Fire protection of metal structures or structural protection of metal structures. Fire protection treatment of metal structures

To protect metal products from the destructive effects of fire, it is necessary to take care of fire protection for metal structures. Despite the fact that iron does not burn in fire, intense heat can cause irreversible changes in the structure. In the future, this will negatively affect the terms of use. For example, the geometric stability of the structure will be disrupted. Taking into account the above, even when creating a project for a construction project, they think about its fire protection.

Fire protection of metal structures price:

*R - loss of bearing capacity after a specified number of minutes.

Examples of completed work on fire protection of metal structures

As you know, metals belong to the category of non-combustible materials, but at high temperatures, namely 500°C, they lose their strength. In this regard, various fire protection methods are practiced. metal structures and objects produced using special protective compounds.

Formation of fire protection

To make metal structures fire-resistant, carry out the following steps:

  • Clean the surface from dirt and rust. This is done manually or using a sandblaster.
  • Priming is a must. It is carried out in two passes.
  • Heat insulating coating ( special material). The thermal insulator must be able to withstand temperatures of 500°C from a quarter of an hour to four hours.

By carefully treating structures with fire protection, the possibility of fire can be significantly reduced. Reducing the deformation of building parts reduces financial expenses. But the most important thing is that it saves people’s lives.

The above considerations confirm the feasibility of protecting metal from fire.

Fire protection takes place in stages:

  1. All parts of the object are processed and traces of corrosion and contamination are removed.
  2. The surface of the metal is coated, which has thermal insulation properties.
  3. The structure is primed.

During high temperatures in the room, the layer of protective material swells, thus protecting the parts of the metal structure from overheating. Based on the thickness of the layer and the type of solution used, the fire resistance limit of the metal can be 30 - 150 minutes.

Fire protection options

In the past, bricks were used to protect metal structures from fire. Next they plastered it with cement mortar. The next steps were asbestos cladding and plasterboard (other materials are possible). Today, such large financial investments and large numbers of people are not required.

Today it is enough to apply special coatings to the structure. Structural coatings are also used. They are used for buildings of the 1st and 2nd degree of fire resistance. In this case, the fire resistance limit is one and a half hours (90 minutes), where the metal thickness is not less than 5.8 mm.

These materials do not increase pressure on structures. Their shelf life is quite long. If damaged, they are easily restored. They can also play a decorative role at the same time. Thanks to the wide variety of paint colors, you can choose the right shade.

Many compositions are based on elements such as

  • liquid glass,
  • cement,
  • granulated mineral fiber, etc.

The fire-fighting effect of such paints lies in their swelling at a temperature of 170-200 ° C. The composition forms a heat-insulating porous layer, the thickness of which reaches several centimeters. If fire protection is carried out correctly and taking into account the lightweight coating, plaster composition, fire-retardant boards and sheets, it is possible to achieve a fire resistance limit of 0.75-2.5 hours. Blowing paints have a fire resistance limit of 0.75 to 1.5 hours Below you can see the fire protection products for metal protection that are available in our store.

price for 1m2

Fire protection treatment of metal is carried out:


We offer high-quality and effective fire-retardant paint for metal structures various types. These are mainly steel structures for construction or industrial purposes. Existing fire retardant compounds are guaranteed to increase the level of fire protection of metal structures up to a given time. Corporate products last for a long time, while having an affordable price.

The action of fire retardant paint is based on the formation of a durable coating on the surface of metal structures. Depending on the resulting coating layer, a given fire-retardant efficiency is obtained, measured in minutes. Polyus products meet all requirements fire safety.

TERMA LUX paint is intended for fire protection of steel building structures public and industrial buildings with a non-aggressive environment and relative humidity no more than 80%. Increases the fire resistance limit of metal structures to 90 minutes.

The paint is an intumescent system based on water based. Manufactured according to the latest technologies, using nanosynthesis products in its composition, which significantly increase the technological and fire-retardant properties of the material. Ideal for airless application.

The paint is fire and explosion proof. "TERMA LUX" is environmentally friendly during application and operation.

The paint is supplied ready to use, white and has an aesthetic appearance (decorative finishing). To order, it is tinted in individual colors with the possibility of obtaining intense shades.

The fire-retardant effect of TERMA LUX paint is due to the formation of a heat-insulating foamed mineral-coke layer that prevents the spread of fire and heating of the metal structure.

