How to open a factorial intercom without a key. How to hack Vizit intercom using special codes

Nowadays, multi-storey buildings are equipped with intercoms. This type of security has already proven itself: thanks to intercoms, the entrance is always clean and there is no access for strangers. However, these devices also have disadvantages. IN emergency situations Intercoms make it difficult for rescuers to pass through, as well as for residents themselves who have forgotten their house keys. Today you will learn how to open Eltis intercom without a key, without harming it.

Common methods:

  1. Universal key.
  2. Special codes.


Eltis - domestic products. The security code consists of four characters. Each resident of a house with an intercom is issued an electromagnetic key. However, this device has a significant drawback - it can be easily broken.

The Eltis system consists of 3 levels:

  1. Secret code.
  2. Administrator code.
  3. Installation password.

The device consists of the following components:

  1. Call and communication blocks.
  2. Subscriber console.
  3. Power unit.
  4. Electromagnetic lock.
  5. Key reader.


  1. Can serve more than 100 subscribers.
  2. Adjusting the door opening time.
  3. Enabling and disabling the combination lock.
  4. Panel lighting.
  5. Keyboard with voice acting.

Operating principle of the device:

  1. Enter the apartment number.
  2. Press the call button.
  3. A signal is sent to the apartment.
  4. The intercom user picks up the handset.
  5. Pressing the door open button.

To find the serial number:

  1. Hold "B" for 25 seconds.
  2. A number will appear.

The code may vary depending on the model.

Common ciphers:

  1. S - 100 - S - 7273.
  2. S - 100 - S - 2323.
  3. S - 100 - S - 7272.

If these codes did not help open the doors, then you need to use other methods.

Opening using codes

Enter code to open:

B - 100 - B - 7273;

B - 400 - B - 2323; B - 700 - 7273;

B - 100 - B - 2323;

B - 400 - 7273; B - 800 - B - 7273;

B - 100 - 7273;

B - 500 - B - 7273; B - 800 - B - 2323;

B - 200 - B - 7273;

B - 500 - B - 2323; B - 800 - 7273;
B - 200 - 2323; B - 500 - 7273; B - 900 - B - 7273;
B - 200 - 7273; B - 600 - B - 7273; B - 900 - B - 2323;
B - 300 - B - 7273; B - 600 - B - 2323; B - 900 - 7273;
B - 300 - B - 2323; B - 600 - 7273; B - 2323;
B - 300 - 7273; B - 700 - B - 7273; B - 7273.
B - 400 - B - 7273; B - 700 - B - 2323;

Video on how to open the Eltis intercom without a key:


To change the settings you need to do the following:

  1. Hold “B” for 10 seconds.
  2. "Sys" will appear.
  3. "1234".
  4. "6_7x" will appear.
  5. Press the number of the action you need:
    1. “1” - to change the old password.
    2. “2” - to enable or disable the password.
    3. “3” - to change the general password.
    4. “4” - to enable or disable the door opening signal.
    5. “6” - to enable or disable the password for an individual apartment.
    6. “8” - to change the door opening time.
    7. "0" - exit.

Video on how to program the Eltis intercom:

Universal key

When all of the above methods did not help, then the only way to open the intercom is to use a universal key. Currently, many models come with this device. During installation, such a key is entered into the intercom memory.

If the kit did not include a universal master key, then you can contact a company to make one.

Intercoms in apartment buildings They limit access to the premises; as a rule, they are installed on the front door. To get inside, you need a special electronic key suitable only for this door. Manufacturers can also “hardwire” a common code into the device, which is communicated to residents. In the first case, you can open the intercom without a key, but you need to know the special system codes with which the device is programmed. In addition, you can simply hack into the intercom, but residents and service providers will definitely not like this.

Using a secret code

The system code is installed on all intercoms, regardless of brand or manufacturer. It is installed by manufacturers so that they can configure the device before putting it into operation or debug it depending on the conditions in which it will be operated. In addition, it should be possible to open the door without a special magnetic key. True, all standard passwords can be changed when installing the device - if this is done, you will have to select the installed code from the ones listed below.

It is clear that the intercom can be made by different manufacturers, who set their own passwords on the devices. There is no “magic” code that will fit any device, but for a certain brand it is quite possible to find one.

The use of system codes can negatively affect the operation of the device, so it is advisable to use them only as a last resort. It should be taken into account that such actions fall into the category of offenses with corresponding claims from the criminal code.

How can you open a Digital intercom if you don’t have a key?

If the key is lost, the following data is needed to unlock the intercom:

  • Availability of apartment numbers at the entrance that are multiples of one hundred (one hundred, two hundred... nine hundred);
  • Name and model of the installed intercom.

So, at the entrance there are the necessary apartment numbers, which means you should use the following codes: (communication button = B)

Key Code Key Code
(IN) 100 (IN) 7272
(IN) 200 (IN) 7272
(IN) 300 (IN) 7272
(IN) 400 (IN) 7272, etc.
(IN) 100 (IN) 7273
(IN) 200 (IN) 7273
(IN) 300 (IN) 7273
(IN) 400 (IN) 7273, etc.

