Draw a children's bedroom with furniture. Scheme for drawing furniture for children

Any start of construction or repair is preceded by drawing up a drawing. Without a detailed visual representation it is impossible to provide for everything possible nuances. The situation is similar with interior design. In order for the choice of style, furniture and decorative elements to become possible, you first need to draw the interior of the room. If you want to create a unique design for your cozy nest, you will have to arm yourself with more than one sheet of paper, a pencil, a sharpener, an eraser, and also some patience. A correctly drawn sketch will allow you to personally “anticipate” the interior design of the room. But, as in any science, it has its own rules and subtleties, which you will become familiar with in this article.

A design drawing will allow you to see the situation in the room before the renovation begins.

When designing the interior decoration of a room, the method of drawing in perspective is used. There is nothing complicated about it. The main concept here is to tie all the elements of the space and furniture to a specific point on the sheet, called the vanishing point.

The vanishing point is where the viewer is looking

Perspective in art is a way of conveying spatial objects on paper, while preserving the natural visual effect characteristic of the human eye.

Frontal or central perspective is a perspective in which straight lines converge at the main point of the picture P, and perpendiculars to them are parallel to the edge of the sheet

The perspective method allows you to naturally perceive the resulting interior design, as it would look in a real room.

To correctly construct a drawing, a perspective scale is used, which is set so that the entire room fits on a piece of paper

The promising construction method has its own subtypes, the main of which are:

  • direct linear (frontal) perspective;
  • angular frontal perspective.

Let's look at the features of each of them.

Direct perspective method

The main feature of this method is the use of one vanishing point located in the center of the sheet. Before drawing this point, you need to draw a square or rectangle indicating the wall farthest from the observer. Its dimensions should be comparable to the dimensions of the selected sheet, ideally a scale of 1 to 3.

Draw a square and place an anchor point in the center

After this, the corners of the square are connected by diagonals, with straight lines extending beyond its (square) perimeter. It is important that these lines pass through our vanishing point, located inside the square (let's call it point A).

Draw diagonal lines

The resulting lines marked the walls, ceiling and floor. The internal diagonals of the square are no longer needed, so we erase them with an eraser.

Erase the lines inside the square, leaving the center point

Now we move on to the designation of windows and doors.

Important! The viewing point from which the perspective is observed should be one of the walls of the room, free of furniture, windows and with minimal decorative elements. This gives you a complete picture of the interior design of the room.

It is best to measure the height of the window with a tape measure and apply the approximate proportion to a piece of paper. In this case, the edge of the window closest to the observer will appear longer than the farther one. We obtain the window by drawing two horizontal lines from the vanishing point along the wall. Next, we connect these lines to each other with vertical straight lines, parallel to the adjacent straight lines of the far wall. We erase the working lines and get a window.

Drawing a window

In the same way we depict the entrance door to the room.

To indicate the depth of a wall in a doorway, as well as a window, you need to draw segments from each vertex of the corner into the depth, for example, of a window. These segments should be parallel to the floor and ceiling line of the far wall.

In the same way you can depict a staircase

It is always worth keeping in mind that all vertical lines when creating an interior drawing must come from the vanishing point. Compliance with this rule guarantees a clear representation of the drawn interior design.

After drawing the window and door, all auxiliary lines are erased with an eraser.

The walls are painted according to the light coming from the window

  • furniture;
  • lighting fixtures (chandelier, table lamp, floor lamp, etc.);
  • small interior elements (paintings, wall shelves and other interior elements).

Furniture and interior elements are drawn in compliance with the general concept of this method (through the selected vanishing point).

Apply shadows with a pencil as they look in the real world

At the end of drawing the sketch, all auxiliary lines are carefully erased with an eraser.

At the final stage, several actions are performed:

  1. Outlining the drawing with black ink.
  2. Connecting sharp corners and rough shapes with smooth, oval lines (smoothing).
  3. Shading objects with natural shadow.
  4. Adding color to the interior design.

