Can milk cause acne? What foods cause acne

It is not at all uncommon these days for milk acne to appear on the face. Why does this happen? This phenomenon is associated with the quality of dairy products produced on our market. Therefore, when the question arises whether milk and all its derivatives cause acne, there is only one answer - yes, it is not a myth. After consuming dairy products, unsightly acne, pimples and rashes may appear on the skin of the face, which give an unaesthetic appearance and can cause discomfort and pain.

Many people cannot find the reason why a rash occurs on the skin. People often treat pimples and acne for months, sometimes even years, but they continue to appear steadily. And no one even thought about whether milk could cause acne. After all, almost every adult’s diet contains dairy products every day, and from childhood everyone has learned that milk brings only benefits and health.

What causes acne?

The most dangerous product that causes acne is milk in its pure form. Both women and men suffer from facial rashes from dairy products. What is their danger:

  1. Allergy. Allergy to lactose in modern world a lot of people are suffering. At the same time, severe rashes are observed on the neck, face, and the rash can also go lower down the body. A person, most often, cannot guess that this is an allergic reaction, so he does not stop consuming dairy products. Because of this, not only do pimples not go away, but even more inflammation is added to them.
  2. The amount of dairy products consumed is too large. It has long been believed that the more milk you drink, the more health benefits you bring. But this, unfortunately, is not the case; each organism reacts to certain substances in its own way.
  3. Products of poor quality. Since most people do not have the opportunity to keep cows or goats in their apartments and houses, everyone has to purchase milk and its derivatives in markets and stores. Basically, these products are of low quality and may contain antibiotics, hormones, fats and other impurities.

What can be in milk?

One biologically active substance connects milk and acne - a hormone. Since modern large factories producing dairy products feed their animals not only grass and hay, but also chemical compounds: antibiotics, vitamins, hormones, then all these components will certainly enter the human body along with the dairy products they consume.

If a person’s daily menu contains a portion of milk or its derivatives, these are ideal conditions for the formation of epidermal defects:

  1. Steroids and the hormone progesterone are found most often in commercial milk. By disrupting the hormonal balance in the body, they lead to rashes on the face and body in the form of acne.
  2. Milk and dairy products, which contain artificial chemical components, affect the pancreas and its functioning, thereby increasing blood sugar levels and increasing the production of insulin, which greatly affects the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  3. Antibiotics can disrupt the natural intestinal microflora; due to this disruption, the microflora of the skin also changes. In addition, an allergic reaction to antibiotics may occur.
  4. A large amount of vitamins entering the body can also cause rashes.

What to do?

Dairy products are necessary for the normal functioning of the body. The best option there will be a purchase of homemade milk from a private owner, but on condition that he has everything necessary documents for animals provided by the veterinary service. This milk will be whole, without additives.

Cheese is counterfeited most often because it is popular, people love it and they get a lot of income from it. It is best to avoid eating store-bought cheeses, sour cream, and ice cream, as these products are often counterfeited and are also treated with all sorts of drugs. It is better to give preference to kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt, fresh yogurt, whey and fermented baked milk. Everything must be fresh.

Milk from the supermarket

If it is not possible to purchase natural milk, it is best in this case to give preference to “milk” from the store. However, many are afraid to take such milk, mistakenly drawing the conclusion that all products contain artificial additives. This is absolutely not true. You can also find high-quality milk on the shelves. It’s just that in this case you need to choose trusted manufacturers.

You should not purchase goods in tetrapacks or bags marked “pasteurized”. Antibiotics are added to such milk during production. causing allergies and urticaria. This is done so that its shelf life increases slightly. But you can safely take packages that say “sterilized” or “ultra-pasteurized.” This milk can be stored for several months. It is prepared according to special technology: Rapidly cools and heats up to extreme temperatures several times in a row. There are no artificial additives in it, and medicines and even natural bacteria, which can cause the product to sour.

Goat milk

Goat milk contains less lactose, so it is absorbed faster. And, unlike cow milk, it does not cause allergies. Many even note that after constant use of the product, rashes disappear. Of course, it is impossible to determine exactly what reaction an acne-prone person will have to it. This can only be determined experimentally.

Only one thing can be said with confidence - goat milk is useful as a component in acne masks. Lactic acid also helps rejuvenate the skin and cleanse pores.


If acne appears from milk, you should seek help from a specialist - an endocrinologist. They will be prescribed hormone tests and receive appropriate therapy. It will be necessary to completely abandon all dairy products for the duration of treatment.

The following list of recommendations will help you bring your skin and your body back to normal faster:

  1. It is necessary to take good care of your facial skin every day. To do this, you should wash your face with a disinfectant solution in the morning and evening. It is recommended to treat the epidermis with creams for problem skin and special lotions after this.
  2. Be sure to treat the upper layers of the skin with scrubs once a week. This is done in order to rid the dermis of dead cells. A dermatologist can suggest effective ways to cleanse the skin.
  3. It is also worth adjusting your diet, sticking to a diet that helps cleanse the entire body of toxins, waste and medication residues.
  4. After the body has been restored, milk products should be consumed in small quantities, since harmful components that were consumed in small doses will have time to be eliminated before the next intake, rather than accumulate.
  5. You can also prepare fermented milk products yourself from purchased natural homemade milk, which will be safe and healthy. If it is not possible to purchase high-quality homemade products, then it is better to buy products from reputable and trusted manufacturers.


This article helped answer the question of whether milk can cause acne. It was also possible to find out that the most in an effective way To get rid of rashes, you will need to review your diet.

Acne is an inflammatory skin disease. Sebum gets clogged into the follicle and creates a favorable environment for bacterial growth. Inflammation begins, which looks like a red spot or swelling.

