The order of finishing work. Types of construction work and the sequence of their implementation Sequence of construction work

1. Preparing the surface of the building facade. Preparation for the installation of new cladding begins with a visual and instrumental examination of the surface of the facades with the preparation of a corresponding report. Based on the results visual inspection a decision is made to clean the external walls of the building from: - old plaster, if the facade was previously plastered; - tiled materials and the mortar that fastens them to the masonry walls, if the facade was made of ceramic or other tiles; - mortar protruding from the seams of concrete panels or blocks; - other materials unrelated to the main wall (random mortar flows, protruding fasteners of products, etc.). In addition, all special devices must be removed from the facades of the building: gutters, brackets, antennas, signs, pipelines, cables, etc. Based on the results of the instrumental examination, deviations of the surface of the external walls of the building from the vertical and in the horizontal direction are established. If necessary, special marks are installed on the walls indicating the size of the deviation that must be provided for and eliminated when installing the metal frame of the new facade.

2. Installation of a metal frame.(consoles, support profiles and mounting rails). Installation of the system is carried out using hanging cradles or individual scaffolding in two grips. Each capture consists of four teams of two workers.

Before starting the installation of the metal frame, the outer walls of the building are marked to install dowels for the purpose of subsequently fastening the frame to the wall. The specified markings are carried out in accordance with the working design of the building facade. In this case, the number of dowels, the depth of their subsequent drilling and their dimensions are determined depending on the wall material.

After marking is completed, drilling into the wall of the building is carried out and dowels are installed. Next, consoles or support profiles are installed (with a thermal insulation thickness of no more than 100 mm) and fastened to the walls of the building. This is the most important element installation work. Before performing it, it is necessary to tighten the working cords on the walls of the building in horizontal and vertical directions in accordance with the established marks.

Elements of the frame structure for cladding are attached to the external walls with screws or anchors (dowels); It is prohibited to shoot frames.

When laying walls made of brick (red, silicate) with vertical voids, you should additionally check in advance, even under construction conditions, the possibilities of fixing certain dowels in a specific masonry material.

It is also necessary to carry out a test for pulling out dowels from the veneered masonry. Tests must be carried out on the object that is supposed to be clad using dowels as fastening elements for frames for cladding.

Do not install fasteners into masonry seams; the distance from the dowel installation point to the spoon seam should be at least 3.5 cm, to the butt seam -6 cm. The distance from the installation point to the edge of the structure depends on the diameter of the dowel.

Depending on specific conditions, approximately 3% of all installed dowels (at least three pieces) should be tested for the amount of torque required to drive the screw.

The anchoring depth must be at least d x 10/2 (d is the diameter of the dowel). Based on this condition, the embedment depth of a dowel with a diameter of 10 mm should be at least 50 mm. The depth of the hole drilled in the base to install the dowel should be 10 mm greater than the depth of the dowel; Before installing the dowel, the hole should be cleared of dust and small particles of drilled material.

As an additional anti-corrosion measure, special protective caps must be installed on the galvanized heads of dowel screws or painted with anti-corrosion paint.

After installing the supporting structures (consoles or supporting profiles), the façade’s planeness is checked and permission is given for further installation of the frame.

When attaching consoles (or support profiles) to the wall of a building, to ensure their design position, adjustable tubular washers of the required size can be installed to compensate for unevenness of the facade. In some cases, in case of serious defects in the facade, instead of tubular washers, a leveling frame, usually made of wooden blocks impregnated with fire-retardant and antiseptic compounds, can be installed (before installing the consoles) and attached to the wall of the building.

However, installing such a frame is a last resort and requires the development of a special project. The fastening of consoles (support profiles) to the building wall is carried out using special screws, drilled into previously installed dowels. At the same time, textolite, polypropylene or other non-conductive heat (or cold) washers are installed between the building wall and the metal frame in order to avoid the appearance of cold bridges in the building envelope.

The subsequent installation of horizontal support profiles and vertical mounting rails and their mutual fastening is carried out in accordance with the project.

After completing the installation of the frame, before installing the SCANROC panels, an additional control check is carried out to ensure the flatness of the building facade.

3. Installation of thermal insulation performed after installing horizontal and before installing vertical support profiles (Fig. 3.12). Insulation on the façade of a building can be sectioned both in height and along its length. Before laying each section of insulation, a special horizontal base profile is installed in the above-basement part of the building in the form of a trough-shaped metal (galvanized) element, fixed to the main frame or, if necessary, to the wall of the building.

