Sacred properties of the talisman of the goddess Venus. An effective female Venus amulet for true love

Love rules our world. We come to this earth to experience love in all its subtleties and manifestations - from love for our mother to love for our Motherland.

But, of course, most emotions, experiences and strength lie in love for the opposite sex. This love is the main driving force on earth. Thanks to her, children are born, feats are accomplished, wars and truces happen.

Since ancient times, we have known the name of the goddess Venus. She personified beauty, youth and, of course, love. She patronized all lovers and those thirsting for love. It must be said that in modern world nothing has changed. Young girls and boys also ask the beautiful and gentle Venus for help. And even though in our time there is no cult of this ancient goddess, people still remember and revere her.

Purpose of the artifact

Have been used for a long time various ways attracting the attention of the goddess Venus. Someone read prayers, someone made sacrifices, and someone created a talisman in her name. Today the simplest and in an effective way To achieve the favor of this goddess is an amulet.

Who is the Venus talisman intended for?

  • For lonely hearts who want to attract their love.
  • For those couples in whose relationship the “fire has gone out” and they need a new spark.
  • For those who break up for a while and want the feelings not to fade away.
  • For those who want to get married.

The Venus amulet will help you, provided that your desires are sincere and related to love and relationships. The only thing this talisman cannot help with is unrequited love. As they say, you can’t be nice by force, and even an amulet is powerless in the face of this dogma.

Creation Rules

It is best to create this amulet with your own hands. Why? Because only in this case the Venus talisman will “know” your energy and your needs, you will not need to recode or clean it, it will be as it should be from the very beginning.

If you decide to make an amulet with your own hands, then you should follow certain rules. They will help you not make mistakes and fill the Venus talisman with the necessary energy. So, materials are of particular importance when creating this amulet. Here you need to choose exactly those that are protected by the planet Venus.

  • The metal is copper.
  • Stones are any natural rocks of light pink and soft green colors.

Next, it is important to determine the production time. If you need a love amulet, it is important to do it on Friday, because this is the day ruled by the planet Venus. It is advisable to start and complete the production of the talisman on the same day. But if you were unable to do this, then you need to complete what you started in a week – also on Friday.

If you have highly developed intuition, then you can safely start work at the time of day when you feel it is most optimal. But it is still advisable to work on the talisman of love during those hours when the influence of Venus is strongest.

Making a Venus talisman, like any other amulets, is important in complete solitude. Moreover, no one should know that you are making or made the talisman. As soon as you tell anyone about him, he will immediately lose some of his power.

If you do not feel confident in the “purity” of the materials, then they need to be cleaned. It is recommended to clean using any of the suggested methods.

  • Hold materials over open fire. At this point, it is important to think about how the metal or stone is cleaned.
  • You can hold the item under running water, in a stream or river. The ideal option is to cleanse under the streams of a holy spring.
  • Wind cleaning is possible, but may not be sufficient for such heavy materials. To clean with air, you need to climb to a height and, raising the material high above your head, turn alternately to each of the cardinal directions.
  • Another cleaning option is soil. You can bury the item in the ground overnight.

It is important to start working on creating a love talisman with pure thoughts. You must clearly understand why you need this amulet and what it should help you with. If you have anxiety or internal resistance, it is better to postpone the creation of the talisman to another week.

The work surface on which you will create your symbol should correspond to the main colors of Venus - light pink and soft green. You can use either a tablecloth or paper for this. It will be ideal if you also wear clothes of these colors.

It is very important that there are representatives of all four elements on the work surface.

  • Glass of water.
  • Bird feather or dream catcher.
  • Container with sand.

The amulet itself should ultimately look like a pentacle inscribed in a circle. In each corner a certain sign or letter is depicted, corresponding to the names of the angels of Venus. Such an amulet is not so easy to make, and in order not to make mistakes in the outline of the symbols, it is advisable to turn to Kabbalistic literature.

If you don't have suitable materials such as copper or natural stones, then you can create a simplified version of this amulet. To do this, take thick paper or green cardboard. Just like the metal, you need to clean the cardboard before you start creating the talisman.

Then draw an even heptagon on paper. In the center of this figure, using a scarlet pen or paint, draw the well-known Venus icon. On the back of the talisman you should write your full name and what you expect from the amulet.

