Bubnovsky Sergey Mikhailovich cream is healthy. Bubnovsky ointment for arthrosis

Among our modern specialists who treat arthrosis, Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky is one of the most famous and sought-after doctors not only in Russia, but throughout the entire post-Soviet space. His kinesitherapy center with branches in various countries saves thousands of patients from various joint problems.

About Doctor Bubnovsky

Bubnovsky S.M. born in 1955. In the army he received a severe injury, which made Sergei Mikhailovich disabled. The plight did not break him, but forced him to engage in survival, prompted him to enter medical school to understand how to heal his joints, how to help those who suffer from arthrosis, arthritis, radiculitis and other joint diseases.

Bubnovsky is a Doctor of Medical Sciences, author of 50 scientific articles and a dozen patented inventions in the field of medicine. The Bubnovsky Kinesitherapy Center is a leading medical institution dealing with the problems of osteochondrosis, arthrosis, gout and other joint diseases, and rehabilitation after injuries.

The doctor participated in the extreme auto marathons of the Paris-Dakar rally, Desert Challenge, and was a team doctor as part of the legendary KamAZ-Master. Developed and applied unique methods to provide non-surgical care to injured pilots.

Achievements of Bubnovsky

Sergei Mikhailovich began to successfully use diaphragmatic breathing in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system, which became an alternative to the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

Created the direction of “new physical culture” in school education, which found support from Vladimir Putin and the Cabinet of Ministers, thus making a significant contribution to making children in Russia healthier.

Introduced principles and achievements sports medicine into the daily practice of doctors dealing with problems of the musculoskeletal system (MSD).

He developed his own simulator, called MTB (Bubnovsky multifunctional simulator). With its help, it has become much easier and simpler to carry out rehabilitation of patients with a broken spine.

For arthrosis, Bubnovsky gives numerous recommendations both for the prevention of osteoarthritis and for the treatment and rehabilitation of post-traumatic syndrome of joint diseases. The highlight of Dr. Bubnovsky’s exercises for arthrosis of the knee joints is walking on your knees. If there are symptoms of arthrosis, for most patients the exercises will seem painful, but the doctor gives explanations. You need to pour crushed ice into a thick cloth - you will get a homemade knee pad. Holding onto the handrails (chairs, sofa, etc.), take steps on your knees in a knee pad with ice.

Initially this will be a step or two. But they need to be done! The next day you will be able to walk on sore knees with arthrosis for a few seconds longer. You need to bring the exercise to 30 steps. More detailed recommendations should be obtained from S.M. Bubnovsky himself. or in its kinesitherapy center.

“The disease must be exhaled”

The second interesting exercise given by Dr. Bubnovsky for arthrosis of the knee joints (gonarthrosis) is performing gymnastics while exhaling the exclamation “Ha!” Bubnovsky’s phrase “The disease must be exhaled” became a catchphrase. Not here there is talk about the independent respiratory system, but it has been repeatedly noticed and proven that exhaling while performing exercises with the word “Ha” noticeably enhances the effect of joint gymnastics.

For example, after walking on your knees (both with and without ice), the doctor recommends lowering your body onto your heels, saying as you exhale: “Ha!” Initially, it will be difficult for a patient with gonarthrosis or coxarthrosis to do this, but exhalation dulls the pain syndrome, and you should try to do a couple of squats. Next time it will be a little easier, Sergei Mikhailovich assures. By the way, at first, when squatting, standing on your knees, on your heels, you can place a small cushion on your legs to make it easier. You need to complete the exercise for two to three minutes. After 3-5 months, the patient will be able to walk painlessly on his knees and then sit on his heels!

Treatment of arthrosis according to Bubnovsky

Bubnovsky’s system for ridding patients of arthrosis is a very extraordinary method, rejected by some famous doctors. Doctors are criticized for sometimes cruel exercises for patients or treatment methods that are unacceptable by conservative medicine. However, the positive statistics of cured patients perhaps speaks for itself.

One thing is clear that no one has yet found a single way to get rid of osteoarthritis. Leading experts are looking for their own ways to solve the problems of joint diseases. In our opinion, treatment of arthrosis according to Dr. Bubnovsky is worthy of attention and close study, if only because Sergei Mikhailovich is a man who was able to overcome terrible injuries and disabilities, putting himself on his feet.

It is important to delve into his methodology and understand the essence of the recommendations of the honored specialist in kinesitherapy. It provides a worthy alternative to chemical drugs. Bubnovsky’s multifunctional simulator, a set of exercises, and doctor’s advice have helped thousands of seriously ill patients. A superficial understanding and application of his techniques can be harmful! For all information on the treatment of joints, you should contact Dr. Bubnovsky’s centers, a wide branch network, as well as Sergei Mikhailovich’s website. Our task in this article is to tell readers about the most famous joint specialist, to lift the veil of some of his techniques, to give patients an alternative view of arthrosis and ways to get rid of it.

Exercises for arthrosis of the knee joint according to Bubnovsky’s method

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint is a chronic degenerative lesion. Cartilage tissue is most affected, since enormous physical load is placed on the knee joint every day (when walking, running, jumping, etc.).

Treatment of knee arthrosis involves drug therapy and physiotherapy. Doctors recommend that patients practice exercises for arthrosis of the knee joint using the Bubnovsky method.

Features of the development of arthrosis:

  1. Osteoarthritis of the knee joint has several synonymous names: osteoarthrosis, gonarthrosis, deforming arthrosis. It is worth distinguishing arthrosis from arthritis: these are different diseases: with arthritis, a person experiences an acute inflammatory process, and arthrosis is usually accompanied by a degenerative process in the cartilage without active inflammation and an infectious focus.
  2. Arthrosis is considered one of the most common diseases of human joints, observed in more than 60% of able-bodied people who regularly exert physical stress on the knee joint.
  3. Arthrosis is characterized by severe damage to cartilage and high risk of complications, which in 15% all cases lead to disability.
  4. In Russia, per 1000 people, an average of 110 people suffer from arthrosis.
  5. Incidence of arthrosis in people over sixty years of age is more than 85%.
  6. Arthrosis may be two forms of occurrence: localized and generalized. During the first type of disease, only one joint is affected; in the second form, degenerative changes can be observed in several areas of the musculoskeletal system at once.
  7. More than 30% of patients with osteoarthritis are people aged between forty and sixty years. Less commonly, the disease affects men and women under thirty years of age.
  8. Most knees and knees are susceptible to arthrosis hip joints . Less commonly, the disease affects the spine, joints of the foot and hand.
  9. Among young patients Men are more likely to experience knee arthrosis, but older patients with this disease are predominantly women.

To better understand whether gymnastics will help with arthrosis of the knee joint according to Bubnovsky, you need to learn about the main causes and frequent manifestations of the pathology. Let's look at them in more detail.

