How to get into the Airborne Forces under a contract without military service. Salaries of military personnel in Russia Contract service in the Airborne Forces

Hi all! Today we will touch upon such a topic as military service under contract in the Russian Airborne Forces. Namely, we will consider such issues as vacancies under contract in the Airborne Forces in 2019, those who serve under contract in the airborne forces, as well as the conditions for serving under contract in the Airborne Forces for military personnel and members of their families. The Airborne Forces will take a special place in our article.

Contract service in airborne regiments, divisions, military units, brigades

Contract service in the Airborne Forces is a job for real men!

At the moment, the structural strength includes four full-fledged divisions, and there are also separate regiments, airborne and air assault brigades.

For those who have decided to connect their life, or at least part of it, with service in the Airborne Forces, I highly recommend studying the composition of the Airborne Forces and the locations of the units and subunits of the Russian Airborne Forces.

So, according to official information from the website of the Russian Ministry of Defense, the Airborne Forces consists of:

  • 76th Guards Air Assault Division, stationed in Pskov:
  1. military unit 32515 104th Guards Air Assault Regiment
  2. military unit 74268 234th Guards Air Assault Regiment
  3. military unit 45377 1140 artillery regiment and others
  • military unit 65451 98th Guards Airborne Division, located in Ivanovo:
  1. military unit 62295 217 Guards Parachute Regiment
  2. military unit 71211 331st Guards Parachute Regiment (location: Kostroma)
  3. military unit 62297 1065th Guards Artillery Red Banner Regiment (location Kostroma)
  4. military unit 65391 215th separate guards reconnaissance company and others
  • 7th Guards Air Assault (Mountain) Division, location – Novorossiysk:
  1. military unit 42091 108th air assault regiment
  2. military unit 54801 247 air assault regiment (location: Stavropol)
  3. military unit 40515 1141 artillery regiment (location in Anapa) and others
  • 106th Guards Airborne Division - Tula:
  1. military unit 41450 137th parachute regiment
  2. military unit 33842 51st parachute regiment
  3. military unit 93723 1182 artillery regiment (location: Naro-Fominsk) and others

Airborne regiments and brigades:

  • military unit 32364 11th separate guards airborne brigade, stationed in the city of Ulan-Ude
  • military unit 28337 45th separate guards special purpose brigade - Moscow
  • 56th Separate Guards Air Assault Brigade. Location: Kamyshin city
  • military unit 73612 31st separate guards air assault brigade. Located in Ulyanovsk
  • military unit 71289 83rd separate guards airborne brigade. Location – Ussuriysk
  • military unit 54164 38th separate guards airborne communications regiment. Located in the Moscow region, in the village of Medvezhye Ozera

Cuban contract service in airborne special forces in the 45th special forces brigade

Let's start with the brigade, which, apparently, every second candidate aspires to join. Namely, in the 45th brigade (regiment) of the Airborne Forces. To avoid repetition, I will immediately give a link to the material where we have already told everything about this military unit in the article

Contract service in the Tula Airborne Forces

The contract in the Airborne Forces became a successful springboard for many and good lesson in life

The next most popular is the 106th Guards Airborne Division, which is located in the hero city of Tula. Full name 106th Guards Airborne Tula Red Banner Order of Kutuzov Division.

The division includes units:

  • parachute regiments
  • communications department,
  • material support division (MS),
  • medical squad,
  • engineering unit

Accordingly, it’s quite a lot for contract service in the 106th Airborne Division.

Contract servicemen serving under contract in the Airborne Forces in the city of Tula, during their service, live in separate living quarters (cubbies) for 4-6 soldiers. Those who do not want to live on the territory of the unit, as well as family military personnel, have the right to rent housing in the city itself. In this case, they are paid monetary compensation for renting housing.

Also, every serviceman can use it to solve their housing problems.

Since the unit is located in the city itself, there are no problems with employment of members of military families.

Airborne Forces contract service Ryazan

Those who wish to serve in the Airborne Forces in Ryazan should contact the 137th Parachute Regiment, military unit 41450 Regimental address: Ryazan - 7 Oktyabrsky Gorodok

The conditions for entering a contract in an airborne regiment are the same as for other candidates for a contract.

In 137 PDP, in addition to regular units, for example, PDB, there is:

  • special center,
  • airborne training ground

Military unit 41450 has a club, a library, a museum of military glory, a stadium and a gym.

There is a garrison military hospital on the territory of the Ryazan garrison.

There are also no problems with employing family members of contract workers. The military unit is located within the city limits. Accordingly, the state fulfills them in full.