Fire-retardant paint "TERMA LUX" meets the fire safety requirements established by NPB 236-97. The main indicators of fire retardant efficiency are given in the table according to certificate No. SSPB.RU.OPO41.N.00146 until 06/02/2011.

The consumption to obtain a dry fire retardant layer 1 mm thick without taking into account losses is 1.7 kg/m2.

Before fire-prevention treatment of metal structures, the paint should be mixed and, if necessary, diluted with water to working viscosity (but not more than 3-5% by weight). The paint is applied to a prepared (GOST 9.402-2004) metal surface primed with anti-corrosion primer GF-021. The paint is applied layer by layer using a brush or mechanized using airless spraying devices with electric or pneumatic drive such as Contracor, Wagner, Uniblast, Graco, etc.

The fire-retardant coating “TERMA LUX” is repairable and, subject to recommendations and operating conditions, retains its properties for at least 15 years.


Fire retardant coating for steel structures, wood and cables

Product Description

Endotherm XT 150 is supplied in the form of two components: a solution of the polymer in a solvent (component I) and a mixture of fire retardants, thermally expanding graphite and fillers (component II). After mixing the components, a working mixture is obtained, which is used to form a fire-retardant coating, which, when exposed to high temperatures swells and forms a heat-insulating layer that protects structures from heating. The composition can be supplied in the form of a one-component paint.

Scope of application

The composition is used to increase the fire resistance of metal (steel) structures and wooden structures used indoors with a non-aggressive environment and a relative air humidity of no more than 80%.

The composition allows:

  • increase the fire resistance limit of metal structures to R60
  • provide group I fire-retardant efficiency of wood
  • do not spread fire through cables laid in bundles of category A F/R.

Material properties

Regulatory documents

  • TU U 13481691.01-97
  • Certificate of Conformity UkrSEPRO (for metal structures and wood) (download) - until May 27, 2017.
  • Certificate of conformity UkrSEPRO (for cables) (download) - until May 27, 2017.
  • Fire safety certificate of the Russian Federation
  • Fire Retardant Efficiency Test Reports
  • Regulations for fire protection work (for metal structures and wood) (download) - until May 27, 2017.
  • Fire protection work regulations (for cables) (download) - until May 27, 2017.

Features and advantages of fire retardant composition

High adhesive strength to any materials, high degree of protection against corrosion of metal structures, resistance to various aggressive environments and mechanical stress, wide operating temperature range from -40°C to +60°C, universal application for fire protection of metal and wood, polyurethane foam and cable products, air ducts and plastics maintaining fire retardant properties during long-term operation in wet conditions.

The priority areas for use of the composition are nuclear power plants, enterprises of the Ministry of Defense, as well as objects of increased technogenic, environmental and radiation hazards, which are designed according to special norms and rules.

Application conditions:

Application of the composition is carried out at temperatures from 0°C to +35°C and relative air humidity not higher than 70%.

Terms of Use:

The coating can be used in closed heated rooms with natural ventilation and non-aggressive environment, as well as in irregularly heated rooms at temperatures from -40°C to +60°C and air humidity not higher than 80% (climatic design for the use of the composition according to GOST 15150 - U3). Coatings with a protective layer (component I of the composition, varnishes and enamels of brands KhP, KhS, KhV) can be used under a canopy and in unheated rooms at temperatures from -40°C to +60°C and air humidity up to 100% (climatic version according to GOST 15150 - U2).

Security measures:

The composition and coating based on it, according to the toxicological passport, are low-toxic substances (hazard class IV according to GOST 12.1.007). The dried coating has no harmful effects on the human body.

One-component solvent-based fire retardant paint for metal structures. Color - white, tinting or applying a top coat with the required color is possible (to give weather-resistant properties). Provides fire resistance up to R120. Produced according to TU 2313-003-99023806-07. The service life of the coating can reach 20 years or more (climate tests are available). Applicable for interior work, outside the premises is used only under a canopy. The composition “Krauz-P” or Temalak FD 20, 50, 80 is used as a covering layer; XB-785.

Certificate of Conformity No. NSPOB.RU.PR022.N.00033 until July 26, 2014.

Certificate of Conformity No. C-RU.PB34.V.00455 until December 31, 2015.

