Scorpions: habitat, structure and appearance, way of life in nature.

The extremely painful and potentially fatal stings of tree scorpions (Centruroides) bother scorpion hamsters (Onychomys) no more than a scratch. Rodents easily and recklessly kill and devour their prey. If the scorpion manages to sting, the hamsters will quickly lick the paw and grab the prey again.

The reason for such insensitivity to pain is that scorpion venom affects the rodent body not as an irritant, but as a painkiller.

“This venom kills other mammals of the same size. And scorpion hamsters, in the course of evolution, have learned to act in the spirit of martial arts - to turn the enemy’s main strength against himself,” says biologist Ashley Rowe, lead author of the study.

Scientists collected several individuals of both species in the desert, and injected poison into the hamsters’ paws (in small doses) and, by comparison, it was harmless saline solution. To their surprise, the rodents licked their paws more (a typical reaction to poison) after injecting the solution.

“It looked completely ridiculous. The poison was supposed to hurt more than the saline solution. But it turned out to be the opposite. Then we thought that the hamster toxin worked as an analgesic. This is a strange hypothesis, but we decided to test it anyway,” says study co-author Harold Zakon, professor of neurophysiology at the University of Texas at Austin.

Rowe and Zacon discovered that tree scorpion venom becomes a painkiller in hamsters by binding to sodium channels in mammalian pain neurons, preventing them from sending pain signals to the brain.

Pain neurons have two types of sodium channels (Nav1.7 and Nav1.8). When toxins bind to Nav1.7 channels, they open, sodium flows in, and the pain neuron fires.

Having sequenced the genes responsible for both types of channels in the body of hamsters, scientists saw that the amino acids of the Nav1.8 channel in scorpion hamsters are different than in other mammals sensitive to tree scorpion venom (mice, rats and humans, for example). In mice, amino acid number 859 is glutamic acid, and amino acid number 862 is glutamine. For hamsters it’s the opposite. That's all you need to block the Nav1.8 channel and suppress the pain response.

“Incredibly, changing a single amino acid completely changes the behavior of the venom and blocks the channel!” says Zacon.

However, Scorpio hamsters have not yet discovered all the secrets of their resilience. “We learned the exact region of the channel where the venom is blocked and the amino acids involved. But there are other mechanisms at work there. That’s what I plan to do,” Rowe said.

But scientists have also noticed that some scorpions - especially in areas where their hamster enemies are abundant - produce a more potent venom. “It may well be that there is an ongoing arms race between species,” says the biologist.

Resistance to prey poisons has been observed in some other mammal species. The mongoose, for example, does not care about the venom of a cobra. And the eyes of naked mole rats do not hurt from the carbon dioxide that accumulates in their underground burrows.

The research data is presented in the journal Science.

Scorpions (Scorpionidea) are an order of the class of arachnids (otherwise called arachnids), such as arthropods, or arthropods (Arthropoda).

Over the millennia, geographical conditions changed, many land creatures underwent significant metamorphoses, entire classes and orders of animals died out... Scorpions not only retained their original appearance, but even their way of life remained the same. Apparently, this happened because nature created them as such perfect creatures that changing conditions environment did not bring anything new either to their appearance or to their internal structure. By the way, the same can be said about turtles, whose appearance has also remained almost unchanged.

The fact that scorpions have remained virtually unchanged over thousands of years can be evidenced by the imprints of bodies left by ancient scorpions on stones. They are almost no different from modern representatives. But oddly enough, this ancient order of arthropods has been little studied.

The most recognized theory is the origin of scorpions, created by academician E.N. Pavlovsky. In his opinion, during the Silurian period of the Earth's development, the scorpion belonged to the animals living in coastal sea waters. He became the ancestor of the terrestrial representatives of the order of scorpions. The first land scorpions appeared more than 300 million years ago. All modern families of scorpions formed 70-100 million years ago. Today, 77 genera and up to 700 species are known from the scorpion families.

Where do scorpions live?

Scorpions prefer to live in areas with warm and hot climates: in Central Asia, America, southern Europe, Africa, Australia... Over 80 species of scorpions live in India. Some species of scorpions are also found in Russia: in the Caucasus, on the Black Sea coast, in Chechnya, in Dagestan and in the Volga region.

You can meet scorpions high in the mountains - at an altitude of up to two thousand meters above sea level, as well as at the foot of the mountains, in gorges, hollows and deserts (usually rocky). Sometimes, especially in regions with a tropical climate, scorpions can be found in the most unusual places for them.

The most cases of scorpion poisoning were recorded in Mexico, Central and South America, in South and North Africa, in the Middle East. For example, in Brazil, from 0.8 to 1.4% of injured adults, 3-5% of bitten schoolchildren die from scorpion stings, and among young children, the mortality rate from bites reaches 20%.

