How long does it take for semolina porridge to be digested in the stomach? How long does it take to digest and absorb different foods?

Semolina - wheat cereal coarse grinding with an average particle diameter of 0.25 to 0.75 mm. Produced mainly from durum wheat. Used to prepare various dishes, in particular semolina porridge and semolina dumplings.

Properly welded semolina porridge may become your kids' favorite dish. To do this, follow some rules during the cooking process, and your little one will definitely like it and like it:

  1. Pour 1 cereal only into hot liquid (milk or water), after adding salt, sugar and stir;
  2. 2 when the milk (water) boils, carefully pour in the semolina in a thin stream (you can through a sieve) and cook for about 2 minutes, stirring vigorously;
  3. 3 for cooking you need to take enough cereal so that you can have time to pour it in and stir well until the mass thickens;
  4. 4 the smaller the grain, the faster the porridge becomes thick;
  5. 5 after the porridge is ready, close the pan with a lid and leave for a while so that the cereal is completely swollen, and then you can improve its taste at your discretion by adding butter, jam, jam, etc.

Useful properties of semolina

Semolina boils quickly, is well absorbed, and contains a minimal amount of fiber (0.2%). Liquid semolina porridge is included in diets prescribed for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and after operations on the stomach and intestines.

Semolina is the only grain that is digested in the lower intestine and only there is it absorbed into its walls. It fills the body with strength and is a beautiful remedy for treating all stomach diseases. Semolina is a good remedy for treating all intestinal diseases, cleanses the body of mucus and removes fat.

Semolina contains little fiber, but is rich in vegetable protein and starch. At the same time, the content of vitamins and minerals in this cereal is significantly lower than in others.

Semolina contains a lot of gluten. This protein is also called gluten. Many people are gluten intolerant and it causes them to develop celiac disease, a severe hereditary disease that affects approximately one in 800 Europeans. Under the influence of gluten in patients with celiac disease, the intestinal mucosa becomes thinner and the absorption of all nutrients, especially fats. Gluten can cause allergies. It also manifests itself as stool disorder.

Semolina contains phytin, and phytin contains phosphorus, which binds calcium salts and prevents them from entering the blood. The level of calcium salts in a person’s blood should be constant - approximately 10 mg per 100 ml of serum. As soon as there are fewer salts, the parathyroid glands “remove” them from the bones. It turns out that semolina porridge deprives them of calcium. Therefore, children who are heavily fed semolina porridge (2-3 servings per day) often develop rickets and spasmophilia. Other cereals also bind calcium, but to a lesser extent than semolina. This is why doctors now recommend feeding babies vegetable puree first.

Semolina porridge is nothing more than porridge made from coarsely ground durum wheat. Semolina contains all the elements that are found in wheat grain: it is rich in starch, and to a lesser extent in proteins, vitamins and B1, B2, B6, PP. Semolina contains a lot of iron and very little fiber, which is why semolina porridge is usually recommended in postoperative period seriously ill patients who need nutritious food that is least irritating to the stomach.

Dangerous properties of semolina

Very often semolina porridge is prepared for children, however, it should be taken into account that a high starch content is not required for the child’s body and therefore children do not want to eat semolina porridge, intuitively sensing a catch. Moreover, a child’s stomach is not ready to digest starchy carbohydrates, which semolina is rich in. The mucopolysaccharide glyodine, contained in semolina, causes necrosis of the intestinal villi, and phytin changes the intestinal microflora so that it is not able to absorb vitamin D and iron, which are necessary for the growth of the child. All the troubles that semolina porridge conceals in early childhood are not at all scary for an adult, and in old age the disadvantages of cereals deprived of protein turn into advantages. Semolina porridge is very useful for older people - it helps to avoid hypermineralization of blood cells, prevents colon cancer, does not irritate the stomach and is perfectly satiating.

Previously, we didn’t even think about whether semolina porridge was healthy. Since childhood, each of us has been accustomed to eating a plate of sweet semolina for breakfast. And if mother at home could not cook this dish often, then in children's institutions and at grandma's house it was an integral part of the weekly diet. Let's talk about the benefits for adults too.

What is semolina made from?

It is nothing more than purified ground wheat grains. If you carefully read the instructions on the cereal package, you will notice markings indicating the type of grain. Don't know if semolina porridge is healthy? Buy cereals labeled “T” (durum wheat), because this is the product that nutritionists prefer.

