How to use a juicer - instructions with photos. Safety of using a juice cooker and tips for choosing a good device Juice cooker operating principle recipes

The modern rhythm of life sets new fashion trends. The issue of healthy eating has long become relevant and leaves few people indifferent. Therefore, manufacturers of cookware and appliances are in a constant improvement mode and strive to meet consumer demands.

Juice cooker and its advantages

Vegetable and fruit juices are included in the daily diet of almost every family. But are packaged juices, which have filled supermarket shelves with their rich assortment, really useful? It’s difficult to call a juice drink a natural and high-quality product. Therefore, real 100% juice that you make at home will be much tastier and healthier. You can prepare a natural drink using a juicer.

Why choose juicers? Working with a juicer is very convenient. It does not make noise, does not become clogged with fruit pulp, and does not leave any sediment after preparing the juice. The juice obtained from the juicer can be immediately rolled into jars without sterilization or boiling. Fresh juice can be stored for a week in the refrigerator without loss useful properties and quality.

Advantages of a juicer:

  • versatility, safety and ease of use
  • the juice can be immediately rolled into jars
  • the remaining pulp can be used to make puree or marmalade
  • long shelf life
  • The juicer can be used to prepare some dietary dishes

How to cook juice in a juicer

There are many recipes for making juice in a juicer and they are all prepared according to the same principle. A juice cooker consists of several containers that are stacked on top of each other. About three liters of water are poured into the bottom one, and vegetables or fruits are poured into the top one. The juicer is placed on the fire, where the water begins to evaporate when heated. Gradually, the steam heats the fruit and they release juice, which flows into a separate container through a special outlet. Before cooking, berries and fruits should be thoroughly washed and pitted. It is recommended to cut large fruits into several parts. With this heat treatment, vitamins and nutrients are preserved, and the juice is pasteurized. It turns out concentrated and sweet. The juicer operates silently and does not require control, automatically doing its job.

Redcurrant jelly

You will need:

  • 2.5 kg red currants
  • 1.5 kg granulated sugar

Cooking method:

Pour 2 liters of water into a deep bowl, place a juice cooker filled with red currants on top and put on fire. Pour all the sugar into a smaller bowl and place the outlet tube from the juicer there. As a result, you will get more than 1 liter of juice. Place the bowl with sugar on low heat and dissolve it completely, without bringing it to a boil. The jelly is ready.

Plum juice

You will need:

  • 4 kg ripe plums
  • granulated sugar at the rate of 300g per 1 liter of juice

Cooking method:

Sort the plums well and rinse. Carefully place the berries in the juicer. From 4 kg of plums, approximately 1.5 liters of juice are obtained. Pour sugar into an enamel bowl, strictly following the proportions. The pulp is rubbed through a sieve and added to sugar along with the resulting juice. Bring the entire mixture to a boil over low heat. In three minutes, the plum juice and pulp will be ready; you can pour it into a sterilized container and pack it away for the winter.

The juice according to this recipe can be consumed in its pure form, or can be used to prepare compote or jelly.

Apple juice

You will need:

  • To obtain 3 liters of juice, take 5 kg of apples
  • sugar is added to taste

cooking method:

Take ripe tomatoes and rinse well. Before putting them in the pressure cooker, cut them into four pieces. choose juicier varieties. Sprinkle them with a teaspoon of salt and sugar, then start cooking. Pour the juice into the prepared dishes and screw on the lids. You can add a sprig of celery to the bottom of each container before pouring the juice. The result is a drink that is not just tasty, but also healthy and aromatic.

If you want to sweeten the juice a little, do it at the very beginning. Pour sugar along with vegetables and fruits into the upper container. After cooking, it is better not to add granulated sugar to the juice, as this may disrupt its sterility.

Leftovers from apples or tomatoes don’t need to be thrown away. Use them for other dishes, for example, apples can be added to the filling, and tomatoes can be used to prepare adjika or lecho.

Many people like to make various preparations for the winter, and juice occupies a special place among them.

The process of obtaining this product at home is extremely complex, and here a juice cooker comes to our aid, which greatly facilitates the process.

Juice in a juicer can be prepared from both. At first glance, a juice cooker may seem like an ordinary saucepan; it looks no different from the ordinary utensils in which housewives cook borscht, only it is a little larger in size.