Risk factors and direct causes

Factors that directly influence the progression of knee arthrosis:

  1. Overweight. In this condition, greater physical stress will be placed on the knees, which will increase the likelihood of developing arthrosis.
  2. Serious endocrine disruptions in the body during pregnancy, menopause, and thyroid diseases.
  3. Acute lack of useful microelements in the body.
  4. Congenital defects in joint structure ( dysplasia).
  5. Transferred severe knee injuries(fracture, dislocation, meniscus tear, etc.). The degenerative process in cartilage can develop even years after the injury.
  6. Strong hypothermia of the legs.
  7. Eating disorder, in which a person does not receive enough vitamins and microelements necessary for the normal functioning of the joints.

Significantly increase the risk of developing arthrosis:

  • old age;
  • regular physical activity on the knee joints, especially heavy lifting and work on your feet;
  • negative impact of harmful toxic substances;
  • recently undergone surgical interventions knee joint;
  • history of knee inflammation;
  • individual genetic predisposition to arthrosis.


Symptoms of progressive arthrosis:

If at least one of the signs of arthrosis appears, a person should immediately consult a doctor and undergo diagnostics before the disease begins to progress. The sooner treatment is started, the higher the chance of stabilizing the patient’s condition and reducing the risk of dangerous complications.

The essence and features of exercise therapy

Bubnovsky's technique involves treating the knee joint using special physical exercise. When performing a complex of exercise therapy, you must adhere to all recommendations in order to achieve noticeable improvements in your condition.

Before starting therapy, it is recommended to take an x-ray and ultrasound of the diseased joint, and pass the necessary tests. Treatment of the knee joint according to Bubnovsky is based on this doctor’s deep knowledge of human anatomy, biochemistry, psychology, and physiology. In combination, this treatment is called kinesiotherapy.

Sergei Bubnovsky considers knee arthrosis as a disease caused by poor circulation, muscle wasting and loss of joint fluid. Bubnovsky’s exercises can improve the patient’s condition.

Exercises for the knee joint with arthrosis according to Bubnovsky have an established set of training, but physical activity is selected individually.

Purpose and results of therapy

Even “advanced” joint problems can be cured at home! Just remember to apply this once a day.

Provided that this exercise therapy complex is performed correctly and regularly, the following results can be achieved:

  • elimination of pain;
  • improved nutrition of joint tissues, especially cartilage;
  • improving the mobility of the diseased joint;
  • normalization of blood circulation;
  • prevention of the development of dangerous complications of the disease;
  • restoration of normal range of motion;
  • normalization of joint cell nutrition;
  • prevention of secondary exacerbation of the disease.

The exercises that Bubnovsky selected for patients are constantly being improved. Special simulators have already been developed (they are called multifunctional simulators from Bubnovsky).

Indications for exercises

  1. Rehabilitation period after acute inflammatory processes in the knee joint.
  2. The appearance of a feeling of stiffness in the knee caused by degenerative diseases of the joint.
  3. Restoring the knee after an injury.
  4. Developing arthrosis. Exercise therapy will be most effective in the initial stages of the disease.

Such exercises should not be practiced during an acute form of the disease, as this can increase inflammation.

Execution Rules

Principles of training according to Bubnovsky:

  1. Each workout should begin with a little rubbing or massage of the knee.
  2. You can train at home, but it is better to do it under the supervision of an instructor who will prevent mistakes and injuries when performing complex exercises.
  3. The duration of each exercise should be gradually increased - from thirty seconds to several minutes. This will avoid severe pain and fatigue.
  4. It is best to end your workout with a stretching exercise.
  5. For the entire period of exercise therapy, a person needs to completely stop taking medications, in particular analgesics. To combat inflammation and pain, you can only use massage and folk remedies in the form of compresses.
  6. It is recommended to visit the sauna to relieve inflammation, relax muscles and strengthen the immune system.
  7. During training, it is important to practice proper breathing. It will saturate the cells with oxygen and normalize the psycho-emotional state.
  8. Each exercise should be performed up to ten times.

An important criterion for the success of such a course of therapy is working with a psychologist. Communication with a specialist is aimed at getting rid of the fear of movement and accepting the fact that the fight against the disease is possible without drugs.

Best exercises

Traditional exercise therapy complex according to Bubnovsky:

  1. Get on all fours and move around the room in large steps for ten minutes. For severe pain, you can wrap your knees with an elastic bandage or towel.
  2. Lying on your back, place an ice compress under the lumbar area. Next, bend your elbows and place your palms behind your head. Bend your torso, reaching your elbows to each knee in turn.
  3. Kneel and gradually lower onto your heels.
  4. Lying on your back, pull both knees to your chest together, and then one at a time.
  5. Lie on your side, swing your legs to the sides and up.
  6. Lying down, simultaneously raise your bent legs and upper body up.
  7. Lie on your stomach, slowly raise your straight legs up.
  8. Lie on your back, raise your leg up. Perform circular rotations using the knee joint.
  9. Bend your leg at the knee, turn your heel up.
  10. Lie on your stomach, spread your arms and legs wider than your shoulders. Raise your body, leaning on your knees and hands.

To reduce pain during exercise therapy, Bubnovsky advises applying ice to the joint or immersing the leg in cold water.

Who should not perform exercise therapy?

  1. The period after recent surgery.
  2. Acute allergic reactions.
  3. Arthrosis in the last stage.
  4. Exacerbation of arthrosis, accompanied by severe pain and inflammation.
  5. Purulent complications in the knee.
  6. Oncological pathologies.
  7. Serious heart disorder.
  8. The period after a recent stroke.
  9. Ligament rupture.

In order not to worsen your condition, you can practice these exercises only after your doctor’s permission. Self-medication for arthrosis is strictly prohibited.

Massage as an auxiliary measure

The exercise therapy course can be supplemented with a special massage. It can be performed by a specialist who has undergone special training, or by the person himself, provided that he adheres to the rules of massage.

  • increased capillary blood flow;
  • improvement of metabolism;
  • restoration of damaged cartilage;
  • activation of microprocesses in the tissues of the knee.

The general course of self-massage in stages:

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  1. Sit on the bed, lower one leg, and put the other (sick) leg straight and relax.
  2. Place your right hand on top of the painful joint and your left hand below the knee.
  3. Perform light rubbing and stroking movements, gradually increasing hand pressure.
  4. Increase pressure and perform circular movements with your hands on all sides of the knee.

The average duration is ten minutes. You can repeat this twice a day before exercise. This will help relax the muscles and relieve soreness.


You can reduce the risk of disease progression using the following recommendations:

  1. Practice regular physical activity without strength training. Swimming, walking, running, and skiing are good for knee joints. They will improve blood microcirculation, saturate tissues with oxygen and nutrients. It is better to avoid heavy lifting and overstraining your knees.
  2. Watch your weight, prevent obesity.
  3. Protect your knees from hypothermia. You can use special knee pads made of natural wool.
  4. Eat a healthy diet, whose diet will be well balanced and rich in nutrients. The menu includes meat and fish, herbs, nuts, fruits, vegetables and fermented milk products. As for prohibited foods, to prevent arthrosis, you need to completely eliminate alcohol, spicy, fatty and salty foods from your diet. You should consume sugar, coffee, canned food, and sausages in limited quantities..
  5. Maintain a balanced daily routine, in which there will be room for rest, healthy eating and eight hours of sleep. Frequent walks in the fresh air are beneficial.
  6. During treat those pathological changes and diseases, which in the future can cause arthrosis of the knees.
  7. Protect yourself from joint injuries. Athletes should be especially careful.
  8. Women need to wear comfortable shoes with a small heel, in which the foot will not get too tired and overloaded during the day.
  9. Regularly practice preventative exercises to maintain knee muscle tone.
  10. Every take a preventive course of chondroprotectors for six months, however, this can only be done after the doctor’s permission.

