DIY sports corner in kindergarten. DIY equipment for a sports corner in a kindergarten

Physical development is a very important stage in the development of a child’s personality. And preschoolers spend most of their time in kindergarten, so the ideal option is to design a sports corner where exercise equipment and other equipment are located that children can use in class.

Features of sports corners for children of different ages

If a children's sports corner is set up in a younger group, then it necessarily becomes part of the area where children play. Usually it is equipped with slides and a variety of balls.

Children from the middle age group will be interested in learning about the variety of sports, so it would be a good idea to post such information with the maximum number of pictures and photos on the walls of the sports room. In addition to slides and balls, you need to add darts, mini-bowling and other items to your inventory for a successful sports game.

Senior and preparatory group They can already start fitness classes, for which they will need free space for a corner in the kindergarten group and rugs. Posters on the walls are supplemented with information about the rules of participation in various games.

For each age group, certain types of paths are necessarily equipped, which are intended for maximum development of children’s feet. To attract children to sports, you can give the corner a certain interesting name.

Types of sports equipment

Most often, balls of different sizes and configurations, wall bars, basketball hoops, hoops, jump ropes, gymnastic mats, and other types of sports items are used to equip the area for physical education activities with children.

Don’t forget about music so that children can enjoy studying. For this, both a regular tape recorder and a special music system are suitable. In addition to the above, a sports corner in kindergarten is always supplied with the equipment that is created independently by the work of educators or parents:

This list is limited only by the imagination of teachers and parents, so it is necessary to constantly improve the children's sports corner and create new ones interesting options accessories for him.

Requirements for sports corners

When creating a sports corner in a kindergarten, it is necessary to comply with some requirements that apply to such objects.

First of all, the sports corner should be rich and contain many different items for the hobby and physical development of children that are suitable for their age.

Important! All items should be placed in a small area of ​​the sports corner and not restrict the movement of children involved.

A children's sports corner in a kindergarten group cannot be placed near windows or in places where, thanks to the active actions of children, a situation dangerous to their health and life may be created. Also, the area of ​​the sports corner must meet hygienic requirements, constantly clean and be clean.

The design of the sports corner must be consistent with the interior of the main room, as this is necessary for children’s visual perception. Some may even refuse to play their favorite games if they don’t like the environment. For a better understanding, you can watch the presentations of those educators who previously created sports corners in their groups.

Important! The main criterion when creating any object for children is environmental friendliness.

Challenges and mistakes when designing a sports corner

When creating a sports corner, educators primarily pursue the goal of creating a healthy environment for children through physical activity. If the placement of equipment is carried out in violation, then only some children in the group will be able to engage in physical education, which leads to irrational use time.

It is imperative on the part of the teacher to convey information to children about the features of outdoor games and their rules in the form of pictures, so that pupils, especially if they belong to younger group, were involved in the game and could understand what they were doing.

Educators are also faced with the task of developing children’s dexterity, speed of reaction and good coordination. At the same time, it is imperative to pay attention to the difficulties of each child and help him in overcoming them. It is best to engage in physical education in a playful way with various competitions.

Sometimes you can notice that some children do not exercise in the sports corner, but try to avoid it. There are several reasons for this:

  • Uniformity of used simulators and equipment. In this case, the sports corner will be of interest to children only for a few days.
  • Inconsistency of equipment for the age group of children. That is why this or that exercise machine or equipment may not be suitable for many.
  • The presence of prohibitions from teachers on visiting the corner at a certain time. This is a purely psychological impact that can disrupt the independence and craving for physical education in children.

Very often, the problem in decorating a sports corner in the garden is the small amount cash for the purchase of necessary equipment. In this case, it is advisable to make most items with your own hands from scrap materials. Both children and their parents can be involved in this process.

When creating a sports corner, special attention is paid to its lighting, since only in a properly lit space will children be able to receive high-quality physical development and want to play to a greater extent.

Sports corner competitions

Many kindergartens hold competitions, based on the results of which the best sports corner is identified. Such events encourage educators to create a sports space, and parents are involved in greater physical development of their children.

With the introduction of such competitions, sports corners are being transformed, which cannot but have a positive effect on the activity of children. They are checked according to the criteria that were presented earlier. These are safety, originality, hygiene and other standards.

The most important criterion when reviewing is the amount of time during which children are ready to play in the sports corner. This is the best possible assessment of the quality of what has been created. At the same time, it is very important to pay attention to whether children know the information presented on the stands. Thanks to a presentation prepared in advance, teachers and children present their corner at the competition.