But in fact, a juice cooker is a very complex mechanism, which consists of several containers connected to each other by tubes. They are usually made from food grade aluminum.

Juice cooker and its structure: 1- tank for;

2 - juice collector;

3 - colander for raw materials;

4 - cover;

5 - tube for passing juice;

6 - pallet.

The parts of the juicer fit together very tightly and are equipped with special valves, which allows steam to circulate inside the juicer and prevents the increase in humidity in the room where it is mixed, and also allows you to significantly speed up the process of making juice.

In this way, the principle of operation of a juice cooker is very similar to the principle of operation. It is also worth noting that juice cookers are often equipped with a hose to pour the juice into a container after it is ready.

The process of making juice involves treating food with steam pressure.

Before starting to prepare juice, we need to prepare the products according to the instructions that come with the device. After all this, the juice cooker is filled, tightly closed with a lid and put on fire.

When preparing juice, it is important to ensure that the lid of the juicer is always tightly closed. This is due to the fact that the steam in the juicer is under high pressure and careless handling can cause injury.

Due to the fact that in the juice cooker the products are exposed to steam rather than water, the juice is concentrated, and the high steam pressure allows you to extract almost all the juice from them.

Also, in the process of preparing juice, do not forget that the bottom of the juice cooker should preferably be the same size as the burner. The juice prepared in a juicer can be consumed immediately or used for canning.

You can cook more than just juice in a juicer. It can also be used to make various alcoholic drinks, such as mulled wine.

The juicer can also be used for making marmalade. To do this, it is necessary that all the liquid evaporates during the cooking process.

Since juice cookers are usually made of aluminum, they do not require special care. You can use regular detergents to clean the juicer.

If any parts of the juicer fail, it must be taken to a workshop where they will be replaced.

It is not recommended to repair this device yourself, as this may make the device dangerous to operate.

The juicer squeezes, cooks, evaporates, moisturizes, cooks in one pan!
Have you ever wanted delicious freshly squeezed juice for breakfast? Useful vegetable soup? Sandwich with homemade marmalade?
With the help of a juicer you can extract from fruits and vegetables maximum benefit! Drink freshly squeezed juices every day! They are not only delicious, but also good for health and mood! Juice squeezed from celery, tomatoes, carrots, rhubarb, apples, pears, cherries, strawberries, grapes... The choice is yours!
The juicer turns both soft and hard fruits and vegetables into delicious vitamin drinks, homemade marmalade or healthy fruit juice! Nothing is thrown away, even the pulp can be used for making purees or other dishes. Fruits with seeds (such as apples and pears) can be processed with skin and core; Fruits with thick skins (such as citrus fruits, melon, kiwi and beets) must be peeled first. Before processing, just wash and cut fruits and vegetables into slices.
Juice extraction
Fill the fruit and vegetable container with washed and peeled fruits, add the appropriate amount of sugar according to the table. Fruits with seeds (apples, pears, etc.) must be cut into slices. Cut fruits with seeds or remove the seeds if you want pulpy juice.
Remove the cuttings from the cherries. To enrich the taste of the juice, mix sweet cherries with sour cherries or currants. The rhubarb does not need to be peeled, but should be cut into small pieces.
Juicing will give the best results when using frozen or ripe fruit. Rot spots on fruit must be removed.
Of course, with the help of a JUICE COOKER you can also get vitamin-rich vegetable juices. They are rich nutrients and minerals and can be served as drinks or added to dishes. Do not add sugar to vegetable juice; season it with a pinch of salt.
Prepare vegetables as follows:
- cucumbers - peel and cut into pieces
- carrots, radishes, turnips - wash, peel and grate
- asparagus, celery, tomatoes - wash and cut into small pieces
- spinach - wash and chop
- onion - wash and chop with skin

To extract the juice, follow these steps in the order listed:
1. Place a steel rack on the bottom of the JUICE pot
2. Pour hot or cold water to the level of the bottom of the stand - 2 l
3. Place the bowl on the stand
4. Insert the filled container into the JUICE COOKER
5. Use a lid with a lock. Make sure the tube goes through the hole on the side of the container to the bottom of the bowl
6. Close the lid and pan using clamps
7. The rubber hose must be clamped with a hose clamp

