Reviews about the death of Novoselova. The story of the life and tragic death of the Russian clairvoyant and medium Ilona Novoselova

Ilona Novoselova became not only a finalist in the 7th season of the television project “Battle of Psychics,” but also one of its most shocking participants. She could swear obscenely on camera or light a cigarette on air. There were rumors that Novoselova was not even a woman at all, but a man who had changed his gender. In June 2017, Ilona shocked everyone again by committing suicide.

An outcast with a unique gift

Ilona Novoselova was born in 1987 in the city of Pavlovsky Posad. From childhood, Ilona was an outcast in any group. She couldn't find anyone common language. The mother even had to transfer her daughter to home schooling. Even then, according to Novoselova herself, she discovered a prophetic gift. One day a girl saw her deceased grandmother in the mirror, who also had certain abilities. Since then, Ilona began to talk to the world of the dead and diagnose various ailments in people.
However, Novoselova felt herself a truly strong psychic only after she came of age. Then she quarreled with her boyfriend and decided to commit suicide, but, as the witch herself said, otherworldly forces stopped her. Thanks to this episode, Ilona realized that her calling was to help people.

Fame and rumors

Guided by this goal, Ilona came to the television project “Battle of Psychics”, and for its 6th season. Then Novoselova, having shown herself to be one of the strongest participants, unexpectedly left the program. The girl stated that the spirits forbade her to appear on the program. However, the next season Ilona returned to “Battle”. Novoselova passed the vast majority of tests with honor: she did not become the winner, but reached the finals of the show.
The fame that befell the sorceress gave her not only enthusiastic fans, but also ill-wishers. Many were shocked by Novoselova’s behavior on the screen: she could light a cigarette, swear obscenely and generally behave rudely, both towards her rivals and towards other participants in the project. In addition, there were rumors that Ilona was not Ilona at all, but Andrei, who changed his gender to female. It seemed that Novoselova herself was not affected by such statements. At least, she has repeatedly stated to journalists that they are simply jealous of her.

Quarrel with lover

Meanwhile, Ilona’s relatives claimed that she had always been distinguished by an unbalanced psyche. It was not for nothing that she was unable to study at school with other children and, in her youth, tried to commit suicide. That is why, on that June day in 2017, none of her loved ones took Novoselova’s words about her intention to commit suicide seriously.
Everything happened again because of a man. Shortly before her death, Ilona’s young man announced that he was going to move to another city. However, Novoselova was against such a decision. A quarrel broke out between the lovers. In desperation, the witch called her mother. She immediately arrived at her daughter’s apartment. At some point, the woman briefly retreated to another room, at which time her daughter took her own life.

Mental imbalance

The famous psychic Vlad Kadoni still believes that a quarrel with a loved one could not have become the decisive motive for Novoselova’s suicide. She was no longer a girl and had broken up with men more than once. According to Kadoni, recently Ilona was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, in particular due to bad relationships with other people, with whom, as in her childhood, she was unable to establish contact.
Kadoni’s words were confirmed by both journalists and the witch’s representative. It turned out that Novoselova was once even treated in a psychiatric clinic. Then she had another nervous breakdown. And this is not surprising. After the “Battle of Psychics,” misfortune literally befell Ilona. Take, for example, the high-profile story of her kidnapping. The criminals demanded a ransom of several million rubles for Novoselova. The bandits were found, and Ilona herself remained unharmed, but this situation probably did not have the best effect on the girl’s state of mind.

Ilona Novoselova, formerly known as Andrei Novoselov, was born on November 2, 1987 in the city of Pavlovsky Posad. The famous clairvoyant died on June 13, 2017 in Moscow. Death psychic so much early age, the girl was only thirty, shocked many.

Ilona Novoselova was one of the most scandalous participants in the “Battle of Psychics” show. True, her behavior and the ability to express herself obscenely paid off with the results of her passing the tests. Taking part in the program, Ilona surprised both the jury and television viewers with her abilities. No less unexpected was the fact that she decided to leave the project in which she was one of the favorites.

Ilona Novoselova biography, death and funeral: the story of her early childhood

There is practically no information about Ilona’s childhood. Ilona herself told different facts about her past in different situations. It wasn't easy for her at school. When she came to study, she was already 8 years old. Her classmates did not accept her. The students were afraid of her superpowers, avoided her and called her a “witch.” Since relationships with peers did not work out, Ilona was forced to quit school and study at home. This story was told by Novoselova even before society knew that she was a transvestite. According to Novoselova’s neighbors, he was an unremarkable boy who had nothing to do with magic, and even more so, the desire for a gender change.