If the intercom marking contains the letter “M”, then you can use the following combinations: communication button (B) – 41 – communication button (B) – 1410.

It is also possible to open such doors with the code “07054”.

Model CCD 2094.1 M. Such intercoms can be unlocked by entering a code: communication button (B) – 0000. Such a code can immediately open the door, or it can only give access to the menu (if ON appears on the display), the next step is button “2” on the dial and the doors will open. The inscription “OFF” indicates that the installer was in charge and was not too lazy to change the master access passwords.

Model CCD 2094 M. First enter the code: 0000 – communication button (B). Then the code “123456 – communication button (B)” is dialed.

If you first dial the code “123400 – communication button (B)”, “f0” will light up on the display. Next, enter the value “601”.

Is there a universal key?

Such a device makes life much easier for representatives of various services whose work requires unhindered access to entrances - postmen, police, firefighters, gas workers, etc. But since everyone has probably watched a local police officer or someone else from the above calling neighbors to ask them to open the doors, a logical question arises: is such a key a myth or is it reality?

Technologically, there is nothing impossible in its existence. Any key contains a set of specific signals that are read by the device. Then the intercom compares the received information with that stored in its memory and makes a decision - to open the doors or issue a message about an access error. Therefore, if the code generated by the key fob matches the intercom, the latter will open. Another question is that models, and therefore technologies, are constantly changing, which means that old universal keys may not fit new intercoms. Moreover, residents who order an intercom can insist on changing the master passwords so that there are fewer strangers in the entrance. Accordingly, no one can give a 100% guarantee that the key will open any device.

Hack the digital intercom with a mobile phone

There is nothing complicated about Digital intercoms - when voltage is applied to them, they give a certain sequence of short circuits, after which a code is issued. There are no checks and no relationship with the key.

This code can be recorded on the computer’s sound card and then, if necessary, recorded on the phone, which will subsequently open the intercom.

In order to check what kind of power is supplied and whether an additional external battery is needed, it is necessary to measure the voltage. In principle, nothing else is needed to record the key.

Open the recording program and press the “Record” button.

In the sound recording settings, the microphone needs to be set to maximum. The recording will show a curve. The code consists of three short pulses and one long one, this will be clearly visible on the graph.

Processing in a recording program

In total, the code consists of 36 such pulses which mean either 0 (wide) or 1 (narrow).

When processing, it is necessary to remove all recorded silence and leave only the code recording. Next, you need to multiply it (copy and paste), increase it to about 1 minute. Saving in WAV format,

For convenience, we call it “Key Record”. Moving a recording to your phone.

After such a simple procedure, you can unsolder the key from the wiring. It is these wires that mobile phone it will be possible to open the intercom.

In order for the power to match the cable, you will need to solder a 600 - 800 Ohm resistor. That is, a wire with a resistor is used on one side, and a wire from a minijack is used on the other side.

External power supply should be around 12 Volts.

True, there is an opinion that without special equipment this may not work. Testing this method in the video below:

Forceful methods of opening an intercom

A large number of methods have already been invented on how to open or damage the intercom so that it unlocks the door. The most basic way is a strong beat in the door, which must be applied 10-15 cm below the call panel. This calls for shorting the wires, which will open the device on its own. But the location of the impact strongly depends on where the control unit is located - if you just hit the frame, there will be no effect.

Such methods can physically destroy the intercom or damage its components, which is not approved by current legislation.

When using an electric shock, a strong shock is passed through the reader (to which the key is usually applied) and short-circuits all the control electronics, causing the magnet to unlock and the door to open.

The intercom itself does not close the door - for this there is a powerful magnet, which can be directly influenced. You need to make a sharp and strong jerk on the door leaf. To enhance the effect, they press their foot against the wall and pull the door.

It should be remembered that the spine does not like sudden jerks - if you turn incorrectly at the moment of the jerk, you can “undermine” your back.

If the previous method did not work (anything is possible - the magnet develops a force of up to 400 kg), then you can try to reduce the voltage in the control circuits, for which you need to block the speaker and microphone with your hand. This will most likely lead to feedback, similar to what occurs in speakers when a microphone is placed in front of them. If everything works out, but the voltage in the intercom weakens or disappears altogether.

Using force, you can open the intercom only once, after which the device will most likely have to be repaired. Therefore, if you lose your key fob, it is best to ask your neighbors to open the door and then contact the service to get a new key.

Digital intercoms are products of domestic manufacturers and are designed to restrict access to the premises. Produced protective devices universal and responsive international standards. The most common model is considered to be CCD-2094. Such equipment is multi-user and is intended for installation in apartment buildings.

The Cyfral intercom can transmit audio and video signals, and also has many modifications and can be easily improved. Its feature is the ability of the user to independently choose the type of identifier to gain access.

