Corn varieties and hybrids. The most delicious varieties of corn

Corn (lat. Zea) is a genus of plants of the flowering department, class Monocots, order Porciferae, family Poaceae.

Corn (cereal) - origin of the word.

Linguists interpret the origin of the word “corn” differently. The word came into Russian speech from the southeast of Europe, and, according to scientists, is related to the Romanian word cucuruz, meaning “fir cone,” or the Turkish kokoros (corn stalk). According to another version, corn began to be called a cereal whose grains were thrown to poultry, calling it with the sounds of kukuru. Corn is often called maize, the name given to the grain by Christopher Columbus, who described the plant as mahiz, “the seed that makes the ear.” Corn is also known as “cob” and “Turkish millet”.

Corn - description and photo.

Corn is an annual herbaceous grass that reaches 3 meters in height; in rare cases, the height of corn can be 6-7 meters. The corn root system, consisting of lobes and adventitious roots, develops well and penetrates deep into the ground up to 1.5 meters. Support roots sometimes form at the first internodes, absorbing nutrients from the air.

How does corn grow?

Single straight stalks of corn up to 7 cm in diameter, unlike other cereal plants, do not have an internal cavity, but contain loose parenchyma. Formed on the plant large leaves, growing up to 1 meter in length with a width of 10 cm.

Corn, like any monoecious plant, is endowed with unisexual flowers. Male flowers are located at the tops of the shoots of the plant. Female flowers are connected into inflorescences-cobs growing in the leaf axils.

As a rule, no more than 2 ears are formed on one stalk of corn, but bushy varieties of the plant may have more. A mature ear of corn grows up to 4-50 cm in length and has a circumference of up to 10 cm. The weight of an ear of corn varies from 30 to 500 grams. Each cob is densely covered with leaf-like involucres.

Wind-borne pollen from the staminate flowers of corn settles on the stigmas of the female thread-like styles emerging in a bunch from under the involucres. After pollination, the development of fruit grains begins. Corn kernels grow close together and are located on the cob. One ear of corn can contain up to a thousand round or slightly elongated kernels. Most varieties of corn are distinguished by yellow grain color, but some have red, blue, purple, and black grains.

Where does corn grow?

Corn is native to Guatemala and Southern Mexico. Nowadays, the cereal has spread throughout the world, but the leaders in large-scale cultivation are the USA, Brazil and China. The top ten countries where corn is grown also included Mexico, Argentina, India, South Africa, France and Russia.

Types of corn, names, descriptions and photos.

The only representative of the genus Corn grown in cultivation is sweet corn, also known as maize (lat. Zea mays ssp. Mays or Zea saccharata).

In addition to sweet corn, the genus is divided into 4 species:

  • Zea diploperennis;
  • Zea luxurians;
  • Zea nicaraguensis;
  • Zea perennis.

And 4 subspecies of Zea mays growing in the wild:

  • Zea mays ssp. Mexicana;
  • Zea mays ssp. parviglumis;
  • Zea mays Huehuetenangensis;
  • Zea mays ssp.

The modern classification includes 10 botanical groups, differing in the shape and structure of the fruit.

  • Sweet corn(lat. Zeamays saccharata,Zea mays ssp. mays) (English: Sweet corn) is a common variety of corn, beloved by agronomists, which is grown all over the world except Antarctica. The bushy plants produce several ears, and the varieties of corn developed have kernels of a wide variety of colors. The ripened, translucent corn kernel, consisting of horn-like storage tissue, contains a minimum of starch and a large amount of sugars. This cereal is grown for industrial preservation; the forks are suitable for boiling.

  • dent corn(lat. Zea mays indentata)(eng. Dent corn) gave birth to many productive late-ripening varieties. The plants are sparsely leafy, characterized by vigorous stems, massive ears and the formation of a large number of aerial roots. During the ripening of corn, a characteristic dent appears on the large elongated grains, making the grain look like a tooth. The varietal group derived from dent corn is cultivated in America as a fodder plant. Corn kernels are used to produce flour, grits and alcohol.

  • Flint corn (Indian corn)(lat. Zea mays indurata)(eng. Flint corn) - the very first type of corn exported from America. It is successfully grown throughout the world and has the widest distribution of all members of the genus. Round, wrinkled corn kernels may be yellow or white and 70-83% consist of hardened starch. The varietal diversity is characterized by early ripening and high yield. The most popular varieties of corn are those developed by hybridization with dent corn. Flint corn is grown primarily for grain, but also for the production of corn sticks and flakes.

  • Starchy corn (mealy, soft corn)(lat. Zea mays amylacea)(eng. Flour corn) - the oldest representative of the genus, distinguished by small, densely leafy, bushy plant forms. Large round corn kernels with a convex top have a smooth, matte shell. The grain contains over 80% starch. Starchy corn grows only in South America and the south of the North American continent; it is grown for the production of starch, flour, alcohol and molasses.

  • Waxy corn(lat. Zea mays ceratina)(eng. Waxy corn) - a group of modified tooth-like North American hybrids, distinguished by a two-layer storage tissue: a hard, matte outer part, resembling wax, and a mealy middle layer consisting of sticky amylopectin. The group has a very limited range and a small number of varieties. In China, waxy corn is especially popular.

  • Corn popping(lat. Zea mays everta)(eng. Popcorn) - a group represented by bushy, leafy plants that form several medium-sized ears filled with small grains. The grain is smooth and glossy. Corn varieties are divided into 2 subgroups:
    • Pearled corn: has a beak-shaped top of the grain and tastes like pearl barley;
    • Rice corn: It has a round top and a rice flour flavor.

The varietal diversity is distinguished by a variety of colors. Corn grains can be yellow, white, red, blue, and there are also varieties with pockmarked grain colors.

All types of corn kernels pop when heated, which is why popcorn gets its name and is used to make popcorn. About 16% protein was found in the grains, and therefore the variety is widely used in the production of cereals and corn flakes. Initially, popping corn began to be cultivated in America, and then the varieties quickly spread throughout the globe.

  • Semi-dent corn(lat. Zea mays semidentata)(eng. Semident corn) was obtained by crossing representatives of the siliceous and dentate groups and is sometimes called semi-siliceous. Varieties of this type of corn are widely used in the food industry.

  • Membranous corn(lat. Zea mays tunicata)(eng. Pod corn) is distinguished by the intensive growth of spikelet scales, densely covering mature grains. The group does not represent nutritional value. According to some statements, hulled corn is used in Indian rituals.

  • Starchy sweet corn(lat. Zea mays amyleosaccharata) is not of industrial interest, and corn grains consist almost entirely of mealy storage substance.
  • Japanese variegated corn (lat.Zea mays japonica) (English: Striped maize) is mainly used for decorative purposes, as it has a rather impressive appearance. The stem is straight, slightly bushy, 1 to 2 meters high. The leaves of corn are quite spreading, drooping, colored with multi-colored longitudinal stripes located on a green background. The color of the stripes is multifaceted and varies from white and yellow to pinkish and bright red. The cobs are miniature, the grain sometimes has a purple or cherry tint, and at the stage of milky ripeness it has good taste. Japanese corn is widely used in landscape design as decorative hedges.

Corn varieties, names, descriptions and photos.

There are many varieties of corn, each with its own characteristics. Below are descriptions of corn varieties according to cereal types and photographs.

Varieties of sugar (sweet) corn.

Aurika – early hybrid of sweet corn – 75-80 days pass from planting to technical maturity. A medium bushy plant, a pair of cobs 17-20 cm long are formed in the axils, containing 12 rows of large cone-shaped grains. The weight of an ear of corn is from 190 to 220 g, the grain is bright yellow, with a thin shell and delicate consistency. The variety is used for canning, freezing, boiled and fresh.