Place the pan on the stove and turn it on to medium-high heat. During the process of extracting juice, a small amount of moisture will constantly be released through the pressure valve, so the juice is squeezed out very quickly. If liquid drips from a rubber hose clamped with a clamp or steam comes out intensely through the pressure valve, it is necessary to reduce the heating. When bottling juice, turn the stove on to maximum heat. Pressure will build up in the pan, forcing the juices out of the bowl through the tube.
Cleaning the Pressure Valve
Clean the pressure valve regularly to ensure it does not become blocked and block the juice flow. If the valve is cleaned regularly, it will last a long time.
Remove the sealing cap. Now you can rinse and clean the valve chamber thoroughly.
Tips for preparing bottles
Wash the bottles well with warm water, rinse with clean water and dry. Carry out the same procedure for the rubber caps that close the bottles. Sterilize bottles before filling them with juice. To fill the bottle, place it next to the JUICE COOKER and insert the end of the tube into it. Once the hose clamp is opened, the juice will flow into the bottle. When the bowl is empty, air begins to escape from the tube. Seal the bottles with rubber caps and store them upright once they are full.
In the following table you will find information regarding the amount of sugar added, the extraction time and the amount of juice for commonly used fruits. These data should only be used as a guide as the amount of juice and timing depends largely on the ripeness of the fruit. The juice extraction time is counted from the moment the steam exits through the pressure valve.

Type of fruit quantity approx. amount of time
sugar per 4 kg of juice (in extract bottles
fruits 0.75 l)

Ripe apples about 100 g 4 bottles. 50 min.
Unripe apples about 200 g 3 bottles. 50 min.
Pears about 100 g 3-4 bottles. 40 min.
Blackberries about 300 g 4 bottles. 35 min.
Blueberries about 400 g 4 bottles. 35 min.
Raspberries about 200 g 4 bottles. 35 min.
Cherries about 300 g 4 bottles. 50 min.
Currants about 400 g 4 bottles. 40 min.
Strawberries about 200 g 4 bottles. 35 min.
Gooseberries about 400 g 4 bottles. 40 min.
Apricots about 300 g 3-4 bottles. 40 min.
Pumpkin about 300 g 3 bottles. 40 min.
Plums about 300 g 4 bottles. 40 min.
Prunes about 300 g 4 bottles. 40 min.
Grapes about 100 g 4 bottles. 40 min.
Peaches about 300 g 4 bottles. 40 min.
Rhubarb about 500 g 4 bottles. 50 min.
Cranberries about 500 g 3-4 bottles. 50 min.

Delicious juices without chemical additives and concentrates are also healthy. To get a truly high-quality drink, you will need a juicer. The principle of operation of this device is very simple: the products are processed with steam, due to which all the beneficial substances are preserved. At the end we get pasteurized juice, ready for twisting.

How does it work?

The juice cooker consists of several elements:

  • water containers;
  • juice container equipped with a valve and tube;
  • containers with holes for food.

The modern juicer gets good reviews because it is easy to use, and the price is affordable. All models offered on the market differ in volume, material used for making containers, design features bottoms, while all of them general principle work. The water boils and the steam releases juice from the fruit or vegetable. By the way, the remaining pulp can also be used, for example, preserved along with juice.

How to use?

First, the juicer, the principle of operation of which is simple and understandable, must be prepared for the process. That is, you need to rinse all the containers thoroughly, treat the rubber tube with boiling water, then attach the elements of the device - for this you need to use the instructions. Experts recommend adhering to the following tips to extend the life of the device:

  1. Keep the water level under control and prevent food from burning to the bottom.
  2. The reservoir reserved for liquid should not be filled completely, leaving approximately 15-20% of the free volume.
  3. Containers should not be treated with abrasive or alkaline agents or removed with sharp objects.
  4. The valve and tube must be cleaned regularly.

How is the juice prepared?

Today, many people have a juicer in their kitchen. How to use it? This process should be approached responsibly. First, products and containers are prepared. Vegetables, fruits, berries are washed well, sorted, seeds and stalks are removed, and the peel is peeled. Then the products are divided into small pieces. By the way, the juices turn out to be quite sweet, so you need to take this into account so as not to over-sweet. Experts recommend pouring the first bottle of juice back into the food container, and sterilizing the bottle itself. The finished drink is immediately swirled and then sent to a cool place.

