A program for opening an intercom using a smartphone. Eltis: how to open an intercom using factory codes. How to open an entrance door without an intercom key

A modern intercom is a device assembled on high-tech microcircuits with the function of remembering a code typed on the appropriate keyboard. Such microelements have a special output controlled by a separate button, or a certain number entered directly from the keypad on the door to enter the service mode

But intercoms are produced by many different companies, both in Russia and around the world. Therefore, there is no single (universal) set of necessary numbers for them. Each company producing this product, competing with other companies, strives to secure its device and develops control software that is different from others, naturally, entering its own combinations of numbers.

When installing some models, instead of a digital code, residents are given special chips (magnetic) or cards similar to ATM cards. Residents open the way by placing these cards on the special. areas on the instrument panel. And if the card was forgotten, broken or accidentally erased, then the question of how to open the intercom without a chip comes to mind. And you have to rack your brains, although this doesn’t always help.

What to do if there is no intercom key

The most in a simple way opening doors with an installed security device such as an intercom is communication with neighbors via telephone or shouting. And if a janitor lives in your yard and cleans the entrances, contact him.

Advice: Never try to break the intercom.

  1. This will cost you a pretty penny.
  2. Will cause a lot of trouble when communicating with law enforcement officers.
  3. If the intercom is damaged, the latch may remain in place, and you still will not get into the house.

You can find out the code for your intercom from representatives of the installer company, if they trust you so much. Then you won’t have to carry a chip or a key to the device on the door with you.

If all of the above methods are not relevant for you, we suggest familiarizing yourself with technically more complex, but already repeatedly proven methods of entering an entrance with an intercom lock without anyone’s help.

How to open any door with an intercom

To enable special mode, a manufacturer's code is required, which is set when setting up the device. Installers perform the function of installation and proper operation equipment, and the code is almost never changed. If this is not the case, call the installer.

"BARRIER 2" And "BARRIER 2M"- old model with a mechanical lock. Opens

  • dialing number 1013, which no one can change;
  • two ordinary magnets taken from the motors of children's toys or speakers. They are passed over the chip reading area.

"CYFRAL"(“Digital”) enters the service menu according to the following method and only if the entrance to be opened has numbers divisible by 100 without a remainder, for example: 100, 200 ... 800, 900.

  1. Click on one of the above numbers 100...900.
  2. Press the button labeled “B” again.
  3. Enter code 2323.

If this does not help, try repeating all operations with codes 7272 and 7273.

"CYFRAL-M" can be opened by pressing the call and substituting the code 1410 or 41. It is very rare, but it still happens that the entrance is opened by turning on the call and entering the numbers 07054.

"METAKOM". You can open the door with this device using this method:

  1. Dial the digits of the number of the very first apartment in your entrance.
  2. Press the button labeled “CALL” again.
  3. Wait for the word “COD” to appear.
  4. Enter the numbers 5702.

Other models "METAKOM" are opened like this:

  1. Enter the five-digit number 65535.
  2. Click on the button labeled “CALL”.
  3. Enter 1234.
  4. Click on the button labeled “CALL”.
  5. Touch 8
  1. Enter 1234.
  2. Click on the button labeled “CALL”.
  3. Touch 6
  4. Click on the button labeled “CALL”.
  5. Dial 4568

"METAKOM MK-20 M/T" requires a combination of the following codes:

  1. Click on the button labeled “CALL”.
  2. Dial 27
  3. Click on the button labeled “CALL”.
  4. Dial 5702

Or these:

  1. Click on “B” (“CALL”).
  2. Touch 1
  3. Click on “B” (“CALL”).
  4. Dial 4526
  5. Bring the blank chip to the reading area and program it.

"VIZIT" has a factory setting of 12#345 or *#4230. But recently released models can be opened by entering 67#890 or *#423.