General aspects of keyless opening of intercom devices

The intercom equipment is controlled using a key: contact or contactless. There are situations when, for one reason or another, the identifier is missing. To gain access in this case, you must use a special code. If the wizard did not change the settings during the installation of the equipment, then according to the factory firmware the intercom is programmed as follows:

  • To enter the system menu of the Cyfral CCD-20 device, use the standard code 123456;
  • General access code - 1234;
  • To display the special encoding table, the password 000 is used;
  • The serial number of the first subscriber is 1;
  • The number of subscribers served is 100;
  • The mode for using codes is enabled;
  • The door warning system is turned on.

To enter the programming mode of the Cyfral CCD-20 model, you need to perform the following steps:

  • Turn off power and voltage;
  • Detach the back panel;
  • Close both contacts on the Cyfral CCD-20 equipment controller board;
  • Turn on power and voltage.

How to change device software settings?

In order to change the settings of the Cyfral intercom equipment, you can try the following steps:

  • Press the “K” key;
  • F will appear on the monitor;
  • Enter 0 and K alternately;
  • Enter a four-digit password to access.

Pressing the number 1 for Cyfral intercoms will allow you to change the number of the first subscriber in the list. To do this, you need to enter a specific number and press the “K” key. Number 2 will enter the subscriber blocking mode. To enable the blocking, enter the combination 0-K-number, to cancel the blocking - 1-K-number.

Using special Cyfral intercom codes, you can program the locking device.

To do this, dial 4 on the calling panel. L0C will appear on the monitor. The key will be recorded upon contact with the reader. If such an identifier is already displayed in memory, the message Est will appear on the screen. If there are not enough free cells, the message Per will appear.

Digital combinations from the Cyfral intercom allow you to change a previously programmed code. When you press the number 6, the words “CdP” and “_ _ _” will appear on the monitor. After this, you need to enter a new code, press C and re-enter the code. If all actions are performed correctly, there will be a corresponding notification and sound signal.

Using a special one, you can adjust the settings for the sound notification. To do this, while in programming mode, you need to dial the number 7. If sound is required, press 1. To prevent the sound signal from coming, press 0.

Using a universal cipher

Changing software settings is not for everyone. There are other ways. The question arises: “How to use code?” The answer is very simple: you need to know a few simple combinations. A universal access code is suitable provided that the apartments in the entrance are numbered in multiples of hundreds (from 100 to 900).

If you do not have an electronic key, you can do the following:

  • Press the call button;
  • Enter the apartment number (100-900);
  • Dial password 7272 or 7273.

Distinctive code combinations for specific models

Intercom type CCD-2094 has its own characteristics. Therefore, using any of the generic codes described above may not gain access. This equipment model is modified and equipped with new microcontrollers. The intercom also works using special software.

Of course, you can try to enter one of the combinations for other device models. If still not implemented, then you should perform the following steps:

  • Enter code 0000;
  • When On appears, press 2;
  • After the inscription Cod appears, enter the code 123400.

If the specified password is not suitable, you can enter the combinations 123456 or 456999. When the code information is selected correctly, the message F0 will appear on the monitor. To allow access you need to enter the combination 6-0-1. The door should open. Without using codes, the easiest way to open the door is using the included identifier.

If you couldn’t find out the intercom code or special combinations don’t work, you can change the software settings. Initially, you need to enter the combination K-0-K. Next we introduce four digital sign. After entering the code information, its uniqueness is checked and identification occurs.

Provided that the code belongs to the CCD-2094 model, the call block will go to work in the service settings menu.

After this, information containing the version number of the device’s factory firmware and software will be displayed on the screen, and a notification Rg will appear.

Conventions on the calling panel

Each number on the calling panel of Cyfral equipment in the service settings mode carries certain information. The program table presented on the calling panel has the following symbols:

  • Changing the subscriber number (usually the first one in the device’s memory) – 1;
  • Control of subscriber blocking mode – 2;
  • Changing code information (current table) – 3;
  • Entering the programming mode of a locking electromagnetic or electromechanical device – 4;
  • Possibility to change – 5;
  • Change of standard code – 6;
  • Identifier warning system – 7;
  • Regulation of general encoding – 8;
  • Key deletion mode (for each subscriber separately) – 9.

It must be remembered that this information is not a guide for unauthorized access or hacking of intercoms of the described brand.

The video shows how to open the intercom:

Information on opening intercoms

As you know, to set up an intercom you need to gain access to the programming mode. This is usually done by typing the password on the numeric keypad. After entering the installer mode, the specialist who dialed the code has the opportunity to both open the door with the intercom and change any system settings without opening the door.

Manufacturers paid special attention to this part of the system. However, the implementation of security system control is not always reliable, which allows you to both open an intercom without a key and hack into intercoms of any brand.

This happens most often not because of manufacturer errors, but because of laziness or inattention of the installer. Intercom service codes, or – as they are also called – secret codes intercoms are installed by the manufacturer and are the same for all models. Installers do not change these codes when installing and configuring the system, which allows, in most cases, to open intercoms without a key or the use of special equipment.

Let's make a reservation right away: this is not a FAQ on hacking intercoms, which contains all the intercom codes. The universal reference book that we offer in this article contains only those codes that allow you to simply open the intercom without a key. We will not provide master codes for intercoms used to change system settings, just as we will not reveal some other secrets of intercoms.