Krasnodar sugar 250 – early variety of corn – from germination to harvest it takes 85-90 days. The cob is conical, 16-20 cm long, 4-5.5 cm in diameter. The grains are slightly flattened, yellow in color. The corn variety is resistant to rot and smut, the yield is friendly and stable. The grain is excellent for freezing and canning; its taste is high.

Kuban sugar . An early-ripening variety of corn (70–75 days pass from germination to initial ripeness). The plant is tall - 1.8-2 meters, the ear is 16-20 cm long, with ten rows of yellow-orange grains. The variety is high-yielding and is used both fresh and for canning.

Divine paper - the sweetest and most delicious corn. The variety is quite rare and unique. Ripens 90 days after emergence, the stem is 170-200 cm high, the ears are medium-sized, cylindrical in shape. Corn kernels are yellow in color with small patches of white kernels. When dried, the grains wrinkle greatly, acquiring the thickness of a sheet of cardboard, but after soaking they restore both their shape and excellent taste.

Varieties of dent corn.

Dneprovsky 172 MV . Mid-season corn hybrid. Very resistant to cold, arid climates and stem lodging. The height of corn often reaches 215-220 cm. The grains are tooth-shaped and yellow in color. The variety is used as livestock feed, the grains are ground into flour, and corn grits are made.

Krasnodarsky 436 MV . A corn hybrid that is resistant to stem lodging and drought and is quite productive. The ears are large, 20 cm long and 5-6 cm in diameter, the grain is tooth-shaped, pale yellow. The grain is widely used in the production of alcohol, cereals and flour, and is used as livestock feed.

Frame 443 SV . Medium ripening corn hybrid. The height of the corn stalk reaches 280-290 cm, the cob is large - 22-25 cm in length, the grain is bright yellow. Used as a fodder variety of corn, as well as for making corn flour and cereals.

Varieties of flint corn.

Cherokee Blue – an early-ripening and extremely productive variety of corn (ripening period 80-85 days). The stem is 1.7-1.9 m high. The ear is large, 17-18 cm long, and has a rounded pyramidal shape. The grain is medium size, unusual lilac-chocolate color. This corn is very tasty when cooked.

Mays Ornamental Congo - a variety that came from South America. A late-ripening and very productive variety of corn, the ripening period of the cobs is 120-130 days. The corn stalk reaches a height of 2.5 meters, 3-4 cobs are formed on the plant. The grain is large, of various colors, with excellent taste. This variety of corn is suitable for cooking and is also eaten fresh; flour and cereals are obtained from the grains. Corn is also used for animal feed.

Varieties of starchy (mealy) corn.

Mays Concho – a high-yielding early variety of corn. The plant reaches a height of 2 meters. The cobs are large, the length varies from 20 to 35 cm. The grain is large, with a thin shell, soft, slightly sweet, bright yellow. The best variety of corn for consumption at the stage of milk maturity; it performs well in the production of cereals and corn flour.

Thompson Prolific . A powerful plant reaching a height of 2.7-3.2 meters. Corn cobs are very large, 41-44 cm long; 3-4 cobs can be tied in one bosom at once. The grain is white, large, flat. The variety is good after heat treatment of young cobs; it is used for the production of high-quality flour.

Varieties of waxy corn.

Strawberry – mid-season corn variety (ripening period 80-90 days). The stem is up to 180 cm high. The cob is relatively thin, up to 22 cm long, the grain is dark red, pointed, and resembles a grain of rice in shape. The variety is excellent for producing cereals and flour, tasty when boiled during the period of milky-wax ripeness, and is used for fattening poultry and livestock.

Oaxacan red . The plant is mid-season (ripening time up to 90 days), the stem is up to 200 cm high. The corn cob is 17-25 cm long. The grains are medium-sized, bright red in color, and contain quite a lot of useful substances. Corn is sweet and very tasty when boiled. Ideal variety for production corn grits and flour.

Varieties of popping corn.

Mini Striped . A high-yielding variety that came from China. The plant is not too tall - 1.5-1.7 meters tall, 3-5 ears 9-12 cm long are formed on one stem. The grain is colored with white and red stripes. An ideal corn variety for popcorn and making corn flakes.

Red Arrow . An early variety of corn (it takes 75-80 days to reach technical maturity), with high yield. The stem rarely exceeds a height of 1.5 meters; 4-5 ears of average length 13-15 cm are formed on one plant. The grain has a rounded elongated shape and is colored dark burgundy. The variety is widely used in the preparation of flakes and puffed corn.

Semi-dent corn varieties.

Spring 179 NE – a hybrid of corn grown for silage and grain. The stem is tall, 2.4-2.6 meters, practically does not bush. Ears weighing 120-140 g, up to 25 cm long, the grain is semi-tooth-shaped, bright yellow. The hybrid is resistant to fusarium and lodging.

Moldavian 215 MV – a hybrid with early ripening. The height of the plant is average, the length of the cob is 15-17 cm, the corn grains are semi-tooth-shaped, yellow in color. The plant is grown for silage and grain.

Varieties of hulled corn.

The group does not have varietal diversity, since it does not represent any nutritional value; it is grown only for its green mass used for silage and low-quality grain in terms of taste, used for livestock feed.

Varieties of starchy sweet corn.

The species is not of industrial interest, therefore it has no varieties, and corn grains consist almost entirely of a mealy storage substance.

A variety of Japanese corn.

Mother of pearl miracle - a variety of Japanese corn. The stem is succulent, with pronounced knees, 1-1.5 meters high. Corn leaves are drooping type, colored with alternating green, orange, light yellow and red stripes. Inflorescences and cobs also have decorative value and are used to create elegant ikebanas and bouquets. Young ears of corn taste good and are edible.

What are the benefits of corn?

Corn is valuable medicinal plant, and its benefits are concentrated both in the leaves and grains of the cereal. It is a storehouse of vitamins B, K, PP, C, D and essential microelements: copper, nickel, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. It has been scientifically proven that regular consumption of corn prevents the development of a number of dangerous conditions: diabetes, vascular and heart disease, stroke. Yellow grains of milky ripeness, rich in carotenoids, will help maintain visual acuity.

Corn silk, called “corn hair,” also has beneficial properties, as they contain a lot of substances, vitamins and minerals that are useful for the human body:

  • vitamins K, C;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • saponins (up to 3%);
  • stigmasterol and sitosterol;
  • tannins;
  • fatty oil (2.5%);
  • essential oil (0.12%);

Important components are also contained in corn seeds:

  • tocopherols;
  • thiamine hydrochloride;
  • pyridoxine;
  • riboflavin;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • fatty oil (up to 5%);
  • biotin.

Corn leaves are also rich in beneficial components:

  • esters of phenolcarboxylic acids;
  • flavonoids;
  • querticin;
  • routine

Corn oil, made from the germ of ripe corn seeds, has a number of healing properties and promotes:

  • regulation of metabolism;
  • improving the functioning of the biliary tract;
  • prevention vascular diseases and normalization of cholesterol;
  • treatment of diabetes mellitus.

Extracts and tinctures of corn silk are used in home and traditional medicine to cure dangerous ailments such as:

  • glaucoma;
  • urolithiasis;
  • inflammation of the bile ducts;
  • cystitis;
  • prostate adenoma.

Raw and boiled corn significantly dulls the feeling of hunger, which is why nutritionists include it in the diet of obese patients, as well as anyone who wants to lose weight.

Corn came to Europe from Central America, where it has been called maize for many millennia. It quickly gained great popularity among us: it is tasty and easy to care for. It is a herbaceous grain plant. Its first cultivated species arose more than 10 thousand years ago. And only from the 15th century BC. e. its real development began. Let's look at it in the article the best varieties corn, their features and differences.

Features of the “golden grain”

Nowadays, corn is widely used in cooking. It is of great importance as a fodder crop. Medicinal preparations based on corn silk are widely used in medicine. And its strong stems are used as building material.