Contract service Pskov Airborne Forces

The next place for future contract soldiers to serve is the oldest unit of the Airborne Forces, namely the 76th Guards Air Assault Division, located in the city of military glory Pskov.

As part of the 76th Guards. The DSD has the following divisions:

  • three air assault regiments
  • Guards Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment
  • separate reconnaissance battalion
  • separate communications battalion
  • repair and restoration battalion and others

The conditions of service and living conditions for contract servicemen are the same as in other military units of the Airborne Forces

Service under contract of the Airborne Forces Ulyanovsk

For those who have chosen to serve in the Airborne Forces and also live or are ready to move to the city of Ulyanovsk, they are lucky, because the 31st Separate Guards Air Assault Brigade (31 Air Assault Brigade) is located here, military unit 73612 address Ulyanovsk, 3rd Engineering travel

The 31st Airborne Brigade includes:

  • parachute and air assault battalions
  • artillery battalion
  • engineer company

Since 2005, all units of the brigade have been staffed exclusively by contract soldiers.

Contract in the Airborne Forces in Crimea

Back in 2016, the then commander of the Airborne Forces, Vladimir Shamanov, announced that during 2017, the 97th Airborne Assault Regiment would be recreated in Dzhankoy, Crimea. But there is no information about this yet.

Monetary allowances for military personnel under contract in the Airborne Forces

In addition to the basic payments that are due to every serviceman of the Russian Army, the Airborne Forces are entitled to, namely in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 2700 dated December 30, 2011, the salary of a contract soldier of the Airborne Forces is increased by 50 percent of the salary for a military position, provided that the serviceman has fulfilled established by the Minister of Defense Russian Federation rate of skydiving for the past year.

For military personnel, for each complicated parachute jump, the allowance increases by 1 percent.

It is worth noting that in the 45th Airborne Brigade (Regiment), military personnel receive an additional 50% of their salary for military service in a special forces unit.

Airborne Forces contract service reviews

Our Airborne Forces are rapidly developing. More and more models of modern military equipment. This means that the Airborne Forces will constantly require professional military personnel.

Regarding the reviews, I would like to say that it depends on the military unit where the service will take place, and sometimes on the military man himself. What can you say about this? How is your contract in the Airborne Forces?

The state is in dire need of strong army. For this reason, today we are actively recruiting contract soldiers. They are capable of successfully replacing conscripts. In order to attract as many new contract employees as possible, it is planned to increase the salaries of military personnel this and next year.

Amount of cash benefit

The salary of military personnel in the Russian Federation is determined by the Law of November 7, 2011. It includes a monthly salary and additional payments.

The amount of the cash benefit is as follows:

  1. Land service - 20.0 thousand/30 days.
  2. Navy - 22.0 thousand/30 days.
  3. Air Force - 20.0 thousand/30 days.
  4. Service on nuclear submarines - 50.0 thousand/30 days.

If a soldier receives a rank, the amount increases. The average salary of a sergeant and sergeant increases to 30.0 thousand/30 days. A lieutenant receives up to 40.0 thousand/30 days.

Salaries of soldiers and sergeants

The system of bonuses and allowances is quite complex. Without knowing the base salary of contract servicemen, it is impossible to clarify the size of their salary. The table shows the salaries of privates, sergeants and foremen - for military personnel who do not have higher education.

Gunner's salary

A rifleman means a private with two years of service. You can find out how much he earns from the sign.

Squad commander salary

A squad commander is understood to be a junior sergeant of the 3rd class, whose length of service varies from 2 to 5 years.

The salary of a squad commander, who is a 2nd class sergeant and has 5 to 10 years of service, looks like this:

Deputy platoon commander salary

A deputy platoon commander is a senior sergeant 1st class with 10 to 15 years of service. The sign shows how much he receives:

Platoon commander salary

A platoon commander is understood to be a foreman, a foreman, whose length of service is 15-20 years. The sign shows how much he earns.

How much a sergeant major, a master with 20-25 years of service, earns is shown in the table:

Officers' salaries

This position requires higher education. With bonuses, the salaries of officers look quite impressive. Without them, the salary of military personnel with an officer rank looks like this:

  1. Platoon commander - 20.0 thousand rubles.
  2. Deputy company commander - 21.0 thousand rubles.
  3. Company commander - 22.0 thousand rubles.
  4. Deputy battalion commander - 23.0 thousand rubles.
  5. Battalion commander - 24.0 thousand rubles.
  6. Deputy com. shelf - 25.0 thousand rubles.
  7. Command regiment - 26.5 thousand rubles.
  8. Deputy com. brigades - 27.5 thousand rubles.
  9. Brigade commander - 29.0 thousand rubles.
  10. Deputy com. divisions - 29.5 thousand rubles.