The last two points deserve separate consideration, as they have a huge number of options. For a novice designer, it will be enough to master the basic principles.

Drawing of a room for a teenager

Drawing of a living room in a city apartment

Angled frontal perspective

This method has a slight difference from the previous one, namely the presence of two vanishing points. In terms of complexity of execution for a novice designer, it is no different from direct perspective.

Draw a horizontal line and starting points

How to position the second of the two vanishing points is a purely personal matter for each designer. General principle here is this: the point should be removed to the left or right side of the main central one. Depending on the length of the removal, the viewing angle of a particular piece of furniture will change.

Draw a rectangle representing the wall of the room

Erase the lines inside the rectangle and begin to draw the outlines of the interior

We apply the main pieces of furniture

To correctly place objects on the other side of the picture, we use the second starting point

We erase the auxiliary lines and get an almost finished sketch of the room

If you choose from the method of direct and angular projection, the second one more clearly represents the interior decoration of the room. For visual perception it will be more real to the person than the method of direct projection.

Building a room design on a PC

If you are not eager to become a newly minted designer, or if you are planning a one-time apartment renovation, and it is inappropriate to spend money on the services of a specialist, then you can use computer programs. With their help, you can quickly and easily sketch out a sketch of a room with the arrangement of any design.

You can create a room design in a special program, even if you don’t know how to draw at all

The most accessible and popular now are:

  • 3d interior design;
  • google sketchup;
  • ikea home planner;
  • sweet home 3d.

The Sweet Home 3D program is intended mainly for those who need to quickly make an interior design without having the skills to work in such applications

The program has an intuitive interface, and is also completely Russified

The built-in catalog allows you to add models and textures to the project, which can be changed in accordance with the actual dimensions of the room

An example of a dining area design created in Sweet Home 3D

These programs are similar to each other. They are completely free to use. They have a number of advantages over hand drawing. This is especially true for beginners. The interface of such a program is equipped with clear controls. The presence of interior elements and furniture greatly simplifies the drawing process.

For example, with the help of a Google program you can create both the design of one room of an apartment and a large-scale comprehensive design of the entire suburban area with a swimming pool, a garage, a recreation area and all the elements of the interior decoration of the house. A convenient visual representation will allow you to “walk” around your newly built home in a special mode.

ScetchUp allows you to make any shape visually voluminous

Functionality free version ScetchUp is quite enough to create the design of your room

The program allows you to model individual pieces of furniture

Separately, it is worth noting the program from Ikea. In addition to its main advantages, it has the function of calculating the cost of furniture and repairs in general. The only drawback is the range of products presented. Naturally, these are only products of this company.

The free program from Ikea will definitely come in handy if you are planning to buy furniture from this company

IKEA Home Planner will save the project in a 3D image and create a list of all selected furniture and interior items

Using a design program will save a lot of your time, and the clarity and objectivity of the resulting drawing will not be in doubt. All you have to do is print the document and start repairing.

Using the programs discussed above, you can make a design project for an entire apartment or private house.

Video tutorial on drawing a room

Photo: examples of room design created on a PC

Have you ever imagined what your room would look like if you moved your bed or chest of drawers? Or what would your living room look like if you moved the sofa, armchairs and TV? It takes a lot of effort to rearrange everything and just see what your “design project” will look like. This wonderful blog tutorial will teach you how to draw a room, hall or foyer in frontal perspective, so you can decorate the interior as you please!

Of course, at first this lesson may seem simple and uninteresting to you, but it shows basic steps for constructing a frontal perspective of a room, which will lay the foundations for the correct construction of any room in the future.

In this lesson we will learn frontal perspective: This is a painting technique in which all objects are related to a single central point in the drawing. This perspective is also called “single vanishing point perspective.” Not to be confused with angular perspective, although they are based on the same principle. Only angular perspective uses two vanishing points in your drawings with specific alignments to create depth.