Corn is an annual grain. The height of the straw can be 4 meters. The inflorescences have the appearance of cobs. The plant is monoecious. At the top there is a plume of male flowers. Pollen from them scatters in the wind. The female flowers, which are located on the cobs, form a caryopsis after pollination. The caryopsis is very strong and is connected to the axis of the cob.

There are many different varieties of corn, but few people know how to choose the right variety and how they differ

Depending on the variety, the corn growing season takes 3-5 months, during which 1-2 ears are formed, about 50 centimeters long, weighing up to 500 grams. One cob contains approximately a thousand grains of golden yellow, reddish or dark purple color. It blooms approximately on the 60th day, reaching milky ripeness on the 70-80th day.

Corn cobs contain vitamins B, C, E, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, fluorine, boron, iodine, iron, as well as proteins and fats, and their amount is many times higher than the content of these same elements in other grain crops. Calorie content of corn – 85.7 kcal/100g. Corn is grown by planting the grains in open ground or through grown seedlings.

How to grow corn: infographics

For the highlights of growing corn, see our infographic below.

Varieties of corn varieties

Depending on the properties of the grain, corn varieties have the following varieties:

  • siliceous,
  • tooth-like,
  • starchy,
  • bursting,
  • sugar,
  • filmy,
  • waxy.

Flint and dent corn are grown mainly for grain, from which flour and cereals, flakes, corn sticks, and alcohol are made. They are also used as fodder. It is dent corn that is most often grown in summer cottages. Its seeds are also used for planting crops.

Waxy corn is found only in certain East Asian regions. This is a modification of the tooth-shaped varieties. Has a two-layer shell. Its grain looks like a drop of wax. The strength of its shell is close to that of the bursting variety. The inside of its grains is mealy and contains large amounts of sticky amylopectin.

Chaffy corn has no economic purpose. Starchy is one of the most ancient varieties of corn. It is a source of valuable raw materials for the food industry: starch and alcohol are obtained from it. It is most common in North and South America. Its plants are medium-sized, late-ripening.

One of the most popular varieties of corn called Gourmand close-up

Popcorn is used to make popcorn, cereals and cereals because it contains a lot of protein. This is one of the most popular varieties of corn. Sugar is widely used in cooking and canning. The sweetest and juiciest cobs are at the stage of milky ripeness.

As a rule, the varieties of this corn are early, and this allows it to be grown even in those regions where the summer is very short. A distinctive feature of sweet corn is the high content of saccharides and the tenderness of the grains. Their thin shell contains a minimum of starch.

The best varieties of the queen of fields

Not many regions in our country have long and warm summers, so when choosing varieties for cultivation, you need to take into account some important points.

  • The best varieties of corn must be adapted to various natural disasters. These include drought, sudden temperature changes and other climate vicissitudes.
  • They must have strong immunity to many diseases and be able to resist pest attacks. Read also the article: → "".
  • The best varieties should be consistently productive, regardless of negative external influences.

Tip #1. It is desirable that the varieties have early fruiting periods, so that even in regions with short summers there is the possibility of full ripening of the crop.

Sweet corn: characteristics of varieties

There are many different varieties of sweet corn. As a rule, they are all high-yielding and have a short growing season. By the way, it is precisely these varieties that make up the products of the Bonduelle company, which many mistakenly consider to be a separate variety.

  1. The Dobrynya variety of corn is distinguished by a very sweet taste and large cobs. Has early ripening periods. The height of the plant reaches 170 centimeters. Undemanding to soil, has stable immunity to rust, mosaic, and wilting.
  2. "Early Gold 401" - low-growing variety. The duration of the growing season is average. The length of the cobs is 19 centimeters. It is consumed at the stage of milk ripeness. Has immunity to bacterial and fungal diseases.
  3. "Spirit F1". This variety is grown mainly through seedlings, since it is this method of cultivation that makes it possible to obtain a harvest within 2 months after transplanting into open ground. The grain of this variety contains a large amount of sugar, so it is considered one of the sweetest. The length of the cobs is 20 centimeters.

Popping corn: features

The popping variety of corn is very popular. Popcorn is made from it. When heated, each grain “explodes.” This becomes possible thanks to the fats, proteins and thin but strong shell contained in it, which does not immediately crack, but allows moisture to be pumped inside: because of this, the pulp “bursts” and explodes from the inside when critical pressure occurs.

Two different varieties of corn that differ not only in appearance, but also in taste
  1. "Volcano". One of the best varieties suitable for making popcorn. Plant height is up to 2 meters. The length of the cobs reaches 22 centimeters. The grains are yellow, rice. The variety is immune to diseases. Weather resistant.
  2. “Gobble, gobble.” Mid-early variety. The length of the cobs is 21 centimeters. Height – 1.7 meters. Resistant to diseases.
  3. "Zeya." Red corn variety. The height reaches 1.8 meters, the length of the cobs is 20 centimeters. Early ripening.

How to care for corn

After 5-8 leaves are formed on the plant, stepsons appear on the stem. In order not to slow down the growing season, they must be removed. In the first weeks of corn's life in the garden, the seedlings need to be thinned out so that the strongest shoots remain for further growth - the key to a large harvest.

Tip #2. It is important to fertilize the soil generously with organic and mineral fertilizers: manure, potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen.

Description of early varieties of corn

These varieties give a good harvest in a short time. They tolerate transplantation well. They can be grown using ready-made seedlings in peat cups under an agrofibre cover. From the first leaf to the first cob, 62-89 days pass.

Variety name Description
"Trophy F1" Hybrid. Ripens in 75 days from sowing to ear formation. Very early ripening. Plant height up to 2 m. Ear weight up to 220 g. Length up to 23 cm, diameter up to 4.5 cm. Golden grain. It tastes very sweet. Can be canned. Resistant to diseases.
"Gourmet 121" Early, high-yielding variety. The bush is 178 cm. The cob has a fusiform-conical shape. Its length is 23 cm. Weight is up to 250 g. Grains orange color. Excellent taste and presentation. Resistant to diseases.
Sundance The growing season is 59-86 days. The stem has a height of up to 170 cm. One plant produces 2 ears, the length of which is up to 18.5 cm. The grains are elongated and round, golden yellow in color. The taste is sweet. Resistant to diseases.
"Jubilee F1" Medium early variety. Ears can ripen in both summer and autumn. Their length is 23 cm. There are 18 rows of round grains with the thinnest shell. The harvest is consistently high. Corn can be frozen and cooked. Has immunity to diseases.
"Landmark F12" Hybrid. The growing season is 73-83 days. After collection it can be stored for a long time. The cob is 21 cm long. It has an excellent taste. The height of the powerful stem reaches 195 cm. At least 2 ears. Resistant to many diseases. The harvest is high.
"SugarF1" Hybrid. The ripening period is mid-early. Stem height – 180 cm. Cob length 20 cm. Weight 225 g. Resistant to diseases.

Corn variety Ice nectar close-up

Description of mid-season varieties

These varieties take a little longer to ripen. They tolerate drought better than others. Their grains can be boiled, canned, or frozen.

