Cadastral and market value of real estate - what is the difference between them? What is the difference between the cadastral and market value of housing? Cadastral and market valuation.

Real estate in Russia, as in any other country, is one of the most important and valuable segments of market relations, which is subject to state accounting, control and payment of taxes. Therefore, all issues related to real estate are strictly regulated by Russian legislation. This is the same sale of non-residential premises, purchase land plot, exchange, apartment rental, inheritance, donation, other actions.

To perform the above actions, you need to know the value of real estate, be it a plot of land, other land, an apartment, a house. The price that the owner has the right to ask for his real estate will depend on this value. Banks also rely on this indicator before applying for a loan, as well as court decisions in disputes about the division of property. Moreover, the most important indicator for the state of the value of real estate (a plot of land, an apartment, a house) is the tax charge.

At the same time, it is important to separate two basic concepts in real estate valuation: the value itself - declared as an amount above which the owner cannot sell the object, and the price - expressed in monetary value, which may be equal to or lower than the value.

The essence of market value

Market value is a concept that is probably familiar to almost everyone. It represents a certain amount, which consists of the assessment of the exchange of real estate. In other words, this is the most probable price in a competitive market that can be given to a specific property, land plot. At the same time, if we are talking about the purchase and sale of an apartment, other real estate, rent, both parties must be as aware as possible about it and act voluntarily in their interests.

One more important feature market value is the fact that it is established without taking into account taxes and other financial costs for completing the transaction.

The essence of cadastral value

- a relatively new concept, but it does not at all displace market valuation. This cost is established by conducting an examination (assessment) by employees of the cadastral registry service in the prescribed manner. This takes into account the intended purpose of the apartment, house, land, commercial land plot, other real estate, as well as commissioning and area.

In other words, the registered value is a state assessment with the entry of the assessment into the register.

Calculation of the cost of an apartment, non-residential building, land plot, and other real estate is carried out for the purpose of:

  • determine the tax on the property (land plot);
  • calculate tax in cases of purchase and sale, exchange, rental of an apartment;
  • re-register housing or land as inheritance;
  • arrange property on a mortgage or loan;
  • determine the price for exchanging equal living space or a plot of land;
  • re-register property under a gift agreement.

Relationship and difference

Since market and cadastral values ​​have different ratios to each other, the register price is still, in a sense, based on the market price. This is already evidenced by the fact that when calculating the cadastral valuation, average price real estate in the region, and not between everyone. Of course, not in its pure form, but taking into account legislative norms and cadastre rules. Similarly, in addition to demand, the list price is now taken into account in the market valuation.

The difference in these two estimates is that the market price has more general characteristics and strongly depends on demand, and the cadastral system focuses on the pricing policy of each region separately. Therefore, it often happens that the cadastral price may be lower than the market price, rarely higher or equal, and this affects the tax that the owner pays. Often such issues have to be challenged in court.

It can also be noted that the difference between market and cadastral value is based on the influence of demand on the one hand and intended use on the other.

In the cadastre, the intended purpose is a very significant indicator; for example, the price of an agricultural plot of land will be calculated taking into account the income from it.

Real estate valuation

Today, any actions regarding a plot of land, dacha land, apartment, house, non-residential premises, or other real estate are legally impossible without registering it and without calculating the cadastral value. These issues are dealt with by government bodies, namely Rosreestr.

Such an assessment can be carried out once every five years, but not less often. This is due to the fact that the cadastral price, like the market price, does not stand still and is constantly changing, but it should not be much lower than it.

An examination is being carried out
commission of the register authority after the owner submits an application for registration (registration of real estate). If all documents along with the application were submitted correctly and were approved, the property is included in the list, in order of which the cadastral valuation will be carried out. But even after this stage you need to wait until the assessment is approved. Only when the data is entered into a single electronic database state register real estate, the owner will be given all his legal documents.

Typically, the assessment is carried out within thirty days after submitting the application, and within the next ten days all decisions made on the cadastral value must be approved.

You can find out the cadastral value by address or number online and for free using the widget below.

Despite the fact that this widget is used to order a paid extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate, before ordering you can find out the cadastral value of the property completely free of charge.

Establishment and inconsistencies

Once the cadastral price is approved and entered into the Rosreestr database, it becomes available to all interested parties.