And the main thing is for each of the readers to clearly remember: opening an intercom if necessary is an acceptable matter, and hacking an intercom for personal gain is punishable according to the criminal code. So if the main purpose of searching for material on how to hack an intercom was precisely such intentions, then at the same time look for the latest edition of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

In the article we will consider information on opening intercoms of the following types: Barrier II, IIM and 4; VIZIT ( different models); Cyfral (various models); Eltis; METACOM; Rainmann; DomoGuard; Blink; T-Guard.

But before we begin, it is necessary to mention one more thing: the universal code for an intercom of any type is a fiction; each manufacturer indicates its own code for opening an intercom. How to find out the intercom code? If the installer did not consider it necessary to change the master passwords, then the descriptions below will help to do this. Otherwise, you need to contact your installer for the code.

Hacking Barrier II and IIM intercoms

An ancient Soviet intercom of the “Barrier” type with a mechanical lock and a flat magnetic key can now be found no more often than a mammoth. But anything can happen, and such an intercom may well be in some equally ancient house. For models 2 and 2M there is an unchangeable opening code - 1013. But, in principle, the intercom opens without problems with a pair of small magnets, which you just need to move around the area to apply the key.

Barrier - 4

The fourth model of this type of intercom is single-user; it was installed in entrances with concierges. Therefore, it will not be possible to type a permanent code, but you will have to tinker with magnets until the bitter end. The key of such an intercom contains three magnets.

How to open VIZIT intercom without a key

Visit intercoms are a little more difficult to open. The codes on them are significantly diverse. Often the * and # keys are missing from the keyboard, instead the C and K keys are used, respectively.

If the standard settings of such an intercom have not been changed by the installer, then the door should open when *#4230 or 12#345 is entered. Opens recently installed intercoms with visit code *#423 or 67#890

How to hack a vizit intercom through the service menu: dial #999 - this is the entrance to the service menu, wait for two short beeps, then enter the master code (default 1234). The visit intercom, which is being hacked, should respond with one short squeak. If you entered an incorrect code, the signal will be two-tone. In this case, you can try standard variations of master codes - 6767, 3535, 9999, 0000, 12345, 11639.

After entering the service menu, you can either open the intercom visit or perform a number of somewhat more complex operations.

So, combination 2 - pause - # - pause - 3535 - command to open the intercom door without a key.

Button “3” is configured to program keys for the intercom. After pressing key 3 in the service menu, you need to attach the key to the reader, press # and wait for the beep. That's it, the key is entered into the intercom memory.

Button 4 erases keys from memory.

* - exits the current mode.

# - used to confirm changes.

It will be a little more difficult to open the “Visit” BVD-3xx intercom - without a display and indication LEDs. To open the door, you need to press 1 in the service menu. However, hacking the intercom is not always successful. The visit will be successful in the case of the BVD-34x model (with a left-sided receiver).

How to open the Cyfral intercom

To open the Cyfral intercom you need:

a) if there are apartments in the entrance with numbering divisible by 100 (100, 200, 300, etc.), then the code must be entered as follows: call key (code 1) call key (code 2). In place (code 1) you need to enter the apartment number divisible by 100, and in place of code 2 - 2323, 7272 or 7273.

b) for intercom models with the letter “M”, you can try the code “call key + 41” or “call key + 1410”. Sometimes the door opens if you simply enter 07054.

The CCD-2094.1M intercom needs to be opened differently. You can distinguish it by a burning or flashing line on the screen. If you dial the code “call + 0000”, either the door will immediately open or you will enter the service menu (ON on the screen), then you need to press 2, after which the door will open. If OFF appears, the Quick Entry mode is disabled. This means that an installer who has been installing Digital intercoms for a long time was working. Accordingly, he changed the access codes.

Intercom codes Cyfral CCD-2094M

To open an intercom of this type you need to dial the code “0000 + call key”. The display should show “cod”. You need to enter the code 123456+“Call” or 456999+ “Call”, sometimes the combination 123400+ “Call” is used. We wait two to five seconds. If “f0” appears on the display, then access to the system menu is open. To open the door, you need to enter code 601.

If you want to visit this intercom (or rather, its owners) regularly, then it is better to enter your own key into the intercom memory, suitable for the Digital intercom. To do this, press the call key and keep it pressed until a message appears on the display indicating that you have entered the service mode. Then press “five” and enter the number of the existing apartment in the entrance. The display should change to TOUCH. As soon as this happens, apply the key. If you come across a model with an old optical key, then instead of the apartment number you need to dial 600, then insert the key and press the call button.

How to open the Eltis intercom

Eltis intercoms, the codes for which are not varied, are quite easy to open. There are two options for service combinations that will ensure “neat hacking” of the Eltis intercom: “call key 100 call key 7273” or “call key

100 call key 2323". If hacking the Eltis intercom does not succumb to such combinations, you can try options from Digital intercoms.