What is contract service in the army? This is a military activity in the armed forces, carried out on a voluntary basis, when a citizen wishing to serve signs a contract for a certain period. Contract service has certain conditions for military personnel and presupposes a stable salary, a social package, all kinds of benefits, monetary compensation, and incentives.

We will dwell in detail on the important details of contract service and tell you in this publication about the advantages of contract service in the RF Armed Forces and the requirements for contract soldiers.

Requirements and conditions of contract service in the army

Conditions under which a citizen enters into a contract and subsequently enters into voluntary work military service, are fixed at the legislative level. All requirements for contract employees are regulated by the following regulatory documents:

  1. Chapter V of the Law “On military duty"(Federal Law No. 53 of March 28, 1998).
  2. Special rules of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with these legislative acts Citizens who enter voluntary contract service in the army are subject to a number of mandatory requirements:

  1. Citizen's age. If the first contract is concluded, then a citizen of the Russian Federation must be at least 18 years old and not older than 40 years old.
  2. Education. Citizens with education ranging from secondary education and above are accepted.
  3. Categories of persons. Citizens who have previously completed military service - contract or conscription - are allowed to perform contract service; citizens who are “in reserve”; women, and other categories of citizens (check out full list persons who may be allowed to serve under a contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation can be found in the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”, Art. 34).
  4. Health status. Persons who have passed a military medical commission and are classified by it in one of groups “A” (a person is “fit” for military service) and group “B” (a person is fit for military service with minor restrictions) are allowed to serve under a contract.
  5. Fitness level. It must comply with the standards prescribed in the NFP-2009. The physical fitness of a contract soldier is assessed by such qualities as speed, endurance, and strength. In order to assess the listed parameters, a citizen entering contract service must complete one exercise for each of them for verification.
  6. Limitations on professional suitability. During the selection of candidates for contract service, the cases of citizens who have received a conclusion on the assignment of the following categories will be considered:
    - I. This category is assigned to citizens who are “recommended first”;
    - II. This category means that citizens are "recommended";
    - III. Means that the citizen is "conditionally recommended". In the absence of the first two categories.

How to become a contract soldier in the Russian Armed Forces?

If you have made a decision join the army under contract, then the first thing you need to do is come to the local selection point for contract soldiers for detailed advice on issues regarding admission to contract military service and the conditions for its completion. For the applying citizen, vacancies of military positions for which he can apply will be presented, and a corresponding recommendation will be issued for submission to the military commissariat.

After this, a citizen applying for a position as a contract soldier must contact the local department of the military commissariat with his passport and submit an application there, which will be considered by the military commissar. Next, activities will be assigned, the task of which is to determine the health status of the applicant and his level of physical fitness. After these two stages have been completed, a final decision is made on whether the citizen can be accepted for military service under a contract.

If all checks and tests are passed by the citizen successfully, then he will be issued a military ID, after which a contract for military service in the RF Armed Forces will be concluded. Next, he is sent to a military training unit, where he will undergo an intensive combined arms training course. During the training period, the command staff will observe the newly hired contract soldier, study his professional, personal, physical qualities. His aptitude for leadership (required for sergeant positions) will also be analyzed. After the training course is completed, the contract soldier is sent to the main place where his service in the armed forces will take place.

Contract service - salary of a contract worker in 2018

For the current year, there are two main legislative documents that establish the amount and types of monetary allowance due to contract servicemen in the RF Armed Forces:

  1. Federal Law of November 7, 2011 N 306-FZ “On monetary allowances for military personnel and provision of individual payments to them.”
  2. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 5, 2011 N 992 “On the establishment of salaries for military personnel performing military service under a contract.”

The basic salary of contract military personnel, according to the mentioned laws, consists of two parts:

  • Salary for military position;
  • Salary according to military rank.

Various allowances are added monthly to the basic salary of a contract soldier in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for:

  1. Qualification.
  2. Longevity.
  3. Risk to health and life.
  4. Special conditions for military service.
  5. Working with classified information that is a state secret.
  6. High level of physical fitness (after passing the standards).
  7. Significant achievements in military service.
  8. Knowledge of foreign languages.

Additionally, annual financial assistance (EMA) and bonuses are paid for the fact that the serviceman copes well with his official duties.