Benefits of porridge for adults

To find out whether the presented dish is healthy, you need to familiarize yourself with the composition of the product, energy value and effect on the body. Semolina contains potassium, phosphorus, sodium, zinc, calcium and iron, as well as vitamins B and E. But to know for sure whether semolina porridge is good for adults, you need to do comparative analysis with the composition of porridges cooked from other cereals. So, in comparison with buckwheat, rolled oats or rice, our porridge is quite poor in microelements. Some radical nutritionists even call semolina an empty product. This is, of course, not true. It’s just that it is somewhat inferior in nutritional value to other cereals.

We continue to find out whether semolina porridge is healthy. Semolina is almost 100% digestible, saturating the body with energy. In view of this, doctors recommend that people with weakened digestion or patients during recovery consume the product. Semolina porridge does not bother digestion and, due to its soft, delicate structure, coats the walls of the stomach well. But the product is not able to stay in it for more than 2 hours, since it is completely devoid of fiber. Dish shown at diabetes mellitus, and also for the purpose of cleansing the intestinal walls from mucus.

Who should not have the presented dish in their diet?

Now we will find out whether semolina porridge is useful during pregnancy and who should refrain from consuming the product. No contraindications have been identified during pregnancy, except in cases where the expectant mother has an individual intolerance to gluten. It is precisely due to the increased content of the substance mentioned that the dish is not recommended for people suffering from gastrointestinal disorders, as well as constipation.

Calorie content of semolina porridge

Is semolina porridge healthy for breakfast? Nutritionists in this case give an affirmative answer. Having eaten a bowl of porridge in the morning, a person can easily “hold out” until lunch, but in this case it is necessary to understand that various additives make the dish even richer. So, boiled in water, it barely reaches 100 kcal per 100 grams of product. If you include dried fruits or honey in oil, it will increase accordingly. Experts recommend not adding butter to porridge. It is much healthier to flavor the finished dish with a spoon of honey or fruit. It turns out very tasty and healthy.

Is semolina porridge good for children under one year of age: expert assessment

We’ve dealt with the adults, now let’s look at the effect of semolina on the children’s body. Let's start with babies. As you know, from the age of 6 months it is recommended that babies be introduced to complementary foods, including baby cereals. Doctors warn against using semolina as complementary food, because it contains gluten, which negatively affects the baby’s fragile stomach. If parents start feeding the baby semolina porridge, we can confidently state that the villi of the small intestine will be damaged, which will cause constipation or, on the contrary, diarrhea. The meager content of vitamins and microelements is also a clear disadvantage of the product. That is why pediatricians are categorically against introducing such a dish as semolina porridge into the diet of children under one year old. Experts recommend starting complementary feeding with rice or corn porridge.

Is semolina porridge good for children? The effect of phytin on the absorption of vitamins

When considering the use of the product by older children, experts note that it cannot cause much harm. However, semolina contains phytin, an organophosphorus chemical compound found in the shell of wheat grains. After processing wheat, the concentration of phytin in grains increases sharply. Nothing in itself dangerous substance, almost equivalent in properties to vitamins, does not carry. Only its increased concentration in the body is harmful. In this case, the child will absorb calcium worse, which will lead to growth inhibition. But magnesium, zinc and iron cannot be absorbed, but, on the contrary, are excreted from the body.

To avoid oversaturation of rare chemical compound, nutritionists recommend that children after one year eat no more than two bowls of semolina porridge weekly. Ideally, you can limit yourself to just one. Children love semolina, it saturates them well with energy and is very tasty. Therefore, you should not completely exclude the dish from the diet of fidgets and tomboys.

In this article we discussed whether semolina porridge is healthy, now it’s time to learn the secrets of preparing it from our grandmothers.