Ilona Novoselova biography, death and funeral: the first manifestations of her abilities

According to one version, Ilona comes from a family of hereditary sorcerers. The gift of communication with the dead appeared when she turned 10 years old. In stories about herself, Novoselova noted that in her family tree there was a healer on her mother’s side, and a witch on her father’s side. According to Ilona, ​​from childhood she could describe to her mother people who died before she was born. She also predicted what the weather would be like and whether salaries would be delayed or not.

Later, Ilona said something completely different: that her talent began to manifest itself at the age of 19, after breaking up with her boyfriend. Stress awakened her gift for clairvoyance.

As Novoselova’s mentor in psychics says, the appearance of superpowers is directly related to gender change. After the operation, Ilona studied the ancient magical rituals and technology, improved the gift of healing, learned to predict. Having reached a new level, she began helping those in need.

Ilona Novoselova biography, death and funeral: the magician’s participation in the “Battle of Psychics”

Ilona Novoselova came to the show “Battle of Psychics” in 2008 in the 6th season. There she showed incredible abilities. Having been one of the favorites and having reached the final, she left the show saying that the spirits threatened her with death if she continued to test her gift on the television program. Some sources even reported that Ilona was allegedly bribed by one of those who made it to the finals in order to get rid of her competitor.

After leaving the finish line, Novoselova’s appearance at the casting of the 7th season of the “Battle of Psychics” was a surprise. According to the results of audience voting, Ilona took an honorable second place. At the end of the program, even more people began to turn to the clairvoyant for help. She helped investigate crimes and search for missing people.

Ilona Novoselova biography, death and funeral: personal life of a psychic

Her personal life, as Ilona herself said, never worked out. It is reported that at the age of 19 the magician tried to die because of failed love. Later, Ilona had an affair with the medium Alexander Sheps. Photos of them together often appeared on social networks, although Ilona herself did not comment on them. But the couple broke up, and the next test was the relationship with Oleg Petrov, who is also a transsexual. A sensational event in their life together was their abduction in May 2013. The kidnappers, who waylaid the lovers at night at the entrance of the house, seized and held them hostage, demanding a ransom of 7.5 million rubles from Ilona’s parents. This couple was also destined to break up in the end.

Ilona Novoselova biography, death and funeral: last relationship before the tragedy

In 2015, Ilona Novoselova began an affair with Artem Besov. The couple did not hesitate to show their relationship publicly. According to Ilona’s close friends, Artem appeared in her life just when she was depressed. It is also reported that Novoselova was very attached to her lover, and even managed to transfer one of her apartments to him. True, the couple’s relationship was far from ideal. According to neighbors, the couple often argued. It was also rumored that Besov did not love Ilona, ​​but simply used her.

On June 13, 2017, it became known about the death of Ilona Novoselova. According to law enforcement agencies, the couple, while intoxicated, had a strong quarrel. Besov even said that he wanted to break off the relationship. As a result, the psychic went out onto the balcony and fell off it. The magician fell on the canopy of the dental clinic. No traces indicating violent death were found on the body. Law enforcement officials are convinced that the magician’s death was an accident.

What remains surprising is the fact that in the footage taken after her death, Ilona was wearing shoes, although her death occurred while she was at home. According to Gazimzyanova’s close friend, Ilona’s death requires a thorough investigation.

Ilona Novoselova biography, death and funeral: the psychic’s body was cremated after death

At 12 noon on July 15, the body of the deceased was cremated. The psychic herself wanted this during her lifetime. The ceremony itself reportedly took place behind closed doors. The location of the funeral was kept secret, and the coffin itself was closed. Novoselova did not want her enemies, and she had plenty of them, to feed on her energy.

A participant in the show “Battle of Psychics,” the black witch Ilona Novoselova was found dead under the windows of a house on Entuziastov Highway on June 13 - the psychic fell from the sixth floor balcony after quarreling with a young man Artem Besov. Many viewers sympathized with Novoselova, who was known as one of the most scandalous participants in the program. The young woman often allowed herself ambiguous antics and could express herself obscenely, which attracted the attention of the public. There were also rumors on the Internet that Novoselova had sex reassignment surgery. It's no secret that 29-year-old Ilona was a transsexual. She was born on November 2, 1987 as a boy, whom her parents named Andrei. Ilona fell in love with television viewers thanks to her participation in the rating project “Battle of Psychics.” The tenacious witch was a contestant in the sixth season and a finalist in the seventh season of the show.