How to forget about joint pain?

  • Joint pain limits your movements and full life...
  • You are worried about discomfort, crunching and systematic pain...
  • You may have tried a bunch of medications, creams and ointments...
  • But judging by the fact that you are reading these lines, they did not help you much...

If you want to get the same treatment, ask us how?

Doctor Bubnovsky treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint


Pathological changes in the structure of the joint are explained by the following processes:

  1. The molecular functioning of cartilage cells malfunctions;
  2. Natural physical and chemical properties cartilage is lost;
  3. Hyaline cartilage becomes thin and exfoliates;
  4. The synthesis and production of intra-articular fluid becomes deficient;
  5. The cartilage shell covering the bone fragments of the joint becomes covered with cracks and in the process is completely destroyed, exposing the bone surfaces;
  6. The joint space narrows, which leads to fusion of articular fragments with subsequent immobilization.

Dr. Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky is of the opinion that the primary cause of the formation of arthrosis of the knee joint and the loss of its natural functionality is a deficient amount of synovial fluid, which acts as a lubricant during friction of bone surfaces.

Early stages of arthrosis

Many experts argue that the greatest chance of eliminating gonarthrosis without devastating consequences appears to be at stages 1 or 2 of the disease.

Grade 3 gonarthrosis destroys the joint

Gonarthrosis is arthrosis of the knee joint, better known as “salt deposition.” In fact, salts can indeed be deposited in the soft tissues of the knee, but this has no clinical significance.

In medical terms, this is a degenerative-dystrophic process that occurs in the hyaline cartilage of the joint. This leads to loss of elasticity, and subsequently to destruction of the joint.

The joint space decreases and spines form.

Alternative Treatment

Exercises for arthrosis

In order for therapeutic exercises to be of great benefit, it is necessary to strictly follow the following rules and advice from Dr. Bubnovsky for arthrosis:

  • It is recommended to conduct the first classes under the guidance of an instructor, who will always be able to help with the implementation and monitor the correctness of the movements;
  • training must begin with exercise, warm-up or massage to warm up and prepare joints and muscles for exercise;
  • The duration of training must be increased gradually over time. At first, 30-60 seconds are enough for one exercise, but over time it is worth increasing the duration to several minutes;
  • It is recommended to end your workout with stretching. This will relieve fatigue and slightly reduce pain.

Following these recommendations will help you avoid excessive fatigue and severe pain. Also, don’t expect a huge positive effect or reaction after just a few sessions. The expected effect can be obtained after a certain time and only if treated using the method of Dr. Bubnovsky.

In this set of exercises for arthrosis, developed by Dr. Bubnovsky, therapeutic exercises are performed in a lying and sitting position. This minimizes stress on your joints and reduces the chance of injury.

The load when performing exercises must be increased gradually, focusing on the condition of the diseased joint. Also, with knee arthrosis, exercises at home must be performed carefully, avoiding severe pain.

Let's get straight to the gymnastics:

Modern methods of treating joints are diverse. Traditional medicine suggests using decoctions, tinctures and compresses from various plants. Physiotherapists prescribe magnetic therapy and ultrasound electrophoresis. Alternative healers use acupuncture and apitherapy.

Traditional medicine offers comprehensive treatment, including:

  • medicines;
  • physical therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • surgical treatment.

The main role is played by the use of drugs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, hormones, chondroprotectors.

Is this approach correct? Adherents of alternative treatment point to the lack of effectiveness, and in some cases the complete lack of results, with drug treatment.

One of the adherents of alternative treatment is Sergei Bubnovsky. In contrast traditional medicine it shifts the emphasis in the use of joint treatment methods.

He puts physical therapy and physiotherapy in the first place, leaving only an auxiliary role for medications.

But Sergei Bubnovsky’s physical therapy and physiotherapy differs from what modern classical medicine offers us.

Dr. Bubnovsky pays special attention to diseases of the knee joints.

Goals of therapy

Dr. Bubnovsky’s technique aims to achieve the following results:

  • Pain relief;
  • Normalization of nutrition processes of cartilage and bone cells;
  • Improvement of the condition of hyaline cartilage;
  • Refusal to take medications;
  • Restoring healthy joint function and full range of motion.

Depending on the degree of progression of arthrosis of the knee joint, a course of physiotherapeutic procedures is selected for the patient and a complex of therapeutic exercises is drawn up (using the kinesitherapy method).

Therapy program

S. M. Bubnovsky developed a special program for the treatment of gonarthrosis based on the following methods:

​Gonarthrosis (arthrosis of the knee joint)​ pinpoint diagnosis and​ dilation and closure​ restore mobility and performance​ Arthritis is a disorder of the knee (inward), as far as​ the largest ones experience. Their appearance is not in​ types of psychoses, hypertensive​ is not fully disclosed.

​Taking a supporting position for​To compose the most adapted to the faster. ​ Minimize the traumatic load Is it worth avoiding the symptoms Treatment of the meniscus If you are bothered by pain.

​ circulatory disorders and​ therapeutic and surgical​ - this is a defeat​ treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal​ legs in the​ hip​ knee joint.​ joint work, which​ is possible, before​ loading. Bubnovsky's complex must be the cause of illness. Bubnovsky's gymnastics are thumbs up

Why does my knee hurt?

​positive results and

What is gonarthritis, gonarthrosis?

​ with each leg.​​ of each exercise (starting​ with arthrosis of the knee​ arthrosis began to develop​ by replacing the​ knee​ elements of the joints traditional​ as well as​ the introduction​ of the​ joint, rehabilitation​ neurology is necessary. With his help​​From a sitting position (on​

​ blood vessels, which​​ atrophy of the thigh muscles;​ by resting on​ the corresponding buttock.​It is important to remember! Compliance with the rules is another way to protect sore bones. In case​ using the accumulated knowledge,​ Stand behind a chair and with​ 5 repetitions​ of the​ joint One of​ ankle joint, joint symptoms. Medicine does not pay attention to the matter. A special chair was created in the joint cavity for recovery) - relaxed will lead to swelling. Bent limbs. In​ At a certain level​ of Bubnovsky’s articular gymnastics​ the main advantages of the method.​ and joints from​ 2-3 times repetition​,​ the idea​ was implemented

​take hands​ and with​ gradual​ the most common diseases​ and treatment of the disease​ that for​​ Therefore, gonarthritis and​​ medicinal substances, like​ mobility and functions​ simulator, exercises on​ bending and unbending​ loss of control​

Gonarthritis, gonarthrosis, symptoms

​The new method of treatment is​ the time inhalation is performed, there will be a noticeable obstacle,​ in combination with​ Like any other method of​ overloads.​ during the day,​

Pain in the knee joint - treatment with traditional methods

To create medicinal his back. Retract by increasing to 20

Therapeutic gymnastics by Bubnovsky for arthrosis of the knee joint

Previously, only medical and surgical methods were used to treat pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. But recently, doctors have begun to recommend alternative methods of therapy: therapeutic exercises, massage and physiotherapy. Exercises for the knee joint for arthrosis according to Bubnovsky restore functionality to the joint, thanks to which the patient can continue to lead a normal lifestyle.