The width of the base profile must be no less than the accepted thickness of the thermal insulation. The base profile is installed in accordance with the design, maintaining a gap between adjacent base profiles of 2-3 mm and secured with dowels every 30 cm (Fig. 2.5).

Rice. 2.5 Installation of thermal insulation

In places where the base profile does not fit tightly to the wall, install washers of appropriate thickness.

The base profiles are connected to each other using plastic connecting elements.

At the corners of the building, the plinth profiles are joined with oblique cuts and connected using plastic connecting elements.

After installing the base profiles, the thermal insulation is laid from bottom to top. It is recommended to use slab thermal insulation of small thickness (up to 50 mm), installed in several rows in thickness with bandaging of the seams. In this case, all seams must be sealed with the same insulation without the formation of voids.

The outer surface of the thermal insulation must exactly coincide with the outer surface of the support profiles. If the surface of the building façade is uneven, all gaps between the building wall and the thermal insulation must be filled with the same insulation, so that no unorganized air gaps are formed.

After laying the thermal insulation, if necessary, it is covered with a wind and moisture protective film. Separate sheets of film are laid overlapping each other with an overlap of at least 100 mm, which does not prevent the air flow from rising along the gap. At the end sections of the insulation section, the film is inserted behind the insulation to its full thickness. The section joints must also be thermally insulated without the formation of “cold bridges”, which must be specifically provided for in the work execution plan (WPP).

4. Installation of SCANROC panels. Before installing the panels, a so-called ventilation profile is installed in the lower part of the metal frame, covering the air gap and secured to the support profiles and mounting rails.

The ventilation profile is a trough-shaped metal (galvanized) element perforated to allow moisture to escape along its entire length.

The panels are installed from the bottom up, sequentially row by row. Typically, installation begins with corner tiles that form and fix the corners of the building facade. Each row of panels is leveled. The panels are cut to the required size using a diamond tool.

When installing the panels, it is necessary to ensure that the air gap between the panels and the thermal insulation is clean and free of any foreign inclusions.

Construction of other façade elements. In places where the system approaches balconies, cornices, openings and other elements of the facade extending from its plane, special profiles made of painted galvanized sheet steel are installed, as provided for by the project (Fig. 2.6).

Profiles can be attached with self-tapping screws to the system frame or a special frame, as well as with dowels with screws screwed into them to concrete, brick or other facade structures.

All open parts of the system, especially its upper surfaces, must be protected from precipitation by special canopies made of galvanized steel, attached to a metal frame or to the wall of the building.

The work execution project (WPP) should end with a section on safety precautions when performing facade work.

Work quality control carried out by the technical commission of the main contracting organization, which includes the chief engineer and site managers, and the head of the technical and technical department. The commission is headed by the chief engineer. The functions of the commission include: - incoming control of design and estimate documentation; – development of PPR; - technical supervision of construction progress; - maintenance of as-built documentation and acts hidden work, as well as other functions in accordance with everyday construction tasks. Incoming quality control building materials and structures, products, as well as operational control are assigned to site managers.


The technological map is drawn up based on the requirements of DBN A.3.1-5-96 “Organization of construction production” and guidelines for the development technological maps for the installation of ventilated facades.

Scope of application

The SCANROC system is an effectively ventilated facade system for insulation and cladding of newly constructed and reconstructed buildings up to 100 m in height. This system is aesthetically pleasing and effective both on multi-storey buildings and on cottages and other low-rise buildings.

Can be used on buildings of all levels of responsibility, all degrees of fire resistance, and has seismic resistance up to 9 points.

The SCANROC system perfectly protects external walls from external influences of the natural environment (rain, snow, fog, etc.). The walls are not saturated with natural moisture, but always remain dry. Walls using the SCANROC facade system are not afraid of household moisture. The SCANROC system allows you to eliminate negative impact“cold bridges”, i.e. parts building structures who have direct contact with environment (interfloor ceilings, window lintels). With 100 mm insulation, the SCANROC system reduces the influence of street noise by approximately 25%.

