Naum Semenovich Marder biography. Education and academic degree

He was forced to go into the shadows. Apparently, Marder again decided to prove that the line between the present century and the past is not so great. He is again vying for the post of Deputy Minister of Communications. The fact that Marder will fit in it is beyond doubt, but is it worth allowing a person with such a dubious reputation there?

Until recently, there was an anecdote of this kind among signalmen: they claimed that Marder had a chance to return to big politics, although to do this he needed (just one thing): change his last name, first name, patronymic, undergo plastic surgery and change his orientation. Many laughed, and experienced people laughed at them, and as it turned out, not in vain...

The figure of Naum Semenovich Marder again loomed on the political horizon. It must be said that the desire to once again play a key role in domestic communications can be described as bold. Although this courage is of a special kind, it is synonymous not with heroism, but with arrogance. The burden of power is a terrible disease. And it seems that Naum Semenych’s career was a success - he was the first deputy chairman of Gostelecom of the Russian Federation, and he served four ministers of communications, and he was affectionately called an eminence grise, and he saved up a lot of money (officials’ salaries are high), and his mother is in Israel with relatives of a huge telecom- runs a business (she also became rich for no apparent reason), and, finally, she herself was not imprisoned. But no, everyone wants something, and if you sit down, then as high as possible (well, at least as a deputy minister).

And the fact that you have stained yourself before is not worth paying attention to. And, indeed, on people like Marder, the more spots, the less noticeable these spots, in their opinion. Not a biography, but some kind of camouflage! It turns out to be a particularly good style when you get similar spots with significant people. This disease, of course, is curable, it’s just that, as is usual with illustrious people, he lost his sense of smell and believed that money does not smell. A type of gout, which, as you know, happens from fatty foods. But there are spots on Marder’s camouflage biography that are clearly visible years later. What is the story of the murder of Konstantin Kuzovoy worth?

Let us allow ourselves some excursion into the not so distant past. Dmitry Borisovich Zimin, then still the head of the telecommunications company VimpelCom (Bee Line), quarreled with his business friend, and at the same time the first deputy of VimpelCom, Konstantin Kuzov. For those who have not read Gogol, the event seems to be insignificant, but others will agree that if recent friends in the cellular business quarrel, then expect trouble. There are too many secrets connecting such people. And the interests of a considerable number big people willy-nilly they find themselves at stake. Among the people who especially wanted Bee Line to prosper was Deputy Chairman Marder. It was he, a government official, who, more than anyone else, was interested in ensuring that the secret remained secret. And, in all likelihood, there was something to hide. Konstantin Kuzovoy, maintaining contacts with the leaders of the State Communications Committee, with the help of Marder, received licenses and frequency assignments. He (Kuzovoy) distributed “black cash” among the right people, and as the supervisor of the security service, he knew all the shady sides of the business and was privy to all financial frauds.

I think you will agree that if knowledge is power, then power, in this case, is destructive. The Deputy General Director managed to leave VimpelCom and take a similar position in Personal Communications (Sonet brand). However, the matter was further aggravated by the fact that Kuzovoy owned a stake in VimpelCom (as much as four percent), from which he hoped to receive more than $50 million. But in the end he received not money, but bullets from two professional killers in the entrance of his own house on Frunzenskaya Embankment.

In fact, such a perfectly running business couldn’t collapse because of the ambitions of one person?!

What about Marder? He managed already under the last minister in his career Reimane make a “brilliant” move for your wallet together with Zimin. When the newly appointed minister was at a television interview, Marder at Gostelecom of the Russian Federation assembled a commission and, changing the agenda, decided to give VimpelCom a federal license - the right to operate in the GSM-900 standard in the three most promising regions of Russia. The fate of tens of millions of dollars, including those that the state could additionally receive, depends on these kinds of decisions. In general, as always: who dared, he ate.