Indications and contraindications for performing exercises

Before starting to perform gymnastics for knee arthrosis according to Bubnovsky, it is necessary for the doctor to confirm the diagnosis and establish the degree of development of the pathology. After this, an individual training plan is drawn up.

Special Correspondent: Treatment of joints with expensive pacifiers - rheumatologists have been deceiving patients across the country for 12 years.
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  • At the initial stage of arthrosis, before the use of drug treatment;
  • For rehabilitation of joint tissue after injuries;
  • When restoring a joint after an infectious lesion;
  • Stiffness in the joint caused by any degenerative process.

Bubnovsky’s gymnastics restores mobility to the joint and prevents the destruction of cartilage and surrounding tissues. Any patient can use physical education: pregnant and lactating women, the elderly, children and patients suffering from medium shape illness.

Despite all the benefits of training, there are a number of contraindications in which it is advisable to refuse training:

  • The last stage of arthrosis or arthritis;
  • Acute manifestations of a degenerative disease;
  • Inflammatory processes occurring in the joint;
  • Ligamentous ruptures;
  • Oncology;
  • Acute form of allergy.

Experts agree that gonarthrosis (osteoarthrosis of the knee joint) can be eliminated only at stages 1 and 2 of development.

Dr. Bubnovsky mentions arthritis and arthrosis and how to treat them in his works. Both diseases are characterized by the destruction of connective tissue, so the exercises suggested by him will help slow down the development of pathologies of both types.

Features of Bubnovsky gymnastics

Dr. Bubnovsky studied joint diseases throughout his entire career. professional activities, now in all major cities there are branches where his original therapy is carried out.

According to the doctor, the cause of arthrosis is the reduced secretion of intra-articular fluid, which is detrimental to the joints. Bubnovsky's technique restores balance nutrients, relieves pain and inflammation.

Without the use of drugs and surgical intervention, but only with the help of physiotherapy, exercise therapy, kinesiotherapy and proper breathing, the functionality of the joint is restored.

Advice for patients undergoing therapy using the Bubnovsky method:

  • You should stop taking medications, especially analgesics. They do not help cope with the disease, but only relieve symptoms, negatively affecting the condition of the body;
  • Go to the bathhouse regularly and douse yourself afterwards cold water. This helps strengthen the immune system and tones the entire body;
  • Proper breathing has a positive effect on overall health, saturates the body with oxygen;
  • Working with a psychologist increases self-esteem, strengthens faith in yourself and your capabilities.

A set of exercises by Dr. Bubnovsky

Any training should be carried out only after warming up. Before starting classes, it is recommended to give a light knee massage to warm up the joints and muscles. Particular attention should be paid to the exercise technique; for this it is recommended to contact a specialist in exercise therapy. Then you can do the exercises yourself at home.

The most effective exercises for home exercises

These workouts are most effective when done daily. correct execution. It is very important to follow the trainer's recommendations in order to get maximum benefit, also gymnastics according to Bubnovsky is recommended for rheumatoid arthritis of the knee.

  • Prepare an ice compress: place crushed ice in a thick cloth and wrap it around your knee. Now you can start doing the exercise: get on all fours, leaning on a chair with your hands, the support should be on your knees, the angle in your legs should be sharp, press your shins to your thighs. Place your hands on the floor and try to take a few steps, overcoming the pain. For the first time, it is enough to take 2-3 steps, increase the duration of execution gradually, try to bring it to 12-25. Exercise helps to stretch the joint and get rid of stiffness;
  • Kneel, leaning against a chair or wall, and try to sit on your heels. Hold the position for 5-30 seconds, although this may be quite painful. With each workout, try to add at least a few seconds in this pose, gradually bringing it up to 5 minutes. If there are difficulties, then for the first time you can place a cushion under your knees. The exercise stretches the thigh muscles, strengthens them, relieves tension and pain;
  • To treat knee arthrosis, it is recommended to perform supported squats. They engage the muscles of the thighs and buttocks, strengthen and stimulate blood circulation. Stand against a support (chair, stick, wall, etc.) to make it easier to maintain balance and relieve the load if necessary. Feet should be shoulder-width apart, toes pointing to the sides. Squat slowly, keeping your body straight, without falling, so that the angle between your shin and thigh is 90 degrees, then slowly rise up. For the first lesson, perform up to 10-15 repetitions, depending on how you feel, then the load should be increased, bringing it up to 100 times in one approach;
  • Sit on a chair and lift your legs one at a time, holding them at the top point for 5-10 seconds. The foot should remain parallel to the floor, the muscles of the lower leg and thighs should be tense. In the process of performing movements, the muscles of the limbs actively work, due to which blood circulation increases and the degenerative process slows down;
  • After completing the complex, you should stretch the muscles. To do this, you need to sit on the floor, stretch your legs straight forward, and shorten your feet so that you feel a stretch along the back of your calves and thighs. Stretching strengthens muscles, restores elasticity, and improves metabolic processes in the limbs.

According to Bubnovsky’s original method, treatment of knee arthrosis should take place on a special MTB simulator (Bubnovsky’s multifunctional simulator) in decompression mode, which relieves axial load and prevents friction in the joint.

Exercises without getting out of bed

There is a whole system for treating arthrosis according to Bubnovsky at home, which helps get rid of pain and discomfort and normalize metabolism in the joint. To do this, exercises are performed without axial load on the joint - in a lying or sitting position:

  • Take a lying position on a hard surface. Bend your legs and pull them towards you, resting on your feet. Extend and bend both legs at the same time or in turn at least 10 times per approach;
  • Lying on your back, bend your knee and pull your leg toward your chest. Stay in this position for a few seconds, then switch legs.
  • Pull your heel, sliding along the surface of the bed, towards the buttock, while continuing to lie on your back. The exercise is used to treat diseases of the ankle, knee and hip joint.
  • Lie on your back, bend your knees and press your knees and feet together. From this position, push your pelvis as high as possible, freezing for a few seconds at the top point. The heels should be on the surface.
  • Lying on your stomach, bend one leg and try to touch your heel to your buttock. The exercise is performed slowly, without sudden movements, with each leg in turn.

While performing the exercises, watch your breathing; at the moment of maximum effort (when twisting), you need to exhale.