Perhaps this system is one of the most optimal in terms of its aesthetic, price, design, and technological capabilities. With its help, you can solve the problems of wall structures of newly erected buildings and reconstruct the facility. Thanks to the small size of the facing stone, it is possible to realize various architectural designs both in terms of color and in terms of various design solutions. Appearance facing material, reminiscent natural stone, allows it to be used with great success in cottage construction. At the same time, technical specifications Such cladding cannot be compared with traditional brick. Also, we should not forget that this is a façade insulation system. Those. it allows solving thermal insulation problems with a high degree of efficiency, and therefore is readily and very successfully used for housing construction. This also makes the facades of the SCANROC system attractive when reconstructing old buildings.

Related information.

Processes are performed in a certain sequence, adjacent processes - without interruptions, directly one after the other, or with interruptions. In this lesson we will look at the topic “”.

Sequence of construction and installation works

Execution Sequence various types construction work is determined by the very purpose of the work. For example, the surface to be painted must be level. This is done by plastering, therefore, plastering work must be done first, and then painting.

There are also a number of works between which there is no such direct connection, for example, repairing the plaster of the facade of a building and interior painting. In this case, the sequence is adopted such that the performance of subsequent work does not negatively affect the quality of the previous one. In particular, in the last example, the sequence depends on the adopted method of supplying materials to the building for interior work.

What needs to be taken into account when organizing construction and installation work

If materials are supplied along stairs, through doors, then the sequence does not matter; if through window openings, then interior painting should be done earlier than exterior plaster, since when supplying materials, damage to the completed plaster is possible.

Establishment need for breaks between two adjacent processes depends on the technological features of these processes, on whether these works are carried out in the same or different rooms of the building, and on safety conditions.

Technological features are that when performing certain types of work, even after their complete completion, it is impossible to immediately begin related work.

Technology and organization of construction work

IN construction technologies must be taken into account technological features of the process V. So, after laying monolithic concrete, a certain time is required for it to harden; Painting of plastered surfaces is carried out only after the plaster has dried, walking on floors made of ceramic tiles possible only after the solution has hardened, etc. These breaks are required only if subsequent work is carried out in the same premises.

If subsequent work does not affect the quality of previous ones, then the technology and organization of construction work makes it possible to make breaks unnecessary. For example, when laying ceramic tile floors in bathrooms in adjacent rooms, other work can be done. If ceramic tile floors are laid on staircase landings, then no other work should be carried out in the building, since it is impossible to walk on freshly laid tiles.

Breaks for safety reasons are necessary in cases where one of the related processes is performed manually, and the other - by mechanisms, in the work area of ​​which people are not allowed. For example, after excavating the soil with an excavator, it is necessary to manually remove the soil to the design mark. However, the excavation can begin only when the excavator moves from the beginning of the excavation to a certain distance sufficient to ensure the safety of the workers.

If both processes are performed at the same level horizontally (within the underground part, on the same floor), then the duration of the break is taken such that a distance is maintained between the workers engaged in the manual process and the mechanism engaged in the mechanized process during the entire duration of the work. ensuring the safety of workers.

If manual and mechanized processes are carried out on different floors of the building, then between them there should always be one intermediate floor on which no work is carried out. To the breaks associated with technological features process, include breaks necessary for hardening concrete, screeds, preparing floors, drying plaster, painting, as well as the time required to convert an excavator to a crane. The time required for hardening concrete in monolithic structures (foundations, etc.) and hardening screeds is taken in accordance with the instructions of accepted standards.

Organization of construction and installation works

Most processes and work lead continuously , however, some types of work may be interspersed with others, in particular, sanitary and electrical installations, which are returned to three times during the construction of a building (when entering communications into the building, installing pipelines, installing devices, laying and switching electrical networks, installation of lamps, taps, mixers and other equipment immediately before delivery of the facility).

Correct organization of work at a construction enterprise provides for the expedient linking of individual processes and types of work in time, taking into account compliance with the necessary technological sequences, breaks and safety rules with an economically justified reduction in construction duration and a sufficiently high quality of work.

TO category:

Asphalt paving machines


Sequence and rules for performing work

The construction of bases and coatings from an asphalt concrete mixture includes the following operations (Fig. 128): – cleaning the base from dust and dirt I; – lubrication with bitumen compositions II; – delivery of asphalt concrete mixture and laying it in the bottom layer with asphalt paver III; – rolling the bottom layer with a light roller IV; – rolling of the bottom layer with heavy rollers V; – reserve of the finished lower layer for the installation of the upper layer VI; – delivery of asphalt concrete mixture and laying of the top layer using asphalt paver VII; – rolling the top layer with a light roller VIII; – rolling of the top layer with heavy rollers IX.