Scorpios: structure and appearance

Due to their resemblance to crayfish, scorpions are sometimes called land crayfish. Indeed, the body of these animals is covered with a chitinous shell, and two large forelimbs end in impressively sized claws. 4 pairs of running legs are attached to the front abdomen and help the animal to move quickly enough in mountainous areas or along shifting sand in the desert.

The long posterior abdomen, popularly called the tail, ends in a round formation with a sharp, needle-like spike at its end. It is in this thorn that the scorpion's poisonous gland is hidden. At the front end of the scorpion's body there is a pair of large and up to five pairs of small lateral eyes. But despite six pairs of eyes, scorpions cannot boast of good eyesight: they see at a distance of no further than three centimeters, and navigate with the help of sensitive hairs located throughout the body that capture the vibration of the long-awaited prey.

Depending on the species, the size of scorpions varies from 2-3 cm to 15-25 cm.

The coloring also varies. There are gray, green, orange, red-brown, yellow-green, purple and even black specimens. In small specimens the body sometimes appears translucent, while in others it has thicker tones with a brownish tint. For example, the motley scorpion is known, as well as the black or thick-tailed one.

Males and females of scorpions are generally very similar to each other, so that it is difficult even for a specialist to distinguish them. But females, as a rule, are somewhat thicker, and the outgrowths on the underside of the abdomen in males are usually longer than in females.

Scorpion poison apparatus

On the very last segment of the abdomen there is an ampulla - a round formation covered with chitin. Inside the ampoule there are 2 pear-shaped glands, which at the very end of the tail spike-needle end in two small holes. The outlet channel runs from the glands to the tip of the needle. From above and from the inside, each poisonous gland is surrounded by a layer of muscles, during the contraction of which the secretion of the glands is thrown out. Animal venom is very dangerous. The scorpion grabs the prey with its claws, bends the narrow part of the abdomen in an arc forward and plunges the needle into the body of the prey.

Scorpios: lifestyle

Scorpios are predators. During the day, they hide from the scorching sun under stones, under the old bark of trees, bury themselves in sand or earth, or climb into the holes of other animals. At night they go out hunting. Scorpions feed on insects and their larvae, spiders, and centipedes. Sometimes particularly large individuals prey on small lizards and mice. Scorpions often eat their weaker brothers.

The structure of the scorpion’s digestive system is such that it allows the arthropod to go without food for a long time. In captivity, they may not eat for several months.

Scorpios readily drink water if they find it. In arid areas, they obtain the necessary moisture from the prey they eat.

In cooler areas, as the weather gets colder, scorpions go into hibernation. They sleep under stones, in rock cracks, and sometimes even in human dwellings.

Scorpio's enemies

Durable chitinous shell - good protection from enemies, but not always. Some monkeys like to feast on scorpions, deftly removing the sting. Mongooses and hedgehogs are insensitive to the poison of these animals. Sometimes a scorpion becomes prey for snakes, birds, and bats. But the main enemies of scorpions are people who catch and destroy them in huge quantities.

Our planet is inhabited by a variety of creatures. Man has always treated Scorpio especially, experiencing both fear and a kind of delight. Since ancient times, this animal has rightly been considered a dangerous adversary with whom it is better not to mess. This is not surprising, because some types of scorpions are deadly poisonous even to those many times larger than them. What can we say about the little things?

Today, scorpions have not lost their formidable glory, but among wildlife lovers there are many who treat these harsh predators with tenderness and love. Our article will tell you about what scorpions eat, and will certainly be useful to those who decide to get such an unusual exotic pet. It will also be of interest to those who decide to learn something new about this desert inhabitant.

Scorpio in nature

Everyone knows that many species of scorpions live in the desert. At first glance, the diet of its inhabitants may seem meager. However, the scorpion is not at all alone, and there are plenty of neighbors suitable for food in its natural habitat.

So, what does a scorpion eat in the desert? The basis of its diet is insects: beetles. The predator goes hunting in the dark. It approaches its prey slowly and silently, and then makes a lightning-fast throw. Having captured the victim's body with powerful claws, the scorpion is able to crush chitin with them, but if necessary, it also uses a deadly sting. It needs it not only for attack, but also for defense, so sometimes people also suffer from the bite of this arachnid.

Rodents, lizards and even small birds may also be of interest to a scorpion. He doesn’t get to enjoy such a delicacy very often, but he won’t miss the opportunity.

Meal frequency

It is important not only what scorpions eat, but also how often they do it. Don't think that this beast is gluttonous! Scorpio eats no more than a couple of times a week. And if necessary, he can eat even less frequently.