How to open the METAKOM intercom

Hacking a Metacom intercom is done according to the following scheme: you need to press the call button, then enter the number of the first apartment in the entrance and press call again. “COD” should appear on the display. After which you need to enter the actual code - 5702. If this method does not work, then try the combinations 65535 + call button + 1234 + call button + 8 or 1234 + call button + 6 + call button + 4568.

And also about how to hack the Metakom MK-20 M/T intercom without dancing around the keyboard. In principle, this model does not and will not have a system of protection against the use of master keys. Therefore, if you bring a “tablet” without firmware to the intercom reader, it will automatically enter programming mode. If you don't have a tablet, you can persuade it to open using the numeric keypad. The Metacom brand MK-20 M/T intercom code can be “call button + 27 + call button + 5702” or “call button + 1 + call button + 4526”.

How to open a Rainmann intercom

Reinmann 2000 models, as well as those intercoms of this brand that have a dot on the left on the display, can be opened as follows:

Press the “key” button on the numeric keypad and enter the code 987654. The reaction to this operation should be a double squeak. Then enter the code 123456. The letter “P” should appear on the screen, which indicates that you have entered the service menu.

4 - lock the door;

6 - turn off the intercom;

8 - open the door;

How to open the DomoGuard intercom

DomogarD intercoms are a little more difficult to open. You need to hold down the C button and wait for the squeak. Then quickly enter the service combination - 669900, press the call button and enter the apartment number one unit larger than the last one in the entrance. The intercom will respond by displaying “F—“ on the display. It means that we are in the service menu. To open the door, dial code 080. To enter a new key into memory - code 333, to disable the door lock - code 071

How to open the T-Guard intercom

Hacking this intercom is the simplest of those proposed. Press “call button + 00000 + call button twice.” The main thing is to do the last two clicks very quickly. The door is open.

How to open the Factorial intercom

The system of these intercoms is similar to Digital. The service menu is entered after the 6-digit Factorial intercom code is dialed. Usually this is 000000 or 123456. However, installers claim that hacking the Factorial intercom is practically impossible, if only because the Factorial intercom code must be changed during installation - this is one of the mandatory service settings. But you can try this combination - press the “5” key until a service message appears on the screen (3-5 seconds), then dial 180180 + call key + 4 + call key.

How to open the Blink intercom

This is the only single-user audio intercom widely used on the Russian market. It has neither a screen nor a numeric keypad and is usually installed in houses with a concierge or in private cottages. Therefore, service combinations will not help here. An ordinary D9-0.1 battery will help - “Krona”, “Corundum” and the like. The European type of such battery is 6F22. So, under the bottom panel we find false bolts of a strange shape - they exactly correspond to the “Crown” connector. We attach a battery to them - and voila, the intercom is open.

Attention! Access codes are only suitable if the installers were lazy and did not change the default password. This happens quite often :)

Eltis intercoms

Initially, the default code is “1234”, but any company, when installing an intercom, naturally changes it to its own, and it is almost impossible to recognize it. To enter password entry mode, you must hold:
1) any number key for 7 seconds (menu "code" - menu for working on apartments, programming keys)
2) Button “c” - hold for the same amount of time (menu “sys” - general parameters, prohibition/enablement of codes - 1234 is quite often suitable for this menu, it worked for me 50 times.)

Explanation of menu operations:
1. Call the system menu "sys".
1) Press the “b” button and hold for 7 seconds.
2) After the inscription “SYS” on the display, enter the system password (stupid lazy system specialists often do not bother to change the password, which is the default - 1234)
2.1) If the input is correct, the intercom will display the firmware of the form “6_7x”, where x is the firmware number, after which the “_FUNC” menu will load.

From it press:
“1” - “PAS” will appear, after the input field for changing the old password to enter this menu (dial 4 digits and the intercom will return to “_FUNC”
"2" - menu "_ LOС" to enable/disable the general login password (buttons 1/0 respectively)
"3" - menu "_ dig" to change the general login password. Press 3, 4 or 5, "____C" will appear.

Depending on the button pressed, you can set a new password, respectively, 3, 4 or 5 digits. (type new password)
"4" - menu "_beep". This option turns on/off the signal for opening an individual apartment code in this apartment (the handset rings when opened with the default code, buttons 1/0)
"5" - does not exist
“6” - menu “_FLOC” for turning on/off individual entry codes for apartments (to check, press “in” in normal mode, if “F” lights up, it means it’s on)
"7" - does not exist
"8" - menu "_OPEN" - to change the duration of door opening (the number of signals will change, decrease/increase with buttons from 1 to 9)
"9" - does not exist
"0" - output