Asphalt concrete bases and coatings are constructed in accordance with SNiP Sh-D.5-73 and the “Guidelines for the construction of road asphalt concrete pavements” of the USSR Ministry of Transport Construction (1978).

Clean the surface of the bottom layer of material with mechanical brushes or compressed air from a mobile compressor. Sometimes hand scrapers are used. The layer of material must be dry and not frozen. The wet material is dried using heaters.


The cleaned surface of the underlying asphalt concrete layer is treated with bitumen compositions for better adhesion to the overlying layer. For processing, liquid bitumen is used, as well as viscous bitumen diluted with kerosene or liquid bitumen. Bitumen compositions are poured with an asphalt distributor 3-5 hours before the start of installation. To treat one square meter of the base, 0.5-0.8 liters are consumed, and the bottom layer of coating - 0.2-0.3 liters of bitumen.

The asphalt concrete mixture is delivered to the construction site by dump trucks. During the process of unloading the mixture, make sure that all material is removed from the dump truck body to prevent the mixture from hardening. The asphalt concrete mixture is laid and rolled by a chain of machines. The unit for the construction of bases and coatings includes one or three asphalt pavers and at least four rollers for each of them. The number of heavy rollers in a link is greater than light ones. It is recommended to use rollers with smooth drums and pneumatic wheels.

As a result of laying a number of strips of material on the surface of the layer, seams are formed. Poor-quality construction of longitudinal and transverse seams is primarily the site of initial destruction of the coating. Correctly executed seams are invisible on the surface and the density of asphalt concrete in their place does not differ from the density of other areas.

The best longitudinal alignment of strips is obtained by simultaneous operation of two asphalt pavers on adjacent strips. They move along the course from one another to a distance of 10-30 m.

At the junction points, the edges of the previously laid strip are cut off vertically along the cord, a hot mixture roller 15-20 cm wide is heated or placed on the previously compacted layer, which is removed before laying the adjacent strip.

Pneumatic tools are used to trim the edges of the strip.

To avoid undercompaction at the longitudinal joint, near this edge the thickness of the material is increased by 1-2 cm compared to the thickness in other places. Before starting work, the screed plate is heated. Using a tamper, the mixture is pre-compacted, which reduces the workload of the rollers by up to 25%.

After the asphalt paver works, a narrow strip may remain unpaved. It is allowed to lay the mixture manually in this place simultaneously with the operation of the asphalt paver. This way, after compaction, there is no extra seam on the coating.

The surface of the layer laid with an asphalt paver must be smooth, uniform, without cavities or breaks.

The mixture is compacted by the longitudinal movement of the rollers. The next passes of the rollers are carried out with a transverse displacement of them by 20-30 cm from the edges to the middle. The first passes are made along the longitudinal interface with the previously laid strip. To obtain an even surface, the roller must start and reverse smoothly. It is prohibited to simultaneously move or reverse the vibrating roller and turn on the vibration exciter. Do not stop the roller on an under-compacted surface.

The number of passes of rollers in one place depends on the composition of the mixture, weather conditions and is: light with smooth rollers 2-4, pneumatic wheels 8-10 and heavy with smooth rollers 15-18. At the beginning of compaction, the speed of the rollers is 1.5-2 km/h. Then it is increased: for light (vibrating) rollers up to 3 km/h, medium and heavy with smooth rollers up to 5 km/h and pneumatic rollers up to 8 km/h or more.

The highest density after rolling is achieved when using a mixture with the maximum heating temperature.

Below is the recommended temperature of hot mixtures, °C, at which effective compaction of the following types of mixture is achieved:
Coarse grain 140-160
Medium grain 120-140
Fine grain 100-130
Sand (from crushed sand) 130-140
Sand (from natural sand) 90-120
Mixtures for the bottom layer 120-140

Fuel, lubricants and other liquids that come into contact with the coating cause sinkholes. Therefore, to refuel the machines, it is necessary to drive off the material being compacted. For the same purpose, it is not permitted to use diesel oil and fuel oil in the wetting systems of rollers and roller tires.
After compaction of the lower layer is completed, a certain reserve is left to the construction site of the upper layer. This reserve ensures uninterrupted operation of machines on the top layer of material.