If nothing works and you know for sure that the device has not been opened, do this:

  • press numbers #999;
  • wait for two beeps.
  • then enter 1234 (master code). If the number is incorrect, two beeps will sound;
  • then make a set

Instead of 1234, there are master codes 0000, 3535, 11639, 6767, 12345, 9999.

If the device has already been opened, then after #999 wait for one beep

Many people know how to open the VIZIT intercom with their own code, which they need to install themselves. This requires two individuals. The first is in the apartment (VK), where the code is changed, and the second is at the entrance (UP), next to the main device. The reprogramming method is:

  1. The UP person enters the apartment number of the VK and waits until the VK approaches the response part of the device.
  2. Then VK presses the door unlock key 6 times for 5 seconds. When you press the button at the bottom of the UE, words like “wait for an answer” or “enter” will appear on the display and a beep will sound.
  3. The last press (sixth) causes the words “enter apartment number” to appear.
  4. A beep will sound, indicating that the device is ready to enter a new code, which is recorded by pressing the appropriate buttons.
  5. Next, the UE via the device or mobile phone informs the partner about the end of the recording and the entry of a new master code into memory.
  6. VK presses the unlock button, and another beep will signal the end of the operation

"ELTIS" open like this

  1. Press the “B” (“CALL”) button.
  2. Dial

If the door does not open, then the factory code has been changed and you will be left on the street.

The second method does not work on all modifications "ELTIS":

  1. Enter "B".
  2. Dial 100.
  3. Click on the button labeled "B".
  4. Enter 7273 or 2323.

If the door does not open, you must enter the same numbers as described in the instructions for the “CCD” and "CYFRAL".

"TECHKOM", if you have forgotten the code, but you have the key, it is revealed in a very interesting way:

  1. Cover three different numbers with one hand in the following order: 1_6_0.
  2. Release one at a time in reverse order 0_6_1. A beep is heard and the green LED turns on.
  3. Next, dial 4321.
  4. Enter "B".
  5. Dial 3.
  6. Enter "B".

Place the key and open.

Opening a door with a device "CCD-2094M" happens this way:

  1. Dial 0000.
  2. Press "B".
  3. Wait for the word COD to appear.
  4. Next dial 123400.
  5. Press "B".
  6. Wait for the word F0 to appear.
  7. Press 601.

If code 123400 doesn't work, try 456999 or 123456.

For device "CCD-2094.1" use the following combinations:

  1. Click on “CALL”.
  2. Dial 0000.

One of two things will happen. Either the latch on the door will work and you will find yourself at home, or the device service will start.

If the latter happens, the word ON will appear.

Press button 2.

If the word OFF appears, then most likely the factory code has been changed and you will remain on the street.

RAINMANN 2000 will be able to open a locked door if you act like this:

  1. Press the button with the key pattern.
  2. Dial987654.
  3. Wait for the double beep.
  4. Dial 123456.
  5. Wait for the letter R to appear.
  6. Press 8.

"DOMOGUARD" its modifications and analogues are opened according to the following principle:

  1. Press on S.
  2. Wait for the beep.
  3. After this, quickly dial the special code 669900.
  4. Quickly click on “CALL”.
  5. Dial the number of the apartment that comes after the last one in your entrance. For example, if the apartments in the entrance have numbers from 37 to 54, then you should dial 55.
  6. Wait for the word F- to appear.
  7. Dial 080.

"T-GUARD" and similar models operate like this:

  1. Click on “CALL”.
  2. Quickly dial 00000.
  3. Press “CALL” twice quickly.

Everything must be done as quickly as possible, otherwise the method will not work.

Modifications " FACTORIAL" open by dialing the following buttons:

123456 or 000000.

These are factory codes, but they can be changed. And if “FACTORIAL” does not open, proceed as follows:

  1. Enter 5 and hold.
  2. Wait for special text.
  3. Next enter 180180
  4. Click on "Call".
  5. Dial 4.
  6. Click on "Call".

U "BLINK", which is an intercom for one user, as a rule, there are no codes, but it is easy to open. A 6-12 volt current source is required, for example, a Corundum, Krona battery or something else.