I won't explain how to draw furniture in this tutorial. Now let's let's concentrate on drawing a truly large three-dimensional space, which you can fill in yourself using your imagination.

1. Let's start the drawing from the back wall of the room. Draw two horizontal lines parallel to the top edge of your notebook and two vertical lines parallel to the side edges of the paper. This is very important.

2. Place an anchor point in the center of the resulting square.

3. Lightly draw a guide line diagonally through the corners of the room and straight through the anchor point in the center. You can use a ruler or the edge of paper.

4. Also easily guide the second guide through the opposite corners of the room directly through the center anchor point.

5. Now erase all the lines inside the square, leaving only the anchor point in the center.

6. Lightly mark the location front door. Notice how the concept of size is used. The bottom edge of the door is drawn larger to create the illusion of proximity. Draw the floor, walls, ceiling, always keep the size rule in mind.

7. Using the center reference point, lightly draw a line through the near edge of the door to this very point. This point will become the positioning point for almost every line in this drawing.

8. Draw a window on the opposite wall, starting with two vertical lines. Don't forget to make the near line longer.

9. Once again, focusing on the center point, draw straight lines - the top and bottom edges of the window. It turned out well, didn't it?

10. Horizontal and vertical lines are used to draw door and window slopes. Draw horizontal lines to indicate the thickness of doors, windows and stairs.

11. Now draw a vertical line to define the slope of the window.

12. This step is very important in this tutorial. Using a center reference point, lightly draw the top and bottom lines of the window. Voila! You have created a window in frontal perspective! Now let's work with the stairs.

13. Using the back wall as a reference, draw horizontal and vertical lines to create the far edge of the staircase. Remember in step 1 how I said about the importance of the first horizontal and vertical lines? And here's why. All other horizontal and vertical lines must be parallel to the first, otherwise your drawing will visually fall apart.

14. Time to use the center anchor point again. Draw each corner of the step using this point. Lightly sketch lines away from the center, like in the illustration below.

15. Erase all extra lines. Sharpen all edges to create a focal point in your drawing. Shade your drawing according to the light coming from the left window and from the ceiling. If there is a light on the ceiling, where should the shadows be? You can add parquet flooring and a row of light bulbs on the ceiling. Redraw this several times, experimenting with different doors and windows.


Try drawing your room. Sit at your desk, on your bed, or on the floor where you feel comfortable and have the best view of the room. Position your canvas so that the vertical edge of your sheet lines up with the far corner of your room when you close one eye.

Draw everything you see: the edges of walls, ceilings, floors, windows and furniture. Try not to move your paper. Place it on the scanner and make a copy.

Use a pencil to color the copy and add color. Pay attention to "secret" shadows, drop shadows, and real-world occlusions, and how placement, size, and occlusion have a visual impact. Funny?

Be inspired by example!

Share your interiors on

Today we have a difficult but interesting task - to find out how to draw a room with a pencil. Then you can draw your room, or maybe the room of your parents or friends. To draw objects in space, it is important to have a sense of perspective. Firstly, distant objects seem smaller to us, and closer ones seem larger. If we stand in the middle of a long straight street, it will seem to disappear. That is, there is a so-called “ vanishing point" And all the lines of perspective coming out from this point, passing through all objects, will show us the proportions. She will help us draw the room. You can use a ruler to do this. So let's begin.

