Brief description of the death of an official. "Death of an Official" main characters

In this story, the rank of the main character is not named, but his small position is indicated. He was an economic executive “at an office or public place.” This position allowed Ivan Dmitrich to visit the theater. What Akaki Akakievich could not even dream of. The social status of the Chekhov official was freed from the miserable everyday conditions that caused Akaki Akakievich to tremble among his superiors. By this, the author excludes the explanation of Chervyakov’s death by fear. He tries to persuade the reader to find internal psychological reasons.

Chervyakov gladly humiliates his own human dignity. He was an official based on his inner moral and psychological essence. Very succinct details reveal this essence. The author selects words such as worm, person, apologize, explain.

The misunderstanding between the executor and the general, the intensity of this misunderstanding formed the basis of the initial situation of this story. Bryuzzhalov, having a high rank, remains a normal person. Chervyakov, on the contrary, is a prominent representative of officials of low ranks who bow to higher ranks, regardless of their merits and personal qualities. Chekhov's executor feels the need for such worship. Chervyakov is not a performer or an ideologist, not a bribe-taker and not a careerist. He is the embodiment of the idea of ​​bureaucracy. Chekhov calls him “an excellent executor.” He is a performer by nature, who should not have his own judgment, but simply perform. Such blind execution leads to servility in reverse side– violence. The word “executor” in French implies both execution and punishment. Main character, without suspecting, does this to Brizzhalov and to himself.

Chekhov's Worms exist in any environment and exist among any people. His Russian name Ivan has various foreign language analogues. Such an official may be skinny and very impressive. His person is eternal and immortal. In his story, Chekhov showed his readers that a little man is no less capable of being an official by nature than anyone else. Ivan Chervyakov was dying from not being understood, receiving satisfaction from the right to grovel.

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Summary Death of an official Chekhov

A.P. Chekhov

Name: Death of an official

Genre: Story

Duration: 4min 55sec


In the theater, Ivan Dmitrich Chervyakov sneezed and splashed the general sitting in front of him, who was not his immediate superior, but was a fairly important person in the Department of Transport. Chervyakov tries to apologize, but every time he tries to do this, the general interrupts the apology, saying that nothing bad happened.
Whenever Chervyakov is interrupted in the middle of a sentence, his anxiety becomes stronger. To explain that it was an accident, he apologizes the first time, then the second, then visits the general’s house, then again... Ultimately, the general breaks down and shouts at Ivan Dmitrich, after which he comes home, lies down and dies. The story takes a satirical form and the civil servant is reduced to a caricature.
This situation demonstrates the despotic nature that defines the relationship between clerks and their superiors. The story illustrates the fear of a minor official whose career depends on a person of higher rank. The death of an official carries a metaphorical meaning - the emphasis is on maintaining the position, while even receiving some benefits. And damage to relationships entails loss of work. Quite ironically, the official dies during a rift in the relationship, thereby symbolizing the loss life goal and personalities who disappeared along with their careers.

A.P. Chekhov - Death of an Official. Listen to the summary in audio online.

Executor Ivan Dmitrievich Chervyakov watches the play “The Bells of Corneville” in the theater. During the performance, Chervyakov sneezes and sprays on the old man, whom he recognizes as Civilian General Brizzhalov, an employee of the Department of Railways. The embarrassed executor begins to whisper an apology to the general. Brizzhalov says: “Nothing, nothing...” and asks not to interfere with listening. During the intermission, an embarrassed Chervyakov approaches the general and apologizes again. The general tells him that he has already forgotten about this misunderstanding, but thoughts about what happened do not leave Ivan Dmitrievich’s head. Arriving home, he tells his wife how he sneezed on the general. The wife is frightened at first, but when she learns that the general is a “stranger,” she calms down and advises him to go and apologize.

The next day, Chervyakov puts on a new uniform, gets his hair cut and goes to Brizzhalov. In the reception room, the executor again apologizes to the general, who says: “What nonsense... God knows what!” and begins to deal with petitioners. Ivan Dmitrievich thinks that Brizzhalov doesn’t even want to talk to him, and decides that it can’t be left like this. When the general finishes with the visitors, Chervyakov again tries to apologize. Brizzhalov really doesn’t want to listen to him anymore, considering that this is a mockery.