  • What should I do to avoid lumps formed during cooking? There is more than one way to prepare a homogeneous composition. So, semolina can be placed in cold water, season with salt and sugar and put the pan on the fire. If you regularly stir the contents until it boils, you can certainly avoid lumps. According to another method, the grains are poured into boiling water or milk in a very thin stream, evenly distributed over the surface and stirred.
  • Due to the fact that the porridge does not cook for a relatively long time (no more than 4 minutes), after turning off the fire, cover the breakfast with a lid and wrap the pan with a kitchen towel.
  • You can make a delicious pudding from semolina. To do this, fry 3 tablespoons of cereal in butter until characteristic yellowness, then pour ½ liter of separately boiled milk directly into the frying pan. Vanillin or granulated sugar, sometimes salt, are added. If you boil the mixture in a frying pan for another 3 minutes, you will get a fairly dense and thick pudding, which is good to serve with sour cream or fruit jam.
  • It is best to prepare breakfast using a mixture of water and milk. If you want to get a porridge of medium consistency, use cereal in the proportion of 1.5 tablespoons per glass of liquid. Those who like thinner semolina porridge will limit themselves to one spoon, and those who like it thicker - two.
  • Remember that as it cools, the density of the finished dish increases. Children eat slowly, so don't cook porridge too thick for them.

Dish options

There are different interpretations regarding the use of liquids for the “base” of semolina porridge. Not very widely, but still common for these purposes is the use of vegetable, meat or mushroom broth, and sometimes berry juice (fruit juice).

Today, housewives happily prepare breakfast in a slow cooker, as well as in the oven on a baking sheet. To cook semolina porridge in the oven, you need to prepare a decoction of 100 grams of fresh cranberries. For 200 ml of cranberry juice, take 50 grams of semolina and a little sugar. First, the mixture is brought to a boil in a saucepan, and then the undercooked porridge is poured onto a baking sheet and placed in the oven for 10 minutes. Before serving, cool and cut into portions, like an omelette.

Bon appetit!

Semolina porridge is a product about which the most extreme judgments have been made. Once upon a time it was almost the main thing on the children's menu. Later I found myself almost under ban. But the truth, as usual, is somewhere in the middle. So what is true in the description of semolina porridge, and what is pure myth?

Source: Shutterstock

Fact #1: Semolina is a variety of wheat

Indeed, semolina is made from wheat by processing it into small particles measuring 0.25-0.75 millimeters. Then these grains are processed, polished, sometimes enriched with vitamins and packaged.

However, there is no variety like “Specially for semolina”. Depending on what wheat the semolina is made from, it is marked with the letters:

  • T – hard grades
  • M – soft varieties
  • TM – mixed

At the same time, wheat durum varieties must contain at least 20%.

The composition of semolina is almost the same as that of regular wheat flour, with one exception: it contains very little fiber and a lot of carbohydrates, in particular starch. It was this composition that at one time caused criticism from nutritionists and pediatricians, who considered that it was better for both children and adults to give up semolina altogether.

However, later this opinion was revised in favor of moderate consumption of the product.

Fact No. 2: Semolina porridge is dangerous for children

This is not so much a myth as it is part of the truth. Semolina, as a product of wheat processing, contains a specific protein called gluten. Its main component, the polysaccharide gliodin, is not absorbed by the body of children under 1.5 years of age.

Moreover, gluten, as gluten is otherwise called, can cause serious problems with the intestines, and in the case of a hereditary predisposition, it can provoke such an unpleasant disease as celiac disease - an immune-dependent disease that affects the small intestine and leads to impaired absorption of nutrients.

But it's not that scary. Firstly, the inability to digest gluten in babies is explained by the insufficient production of enzymes by the growing gastrointestinal tract that can break it down. As the baby grows, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improves and the problem goes away on its own. As a rule, children over 2 years of age eat wheat derivatives quite calmly.

Source: Shutterstock

Another argument not in favor of semolina porridge in the diet of children is its high content of phytin, which interferes with the absorption of calcium and vitamin D.

Conclusion - do not give semolina porridge to children under 1 year old, and even better until 1.5-2 years old. And, by the way, not only her. Gluten is also found in rye and oat flour. For this reason, pediatricians recommend feeding infants gluten-free cereals (buckwheat, rice, corn), and generally offering fruit and vegetable purees as first complementary foods.

Fact No. 3: Semolina is difficult for the body to digest

But this is a myth. Semolina porridge is practically the only product that is digested in the lower intestine, and on the way there it cleanses the intestines of excess mucus and fat. And this helps it to be easily absorbed, does not burden and cleanses the stomach.

Although semolina is considered a too high-calorie product, in fact, there are not so many carbohydrates in it, and almost no fat at all. Milk and butter add calories to it, without which semolina is almost never prepared. And sweeteners, of course.