Equipment for sports corner

As already mentioned, educators are often faced with the problem of lack of sufficient funding to organize a sports corner. In this case, most of the accessories are made by hand. We will tell you what inventory options you can create yourself with minimal investment:


A sports corner in a kindergarten is an essential element for the physical development of children of all age groups. Much in such a corner is done by the hands of the teacher. This article is intended to help and show several ideas for designing such a space intended for physical education. Also, from the information presented, you can learn a lot of useful information regarding the requirements and features of creating a sports corner, which will help when passing the review competition.

Nina Minchenko

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education and the general education program of the preschool educational institution, a developing subject-spatial environment is created by teachers to develop the individuality of each child, taking into account his capabilities, level of activity and interests. To accomplish this task, the RPPS must be:

Transformable - change depending on the game and provide enough space for motor activity:

Multifunctional - to ensure the possibility of changes in the educational program depending on the educational situation, including the changing interests and capabilities of children;

Accessible – provide free access for pupils,


Non-traditional physical education benefits significantly contribute to increasing children’s interest in performing various motor tasks

1. Non-traditional sports equipment:


massage paths

massage marks (traces with sewn buttons)

waste material (cones, "eggs" from kinder surprises, pencils.) for massage and

grasping objects with your toes

blowing ribbons

Bilboke (from plastic bottles and kinder surprises)

balls (from plastic bottles)

2 m strips (to simulate rhythmic gymnastics exercises)

items to step over (mayonnaise buckets)

cords with limiters (limiter cassette from kinder surprise)

2 Traditional equipment for physical development:

ribbons of different colors

handkerchiefs of different colors (2 pieces for each child)

sultans (2 pieces for each child)

ball average


rubber balls

children's expanders

ring throw (wall and floor)

dumbbells for children

throwing bags

flying saucers

massage balls SU-JOK (per child)

massage paths

jump ropes (rubber, rope, plastic)

for winter games - children's sticks and pucks

ice sled

3. Card indexes.

A set of exercises with massage balls.

Game files: outdoor games for children who are sedentary, to develop breathing.

Card index of relaxation games

Card index "Exercise after a nap"

Card index of useful poems and fairy tales (hygienic procedures)

A card index of riddles about sports and athletes, about sports equipment.

Card index of counting rhymes

Finger games index

Posters: Daily routine

Didactic games:

“Name the sports”.

"The Fourth Wheel".

"Find the Differences".

"Collect a picture".

"10 Sports".

Board games

Chess, checkers.

Hats and medals for outdoor games.

Pictures, photographs, illustrations:

"Summer Sports"

"Winter sports"

"Olympic symbols"

Coloring pages "Summer Sports"

"Winter sports"

"Olympic symbols"

"Sounds of Nature". Music for relaxation.

“Rain and thunderstorm. Music of nature"

"Children's music album" (for movement to music)

In winter, we arrange labyrinths, colored snow paths, and slides.

Literature used:

1. Karabanova O. A., Alieva E. F., Radionova O. R., Rabinovich P. D., Marich E. M. Organization of a developing subject-spatial environment in accordance with the federal state educational standard preschool education. Methodological recommendations for preschool teachers educational organizations and parents of preschool children (2014).

2. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva Approximate main general education program preschool education "From birth to school" (2015).

Publications on the topic:

I would like to introduce you to a small workshop for making the “Duty Corner”. For work we will need: - 2 ceiling tiles - glue - scissors.

I would like to present to you a physical education corner that I made for our group. The stand is made of ceiling tiles. Colored, they were.

I have been working in a nursery group for seven years now. Every year I try to replenish the corners. Rody spruce also does not stand aside and helps me.

Physical education corner in preschool groups According to the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education, a developing subject-spatial environment must be rich, transformable, multifunctional, variable.

Consultation for educators. How to design a physical education corner according to the Federal State Educational Standard Consultation for educators. How to equip a physical education corner in a group in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards According to the Federal State Educational Standards in a preschool educational institution, PPRS should be: rich,.

This equipment is made of plastic bottles with caps based on drape fabric.

Designed for barefoot walking, correction and prevention of flat feet, hardening. It is used for physical exercises, during wake-up exercises, and joint sports events with parents.

This equipment is made from pieces of linoleum.

Used for outdoor activities and entertainment, to reinforce the concepts: “right leg”, “left leg”, “right hand”, “left hand”. Promotes the development of coordination of movement, memory, dexterity, strengthening the muscles of the legs and arms, attention.

This manual is made from a plastic bottle, colored paper, and cocktail straws.

Used for breathing exercises. Develops respiratory organs.

Made from sticks and colored ribbons and ribbons.

Designed for performing general developmental exercises, breathing exercises, organizing outdoor games, and competition games. Promotes the development of respiratory organs and trunk muscles.

Made from plastic bottles, fishing line, Kinder Surprise capsules, for decoration: colored adhesive paper.

Designed to hit the target. Develops eye, attention, speed of reaction, manual dexterity.

Made of plastic cubes, paper with silhouettes of a person performing various exercises.