You can view and check in the future how much it has changed in several ways:

If the cadastral value can be revealed to be lower than the market value (rarely is it higher, it is also equal) or the information is entered incorrectly, differs from what was entered in the passport, the owner does not agree with the calculation of the tax amount, he has the right to submit an application to Rosreestr for revaluation of the apartment , land plot, other real estate.

If after this it was not possible to restore justice, it makes sense to file a lawsuit and challenge the decision of the state registry. The court will determine the final amount of the value of the disputed property.

Reading time: 7 minutes

Every homeowner is faced with two incomprehensible quantities: the cadastral value of the apartment and the market value of the apartment. As a rule, they do not attract interest from owners until it comes to real estate transactions. Sale, exchange, payment of income and property tax– all this involuntarily forces owners of square meters to delve into the specifics of real estate valuation. Given the importance of these quantities, you need to find out what they are.

General information about market and cadastral value

First, let's figure out what the cadastral and market value of an apartment is. Both of these quantities are determined as a result of the assessment. However, due to the peculiarities of methods and approaches to assessment, these indicators may differ significantly.

It is assumed that with such alienation:

  • the parties act reasonably;
  • there is competition in the market;
  • the terms of sale are not emergency or extraordinary.

Simply put, the RS is determined solely by the conditions existing on the market at the moment: the apartment costs exactly as much as the buyer gives for it.

Cadastral value (CV), in turn, is understood as a standard price that is as close as possible to the market price. It is determined as a result of the application of mass zoning methods and assessment of objects commissioned by regional or municipal authorities.

The ratio of the cadastral and market value of real estate shows that the first is only the public equivalent of the second, used for tax and other regulatory purposes.

There is a moratorium on until 2020, but in general it is subject to constant review every 3-5 years.

Since each of these values ​​is used for certain purposes, many are interested in what is greater – the market or cadastral value of the apartment.

There is no single and unambiguous answer to this question. In theory, KS, being a public and universal equivalent of RS, should be as close as possible to the market price. But the imperfection of valuation methods leads to significant errors, the result of which is a multiple difference between market and cadastral value indicators.

To understand why the cadastral value is lower than the market value or vice versa, we suggest focusing on the features of each type.

Specifics of the market price

The key feature of the PC is that it is the most probable price in the event of a paid alienation, therefore, the most objective. Therefore, to determine it, an individual assessment of the object is carried out, characterized by detail and scrupulousness.

The more thoroughly the research of the property is carried out, the more accurate the market price. In this regard, the RS must take into account the maximum individual characteristics of the object, including:

  • location, availability of adjacent infrastructure;
  • technical condition of the residential premises, repairs, operational characteristics;
  • number of floors, area, availability;
  • age of the structure, presence of wear and defects;
  • the need for capital investment, prospects for infrastructure development, investment component, and so on.

At the same time, the individual characteristics of each object are taken into account along with indicators of supply and demand. Typically, appraisers examine the object itself and the situation with its analogues on the market, studying how they compare.

In addition, the size of the final RS may be affected by:

  • exchange rates;
  • political tension;
  • attractiveness of the locality;
  • distance from the center;
  • season;
  • date on which the assessment is made.

Given these criteria, it is not surprising that the market price is volatile and the dynamics of changes unpredictable. This is a risk factor when investing in real estate during a period of serious market changes - within a few months fluctuations can be 20-30%.

But even in the absence of market changes, the RS remains mobile and can only be fixed at a certain point.

The assessment is carried out at the initiative of the owner or other interested party.

Specifics of the cadastral price

The cadastral price, despite the desire to position it as the public equivalent of the RS, has little in common with the latter. Although the legislator assumes that the cadastral value is equal to the market value of the apartment, in practice this is never true.

This is due to the fact that the CC:

  • does not take into account the individual characteristics of the object: wear, defects, good repair, number of floors and other data are not used in the assessment;
  • calculated without visiting the site. The assessment is made by calculating a single specific indicator for similar real estate properties and multiplying them by the size of the area of ​​a particular apartment;
  • is an average price indicator within a specific group of objects located in the same locality and price range, which determines its large error.

Cadastral value is the result of a cadastral valuation carried out in accordance with Art. 24.12 Federal Law No. 135, by decision of the authorities of the region or municipality. Since the corridor for its revision is 3-5 years after the previous assessment, this indicator is fixed and constant.