Variety name Description
"Spirit F1" This hybrid matures in 63-79 days. Quickly adapts to growing conditions. This explains the consistently large harvest. The cobs are 22 cm long and 4.-5.3 cm in diameter. The grains are amber-yellow and contain a lot of sugar. To extend the period of receiving young cobs, you can plant several batches with a break of 10 days. Resistant to diseases.
"Sweetstar F2" Hybrid. Very sweet. The length of the cobs is 23 cm, diameter is 5.8 cm. Resistant to many diseases. The taste is excellent. They do not disappear when cooked or frozen.
"Brusnitsa" The growing season is 78-89 days. Cob length 21.5 cm. Diameter 5.7 cm. Weight – up to 173 grams. The bright yellow cobs have an excellent taste. Can be sown in batches every 10-15 days. High resistance to diseases. Can be boiled, canned, frozen.
"Favorite" Hybrid. Ripens in 58-66 days. Very demanding on fertilizing and irrigation. Plant height is 165-173 cm. Prefers to grow on light fertile soils. Ear weight up to 210 g. Length 19.5 cm. Productivity up to 45-55 kg/10 sq. m. Resistant to diseases.
"Pearl" Mid-early variety. Ripens in 83-91 days. The plant reaches a height of 180 cm. Ears are 21 cm long. There are 20 rows of grains. After harvesting it is stored for a long time. Resistant to diseases. Very sweet.
"Mermaid" Mid-season variety. The growing season is up to 92 days. Height 183 cm. Medium sized ears. Weight 256 g. The grains are lemon-yellow in color and very sweet. Retains taste when preserved. Resistant to diseases. Highly productive.
"Delicacy" Low growing variety. Ears – up to 20 cm in length. The taste is excellent and does not deteriorate when cooked or frozen. Resistant to bladder smut disease. Good for cooking and canning.

Description of late varieties of corn

The harvest takes a long time to ripen. But these varieties are more resistant to weather changes. Grains of late-ripening varieties are used in the same way as earlier ones.

Variety name Description
"Bashkirovets" High-yielding hybrid. The ripening period of the cobs takes 137-142 days. With minimal frost, the seedlings die. Makes great demands on fertilizing and irrigation. The plant grows up to 283 cm. One ear, up to 23 cm long and 4.9 cm in diameter, can weigh 353 g. It has a light yellow, large, even grain. It has an average yield. Grains of this variety are used for preparing porridge and for canning. The taste is good. The variety is resistant to bladder smut and other diseases.
"Polaris" Late ripening hybrid. Ripens in an average of 103 days. Sweet corn type. The plant reaches a height of 2 meters. Ear length 23.6 cm, diameter 5.2 cm. Weight 320 g. Top grained well. The grain has a rich golden color. Its consistency is the most delicate. High sugar content. It is good to can and freeze. Resistant to lodging and diseases.
"Russian Bursting 3" This variety requires 95-98 days to ripen. Plant height is 185 cm. Ear weight is 256 g. The grain is yellow with an orange tip. When exposed to high heat, 98% of the grains burst. The variety is used for making cereals and popcorn. Resistant to diseases. Productivity is average.

Original Glass Gem corn, which has a significant drawback - it is unsuitable for food

Rubric “Question-answer”

Question No. 1. What is known about the new Hopi corn variety?

This variety differs from the rest, first of all, in its unusual black-violet color, caused by a special enzyme. It is grown in northern Mexico and the southwestern United States. Found among the Indian Hopi tribes (hence the name). It has a delicate sweet taste with a pronounced nutty flavor. Corn of this variety is widely used in cosmetology. It is also used to make mixtures and blue corn chips. The alcoholic drink Chicha Morado is also made from Hopi corn kernels. The color range of the cobs is varied: from light gray to black. Moreover, one cob can be combined from different colors.

Question No. 2. I saw ground corn in a feed store. Can it be given to horses? In what form?

Ground corn contains whole kernels. For horses, it needs to be boiled or poured with boiling water and left under the fur coat to steam. However, animals should not be given a lot of corn, preferably only as a supplement. It makes the manure smelly.

The variety of corn depends on the structural characteristics and composition of the grain. By appearance, shape, structure and composition of grain, the following are distinguished: botanical varieties of corn: siliceous, tooth-like, starchy, popping, sugary, waxy and filmy (Fig. 1). In addition, as a result of crossing flint and dent corn, a hybrid was obtained - semi-dent corn, widespread in the CIS countries. Of all the listed botanical varieties, only hulled corn is not of industrial importance. All other types are used in the food industry in its various branches, depending on the structural characteristics and composition of the grain, as well as on the technology requirements of a particular industry.

Characteristics of corn species

How do all these types of corn differ from each other? has a smooth, shiny, non-wrinkled grain with a rounded apex. The color of the grain is white or yellow. produces grains of oblong-elongated shape, somewhat reminiscent of a horse tooth. Hence the name “dentate”.
distinguished by its soft mealy grain; the grain is smooth, matte, also with a rounded top. It stands out sharply in that its grains burst, deform or swell when heated (roasting). The grains are smooth, with a shiny surface. There are two subgroups of popping corn: rice and pearl barley. The grains of both of these subgroups differ only in shape and resemble rice and pearl barley. produces grains with a wrinkled surface; in cross-section the grains are glassy. The name of this group is explained by the increased sugar content in the grain during its ripening. has smooth hard grains with a matte surface. This variety owes its name to the fact that when cut, the contents of the grains resemble wax in their structure.
And finally hulled corn characterized by grains covered with films, sometimes even containing awns. As already indicated, this variety has no industrial significance.

Classification of cultivated corn. Corn is grown as an annual plant and is classified as a cereal. As a result of natural selection and thanks to intensive breeding, today's corn is strikingly different from that which was cultivated in the 17th century in the vastness of America.

In 1885 F. Kernike identified 4 groups of corn varieties. In his works he was based on qualitative characteristics, namely the morphological features of grain. The prototype of today's taxonomy of corn varieties was the version proposed by Stervant in 1899. Having studied over 700 varieties of corn, he classified them into six groups: sugar, flint, tooth, popping, starchy and filmy. Later, N. Kuleshov added 1 more group - waxy.

1 - tooth-like, 2 - siliceous, 3 - waxy, 4 - starchy, 5 - sugary, 6 - bursting

According to modern botanical classification, the only cultural representative The genus Zea (Corn) is common or seed corn (Zea Mays). In turn, it has subspecies that differ from each other in certain morphological characteristics of grains:

1. Sweet corn (Zae mays saccharata)

A very popular variety among agronomists, which is grown everywhere and is the basis of many wonderful hybrids. When corn reaches technical ripeness, it accumulates a considerable amount of water-soluble sugars with a minimal starch content.

Low, bushy plants of this subspecies of corn form several cobs. Varieties belonging to it have grains of various colors. They actively develop with abundant watering.

When the grains of sweet corn dry out, they become deformed and wrinkled. In cross section, the grains are relatively transparent. They contain about 20% proteins and up to 10% fats. This subspecies is used for canning.

2. Waxy corn (Zea mays ceratina)

A group of modified North American varieties. They are distinguished by the dullness and smoothness of the skin of their grains. Their outer layer is opaque, looks like wax, but has a rather solid structure. The pulp is mealy, sticky.
This variety of corn is distributed over a fairly narrow range and has a limited number of varieties with almost identical characteristics. Gained the greatest popularity in China

3. Film corn (Zea mays tunicata)

This species is not of industrial value due to the excessive development of glumes. Its cob and grains are covered with individual dense wrappers. There is information that this type of corn was used in the religious rites of the Incas.

4. Popping corn (Zea mays everta)

An ancient variety of corn. The grains of the varieties classified as this burst when heated. It was this type that became the basis for such a dish as popcorn.

The surface of this corn grain is shiny and smooth. It is divided into two subgroups - pearl barley (with a beak-shaped top of the grain) and rice (with a rounded top of the grain). They differ not only in the shape of the grains, but also in their taste, reminiscent of pearl barley and rice flour.

In the cross section of the grain, a small powdery area is visible near the embryo, surrounded by glassy endosperm of predominant sizes. Caryopsis with this internal structure under the influence of temperatures it expands significantly, bursts and a loose powdery mass turns out of it.

The grain of popping corn is characterized by a high protein content (more than 16%), making it of industrial value. This subspecies is used as a raw material for the production of flakes, cereals and similar food products.

Plants of popping corn varieties are bushy, with good foliage. They form a large number of small ears, densely filled with small grains. Depending on the color of the grain, the subspecies includes varieties with white, yellow, red, dark blue and speckled grains.

The cultivation of popping corn began in the USA, where it acquired wide industrial use. Now its varieties continue to actively spread throughout all countries.