2. Intercom serial number.

Press "in" and hold for 20 seconds. 5 digits will appear and then reset.
3. Entering an engineering code (system menu "CODE" for work on apartments)
1) Enter any NUMBER and hold until “CODE” is written, after which a field for entering a password will appear.
2) Enter the system password (by default 1234 as in the first case)
3) If the input is correct, the firmware will appear, then the "_FUNC" menu.
4) From this menu:
"1" - Set a new password to enter this menu (same as the first case, see above)
"2" - Set a new general login password (4-digit).
"3" - work on apartment passwords:
"_FUNC"--> press "3"--> "F"--> enter the apartment number and press "c"-->"____C"--> enter a new code (but not 0000, because by entering it , you will prohibit the use of the code for this apartment)--> the apartment will be dialed--> ask to press the “open door” button TWO times--> the code is accepted, “_FUNC”.
“4”, “5” - menu “__ LF”, but different options are hidden under different numbers.
"4" - disable/enable individual handsets in apartments. Dial the apartment number, then press "in". “*** #” will appear, where *** is the apartment number, and # is the number 1 or 0 (on or off). Click the value you need.
"5" - key coding. Dial the apartment number and press the "c" button (see above). “***LF” will appear, where *** is the apartment number. Place the key against the reader. If you have not encoded the key before, the inscription “ADD” will appear; if you have encoded it, the number of the apartment to which the key is recorded will appear. After encoding, you can open the door with this key after logging out.
"6" - menu "__ dF". Option to delete keys. Type the apartment and press the "c" button. "_ dEL" will appear, press 1 - the number of keys that have been deleted will appear. (*dEL). Press 0 to exit to "_FUNC".
"7", "8", "9" - does not exist

Raimann intercoms

To enter the menu, do the following: press the “key” and enter 9 8 7 6 5 4, hear
sound signal, then enter 1 2 3 4 5 6, the letter P will appear, this means that we
intercom system.

So what can we do with the intercom? There are not many options here:
2 - standard intercom settings.
3 - Signal.
4 - Door lock.
6 - Intercom hangs
8 - Opens the door.

Cyfral intercoms

General code 1234.
First subscriber number 1.
Signal duration Z 1.

Subscribers ON/OFF

Intercom CYFRAL CCD-20

1. To change the number of the first subscriber, press the “1” button, the indicator will display
"REG", then enter the number of the first subscriber and press the "K" button.
2. To enter the subscriber blocking mode, press the “2” button;
"bLC" will be displayed.
To block a subscriber, enter “O”, “K”, “subscriber number”. To unblock a subscriber, enter “1”, “K”, “subscriber number”.
In order to unblock all subscribers, you should enter “2”, “K” in sequence. The indicator will display a confirmation request “POd”, confirmation with the “K” button.
3. To change the code table, press button “3”, the indicator will display “tAb”,
then enter the number of the new code table and press the “K” button.
4. To enter the lock programming mode, press the “4” button on the indicator
"L0C" will be displayed.
If notification by key is not required, then you should simply attach the key to the key receiving device. The beep will sound and the key will be recorded. If the key is already stored in the call block memory, the indicator will display “ESt”.
If notification by key is required, you should dial the subscriber's number and then attach the key to the receiving key device. The beep will sound and the key will be recorded. If the key is already stored in the call block memory, the indicator will display “ESt”.
If the call block memory is full, the indicator will display “REG”.

Intercom CYFRAL CCD-2094

4.3 Programming mode
To enter the mode for changing settings and parameters, you must perform the following sequence of actions in standby mode:
- press the "K" button, the indicator displays the message " ";
- press sequentially “0”, “K”;
- enter 4 digits of the access code into programming mode.
After entering the 4th digit, the code is checked for a match. If the code matches, the call block will go into settings changing mode. In this case, the indicator will briefly display the version of the current software, and then the message “Pr_”.
In this mode, the functions listed in the table are available:

1 Changing the number of the first subscriber1
2 Subscriber blocking mode
3 Changing the current code table
4 Lock programming mode
5 Changing the access code to programming mode
6 Changing the general code
7 Notification by key on/off
8 Common code mode on/off
9 Door-to-door key erase mode
5. To change the general access code, press the “5” button; the indicator will display
"CdO" and then " ". Next, enter a new code, the indicator will display " ". Click
any button except “C” and repeat the code entry. If all operations are performed correctly, the indicator displays “ON” and a melodic beep sounds; the code has been changed.
6. To change the access code to the programming mode, press button “6”, on
The indicator will display "CdP" followed by " ". Next, enter a new code on the indicator
" " will be displayed. Press any button except “C” and repeat the code entry. If all operations
made correctly, the indicator displays “ON” and a melodic beep sounds, the code has been changed.
7. To turn on/off the sound signal in TAP when opening the lock with a key
press the “7” button, the indicator will display “0t2”,
To disable the sound signal, press the “0” button. In order to enable the sound signal, press the “1” button.
8. To turn on / off opening the lock with a common code, press the button “8”, on
the indicator will display "ECd,",
To enable the use of a common code, press the “0” button. In order to disable the use of a common code, press the “1” button.
9. To enter the mode of door-to-door erasing of keys, press the "9" button on the indicator
"Ers" will be displayed.
In order to erase keys that are not recorded for a specific subscriber number, you must enter “0” and then press the “B” button.
In order to erase the keys recorded for a specific subscriber number, you must enter the apartment number and then press the “B” button.
The above listed by me is not original material, and can only be used as a technical guide. service, BUT NOT INSTRUCTIONS for hacking
factory code 1234