It is important that the inscription be made in another language or contain some kind of code. You can use an ancient dead language for this or come up with your own encryption. The main thing is that no one except you can read what is written.

After you collect your amulet, you need to charge it through meditation. To do this, you must concentrate your attention on each element in turn - fire, water, earth and air. When you feel that the amulet is filled with energy, the entire procedure can be considered complete.

It must be said separately that if you do not trust talismans or amulets, then they are unlikely to be able to help you. Only sincere faith in the strength and power of the love talisman can solve your relationship problems.

If you decide to create an amulet yourself, remember that after it helps you, you need to thank it, lower it down the river or bury it. It is no longer possible to keep such an amulet with you, since it has fulfilled its most important task - it has helped you.

Love is all around you, pay attention to it, feel it, experience it. The main thing is to be open to feelings, and then life will sparkle with new colors. Author: Daria Potykan

The planetary talisman of Love is the talisman of Venus. In astrology, Venus is considered a symbol of love, sensuality, romance and eroticism. She is associated with femininity, softness and emotionality.

Not much in life is subject to the whims of fate or chance. But finding love and someone special - there is always an element of luck in it. To be in the right place at the right time, and then say the right words... Is it possible to gain some advantage in this game of elements of chance? Yes, I have. There is nothing new in this method; on the contrary, it is something old, very old. The power of talismans.

Talismans are symbolic objects that are imbued with spiritual power to achieve a specific goal. What is your goal? Do you want to win the love of a specific person? Or do you want the Universe to help you find love? Anything is possible.

Material for making the Venus talisman

First of all, choose the material for your talisman. Stones and metals of Venus, the goddess of Love, are well suited. The metal of Venus is copper. The stones of Venus are turquoise, jade, emerald, garnet, lapis lazuli, malachite, peridot, green jasper, rose quartz, carnelian, coral. And besides this, you can choose other beautiful green or pink stones for your talisman. You can buy a stone or jewelry with a Venus stone specifically for this occasion, or you can use the ones you already have.

Choosing the time to create a love talisman

To create a love talisman, timing is important. In order for the talisman to really work for you and fulfill its purpose, you need to determine right time when to make a talisman. One of the most commonly used methods for timing the creation of talismans is to follow the planetary day and hour system. According to this practice, the Venus talisman is best done on Venus day, which is Friday. It will be good if you choose the hour of Venus. You can use the planetary clock table to determine the time. Remember that you can make a talisman at any time. However, the more important elements you take into account, the more energy your talisman will contain.

Purification of materials

Another important step in creating a love talisman is purifying the materials. Even with those metals or stones that you recently bought, you need to carry out a cleaning procedure. If you want to make your talisman from metal or stones, you can purify them using the four elements - water, fire, earth and air. These four elements are very important when working with talismans. If you are not familiar with the four elements, there is no reason to be confused. You just need to follow the rules described below. The cleansing effect will be achieved in any case, and it does not matter whether you are familiar with the action of the four elements or you do not know them at all.

First, place the stone or metal in a dish with sand, earth or salt for one day. Imagine that any unwanted energies will be absorbed by the earth element in the dish. Discard the soil after you have removed your stone or metal. Next, place your future talisman in water for one day. Proceed in the same way as in the previous case with the ground. Next, hold the stone or metal over the candle fire, imagining that all unwanted energies are being destroyed by the fire. And finally, place your future talisman for the day where there is an inflow fresh air. While you do this, imagine that air, as an element, cleanses the stone or metal of everything unwanted.

If all this seems complicated, simply place the future talisman in salt water for a day. Salt is a universal cleanser that absorbs energetic impurities. The cleansing, of course, must be done before the time you have determined for creating the talisman.

Creation of the Venus talisman

Clean the table and cover it with a green cloth or paper. Green necessary because it is the color of Venus. Place symbols of the four elements on the sides of the table: a candle (symbol of the fire element), incense or a bird feather (symbol of the air element), a bowl of water (symbol of the water element) and a dish of earth, sand or salt (symbol of the earth element).

The symbols of the elements should be located on the sides of the table according to the parts of the world - fire on the eastern side, air on the western side, earth on the southern side and water on the northern side. Next, place your future talisman in the center, among the symbols of the four elements.