We don’t know why, but something about the Greek tongue twister just doesn’t come out of my head. What does this have to do with Marder? Judging by his patronymic, not to mention his last name, he is clearly not Greek, although if he sticks his finger into the waves cellular communications, then it can put all Russian mobile operators in the pose of this arthropod. And who needs this?!..

Alexey Vasiliev

Russian statesman. Deputy, First Deputy Minister of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation (1993-1997, 2008-2012), First Deputy Chairman of the State Committee Russian Federation on communications and information (1997-2000). Vice President of PJSC Rostelecom (2012-2017). Doctor of Technical Sciences

"Connections / Partners"


Former Deputy Minister of Communications Naum Marder became Vice President of Rostelecom

RBC daily: The State Commission for Radio Frequencies can be expanded at the expense of businessmen.

RBC 02.08.2012, Moscow 10:19:15 The composition of the key advisory body in the field of communications - the State Commission on Radio Frequencies (SCRF) - can be expanded. As the RBC daily newspaper writes today, regulators are discussing the possibility of including business representatives in its composition.
link: 20120802101915.shtml

Deputy Head of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications Marder leaves the ministry

Deputy Head of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation N. Marder intends to leave his post.

07/09/2012, Moscow 18:51:02 Deputy Minister of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation Naum Marder intends to leave his post. He announced this today at an operational meeting of the ministry, at which the head of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications Nikolai Nikiforov introduced three new deputies.
link: 20120709185102.shtml

Orion Express did not receive frequencies that it had already rented

The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications will decide what to do with cellular jammers by the end of the year

Extrabudgetary requests from Deputy Minister Marder
During the year, Rostelecom spent 97 million rubles. for trips of officials of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications to Havana, Paris and to the Winter Olympics in Vancouver

Nahum Marder
The Prosecutor General's Office noted that trips of high-ranking officials of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications to Vancouver and other pleasant places were partially paid for by a commercial structure. This could set a precedent, experts say: until now, law enforcement agencies have not noticed such violations.
link: 31368.htm

How Naum Marder helped VimpelCom

In the 90s Naum Semenovich Marder held significant positions in the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation. And, having made a dizzying bureaucratic career (in eight years he went through a thorny path from a senior engineer to the first deputy chairman of Gostelecom of the Russian Federation), he left big politics. And largely thanks to his long-standing friendship with the founder and head of VimpelCom, Dmitry Zimin, he did not leave empty-handed and, as they say, on time, because otherwise he would probably have been “left.” However, recently there has been persistent talk about the return of Naum Marder to the post of Deputy Minister of Communications. And in this case, it’s hard to resist recalling the past exploits of the brave corsair, who just recently brazenly prowled the waves of cellular communications.
link: 22962.htm

Eternal Marder Naum Semenovich Marder is an inconspicuous government official at first glance, but in fact is a classic example of a gray eminence. Since 1991, we have had four ministers of communications. They were prominent men, seasoned apparatchiks. But they are all already far away... Marder outlasted them all, rising higher and higher through the ranks. In eight years, he quickly rose from a senior engineer to the first deputy chairman of Gostelecom of the Russian Federation. link: 25589.htm

Naum Marder, implicated in many scandals, returns to the post of Deputy Minister of Communications and Mass Media. Fifty-two-year-old Naum Semenovich Marder is a person widely known in narrow circles of signalmen and law enforcement agencies. He began his career in the communications industry back in 1978, however, only seven years later he finally found the path that led him straight to decent positions, money and problems. Since 1985, communications engineer Naum Marder began working at the production association “Main Center for Control of Long-Distance Communications,” which at that time was a division of the USSR Ministry of Communications. link: 22943.htm