VIZIT intercoms

To open the door, you can try dialing *#423. (not always suitable)
Entering the service mode is quite simple:
#999 - beeps 2 times - enter the master code, default is 1234, if suitable, beeps 1 time
if the code is incorrect, it will beep with a two-tone signal and the red LED will light up.
Explanation of operations (since there are few of them in the service mode, the explanation of the buttons is given here:
2-setting individual codes for apartments
3-key programming for entry
4-erasing keys from memory
*-exit mode
#-confirm installation (save changes).
1,5,6,7,8,9,0 - does not exist.
Try to encode the key for yourself (an example is given if the master code is correct):
#999 (2 peaks) 1234 (1 peak) 3 (1 peak) (apartment number) attach the key (pick) # and then * .
VIZIT intercoms also have a special mode in which you can change everything, even the master code. The transition to this mode is carried out from the normal state as follows (taken from the instructions):
1) turn off the power to the intercom
2) disconnect the two “programming” wires in the central unit
3) turn on the power.
As can be seen from the above, the block with the buttons must be removed.

Metakom intercoms

Door opening:


Changing system passwords:

65535-В-1234-В-9-3-new code-В = Change master password (default 1234)
65535-В-1234-В-0-new code-В = Change general password (default 1234567)
65535-В-1234-В-В-flat number-В-0-new code-В = Change apartment password (each has its own, default 4 characters)

Working with keys:

65535-В-1234-В-В-flat number-В-7 = Key entry for apartment No.
65535-В-1234-В-В-flat number-В-7-0-111 = Removing all keys from apartment No.
65535-В-1234-В-9-7-111 = Deleting all master keys
65535-В-1234-В-9-9 = Write a new master key
65535-В-1234-В-9-9-0-111 = Deleting a new master key

Entry codes to the intercom menus:

65535-B-1234-B = Service menu
65535-В-1234-В-В = User menu
65535-В-1234-В-9 = System menu
Well, that’s all, the material was created with the help of Leonid Vladimirovich Sedunov
(worker in technical support for intercoms), methods have been tested
thank you for your attention.

Detailed FAQ about opening some intercom models, how to register your key, how to change the password. The most common intercom models.

Q: How can I call from one handset to another?
A: No way.

Q: Is it possible to call from the handset to the intercom?
A: Yes, but first you need to get into the engineering menu of the intercom.

Q: How can I eavesdrop on a conversation?
A: You can eavesdrop simply by picking up the line.

Q: How to make a clone of a tube?
A: Open the pipe body, there are several jumpers that set the apartment number, in which the pipe is installed (relevant for Rainkman).

Q: How to enter the service menu of the Cifral intercom?
A: Press any number and hold until the inscription appears, then enter the engineering code.

Q: How to enter the system menu of the Cifral intercom?
A: Press the bell and hold until the inscription appears, then enter the engineering code.

Q: How to enter the service menu of the Rainmann intercom (Rainmann 2000 etc. and others)?
A: Press the “key” button and enter 9 8 7 6 5 4, you should hear a double beep. Then enter 1 2 3 4 5 6, the letter P will appear. You have entered the intercom control system. Now remember:
1 - Advanced intercom settings, I advise you not to delve into it yourself, but just enter this menu and go drink beer nearby. The puzzled tenants will do everything for you.
2 — Normal intercom settings.
3 - Signal.
4 - Door lock.
5 — ????
6 - ???? (intercom hangs)
7 — ????
8 - Open the door.
9 — ????
This only works if the settings have not been touched; instead of 987654 there may be another code.
It works on intercoms where the dot on the screen is on the left.

Q: How to enter the service menu of the VIZIT intercom?
A: #999 - beeps 2 times - (master code, default 1234) - beeps 1 time
if the code is not correct, it will beep with a two-tone signal
button meanings:
1 — ???
2 — Setting individual codes for apartments.
3 - Programming keys for entry.
4 — Erasing keys from memory.
5 — ???
6 — ???
7 — ???
8 — ???
9 — ???
* — Exit the mode.
# — Installation confirmation.

Q: How to enter the service menu of the Eltis intercom?
A: Same as in Cifral.

Q: How to enter the service menu of the METAKOM intercom?
A: On the keyboard, type 65535 V (or #) then 1234 V (or #) if everything is fine, it will appear on the display.

Q: How to temporarily disable an intercom with a key-tablet?
A: We take a piezo from an electric lighter and give a shock to the key receiver, it rarely helps, it is better to use a shocker.

Q: How to reset the intercom memory?
A: To do this, you need to find where the intercom is powered from, usually in the panel on the first floor, there is a small block there, it is usually very well hidden, just reset it to zero by giving +1.5 volts on 1, 6, 8 and 12m and - on 2 leg and the memory of the intercom will be as clear as that of a baby.
But a specialist will restore it in 5 minutes.
There is also a COM port, but it is not known how to use it.