But another psychic Ziraddin Rzaev was friends with Novoselova. He spoke very warmly about Ilona, ​​calling her a little girl.

Everyone said she was aggressive, but in reality she just looked that way. She was in life like a little girl, like a child. Ilona was very kind, clear and open. Ilona and I worked together: she is my best partner of all. Ilona treated me very respectfully, was well-mannered, and did not overwhelm me with energy. We had a good tandem. “I believe that this is a loss for the psychic world,” concluded Rzayev.

Ilona Novoselova’s friend Anastasia also described the deceased positively.

For me, he was a good person who would always help in any way he could, one of the few who will be remembered for the rest of my life. She helped someone, maybe she did something bad to someone, because that’s what her profession is, but for her family and friends she remains good person, - REN TV quotes Ilona’s friend.

According to Novoselova’s colleague Marilyn Kerro, she had no intention of dying prematurely.

She showed herself stronger than she is. She loved her boyfriend very much. We recently quarreled. “She always said that it was too early to die,” Kerro said fragmentarily.

Igor Gornostaev, a participant in the seventh season of the mystical show, shared his memories of his tragically deceased colleague. According to him, Novoselova had some problems from birth.

This was to be expected. She had problems since birth, which raised the question of gender determination. Of course, we are all mortal. I recently stopped using psychic abilities and even got baptized. Because when you have to communicate with the other world, it does not lead to good. During the project, Ilona and I were on friendly terms. After the end of the “Battle of Psychics,” we did not keep in touch with her. I only heard rumors that it was not easy for her. She came to the project very young, and then enormous popularity fell on her, people began to make appointments with her. Of course, when she started accepting 10 people at a time, it took a lot of energy. She didn’t seem like a strong psychic to me,” Igor Gornostaev told StarHit.

“StarHit” contacted the illusionist and host of the “Battle of Psychics” program Sergei Safronov. The showman said that he was not closely acquainted with Ilona Novoselova, but she stood out from the other participants in the show.

People don't just fall out of the sixth floor. She, of course, was a bright, unusual, memorable participant in the seventh season of the “Battle of Psychics.” There were many rumors about her, for example, that she allegedly changed her sex. Sometimes I saw her in scandalous news reports. In general, I don’t interact with psychics after the project, I don’t even talk after filming. However, I saw that she was a rather reserved person. I don’t dare to make any conclusions, but after participating in the “Battle of Psychics,” popularity fell on her, maybe she couldn’t cope with it, it’s also not so easy to bear... As I could see, Ilona was a rather unbalanced person, you never know what could have happened - maybe alcohol or some illegal substances were involved. I haven’t seen her at any parties, you can only draw conclusions about the events in her life from social networks,” Sergei Safronov told StarHit.

Journalists also reached Ilona’s neighbors. They noted that Novoselova was very scandalous.

Ilona and her boyfriend moved here two years ago. They regularly had scandals and often drank alcohol. She could have thrown dishes at him on the staircase. Overall she was a good person. Mom didn’t live with them, she only came occasionally and checked on them. I was at home at that moment, I heard screams. It all happened around three o’clock in the afternoon,” said one neighbor.

Another resident of the house spoke about strange behavior Elon.

She kind of cursed this house. They often said about her that she makes noise at night, goes into a trance or something. This was discussed in the chat at home. It is quite possible that she was sick with something, said another neighbor of the deceased girl.

Those who actively followed the life of the experienced sorceress suspected something was wrong a few weeks before the incident - then a photo of a human skull with a very strange signature appeared on a microblog maintained on behalf of Novoselova. Even now, analyzing what happened, many are inclined to believe that back at the end of May she herself predicted her death. According to the clairvoyant’s subscribers, Ilona knew how the events of that fateful day would unfold, but did nothing to avoid it. However, the statements of the followers of the black witch can only be considered speculation.

“Maybe she knew that it had to be this way”, “What if she didn’t want to change anything?”, “What normal person, knowing about his death, would not try to change everything”, “Psychics don’t see themselves... They can look at others , but they can’t do it themselves,” “What’s the point of foreseeing your death? This is fate. She did not see herself in old age and shared this with colleagues,” “Coincidence or not, but the skull is last photo…” - such comments were left by people who were not indifferent to the fate of the girl.

Fans of Ilona Novoselova, who followed her victories and defeats in the “Battle of Psychics” trials, remember well how she herself spoke about death, how she saw the afterlife and what she thought about the reincarnation of the human soul. By the way, the black witch never hid from the general public what else in adolescence tried to commit suicide when faced with unrequited love. Then, as they said, spirits appeared to her and dissuaded her from this idea, explaining that she had a special magical gift, thanks to which she could help people.