One among strangers However, no less a surprise than the appearance of the president were the public moves and statements of other newsmakers at the exhibition, among whom Naum Marder, Deputy Head of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, was named on the sidelines of the exhibition. Unexpectedly even for the “initiates,” Naum Marder publicly and demonstratively congratulated Boris Antonyuk, his predecessor as deputy minister, on receiving the Order of Honor. Of course, everyone understands that it is not Marder who gives the orders, but the government. But what prompted the “bison” of the industry to demonstrate loyalty to the person whom he seemed to oust from a ministerial position? On the pages of the Kommersant newspaper, Naum Marder called Antonyuk a recognized authority in the field of communications and telecommunications. “The professional community listens to your opinions and assessments not only in our country, but also abroad... The Order of Honor is a worthy assessment of your services to the country. You can rightfully be considered one of the best representatives of the national professional elite,” the congratulations say. link: 27751.htm Mysterious anniversary It is known that Deputy Minister of Communications and Mass Communications Naum Marder was involved in attracting sponsorship funds for the event. Whether he was collecting funds as part of his official duties, received such an order from his Minister Igor Shchegolev, or solely out of love for culture is unknown. There is only information that among the sponsors of the anniversary celebration there were exclusively communications companies. link: 23938.htm Signalmen make connections 23611.htm Did Naum Marder benefit from killing Kuzovoy? At the end of the last century, Naum Marder held prominent positions in the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation and the State Committee for Communications of the Russian Federation. Involved in major scandals, he was forced to go into the shadows. Apparently, Marder again decided to prove that the line between the present century and the past is not so great. He is again vying for the post of Deputy Minister of Communications. The fact that Marder will fit in it is beyond doubt, but is it worth allowing a person with such a dubious reputation there? link: 22950.htm Landowner with a certificate from the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications team Information flashed in the media that Naum Marder could be appointed Deputy Minister of Communications and Mass Communications of Russia immediately aroused a lot of rumors and versions. One of the most discussed questions is who will come with Marder? As a source in the Russian government told the Prime-TASS news agency, Evgeny Birger will be appointed head of one of the departments of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications along with Marder. link: 22955.htm Naum Marder: “You need to set yourself achievable goals” Business is tired of the crisis, and even more tired of pessimistic sentiments, so cheerful calls are increasingly heard abroad and in Russia not to lose heart. They say that the bottom of the crisis has been passed, and now we have only one way left - up. Deputy Minister of Communications and Mass Communications Naum Marder spoke in an interview with our magazine about how the domestic telecommunications industry survived the crisis, what lessons it learned from it, and what tasks the industry regulator sets for itself in the near and long term. link: Interview with Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications Naum Marder Last year, Naum Marder, who held a similar position back in the 90s, returned to the post of Deputy Minister of Communications and Mass Communications, responsible for the telecommunications industry. One of the most experienced telecom operators in Russia, in an interview with CNews, spoke about the priorities in the ministry’s policy, his vision of competition problems in the industry, as well as approaches to regulation in the field latest technologies. Full version The interview will be published in the December issue of CNews magazine. More details: Extrabudgetary requests from Deputy Minister Marder First Deputy Prosecutor General Alexander Buksman sent the investigation materials to the Investigative Committee of Russia to resolve the issue of criminal prosecution: Deputy Minister of Communications Naum Marder regularly contacted Rostelecom OJSC with a request to assist the ministry’s delegations on foreign trips, said a person close to the prosecutor’s office. From 2009 to August 2011, there were 20 letters with such requests, prosecutors counted. link: publication.mhtml?Part=48& PubID=18397 Zimin and VimpelCom They also say that in the successful development of the business, the absolutely brilliant ability of Zimin Sr. played a role in corrupting the high-ranking officials he needed, among whom are such “pillars” of the telecommunications business as the “gray eminence” of the State Communications Committee - deputy chairman Marder, his “boss” Krupnov, first vice - Prime Minister Bulgak and others. By the way, Friday’s Komsomolskaya Pravda (Komsomolskaya Pravda) recently spoke about their scandalous “projects” together with Zimin (see issue dated March 26 of this year). It is clear that Dmitry Zimin’s list is not limited to these figures. You can’t list them all, but one thing deserves special mention. The current circumstances require it. link: Link "Marder-Ositis-Alpha Group" The general director of the telecommunications company ASVT, Irina Fedulova, sent a letter to the Minister of Communications of the Russian Federation, Igor Shchegolev, with a request to award the president and owner of ASVT OJSC, Anastasia Ositis, with the Order of Friendship. According to sources, Ms. Ositis is proposed to be awarded for “development in the field of communications, many years of conscientious work.” The ambiguity of the situation lies not in the fact that the activities of the owner of ASVT are connected mainly with continuous corporate wars, but her own daughter is trying to nominate her for a state award. Ositis has long been successfully lobbied by Deputy Head of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications Naum Marder. And in the matter of the order, another influential deputy of Igor Shchegolev, Alexander Zharov, crossed his path. link: Repeated "Reimanization" And Igor Shchegolev’s first steps as Minister of Communications and Mass Communications were rather encouraging. Leonid Reiman's team at the ministry was quickly cleared out. Key Deputy Minister - curator of all fixed and mobile communications– became Naum Marder, who had already worked as deputy head of the department in 1997-2000, but was forced to leave executive branch into business under pressure from Reiman’s team. link: 28047.htm Is there a “mole” entrenched in Minister Shchegolev’s circle? Recently, a number of media reported that the All-Russian Research Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting (VNIITR) sent documents to the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) for approval of a certain doctoral dissertation “Fundamentals of the construction and functioning of the identification system of network elements of a unified telecommunication network in the Russian Federation.” The author of the scientific work was none other than the Deputy Minister of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation Naum Marder. link: 23611.htm The military will voluntarily release radio frequencies for civilians The decree of the Russian government on universal payment for the radio frequency spectrum will most likely be signed no later than February, Deputy Minister of Communications and Mass Communications Naum Marder said yesterday during a round table in the Federation Council. Within three months after this, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications will develop a methodology for calculating fees for frequencies. After this, everyone, including security officials, that is, the military and other representatives of government special consumers, will pay on an equal basis with everyone else for the use of radio frequencies. The exception will be government frequencies (GP), according to the government-approved Radio Frequency Allocation Table. Security forces will not pay for the use of these frequencies. Despite the opinions expressed about the half-heartedness of such a solution, the military themselves believe that they will have an incentive, on their own initiative, to free up frequencies allocated for joint use for military and civilian purposes. link:

Naum Marder, involved in many scandals, returns to the post of Deputy Minister of Communications and Mass Communications

Alexey Vasiliev

Fifty-two-year-old Naum Semenovich Marder is a person widely known in narrow circles of signalmen and law enforcement agencies. He began his career in the communications industry back in 1978, however, only seven years later he finally found the path that led him straight to decent positions, money and problems. Since 1985, communications engineer Naum Marder began working at the production association “Main Center for Control of Long-Distance Communications,” which at that time was a division of the USSR Ministry of Communications.

Around the same time, Marder found one of the main passions of his life. No, not money, money was still a long way off. Extrasensory perception, esotericism, occultism - the young engineer was interested in everything unusual and extremely fashionable at that time - the country, celebrating the renunciation of the historical materialism that had stuck in its teeth, joyfully threw itself into the arms of sorcerers and swindlers - and Marder rushed too.

It is not known for certain whether it was on this basis that Marder became friends with his future patron, however, a rapprochement took place: in 1988, the first progress in Marder’s career began, initiated by the then assistant to the Minister of Communications Shamshin, V. Druzhinin. Druzhinin, according to his colleagues, was a knowledgeable person, a good professional, a strong functionary with strong and diverse connections. His help for a novice official can hardly be overestimated: at the right moment, Druzhinin could suggest what to do and put in a good word for his protégé in front of his more powerful comrades.