The construction of bases and coatings from a cement-soil mixture is carried out by mixing soil with cement at the work site using road milling machines or single-pass soil-mixing machines, as well as by preparing the mixture in stationary mixing plants. To increase the accuracy of dosing soil, cement, water and other substances and improve mixing conditions, it is advisable to use stationary installations. The strength of reinforced soil increases on average by 20-25% compared to the strength achieved when mixing with a road mill.

With the stationary method of preparing a cement-soil mixture, the mixing plant is located in a quarry or at a cement-concrete plant. Dosing of binding materials and moistening of the mixture are carried out taking into account the natural moisture of the soil and weather conditions when working on the road. If cohesive soil is used, it is pre-crushed. The amount of clay-silt lumps larger than 5 mm after crushing should not exceed 25%.

The finished mixture is transported to the work site by road transport and laid using crushed stone spreaders or concrete placing machines. If these machines are not available, it is permissible to unload the mixture into the middle of the roadway and then distribute it across the entire width using motor graders or planners. Rolling of the mixture must be completed no later than 3-5 hours from the moment it is moistened. Compaction after the specified time does not give results, as the mixture sets.

Effectively compact the cement-soil mixture with pneumatic rollers, including trailed ones. To compact the mixture, 10-15 passes of rollers are required in one place. To seal the edges, beams are laid, which protect the material from sliding. If the mixture dries out, the surface of the layer is moistened to increase the compaction density.

The laid and compacted layer of cement soil reaches maximum strength after the cement has finished setting, i.e. after 28 days. During this period, it is necessary to protect the layer from moisture loss. To protect against evaporation, films made of liquefied bitumen or ethinol varnish are used. Film-forming substances are poured with an asphalt distributor (0.5-1 kg/m2 of coating). In hot weather, bottling is repeated every other week. To maintain the moisture content of the cement soil, sand is poured onto its surface in a layer of 3-4 cm, which is moistened for 10 days.

Rough asphalt concrete pavements are laid using an asphalt paver. If the asphalt concrete mixture does not provide the required roughness, then black crushed stone is embedded into it. To obtain black crushed stone, crushed stone is dried, heated and treated with bitumen or tar in stationary mixers. The amount of bitumen is 1.2-1.5% of the mass of crushed stone. If there is a lack of bitumen, the crushed stone comes off from the coating; if there is an excess, the roughness decreases.

The method of embedding crushed stone is as follows. A light roller is passed over the surface of the asphalt concrete pavement once or twice. The number of roller passes is determined experimentally. Sometimes just passing the paver with the tamper on is enough. A layer one chip thick of black crushed stone is spread with a mechanical spreader or manually and the coating is finally compacted with medium and heavy rollers with smooth rollers. In the final operation, compaction is recommended to be carried out with self-propelled pneumatic rollers. The most favorable temperatures for embedding black crushed stone into laid hot mixtures are 90-110 ° C and in warm ones - 60-80 ° C.

The second method - the method of surface treatment of the coating - is that a layer of organic binding material (bitumen, bitumen emulsion) is applied to its surface, a layer of crushed stone is distributed and compacted with rollers. With this method, crushed stone and black crushed stone not treated with bitumen are used. Crushed stone. using a spreader, they are also laid in a layer one thick of crushed stone and immediately compacted with medium rollers in four or five passes along one track. To increase roughness, heated and cold black crushed stone is used.

During the first 8-10 days. during operation, loose crushed stone is removed, vehicle speed is limited to 40 km/h and traffic is regulated according to the width of the pavement. Traffic is allowed no earlier than 24 hours after compaction.

The productivity of a mechanized link when laying an asphalt concrete pavement depends on the speed of the asphalt paver and rollers, the width of the layer and the length of the mixture laying strip. The speed of the asphalt paver should be maximum, provided there are no breaks in the material in the laid layer.

The length of the strip for laying the mixture with an asphalt paver is chosen so that as little as possible remains of manual work on adding the mixture at the longitudinal joints. Increasing the strip length reduces the number of paver transitions, but the amount of manual work increases dramatically. At the same time, the productivity of the machine unit decreases. For a warm mixture at an ambient temperature of 10-20 ° C, the length of the strip is 70-250 m, for the same mixture at an air temperature above 20 ° C, as well as for cold asphalt concrete - no more than 500 m.