The amount of monetary allowance for contract military personnel

Let's focus on specific numbers and voice average salary contract military personnel in 2018 amounted to:

  • 30,000 rubles is the average salary of an ordinary contract soldier.
  • 40,000 rubles is the average salary of sergeants and foremen.
  • 55,000 rubles is the average salary of lieutenants.

These figures for the salaries of contract military personnel were announced back in 2017 by Tatyana Shevtsova, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, responsible for organizing financial support for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. By the way, Shevtsova is the only woman in Russia with the rank corresponding to an army general - actual state adviser of the Russian Federation, 1st class.

From January 1, 2018, the pay of military personnel was increased 1.04 times (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 21, 2017 No. 1598 "On increasing the pay of military personnel and employees of certain federal bodies executive branch). This increase will also affect contract soldiers - salaries for military positions and salaries for military ranks of military personnel serving under contract.

In addition to monetary allowance, various types of benefits and material compensation are established for contract soldiers. These include:

  • Compensation for sub-rental housing (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 18, 2015 No. 989 “On amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2004 No. 909”). This payment allows the military to partially reimburse the costs of renting housing if a service apartment was not provided. Cash compensation is paid in accordance with established standards for the region (for example, for the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg - this is 15,000 rubles as of 2019);
  • “Lifting allowance” - a cash allowance for a military personnel when moving to a new duty station; the lifting allowance is paid not only to the contract soldier, but also to all family members;
  • A one-time benefit upon dismissal from military service is paid upon dismissal with a total length of service of 20 years or more in the amount of 7 salaries (with less than 20 years of service, a contract soldier receives 2 salaries upon dismissal).

Social package for contract military personnel

It is worth noting that the state has provided a wide package of social benefits for contract servicemen:

  1. Free medical care in military medical institutions.
  2. During the period of service, the serviceman is provided with official housing. There are also military mortgage programs, and.
  3. Retirement at age 45 (with 20 years of service).
  4. Advantages for contract workers when entering vocational schools and universities.
  5. Providing military uniforms and food (or placing on a boiler allowance - free food in the army canteen).
  6. Health and life insurance. The state provides impressive payments in the event that a serviceman is declared unfit for service due to an injury received in the service (the contract soldier will receive 2 million rubles). Significant insurance payments to the family in the event of death (the family will receive insurance in the amount of 3 million rubles).
  7. Free travel*.

*According to Art. 20 “Transportation. Postal items" Federal Law No. 76-FZ of May 27. 1998 “On the status of military personnel”:

1.1. Military personnel undergoing military service under contract in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, other areas with unfavorable climatic and (or) environmental conditions, including remote ones, as well as on the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation included in the Ural, Siberian and Far Eastern federal districts have the right to travel free of charge by rail, air, water and road (except for taxis) transport once a year across the territory of the Russian Federation to the place of use of the main (vacation) vacation and back. Military personnel performing military service under a contract outside the territory of the Russian Federation have the right to travel free of charge by rail, air, water and road (except for taxis) once a year to the place of use of their main (vacation) leave on the territory of the Russian Federation and back.
1.2. Military personnel undergoing military service under a contract, upon transfer to a new place of military service and dismissal from military service, in addition, have the right to transport free of charge up to 20 tons of personal property in containers from their previous place of residence to a new one by rail, and there, where there is no railway transport, other modes of transport (with the exception of air). In the case of transportation of personal property in a separate carriage, luggage and small shipments are reimbursed actual expenses, but not higher than the cost of transportation in a container weighing 20 tons.

Pros and cons of contract service in the armed forces

The contract army in Russia is a relatively new phenomenon, and before entering military service under a contract, you should know what pros and cons await you.

Let's focus on the positive aspects:

  1. For many citizens, contract service in the army is a very profitable job, especially in remote towns and villages where it is difficult to find work.
  2. Contract military personnel have a serious social package, including numerous benefits. In addition to status, contract service in the army provides a good, stable salary and the opportunity to get housing.
  3. Modern contract service in the RF Armed Forces can be compared to regular work, in contrast to conscripts who have a number of restrictions.

Speaking about the advantages of contract service, one cannot help but recall the disadvantages:

  1. The obvious disadvantage of contract military service is the need to risk both your health and life.
  2. Limitation of personal space and freedom. Not every person is ready to obey orders and unconditionally fulfill the requirements of the command; simply put, life according to the regulations is not a sanatorium.
  3. Not everyone can withstand the conditions of military service; for example, statistics show that almost 20% of those who first signed a contract break it after a few months of service. Everyone has their own own reasons However, most often this decision is caused by the fact that the recruit contract soldier failed to cope with the probationary period. Sometimes among possible reasons breaking contact on the part of the Ministry of Defense may be alcohol abuse by newly minted military personnel; drunkenness has no place in the army!
  4. Not everyone likes forced business trips, the need to constantly wear a uniform, and living in field conditions if necessary.