In order not to dial overweight, school-age children are allowed to eat semolina porridge 2-3 times a week, preschoolers - 1-2 times every 7-10 days.

Source: Shutterstock

Fact No. 4: There is no benefit from semolina

This is not true. Possibly vitamin and mineral composition semolina is somewhat poorer than the same buckwheat, however, semolina contains all the B vitamins, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, as well as quite a lot of potassium, which is necessary for intestinal motility, strengthens the heart muscle, and normalizes water intake. salt metabolism helps prevent swelling. In combination with the main source of potassium - dried fruits, semolina porridge can be very useful.

In more detail, 100 g of semolina contains:

  • Water – 12.67 g
  • Proteins – 12.68 g
  • Fat – 1.05 g
  • Carbohydrates – 68.93 g
  • Dietary fiber – 3.9 g

Source: Shutterstock


  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine) – 0.387 mg
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) – 0.28 mg
  • Niacin (vitamin B3 or PP) – 0.08 mg
  • Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) – 0.58 mg
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) – 0.103 mg
  • Folic acid (vitamin B9) – 72 mcg


  • Potassium – 186 mg
  • Calcium – 17 mg
  • Magnesium – 47 mg
  • Sodium – 1 mg
  • Phosphorus – 136 mg
  • Microelements:
  • Iron – 1.23 mg
  • Manganese – 619 mcg
  • Copper – 189 mcg
  • Zinc – 1.05 mg

Since semolina cooks very quickly, almost all the beneficial substances are retained in it. And the lack of fiber makes it an indispensable product in the postoperative period, during exhaustion, and also in some diseases. For example, when chronic failure kidneys, as well as gastritis, ulcers and other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. The fact is that when semolina enters the digestive organs, it envelops them, soothing pain, and healing cracks that can form in the intestines. But in such cases, semolina is prepared not with milk, but with water without salt and sugar.

By the way, semolina porridge can also be used to cleanse the body by introducing it into the morning diet: passing through the intestines, it absorbs all harmful substances.

Source: Shutterstock

Fact #5: Semolina is only good for porridge

No way! In addition to classic semolina porridge, you can prepare many more dishes using this cereal. We suggest you try 5 of the most interesting ones.

Semolina bread

Take for the dough:

  • wheat flour – 90 g
  • water – 100 ml
  • fresh yeast – 2 g

For the test:

  • wheat flour – 90 g
  • semolina – 120 g
  • water – 110 ml
  • vegetable oil – 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • salt – 1 tsp.
  • fresh yeast – 5 g


  1. Prepare the dough in advance, preferably in the evening - dilute the yeast in water, add flour, stir. Cover with a towel.
  2. For the dough, dilute the yeast in water. Let stand for 10 minutes. Add semolina, oil and salt. Mix. Add the dough. Pour in flour, stir until smooth. Leave for 10 minutes for the semolina to swell.
  3. Pour some flour onto the table and knead the dough for 10 minutes. Cover and leave to rise.
  4. Then form the dough into a log. Sprinkle a baking tray with flour, place the bread, sprinkle with flour. Cover with a napkin and leave warm for 30 minutes.
  5. Bake at 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes.

Source: Shutterstock

Mannik on sour cream with apples


  • semolina – 180 g
  • sour cream (15%) – 250 g
  • premium wheat flour – 130 g
  • egg – 3 pcs
  • sugar – 200 g
  • baking powder – 10 g
  • vanilla sugar – 1 tsp.
  • apple – 1 pc.


  1. Place the sour cream in a container, beat in the egg, stir, add semolina, stir well and leave for 60 minutes.
  2. Beat the remaining 2 eggs into another container and add sugar. Beat with a mixer until fluffy, add vanilla sugar and swollen semolina, mix.
  3. Add sifted flour and baking powder, mix (the dough will turn out like thick sour cream).
  4. Grease a baking dish with butter and sprinkle with flour. Pour the dough into the mold. Peel the apples and cut into slices. Place them on the dough.
  5. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 30-45 minutes.
  6. Remove the prepared manna from the oven, let cool slightly in the pan, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. Sprinkle with powdered sugar before serving.