If you know what scorpions eat in nature, this will help you create a diet for a pet kept in a terrarium. But don’t forget about the frequency of feedings. You can’t overfeed a scorpion, but you shouldn’t starve it either. Feed him once every 3-4 days.

Diet of a scorpion in a terrarium

When choosing a menu, give preference to those foods that scorpions eat in their natural environment. In many pet stores you can easily find food cockroaches, mice, and crickets. In the summer, you can treat the scorpion to insects caught with your own hands in a meadow or forest.

This animal does not need vegetables; in any case, most scorpions do not show any interest in them.

It is known what scorpions eat in nature, so at home you should create a menu so that it is based on insects.

Drinking regime

Finding water in the arid desert is not easy, but the scorpion needs it. This animal is not averse to walking in the rain, so in its terrarium it needs not only a container of water, but also a regular shower (using a spray bottle). When understanding the question of what scorpions eat, do not forget about drinking. This arthropod does not need any other liquids like juice or milk; limit yourself to clean water.

Children's menu

In the first few days after birth, scorpions do not eat at all. The babies, not yet covered with chitin, sit on their mother’s back, clinging to her and to each other. As soon as they acquire their own durable shells, they will leave their parent and go in search of food. Scorpios prefer not to engage in battles with larger and even comparable opponents.

In the question of what scorpions eat, this point is very important. For example, a cricket is an easy prey, but a young scorpion would never think of fighting a praying mantis. You should not traumatize your pet’s psyche by offering him insects or rodents that are too large. It is better to feed young animals with larvae.

Some interesting facts about nutrition

The venom of most scorpions is dangerous to small animals and insects, but will only cause some discomfort to humans. However, some species are capable of killing with a special substance that paralyzes the nervous and cardiovascular systems. When going to areas where scorpions are found, remember this, carefully inspect your shoes and clothes, and take care of the antidote in advance. But do not forget that a scorpion does not consider a person as food, so it will not attack itself.

Scorpio prefers live prey, but during periods of food shortage it can also be tempted by carrion. Science even knows cases of cannibalism, when scorpions feasted on their weaker brothers.

If you are planning to get yourself such an unusual pet, under no circumstances give it more food than it can eat at one time. Surprisingly, a couple of surviving flies flying around the terrarium can drive this formidable predator into depression. He will become restless and nervous.

Professional breeders believe that regular overfeeding shortens the lifespan of arthropods. But with an attentive and caring owner who has chosen the right one, this amazing creature will live for many years.

Venom is one of the most common types of attack or defense in the animal kingdom, and probably everyone has heard about the venom of scorpions. True, scorpions are not as terrible as they are said to be: out of 1,750 species of scorpions, the poison of about 50 poses a threat to humans. Which scorpions are the most dangerous?

One of the signs by which you can distinguish a poisonous scorpion is to compare the size of the claws and tail. In poisonous ones, the sting will be much more noticeable compared to the relatively small claws, and vice versa. True, not every person has the patience to compare the sizes of claws and tails when looking at some of the arthropods presented in the rating.

Parabuthus transvaalicus belongs to the genus of African desert scorpions. The scorpion uses its huge black tail to spray poison over a distance of up to a meter. Although the poison is not fatal, if it gets into the eyes it causes burning pain and blindness, sometimes permanent.

Uroplectes lineatus, from the family of small fat-tailed scorpions of south-eastern Africa. First of all, he is known for his impressive appearance. Its bites are extremely painful and can cause symptoms of fever, but often resolve without serious consequences.

Buthus occitanus, nicknamed the common yellow scorpion. It is found in the Middle East, Africa, and partly in Europe. Unlike most scorpions, it is a vegetarian and feeds on leaves and tree bark. It rarely stings people, but when it does, its venom can cause breathing difficulties, vomiting and dizziness.

Heterometrus swammerdami, a subspecies of the Asian forest scorpion. Its poison is very weak (inversely proportional to the strength of the claws). On the other hand, it is the largest scorpion in the world, measuring up to 23 cm! If you are stung by such a monster, you will not die, but you will remember it for the rest of your life.

Centruroides vittatus, the striped tree scorpion, is one of the most common arachnids in the southern United States and northern Mexico. They usually live under the bark of trees, but they also happily inhabit wooden houses. Their bite does not particularly harm healthy adults, but can be fatal for children and the elderly.

Tityus serrulatus, the most dangerous scorpion in Brazil, characterized by aggressive behavior and highly toxic poison. It is also famous for its parthenogenetic method of reproduction, in which only females are involved.

Androctonus crassicauda – "Arabian fat-tailed scorpion", resident Saudi Arabia, Iran and Turkey. Its name speaks for itself, because the word “androctonus” translates as “killer of people.” The venom of the Arabian fat-tailed scorpion contains powerful neurotoxins and poses a mortal threat to the person stung.