The maximum productivity of the rollers is achieved with a variable speed operating mode, which provides for an increase in speed towards the end of the compaction process. Speeds above 5 km/h for smooth drum rollers and above 10 km/h for pneumatic rollers reduce compaction quality.

Features of laying and compacting hot, warm and cold asphalt concrete mixtures are as follows. In the warm season, when hot and warm mixture arrives from the plant with a capacity of up to 35 t/h, a link of rollers works with the asphalt paver: one light and two heavy. With a larger supply of mixture, the number of rollers is increased to four. When working on the bottom layer, the light roller is replaced with a heavy one. In spring and autumn, machine units consist of medium and heavy rollers. The number of passes of static rollers with smooth rollers on hot mixtures is: light or medium 2-4, heavy 15-18. The number of passes is determined by trial rolling. The evenness of the laid layer affects the density of asphalt concrete. When laying by hand, the evenness of the surface deteriorates. In places of protrusions the density is increased, in places of depressions it is reduced. Density equalization is ensured by increasing the number of roller passes (for manual laying) by 3-5.

If one of the rollers in the link is vibrating, then it makes the first two passes with the vibration exciter turned off, then three or four with it turned on. After this, compaction is carried out with a heavier static roller.

When an additional pneumatic wheel roller is used in a link in the process flow, it is installed between light and heavy rollers with smooth rollers. A light roller makes 2-3 passes, a pneumatic roller makes 8-10 passes, and a heavy roller with smooth rollers makes 2-4 passes.

A lightweight static roller may not be used. In this case, the pneumatic roller makes 10-12 passes.

Unlike hot mixes, cold mixes are laid using an asphalt paver with the tamper switched off.

Cold mixtures are compacted mainly with pneumatic rollers, which perform 6-10 passes along one track. In their absence, you can also use light and medium static rollers with smooth rollers, which should make 6-8 passes. If vibratory rollers are used, then the number of passes with the vibrator turned off is 4-6. Heavy rollers cause cracks, so they are usually not used on cold mixtures. The final compaction of coatings made from cold mixtures is achieved by moving vehicles.

Carrying out work in the cold season is characterized by a number of features. Reduced air temperatures for laying asphalt concrete mixtures are considered to be temperatures below 5 °C in spring and below 10 °C in autumn.

At low temperatures, hot and warm mixtures are laid on a base that was laid and compacted before the onset of negative temperatures. Only the bottom layer of a two-layer coating is laid. If it is necessary to lay the top layer, then the temperature of the bottom layer should not cool below 20° C.

At low air temperatures, the mixture cools quickly. Therefore, the thickness of the coating layers is increased by 0.5-1 cm and the top layer is made more than 4 cm. To increase the workability of the mixture at low temperatures, surfactant additives are used.

The mixture is supplied to the asphalt paver in dump trucks with insulated and heated bodies. The temperature of the mixture is better maintained if heavy-duty vehicles are used. The mixture is covered with a tarpaulin during transportation.

The length of the grip when laying with one asphalt paver should be such that the new strip is adjacent to the previous one, which is in a warm state. At temperatures from -5 to -10 °C, the length of the gripper should not be more than 25 m. The length of the gripper is increased if two asphalt pavers are used. The mixture is compacted immediately across the entire width of the laid strip. To do this, it is necessary to have a sufficient number of rollers, which are arranged in a checkerboard pattern. Only heavy rollers are used. The number of roller passes along one track is 15-20. Compaction efficiency is achieved by heating the rollers or filling them with hot oil.

Defects that arise during the process of laying and compacting the mixture are eliminated before the mixture cools.