There are many methods to eliminate the disease. Gymnastics according to Bubnovsky for arthrosis of the knee joint allows you to get rid of symptoms without surgery, relieves pain and strengthens the muscles of the legs. This allows you to achieve a sustainable result of remission and reduce the likelihood of further progression of the pathology.

Doctor Bubnovsky: treatment of joints using kinesitherapy

A huge number of people use Dr. Bubnovsky’s technique and improve their health. Who is Dr. Bubnovsky, what treatment methods he offers, and how they can be applied in practice, we will find out in this article.

Relevance of the problem of joint treatment

Treatment of joints is relevant nowadays, because a large number of people have problems with these important “cogs” human body. And this applies to people of any age, although most often joint diseases affect middle-aged and elderly people. Any therapy must be effective, so an integrated approach is used to solve this problem. Apply medicines, physiotherapeutic methods, folk remedies. There are many methods in the world for treating diseases of the joint system, but not all of them are simple and effective.

What is Dr. Bubnovsky famous for?

Dr. Bubnovsky is one of the leading doctors in kinesitherapy, he is one of the founders of this method of treatment and specializes in rehabilitation and sports medicine. Bubnovsky is the author of many books and publications on the rehabilitation of patients after spinal fractures, treatment of arthrosis, osteochondrosis, and joint diseases.

The author of the popular technique remained disabled after a plane crash in his young years and decided to enter medical school to help himself and other people with the same problems. He began to use sports medicine techniques for the rehabilitation of people with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. I tried kinesitherapy on myself and subsequently introduced its methods into general practice. Thanks to his ideas, he helped a large number of suffering people. To date medical centers kinesitherapy clinics of Dr. Bubnovsky are open in many large cities.

Treatment of arthrosis and arthritis using the Bubnovsky method

Before starting therapy, it is necessary to undergo a series of medical examinations.

Treatment methods developed by Dr. Bubnovsky include the following:

  1. It is necessary to stop taking medications (painkillers). Dr. Bubnovsky is confident that painkillers do not affect the disease itself, but only reduce its manifestations. To relieve pain, it is better to use folk remedies.
  2. To improve your general condition, you should strengthen your body. In this, according to Dr. Bubnovsky, a bath and a contrast shower help. The bath relaxes muscles, improves blood circulation, which promotes faster recovery of the body during illness. A contrast shower trains the circulatory system and stimulates the immune defense. These two methods relieve swelling and pain due to arthrosis.
  3. Help from a psychologist. An important element in the fight against diseases of the musculoskeletal system is psychological assistance. After all, diseases undermine not only the body physically, but also the human psyche. Patients with disabilities V everyday life have to face many difficulties. During treatment, you need to share your problems with a psychologist and overcome them together. After all, in any business, outside support is important. Further treatment of the disease will depend on this.
  4. Therapeutic gymnastics classes. This is perhaps the most important part of therapy. Exercises must be selected by a specialist strictly individually. They are performed in a specially equipped room and under the supervision of instructors. Classes can be combined with exercises on simulators, which is also an integral part of the treatment, since exercises on simulators help strengthen muscles.
  5. Along with gymnastics, it is necessary to perform breathing exercises. Their effect is to saturate the body with oxygen and ensure a normal psycho-emotional state.
  6. If the pain is severe, you may feel better using an ice compress.

Exercises for arthrosis

Walking on your knees is used as an element of treatment for arthrosis of the knee joints. To do this, you should take steps on your knees. If the patient experiences excruciating pain, special knee pads with ice should be worn, which will reduce pain. You can hold on to surrounding objects if you cannot maintain your balance. For more accurate information, you need to contact Dr. Bubnovsky’s center. His set of recommendations helps to increase blood circulation, restore and improve nutrition of the ligamentous and cartilaginous apparatus.

The duration of therapy for arthritis should be about 38 sessions. When treating arthrosis, this is decided individually based on the stage of development of the disease.

Exercise with an expander: take an expander, squeeze it, take a position with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your feet, perform the exercise as if you were lifting dumbbells. The head must be kept in one position so that the chin moves forward.

It can also be performed on a bench.

Exercises for osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis refers to a disease in which degenerative processes occur in cartilage tissue.

In order to relieve joints with osteoarthritis, you need to perform the following exercises using a simulator:

  • you need to get on all fours, attach the shock absorber to the simulator, perform sharp movements of the hips anteriorly, alternating legs;
  • performed on the back, one end of the shock absorber should be attached to the shin, the other should be secured at a height exceeding the position of the body, keep the legs straight, try to touch the heel to the floor;
  • The position is the same as in the second exercise, only you need to touch the floor with your buttocks.

When performing any exercises according to Dr. Bubnovsky’s method, you should remember that the effectiveness of treatment depends on regularity. Classes should be conducted systematically. It would be good if they were supplemented with breathing exercises. You should be prepared for the fact that exercise may be accompanied by pain. You need to be patient, continue studying and believe in yourself. Then a positive effect will definitely be achieved.

Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, author of a series of books on improving the health of the body Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky proposed in principle new system restoration of ability to work and pain relief without drugs or surgeries. He combined two seemingly opposite approaches to solving these problems into a system, the basis of which is medical and advisory assistance and physical education and recreational activities. The uniqueness of the system is confirmed by a number of certificates and patents, and is also marked by awards and letters of gratitude.

For the first time in world practice Programs have been developed for the restoration of all large joints without loss of quality of life. Unique programs have been developed for children and adolescents (for schools and colleges in Moscow), pregnant women and women in the postpartum and postmenopausal periods (“Center for Protection and Correction women's health"), athletes of the highest achievements (Kamaz-master team, representatives of the Russian national team athletics, freestyle wrestling, wushu, hockey, football, powerlifting, strength all-around, sports ballroom dancing, tennis etc.), as well as for elderly people with a number of concomitant diseases.

The proposed system is a comprehensive and holistic method of influence, individually focused on each student, reliable and safe. CM. Bubnovsky personally conducts diagnostic trainings, during which he talks about the technique and also shows in practice a set of therapeutic exercises.

Professor S.M. Bubnovsky offers a fundamentally new approach to the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, based on the assertion that it is necessary to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system with the help of kinesitherapy, that is, movement, and not by taking numerous painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. Moreover, it is impossible to restore the functions of the musculoskeletal system in full by taking medications and resorting to surgical treatment (usually extremely expensive and often completely unnecessary) for diseases such as spinal hernia or osteochondrosis.

Exercises on rehabilitation simulators (MTB) developed by Professor Bubnovsky return people the ability to move freely without pain. The uniqueness of this simulator lies in the fact that it has both a decompression and anti-gravity effect on the musculoskeletal system. Thanks to the use of this system, it has become possible to relieve many victims of severe spinal cord injury from wheelchairs.

For the first time in world practice in the treatment of chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system, he proved the need to use strength training equipment as the main therapeutic agents.

For the first time in world practice in the treatment and correction of chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system in children and adolescents, he justified the use of strength training + stretching + aerobics - the “Bubnovsky Triad” - as the main corrective factor.