Designed for use on your own play activity, organized educational activities, to work at home with parents. Helps strengthen body muscles, develop general developmental exercises, attention, coordination of movements, and speed of reaction.

Made from a ball, a mat glued to a wooden base, a spring, and a mouse toy.

Designed to hit the target for playing individually, in pairs, or as a team. Develops eye, attention, speed of reaction, manual dexterity.

Made from five-liter plastic cans and elastic.

Designed to develop strength.

Made from plastic bottles, colored tape and sand (or other material for filling them).

Designed to develop strength.

Made from small plastic bottles, filled with colored rain, candy wrappers, etc.

Designed to perform general developmental exercises, basic types of movements, massage and self-massage, prevention of flat feet, development fine motor skills, used as substitute items in role-playing games.

Made from aluminum hoop and thick fabric.

Designed for climbing. Used in outdoor games, when performing basic types of movement, in role-playing games.

Made from painted wooden blocks and clothesline.

Designed to perform basic types of movement, to develop movement coordination, and for independent play activities.

Made of thick fabric and filled with beans, you can use other filler (small pebbles, beads, peas, etc.)

Designed to perform general developmental exercises, basic types of movements, massage and self-massage, and prevention of flat feet.

Myakisheva Lyubov Vladimirovna – teacher of the highest category

Tsvetkova Anastasia Andreevna -teacher

MADOOU TsRR - kindergarten No. 177 of the city of Tyumen

“Children are exactly the same as adults

I want to be healthy and strong,

Only children don’t know what to do for this.”

Janusz Korczak

The goal of our preschool educational institution is to create favorable conditions for the formation of a successful personality of a preschooler, the preservation and strengthening of health, and the comprehensive development of physical qualities.

We promote the development of initiative and independence in children's daily physical activity. Motor activity is the basis of a child’s individual development and life support. Movement is a means of understanding the world around us, satisfying biological needs, on which children’s health, their physical and general development depend.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, a preschool educational institution graduate must have good health, good physical development, and physical fitness.

In order for children to move actively, adults must create favorable conditions. The motor environment should be saturated with various equipment and sports equipment. Our group has a physical training room. Our physical education corner has a wide variety of sports equipment: health tracks, tags, dominoes, checkers, ring throws, hummocks, golf, skittles, gymnastic sticks, balls and much more.

The physical education corner should be maximally adapted to meet the children’s need for movement. The following requirements are imposed on the physical education corner and its equipment: pedagogical, aesthetic, hygienic. With the help of the physical education corner, the independent motor activity of children develops well.

Children enjoy using sports equipment in everyday life kindergarten.

The kids love to take part in various relay races, for example, using ring throws. Children develop interest in sports, development of accuracy, dexterity of movement, and spatial orientation.

Children also enjoy relay races involving climbing and jumping over obstacles.

For this we use gymnastic sticks and cones. . Such physical qualities such as flexibility, endurance, intelligence, speed and clarity of movement. Children become more interested in the game, their mood rises, and they feel like one with the team.

Physical education equipment “bumps” can also be used in relay races, when running with obstacles, taking a ball in your hands and passing it to each other.

Also, to improve movements, develop speed, endurance, and coordination of movements, children love outdoor games. In the formation of a child’s diversified personality, outdoor games are given the most important place. They are considered as the main means and method of physical education. Being an important means of physical education, outdoor play simultaneously has a healing effect on the child’s body.

For example, such as “traps”, where they use multi-colored ribbons. Children play in a team, navigate the current situation, develop qualities such as will, desire to win, strength, dexterity and speed of reaction.

Active physical activity, in addition to its positive impact on health and physical development, provides psycho-emotional comfort for the child. For example: rolling a ball to each other during the verbal-logical game “I know 5 names...”.

A large number of movements activates breathing, blood circulation and metabolic processes. This in turn has a beneficial effect on mental activity. Articulation gymnastics is carried out using non-traditional sports equipment.

The game of golf cannot be played without a club and a ball. With the help of this game, children develop their eye and accuracy of movement.

Tag is a game that develops children's thinking, concentration, intellectual abilities, ability to work in a team, joint decision-making, and develops counting.

Checkers develop logical thinking.

Dominoes teach children the ability to play together and obey the rules of the game.

To prevent flat feet and provide various effects on children's feet, health tracks are used. Regular massage of the feet helps to improve the child’s health daily and easily.

The health track allows you to make this process not only useful, but also very exciting. For example, using bags for balance and coordination of movement.

Thus, the creation of a developmental environment for independent motor activity of children, adequate to their age and needs, helps to improve health, expand motor experience, and develop a strong interest in activities physical exercise, self-organization skills and communication with peers.

We invite preschool teachers of the Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their methodological material:
- Pedagogical experience, original programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with families and teachers.

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