Androctonus australis, known as the "yellow fat-tailed scorpion", is another member of the genus Androctonus. Found in northern Africa and southern Asia, it is known for its extraordinary endurance - it can withstand sandstorms that damage even concrete and steel buildings. Extremely poisonous, its bite kills a person within a few hours unless immediate medical attention is provided.

Hottentotta Tamulus, the "Indian red scorpion", is a thunderstorm in rural India and Nepal. Like other tree scorpions, it usually finds refuge under the bark of trees. Its neurotoxic venom kills between 8 and 40% of its victims, mostly children.

Leiurus quinquestriatus, also known as the yellow scorpion, the Israeli scorpion and the “crouching killer” is one of the most poisonous scorpions on the planet, living in North Africa, Turkey and Saudi Arabia. The lethality of the poison depends on the portion - a small dose will cause terrible pain, a large dose is guaranteed to kill even a healthy adult.

-Whose face is the mask?
- Who hides a sting with poison in his tail (in his sleeve, under the hem of his jacket, in his briefcase)?
- And who, without hesitation, will use this sting, even if you only slightly touch it?
- This is your ardent friend and your insidious enemy - Scorpio!
Scorpio is strong and decisive. His ruthless and passionate nature of extremes and contradictions is the strongest among the Zodiac Signs. You can love or hate Scorpio, but it is impossible to remain indifferent to him. The vital energy of Scorpios is so great that at his birth, additional forces (energy) are required to ensure his birth, and his birth is accompanied by the death of one of his relatives a year or a year after his birth. And vice versa, when Scorpio leaves for another world, the released energy becomes so much that it is enough for the life of a new creature: the death of Scorpio leads to the appearance of a newborn in the family a year before the sad event or a year after it. This is what astrologers predict, and this is how it happens. There are no obstacles for Scorpios. They are analysts and at the same time have subtle intuition. They are energetic and almost always strive for success. They are sarcastic and have a deep, almost mystical understanding of life. They often achieve outstanding success.
Scorpios cheat, deceive, and intrigue for the sole pleasure of destroying. They are pathological sadists and masochists almost at the same time. They do not disdain any means to achieve the goal. Sparing no effort and money, they create about themselves good opinion to then treacherously strike from the rear. They make a career by walking over corpses. Scorpio is a product of demonic intellect and pathological passion at the same time, and his Zodiac Sign- a sign of love and death. Likes to philosophize about the problems of existence. Attractive to the opposite sex because he loves to argue and loves to win.
Scorpios are people of extremes: they either love passionately or hate fiercely. They are, as a rule, very cruel and distrustful, self-absorbed and inattentive to others. For them, the opinion of the public is indifferent. When faced with obstacles, they develop their own battle tactics. Scorpio loves dirty jokes and porn films. He spreads rumors about his sexual exploits, while cruelly mocking those who are attached to him. Scorpio has a bad reputation. It is associated with the House of Death of the horoscope, forgetting that this House can also bring wealth. Scorpio has enormous resistance and, like the Phoenix, can be resurrected.
Scorpio has dangerous energy, just like Aries. Scorpio is the duality of love and death, energy, drama, passion, mystery, individualism, rebellion. Scorpio is controlled by a hidden animal force and asserts itself confidently and unquestioningly, which often leads to internal conflicts, neuroses, and spiritual dramas. Scorpio has a domineering, frantic, instinctive character, irrepressible, even if his spiritual fire is hidden under the mask of infantility. The Scorpio man is not inclined to show his good feelings in public. In public he is rude, inconsiderate, cruel, suspicious and jealous.
A Scorpio woman is usually born a she-devil. This was once said about her: “From her very birth, all the foundations have been turned upside down in her. Her top turns into a bottom, her right turns into a left, her front turns into a back” (St. Przybyszewski). With her sixth sense, she recognizes her future chosen one at first sight, and he has no choice but to submit to her witchcraft spells. She is an unusually passionate person. But her passion only relates to the clitoris, and not to childbirth. Being terribly jealous, the Scorpio woman hates when people are jealous of her, although it is very difficult not to be jealous of her, since she attracts the glances of men of all Zodiac Signs. Scorpios are very picky in their choice of friends, but don’t rush to enroll among them - friendship with Scorpio is dangerous: if Scorpio said that he values ​​your friendship, this means that an hour ago he “pulled a cart on you” to his superiors. The most terrible enemies for us come from our Scorpio friends.
Scorpio is very dangerous even from a distance. His face is a mask behind which is hidden unknown. You can’t get involved with him, because he has a “divine gift” of verbal magic: whatever he says, so it will be. And he can heal with a word, but he can also destroy with it. Cancer, Pisces, Libra, Virgo are suitable for marriage and cooperation for Scorpios. Avoid Aquarius and Leo.