They say that the whole country grew up on semolina. So viscous, sweet, white, sometimes there were lumps in it. It was with her that the morning of all the children of the Union began. Semolina porridge was considered useful for a growing body; it was introduced into complementary foods for babies from six months of age. Today, all food technologies have moved far ahead and, as experts say, semolina brings not only benefits, but also harm. Pediatricians say that semolina is completely useless for a child’s body, since now there are cereals that are much richer in nutrients.

The harm and benefits of semolina porridge: let's look into this issue

And yet, what can be attributed to beneficial properties? This cereal is the only porridge that is digested in the lower intestine. It is in that very department that this porridge is digested and absorbed. Moving through the intestines, semolina frees it from mucus, expels unnecessary fat, thereby highlighting the benefits of semolina porridge, so it is still recommended to use it as required product, especially for people who have stomach and intestinal pain. Processed wheat grains are semolina. Wheat grains are crushed, resulting in fine grains. Semolina contains beneficial substances of group B, as well as PP, various minerals. But we can say that their concentration is much lower than in other cereals. There is almost no fiber in semolina porridge. Two-thirds of it consists of starch, and thanks to these properties it is filling. What are the harms and benefits of semolina porridge? If we take an adult organism, then for it semolina porridge is a healthy, dietary product. In addition, it is recommended to eat this dish during periods of recovery after debilitating illnesses or operations. The harm of semolina porridge is obvious when the child’s body is examined. Carbohydrates contained in semolina and gluten are the main beneficial elements for adults, but not for children. Gluten is created by the protein glyodine, it can cause allergies and also contributes to the development of celiac disease. Gluten damages the intestinal mucosa and this disrupts the absorption of nutrients.

A few more facts

We have already practically found out what the harm and benefits of semolina porridge are. Let's find some more confirmation. For example, phytin contained in semolina is saturated with phosphorus; it reacts with calcium, as a result of which the latter is not absorbed. To restore the supply of this substance, the parathyroid glands extract it from the bones, and this is very harmful for the growing organism. Due to a lack of calcium, rickets may develop, and immunity will also decrease. Those who love healthy eating constantly talk about the dangers of semolina, as it is high in calories. But in fact, this product is a high-energy product, and the calorie content is only ninety-eight calories. The increase in calories occurs due to additives that are used during cooking. If you cook it with milk, butter and sugar, the porridge becomes not only tastier, but also higher in calories. But with water and without salt, this is already a natural dietary product. So we found out what the harm and benefits of semolina porridge are.

In order to be healthy and live long, it is very important to know and take into account the digestion time of food in the stomach. According to doctors, a person who, when eating, does not take into account the time of digestion of food, carries kilograms of rotting food, develops many diseases and shortens his life. For good digestion, the following key points need to be considered:

  • It is completely unacceptable to throw foods that require different times of digestion into the stomach, as if into a “furnace,” - by doing this you expose it to additional and unjustified stress. For example, a dish of potatoes with pork will take about 5-6 hours to digest, while potatoes eaten separately would be digested and go to the intestines within an hour.
  • It is optimal to mix food at the same digestion time ( vegetable salad, apples with pears, carrot-beet juice) - this will only slightly extend the time the food stays in the stomach due to the difficulty of selecting enzymes for processing compared to a mono diet. This version of the “hodgepodge” is the most gentle for the body.
  • Adding oils, even to salads, lengthens the time spent in the stomach by 2-3 times, due to the effect of enveloping food and the impossibility of its rational processing with juices and enzymes.
  • You should not drink water, tea and other liquids if there is undigested food in the stomach - by doing this you dilute the gastric juice, complicate the digestion of food and increase the load on the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, along with the liquid, undigested foods inevitably “slip” into the intestines, which will rot or ferment in it for a long time.
  • If you drink water on an empty stomach, it immediately passes into the intestines.
  • Chew your food thoroughly - this also speeds up the digestion process due to better grinding and the start of enzyme processing in the oral cavity.
  • Eat protein foods only when they are warm - warm food is digested in the stomach for about 2-3 hours (which is the optimal time for the breakdown of proteins), and only after that it enters the small intestine, where the stage of breakdown of nutrients from food continues.
  • Cold food in the stomach is digested much faster, so proteins do not have time to digest normally and are sent straight to the small intestine, as a result of which bacteria found in meat products (proteins) begin to multiply and cause discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract (bloating, gas, constipation etc.)

Digestion time of food in the stomach^

How long does it take for food to be digested?