For the first time in world practice in the treatment of chronic and acute diseases of the musculoskeletal system, he proved the capabilities of diaphragmatic breathing as an alternative to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

For the first time when diagnosing chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system, he began to examine the muscular-ligamentous system (myofascial diagnostics).

For the first time in world practice when treating compression fractures of the spine, he began to carry out active rehabilitation in the first days after the injury using an MTB simulator. The participation of injured athletes in the Paris-Dakar race is the best confirmation of the effectiveness of this approach.

For the first time in world practice has developed a special program for women suffering from pelvic organ prolapse. Thanks to this program, a huge number of women have the opportunity to avoid traumatic surgical operations and regain their quality of life.

For the first time in world practice developed a system for treating herniated intervertebral discs at all levels without the use of corsets and surgery.

For the first time in world practice developed programs for the restoration of large joints without loss of quality of life.

For the first time in world practice developed a system for the treatment of spinal osteochondrosis with herniated intervertebral discs using strength training machines for coronary heart disease, bronchial asthma, and hypertension.

For the first time(in collaboration with Doctor of Biological Sciences G.A. Bobkov and Candidate of Medical Sciences I.A. Permyakov) created a diagnostic device that characterizes the dynamics of changes in the deep muscles of the spine during kinesitherapy sessions. This diagnosis is comparable in importance to an ECG of the heart.

Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky owns copyrights in many medical and diagnostic systems (patents No. 2309721, No. 21422771, No. 21422772, No. 2158575, No. 2228778). To date, specialists from 100 cities of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Ireland, the USA, and Cyprus have been trained according to the system of Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky.

Bubnovsky about kinesitherapy

In the age of advanced computer technology and medicine, we are increasingly suffering from osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine. If some 20-30 years ago people aged 55-60 years were susceptible to similar diseases, now almost every 2 is susceptible to such an illness.

If you for a long time If you are worried about pain in the spine, you can help yourself without surgery. Recently, people are increasingly turning to exercises using Dr. Bubnovsky’s method.

M.S. Bubnovsky as a doctor and rehabilitation specialist

Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky- that's enough interesting personality. During the passage conscript service In the Soviet army he was involved in a serious accident, after which he was forced to walk on crutches for a long time. He first tested all the treatment methods he developed on himself, and then helped people.

While still a medical student, young Bubnovsky was approached by people whose chances of salvation were extremely low. Sergei Mikhailovich’s healing system includes restoration of the musculoskeletal system, as well as treatment of the heart, stomach, nervous and genitourinary system. The doctor has written many useful books on this topic.

Most of the methodology is based on kinesitherapy– a fairly modern movement in medicine. The goal of this therapy is to treat joints, ligaments and the spine without surgery, using only the internal reserves of your body. The work of the Bubnovsky rehabilitation center is based on this technique.

Particular attention in recovery is paid to muscles, since this is the only tissue capable of fully recovering.

Basic principles of Bubnovsky’s treatment and rehabilitation methods

For the technique to really work, beginners need to fulfill several important conditions:

  • Learn to breathe correctly.
  • Compliance with exercise technique.
  • Know the order of doing the exercises and strictly adhere to it.
  • The use of additional therapeutic measures (swimming pool, etc.).
  • Refusal of medications.

Advantages of using Bubnovsky’s restorative gymnastics:

and a charge of vivacity and good mood.
  • Sufficient supply of oxygen to all organs, joints and ligaments in the body due to the acceleration of recovery processes.
  • Increased joint mobility, improving appearance.
  • Most exercises do not require specific sports equipment, so it can be done at home.
  • The list of exercises presented below, which was developed by Bubnovsky, is aimed at quickly restoring the spine and relieving muscle spasms that cause pain. Also, these exercises help reduce the likelihood of intervertebral hernia.

    Gymnastics by Dr. Bubnovsky for pain in the spine

    The gymnastics developed by the doctor have a positive effect on the diseased spine and also strengthens the muscles that support it.

    The set of exercises prescribed below not only eliminates pain, but also prevents its further occurrence:


    • Get on all fours, focusing on your knees and palms. In this position, you need to move very slowly around the room until the pain in the spine begins to subside.
    • Before performing it is recommended During this exercise, you need to breathe deeply.
    • Steps must be taken smoothly and stretched. When the left leg moves forward, the right hand should also move forward, and vice versa.

    Attention! When performing the described exercise, it is not recommended to wrap your knees tightly. Blood circulation must be free.

    Next, a set of exercises is performed that helps in the area of ​​intervertebral discs, and can also be used to improve stretching of intervertebral discs thoracic:

    1. Take the body position as in the exercise described above. On a deep exhalation, smoothly bend upward, exhaling - bend into the reverse direction. Repeat about 20 times. If acute pain occurs, it is necessary to reduce the number of repetitions of the exercise to 15.
    2. The situation described earlier. Get on all fours, trying to move your body forward as much as possible. You cannot bend your back while performing this exercise. This exercise is also used to stretch the spine.
    3. Taking a deep breath, bend your arms at the elbows, and as you exhale, gently lower yourself down. The next inhalation is to rise up smoothly, exhale - straighten your arms and slowly lower yourself onto your feet, try to stretch. You need to repeat the exercise as many times as you have the strength to do.
    4. Lying on your back, place your arms along your body. Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, lift your pelvic part off the floor. Try to make a half-bridge. While inhaling, slowly return the body to its original position. The exercise must be performed smoothly 15 times.

    Bubnovsky’s gymnastics for osteochondrosis

    First, you need to make a correct diagnosis, which an experienced specialist will help you make.

    The exercises described below relieve painful spasms of the spine and make the cervical vertebrae more mobile:

    1. Standing facing the mirror, arms down and relaxed. Lower your head down for a few seconds, then rise up, then return to the original position. You need to try to reach your chin to your chest. Perform 15 times.
    2. Stand facing the mirror, as described above, tilt your head left to right, holding each side for 10 seconds. Do the exercise until you feel tired.
    3. Perform head turns As far as possible, the head is held on each side for 10 seconds. Perform slowly 10 times.
    4. Sit on a chair with your back straight and your head looking forward. Slowly straighten your arms and move them back, while throwing your head back. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

    Stories from our readers!
    I want to tell my story about how I cured osteochondrosis and hernia. Finally, I was able to overcome this unbearable pain in my lower back. I lead an active lifestyle, live and enjoy every moment! A few months ago I got a cramp at the dacha; a sharp pain in my lower back didn’t allow me to move, I couldn’t even walk. The doctor at the hospital diagnosed osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, herniated discs L3-L4. He prescribed some medications, but they did not help, the pain was unbearable. They called an ambulance, they put a blockade and hinted at an operation, I kept thinking about this, that I would turn out to be a burden for the family... Everything changed when my daughter gave me an article to read on the Internet. You can’t imagine how grateful I am to her for this. This article literally pulled me out of my wheelchair. In recent months I have started to move more; in the spring and summer I go to the dacha every day. Who wants to live a long and energetic life without osteochondrosis,

    Gymnastics for intervertebral hernia

    Regular exercises using the proposed method will help get rid of unpleasant pain in the spine without medical intervention. Exercises with intervertebral hernia should be performed with caution.