To summarize, it can be noted that the transition of the Russian army to contract service is a new promising solution that can raise the prestige of the Armed Forces, as well as ensure the fulfillment of the tasks facing the army, both in peacetime and in case of war. Contract service guarantees a stable, decent salary for contract servicemen, and also offers a number of benefits and privileges.

However, before making your final decision, carefully consider all the pros and cons of contract service in the army; you must understand the degree of responsibility both for your life, for the lives of your comrades, and for the lives of those whom you protect while serving in the Russian Army. Of course, contract service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is a prestigious and noble undertaking.

Article content:

The Russian Airborne Forces are the elite of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The requirements for military personnel become especially noticeable, because any deviation is not allowed. This approach is associated with serious and complex tasks, which are placed in front of Russian military personnel.

Service in the Russian Airborne Forces: important features

Members of the Russian Airborne Forces must be prepared to successfully complete missions, regardless of their level of complexity.

Requirements for applicants:

  • health status – category A1;
  • mental and professional selection – first or second level;
  • readiness for a proper parachute jump;
  • physical training.

Those who enter the Russian Airborne Forces must successfully perform sabotage and assault missions. Such service is performed to develop the skills of correct actions on enemy territory. Taking into account the complexity of the upcoming army service, the special requirements become clear.

In Russia there are about 15 groups, which are located in different regions of the country. In each unit, contract service in the Airborne Forces is carried out under the same conditions. For this reason, there is no special significance noted in the location of the service.

Places of military service in the Russian Airborne Forces:

  • personnel training centers (Ryazan, Chkalovsky);
  • military unit special purpose (Moscow region, Naro-Fominsk);
  • engineering unit (Temryuk);
  • artillery unit of the Airborne Forces (Kostroma).

The places described above are only part of the locations for the Airborne Forces service in Russia.

Contract soldiers receive special benefits that are provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation:

  • departmental housing for contract soldiers and their families;
  • free medical services;
  • clothing supply;
  • food supply.

Benefits, salary, social package guarantee easier living conditions.

Plans of the Russian Airborne Forces

The airborne troops of the Russian Federation, as well as the submarine fleet and strategic missile forces, must completely switch to contract service by 2020. At the same time, at least 90% of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation must be contract-based. The Airborne Forces, Strategic Missile Forces, and submarine fleets must switch to 100% contract service.

Currently, about 60% of military personnel in the Russian Airborne Forces serve on a contract basis. This fact is already becoming noticeable. Contract soldiers have a special motivation to serve, thanks to which they demonstrate their best capabilities and successfully confirm their potential.

In 2014, more than 250,000 people were recruited for contract service. In 2017, their number should reach 500,000. However, the result largely depends on how successfully the candidate engagement activities are carried out:

  • regular promotions;
  • the ability to conduct all qualifying events in the shortest possible time and according to a convenient schedule;
  • fulfillment of state obligations to provide benefits, social packages, and salary payments.

Features of promotions to attract contract soldiers

Every year special events are held to allow young men liable for military service to learn about service opportunities. Such events help improve the level of contract service. If necessary, specialized promotions are carried out, for example, “Contract service in Airborne Forces– your choice!

A set of events during the promotions:

  • familiarization with the everyday life and peculiarities of life of contract soldiers;
  • display of equipment and weapons that are in the possession of the Russian Airborne Forces;
  • display of property and material resources;
  • demonstration performances and concert program.

Such events help strengthen the Russian Airborne Forces, because there are more and more contract soldiers and they successfully perform their duties.

How to prepare for service in the Russian Airborne Forces?

The Russian Airborne Forces have special requirements for everyone who serves. For this reason, preparation becomes especially important:

  • obtaining higher education. Educated men can serve 2 years under contract. Despite the extended service life, salary and social benefits are guaranteed;
  • sports training. A man should not only run 3–5 kilometers, but also perform pull-ups with a normal grip on the bar, pull-ups with a snatch, power pull-ups, push-ups on hands, fists and fingers, and push-ups on uneven bars. For this reason, you cannot do without sports;
  • On all commissions, emphasis must be placed on the sincere desire to serve in the Russian Airborne Forces. It is allowed to convince military registration and enlistment office employees, but with this approach you need to be tactful. If there is an airborne unit operating in the city, it is best to contact the commander;
  • readiness for landing and parachute jumping becomes mandatory;
  • perfect health is a must;
  • The optimal height for soldiers is 175 – 190 cm, weight – 75 – 90 kg.