It is useful to know how long it takes the body to digest different category food.
For example, drinking water on an empty stomach immediately enters the intestines.
Freshly squeezed vegetables and fruit juices are absorbed by the body in fifteen to twenty minutes.
Also, watermelon is absorbed by the body in twenty minutes.
It takes the body half an hour to digest: salads (mixed, vegetables and fruits), melon, oranges, grapefruits, grapes.
In forty minutes, fruits and berries such as cherries, apples, pears, peaches, apricots, etc. are digested.
Also, the body will need forty minutes to digest tomatoes, lettuce (red, romaine, Boston, garden leaf), celery, yellow peppers, cucumbers and other various juicy vegetables.

It takes the body about fifty minutes to process root vegetables, such as carrots or turnips.
An avocado eaten on an empty stomach takes two hours to digest, as it contains a large amount of fat.
It takes the body at least an hour to digest vegetables that contain starch.
Cereals that contain starch, for example: rice, buckwheat, pearl barley, etc., are digested from sixty to ninety minutes.
Legumes such as beans, lentils, etc. The body absorbs it in ninety minutes.
From an hour to two, the stomach will need to digest foods such as: soft-boiled eggs, cocoa, broth, rice, boiled river fish and milk.

It will take the body about two hours to digest sesame, pumpkin, and sunflower seeds.
Our stomach will digest almonds, pecans, peanuts, Brazil nuts and walnuts in two and a half to three hours.
From two to three hours our stomach will digest foods such as omelette, bread, hard-boiled eggs and boiled sea fish.
Boiled chicken and beef, rye bread, ham and potatoes will take about three to four hours to digest.
It will take four to six hours to digest following products: peas, herring, mushrooms, fried meat.

It is worth noting that all indicators are averaged, and also, much may depend on the characteristics of the body.

Complete table of caloric content of foods

In the large calorie table you will find the calorie content of any product.

Calorie content is indicated per 100 g.

To search use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + F and enter the search word.

What are calories?

One calorie is the amount of energy released when a gram of water evaporates at 1 degree Celsius. Calories are like gasoline. Only if gasoline makes a car move, then calories move our body.

How does the body convert calories into energy?

Enzymes in our digestive system break down chemical bonds in food molecules. Thereby releasing the energy contained in the connections and giving it to the body.

This energy is needed for the functioning of the whole organism. When you don't use calories (maybe by skipping a workout or eating at night), they accumulate and are stored in the liver.

Glycogen (glucose) quickly turns into energy in your body. So, thanks to energy reserves, you can constantly move, and the natural processes in the body do not slow down. Remember: there is a direct connection between your muscles and your liver in terms of calorie metabolism (approximately 300-400 kilocalories depending on your metabolic rate). But when you start consuming more calories than you can store, they begin to be stored as fat.

The body needs recharge every 3-4 hours. The liver retains exactly as much glycogen as it needs. Some of it goes into the muscles for short-term storage. This energy will be useful to you during sports.

How do scientists determine the number of calories in food?

Laboratory heat generation methods are used. Scientists calculate the weight of each trace element, and then calculate the final number, following the formula: in fats - 9 kcal per 1 g, in proteins and carbohydrates - 4 kcal per 1 g.

How many calories should you consume every day to avoid gaining weight?

There is no exact formula. After all, this is influenced not only by constant indicators, such as weight and height (the more you weigh, the more calories you need to burn), age, but also by variable values, for example, activity (everyone has their own level of athletic endurance).

So, 25 year old woman weighing 60 kg, leading an active lifestyle (fitness club - 6 days a week), consuming approximately 2570 kilocalories per day, it is easier to maintain her normal weight than a 40-year-old woman weighing 55 kg (attends the fitness club only three once a week), consuming only 1930 kilocalories.