  • Remove the bottom panel.
  • Find the bolts. The distance between them is just right for the battery connector.
  • Attach your “Crown” to these bolts.

Universal key

Entrance to the entrance, if you do not know the intercom code, is possible using universal keys, which can be purchased from installers or via the Internet. Some devices are suitable for several keys (Eltis, Visit), while others do not provide them at all (for example, the new Digital).

At the manufacturer's factory, intercoms of their brand are equipped with a program for opening the devices with one key. It is written to the processor (microcontroller) and is functional even if all the memory is removed.

There are several types of universal keys:

  1. Unlocking a certain model and valid in all cities, as keys to Visit 342, Metakom, Digital ssd-20.
  2. Unlocking models only in one specific city. They are introduced into the microcontroller by the installer itself.
  3. Unlocking models of one specific area. They are introduced by the installer for postmen, janitors and other workers.

Basically they are worth purchasing:

  • ambulance representatives;
  • police;
  • firefighters;
  • workers and employees of housing and communal services;
  • security guards;
  • builders.

We hope that these tips will help you and you will get home without any problems.

Currently, more than 95 percent of entrances are equipped with a security system such as an intercom. This device exists in various variations, but all of them can be “hacked” culturally. So how can you open an intercom without a key?

It turns out that the intercom systems installed in our cities are as simple as the multiplication table. To be more precise, they are absolutely logical from a technical point of view. This can be judged by simply typing the treasured phrase in any Internet search engine: “How to open an intercom without a key.” We see that we are kindly offered almost a million answers to this question, due to which we get the feeling that at least half of the population of our country are either burglars or a little “engineers” at heart.

As you know, in order to set up an intercom, you need access to its programming mode. This is usually accomplished by typing a specific password into the device's keyboard. After the installer has entered the mode, he gets the opportunity not only to open the entrance door with an intercom, but also to change all the system settings to his taste without opening the door. It is this part of the intercom system, to which manufacturers paid special attention at one time, that is, as they say, lame on both legs. The reason for this is either a manufacturer’s mistake, or laziness and inattention of the installer. But the fact remains - secret codes, allowing you to enter the entrance without an intercom key, have long ceased to be secret.

Below we will look at how you can open the most known species keyless intercom systems. So after practical application method of trial and error, you can safely say: “Open sesame!”

VIZIT: how to open an intercom without a key

These intercoms are considered the most difficult to open without a key, since the codes on them are incredibly diverse. If the installer has not changed the standard settings of the device, then the door should open after entering “12#345” or “*#4230”. Newly installed VIZIT can be opened with the code “67#890” or “*#423”. By the way, many models of such intercoms often lack the “asterisk” and “hash” symbols - their functions are replaced, respectively, by the “K” and “C” keys.

If the installer changed its default settings when installing the intercom, you will first have to go to the service menu (“#999”), wait until two short beeps sound, and then enter the default code (“1234”). You should now hear a short, single squeak. Now let's do the next few more complex operations. Let's dial “2”, pause, “hash”, pause, “3535” (the last code is a command to open the intercom without using a key).

Cyfral: how to open an intercom without a key

If in the desired entrance there are apartments with numbering that is a multiple of 100 (that is, 100, 200, etc.), then enter the combination: “call, code 1, call, code 2.” Code 1 is the apartment number, which is a multiple of 100, and code 2 is “7272”, “2323” or “7273”.

For Cyfral models with the letter “M”, try the combination: “call, 41” or “call, 1410”. Another door can be opened by simply entering “07054”.

How to open without a key

Eltis is much easier to open. For a “neat” hack, dial the combination: “call, 100, call, 7273” or “call, 100, call, 2323”. Everything should work out.

Opening the METAKOM intercom

We dial the combination: “call, number of the first apartment in this entrance, call.” When you see “COD” on the display, enter “5702.” If all else fails, you can take a different path by dialing the combination: “65535, call, 1234, call, 8, call, 6, call, 4568.”