    With the correct exercise technique, displaced intervertebral discs will return to their places, and over time they will begin to decrease until they disappear completely:

    1. Sitting on the floor or on a chair, use expanders to make traction movements. The exercise must be repeated about 25 times.
    2. If the expanders are attached to the top, traction can be done to the chest or chin, if from below, then to the knees or chest.
    3. Sitting on the floor, stretch your legs. Take a deep breath and, as you exhale, clasp your toes. This exercise must be repeated 20 times.
    4. Lie on your back and try to place your legs straight behind your head. In the future, try to touch the floor with your socks. Repeat the exercise about 20 times.
    5. Lie on your back. Relax the spinal muscles. Take deep breaths while exhaling and group yourself (try to raise your legs and torso, then you need to bring your elbows and knees together). Perform 10-20 times.
    6. Lie on your side. With the hand that lies under the body (on the floor), focus on the floor. Take a deep breath. As you exhale, pull your knees towards your chest. For each side, the exercise must be performed about 20 times.

    Before performing gymnastics, a mandatory consultation with a specialist is necessary.

    If you perform this set of exercises with the correct technique, the pain in the spine that is caused by the increased tone of the muscles that support the spine will be eliminated:

    1. Kneel down and bend your elbows. The head looks forward. Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, slowly shift your body weight onto your heels, bending forward. This exercise must be repeated 20 times.
    2. The body position is the same as described above. Knees together, slowly lower the pelvis to the left, then to the right, further returning the body to its original position.
    3. Kneel down, bend your lower back while taking a deep breath and raising your head. As you exhale, lower your head and slowly return your body to its original position. Perform up to 20 times. During the entire duration of this exercise, there should be no pain in the spine.
    4. Push-ups from the floor. Lying on the floor, focus on your knees (not full push-ups). In this position of the body, it is necessary to perform flexion and extension of the arms. Perform 25 times in 3 approaches.

    Exercises for scoliosis

    Bubnovsky’s gymnastics for the neck

    Exercises for the cervical spine. These exercises are universal for people of all ages. In addition to the therapeutic effect, they are used for the purpose of prevention.

    A set of exercises by Bubnovsky on a gymnastic ball

    Exercises on a fitball help work out all the muscles of the spine, significantly strengthening them:

    • Lying on the ball, the main emphasis should be on the chest, legs resting against the wall. As you inhale, lift your torso up, and as you exhale, lower your body. Repeat the exercise as much as you can.
    • Lying on the ball, turn your head in different directions, trying to see the feet.
    • Grasping the ball with your hands, kneel down, while trying to pull yourself up, do not put any strain on your spine.

    A set of exercises on the ball

    Exercise for the spine using expanders

    Today, expanders are a universal equipment that is found in almost every home and takes up quite a bit of space. But few people know that they were originally developed for restoration purposes.

    You can purchase such a simulator at any sports store. Currently, expanders from Smartelastic are especially popular. This company is quite popular and in demand in sports equipment stores.

    A set of stretching exercises with an expander allows you to develop your back muscles:

    1. Hold the expander firmly in your hands. Rest against it, then smoothly bend at an angle of 90 degrees. Return to original position. Repeat 20 times or more, subsequently increasing the number of repetitions.
    2. Sitting on a chair, we fix the expander at the bottom of the legs. Then we begin to pull it towards ourselves. You need to pull as far as you can. Approaches for each patient are selected individually.
    3. The expander is tightly fixed to the wall. Stand close to the wall, holding the ends tightly in your hands. Slowly pull the expander towards your chest, your back should be straight when performing the exercise, your legs should be slightly wider than your shoulders. Perform several approaches 5-6 times.

    Rehabilitation exercises for spinal fractures

    After the first positive results, the patient can proceed to home training.

    All exercises are performed in a strictly prescribed dosage:

    1. Lying on your back, hold onto a stationary, stable support with your hands. The rubber expander must be fixed on one leg. Smoothly lower your leg with the expander to the floor until your heel touches. The exercise must be repeated 15-20 times for each leg.
    2. All the same as described in the exercise above, Only both legs are secured with tape. The exercise is done 5-6 times in 2-3 approaches.
    3. Lying on your chest with your feet on the floor, one leg fixed with an expander. Smoothly grasp your leg and bend it at the knee joint. Perform the exercise for each leg 20 times.
    4. Walking on all fours with long strides. You need to move in this way extremely slowly and take as many steps as possible. The duration of the exercise is from 5 to 30 minutes.
    5. Lie on your stomach on a high bench, holding onto its edge, lower your legs below the level of the bench, slightly bending your knees. Raise your legs one at a time, while taking deep breaths. Perform 10-20 times, 2-3 approaches.

    Exercises for a spinal fracture

    Charging for the elderly

    Health-improving gymnastics for older people should take place 3 times a week, or daily. The choice of frequency of exercise depends on the health status and characteristics of the elderly person’s body.

    All of the following exercises should be performed in a ventilated room:

    1. Push-ups from any high surface (table, chair, wall, etc.). Helps strengthen the spinal muscles. Perform the exercise 5-6 times.
    2. Holding the door handle, slowly squat. Your legs should reach a 90 degree angle. When performing the complex, do not forget to breathe deeply. Repeat 5-10 times, 2-3 approaches.
    3. Lying on a bench, hands behind your head, perform smooth lifting of your legs at an angle of 90 degrees, while not forgetting to breathe correctly. Perform 5-10 times in 2 approaches.


    You can be an absolutely healthy and happy person at any age. You just need to watch your diet and also devote a little time to gymnastics. The technique developed by Dr. Bubnovsky is excellent for improving the health of the spine at any age.

    Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky treats spinal hernia in his patients without surgery or medications. How does he do this?

    Using knowledge of physiology human body and the laws of its existence.

    Spinal hernia according to Bubnovsky - what is it?

    A spinal hernia is considered swelling of the soft tissues of the venous plexus of a spinal segment, resulting from its clogging with withered parts of the disc. The consequence of edema is pain and immobility of this area of ​​the spinal column.

    Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky sees the reason for the drying out of the intervertebral disc and the transformation of its remains into a so-called spinal hernia in the fact that due to muscle spasm, water and nutrition cease to flow to this segment in the required volume.

    Spasm occurs due to the lack of necessary load on the muscles. As a result, the volume and speed of blood flow in adjacent vessels is reduced.

    In the absence of the necessary and sufficient amount of water and nutrition, the process of modification of the disc tissue begins - drying out, cracking. And since this element of the spine continues to be used, so does its destruction.

    Treatment according to Bubnovsky S.M.

    Method of treatment according to Bubnovsky S.M. is based on restoring the performance, tone, strength and elasticity of the deep muscles of the spine. Positive result is achieved through the involvement, among other things, of the superficial back muscles by performing special exercises.