Do a meditation. If you are not even familiar with the effects of meditation or cosmic consciousness, bring yourself to this state by contemplating the symbols of the four elements. Can you imagine how green light is projected into the talisman, and the influence of the four elements enhances this energy. This state of your being is a higher level of consciousness. Perform the meditation until you feel that the result has been achieved or until the end of the Venus hour.

So, at the end of the meditation process, you have received your Venus talisman, which will help love come into your life. The process of charging the talisman, which is described here, is very effective, but it is only one of many methods. Now you can carry your talisman with you, and when you are not using it, put it in a locked place. You can use the Venus talisman selectively, depending on when you need it.

Women use various amulets and amulets to achieve their goals in life. If a girl needs love, then the Venus talisman is best option for these purposes. It is able to attract love and men who can give it, so the popularity of this amulet has not faded over the years.

Purpose of the amulet

In ancient times, when everyone believed in the power of idols, girls donated various gifts to the goddess Venus. Times have changed, but even today this goddess is able to provide the female sex with real happiness if you regularly wear a talisman on your body. Its meaning is characterized by special capabilities.

  1. Girls become more attractive to men.
  2. Sexuality develops, and the woman learns to use it.
  3. The ability to bear children increases.
  4. Femininity and beauty are enhanced.
  5. Oratory skills develop.

In order not to miss all these opportunities, girls try to wear the Venus talisman. He is able to absorb all the positive energy and give it to his owner. This amulet has an even more powerful ability - removing obstacles that prevent a woman from experiencing true love. By regularly wearing the Venus talisman, the girl becomes easier. She stops looking for hidden motives in a man and doesn’t go back and forth with suitors. As soon as simplicity develops in her, it is easier for her to improve her personal life and experience the feeling of love.

Venus talismans rekindle passion in extinguished relationships and replace coldness with love. If you are married, then the Venus talisman will only help strengthen your relationship with your husband. It helps to get rid of everyday problems that hinder the development of romance. Literally after a few weeks of wearing such a talisman, you will feel that the intensity of relationships and passion have settled in your hearts again.

Usually, during a long separation, most couples break up, and with the help of this amulet you will maintain passion with your loved one. The Venus amulet helps maintain relationships if you are in forced separation from a loved one (business trip, travel, training, etc.). With its help, you can completely get rid of the feeling of jealousy that irritates men so much and develop confidence in your couple.

To protect the female sex

Often the amulet is used when a woman is not trying to find happiness and love. He helps the girl get rid of and protect herself from the troubles that happen to everyone in life:

  • diseases that can change life in a negative way;
  • magical negative impact(evil eye, damage, curse, love spell);
  • the envy of others, the intrigues of enemies.

This amulet most affects those women who were born under the sign of Venus. These ladies are forbidden to part with the amulet. With the help of such a symbol, you can strengthen all the positive qualities that nature has awarded you. It helps to reveal a girl’s talents and make her more successful.

The best materials for manufacturing

If you want your love amulet to work smoothly, you need to choose the right thing. Some souvenir symbols that are sold in many boutiques have no power, so wearing them is pointless. The best option is to create an amulet yourself. Not everyone has the ability to do this. If you want to be sure of the Venus love talisman, seek help from specialized stores. They sell amulets for all occasions.

The best material from which the Venus amulet is made is copper. During times Ancient Rome this metal was called the reflection of Venus. In most cases, the talisman is made in the form of a pendant. For greater beauty, the symbol of Venus is covered with various noble stones. They can not only add beauty to this sign, but also enhance its effect. Choose jewelry that is made of pink, green or blue stones (jade, emerald, quartz, coral). The lighter the shade of the stone, the more power it has.

Appearance Features

If we consider appearance this talisman, it is similar to a pentacle. Near each vertex of the pentacle there are symbols that indicate the names of the companions of the goddess of love.

When choosing decoration, you need to pay special attention to the quality of the symbols. If there is even one mistake on them, then this amulet will not give any result. There is a chance that this decoration will not only not work, but will work in reverse side. You risk never meeting the man of your dreams.