Rainmann: how to open an intercom without a key

On the numeric keypad, press the "key" and enter "987654". If the reaction to your action was a double squeak, then enter “123456”. The letter “P” should appear on the display, which means that you are in the service menu. To open the door, simply press "8".

When opening doors with an intercom without a key, you should distinguish between an urgent need and a banal and criminal burglary for selfish purposes. Therefore, be prudent and use the acquired knowledge wisely.

Residents of apartment buildings whose entrances are equipped with intercoms are sometimes faced with a situation where they cannot get home due to problems with these electronic guards. These problems can be caused by a breakdown of the intercom, power outages, as well as interference in its operation by children or hooligans. But most often, residents cannot open the entrance due to the fact that they simply forgot their password or a special key for the device.

Knocking on the windows of neighbors living on the first floor is somehow inconvenient, and they are not always at home. Waiting for someone to come out is a long time. Calling a specialist is both expensive and not always possible. What to do?

In this article we will try to consider in detail the question of how to open any intercom without knowing the password and without having special keys with you. This material is intended exclusively for emergency situations when you need to get into your apartment. Hacking electronic devices and entering someone else's home for personal gain is covered by the Criminal Code.

The most common intercom models installed in entrances

Today the electronic market security systems crowded. Companies involved in their sale and installation offer products for every taste and budget. But still, as for intercoms, there are several domestic models that have gained trust and popularity in a short time. These include:

  • Vizit is a Russian-made intercom manufactured by the VizitGroup company, which has been engaged in security technologies since 1984.
  • Cyfral is a popular brand of intercoms from the Russian manufacturer of the same name, one of the leaders in the access control systems market.
  • Eltis is an intercom developed by the domestic company Eltis, specializing in electronic systems security.
  • "Metacom" is a reliable intercom developed in Russia by a successfully developing manufacturing company of the same name.

Each of the above manufacturers has branches not only in Russia, but also in the CIS countries and Europe. Today no one doubts their quality, but any security system created by a person can be hacked by the same person.

Physical hacking of an intercom

As you know, any electronic device can be hacked either physically or cybernetically. Let's start with physics.

The design of the intercom consists of a control unit and a powerful electromagnet that obeys its commands. The magnet actually holds the door closed. In order to physically overcome its magnetic field, an effort of 400-500 kg will be required. This, you see, is beyond the power of an ordinary person. Therefore, a reliable emphasis and a strong jerk are needed here. Of course, not every intercom will succumb to such vandalism, and not every person will be able to do it.

Hacking with electricity

If the previous method failed to open the door, you can try electrical action. To do this, you will need a piezoelectric element from a lighter or a stun gun. You need to bring one of these devices to the place where the key is inserted and discharge it. About 30% of all intercoms are opened in this way, but because of this, almost all of them fail.

There is another way - turn off the electricity at the entrance. This can be done outside with an entrance lighting lamp. If the entrance does not have automatic switches, but regular plugs or semi-automatic ones, it is enough to short-circuit the contacts in the lamp socket. The electricity will turn off - the door will open.

Of course, the methods listed are barbaric and quite dangerous. Therefore, they should be used only in the most emergency situations. For other cases, it is better to use a universal key, feedback or decoding.

Feedback method

It is unknown who came up with this method and how, but it really works. Not all intercoms can be opened with it, but it’s still worth a try. The method is to create feedback between the speaker and microphone, as a result of which the voltage in the amplifier sharply increases and the device protection is triggered.

To create a background you will need to bring it to the microphone mobile phone in conversation mode or cover the speaker with the microphone with your hands in such a way as to protect them from extraneous sounds. The first option is more effective, since the mobile phone creates a fairly strong electromagnetic field around itself.

Universal key

Most popular intercoms can be opened with a special universal key. Not so long ago, such a tool was only in the arsenal of emergency services. Today, universal keys for intercoms can be freely ordered online. However, it is worth noting that it will not open all devices. For example, it is unlikely that it will be possible to open the Metakom intercom without the key included in the kit, or without knowledge of a special code.