5. Teeth corn (Zea mays indentata)

This subspecies has large, elongated grains. When ripe, a characteristic depression appears at their top. As a result, their shape becomes similar to a tooth, hence the name.

Dental corn plants, as a rule, do not bush, have powerful stems, and form many large ears. The grains contain about 70% starch, 16% fat and 3% fat. Most of the varieties in this group are late-ripening, but productive.

This type is mainly grown in the USA and used as livestock feed. It is also cultivated to obtain grain for processing into flour, alcohol, cereals, etc.

6. Starchy corn (Zea mays amylacea)

Another ancient variety. Widespread in American countries. Most varieties included in this group have late ripening periods. Plants are medium to heavily bushy, leafy, medium tall.

Large rounded grains with a convex top are formed on the cobs. Their surface is smooth, matte. The inside of the grains has a loose structure, mealy, with a moderate protein content (10%), but a high starch content (80%). The main area of ​​application is the alcohol and starch industry.

7. Flint corn

This subspecies has a wrinkled grain that can be white or yellow. It consists almost entirely of solid starch. In appearance, the grain is round, with a convex top, without indentations. It contains up to 83% starch, 18% protein, 7% fat.

Compared to other varieties, flint corn has the widest distribution area. Although, its varieties obtained as a result of crossing with dent corn are in greatest demand. Numerous hybrids are mainly cultivated for grain. These include many early-ripening, high-yielding varieties.

Flint corn is used to make corn flakes and sticks.

8. Corn or nosed corn (Zea rostrata) -

a less common hybrid of little value.

9. Corn Karagua (Zea Karagua)

Grown in North America as livestock feed. It comes in quite large sizes.

Corn varieties

You might be interested :

Corn is the queen of fields, its yellow cobs with grains that look like little suns, reminiscent of summer, the sea coast, where from morning to evening street vendors offer sweet boiled corn of different varieties with honey baklava.

They also grow it in garden plots and not only to enjoy in the summer, but also for freezing and preserving for the winter.

The best varieties and types of corn for growing from seeds

Corn takes third place after grain and rice in the ranking of food and agricultural products. It is rightfully considered a grain crop. After all, she feeds not only people, but also animals. Breeders are developing new types of seeds, paying special attention to the sugar content of the cobs and increased yield.

Let's look at the 10 best corn species.


Bonduelle corn varieties doesn't exist. This is the name of a company that produces various canned vegetables and frozen vegetables.

Sweet corn under the Bonduelle brand is especially popular on the Russian market. The main trading facilities of the Bonduelle-Kuban company in Russia are located in the Krasnodar Territory.

Varieties of sweet corn are grown in the southern steppe expanses Spirit and Bonus, used to make the much-loved canned food.


Dobrynya is a vegetable early ripening period, the first harvest is ready for harvesting in 2-2.5 months after seed germination. The medium-sized plant reaches a height of up to 1.7 m; cobs begin to form at a height of 0.7 m.

Dobrynya refers to very sweet sugar varieties of corn. The cobs reach sizes of 25*5.5 (diameter and width) and consist of 16-18 rows of grains.

Harvesting for fresh consumption, preservation and freezing is carried out in the milk ripeness phase. For processing grain into cereals, flour, and starch, heads of cabbage are collected after the cobs have yellowed and dried out.

It is unpretentious to growing conditions, quite resistant to diseases such as mosaic, wilting, and rust.


Gourmet variety early the ripening period, from the moment the seeds emerge to the receipt of the first product, only 75-80 days. Plant height is from 1.45 m to 1.8 m.

The fruits grow up to 22 cm long, the number of rows in the cob is 18-20. The weight of sweet juicy fruits reaches 170-250 gr. The grains are bright yellow and have an elongated shape.


It is valued for its excellent taste, which is preserved after processing into canned food and freezing. Gourmand is high-yielding a variety of corn that is highly resistant to downy mildew.

Early golden

This type of corn is a plant early ripening period – 90 days. The low vigor hybrid is well resistant to fungal diseases.

The cobs are small, reaching a length of 19 cm, juicy with a pleasant melting consistency of cooked grains. Used for preservation and freezing.

Early golden


Hybrid average ripening period, the period from the emergence of seedlings to the receipt of marketable products is 90-100 days. The plant is up to 2.1 m high, the size of the cobs reaches a length of 22 cm. The grains are large, golden yellow, very sweet and delicate in taste.

Stable high-yielding and productive Spirit is resistant to fungal, viral diseases and rot. The hybrid is used boiled and is suitable for preservation.

To extend the period of obtaining marketable products, seedlings of early varieties can be planted with a shift of 10-15 days.


Ice Nectar

Ice hectare belongs to the varieties late fruiting period( 130-140 days). The plant is up to 1.8 m high and has cobs 20-25 cm long. The grains are white-cream in color, juicy and very sugary.

Ice Nectar

Ice Hectare is one of the sweetest among all varieties and hybrids. It can even be consumed raw. Hybrid is leader in yield.

To avoid loss of sugar content of the grains, the hybrid must be planted separately from other varieties, eliminating cross-pollination of plants.


Sundance is a variety with early maturation period ( 70-90 days). The low-growing plant reaches a height of no more than 1.5 m. The diameter of the cobs is 5.5 cm, the length is no more than 20 cm. Bright yellow, slightly elongated grains of medium size and good taste.

The hybrid is used for fresh consumption (cooking) and preservation.



Pioneer corn is a variety average ripening period. The period for receiving the first products is 100-110 days. The plant is resistant to unfavorable growing conditions, which do not affect its yield.

Corn of this variety is used for agricultural purposes and is used for livestock feed: grain and silage.



Syngenta hybrid average ripening period ( up to 110 days). The Dutch hybrid is characterized by high productivity and yield. Resistance to diseases is high.

The height of corn reaches 1.8 m. Cobs up to 20 cm in size are filled with pale yellow grains in 16-18 rows. Ears of milk ripeness are juicy and tender. Recommended for fresh consumption.

To obtain products at an earlier date, it is recommended to grow under agrofibre.



Jubilee is a high-yielding hybrid average ripening period ( 80-100 days). The tall plant can reach a height of 2.5-2.8 m, the cobs are densely packed with pearl-yellow grains and are up to 23 cm long. The grains have a thin skin and a delicate sweet taste.

High yielding, a disease-resistant, general-purpose variety. Suitable for both cooking and canning, behaves well after defrosting.


Features of cultivation

  1. They only grow corn in well-lit, sunny areas. To obtain good harvests with high quality cobs, the soil must be fertile, well fertilized and slightly acidic.
  2. Sowing of seeds is carried out at soil temperature not less than +10 degrees. The depth of seed placement in the soil is 6-8 cm. To obtain earlier production, the plant is grown through seedlings, with the seeds sown in March or April.
  3. After 3-4 leaves of the plant appear thin out, leaving up to 0.5-0.7 m between plants.
  4. It is necessary to hill up the plants to avoid lodging.
  5. Harvesting occurs when the cobs reach milky or milky-wax ripeness.

Do not deny yourself the pleasure of growing these “rays of sunshine” on your site.

In addition to the fact that you will enjoy eating corn, it is also a natural support for climbing plants: cucumbers, climbing beans.

Sweet corn is defined by botanists as the only representative species of the genus Corn cultivated as an agricultural crop. Humanity began cultivating it more than 5,000 years ago and has managed to develop a huge variety of varieties to this day. Information about what varieties of corn are available helps you understand which material is best to choose in accordance with the purpose and conditions, and also determine care requirements. In the article you will learn what varieties of corn there are - early, early ripening, late and their hybrids, varieties of sweet corn, bonduelle and for popcorn, as well as what varieties of fodder corn.