The owner of the property does not participate in the process of determining the cadastral value, cannot influence the choice of the appraiser, and receives information about the established CAS only after the assessment.

The ratio of cadastral and market prices

It's time to figure out how the cadastral value of an apartment differs from the market value. The RS, given its objectivity and individuality, is a real reflection of the situation on the real estate market. KS, being a public indicator, rather gives an idea of average cost by locality.

When determining the KS, mass assessment methods are used, so there is no point in comparing these indicators - they will always differ from each other.

The difference between the cadastral and market value of real estate ranges from 30% to 100%. It all depends on the individual characteristics of a particular object and its relationship with the average price for the group in respect of which it was determined.

Let's give an example: if on one site apartment building There are 3 apartments with equal living space, their KS will be the same. But one of them has undergone a routine renovation, the second has had a chic designer reconstruction, and the third has not been renovated since Soviet times. Thus, the difference between the KS and RS of each of the indicated apartments will differ several times, and in the latter case the KS may be higher.

Considering how much the cadastral value of an apartment differs from the market value, we can state that these types of value expressions are in no way related to each other.

Although they have common features expressed in the methods for determining value, the different degrees of depth of assessment and its individuality do not allow us to identify these values, no matter how much the legislator would like.

Purposes of costing

Given the different nature of cost values, the purposes for which RS and KS are calculated also differ. If market indicators are universal and preferable in nature and can be used in any cases not prohibited by law, then KS indicators are relevant only for cases where this is directly stated in the legislation.

Using CS

The cadastral value is used exclusively for the purposes of It is used as tax base, from which mandatory payments are subsequently calculated.

Since the Unified State Register is a public register, information from it is publicly available, and anyone can find out the cadastral value. To do this, you should contact the territorial division of Rosreestr or the nearest branch of the MFC with a request.

You can get the necessary information without even leaving your home, through the online services of Rosreestr, in particular:


To summarize what has been said, let us once again emphasize the main points:

  • market value is the price for which the owner will most likely be able to sell the property;
  • RS is preferred and is used in all cases where no other cost is mandatory;
  • cadastral price - the public equivalent of the market value, determined by order of regional or local authorities as a result of mass valuation;
  • The KS is used for tax purposes and is therefore often significantly inflated compared to the market value;
  • if the CC turns out to be higher than the RS, the law allows owners to challenge it by filing an application with the commission or in court.

How to find out the cadastral value of an apartment: Video

Master of Law in the field of Civil and Family Law. In 2005 he graduated from St. Petersburg State University, in 2012 from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov with a degree in Financial Analytics. After receiving the second higher education founded an independent appraisal company. I am engaged in the assessment of real estate, land and other property.

The cadastral and market value of a land plot can vary quite significantly. They are used for different purposes. They are also defined differently.

The cadastral value of real estate is calculated when it is registered in the cadastral register. This information, along with other information regarding the object, is stored in the Rosreestr databases. Previously, it was also recorded in the cadastral passport, and now - in the extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate that replaced it.

Instructions on how the assessment should be carried out are being developed by the Russian Ministry of Economic Development. And it is dealt with by appraisal organizations with which the territorial divisions of Rosreestr enter into contracts. This procedure should occur:

  • at least once every 5 years;
  • but not more often than once every 3 (in Moscow and St. Petersburg - 2) years.

Typically, the cost increases over time. This is due to the increase general level prices

When calculating, the following is taken into account:

  • location (district and location within it);
  • state utility networks;
  • infrastructure and environment (kindergartens, parks, large industrial enterprises, highways, etc.);
  • category and type of use;
  • etc.

Based on this, the cost per square meter of land is determined. After multiplying by the area of ​​the object, its cadastral value is obtained.

How to recognize her?

If necessary, you can find out this cost by looking at your passport or extract. But they are issued only to the owners. For others, there are the following methods:

  1. request from the Rosreestr branch to which this object belongs;
  2. find out this information on the website of this organization;
  3. or look at the Public Cadastral Map.

To do this, you need to know the cadastral number and/or address of the site. But this information will be for reference only.

Why is the cadastral value of a land plot needed?

Cadastral value is required for:

  • sizing income tax when selling;
  • land tax;
  • establishing a notary's remuneration for certain transactions (for example, receiving an inheritance);
  • establishing rental rates for state land;
  • in legal disputes (in particular, division of property).