The above requirements must be taken into account in order to serve in the Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation for the benefit of their homeland.

Video: Contract service in the Airborne Forces

They write to me every day and ask if I know how to get a contract to serve in the army. More and more guys and even girls are considering this as an opportunity to get a stable source of income, subsidized housing, and acquire a profession.

In this article we will talk about what military service under a contract gives, we will dispel common myths, and at the end you will go through test for readiness for contract service. Are you ready? Forward!

Who is hired for contract service?

There are two extremes: some think that anyone can become a contract soldier, while others are sure that contract service is only for the “Rimbaud” elite. In fact, contract service in 2017 is available to many, including:

  • Conscripted military personnel. If you are due to be drafted this spring, read THIS ARTICLE now and you will be much more prepared.
  • Reserve military personnel are those who have already served and received a military ID.
  • Foreign citizens.
  • Women.

There are requirements for contract service:

  • The age range is from 19 to 35 years, so it will not be possible to immediately go to serve under a contract after 9th grade, as some want.
  • Education – at least secondary, that is, 11 grades. There are a number of specialties that accept incomplete secondary education, but they are few.
  • Good physical shape - you will need to pass the standards.
  • Professional training.
  • Proficiency – you can find out if you are suitable by taking the test at the end of the article.
  • good health– suitability categories A and B.

For those who are thinking about going into contract service and connecting their lives with the army, I have an article about the structure Armed Forces Russian Federation and types of troops. I advise you to read the article HERE.

Who cannot serve under contract

Problems with the law will deprive you of the opportunity to get a contract in the army in 2017. The contract cannot be concluded with persons against whom an investigation is underway, the case has been brought to court or a sentence has already been passed. Also, the Ministry of Defense does not want to see in the ranks of contract soldiers those who have an unexpunged or outstanding criminal record, as well as those who have served their sentences in prison.

Minimum contract duration

If you are entering into a contract for the first time, its duration will be 3 years, including a trial period of 3 months.

How to get there to selection points for contract service

On the official website of the Ministry of Defense there is a list of selection points where you can submit an application. Open the page using the link and search for your region. Here is the link:

On the same website, you can send a request to the point of your choice and provide your email address or contact telephone number here:

Contract service: how much do they pay?

There are rumors that you can get 50-70 thousand a month. Is this true? In fact minimum size The salary is 17,000 rubles in the first year of service. This base amount may increase depending on various factors.

What is it made up of? salary for contract service:

  1. Salary for a military position.
  2. Salary according to military rank.
  3. Monthly additional payments for length of service, risks, secrecy, etc.
  4. Other payments: bonuses, allowances, increasing coefficients.

Many are eager to find out how to get contract service in Syria, because they are sure that there is a goldmine there. Indeed, when serving in hot spots, the salary increases. However, it will not be possible to go to serve in Syria and other combat zones “from the street”, since the most experienced and qualified candidates are carefully selected.

How can a contract soldier get an apartment? and other "bonuses"

In addition to monetary allowance, contract workers receive a social package with “bonuses” from the state. Of course, no one will give you an apartment right away, but you get a real chance to get one in the future if you stay in the army seriously and for a long time.

What is included in the contract employee's social package:

  • service housing or dormitory for the duration of the contract;
  • free treatment in medical institutions of the Ministry of Defense;
  • free food (many parts have switched to buffet style, and overall the quality of food has greatly improved);
  • free uniforms;
  • free travel to the place of duty;
  • with 20 years of service – the right to housing and retirement from the age of 45;
  • life and health insurance.

How to terminate a contract in the army early at your own request

Many people are interested in whether it will be possible to “back up” if the service is not to their liking. Of course, a contract is not slavery, and no one will handcuff you in the barracks. Dismissal from military service under a contract for family reasons and other personal reasons is possible.

Will they hire me to serve under a contract? Ministry of Defense test

I invite everyone who is interested in contract military service in 2017 to take the official test on the Ministry of Defense website. It is located at the link below:

(3 ratings, average: 4,67 out of 5)

Contract service without fixed-term service

Today we will consider a pressing question from our readers, namely, Is it possible to serve under a contract without compulsory military service?

Since 2017 it has become possible to serve 2 years contract instead of 1 year military service. This was done on behalf of our Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Armed Forces.