The first scandal associated with the name of Marder occurred already in 1993. He - at that time the head of the telecommunications department - oversaw the creation by Belarusian developers of an experimental electronic telephone exchange. The task of creating our own electronic telephone exchange was set by the Council of Ministers of the USSR to ensure technological independence from Western manufacturers of electronic stations. The development took several years, considerable funds were spent on its financing, and in 1993 Minsk specialists presented an experimental zone in the Belarusian Bobruisk, created on the basis of the new automatic telephone exchange.

According to the participants in this story, Marder, whose responsibilities included assessing the new development, did everything to prevent it from being released onto the Russian market. At the same time, almost simultaneously, under his leadership and control, three imported AXE-10 international communication stations were purchased. The transaction amount was 36 million dollars - an average of 12 million per station. For information: the factory price for the AX-10 at that time was 2.7 million. It is not difficult to guess where the difference went - at that moment, the system of “kickbacks” was already flourishing in the country, affecting almost all sectors of the economy. It must be assumed that it was then that Marder formed his main - and, in fact, only, real passion: a passion for money, which he later managed to fully realize. Because the accumulated hardware experience and expanded connections at the top of the industry finally bore fruit: in 1994, Naum Marder was appointed Deputy Minister of Communications of the Russian Federation.

In his new capacity, Marder oversaw the four main - and most promising "monetary" - areas of the ministry's activities: telecommunications, wireless communications, organization of licensing work and economic policy. It is easy to see that it was these areas - telecommunications, mobile communications and licensing - that had the highest development potential, the highest turnover, and, consequently, the volume of bribes and kickbacks. Madera's area of ​​competence also included coordinating the work of Gossvyaznadzor, the construction and development of federal communication networks, the activities of regional industry authorities, concluding communications agreements with other countries, interaction with regional authorities, manufacturers and suppliers of equipment - it is easy to see that here Marder got the most " grain" areas of activity.

This was the period of Marder’s maximum opportunities, and, consequently, the strongest temptations. Temptations that he never overcame.

Leaks from “competent sources” of those years contain interesting information about Naum Semenovich’s connections with foreign suppliers - connections that go far beyond the scope of official partnerships. It's about about representatives of Siemens and Alcatel, among whom “persons suspected of connections with Western intelligence services” were identified. The unofficial nature of these relations is easily explained by the monstrous purchases made on the orders and under the leadership of Naum Semenovich: obviously outdated equipment was purchased from “friendly” companies, and purchased at the prices of the latest. Such equipment, for example, equipped the Novosibirsk-Khabarovsk communication lines, as a result of which Russia lost traffic between the countries of Southeast Asia and Western Europe - foreign operators preferred to send it through the channels of other states, bypassing Russian ones that did not respond to them technical requirements. Both the owner of the networks, Rostelecom, and the state suffered from this, as they lost less of their profits - according to some estimates, the damage amounted to 160 million dollars - those dollars that have not yet depreciated.

It is no coincidence that a modest Russian official with an official salary of about $300 a month at the time was greeted in the West as a powerful tycoon. Here is what Komsomolskaya Pravda wrote in 1999:

“In the summer of 1996, there was quite a stir in the European telecommunications community. Envoys from a number of companies rushed out of their offices and, as if by agreement, rushed to various cities of the Mediterranean. There they peered intensely into the foggy sea, awaiting the arrival of an ordinary cruise ship. The object of their attention was an inconspicuous married couple on their honeymoon.
As soon as the couple went ashore, a solemn welcome immediately awaited them, sweet congratulations were heard, expensive gifts were laid out...
Those who met had one thing in common - their companies did business with Russia. The person for whom they gave such lavish receptions was by no means an overseas billionaire or an Arab oil tycoon, but an ordinary, by generally accepted standards, official - Deputy Minister of Communications of the Russian Federation Naum Marder.”

It is clear that fabulous gifts and luxurious limousines were brought to Marder by Western firms not out of respect for his outstanding government activities...