What is market value?

Market value is the approximate price at which land can be sold. It is determined by comparison with similar objects. The following factors are relevant:

Depending on the specific purpose of the assessment, the importance of one or another factor for the overall result may be different. The general economic situation and the state of the real estate market at the time of the assessment are also taken into account.

Market value can be used:

  • when putting up real estate for sale;
  • to determine rent;
  • notary fees when registering an inheritance;
  • in legal disputes;
  • and so on.

How to determine it?

To determine this value, in many cases a special procedure is performed - an assessment. Knowing the possible price of real estate allows you not to waste time or money when selling it. If you list a property for too high a price, it will not sell for a long time. If it is too low, the seller will receive less profit.

In addition, in many cases it is necessary not only to know the price, but also to justify it. An assessment report can be such a document.

Independent appraisers will help with this, they will assess the value of the land and present it in a substantiated manner. They can work independently or as part of a company. This could be a specialized appraisal organization, a real estate agency or a law firm.

Such a specialist must have a professional education in the field of valuation and be a member of a self-regulatory organization of appraisers. His authority is confirmed by a diploma of education, a certificate and an extract from the register of appraisers. If the assessment is unreliable, the specialist bears financial responsibility for it. The activities of appraisers are determined by Law No. 135-FZ of July 29, 1998.

Where and how to order?

The owner enters into an agreement with an appraiser or organization and provides necessary documents, namely:

  1. Passport.
  2. Certificate of ownership of land.
  3. The document on the basis of which he owns the site. This could be a contract of sale, gift, will, etc.

After this, the assessment procedure begins. During it, analysis takes place. The appraiser studies the documentation and goes to the site to personally check the condition of the property.

An assessment report is then prepared. It is a numbered and bound document signed by the appraiser. If a specialist works for a company, its seal is affixed. The report includes sections:

  1. Assessment task.
  2. Description of the assessment object itself and the process.
  3. Market analysis.
  4. Key facts and conclusions.
  5. Reconciliation of results.

This document is bound, each page is numbered. At the end, the appraiser’s signature and the company’s seal are affixed, if the specialist works for it. Copies of all papers that were analyzed during the assessment process are attached to the report.

As a rule, the cadastral value is lower than the market value. Previously, this difference was quite large. But since 2012, a revaluation of land has been carried out with an increase in cadastral value and bringing it closer to the market value. Today, in most cases they differ by approximately 20-25%.

The following rules apply regarding the payment of taxes when selling land:

  1. If the value under the purchase and sale agreement is higher than 70% of the cadastral value, then the market value is taken.
  2. If the plot is sold cheaper, then the tax amount is calculated from 70% of the cadastral value.
  3. If for some reason Rosreestr did not carry out an assessment, the full price under the contract is taken into account.

If the owner believes that the cadastral value of the plot is overestimated, he has the right to challenge it. Within six months after the assessment, this can be done out of court. To do this, you need to contact a special land commission at the location of the land (for example, in Moscow this is a commission under the Land Department).

It is necessary to write an application for revision of the cadastral value. It is drawn up in free form, and the following documents are also attached:

  1. Owner's passport.
  2. Documents on land ownership (certificate of ownership, extract from the Unified State Register or Unified State Register);
  3. Documents on the basis of which it arose.
  4. Valuation report (this can be obtained in the same way as for market value).

If more than 6 months have passed or the commission has refused to review, you will have to go to court. The same documents are attached, you can add others if they can somehow influence the decision.

If the cadastral value decreases, the owner must be compensated for the damage. This applies, for example, to overpaid taxes.

The difference between the market and cadastral value of an apartment is not always obvious. In practice, there are more often cases when the market value is higher. The opposite situation is less favorable for the owner, as it entails a greater tax burden.

The concept and features of the market value of an apartment

The market value of an apartment is the price set by the owner of the property in accordance with consumer demand and competition.

Features of market value:

  • It is formed on the basis of the principle of reasonableness;
  • Set by the owner himself based on similar proposals;
  • Market conditions influence;
  • Not permanent;
  • Used to carry out civil transactions (purchase and sale, pledge, lending, exchange and others).