In general, each intercom model has its own key programmed in a certain way. Their open rate is 80-90%. Such keys can only be ordered from the manufacturer or its representatives.

Decoding intercoms

Now let's talk about how to open the intercom without a key. Vizit, Cyfral, Eltis and Metakom in most cases react positively to the input of their “native” code, and do not require further configuration. Naturally, under one condition - if the cipher has not changed.

Here, of course, there is no universal method, because each model has its own specific set of combinations designed to open and lock doors, enter the menu or program the key. You can obtain detailed instructions for emergency opening of doors from representatives of the manufacturer or the company that performed the installation.

We will tell you how to open the intercom without Vizit key, Cyfral, Eltis and Metakom using standard factory codes. And let's start with the simplest of them in this sense.

Eltis: how to open an intercom using factory codes

The Eltis model range is not very wide, so there are only two combinations for “humane” hacking:

  1. Press the call button, dial “100”, press call again and dial “7273”.
  2. Call, "100", call, "2323".

When you press the last digit, the door should open. This method works on 95% of Eltis brand devices. How to open an intercom from this manufacturer if the specified codes do not work, you can find out in the next section, since the software used in it is used in all Cyfral models.

Code hack Cyfral

Audio and video access control systems of this brand have a wider range of models, which is why the number of combinations for decoding them is much greater.

For Cyfral intercoms, marked with the letter “M”, the standard combination for opening doors is: call button and “41” or “1410”. Sometimes positive result obtained by sequentially pressing the numbers “07054”.

But how to open the Cyfral intercom if the above methods do not work? To do this, you need to enter the main control menu by typing the standard code “0000”. When you see the inscription “On” on the screen, press “2”. The door should now open. If instead of “On” the display displays “Off”, this means that the entrance to the menu is closed and you will have to use other options.

On some Cyfral models, when you dial “0000,” the screen may display “cod” or “code,” requiring you to enter the system menu code. In this case, you need to dial one of the combinations:

  • "123456" and press the call key;
  • "456999" and call;
  • "123400" and call key

If after this the message “f0” appears on the display, it means that you have entered the control menu. To open the door you need to dial "601".

A legal way to program a key for Cyfral yourself

If you temporarily live in an entrance apartment equipped with a Cyfral intercom (as a guest or renting a living space), you can enter your personal code.

To do this, you need to take the key from the owners, go to the device, press the call button and hold it until an inscription appears on the screen notifying you of entering the system menu. After that, press “5” and when prompted by the system, enter the number of the desired apartment. After this, the device will ask you to use the key by showing “Touch” on the display. After inserting the key, press the call button, and your personal code will be added to the general list.

Vizit intercoms are even more difficult to open. Due to the large number of models and modifications, it is sometimes impossible to find a code at all. In addition, most of these devices often do not have keys such as “*” or “#” on the control panel, which are provided in the programming instructions.

But how to open the intercom without a Vizit key in this case, you ask? Nothing is impossible. First, let’s determine that instead of “*” and “#” you need to use the “C” and “K” keys, respectively. Everything else is simple. To begin with, we use standard factory codes:

There is no need to be upset right away if the specified codes do not work, since you can open the Vizit intercom using the system menu. It is usually entered by sequentially pressing #999. Entry is confirmed by two short beeps. After them, you must enter the standard master code "1234". If the system accepts it, it will give one signal. If the code has been changed, the intercom will “swear” with a two-tone squeak. In this case, you need to try entering other cipher combinations:

When entering the system menu, you can both open the Vizit intercom and program the key. To unlock the doors we use the following combination: "2#3535". To program the key, you need to dial “3” in the system menu and attach the key to the slot provided for it, press “#” and wait for the confirmation signal. The "4" key in the menu deletes the key data from the system.