Manufacturing rules

Before making a talisman for the goddess Venus, it is important to decide on the correct date. Magic amulets that are charged with positive energy should be created on Fridays. Best time- it's sunset. This is due to the fact that love is associated with the beginning of a new life. Many connoisseurs of amulets and sorcerers believe that it is better to create a Venus amulet in the spring, when the world gains new life. April-May are the best months to create strong amulet. During these months, nature wakes up and everything turns green. Such changes will awaken only the best and most beautiful in a woman.

Because create jewelry with the symbol of Venus is beyond the control of an ordinary person; you can make a talisman out of paper. Take green thick paper (preferably cardboard) and draw the symbol of Venus on it with red paint. On the other side write the names of all the goddess’s assistants, her own name. Carry such a talisman in your wallet.

After purchasing or creating an amulet, wear it constantly. It is forbidden to remove pendants from the body until they take effect. As soon as you notice that positive life changes have occurred, feel free to remove and destroy the talisman. This can be done by fire or by burying it away from home. Remember that the Venus talisman for love cannot be given to relatives and friends. You can turn away their love luck with your actions.

If you bought an amulet, you need to clean it and charge it with your energy. To do this, the following steps are taken:

  • the purchase is placed in a pot or dish filled with fresh soil;
  • on the second day it is better to place the amulet in water for 24 hours;
  • on the third day you need to light 3 candles on the table and temper the magical talisman from their flame;
  • Leave the jewelry in the air for 4 days so that it absorbs its purity and energy.

If you are concerned that there are small traces of negativity left on the amulet, you can immerse it in salt water for a few hours. All evil will remain in the water, and you will wear a pure amulet for love.

If you don’t know what other methods you can use to attract love into your life, try wearing the symbol of the ancient goddess Venus for several days. After 2-3 days, your life will change dramatically. You will not only find a person with whom you are ready to connect your destiny, but you will also become easier to relate to life. Feel free to experiment with different talismans and change your life for the better. Don't be afraid of failures, they happen to everyone. The main thing is the result that you get after overcoming all obstacles.

The planetary talisman of Love is the talisman of Venus. In astrology, Venus is considered a symbol of love, sensuality, romance and eroticism. She is associated with femininity, softness and emotionality.

Not much in life is subject to the whims of fate or chance. But finding love and someone special - there is always an element of luck in it. To be in the right place at the right time, and then say the right words. Is it possible to gain some kind of advantage in this game of random elements? Yes, I have. There is nothing new in this method; on the contrary, it is something old, very old. The power of talismans.

Talismans are symbolic objects that are imbued with spiritual power to achieve a specific goal. What is your goal? Do you want to win the love of a specific person? Or do you want the Universe to help you find love? Anything is possible.

First of all, choose the material for your talisman. Stones and metals of Venus, the goddess of Love, are well suited. The metal of Venus is copper. The stones of Venus are turquoise, jade, emerald, garnet, lapis lazuli, malachite, chrysolite, green jasper, rose quartz, carnelian, coral. And besides this, you can choose other beautiful green or pink stones for your talisman. You can buy a stone or jewelry with a Venus stone specifically for this occasion, or you can use the ones you already have.

To create a love talisman, timing is important. In order for the talisman to really work for you and fulfill its purpose, you need to determine the right time to make the talisman. One of the most commonly used methods for timing the creation of talismans is to follow the system of planetary days and hours. According to this practice, the Venus talisman is best done on Venus day, which is Friday. It will be good if you choose the hour of Venus. You can use the planetary clock table to determine the time. Remember that you can make a talisman at any time. However, the more important elements you take into account, the more energy your talisman will contain.

Another important step in creating a love talisman is purifying the materials. Even with those metals or stones that you recently bought, you need to carry out a cleaning procedure. If you want to make your talisman from metal or stones, you can purify them using the four elements - water, fire, earth and air. These four elements are very important when working with talismans. If you are not familiar with the four elements, there is no reason to be confused. You just need to follow the rules described below. The cleansing effect will be achieved in any case, and it does not matter whether you are familiar with the action of the four elements or you do not know them at all.

First, place the stone or metal in a dish with sand, earth or salt for one day. Imagine that any unwanted energies will be absorbed by the earth element in the dish. Discard the soil after you have removed your stone or metal. Next, place your future talisman in water for one day. Proceed in the same way as in the previous case with the ground. Next, hold the stone or metal over the candle fire, imagining that all unwanted energies are being destroyed by the fire. And finally, put your future talisman for the day where there is a flow of fresh air. While you do this, imagine that air, as an element, cleanses the stone or metal of everything unwanted.