Tables of caloric content and digestion time of food

Calorie Content of Vegetables



time, hour


White cabbage


Brussels sprouts

Kohlrabi cabbage

Red cabbage



Young potatoes

Sweet potatoes (yam)

Green onion



Pickled cucumbers

Parsnip (root)


Sweet green pepper

Sweet red pepper


Parsley (root)

Rhubarb (stalks)


Celery (root)

Calorie table for fruits and berries

Fruit Berries calories,
Apricot 44
Avocado 100
Quince 30
Cherry plum 38
Pineapple 40
Orange 41
Watermelon 38
Banana 60
Cowberry 41
Grape 73
Cherry 53
Pear 42
Melon 39
Blackberry 32
Strawberries 38
Kiwi 50
Dogwood 41
Cranberry 33
Strawberry 36
Gooseberry 48
Lemon 21
Raspberry 45
Mango 70
Mandarin 41
Peach 44
Plum 44
White currant 40
Red currant 43
Black currant 45
Persimmon 62
Cherries 53
Blueberry 44
Apple 44

Calorie content of dried fruits

Calorie table for grains and cereals



time, hour

Soft winter wheat

Durum wheat

Sweet corn


Calorie content - Cereals Porridge

Calorie table for dairy products

Dairy products, cheeses

Cow's milk cheese

Yogurt nat. 1.5% fat

Low-fat kefir

Full fat kefir

Whole milk powder

Condensed milk

Condensed milk with sugar

Curdled milk

Cream 10%

Cream 20%

Sour cream 10%

Sour cream 20%

Special cheeses and curd mass

Russian cheese

Dutch cheese

Swiss cheese

Poshekhonsky cheese

Processed cheese

Fat cottage cheese

Cottage cheese semi-fat

Low-fat cottage cheese

Calorie table - fats, margarine, butter

Calories - legumes

Calorie table - mushrooms

Calorie table for flour products



time, hour

Wheat flour, premium

Wheat flour, 1st grade

Wheat flour, 2nd grade

Wheat flour

Seeded rye flour

Peeled rye flour

Rye wallpaper flour

Soy flour

Low-fat soy flour

Corn flour

Barley flour

Pasta, premium

Milk pasta

Egg pasta

Rye bread

Rye-wheat bread

Borodino bread

Pecked bread

Wheat grain bread

Wheat bread, 1st grade

Palyanitsa bread

Sliced ​​loaf 1st grade

City bun

Kalach Moscow

Rye flatbread

Butter bun

Vyborg baked goods with poppy seeds

Moscow bun

Sprinkled horns

Premium flour biscuits

Premium flour crackers

Premium sugar cookies

Butter cookies

Almond cookies

Custard gingerbread

Simple bagels

Butter bagels

Simple bagels

Bagels with poppy seeds

Sweet straw

Simple dryers

Mustard drying

Vanilla dryers

Army crackers

Road rusks

Premium cream crackers

Calorie content of confectionery products



time, hour

Bars made with confectionery fat

Nut dragee

Fruit dragee in chocolate

Iris semi-solid

Candy caramel

Fruit caramel

Caramel with liqueur

Chocolate-nut caramel

Milk candies

Fondant candies

Roasted sweets

Cream candies

Fruit candies

Chocolate candies

Fruit and berry marmalade

Sunflower halva

Tahini halva

Chocolate without additives

Milk chocolate

Chocolate with nuts

Waffles with fruit filling

Waffles with fatty filling

Crumb cake

Almond cake

Fruit cake

Puff pastry with cream

Tube cake with cream

Cake with fruit filling

Layer cake with cream

Calorie content of meat

Meat products


time, hour

Rabbit meat

Pig meat

Lamb breast

Lamb loin

Lamb thigh

Beef tenderloin

Beef brisket

Beef thigh

Beef udder

Beef liver

Beef kidneys

Beef heart

Beef tongue

Pork meat

Pork is fatty

Pork tenderloin

Pork belly

Pork loin

Pork thigh

Pork feet

Pork liver

Pork tongue

Pork bacon (without skin)

Salted pork fat

Boiled diabetic sausage

Boiled doctor's sausage

Boiled veal sausage

Boiled tea sausage

Smoked amateur sausage

Smoked Krakow sausage

Smoked Ukrainian sausage

Smoked hunting sausages

Raw smoked grainy sausage

Raw smoked sausage servelat

Special ham

Ham meat bread

Pork ham in shape

Smoked-baked pork belly

Raw smoked pork belly

Raw smoked pork loin

Boiled pork ham

Beef sausages

Pork sausages

Amateur sausages

Milk sausages

Beef in own juice

Beef stew

Tourist breakfast (beef)

Separate sausage mince

Pork stew

Minced pork sausage

Meat pate

Liver pate

Meat dumplings

Calorie content of poultry