Some of you have probably seen Vizit intercoms, which have neither a display nor indicators on the control panel. These are outdated, but no less reliable models. It is worth noting that here it is better to resort to physical force or the services of a master, because it is almost impossible to open the “Visit” intercom, which does not have a screen, by entering codes blindly.

How to open Metacom

Metacom security devices are considered the most secure both physically and cybernically. It is almost impossible to hack them by force, and picking up the key is also impossible. All that remains is to try various options codes, which also gives a positive result in a few cases.

You can open the Metakom intercom without a key only if you know the master code. Enter the code incorrectly three times in a row and the device will be blocked for some time.

The only exceptions are the Metakom MK-20 models, which have one flaw in the protection system. The fact is that if you bring a “zero” key, i.e., an unstitched key, to the key socket, the intercom automatically goes to the programming menu. Having entered it, you can independently program the “tablet” to open the doors.

The intercom from Cyfral is a high-quality domestic product. It was developed to control access to the premises. To open the Cyfral intercom, you need to have a special master key or know the password. This equipment meets all necessary international standards, occupying a leading position in the Russian market.

The company that released the Cyfral intercom has an excellent engineering base, all equipment is constantly being improved and regularly implemented latest technologies, and various modifications are also being developed.

Products can be equipped not only with standard audio tubes, but also have modern monitors. Users have the opportunity to choose an access key, as they are contactless and contact.

What are the features of keyless opening of equipment?

Many people know how to open an intercom without using a master key, the main thing is that the specialists do not change the standard combinations when setting up the equipment.

To open the device without a key, you need to go to the service menu by pressing any button on the control panel, and then hold it until the message appears on the display. Then you can begin entering the engineering code to enter the menu.

You can hold down the call button and then enter the opening code.

Before you find out how to open the intercom, you need to determine the numbers of the apartments that are located in this entrance. If there are three digit numbers then it will be easier to open the device, otherwise specialized skills are required.

To open the door without a key, you can try entering the following combinations: press the call button, then dial 100, then the call button again and enter 7272. You need to try nine different combinations, starting from 100, ending with 900 (that is, call-100-call- 7272, call-200-call-7272).

If there is still no result, then you need to try to slightly change the code by entering not 7272, but 7273. You also need to enter nine combinations.

If the doors do not open, you can use the combination: call-41-call-1410.

The video shows the opening of the CYFRAL CCD 2094 intercom:

How to enter service mode?

Many users are interested in how to open the intercom, because you can easily lose or forget the key. And to get out of this situation, sometimes you need to enter a special service mode of the device.

The specialist can enter a special code that differs in the number of characters in the combination. Service codes are unique and can be used to reconfigure equipment and completely change its operation.

Changing the security device code

To change the individual code, you need to hold down button 3 while the device is in service mode, then dial the number of a specific apartment, then press the call button again and enter the new code value, pressing call at the end. Then the subscriber must press the call twice more.

Sometimes it is necessary to disconnect a specific subscriber. If it is Cyfral CCD 2094 or more modern model, you need to go to the service menu, press 40, then dial the number of the required apartment and complete everything by pressing the call button.

In order for the Digital intercom to see this subscriber again, you need to go to the service menu, press 41, dial the required apartment number, and then press call again.

Cyfral is quite popular equipment in Russia, so opening it without an identifier is of interest to many. The device instructions regulate certain rules for using this equipment, as well as the stages of its configuration. The default setting looks like this:

  • To enter the parameter change mode, you need to enter 123456;
  • To enter without a key, you can use the general password - 1234;
  • The first subscriber is number 1;
  • The mode of using a common code is enabled if there is no key;
  • Table number with individual codes – 000;
  • The mode for applying an individual code is enabled if there is no key;
  • Number of subscribers served by the device – code 100;
  • Residents are notified if the door is opened using an identifier.

These settings can only be adjusted by specialists, adapting the device to a specific case.