Q: How to open the Cifral intercom door?
A: If there are apartments in the entrance with numbers 100, 200, 300, 400, etc., then you can try entering:
call 100 call 7272
call 200 call 7272
call 300 call 7272
call 400 call 7272
call 500 call 7272
call 600 call 7272
call 700 call 7272
call 800 call 7272
call 900 call 7272
call 100 call 7273
call 200 call 7273
call 300 call 7273
call 400 call 7273
call 500 call 7273
call 600 call 7273
call 700 call 7273
call 800 call 7273
call 900 call 7273

Q: How else can I open Cifral?
A: CALL 41 CALL 1410
Or just enter 07054. Sometimes it helps.

Q: How can I open the Eltis intercom?
A: B 100 B 7273
V 100 V 2323
You can also try options from Cifral.

Q: How to open the VIZIT intercom door?
A: If the standard settings have not been changed, then *#4230 and the door will open.
Sometimes 12#345 also helps.

Q: How to enter the VIZIT intercom system mode?
A: To enter the system mode, you need to connect the terminals of the “PROGRAMMING” cable; most often, this requires removing the entire unit from the door, because these inputs do not lead into the panel.

Q: What is the difference between service and system mode?
A: Service and system modes are different. If you remove the block from the door and turn on system mode, you can change everything. Even a master code to enter system mode.

Q: How can I save my key to the VIZIT intercom?
A: In programming mode, press 3, then the house number, attach the key, press # and then *

Q: What are the default codes for intercoms?
A: 1234, 6767, 3535, 9999, 12345, 0000, 11639 (VIZIT).

Q: How to open METAKOM?

Q: How many master keys can a METAKOM intercom have?
A: Only 1.

Q: Is it possible to kill or even cripple the keys to an intercom with a magnet?
A: No, you can't.

Q: How to change the system code in the Cifral intercom?
A: In programming mode 1 (p----) and enter a new pass.

Q: Are there special intercom codes for opening doors by special services?
A: No, there are no such codes.

Q: How can I save my key to the Cifral intercom?
A: In service mode, press 5, then enter the apartment number, the intercom will write TOUCH, attach the key - it is in memory.

Q: How to erase a key tablet from the memory of the Cifral intercom?
A: In service mode, press 5, then enter the number of the apartment to which the key is connected, then press 9.

Q: How to store an optical (flat with holes) key in the memory of the Cifral intercom?
A: In system mode, press 5, then enter the key cell number (1, 2, 3), insert the key, press the bell.

Q: How to change the general code of the Cifral intercom?
A: In the service menu, press 2, then enter a new code, if the code is shorter than 4 digits, then press bell after entering.

Q: How to change the individual code of the Cifral intercom?
A: In the service menu, press 3, then the apartment number, call, enter a new code, call, then the call will start, the subscriber will have to press the call button twice.

Q: How to disconnect a Cifral intercom subscriber?
A: In the service menu, press 4, then 0, then apartment number, then call.

Q: How to connect a subscriber who has been disconnected from the Cifral intercom?
A: In the service menu, press 4, then 1, then apartment number, then call.

Q: What are the default settings of the Cyfral CCD-2094M intercom?
A: The access code to the mode for changing parameters and settings is 123456.
General code 1234.
Individual code table number 000.
First subscriber number 1.
Number of subscribers to be served 100.
Signal duration Z 1.
Common code mode is ON.
Mode for using individual codes ON.
Subscribers ON/OFF
to the service list Sound signal No. 3.
Notifying the subscriber about opening the door with an individual key ON.

Q: There are no * and # keys on the VIZIT intercom, what should I do?
A: There are C and K. C - * K - #.

Q: Is there a system menu for old intercoms (with a “stick” key)?
A: No.

Q: How else can I open intercom doors?
A: Try short-circuiting the bulb on the driveway light, sometimes it helps.
A: We place one foot where the door opens and strongly pull the handle; when jerking, the door opens.
A: Press any key from another intercom and enter 8082 key 5454
A: One dot is lit on the working intercom. Then press the button with the image of the key, “---” will appear on the monitor, enter 987654 (a double beep is heard), then enter 123456. If the letter “P” appears on the monitor, it means that you have safely taken control of the intercom. Now you must determine the purpose of your work. If you just need to open this door, press the number "8" and the door will open.

Q: How to open intercoms with a touch keypad
A: While it’s winter, intercoms with touch keypads have a great feature. We take a normal lump of snow and lean it against the keyboard. We wait until the message “Err” appears on the display, go in

Q: How to open VIZIT BVD-342
A: I entered the menu (typed #999), 1--2 appears on the screen, press 1, it seems to enter.

Q: How to open METAKOM?
A: In the service menu, press 8. B (or #) 1234567 also helps.
A: 65535-В-1234-В-8 or В-1-В-5702 or В-6-В-4568.
A: Press call, then the number of the first apartment in the entrance, call again ("COD" will be displayed), then 5702... The door is open!
For Faktarial intercoms, the code (for everything): Press 5 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9), the numbers go out, quickly enter: 254525, press K (B), then by 4 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) and again by K (B)