When performing certain types of construction and installation work at the site, all requirements must be strictly observed. technical specifications. Therefore, it is necessary to plan the implementation of these works when drawing up schedules in a certain technological sequence:

Backfilling of sinuses in buildings with a basement floor (i.e., in the presence of pits) should be carried out after installing vertical waterproofing of foundations and installation of floors; when working in trenches, backfill the sinuses after laying the foundations;

Installation of prefabricated structures, installation of window and door blocks and other prefabricated elements should be carried out, if possible, in parallel with the laying of external and internal walls;

Installation of elements of a frame, frameless or large-panel building must be carried out in a sequence that ensures the spatial rigidity and stability of the structures;

The construction of the roof must begin immediately after the construction of the building frame, so that a front is created for finishing and other work, requiring stable humidity and temperature;

Backfilling of floors in buildings with attics is carried out after the roofing is installed;

It is advisable to plan the work on glazing openings in two steps:

a) external glazing - before plastering work (instead of glass, polyethylene film can be used for temporary glazing);

b) internal glazing - before painting work;

The installation of door blocks must be completed before plastering;

Plastering walls is allowed only if there are two interfloor ceilings above the rooms where work is being done, and plastering of ceilings should be done only after the roof has been installed;

Painting work is carried out after plastering work on a dry surface and if there is a roof;

It is advisable to plan the installation of floors (plank, cement, mosaic, tile) after plastering work, or in parallel with them, but if there is a sufficient scope of work (interval); the laying of parquet floors is carried out after plastering work, and the sanding of these floors and the installation of linoleum floors must be carried out after painting work;

The blind area should be installed during the zero cycle, or after the installation of the roof and external plaster;

Special work (electrical, plumbing, etc.) should be divided into the installation of inputs, which should be performed during the period of zero-cycle work, and installation internal networks water supply, sewerage, heating, ventilation, electricity, gas supply and others, which must be completed before plastering work; installation of lighting fixtures is carried out after painting work;

Drawing up a calendar plan

When drawing up a calendar plan, it is necessary to ensure compliance with:

Standard duration of construction of the facility (according to SNiP 1.04.03-85*);

Technological sequence of construction and installation work;

Combination of various types of construction and installation work in time;

Uniformity of consumption of labor, material and technical resources;

Occupational safety and health regulations;

Drawing up a calendar plan means developing its calendar part or, in other words, a linear schedule for the production of construction and installation work. The form of the calendar part is given in the appendix.

In the calendar part, all construction and installation works are depicted in the form of lines (segments), the length of which corresponds to the duration of these works in the accepted time scale. Two shift work is depicted double lines(the top corresponds to the first shift, and the bottom to the second).

The technological sequence, as well as the degree of possible combination of construction and installation work, is determined and secured, in accordance with the recommendations outlined above, by the relative position of the segments symbolizing the relevant work. Above each segment is indicated the duration of the corresponding work and, in parentheses, the size of the team involved in performing this work.

When designing calendar plans, one must strive to ensure that the consumption of all resources, including labor, is distributed as evenly as possible over time. In this case, the rhythm of construction and installation work is achieved, which, in turn, is a condition for increasing labor productivity and reducing construction time.

The calendar demand for labor resources is set by the movement schedule of workers, which is developed after drawing up a linear schedule for the production of construction and installation work of the calendar plan and is placed under it.

It is customary to build a worker movement schedule in the form of a diagram, for which the total number of workers for each day is plotted on an appropriate scale (for example, 1 mm corresponds to one person) vertically and connected by a line horizontally.

Uniformity of consumption labor resources is estimated using the coefficient of uneven movement of workers (α).

The coefficient of uneven movement of workers is determined by the formula:

The maximum number of workers per day is determined according to the worker movement schedule;

Average number of workers;

The average number of workers per day is determined by the formula:

Planned labor intensity of all work according to the calendar plan, h-days;

Duration of construction of the facility according to the calendar plan, days;

If the consumption of labor resources turned out to be insufficiently uniform, i.e. α>1.5, then the schedule is subject to optimization, which is achieved by changing the timing of certain types of work or the number of workers involved in performing these works.

Determination of technical and economic indicators of the calendar plan

The quality of the calendar plan development is assessed using technical and economic indicators that appear in the table.

Technical and economic indicators

No. Name of indicators Unit change Quantity
Norm Plan
1. Duration in working days days
2. Duration in calendar days days
3. Labor intensity h-day
4. Specific labor intensity h-day/m 3
5. Coefficient of uneven movement of workers α 1,5
6. Work combination ratio k sv 2-5
7. Shift rate k cm 1-3
8. Facility construction duration coefficient k t 0,6-0,9
9. Labor productivity level %

The planned duration of construction, determined according to the calendar plan, should not exceed the standard duration of construction, which is preliminarily determined according to SNiP 1.04.03.-85 * “Norms for the duration of construction of buildings and structures.”