Each code system can be unlocked simply by entering the correct set of numbers. Home locks are no exception. How to open the Metakom intercom without a key? Same as the other one - dial a special password. The codes listed in this article work as long as the installer (or any resident) has not changed the system settings of the combination lock or the universal password.

Ways to open an intercom without a key

Any combination lock assumes the ability to open the door without a key. Each of the methods presented here is suitable for certain common Metacom models, so if after the first attempt you are unable to open the door, proceed to the next method. Try all the methods listed - one of them will definitely work. Note: in all combinations, “B” means the call button, regardless of whether it is indicated on the panel with a letter or a handset icon. Here effective ways, which will tell you how to open Metacom intercom models without a key:

  1. Using the apartment code. Combination lock models from Metakom are assigned a password for each apartment number in this building. If you know the code for your apartment, dial it and press the call button.
  2. Using a universal code. If the installer or other residents of the house did not change it, then the standard combination “1234-B” should be present.
  3. Press the call button and dial the number of the first apartment in the entrance. (To determine it, just look for the floor sign.) If you did everything correctly, COD should appear on the display. Dial the combination 5702, and in a couple of seconds the door will open.
  4. Dial 65535-B. Enter the universal code and press B-8.
  5. Enter the universal code and combination В-6-В-4568.

The methods listed above are suitable for screen combination locks. If you want to figure out how to open a Metacom intercom without a display, use one of these methods:

  • enter the following code: В-27-В-5702, wait a couple of seconds and the door will open;
  • press B and dial the combination 1-B-4526.

How to hack Metacom intercom

There are special codes that allow you not only to get inside the building without a key and open the door, but also to edit the settings of the intercom itself. For example, you can change the passwords used by the system, delete or link keys to a specific apartment, change the main entrance code, enter programming mode, find out how to open the Metacom company intercom without a key in the user menu. For any action you need to know the so-called “master code”. By default, the password assigned to Metacom is 1234.

  1. Opening the door. How to open a Metacom intercom without a key? Find out and enter the universal code, press the call button.
  2. Working with keys. You can remove or attach “pills” to a specific apartment. To do this, enter 65535-B-master-code-B-B. Then enter the apartment number. To record the key, enter B-7. If you want to untie all attached chips from the apartment, press B-7-0-111.
  3. Changing system passwords. Using the Metakom intercom menu, the installer can change the universal intercom code. To assign a new master password, enter 65535-B-master-code-B-9-3-new-password-B. In the same menu you can change the apartment code. To do this, you need to know the already installed cipher. It is assumed that you must be the owner of the apartment in order to change passwords. Dial the combination 65535B-master code-B-B-apartment number-B-0-new password-B.
  4. Entry codes to the intercom menu. Metacom is equipped with three different directories. To enter the standard user menu, enter the combination 65535-B-1234-B-B. Password for the intercom service: 65535-B-master-code-B. To change Metacom system settings, enter 65535-B- master code -B-9.

How to find out the universal code

Metacom assigns its own password for each apartment in the house - it is a set of four digits. Apartment owners are required to know it in order to get into the house even without a key or in another emergency situation. The apartment password is specified in the agreement with the installer company. There are universal codes for intercoms that are not tied to the apartment. By default, the main password for the Metacom intercom is 1234. If someone has already changed it before you, then you can only find out the new password from the service company.

Without knowing the universal access code, you will not be able to:

  • change it and set a new master password;
  • attach or detach key chips from the apartment;
  • change system settings of the intercom;
  • assign a new code for the apartment;
  • Perform combination lock programming.

Without a master code you can:

  • open the Metakom intercom without a key;
  • enter the user menu.

Video instruction: how to open a combination lock

This short video instruction provides a simple and clear explanation of how to open a door without a key. In the video, the author unlocks the Metakom model with a display. To use this method, you need to know the number of the first apartment in the entrance. It is very easy to find out - on each porch there is a sign with the numbers of the apartments belonging to this part of the building. The photo preview shows which intercom model is used. If you have the same combination lock, then the password from the video should be suitable for opening the door without a key.