Process stages

Let's start preparing the juice. Pour at least two liters of water into the base of the device and heat it. After boiling, a juice collector and a container with fruit are installed. The device is closed with a lid, after which it is heated again over low heat. We close the rubber hose with a clamp. During operation of the device, care should be taken to ensure that the water does not completely boil away. As soon as the liquid boils, the juice begins to release (this lasts from 45 to 70 minutes, depending on the ripeness of the berries/fruits). The finished product is poured into clean bottles and sent for storage.

Instructions for use

A steam juice cooker is a simple device, but you still need to study the instructions for it. The official manual for almost every device provides recommendations on how to use the juicer:

  1. The bottom of the device should be 80% filled with water.
  2. When loading fruits or berries, you can add sugar to the same container.
  3. The filled container is immersed in the casing, closed with a lid, and then placed on the bottom with water. The hose is closed with a clamp.
  4. An electric juice cooker is plugged into the mains; models without automation are placed on a heating source.
  5. As the temperature of the water rises, steam is created, which rises and enters the mesh. Here it acts on the berries/fruits, promoting the formation of pasteurized juice.
  6. Through the holes in the mesh, the finished drink flows into the container.

Juice cooker for cooking meat and vegetables

Such a device as a juice cooker is amazing: the operating principle is almost the same as that of a double boiler, so many housewives use the former to prepare healthy stewed food. Vegetables, meat, fish products - all this turns out just as good in a juicer! The cooking process is the same as when making juice, only spices and salt are added instead of sugar. However, after cooking, you should rinse all containers very thoroughly, since the remaining smell of fish or meat may be present in the juice.

Types and features

The juice cooker collects positive reviews, mostly a lot good opinions about electric models. However, manufacturers also offer devices that operate from an external heating source, that is, they are placed directly on the stove.

The capacity of the containers varies from 4 to 20 liters, which should be clarified when purchasing. Another important point is the material from which the device is made. It is best to choose stainless steel models - they are more reliable and of higher quality.

Most popular products

A juice cooker, the principle of which even an inexperienced user can understand, is a convenient device, especially if fruits and vegetables disappear from your garden. Let’s immediately make a reservation that the companies producing this type household appliances, a lot, so you will have to study the features of the devices before purchasing. We will include different devices in the review price category, so that you can consider all the arguments and make the right choice.

Budget model originally from Russia

The Russian brand "Kalitva" offers the cheapest juice maker. The instructions will tell you that this model has a bowl volume of 6 liters and is made of food-grade aluminum. With this household appliance you can get juice from fresh vegetables, fruits, berries. According to the instructions, only 4 liters of water can be added to the tank. The principle of operation of the device is simple: after the liquid boils, a juice collector and a mesh glass are placed on the reservoir, and a mesh with products is installed. The device is covered with a casing, and the outlet tube is closed with a clamp. The average time for juice separation is up to one hour, after which the resulting drink is poured through the outlet pipe into jars. By the way, such a juicer costs only 1,100 rubles.

Chinese models

Webber BE-08 is another affordable juicer. How to use it? To begin with, we note that the bowl of this device is larger - 8 liters, and it is made of stainless steel. That is, this unit is suitable for cooking juice even on induction hob. As for the equipment, it is traditional: containers for water and juice, a colander for fruits and vegetables, a rubber tube for draining water and a glass lid. This juicer is also cheap - up to 2000 rubles.

Bohmann BH 3205 is a very compact juicer. The instructions are simple and clear, so any user can understand it. Chinese manufacturer offers equipment in the form of a 5-liter bowl made of stainless steel. The pan has a thickened bottom, main feature of which there are six layers of different materials:

  • copper and aluminum - with high thermal conductivity;
  • steel - with low thermal conductivity.

Thanks to this combination, heat quickly passes through the layers, distributing evenly across the bottom of the pan. The bottom heats up evenly both in the center and around the edges. The absence of a depression at the bottom is a guarantee that the dishes will not be deformed under the influence of high temperatures. This model costs about 2000 rubles.