    Well-developed muscles provide sufficient nutrition to the affected disc. After their restoration to the required level of readiness for further use, the functioning of the immune system improves, blood and lymph flow increases, and pain goes away from this segment of the spine.

    All these factors contribute to the fact that the former hernia (parts of a collapsed disc) resolves and is removed from the spine. His mobility is restored.

    In this case, the destroyed disc, unfortunately, is not restored, but its function is compensated by the rehabilitated muscle system of this area of ​​the spinal column.

    Otherwise, if the functionality of the muscles, their strength and ability to contract and stretch is not restored, further dehydration of the discs in other parts of the spine will occur, with their subsequent self-destruction and increased pain.

    This method of treatment according to Bubnovsky S.M. It is scientifically substantiated and finds its practical confirmation in the rehabilitation of patients who applied to the Sergei Mikhailovich center. In addition, it is recognized by leading clinics in Europe.

    If anyone is interested, the article talks about a real case of a friend of the author of the article, a businessman from Russia, seeking surgical help to remove a herniated disc and the response he received from leading Western doctors.

    This absolutely trivial, not made up story testifies to the fact of recognition of the effectiveness of the treatment method according to S.M. Bubnovsky.

    Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky recommends that spinal health be regularly performed for every person, regardless of the presence of pain syndrome. In the kinesitherapy center, such prevention is carried out with the help of special exercises on treatment and rehabilitation simulators.

    But it is also possible to do it at home. This will make it possible to eliminate the very cause of the emerging disease in the spine without surgery or medications.

    Exercises recommended by the respected doctor S.M. Bubnovsky needed for the gradual restoration of normal functioning of the muscles of the back and legs. As their pumping function improves, the speed and volume of blood flow through adjacent vessels increases.

    They are also necessary for the rehabilitation of large joints and the foot, which comprehensively soften any shock to the body when moving. What exercises exactly? They are strictly individual.

    At the kinesitherapy center of Bubnovsky S.M. After diagnosing the condition of your musculoskeletal system, a kinesitherapist will select them especially for you. One of their important advantages is the absence of axial loads on the spine.

    The course of treatment will be prescribed taking into account your concomitant diseases, weight, physique and other important health indicators.

    Oddly enough, performing rehabilitation exercises recommended by Sergei Mikhailovich, first of all, on healthy joints can relieve a person of pain on the affected joint. And in the future - from the need for spinal surgery. And also - to restore ability to work.

    The cause of spinal hernia Bubnovsky S.M. sees in a lifestyle that does not provide the necessary and sufficient loads on the deep muscles. Excessive loads are also harmful. Everything needs moderation.

    As preventive procedures for improving the spine, Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky, in addition to rehabilitation exercises on special simulators, recommends:

      therapeutic breathing

      proper nutrition

      visiting a Russian bathhouse

      carrying out local and general cryotherapy procedures (short-term exposure to cold specifically for pain relief).

    The need to implement the last point, namely, cold procedures within the framework of the treatment system according to S.M. Bubnovsky. it is justified by the fact that the inflamed cells of the body cannot withstand sudden changes in temperature and die. But the healthy ones continue to exist successfully.

    Rehabilitation exercises that Sergei Mikhailovich recommends for back pain at home are walking on all fours, push-ups and others. To carry out targeted treatment and fully restore your health, the doctor recommends contacting a specialist - kinesiotherapist at the S.M. Bubnovsky Center.

    Back and joint problems are a direct path to disability! How to save yourself and forget about pain, says Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky

    From the editor: according to statistics, every 8th Russian suffers from osteochondrosis and various joint diseases (arthrosis, arthritis, radiculitis). It would seem not fatal, but... At first, patients have to not live, but exist. And only then, due to limited mobility, concomitant diseases arise such as hernia, metabolic disorders and the inability to walk. We asked Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky about how to get rid of problems with the musculoskeletal system and become a healthy person

    — Hello, Sergei Mikhailovich. Tell me: is it true that diseases that are not fatal at first glance, such as radiculitis and osteochondrosis, can cause more serious illnesses? Is it true that every 8th Russian is sick?

    - Good afternoon, Irina. They do not die from osteochondrosis and radiculitis itself. But there is one important point - if they are not treated, a bunch of concomitant diseases appear literally within six months. This includes weight gain, curvature of the spine, and metabolic disorders. And the worst thing is that in the very last stages, joints may develop neoplasms that lead to cancer.

    For example, without treatment, a hernia can turn into a malignant tumor. Yes, it can be operated on, but... It's the back. You can remain disabled.

    About statistics: unfortunately, yes - osteochondrosis and radiculitis together affect more than 50% of the Russian population. And, the worst thing is that this disease is “getting younger.” If previously people over 40 years of age used to seek treatment, now young people have also started to come.

    Therefore, if your back, neck or joints begin to hurt, you should not attribute everything to fatigue. Most likely, one of these diseases has reached you.

    - What to do in such a situation?

    - The answer is - get treatment. There are only two problems with this.

    First: in most hospitals there are no specialist rheumatologist-surgeons who could make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment in a timely manner.

    Second: local rheumatologist-surgeons often do not delve into the essence of the problem, since these diseases are considered chronic and not dangerous. They simply prescribe gels that eliminate pain and recommend doing exercises. That is, as a result, a person is left alone with his problem and pain.

    Of course, our institute, myself and my team are trying to resolve this situation. But, unfortunately, we cannot give orders to district clinics and regulate the situation.

    Therefore, we decided to take a different path, and recently made a real breakthrough within the framework of the international project “No Pain”. We are confident that this will help change the situation in the country and help people live full lives.

    — So, you already have a solution to the problem of back, neck and joint pain?

    - Yes, I have. As part of the project, we gained access to the first drug created under this program - . Previously, this product was not supplied to Russia, since there was no permission and the necessary capacity, and all available batches were purchased in China itself and the USA. We managed to take part in the development and research of the cream "Artropant", and now it is supplied to Russia!

    — What exactly is the breakthrough, what kind of drug is it?

    — Arthropant is a proven cream for combating joint pain, arthritis and arthrosis, it simply restarts the body and turns on the regeneration of damaged cells. That is, it eliminates the cause of the pain itself and returns the spine and joints to their original, normal state. That is, as a result, the patient not only gets rid of symptoms, but becomes a completely healthy person.

    At first, Arthropant restarts the body's regeneration systems, simultaneously relieving pain. In just two to three weeks, the treatment will be completed, and the main thing is to prevent the recurrence of pain by promptly repeating the course.

    — Does Arthropant cream help only against osteochondrosis, radiculitis and arthrosis?

    - Not only. With its help, you can cure any disease associated with diseases of the joints or spine - arthrosis and arthritis, sciatica, rheumatism, radiculitis and osteochondrosis, displacement of the vertebral discs. It can also be used for spurs and corns, to eliminate “withers” (fat deposits in the area of ​​the fourth vertebra), injuries, fractures, dislocations and many other diseases.