The best varieties of corn

Photo: corn of different varieties

It is impossible to single out the best varieties of sweet corn from the general variety, since even within the species itself there is an extensive classification. For example, to create good popcorn, only varieties related to popping corn are suitable. Geography is no less important - a plant that grows well in the Krasnodar region will not necessarily be as productive in the Lower Volga region.

Of course, in some situations we're talking about about the nutritional properties of the product and culinary versatility. It is desirable that the seeds are equally good after canning, boiling, and freezing. From this point of view, the best varieties suitable for home cultivation in Russia are:

Corn: varieties and hybrids

In the botanical classification, the type Sweet corn (Zea mays) is divided into 9 main groups, membership of which is determined by the structure and shape of the grain:

  • Sweet corn is the largest group, growing extensively throughout the world. There may be representatives with different vegetative periods, stem height, grain color with low content starch.

Kuban sugar corn variety

  • dent corn often found as late-ripening varieties with modest leaf volume but substantial ears. Serves as a raw material for the production of cereals, flour, and alcohol.

dent corn

Knuckle corn also occurs different types and flowers.

Knuckle corn in different colors

  • Siliceous or Indian. It is believed that the variety brought by Columbus from the American shores belonged to this group. Corn of siliceous varieties is characterized by an increased concentration of hardened starch, high yield and early ripening. The most popular flint corn in Russia is pioneer.

Flint or Indian corn

  • Mealy (starchy). Hybrids with the maximum concentration of starch in the grains, with abundant green mass, living only on the American continent, where they are used to make alcohol, starch, molasses and flour.

Starchy corn

  • Waxy– a varietal group of dent corn with a double layer of storage tissue and a mealy middle layer. It is poorly distributed in the world and has a modest hybrid spectrum, although it is in great demand in China.

Waxy corn

  • Popping corn are represented by dense plants on which several fruits with small grains appear. It is used not only to create popcorn, but is also threshed into flour, cereals, and flakes.

popping corn
strawberry corn

  • Semidentate- a hybrid obtained from crossing dent and flint corn. Widely used in the food industry.

Semi-dent corn

  • Membranous– not eaten. Rarely grown as a fodder crop.

Film corn

  • Starchy-sugar Corn almost 100% consists of a storage substance with a mealy consistency, which is why they are not used industrially.

Sweet corn varieties

Early corn: varieties

Early ripening representatives of the species are popular among gardeners because they can produce a good harvest in a short time frame. This is important for crop reproduction in regions with short summers. For greater efficiency, they are often planted in peat cups as seedlings.

  • Trophy F1- a disease-resistant hybrid that begins to bear fruit 11 weeks after sowing. The weight of a medium-sized cob is 200-220 g, length – 21-23 cm, thickness – 4.5 cm. The golden-colored grains have a pronounced sweetish taste and remain soft for a long time. This variety is pleasant both boiled and preserved. A constant harvest of soft fruits is carried out by conveyor planting with a break of 10 days.
  • Jubilee F1- a mid-early variety of yellow sweet corn, invulnerable to many diseases, bearing fruit from August to May. On giants 2-2.5 meters tall, long cobs with 18 rows of round grains grow. The sweet taste remains both when cooked and when frozen.
  • Landmark F1– a hybrid of corn with a vegetative period of 11-12 weeks. It is defined as a very sugary variety with an increased shelf life without loss of nutritional properties. Each stem produces two cobs with 13-14 rows of bright yellow grains. The crop tolerates mechanized harvesting well and is universal in storage and use.
  • Sugar F1- a common hybrid with a medium-early ripening period - from 75 to 80 days. The stems rise up to 1.8 m and bear several 20 cm ears with average weight 220 g. The grain is golden-amber in color, has a delicate sweet taste, and is used for various culinary purposes.

Mid-season varieties of sweet corn

Despite the longer ripening, corn hybrids of medium ripeness tolerate short-term air droughts much better. Many varieties boast excellent taste that is preserved under various culinary treatments:

  • Sweetstar F Hybrid, main characteristic which is implied in the name - this is a very sweet variety. And it is sown early in suitable weather, and tolerates the seedling planting method well. The stems reach 2.2 meters in height. The ears are 5-6 cm thick, usually have 15 bright golden grains and stretch 20-23 cm. The variety has high immunity to disease, produces an impressive harvest, and retains its taste well.
  • Technical ripeness of the variety Lingonberry occurs 77-90 days after sowing. The cobs are 6 cm thick and 21 cm long and gain a mass of 170-180 g. Ripe grains are colored rich yellow and have a sweet taste that persists after freezing and cooking. Lingonberries are often planted in batches with pauses of 1.5-2 weeks, which gives a constant harvest of juicy young cobs by autumn.
  • Sugar hybrid Favorite ripens in 58-55 days and, as a rule, does not rise above 180 cm. A good harvest is ensured by fertile and light-textured soils - from 10 square meters You can remove up to 55 kg of cobs. Most often, the Favorit variety is boiled and canned.
  • Corn seeds Pearl reach ripeness 12-13 weeks after sowing, but reward your patience with very sweet grains. Up to 20 rows of juicy and soft grains are formed on even cobs, equally well suited for cooking, freezing and canning.
  • Delicacy corn does not differ in the high height of the stems, but quite competes with other hybrids in terms of cob size (23 cm) and yield. The bright color and taste are preserved after freezing and cooking.
  • In a disease-resistant variety Mermaid The growing season takes an impressive 92 days, but the size of the cobs is consistent - on average, 256 g. Lemon-yellow grains have a delicate structure and a pronounced sweet taste. They retain their shape under any cooking method.

The most productive varieties of late corn

Late-ripening corn varieties cannot boast of a quick harvest, but they are pleasing with their heroic resistance to various kinds of unfavorable factors.

  • Bashkirovets- a real giant among sugar corn hybrids, growing to almost 3 meters in height. The cobs match the plant - up to 23 cm in length, 5 cm in diameter and 19 rows of grains. The weight of one light yellow cob with even large grains reaches 350 grams. Bashkirovets are rarely affected by diseases and are well suited for any processing.

Corn varieties for popcorn

Corn kernels, which are used to make popcorn, have an excellent structure. Inside them there is a drop of water, which turns into steam when heated, which is why the grains burst with increasing internal pressure. Popping corn has a very large yield - a small handful makes a sizeable bowl of popcorn. The best hybrids:

  • Russian bursting 3– a late-ripening variety, ripening in 13-14 weeks. The stems of this hybrid grow up to 180-190 cm, and by the time of ripeness they form cobs weighing 240-260 g, yellow in color with an orange tip. On average, 98% of the grain explodes when heated.
  • Oerlikon– a variety of popping corn recommended for cultivation. The elastic and voluminous product has a pleasant aroma and taste.
  • Volcano– one of the most popular varieties of popping corn. On the two-meter stems of this variety grow yellow ears 22 cm long with rice-shaped grains. The variety tolerates unfavorable weather and diseases.

Varieties of Krasnodar corn

  • Krasnodar– a hybrid of medium ripeness with a stem height of up to 180 cm. Conical-shaped cobs gain length up to 20 cm and become technically ripe 13-14 weeks after sowing. The grain is yellow, flattened, pleasant to the taste when stewed, boiled or fresh.
  • Krasnodar sugar 250– a variety of mid-early ripeness, ripening in 75-78 days. The cobs have a shape and color similar to the previous variety, but the grain contains more sugar.
  • Variety Krasnodarsky 436 MV is an interline hybrid, characterized by high resistance to drought, lodging, and diseases. Large tooth-like cobs.
  • Krasnodarsky 303 TV– a simple hybrid with medium-late ripening. It grows up to 23-240 cm and is resistant to many diseases. Large cylindrical ears produce small grains with thin yellow walls.

Feed corn varieties

Forage varieties of plants are evaluated according to different indicators than varieties of corn for grain, since in this case the leafy part is more important, rather than the fruit part. In Russia, varieties such as Zhemchug, Saratov Sugar, Aurika, Zolotoe Runo, Kuban early ripening, and Viola have such qualities. Thus, they provide both quality silage and good grain at the same time.