Interestingly, on her official website, Ilona spoke in detail about her previous incarnation, which, according to her own admissions, she remembers well.

“I lived somewhere in Germany in the 1800s, my name was Eleanor. For some reason I didn’t have parents, so I was adopted by one family. Even then, since childhood, I was drawn to everything mysterious and mystical,” admitted Novoselova. Later, according to the girl, she began to develop her gift and help people. Ilona did not remember the circumstances of death in her previous incarnation.

Talking about death, the star of the “Battle of Psychics” emphasized that life does not just end. “Man consists of three things. This physical body is biomass. Ethereal shells: a phantom or ghost body is a copy of a person’s character and appearance. The soul is a divine particle. She flies, reincarnates, and then into a new body. And the phantom remains in the lower astrals or parallel worlds, parallel to the plane. It’s like a photocopy of who a person was during life - this is called a ghost,” Ilona explained her point of view.

The life of Ilona Novoselova is shrouded in mysterious rumors and mystical stories. And now investigators are unraveling the mysteries of her death. Fans of the psychic will certainly see the influence of otherworldly forces in what happened.

Video: Channel Five

Footage from the scene of the death of Ilona Novoselova
Video: Channel Five

Black hair, dark clothes, sagacious eyes... A classic look modern witch complemented by an extravagant accessory - a roe deer's paw. According to Novoselova, this is her magic wand, with the help of which she communicates with spirits. They also help her foresee the future.

At the psychic show, she increased her rating with shocking behavior: she made scandals, showered curses on the program participants, disrupted filming, smoked on camera and did not mince words. And, despite this, she was one of the best to pass all the tests, as if seeing right through people.

Video: Channel Five

From TV screens, Ilona spoke more than once about how she began to see and hear the dead at the age of 10. The girl, due to her connection with the other world, found it difficult to study and in the seventh grade she switched to home schooling.

Her peers laughed at her, her neighbors shunned her, calling her a witch. Ilona accumulated resentment and cursed all her ill-wishers.

Having appeared in a famous television project, Ilona Novoselova from Pavlovsky Posad became famous throughout the country. As a result, a line of people lined up to see the witch who wanted to remove the spell and bewitch their lover. She claimed that she could detect diseases by smell and heal any ailment. Along with fame, the woman also faced a lot of troubles. The yellow press began writing tall tales about her. One of the most striking is about gender reassignment. Like, the Witch Novoselova is actually Andrei.

Vlad Kadoni, participant in the show “Battle of Psychics”
Video: Channel Five

In 2013, Ilona began to experience a real black streak - she was kidnapped at the entrance of her house and later demanded a ransom from her mother - seven and a half million rubles. The criminals assumed that the famous witch must have money. The police quickly detained the kidnappers, and Ilona remained unharmed. And after that it became even more popular.

Video: Channel Five archive

Journalists were watching her at the door of her apartment with a question: how did she not foresee her abduction? The witch Novoselova promised illness and trouble in return.

Ilona’s last lover is the warlock Artyom Besov. The telling name and daring image of the 26-year-old black magician only added to the popularity of their union - on Instagram the couple was called “beautiful” and “real.”



Novoselova's fame clearly had a beneficial effect on the young magician's income. Elite clothing brands flash in his photos with enviable frequency, jewelry and electronic gadgets.


But the idyll in the relationship between the witch and the sorcerer real life, as it turned out, was overshadowed by regular scandals. According to neighbors, the lovers often quarreled; on the fateful day of Ilona’s death, it was allegedly noisy outside the door of their apartment. According to one version, the couple had a big fight, and Artyom said emotionally that he would leave Moscow.

Video: Channel Five

Earlier, in an interview, Novoselova told how at the age of 19 she tried to commit suicide because of unhappy love. Ilona was then abandoned by her boyfriend and was allegedly persuaded by spirits to stay alive. Like, “the calling of a psychic is more important than a woman’s happiness.”

But Novoselova sadly admitted to her loved ones that she was very lonely and dreamed of getting married. A few of the psychic’s friends say that she was only aggressive in appearance. At heart he was an extremely vulnerable and very sad child.


The last post that the witch left on her Instagram page two years ago was an ominous photo of a skull with the caption: “I prophesy to everyone.” The most impressionable people already decided that the hereditary witch had jinxed herself.

Ksenia Yakubina