How to draw a room with furniture

Step one. Let's draw a horizontal line, so we will designate the horizontal plane. On this line we will mark a “vanishing point”. And almost from the corners of the room we will build lines converging at this point.
Step two. Let's construct a fourth straight line coming to the point. Now let’s place the rectangle so that its corners are on lines converging to the center. This will be the wall of our room. It will show a rectangular window.
Step three. On the left wall, just below the ceiling, we draw another straight line coming to the “outgoing point”. Between the resulting line and the floor line we will show two vertical lines, which will later become the door. On the right side we draw a rectangle, the lower right corner of which rests against the wall. And then we’ll build two lines from the corners of the resulting rectangle: one on the floor, the second on the wall. They also cross the "vanishing point". Between these two lines we will show one horizontal one. Do you see the parallelepiped on the right side?
Step four. Place a rectangle in the middle of the sheet under the window. And from the central point to the table there are two lines. Below them is a quadrangle. Step five. Similarly to constructing lines from a “vanishing point”, we will draw a table and a chair. There is an oval on the ceiling. Step six. Let's draw the details: windows, chandelier. Using an eraser, erase all unnecessary lines. Now you can place any objects in the room, for example, a toy Teddy bear, and then color the drawing. Well, that's all. I hope everything worked out for you and you will know how to draw the interior of a room. See you!
Try to picture it too.

How to draw a room?

If you set out to learn how to draw, then everything is quite possible. Almost everyone can draw. It’s just that some people have some achievements in this area, while others have completely different ones. Let's look at how to draw a room with furniture in this article.

You should take into account the fact that distant objects will appear smaller than they actually are. And, accordingly, those that are located closer are larger. Using a ruler, draw perspective lines that will start from one point and go through all the objects. They are the ones who will help us create the room.

How to draw a room with a pencil

  • First of all, you need to draw a horizontal line to indicate the horizontal plane. Mark a “vanishing point” on the line. Draw a little further from the corners, three lines that will converge at this point.
  • Construct the fourth line. It must come to the point. Place the rectangle so that all four corners are on lines that converge at a point. This rectangle will be the wall of the room. You can draw a window on it.
  • Just below the ceiling, on the left wall, draw a straight line, which should also lead to the outgoing point. Between the floor line and the new line, draw two vertical lines that will become the door. Draw a rectangle on the right side. The lower right corner of this rectangle should touch the wall. Then draw two lines that should extend from the corners of the rectangle. One is on the wall and the second is on the floor. Don't forget that they must cross the "vanishing point". Between two lines, draw one horizontal one. On the right side, you should have a parallelepiped.
  • Place a rectangle under the window, in the middle of the sheet. From the central point, directly to the table, there should be two lines, and under them a quadrangle.
  • Using the same lines, draw a chair and a table, and draw an oval on the ceiling.
  • Draw small details. Don't forget about the window and the chandelier on the ceiling.
  • Erase all unnecessary lines with an eraser. Then draw in the items in the room that you think are missing. For example, a toy or a flower pot.
  • You can start coloring.

Now you know how to draw a room. Using this method, you can draw your room or the room of your dreams.

Every novice artist has to draw objects in their surroundings one day. Cafe furniture or kitchen set in your apartment - everything can be reflected on paper over time, turning into beautiful drawing. However, it is worth mastering the skills of drawing furniture for those who order furniture for themselves from craftsmen or often work with clients. Agree, painted furniture looks much better and is a much more understandable task for a carpenter than just a verbal description.

Why you should learn to draw furniture

Having learned to draw ready-made cabinets or other furniture elements, over time you will be able to invent and draw completely new details that do not exist in reality. This will allow you to create your own furniture, making your ideas more visual. Such experience, again, will be useful to any artist.

Drawing a wardrobe with a pencil

First, we make a template for the future cabinet on paper. To do this, decide:

  • how many shelves will it have;
  • what its walls will be like;
  • what will be the overall appearance of the structure?

When the rough layout on paper is ready, start laying out some items on the shelves. This will allow you to imagine the closet, so to speak, in reality. Let the objects on the shelves be different: books or photographs, various small trinkets - in general, what you do best as an artist. The back wall needs to be made darker, since there is less illumination there. When introducing shadows, start from the back wall. Next, we begin to introduce new details and shadows on the remaining objects you drew on the shelves. Now all that remains is to erase the auxiliary lines drawn at the very beginning. Correct the main contours.