Factors influencing the market price:

  1. Exchange rate;
  2. Political events, system and its features;
  3. Seasonality;
  4. Location (district, distance from the center);
  5. Infrastructure;
  6. Type of building;
  7. Worn;
  8. Construction costs;
  9. Number of storeys;
  10. Square;
  11. The quality of the repairs performed;
  12. Arrangement of furniture and appliances.

The concept and features of the cadastral value of an apartment

The cadastral value of an apartment is the value established by special government bodies on the basis of legislation on valuation activities.

Features of cadastral value:

  • The mass valuation method is used;
  • Established only by independent cadastral appraisers, to whom the state has assigned the appropriate powers;
  • The procedure is strictly regulated by law;
  • Used to calculate the tax burden;
  • The calculation is based on data previously entered into the real estate cadastre;
  • It is periodic (revision is carried out once a year or once every 5 years).

Factors influencing the cadastral value of an apartment:

  1. Market prices for a specific property;
  2. Economic situation in the country (region, locality);
  3. Monthly average wages specific region;
  4. The cost of the land plot on which the apartment is located;
  5. Type, category, size, deterioration of the building;
  6. Location and total number of rooms in the building;
  7. Form of ownership;
  8. Possibility of receiving income from commercial activities (if the property is sold under a lease or social tenancy agreement);
  9. Number of storeys.

The ratio of market value and cadastral value

  • Market value is unofficial, but the indicator is more objective;
  • The cadastral valuation does not take into account a number of factors (for example, seasonality, consumer demand, general market condition, availability of high-quality repairs, furniture, equipment);
  • The cadastral indicator is not as flexible as the market indicator;
  • Market value is manifested through the balance of supply and demand, competitiveness, and cadastral value through material analysis;
  • The cadastral value is based on a calculation mechanism, which can cause significant errors and, as a result, lead to inflated prices.

In practice, there are often cases of government agencies overestimating the final cadastral price by several times compared to the market price. This results in a larger tax payable on the property.

Where are they used?

The cadastral value of the apartment is used:

  • When entering into collateral obligations;
  • During the privatization procedure;
  • For mortgage lending;
  • When resolving property disputes in courts;
  • When calculating property tax and other fees.

Market value is used:

  • When withdrawing an object for government needs;
  • In mortgage and collateral legal relations;
  • Buying or selling an apartment;
  • In case of bankruptcy of the debtor;
  • For free transactions;
  • When determining the amount of a non-monetary contribution to authorized capital;
  • When making management decisions.

How to find out or determine cadastral and market value

You can find out the cadastral value in one of several ways:

  1. Cost calculation using the official website of Rosreestr (information may not be relevant due to outdated data);
  2. According to the information in the electronic cadastral passport of the apartment (paid service, about 200 rubles);
  3. According to a cadastral passport on paper, received at the BTI when registering ownership of an apartment or a cadastral certificate (if the document is missing or it is known that the information contained in it is outdated, you must order a new copy);

It is important to understand that it is impossible to calculate the cadastral value yourself, since only authorized persons have access to special documents on the basis of which the indicators are compiled. In addition, cadastral valuation standards are constantly changing.

You can determine the market value of an apartment using one of several methods:

  1. Income method (the method is based on the liquidity of the apartment and does not take into account the price of other similar offers);
  2. Cost method (calculated on the basis of costs incurred during the construction of an object and is more often used for unfinished construction projects);
  3. Comparative method (takes into account a combination of factors, but may not take into account some individual indicators).

Market value calculation can be carried out:

  • By independent efforts (without special knowledge or experience, the likelihood of obtaining objective data decreases);
  • With the help of an independent appraiser, a realtor licensed to carry out this type of activity (at the end of the examination, a document is issued that has legal force and can act as an evidence base when challenging the cadastral value or when entering into obligations).

The cadastral value can be equated to the market value in the following cases:

  1. An appropriate decision has been made by a court or a specially authorized commission;
  2. If there is no possibility to create and use mathematical model cost of the object;
  3. Property value data varies widely among individual information sources;
  4. An objective calculation of cadastral value is impossible or difficult when using existing methodological recommendations;
  5. Cadastral value indicators disproportionately exceed market value indicators.

Difference of coefficients and cases of excess of one indicator over another

Each region has its own calculation coefficients. You may notice that the cost of apartments in the western part of the country is much higher than in the eastern part. This is due to territorial coefficients taken into account by the cadastre and cartography authorities. Difference for square meter can reach several hundred thousand.