Regular units of the Russian Armed Forces originated with Ivan the Terrible. During that reign, the militias were replaced by archers with monetary allowances and land benefits. Apparently, that’s when the first contract soldiers appeared - professional defenders of the Fatherland!

Contract service instead of conscript service in 2017

Now in Russia, according to the law, it is assumed that you can serve as a contract soldier, even if you did not serve compulsory military service.

A clear example of a conscript’s choice between contract service and conscript service

Generally speaking, contract service represents your military activities in the interests of your state and is performed exclusively on a voluntary basis.

With this option, it can be called a job that provides a stable monetary remuneration, with a full social benefits package and other monetary incentives. When applying for such a job, a special agreement (contract) is concluded for the entire stipulated period of service.

Information useful for studying:

In the army under contract without compulsory service

When choosing contract service instead of urgent service First, you need to visit the selection point, where you can get a full consultation, learn about available vacancies and nuances. There you will also receive a letter of recommendation to the local commissariat.

At the commissariat you present this letter with your passport and are given a form to write your application. Then the application will be reviewed and a review time will be determined to determine readiness for contract service.

The application is registered with the military commission, a personal file is opened with an appointment, based on the results of selection activities, including medical examinations.

Rejection of an application for a contract instead of military service occurs in the event of an age discrepancy, if a criminal case has been opened, if you had to be in prison, if your criminal record has not been expunged, due to administrative penalties for the detection of narcotic and psychotropic drugs in the blood.

If the indicators match, a military ID will be issued. Then the contract will be concluded. Next comes the implementation of combined arms training activities using an intensive training course, arriving at the nearest military training unit.

When training, you must show all your physical, job and personal qualities from the best side.

The preparatory process will be controlled by the unit's command, which will evaluate the leadership qualities required by contract soldiers. If the command is satisfied with the training indicators, there will be a referral to further military service.

Service under contract with secondary education college, technical school

In 2017, changes were added to Law No. 53-FZ “On Military Duty and Military Service” for students of secondary specialized institutions. Now they can become contract soldiers without compulsory service. But writing an application for contract service is only possible after receiving a diploma and certificate.

The law allows for contract service without compulsory military service.

Instead of an annual conscription service, the duration of contract service lasts for two years, but with an accrued monetary allowance.

Those on contract, after graduating from college, begin rank-and-file positions, and when the command recognizes the recruit’s leadership qualities, he can become a sergeant or warrant officer.

Conscript service under contract with higher education

The second option was when there was no military department at the university.

When the institute does not have a military department, and it is impossible to obtain a military specialty and rank, but there is a desire to undergo military service, the necessary actions should be performed:

Come to the military registration and enlistment office according to your registration;

Find out about specialties for contract military personnel;

Make a choice of the specialty for which you can go to serve under a contract;

The fact that there was no military department in an educational institution, and there was no military profession or rank, is different for a contract soldier. This differs in that at the beginning only an ordinary rank is available and for the first half of the year you will have to go to the training unit to study the basics.

Service under contract with higher education

The military commissariat highly preferably accepts candidates who have graduated from universities and who want to sign a contract with the army. This is not happening for a general plan for recruiting contract soldiers. It is considered very important that a competent specialist comes to master the complex equipment adopted for service. In addition, thanks to a high level of education, a person is more likely to adapt against the backdrop of changing requirements, and for quick solution tasks.

There are two options for entering contract service for a university graduate.

When there was a military department in the educational institution.

The existence of a military department at a university gives the right to an officer rank (most often lieutenant). Where this department exists, the student signs a contract, obliging him to military service for a certain period.

If you want to become a contract soldier at a university, you undergo a medical examination and pass physical training standards. Having received a diploma, the graduate receives a summons to where he will serve, in accordance with the university’s profession and rank. Military service occurs with the accrual of the due salary.

In situations of changes in service (assigned to the next rank, change of vacancy), the corresponding remuneration will change.

These conditions apply in the case of voluntary signing of a contract upon completion of studies at military department. If a contract was not concluded, then, after graduating from an educational institution, the conscript will have to serve in military service for one year, with the rank of private or sergeant.

Advantages and disadvantages of contract service without compulsory service

Despite the longer period (2-5 years), contract service, which is relatively annual for conscription, has its advantages for a recruit who has not served on conscript duty:

After three months, when the probationary period ends, salaries will be paid in full.

There is an opportunity to renew the contract and secure employment in the future.

The presence of less strict conditions of stay, movement is not limited.