White corn varieties

White corn is a well-known corn hybrid with small, sweet kernels. Plants of this variety grow more than 2 meters in length and have linear, pointed leaves. White corn is very sensitive to the presence of light and this greatly affects the yield.

White corn variety mini stript

Japanese corn

Japanese corn has unusual foliage with pink lines and atypical seeds.

Japanese corn
Japanese corn variety Mother of pearl miracle

Corn variety Bonduelle

Bonduelle corn varieties

The Bonduelle trademark is today the most popular brand of canned corn in Russia. The popularity of this product among the people has led to the misconception that Bondeyul is the name of a specific variety of corn with excellent taste.

In fact, under the name Bonduelle, a wide range of products is produced by the company, named after one of its founders, producing various canned vegetables. It is assumed that this company uses the world-famous Bonus and Spirit varieties to produce corn.

Find out everything about corn seeds and how to choose them for planting>>

Video: corn varieties and their hybrids

Sweet large corn is one of the favorite dishes of almost every person, a kind of pleasant memory from childhood, especially intensified at the beginning of the summer season. This popular plant, originally from America, was cultivated in ancient times by the ancient Mayans and Aztecs.

Corn - the slender queen of the fields

On an industrial scale, this crop is grown mainly for feed purposes, but it has adequately found its niche in many country and garden plots, where corn varieties are presented in all their diversity. Moreover home growing significantly “cultivated” the tall beauty, depriving her of the ability to self-sow and grow in her former, wild state.
Now this crop is monoecious, has separate inflorescences and is cross-pollinated. Some gardeners use artificial post-pollination - to do this, they pick off the spikelets at the top of the stem (male flowers) and shake them over the flowering cobs (female flowers).

Description and external characteristics

The root system of almost every variety of corn is quite powerful and goes underground to a depth of about 1.5 meters. At the same time, the formation of additional (supporting) roots is observed on the stem, causing a more dense anchorage of the plant in the soil and promoting optimal absorption and retention of water and minerals.

The stems of the plant are erect and can reach 6 meters in height (depending on the type of corn). Male inflorescences are located at the top of the stem in the form of panicles, while female inflorescences are hidden in the axils of the leaves. The weight of such a complex ear, which is a corn cob, ranges from 35 to 500 grams.

All existing varieties of corn are divided into several main types based on grain structure and direction of use. Below are the main ones by variety.

Sweet corn varieties

Sweet corn is the most popular and beloved, especially during its milky-waxy ripeness; a tasty ingredient in many salads, it is the basis of many high-yielding hybrids. Upon reaching full maturity, corn accumulates a significant amount of sugars. The surface of the grains is wrinkled, and in cross-section they themselves are glassy. Sweet corn is successfully used in the canning industry.

The most popular and popular varieties of sweet corn are Icy Nectar, Early Golden 401, Spirit, Lakomka 121, Dobrynya, Sundance.


It is a new hybrid and a prominent representative of the sweet corn variety; Suitable for almost all regions of Russia. It is characterized by bright yellow grains, which are collected into cobs up to 20 cm in size. The taste is delicately sweet (due to the high sugar content in the grains), the flesh is quite juicy. The plant has a 2-meter height. When growing this variety with seedlings and planting in open ground at the end of May, Spirit corn will delight you with a high-quality harvest after 2 months.


A hybrid characterized by early ripening. Planting is done in May, after 70 days the ripe cobs can be collected. It has a sweet taste and impressive cob sizes. The height of the plant is approximately 170 cm, the formation of cobs occurs starting from a height of 70 cm. Excellent for fresh consumption, freezing, and canning. Grows in any soil and has good disease resistance.

Gourmet 121

The variety is characterized by high yields and resistance to various diseases. The growing season is 70-75 days. The height of the plant is about 1.5 meters. The length of the cob is up to 20 cm. In the milky ripeness stage, the cobs of the Lakomka 121 variety are very tasty when boiled, and are also used for freezing and canning.

Ice Nectar

A late-ripening variety characterized by excellent taste and good yield. Among the rest it is considered the sweetest. Corn cobs can reach a length of 22 cm, which indicates their significant size.


It has slightly elongated yellow grains, which are excellent for canning and fresh consumption. On each bush, which is not tall, two ears are formed, up to 20 cm long and up to 5 cm in diameter. This variety is sown at the end of May and ripens within 70-95 days.

Early Golden 401

This variety is low-growing, the growing season is approximately 90 days. High resistance to diseases. Average resistance to drought. The weight of the cob is up to 190 grams. The grain is yellow in color with high taste characteristics.

Dental corn: description and varieties

It is characterized by large ears, powerful stems, high yield and good silage yield. In America, this is the main type of corn, grown on an industrial scale and used in livestock production for feed purposes. Its grains are shaped like a tooth and have a depression at the top that forms during ripening. The plants usually do not bush; the grain contains up to 75% starch and is used to produce alcohol, flour and cereals.

Prominent representatives of tooth-shaped corn varieties are Odesskaya 10 and Sterling.

Odesskaya 10

A late-ripening variety that produces a significant yield of green mass and a low yield of grain. Most often grown for silage.


Mid-late high-yielding variety, zoned in almost all corn cultivation zones.

Flint corn: characteristics of varieties

It has a powerful smooth grain (without depressions, rounded on top) of white or yellow color, which consists almost entirely of starch. This species serves as the basis for the production of corn sticks and flakes and is the most widespread on the planet. Crossing this subspecies of corn with dent corn led to the appearance of semi-dent corn.

The most common varieties of corn are Voronezhskaya 80, Voronezhskaya 76, Severodakotskaya.

Voronezhskaya 80

An early hybrid, ripening in 70 days. Valued for its ease of care and high sugar content. The size of the cobs is from 20 to 25 cm, the height of the plant is 170 cm. It is used in canning. Seeds cannot be used for next year's crops. Zoned in the Sakhalin region and the northern regions of Siberia.

Voronezhskaya 76

Early ripening variety. It ripens in almost all regions of the central black earth strip.

North Dakota

Mid-early variety. Planted in the southern and southeastern regions of Russia.

Popping corn: popcorn varieties

In terms of external characteristics, the description of this type of corn varieties is similar: the grains are smooth and shiny, and burst when heated. It was this type that became the basis for the appearance of everyone’s favorite popcorn. The plant is characterized by good bushiness, large number cobs, the presence of a significant number of leaves. The best varieties of corn for popcorn are Vulcan, Erlikon, Dneprovskaya 925.


It is characterized by the excellent taste properties of toasted grain and its high percentage of increase. The corn variety for popcorn is mid-early, drought-resistant, high-yielding, plant height is up to 220 cm. Ear length is about 22 cm. It is grown in forest-steppe and steppe regions.


A mid-early variety, characterized by excellent taste and pleasant aroma. Used to make popcorn, cornflakes and sticks.

Other types of corn

  • Waxy corn. The seeds of this subspecies variety are characterized by a smooth and matte skin. In cross-section, the structure of the grain resembles wax. This species, the variety of which is quite limited, is very popular in China.
  • Starchy corn. One of the oldest on the planet. Most common in southern North America and South American countries. Corn varieties (photos of the plant can often be seen on many specialized resources) are characterized by late maturation. Plants are of medium height, have many leaves, medium to strong bushiness. The grain is round, matte, smooth, and has a convex top. Starch content – ​​up to 80%.
  • Filmy corn. In industry, this type is not used due to the complexity of processing, because not only the cob, but also each grain is covered with individual wrappers.
  • Sharp (nosed) corn. It has no special value, and therefore is not widely distributed.