If all this seems complicated, simply place the future talisman in salt water for a day. Salt is a universal cleanser that absorbs energetic impurities. The cleansing, of course, must be done before the time you have determined for creating the talisman.

Clean the table and cover it with a green cloth or paper. Green is necessary because it is the color of Venus. Place symbols of the four elements on the sides of the table: a candle (symbol of the fire element), incense or a bird feather (symbol of the air element), a bowl of water (symbol of the water element) and a dish of earth, sand or salt (symbol of the earth element).

The symbols of the elements should be located on the sides of the table according to the parts of the world - fire on the eastern side, air on the western side, earth on the southern side and water on the northern side. Next, place your future talisman in the center, among the symbols of the four elements.

Do a meditation. If you are not even familiar with the effects of meditation or cosmic consciousness, bring yourself into this state by contemplating the symbols of the four elements. You can imagine how the green light is projected into the talisman, and the influence of the four elements enhances this energy. This state of your being is a higher level of consciousness. Perform the meditation until you feel that the result has been achieved or until the end of the Venus hour.

So, at the end of the meditation process, you have received your Venus talisman, which will help love come into your life. The process of charging the talisman, which is described here, is very effective, but it is only one of many methods. Now you can carry your talisman with you, and when you are not using it, put it in a locked place. You can use the Venus talisman selectively, depending on when you need it.

There is probably not a person in the world who does not dream of the magical feeling of love. Even those who do not openly admit it are, in fact, simply wounded by life’s circumstances. Love is a basic feeling, everyone wants to be loved, this is how the world and human psychology work.

The people are the most in different ways They are trying to attract this magical etheric state into their lives. They are no exception magical ways attracting love into life. The Venus talisman has this kind of magic. The peculiarity of this talisman is that it can be easily made with your own hands.

Talisman as a service to the goddess

The Venus talisman is a talisman of love. This is because it is the goddess Venus who is responsible for love affairs. Even in ancient times and to this day, all those who desire love turned to this goddess of love for help. They served her, they prayed to her, they made sacrifices for her, they did everything so that Venus would illuminate a person’s life with a magical feeling of love.

We are not calling for sacrifice at all; there is a safer way to turn to Venus and earn love. It consists of wearing her talisman. The Venus amulet perfectly helps to generate a feeling of love in a person, thereby attracting loving people into his life.

Who should wear the Venus talisman?

There are a number of specific situations when the Venus talisman can radically change a person’s life. Who should wear it:

  1. The main meaning of this talisman is that it helps to attract love into life. Therefore, of course, the Venus talisman will help a lonely heart find love. If you are free, then this unusual decoration will help fill, first of all, yourself with a feeling of love, and then the same heart will be attracted to your heart filled with love, and as a result a happy couple will be formed.
  2. This symbol is great for a couple who have been in a relationship for some time. All couples have periods when the fire of love and passion has to be fanned in a new way. This is exactly what the magic talisman will help with. He will remind each of the lovers what the person who is next to him means to him. As a result, the degree of flirtation, passion and love will increase in this couple.
  3. A love amulet will be very helpful for those who have to be at a distance with their beloved half for some time. Maybe someone is leaving out of necessity. In this case, such a magical love decoration will work to maintain a high degree of love in the couple. At a distance, you can forget about how good you had with your loved one, or, on the contrary, you can become even more inflamed with passion for him, and fall in love even more. So the amulet will make sure that the second option for developing the relationship works.
  4. The Venus amulet will also be relevant for those who want to create a stable relationship, get married, or start a family. If you are paired with a person and feel that you want the relationship to move to the next stage, then the amulet will also help with this. It will help awaken in the other half a desire for family, marriage, the person will begin to at least think about it.

It is important to know that the Venus amulet will only help you if you have pure intentions, a pure heart and a sincere desire to love and be loved. Otherwise, the amulet simply will not work.

Do not think that with the help of a talisman you will be able to force a person to love you. This is not a love spell. A talisman is unlikely to attract the love of a specific person to you, but it will help, in principle, to attract love!

How to make an amulet with your own hands?