Since this is a job for contract workers, only with stricter organization than usual - they can go home every evening.

Availability of significant benefits in terms of free housing, medical care, enrollment in universities, and summer holidays for children.

Military personnel stationed in the Far North receive free travel by air, rail, and other means of transport to spend their legal vacations.

The presence of government life and health insurance programs for contract workers, providing significant payments if a contract worker becomes unfit due to an injury received during official duties. In case of fatal accidents, there is payment of insurance to families.

In case of any diseases, it will be possible to receive extraordinary treatment in medical institutions of the Ministry of Defense by highly qualified doctors.

Favorable terms of the mortgage program, one-time payments, availability of military housing certificates.

In the case of twenty years of experience, at the age of 45 there is a case of premature retirement, with benefits paid and subsidies for purchased housing in a large city.

Many employers recognize the presence of a military ID as a mandatory criterion for employment; therefore, after university, one must assume the likelihood of its presentation upon request.

Contract workers enjoy advantages when entering vocational schools and universities.

The disadvantages of contract service include:

The presence of a greater risk to health or life.

Unequipped living conditions as a possible accommodation option.

The conditions of military life and the daily routine in the army are not acceptable to everyone, therefore, according to statistics, a fifth of those who sign contracts terminate them after just a few months. Everyone has personal reasons for this, but mostly it has to do with failure to complete the probation period. There are cases of alcohol abuse, which become a reason for breaking a contract with the Russian Defense Ministry.

For comparison, it should be noted that contract service helps to raise the prestige of army service and fulfills the assigned tasks. It is also capable of providing decent wages contract soldiers have additional privileges.

However, before making a final decision, you need to evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of concluding a contract for military service. It is necessary to be aware of responsibility towards yourself, towards your comrades and towards your country.

Requirements for a candidate for military service under a contract

It is logical to call this military craft a special type of activity. At concluding a contract without fixed-term service you agree to the requirements specified by law.

The list of conditions for future contract soldiers is established by the Law “On Military Duty” and special rules of the Russian Ministry of Defense:

1) First, when signing a contract for a Russian citizen, the age limit is no less than 18 years and no more than 40.

2) They accept citizens whose education is at least secondary specialized (college, technical school and higher).

3) After passing a military medical commission, with recognition of fitness or fitness with minor restrictions.

4) Compliance with the required level of physical readiness, which is prescribed by the standards in the NFP-2009, is required.

5) The need to meet the conditions for professional suitability of one of three categories (recommended first priority, recommended and conditionally recommended).

Psychological selection is also carried out with the issuance of a certificate of professional suitability or refusal to recommend for contract service.

How much will a contract soldier receive without compulsory service?

The importance of such an incentive as material reward cannot be underestimated. For every person, namely for a contract soldier, this is of great importance.

In 2017, the amount of monetary allowance is determined by two legal documents:

Federal Law N 306-FZ “On the monetary allowance of military personnel and the provision of individual payments to them”, Decree of the Government of Russia N 992 “On the establishment of salaries for military personnel serving under a contract”.

The salary base for a contract worker according to these legal documents is formed by two components:

  • salaries for military positions;
  • salaries according to military rank.

The main part of a contract soldier’s salary is supplemented with various allowances every month:

If there is a risk to health and life;

When the performance of duties is subject to special conditions;

With access to state secrets;

With an increased level of physical readiness (standards are passed);

With great achievements in service;

With knowledge of foreign languages.

In addition, financial assistance and bonuses are paid every year for excellent performance of official duties.

The amount of salary for a contract soldier in 2017 deserves attention:

30 thousand rubles. – the average salary received by an ordinary contract worker;

40 thousand rubles. — average salary (sergeant and sergeant major);

55 thousand rubles. - average salary (lieutenant).

In addition, in addition to the employee’s monetary allowance, various benefits and material compensation are available:

Compensation for subletting of living space. With this payment, the military partially or fully reimburses the costs of renting living space when a service apartment is not provided. The amount of monetary compensation depends on regional standards.

A type of cash benefit for contract workers, called “lifting allowance”. When moving to another place, funds are paid to the entire family.

During layoffs, one-time benefits are paid if the total length of service is twenty years or more, the amount is equal to 7 salaries. If the length of service is less than 20, the contract employee should only be paid a double salary.

This is where I will end the topic of “contract or fixed-term”, and how, it seems to me, the main point is time - there is still a difference of two years for a contract or one year for a fixed-term (conscription). A lot can happen in a year.

In general, go serve under a contract, if you did not serve military service, everyone must decide for themselves.