abnormal stool.
  • Hives.
  • Dysmenorrhea.
  • Cervicitis.
  • Skin itching.
  • Pain in the epigastric region.
  • Vaginal discharge.
  • Enlargement and sensitivity of the mammary glands.

It is important to remember: in order not to experience side effects and not to become pregnant, reviews of gynecologists strongly recommend using the Nuvaring ring only as prescribed by a doctor and exclusively according to the instructions. If you do experience one of the conditions listed above, immediately contact a specialist who can adjust the use of contraception.

Directions for use

The drug in question is intended to be administered intravaginally. It is quite possible to do this yourself. To do this, just take a position that is comfortable for you. It can be anything: lying down, standing, raising one leg, sitting. In order to start using the product in question, you need to squeeze it and insert it into the vagina. There is no exact position in which the ring must be inside for the contraceptive effect to remain. The only condition is the patient’s personal physical and psychological comfort. Therefore, the ring should be placed in such a way as not to cause discomfort to the woman, including during sexual intercourse. Once the ring has been inserted, it can remain inside the vagina for up to three weeks. If the ring is accidentally removed from the vagina (for example, while a woman is removing a tampon), it should be rinsed with warm water and immediately reinserted. After twenty-one days (the day of the week should coincide with the day the product was first introduced), the ring must be removed. If a woman still wants to use contraceptives, then after seven days she inserts a new ring. During these seven days, menstrual-like bleeding must begin (usually this happens two to three days after the previous ring was removed). The following remedy should be administered according to the schedule, without focusing on the end of the described bleeding.

Do not use the Nuvaring ring if you suspect you are pregnant. First rule out the presence of this condition. If in the previous menstrual cycle the patient did not use contraceptives that contain hormones, then the ring must be inserted on one of the first five days of the cycle. Over the next week, you should also use additional contraceptives, in particular barrier ones (for example, condoms). If, in the previous menstrual cycle, hormonal contraceptives were still used, then the ring should be inserted on the first day after the required seven-day break or the next day after the last placebo pill was taken (taking placebo pills for some drugs of this kind replaces the break ).

What can be said about those who in the previous cycle used mini-pills or other hormone-containing drugs containing only progestogens (the same applies to intrauterine devices containing progestogen)? You can use the remedy in question on the same day that you received the last dose of the hormone, whether it is removal of the intrauterine device or injection of progestogens. In the first week, it is important to use a barrier method of contraception, since when switching from progestogen contraceptives to the Nuvaring ring, the risk of pregnancy remains in the first seven days.

If an abortion was performed in the first trimester of pregnancy, then the contraceptive in question can be used immediately after the procedure (there is no need to use any other methods of contraception). If an abortion was performed in the second trimester, a miscarriage occurred, or childbirth occurred, then it is recommended to use the Nuvaring ring only starting from the fourth week after the incident. If the use of this contraceptive is started later, condoms must be used over the next week.

What if the patient forgot to insert the ring after a seven-day break? She should do this as soon as possible. However, for the next seven days it is important to use additional barrier methods of contraception, such as condoms or a vaginal diaphragm. What if the ring was accidentally removed from the vagina? If it was outside the genital tract for more than three hours, then its contraceptive effect was significantly reduced. The ring must be reinserted immediately. However, it is also important to use barrier methods of contraception (for example, condoms) over the next week. If this is the third week since you started using this ring, then it is important to ensure that it remains in the vagina for more than twenty-one days from the moment it was first inserted. The next remedy must be administered one day after the end of use of the previous one.

If for some reason the patient does not remove the drug in question in a timely manner, it is important to remember that it remains effective only for four weeks after it was first introduced. Once the woman remembers that the ring needs to be removed, this should be done immediately. After a break of one day, you can introduce a new remedy. If the ring has been used for more than four weeks and you have had unprotected sex afterwards, it is important to rule out pregnancy before starting to use the next ring.

If you have taken the required seven-day break between periods of using the product in question, but the expected menstrual-like bleeding does not begin, then it is important to rule out pregnancy (by examination by a specialist) before inserting a new ring. You can take a home pregnancy test or take a blood test for hCG.

According to reviews, the Nuvaring vaginal ring is used by some to change the time of menstruation. To do this, you can simply reduce the number of days between using the next ring by as many days as necessary for the desired shift in menstruation. If the break is short enough, the chances are high that natural monthly bleeding will not begin at all. However, this means that minor bleeding may occur during the next cycle.

In order to delay menstruation, the patient can start using the next ring without taking the required seven-day break. When the next ring is inserted, you should not be surprised by minor spotting that may occur throughout the next cycle. This is the body's reaction to the existing hormonal background. Next, it is important to insert the rings, observing all the necessary seven-day breaks.

To prevent other people from coming into contact with your used ring, it should be carefully bagged and disposed of immediately with other household waste.


Doctors' reviews do not recommend using the Nuvaring contraceptive ring for everyone. For example, there are a number of contraindications, in the presence of which a woman should avoid the contraceptive method in question. Among them are the following:

  • personal intolerance to one or more components of this vaginal ring;
  • the presence of a tumor in the liver (even if there was a history of it);
  • liver dysfunction;
  • hormone-dependent malignant tumors (even if there are only suspicions of their existence);
  • thrombosis, including a history;
  • diabetes mellitus with vascular complications;
  • thromboembolism (including the risk of its development);
  • pancreatitis with hypertriglyceridemia;
  • vaginal bleeding of unknown origin;
  • migraine with neurological reactions;
  • if pregnancy is suspected.

However, this is not a complete list. Among other things, you should be careful when prescribing the contraceptive in question to patients who suffer from sickle cell anemia, obesity, Crohn's disease, arterial hypertension, ulcerative colitis, epilepsy, chloasma, uterine fibroids, heart valve diseases, fibrocystic mastopathy, atrial fibrillation, systemic lupus erythematosus, dyslipoproteinemia, congenital hyperbilirubinemia, diseases of the hepatobiliary system, hemolytic uremic syndrome.

Particular caution should also be exercised by women who smoke, whose age exceeds thirty-five years, as well as those patients who have been lying down for a long time. It is also important to be careful for those who suffer from diseases that affect the insertion of the ring into the vaginal area and can contribute to its loss. These may include a bladder hernia, cervical prolapse, rectal hernia, and pronounced stool disorders.


It is important to remember that the Nuvaring ring instructions and reviews from gynecologists categorically prohibit women from using it not only during pregnancy, but also if there is a suspicion of pregnancy. Before you start using a new ring (which, by the way, needs to be changed every month), it is important to exclude pregnancy through examination by a qualified specialist if there was a risk of becoming pregnant in the previous month (cycle) (for example, unprotected sexual intercourse). Also, reviews from doctors prohibit the use of the Nuvaring ring while a woman is breastfeeding her baby. It is possible to resume its use only after the mother stops breastfeeding, so that the use of contraception does not affect the child in any way.


What happens if you use the Nuvaring ring incorrectly? The consequences (reviews describe them in all colors) can be the most unpleasant. As a rule, they occur when artificially high dosages of the drug in question are used. What could be the symptoms in this case? Bloody discharge from the vagina, nausea and vomiting are possible. As experts report about the contraceptive ring "Novaring", there is no one specific antidote that would relieve all unpleasant symptoms at once. Treatment will be prescribed exclusively symptomatic. If you notice the appearance of at least one of the conditions listed above, it is important to immediately contact your doctor, who will prescribe therapy and also be able to figure out whether you should continue to use the contraceptive in question.