The Venus amulet will work even better if you make it yourself. It's very easy. The point is that when you create an amulet with your with my own hands, then you put maximum energy into it, it will initially be tailored for you.

If you purchase a ready-made talisman, then before you use it, you need to cleanse it of someone else’s energy and make it serve you specifically.

If you decide to create an amulet with your own hands, then it is better to do it according to certain rules, this will help make its energy even more powerful:

  • It is very important what material you make the amulet from. If you create it from metal, then it should be copper. If you create a Venus talisman from stones, then they must be of natural origin. The shade of the stone should be soft pink or light green.
  • It is also important to choose the right day to create the amulet. It's best if it happens on a Friday. The fact is that this day is headed by the planet Venus.
  • The creation rules also include that it is advisable to make the amulet at once. Do not stretch out its creation several times, because its power depends on this. As a last resort, if it happened that you had to interrupt the creation of a love decoration, then be sure to finish what you started next Friday.
  • It's good if Friday coincides with the full moon. On another occasion, choose Friday, when the moon is waxing; the fuller it is, the better for the power of the amulet.
  • If we talk about the time of day, then it could be the evening, when the moon will already be clearly visible in the sky. But, if your intuitive abilities work well, then you can choose the time of day when it’s best to do this business.
  • The fewer people know that you are creating such a magical talisman, the better. Magic loves to be shrouded in mystery, this will make it work better for you.
  • If you feel that the materials from which the amulet is made need energetic purification, then be sure to carry out cleansing rituals.

How to clean the energy of materials?

Eat more proven methods on how to clean the energy of materials, these include:

  1. You can hold materials over the fire. It's best if it's a candle. In the process, be sure to focus your thoughts on how the materials become cleaner, zeroed out from other people’s energy. You can complete the cleansing process when you visually see that the materials seem to have changed.
  2. Materials can also be placed in running water. Of course, it is better if it is a stream or river, then the power of the earth is also connected to the power of the water. But, as a last resort, you can use tap water. The most ideal thing you can think of, when it comes to water, is to rinse the materials in a source that bears the glory of a saint.
  3. If the materials that you have chosen to create the amulet are not heavy, then they can also be cleaned with the help of the wind. To do this, you need to be at a height so that the windiness there is maximum. The material must be lifted up. You need to take turns standing with the material in each direction. For a few minutes. In your imagination, strongly imagine how the wind cleanses the amulet of foreign energy.
  4. You can also use the Earth to cleanse your amulet. On the waning moon, leave the house and bury the materials near the nearest tree.

Purity of thoughts when creating

The thoughts that will be present in your head while creating the amulet are also very important. They should be clean and bright. Whatever thoughts you have, you will attract such love to yourself with the help of a talisman in the future.

Under no circumstances should you start creating an amulet if you are in a bad mood or if you don’t have enough time for this right now.

You can, before starting to create an amulet, conduct a meditation for you so that everything in your head becomes as clear as possible.

It is also important that the surface on which you will make the amulet is the color protected by Venus. These are soft green shades and soft pink colors. This could be a tablecloth of the desired color or colored paper.

When you make a love decoration, it is also important that all the symbols of the four elements are present on the table:

  • This is the cup that will hold the water.
  • A burning candle that symbolizes fire.
  • The symbol of air will be a bird feather or a dream catcher.
  • There should also be a handful of soil in the box or small container.

What does the Venus amulet look like?

Externally, the amulet looks like a pentacle. It has corners, each of which contains letters or signs. Only those signs and letters that correspond to the names of the angels of Venus are applied to the pentacle. To make such an amulet as accurately as possible, you need to turn to Kabbalistic literature.

If you do not have natural materials at your disposal to create a talisman, then you can make a copy of the amulet from simpler materials.

A simple option for creating an amulet

How to make Venus decoration? To create a simplified copy, you need to buy relatively thick paper, soft green cardboard.

Draw a heptagon on paper, it should be even. Using a red pen, draw a Venus icon in the middle of the figure. You can see what it looks like in the photo on the Internet. Turn the talisman blank over to the other side and write your full name there, and also write there what you expect from the amulet.

It is advisable that the signature be reproduced on foreign language. It is even possible that there is some kind of code in it. You can come up with such a code yourself or use the language of the dead. This is necessary so that only you can read the inscription and no one else. That's it for making a talisman physical level finished.