Fire-retardant paint "Krauz-R" is supplied in the form of a ready-made composition. After drying, it is fire and explosion proof, non-toxic and does not emit environment harmful substances, in concentrations hazardous to human health. Fire safety precautions must be observed during storage and application.

Before use, it is necessary to mix thoroughly (if possible, with a power tool, with a frequency of 120-300 rpm). If the paint thickens, it is possible to dilute it with a solvent or thinner in an amount of no more than 5% of the paint weight. Add the thinner in a thin stream into the container with paint, continuously stirring with a mechanized stirrer (mixer) until the required viscosity is achieved (conditional viscosity at a temperature of (20±2)°C according to a B3-246 viscometer with a nozzle diameter of 8 mm is not less than 200c). The use of water as a diluent is not permitted. The paint is applied to the surfaces of metal structures primed with GF-021 (GOST 25129-82). Surfaces must be cleaned of dirt, dust, and degreased (white spirit, solvent, or soap solution). Areas with traces of rust must be cleaned and primed. Application of paint is possible after 72 hours after priming. If a primer other than GF-021 is used, it is necessary to carry out test paints in order to check the quality of adhesion and possible reaction with the primer layer.

Application work can be carried out at ambient temperatures below 0 o C, with a relative air humidity of no more than 80%. When applying paint in conditions of negative temperatures, the container with paint must be kept in a warm room for at least 2 - 3 hours. The paint is applied with a brush, roller, or airless sprayer in several layers; it is possible to apply the first layer with a wet layer thickness of up to 0.9 mm. The period of interlayer drying is 4-6 hours (depending on the applied thickness of the wet layer). Complete drying and acquisition of the required fire retardant effectiveness occurs no earlier than after 48 hours. Do not carry out work on applying fire-retardant paint if frost forms on the metal structures or condensation forms, or there is direct contact with atmospheric precipitation (rain, snow). If the ambient temperature drops and the humidity rises above 80%, drying between layers and the time for complete drying of the paint increases.

Paint consumption according to the certificate is (taking into account the thickness of the dry layer of GF-021 primer 0.05 mm):

6th group of fire-retardant efficiency (30 min) - with a dry coating layer thickness of at least 0.60 mm and paint consumption of at least 1.00 kg/m2, excluding losses (reduced metal thickness - 2.8 mm);

5th group of fire-retardant efficiency (45 min) - with a dry coating layer thickness of at least 1.00 mm and paint consumption of at least 1.67 kg/m2, excluding losses (reduced metal thickness - 2.8 mm);

4th group of fire-retardant efficiency (60 min) - with a dry coating layer thickness of at least 1.26 mm and paint consumption of at least 2.1 kg/m2, excluding losses (reduced metal thickness - 4.8 mm);

3rd group of fire-retardant efficiency (90 min) - with a dry coating layer thickness of at least 2.05 mm and paint consumption of at least 3.42 kg/m2, excluding losses (reduced metal thickness - 4.1 mm).

2nd group of fire-retardant efficiency (120 min) - with a dry coating layer thickness of at least 2.20 mm and paint consumption of at least 3.67 kg/m2, excluding losses (reduced metal thickness - 7.8 mm).

Losses can range from 5% to 20% depending on the size of the metal structures being painted. Upon completion of work, rinse the tool with water and dispose of the container as household waste.

Work on applying fire-retardant paint should be carried out in a well-ventilated area. Work using personal protective equipment: goggles, respirator, rubber gloves. In case of contact with skin, wash off with a cloth soaked in solvent and wash with warm water and detergents (soap). If ingested or in the eyes, consult a doctor immediately.

The fire retardant coating can be used both in atmospheric conditions (under a canopy) and in enclosed spaces, at ambient temperatures from -50 0 C to +50 0 C, relative air humidity no more than 76%. Operation in atmospheric conditions - only under a canopy.

The guaranteed service life of the coating is up to 20 years from the date of application, subject to the conditions of application and operation of the coating.

The guaranteed shelf life of the paint in the delivery container is 12 months from the date of manufacture, provided that the container is intact and sealed.

Transportation possible all types of transport, in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for this type of transport. Storage is carried out in a hermetically sealed delivery container at an ambient temperature of -30ºС to + 40ºС. Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight and heating of the container.

Fire protection treatment of metal (metal structures). Price: 680 rub.


Size, mm Price, rub.
0.75 hours (45 minutes) fire resistance 680.00
1.0 hour fire rating 860.00