Cases where the cadastral value exceeds the market value are not common; the reasons for this may be:

  1. The apartment is located in a new building;
  2. Expensive building materials were used in the construction of the house;
  3. The cadastral valuation was carried out on the basis of incorrect data entered into the real estate cadastre.

The excess cadastral value directly affects the amount of tax. To exclude an overpayment, you can dispute it in one of the following ways:

  1. Out of court (by filing an application with a special commission under Rosreestr);
  2. In court.


The cadastral and market value represents completely different categories. Market indicators reflect collective perception and the most probable cost, while cadastral indicators are more unified, approved for a long period and are not able to cover the influence of all factors.

She dictated by supply and demand, its volume is formed by economic laws working here and now.

This amount is constantly in motion and can go up or down at times, it is this that is used to guide the commission of such legal acts as:

  • purchase and sale;
  • exchange;
  • pledge;
  • processing a loan;
  • donation;
  • inheritance, etc.

The economic laws of the real estate market are inexorable, and no one will be able to sell a house or apartment for some ephemeral money, since there is criteria, by which not only the construction value of the property is determined (taking into account the age of the building).

There is also additional factors, such as the prestige of the area, the degree of comfort of the interior arrangement - how long ago and what kind of renovation was done, what is the condition of the plumbing fixtures and internal communications, the presence of air conditioners, etc.

How to determine the current market price? Need to order an independent expert assessment houses, cottages, apartments, and the results of his research will be documented.

You need to understand that after some time, estimated from six months to a year, everything can change dramatically, and then it will be necessary to clarify this indicator of real estate value again.

You can learn about the concept and its difference from cadastral on our website.

What's the difference?

Cadastral price determined by the same basic criteria as the market one.

But then it turns out that, even if carried out by different specialists, these assessments must be almost identical.

However, there is a difference, since the cadastral valuation does not take into account the popularity of the housing layout, location, the presence of recent renovations and other characteristics that are interesting to the buyer.

Find out on our website about housing, and about real estate based on it.

How do they relate?

But then it can be logically assumed that the market gives a more real and higher value than the one included in the State Property Committee (state real estate cadastre). What is the ratio of these numbers?

How much do cadastral values ​​differ from what the market offers? In most cases, this is the case in practice - the figure from the State Property Committee for appraising the apartment is below market value, but not always.

For apartments in old buildings, these prices are usually the same. According to recent studies, the discrepancy is up to 30% on average, and sometimes doubled, with fluctuations noted in both directions.

One quantity does not influence the other.

The principle of calculating values ​​is the same, but the market price has a greater spread, depending on the demand for a particular location, as well as internal state living space and “filling it” with newfangled means of increasing comfort.

Using the standard methodology, any appraiser strives to comply with all the rules, because he puts his signature on the result, thereby taking responsibility.

You can learn about the cadastral value of an apartment and what to do from our articles.

Cases of excess

Can the cadastral value of an apartment exceed the market value?

Yes, market valuation may be lower.

This is possible when new building, modern expensive materials were used for roofing, wall fencing, elevators, etc.

In this case, the cost of the building itself and, accordingly, the apartment is high, which determines the high cadastral value included in the State Property Tax Code. The market may lag behind if the construction area is “not promoted” and did not reach the required level of demand.

Another option is binding and construction elite housing option in an unattractive, from the point of view of the average person, place, where there is not yet the usual full range of infrastructure facilities and transport lines in sufficient quantity.

Such a development of events should not suit a sane citizen who is waiting for the next taxation.

Having clarified the cadastral price of a house and discovered that it is significantly higher than the market price, you should not hesitate a day and order a fresh certificate for the date at which the information was entered into the cadastre.

The fact is that housing assessments are only comparable when they were carried out in the same time period. It is this document - market assessment result, ordered for the same date that is in the State Property Committee, will be the main trump card both in pre-trial and judicial procedures for challenging values ​​from the cadastre.

Within six months from the date of entering information with assessment results into the State Tax Committee, you can only get by with an application to Rosreestr - the federal service dealing with such issues.

If there is a refusal or the deadline has passed, then the next path leads to court. There is no need to doubt and retreat: why not defend your rights? pay less for your own apartment?

You can find out how one cost differs from another from the video:

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