However, the loudest scandal in which Marder appeared was connected with VimpelCom.

In 1999, this operator needed a license to operate in the 900 MHz band in the Moscow region. According to experts, the cost of such a license at that time was at least $200 million. VimpelCom has set itself the task of reducing costs to a minimum. Naum Marder volunteered to help the operator with this.

It was he who contacted then Deputy Prime Minister Boris Nemtsov with an amazing paper with the following content: “In order to ensure fair competition between operators of public mobile radiotelephone networks using the GSM standard... based on the application of VimpelCom OJSC... to include in licenses State Committee for Communications of the Russian Federation 9999 and 10005 the following additions: “The licensee, within the framework of this license, can provide cellular communication services of a dual-band (dual-band) network of the GSM-900/1800 standard with the installation of the necessary equipment”

What kind of payment did VimpelCom guarantee for making this kind of “addition” to its license?... VimpelCom, within 25 days after the issuance of additions to the licenses... and receipt of frequency assignments, pays 30 (thirty) to the account of the Russian Space Agency million US dollars. If the specified amount is not paid in full, this decision becomes invalid..."

Thirty million instead of two hundred is a significant saving for VimpelCom and serious damage for the state. It is clear that for Nemtsov, the official version - allegedly, money is needed to save the catastrophically underfunded space station "Mir" - was nothing more than an "excuse", since the "Mir" was soon drowned in the ocean... And is it necessary to explain that VimpelCom has no money “Didn’t transfer within the specified 25 days? And is it any wonder that no one, contrary to the document, deprived the operator of the right to work in the “nine hundredth” band due to late payment?...

By the way, quite soon Marder accomplished another feat in favor of VimpelCom: in August 1999, while on vacation, he arrived at Gostelecom for a meeting of the licensing commission and, changing the agenda on the fly, by a strong-willed decision allocated VimpelCom a license to operate in the range 900 MHz in the Volga region, Siberia and the North Caucasus. According to Western investors, the price of this type of license at that time was about half a billion dollars. VimpelCom did not pay a penny.

It should be noted that VimpelCom at that time, of course, had no time for such nonsense as calculations with the state budget, the Mir station and the entire Russian space combined. Having received the “addition” to the license, VimpelCom increased its shares on the New York Stock Exchange and very profitably sold a 25% stake to the Norwegian Telenor for $162 million.

Only in 2000, under pressure from the court, VimpelCom managed to get some money towards those 30 million. But, of course, not all.

Numerous information about corruption suspicions regarding the Deputy Minister of Communications, who hands out licenses almost for free and panders to some suppliers to the detriment of others, which in turn could cause damage to the state, flocked to various law enforcement agencies, primarily, of course, to the FSB. And there it was successfully resolved: no measures were taken against Marder, no serious development was carried out. What is the reason for this? According to one version, Marder still acted within the law, without violating any legal norms. According to another, for several years in the FSB, Marder was insured and covered by the head of the Center information security V. Matrosov, who oversaw the industry since the 80s and allegedly had the warmest off-duty relationship with Marder. When his employees, while working on other topics, accidentally came across Marder, Matrosov simply found them other things to do, diverting their attention from the powerful deputy minister.

There is talk in the special services that Matrosov allegedly even managed to “extinguish” the interest in Marder of the Foreign Intelligence Service, caused by the official’s alleged contacts with SVR development objects conducting intelligence activities against the Russian Federation. Whether this is true or not, we don’t know, but in 2003 Matrosov was removed from his position.

Some of the operational information of that time was nevertheless leaked to the press. Thus, the facts of Marder’s acquisition of 24 acres of land in the near Moscow region, the construction of a three-story villa registered in the name of an old mother, European-quality renovation of a Moscow apartment, and most importantly, the miraculous founding of a large telecommunications company by Marder’s Israeli relatives, were made public.