The standard and planned labor intensity of the construction of an object is taken based on the results of the labor input columns, respectively.

Specific labor intensity shows the labor costs that fall on 1 m 3 of the building’s construction volume.

The coefficient of combination of work kst in time is determined by dividing the total duration of all construction, installation and special works by the planned duration of construction of the facility.

Planned duration of construction;

The shift coefficient is determined by the formula:

Shift indicator nth job;

Duration nth work;

The total duration of all construction and special works;

The duration coefficient k t is defined as the ratio of the planned duration of construction of an object to the standard one.

The level of labor productivity is determined by the ratio of the standard labor intensity of all work to the planned one.


Appendix A. Standard slope steepness

Work in excavations with slopes without reinforcement is allowed at the excavation depth and slope steepness indicated in the table


1. When layering different types of soil, the steepness of the slopes is assigned according to the least stable type.

2. Uncompacted fill soils include soils with a filling age of up to two years for sandy soils; up to five years – for silty-clayey soils.

Appendix B. Permissible shortfalls of soil at the base of pits and trenches when developing them with single-bucket excavators, cm

Shortages of soil during execution earthworks single-bucket excavators should not exceed the values ​​​​given in the table.

When using leveling excavators, hydraulically driven excavators or a conventional type with buckets with a straight cutting edge, the shortfalls indicated in the table can be reduced by 2 times.

Appendix B. Calculation of the volume of excavation work when developing a pit

Pit volume

Width of the pit along the bottom, m;

Length of the pit along the bottom, m;

Pit depth, m;

Slope steepness coefficient for earthen structures according to SNiP 12-04-2002 (see Appendix A).

Determination of the volume of excavation work for:

  1. Excavation of soil with an excavator in a pit and loading it into vehicles

Volume of foundations;

The volume of the basement of the building located below the ground level;

  1. Excavation of soil using an excavator in a pit and dumping it into a dump
  1. Cleaning the bottom of the pit manually (accepted in the amount of 3% of the volume of soil excavated by an excavator)
  1. Backfilling of foundation cavities using a mechanized method (accepted in an amount of 95% of the volume of soil left in the dump)
  1. Backfilling of foundation sinuses manually with compaction (accepted in the amount of 5% of the volume of soil left in the dump)
  1. Layer-by-layer soil compaction in foundation cavities

Appendix D. Sheet for calculating the volume of work for brickwork

No. Wall name Length, m Height, m Wall area, m2 Number and area of ​​openings, m 2 Wall area without openings, m2 Wall thickness, m Masonry volume, m 3
Exterior walls
1. A-A 24,0 3,0 72,0 4×OR 15-13.5 4×2.025=8.1 63,9 0,64 40,9
Total for external walls ∑=
Internal walls
2. 1-1 12,0 3,0 36,0 2×DG 21-9 2×1.89=3.8 32,2 0,38 12,2
Total for internal walls
Total per floor

Appendix D. List of installation elements

Appendix E. Sheet for calculating the volume of work for filling and painting openings


  1. Danilov N.N., Bulgakov S.N., Zimin M.P. Technology and organization of construction production - M., Stroyizdat, 1987;
  2. Gaevoy A.F., Usik S.A. Course and diploma design - M., Stroyizdat, 1987;
  3. Khamzin S.K., Karasev A.K. Coursework and diploma design - M., VSh, 1987;
  4. A manual for the development of construction organization projects and work production projects for housing and civil construction (to SNiP 3.01.01-85*) - TsNIIOMTP Gosstroy USSR, M., Stroyizdat, 1989;
  5. Development of construction organization projects and work production projects for industrial construction (reference manual) - TsNIIOMTP Gosstroy USSR, M., SI, 1990;
  6. Dikman L.G. Organization of housing and civil construction (builder's directory) - M., Stroyizdat, 1990;
  7. Shakhparonov V.V. Organization of construction production (builder's directory) - M., Stroyizdat, 1987;
  8. Odintsov V.P. Handbook for developing a work production project - K., “Budivelnik”, 1982;
  9. SNiP 12-01-2004 “Construction Organization”;
  10. SNiP 1.04.03-85* “Norms for construction duration and backlog in the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures”;
  11. SNiP 12-03-2001 “Labor safety in construction. Part 1";
  12. SNiP 12-04-2002 “Labor safety in construction. Part 2";