Chervyakov decides that he will no longer go around and apologize, but will write a letter. He, however, does not write the letter, and the next day he goes to the general himself. Brizhalov, furious, kicks Chervyakov out. The executor returns home, without taking off his uniform, lies down on the sofa and dies.

Summary of Chekhov's story “The Death of an Official”

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The story “The Death of an Official” was created by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov in 1883 and was included in the publishing house’s collection “Motley Stories” in 1886. The work from the series “it would be funny if it weren’t so sad” contains elements of both satire and drama.

Death of an official briefly

Petty official Ivan Chervyakov enjoyed The Bells of Corneville at the theater. Accidentally sneezed on the person in front. It turned out to be a high-ranking general Brizzhalov. Chervyakov was so frightened by his mistake that he immediately began to ask for forgiveness from the general.

But this did not bother him at all, he only asked not to interfere with listening. Chervyakov did not let up and pestered Brizzhalov with his apologies, first during intermission, then went to his home, then to an official reception, until, finally, he finally brought the general out of patience, and he kicked the annoying petitioner out the door.

Chervyakov did not take this attitude adequately, fell into a state of shock, did not hear anything and did not see anyone. He returned home, lay down without taking off his uniform, and died. This short story, when first published in 1883, was called “The Case” and at first glance reveals a desire to serve and a person’s subordination to authority.

However, critics saw in him perhaps even more than the author could have imagined. The narrative reveals a number of psychological themes. The semantic subtext of the work is dissatisfaction with life, the political system of Russia at that time, the idea of ​​​​the futility of aspirations and achievements in comparison with the efforts made.

Self-destruction of a person for the sake of a career. The death of an official here has a figurative meaning - a little man is struggling to keep his job or even get some kind of career advancement, and understands that he can lose everything because of a little thing. An example of a crisis of relationships in the bureaucratic environment, servility and a sense of obligation to superiors, and in an excessive form. The little man’s fear of those in power, in case he harbors a grudge and takes revenge. The story ridicules not only the stupidity, but also the absurdity of the situation. Chervyakov died due to imaginary anxiety in front of a non-existent threat.

>Chekhov's works

Quick jump:

A very brief summary (in a nutshell)

A minor official, Ivan Chervyakov, accidentally sneezes in the theater and sprays General Brizzhalov, who is sitting in front of him. He gets scared and immediately apologizes to the general. He does not pay any attention to the incident, but the official does not let up and continues to apologize - during intermission, then goes to his house once, then twice. Brizhalov can’t stand it and shouts at Chervyakov to get out. Chervyakov is so frightened that when he comes home he dies.

Summary (details)

A certain minor official-executor Ivan Dmitrich Chervyakov with pleasure, feeling himself “at the height of bliss,” watches the play “The Bells of Corneville” at the Arcadia Theater. But then suddenly an annoying misunderstanding happens to the man: he sneezes, and not just sneezes, but accidentally “sprays” the old man sitting in front of him, General Brizzhalov, who serves in the Department of Railways.

This incident, despite the fact that the general is not the hero’s superior, makes Ivan Dmitrich truly “embarrassed.” Chervyakov feels an urgent need to apologize to the general and does so. Brizhalov immediately forgives him and does not attach any significance to the incident, only responding: “Nothing, nothing...”

But Chervyakov does not let up. He apologizes to the general several more times during the evening and still goes home in confusion. It seems to the official that Brizzhalov is only pretending to be indifferent, but in fact he thinks that he (Ivan Dmitrich) deliberately spat in the back of his head.

Chervyakov’s wife does not share her husband’s concerns, but still believes that it is worth apologizing to the general once again. Ivan Dmitrich even puts on a new uniform, gets his hair cut and heads home to Brizzhalov for an explanation.

The general still considers the previous incident to be just a trifle, but the official thinks that the boss simply does not want to talk to him. Therefore, Chervyakov decides to write a letter of apology to Brizzhalov, but cannot find the right words. Then the official again comes to the important person’s home.

As a result, with his endless attempts to beg forgiveness, Chervyakov drives Brizzhalov to the point where he is furious, stomping his feet, shouting: “Get out!!” Cold with horror, Ivan Dmitrich feels like “something has been torn away” from his stomach. He obediently backs away to the door, and then, “seeing nothing, hearing nothing,” goes out into the street and trudges along it. Arriving home, Chervyakov, without taking off his uniform, lies down on the sofa and dies.