Marder himself was removed from office six months after the infamous “addition” to the VimpelCom license. After sitting out four ministers, he was fired by L. Reiman. Marder’s new place of work was NPO Krosna, where he was listed as an adviser to the general director. Obviously, the management of Krosna had used Marder’s advice before, and used it with great success: so, under the strict leadership of the official, Krosna managed to sell to Rostelecom an obsolete and unprofitable tropospheric radio relay communication line in the north of Russia for $100 million... And about scam with satellite dishes, supplied by “Krosna” at the expense of the budget of the Ministry of Education for the Internetization of schools in general, legends still circulate in the market - and in this daring project of siphoning funds from the state budget one can feel the hand of an experienced adviser, excuse me, consigliere...

Marder had both the opportunity and desire to regularly “milk” not only the budget or Rostelecom, but also other market participants. By controlling the issuance of licenses and the purchase of equipment, he held in one hand all the levers of management of the companies subordinate to him. Only with his departure were the operators able to breathe freely.

But time sometimes turns back. And the nightmares of the past return to the restless dreams of general directors: Marder, it seems, will get his chair again. After sitting out four ministers, he waited for the fifth. Indestructible and invulnerable, having patiently waited eight years as a modest head of the department of the Institute for Advanced Studies at MTUCI, Marder returns to the trough.

Education and academic degree

In 1978 he received a diploma from the Moscow Electrotechnical Institute of Communications.

In 1996 he graduated from business school at Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA.

Doctor of Technical Sciences. Academician MAS.

Since February 2003, he has been the head of the department of infocommunications at the Institute for Advanced Studies of the Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics (IPK MTUCI).

Labor activity

After graduating from university, he got a job at the Mezhgorsvyazstroy trust as an engineer.

In 1982, he moved to the main control center for long-distance communications of the USSR Ministry of Communications, where he worked until 1990, successively holding the positions of senior engineer, deputy head of service, and head of service of a production association.

Since 1990, he has held various positions in the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation - from deputy head of department to deputy minister of industry. In 1997, he was appointed deputy and then first deputy chairman of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Communications and Information.

Since the early 2000s, he has acted as a consultant on a number of telecommunications projects.

In 2000, he was invited as an advisor to the Experimental Research and Production Center OJSC for the development and production of dual-use communications equipment (“DPTC”).

In 2008, he became Deputy Minister of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation.

In October 2012, he took the place of Vice President for Relations with Government Bodies of OJSC Rostelecom. He held this post until May 19, 2017.


He has the Order of Friendship and “For Services to the Fatherland”, II degree (2010), as well as medals and the honorary title “Master of Communications”.

Vice President of Rostelecom for Government Relations since October 2012, former Deputy Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation from August 2008 to August 2012.

Marder, Naum Semenovich


Born March 27, 1956 in Moscow; in 1978 he graduated from the Moscow Electrotechnical Institute of Communications, in 1991 - from the business school at Duke University in North Carolina (USA), Doctor of Technical Sciences;

1978-1980 - engineer of the Mezhgorsvyazstroy trust; 1982-1990 - senior engineer, deputy head of service, head of service of the production association "Main Center for Control of Long-Distance Communications" of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation; 1992-1994 - member of the board of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation; 1994-1997 - Deputy Minister of Communications of the Russian Federation; 1997-1999 - First Deputy Chairman of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Communications and Informatization; July-August 1999 - Deputy Chairman, August-November 1999 - First Deputy Chairman of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Telecommunications (in November 1999 it was reorganized into the Ministry); from November 1999, he served as First Deputy Minister of Communications of the Russian Federation;

since 2000 - advisor to OJSC "ONPC", at the same time since February 2003, heads the department of "Infocommunications" IPK MTUCI, acts as a consultant on a number of telecommunications projects; by order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 6, 2008, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation; Academician of the International Academy of Communications; author of many press publications, a number of monographs and textbooks; awarded the Order of Friendship and medals; has the honorary title "Master of Communications"; married, has four children; hobby - theater.