Berghoff Deluxe

This juicer (the photo shows it stylish design) costs about 12,000 rubles, while the capacity of the container is more than 15 liters! To create it, the manufacturer uses stainless steel, and juices can be prepared on any type of stove. A special heat-collecting bottom allows you to reduce energy costs when heating water, and the kit includes standard elements:

  • containers for water and juice;
  • a metal lid with a valve that allows you to regulate the pressure of juice release);
  • juice supply tube;
  • bracket.

In this model, the handles are connected to the pan using riveting, and they are made of steel with silicone inserts, making it safe to use the device.

Rommelsbacher EE-1505

This is a compact juice cooker - the photos make it clear that it takes up very little space in the kitchen. The container for juice is designed for 4 liters, and the colander in which vegetables, fruits or berries will be placed is designed for 10 liters. The metal body of the juicer is covered with two layers of a special composition, which is resistant to acids. The principle of the juicer is traditional: water is poured into the reservoir, fruit is added, and the resulting juice is released through a special tube into a special vessel. This model costs about 5,000 rubles.

Before using any device, you should first read the instructions, and the device in question is no exception. Using a juicer has its own characteristics that should be taken into account:

  1. Before first use, it is recommended to rinse the device thoroughly.
  2. While the juicer is operating, make sure that there is always water in the reservoir, otherwise the bottom may burn and the device can be thrown away.
  3. To prevent the juice from wasting, you need to put the jar where it will go in a special plate.
  4. If you like sweet drinks, add sugar to a colander.
  5. If fruits with pits or seeds are used, it is recommended to remove them before using the device.

Juicing recipes

To preserve the summer harvest for a long time and cold winter, it needs to be processed in a timely manner. The best juice cooker is a device that will allow you to quickly and easily prepare delicious compotes and juices, preserving the maximum of their beneficial properties. Moreover, the advantages of this device are that it combines the functions of a juicer and a steamer. We will tell you several recipes on how to prepare juices in a juicer:

  1. Apple juice. We cut the apples and put them in the upper compartment. To make the process of juice release go faster, you need to cut the fruits as small as possible. But you should avoid pieces that are too small, because instead of juice you will end up with fruit puree, which will clog the holes in the colander.
  2. Pumpkin juice. It is recommended to add up to 150 grams of sugar per kilogram of pumpkin. First, wash the pumpkin, cut off the peel, and get rid of the seeds and fibers. The prepared vegetable is placed in a container and then cooked for about an hour. If you don't like the smell of pumpkin, you can get rid of it by adding lemon or sugar to your drink.
  3. Tomato juice. To create this drink, you will need to finely chop ripe tomatoes; it is best to give preference to juicy fruits. We fill them with a teaspoon of sugar and salt, after which we begin to prepare the juice. Culinary experts advise adding a couple of celery sprigs to the bottom of the container to add flavor to the drink.
  4. Grape juice. The prepared berries are placed in a container, after which the device is placed on heating. The berries will gradually acquire a brown color, settle to the bottom, they will need to be crushed and added with fresh ones, since the volume will decrease. Juicing will take approximately 45 minutes (depending on the degree of ripeness of the berries). After this time, the clamp opens and the juice is poured into the jars.

Modern manufacturers of household appliances provide our choice with many types of equipment that greatly facilitate housework. Thus, juice cookers allow you to prepare large quantities of natural drinks from fruits and vegetables for the winter. This technique is interesting because it is easy to work with. And preparing juices in it does not take much time.

Juice cooker: reviews and methods of use

The principle of its operation is similar to a double boiler. Most often, the device is produced in the form of a container with 3 compartments. At the bottom there is a wide, not very high bowl. A container for the resulting juice is placed above. A “faucet” extends from it to drain the juice. It can be made in the form of a rubber or silicone hose. The very last one is a colander. Vegetables and fruits are placed on it.

First you need to determine in what case you should buy a juicer. This is due to the fact that a juicer can also be used to make juices. You definitely need to choose a juicer if you have a large family. A juicer, of course, allows you to prepare a drink in some cases in a few minutes. But it happens that its volume is limited. At the same time, juice cookers are produced even in a volume of 8-10 liters.

One more interesting feature juice cooker is that it allows you to make drinks for winter preparation. Juicers produce fresh juice, which is better to just drink. To prepare it for the winter, it will have to be boiled. However, such a drink will always contain pulp. The juicer works on a completely different principle. As a result, you will receive a pure concentrated extract without any inclusions. The juicer saves a lot of time. To create a winter preparation, you just need to pour the drink into sterile jars. The only negative with this juice is that it contains fewer vitamins than freshly squeezed juice.