Fashionable novelty - Hopi corn

This variety of corn is different from the rest and has its own zest - an unusual, unusual black-purple color of the grains, caused by the presence of a special enzyme. Grown primarily in the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. The taste is sweet and delicate, with a pronounced nutty hue. This variety was discovered among the Hopi Indian tribes, which formed the basis of its name. It can be assumed that this is very ancient look plant, which was replaced by the usual bright yellow or orange corn. This “purple” variety, which has many varieties of different colors, has occupied a worthy niche in the consumer market and is widely used in cosmetology, in the production of mixtures and blue corn chips. The popular alcoholic drink “Chicha Morado” is prepared on the basis of blue grains. Hopi corn has many varieties, the color range of which is quite wide: from light gray to almost black. Several flowers can be combined in one cob, which makes these varieties of corn decorative.

Fodder corn varieties

Forage varieties of corn, the purpose of growing which is to obtain a significant amount of silage for feeding to livestock, include varieties such as Kuban early-ripening hybrid, Aurika, Viola, Saratov Sugar, Zolotoe Fleece, Zhemchug. Feed corn, varieties of which are characterized by a high degree of foliage, is also used to obtain high-quality grain.

Landing rules

It is advisable to plant corn in sunny places; she is not picky about the choice of soil, but still prefers light and well-warmed soil. The predecessors of tall crops can be legumes, winter crops, row crops and spring wheat. It can also be planted after tomatoes, root crops and melons.

Soil fertility plays a huge role in obtaining a rich and high-quality harvest, so fertilizing (organic and mineral) is required. During the autumn digging, you can add rotted manure and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers to the ground. In the spring, before planting, the area is first leveled with a rake (to remove the surface crust and break up lumps of earth).

Corn should be planted in soil heated to 12 °C, this occurs around the end of April; the seeds are sown to a depth of about 7 cm. On the eve of planting, about a day in advance, it is recommended to apply nitrogen fertilizers (200 grams per 10 m2) and loosen the soil to a depth of 10 cm.

Seed germination can be accelerated by pre-soaking them in warm water. To do this, they should be placed in a gauze bag, which should be placed in a sunny place for 4 days, and then placed in a solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes. Then the seeds should be washed, placed in a container and placed in a warm place. After 3-4 days, small roots will appear, which is when the seeds can be planted in open ground. In field conditions, the first shoots will appear on about the 12th day.

Many amateur gardeners, in order to get a harvest in a short time, plant ready-made corn seedlings, which are usually 30 days old when planted.

Sowing corn must be done in rows, the distance between rows is 60 cm, between plants - 40 cm. The seeds are planted to a depth of 3-4 cm in a well-watered hole. Of the emerging shoots, of which there may be several (since several seeds are placed in a hole to ensure their germination), the strongest plant should be left, the rest should be disposed of.

When planting corn, you can use the conveyor method, that is, plants with different ripening periods are planted at intervals of 15 days. This will ensure continuous harvesting throughout the summer.

Plant nutrition

Corn should be fertilized when the plant has six leaves. During this period, you can add compost, humus, mullein, and chicken droppings. In addition to organic matter, ammonium nitrate, superphosphate and potassium fertilizers are applied in liquid form between the rows.

The lack of microelements required by the plant can be determined by the appearance of the corn. With short stature and pallor of the leaves, there is a lack of nitrogen; If in the early stages of plant development there is slow growth and the edges of the leaves acquire a purple tint, it means that the crop does not have enough phosphorus. Abnormal waviness of leaves and changes in their color (from pale to dark brown) indicate a lack of potassium.

Features of care

After planting, corn growth is slow for some time, so it is necessary to carry out loosening and weeding (about 3 times during the growing season) in order to enrich the soil with oxygen and remove the top soil crust. Intensive growth of corn begins after the appearance of the eighth leaf; during this period, the daily growth can be 5-6 cm. When side shoots - stepsons - form in corn, the latter should be torn off so that they do not interfere with the development of young cobs and the growth of the plant. The reasons for the formation of unwanted side shoots may be low temperatures at early stages growing season, applying excessive amounts of fertilizers, as well as sparse sowing.

Watering corn, infrequently and abundantly (water should penetrate to a depth of 10-15 cm), must be carried out during the period of laying and ripening of young ears.

What varieties of corn do you know? Perhaps the first thing that comes to mind is the much-touted Bonduelle sweet corn. However, such a variety simply does not exist in nature; this is a successful marketing ploy - Russians are very fond of large sweet corn, sold under the trademark of the same name. In fact, those seeds that market sellers call “Bonduelle” are different varieties and hybrids of sweet corn. For example, the Bonduelle company itself uses foreign varieties such as Bonus, Spirit, etc. in the production of canned food.

Subspecies of common corn

In order not to grow some completely unidentified variety on your plot under the guise of Bonduelli, it is better to study the most popular, best varieties and hybrids of corn, and sow those that you like best. This way you will know for sure whether the purchased variety is resistant to diseases, how long to wait for the cobs to ripen, what taste they will have, and in what form they will be the most delicious.

Most often, early-ripening varieties of sweet corn are grown for production and for personal purposes.

Common corn, known abroad as maize, is divided into the following subspecies:

  • siliceous – used for making corn sticks, flakes, cereals, etc.;
  • dentifrice - from it feed corn is made for livestock feed, as well as cereals, flour and alcohol;
  • bursting, widespread in the USA;
  • starchy, used mainly in the alcohol and starch industries;
  • sugar, used in the canning industry.

Video about sweet corn varieties

Most often, early-ripening varieties of sweet corn are grown for production and for personal purposes, which have a pleasant sweet taste and have time to ripen well in our climate.

Corn hybrids offered by Pioneer and Syngenta companies are especially popular among gardeners. Syngenta corn is characterized by increased resistance to drought and other unfavorable factors. Pioneer corn is resistant to common diseases and pests and produces high yields even under unfavorable growth conditions. Pioneer corn seeds are suitable for growing for grain or silage.

The best varieties of corn with high taste qualities


Grows well in any type of soil, is not afraid of mosaic, rust and wilting

Very sweet taste and large cobs are the main advantages for which Dobrynya corn is valued. This early hybrid is planted in May at a steady temperature of +10 degrees, grows up to 170 cm and forms an average of one and a half full ears per plant, at a height of 70 cm. It grows well on any type of soil, is not afraid of mosaics, rust and wilting. You can harvest Dobrynya corn cobs after sowing, 70 days later, in the milky ripeness phase or when they turn yellow and dry out a little.

Gourmet 121

A high-yielding variety, resistant to various diseases with a growing season of 70-75 days. Corn grows up to one and a half meters in height, the cylindrical cobs reach 20 cm. Wide, slightly elongated grains have a juicy, sweet taste. In the stage of milky ripeness, Gourmand is very tasty when boiled, and is also suitable for canning and freezing.

Early Golden 401

Hybrid Early Golden is resistant to common diseases

Low-growing sweet corn with a growing season of about 90 days. The cobs reach an average size of up to 19 cm, the grains have a pleasant taste when fresh in the milky ripeness phase, are especially tasty when cooked and are perfect for canning. Hybrid Early Golden is resistant to common diseases.


When grown through seedlings from the second half of April and planted in the ground by the end of May, Spirit corn ripens in just two months and brings a consistently high yield, regardless of the region. The plant reaches a height of two meters, the ears are 20 cm long and filled with large yellow grains. A sufficient amount of sugar in the grains provides the Spirit hybrid with an excellent sweet taste, which compares favorably with other sweet corn hybrids.

Video about growing sweet early corn at home


This early-ripening variety is sown at the end of May, and the cobs begin to be harvested after 70-95 days. On a low-growing plant, one or two ears are formed with a diameter of five centimeters and a length of about twenty. Yellow, slightly elongated grains are good fresh and canned.

Ice Nectar

A popular late-ripening variety with excellent taste, it is considered perhaps the sweetest among other varieties. The sugary, juicy grains of this variety of corn in the milky ripeness phase are also good fresh. The productivity is high, the cobs are large - up to 22 cm.