Pros of a juicer:

  1. Easy care - juicers consist of many parts. Therefore, they are inconvenient to wash. You can simply rinse the juicer. Due to its simple design, it will also last longer on the farm.
  2. Juice quality - a drink prepared in a juicer is less oxidized. You don't need to drink it right away.
  3. Use of waste - a juicer turns raw materials into pulp. Then using it somewhere else is problematic. Leftover apples or berries that were used to make juice in a juicer can be added to baked goods.

How to cook juice in a juicer?

Even a novice cook can handle the process of making juice. First you need to prepare vegetables, berries and fruits. The advantage of a juicer is that it allows you to prepare juice even from quince. It is necessary to wash the products, remove, if any, seeds and stalks. Also, rotten or deteriorated areas must be cut off. Place fruits or vegetables in the upper part of the colander. Pour water into the lowest wide bowl. It should occupy about 2/3 of the total volume. Then all parts of the juicer are installed inside. After this, we move on to the actual preparation. To do this, either place the juicer on the stove or plug the device into the mains.

The juicer works as follows. In the lower part of the device, in the bowl, when the water is heated, steam begins to form. It rises up and passes through pieces of berries or fruits. Then it “lowers” ​​the juice into a medium container. Thus, over time, it begins to fill with concentrated liquid. The preparation time depends on the volume of the device and the type of raw material for the juice. After the juice is released, all that remains is to drain it. To do this, use the built-in middle part juice cooker hose.

As you can see, making juice is really very simple. It is worth remembering that for trouble-free cooking you need to be very careful when choosing a device.

Material - juice cookers are made from aluminum and stainless steel. Each of them has its own advantages. For example, aluminum juice cooker has light weight. However, such a device cannot be placed on an induction hob. Stainless steel is more versatile. In addition, it is easy to wash. Even though aluminum cookware is cheaper, steel cookware still lasts longer in the kitchen. So if you plan to cook a lot, then you should choose a stainless steel juicer.

Juice cooker details - it is important to pay attention to the fit of the lid. It would be better if it was rubberized on the bottom. This way the steam won't escape. The lid can be made of glass. This will help you periodically monitor the condition of the products. The juice drainage hose can be rubber or silicone. The second option is preferable in terms of strength.

Type of juicer - they can be used for cooking on the stove. Dr. type of juice cookers - electric. To prepare juice, you just need to plug in the device. This juicer is perfect for the garden.

Juice in a juicer for the winter: preparation method

  • To prepare apple juice, take an arbitrary number of sweet apples. It is better not to choose sour fruits. This juice will have a characteristic taste, which may cause stomach problems. Wash the apples, cut them into slices and remove the seeds. Place them on the top of the juicer with holes. We lay them out until they fill almost the entire volume of the device. Add about 2-2.5 liters of water to the lower bowl. If you want to make sweet juice, then sprinkle 70 g of chopped apples. Sahara.
  • Close the pressure cooker with a lid. Place it on the stove for about 1 hour. If the apples were durum varieties, then we increase the cooking time. You can tell if they are ready by their softness. After the time required for preparing the juice has passed, pour the drink through a hose into clean, sterilized jars. To prepare for the winter, immediately roll up the iron lids that have been left in boiling water.
  • To prepare grape juice, we take any grape variety. We wash it under the stream running water, remove the faded parts. We separate the berries from the bunch and place them in the upper bowl. There should be enough grapes to leave 5 cm to the top edge. Place about 70 grams on top. Sahara. If you choose the Isabella variety, you can double the amount of sugar. Pour about 3 liters into the lower bowl. Water. Close the juice cooker with a lid and put it on fire.
  • Bring the liquid in the device to a boil and reduce it. Evaporate the juice for 40 minutes. Then we pour it into jars in a well-known way and close it. If there are a lot of grapes, then you can do it differently. We boil the same amount of product not for 40 minutes, but for 3 hours. All this time, carefully add water as it evaporates. It is also necessary to periodically pour berries into the upper bowl. At the end, turn off the heat and let the berries stand for another 30 minutes. Then we pour the juice into jars and close them.