Many researchers have made the connection Growing evidence suggests a possible link between diet and acne between dairy product consumption and worsening acne.

In addition to hormones, milk contains whey protein and casein. They increase levels of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), which worsens acne.

Those who consume protein shakes or bars based on whey and casein should be more careful. They also provoke inflammation Incidence of acne vulgaris in young adult users of protein-calorie supplements in the city of João Pessoa.

Should you give up dairy if you have acne?

Casein and whey are often added to skim milk to enhance the flavor. If you cannot completely give up this product, then give preference to whole milk.

It doesn't make sense to give up all dairy products. Milk and ice cream Ice Cream and Acne aggravate inflammation, while natural yogurt or cheese may have no effect on the condition of the skin.

Due to fermentation, yogurt contains less insulin-like growth factor-1 than milk. Therefore, it does not have such a strong effect on the skin. And yogurt with probiotics may even reduce inflammation Could probiotics be the next big thing in acne and rosacea treatments.

How cheese affects the skin condition remains unclear.

How to check the effect of milk specifically on your skin

Try giving up dairy products. Usually 2-3 weeks are enough to understand the relationship, but sometimes the result may not appear until after a month.

If you find it difficult to suddenly eliminate dairy products from your diet, try switching to the diet gradually. First, give up milk. If nothing has changed, try giving up cheese. This way you can understand which foods aggravate inflammation for you personally.

A dairy-free diet will reduce the likelihood of inflammation, but it will not help get rid of acne completely.

Heredity, stress and hormones affect the condition of the skin much more than any diet.

It is also important proper care. If the rash lasts for a long time, you will have to resort to special products with salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide and retinoids.

Acne and skin rashes are one of the most common dermatological problems. Acne is often caused by consumption of dairy products. To avoid such troubles, you need to know what exactly can cause acne and how to deal with it.

In medical practice, the main factors for the appearance of acne are hormonal imbalance, heredity and increased activity of the sebaceous glands. Diet also plays an important role in the occurrence of acne on the skin. The body's tendency to be allergic to certain foods can also cause rashes. It depends on which product the reaction occurs to.

Recently, doctors have identified a relationship between rashes and the consumption of dairy products. Cow's milk can cause inflammation. Its biologically active substances interact with testosterone in the human body and increase the secretion of subcutaneous sebum, which clogs the pores.

Also, the culprit of the rash may be the complex milk protein casein, which is present in milk in the form of a calcium salt. The specific mechanism of acne caused by casein is not fully understood, but whole milk is healthier for the skin than skim milk. Casein is added to milk low level cholesterol to make it thicker. It helps increase the amount of growth hormone, which causes inflammation of the skin.

Main causes of skin rashes

Dairy acne is a common problem. The body may become covered with unsightly rashes. The patient does not realize for a long time the reasons for the appearance of acne on the skin. Dairy products are present on the menu of almost every adult and child. And if a person suffers from lactose intolerance, then after consuming it, acne may appear on the skin.

Milk in its pure form is the main cause of acne in both women and men. Also, provoking factors for rashes include:

  1. Allergy. Nowadays many people are prone to allergic reactions to lactose. In this case, profuse rashes are observed on the body. A person may have no idea what exactly causes acne, so he continues to consume dairy products. For this reason, the rashes progress to a more severe stage.
  2. Excessive consumption of dairy products. There is an opinion that drinking a lot of milk is good for health. In fact, this is not true. Everyone's body reacts differently to certain components. Unlimited consumption of milk is bad for health.
  3. Products of poor quality. The majority of the population buys dairy products in stores and markets, where low-quality products are sold, which may contain antibiotics, biologically active substances, fats and chemical components. Modern factories for the production of dairy products feed animals not only with natural feed plants, but also chemical elements, which immediately enter the body with milk.

What components of dairy products can cause acne on the skin?

Milk is called the most dangerous product that can cause acne.

If a person consumes milk or fermented milk products every day, this contributes to the development of skin defects. It contains some dangerous components that can cause acne on the skin:

  1. Chemical additives. Such products have a negative effect on the organs of the digestive system. As a result, blood sugar levels rise and insulin begins to be produced in large quantities, which affects the functioning of the exocrine glands.
  2. Progestogen hormone and steroids are most often included in store-bought products. They disrupt the hormonal levels in the body, which contributes to the appearance of acne.
  3. Antibiotics disrupt the functioning of the intestine and its normal microflora. Because of this, the surface layer of the epidermis changes. Many people may be allergic to antibiotics.
  4. Vitamins, an excess of which can cause rashes.

How to deal with skin acne from dairy products

Doctors do not recommend frequently consuming milk from stores due to the presence of harmful enzymes in it. It's better to switch to a natural product. If a severe allergy occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor. Before the ambulance arrives, the patient needs to take an antihistamine (Suprastin, Tavegil).

Pimples that appear from milk definitely require local treatment. The skin is treated with antiseptics such as salicylic and boric alcohol.

It is also recommended to adhere to a diet, eliminating fatty, dairy and fried foods. Eat more plant foods. Drink as much water as possible to remove harmful elements from the body. Acne can disappear if dairy products are used externally, making all kinds of masks.

  1. Kefir mask. It requires ½ cup of wheat flour, 1 tsp. soda, 0.05 liters of cold kefir. Mix the ingredients, apply the mixture to your face for 20 minutes, and then rinse. Repeat every other day for two weeks.
  2. Mask based on cottage cheese and nettle: 2 tbsp. dried nettle leaves, 1 glass of boiling water, 100 g of cottage cheese. Pour in nettle and leave for 40 minutes. Mix the infusion with cottage cheese. Apply the prepared mixture to your face for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
  3. Cream and yeast mask: 2 tsp. yeast, 1 tbsp. flour, 3 tsp. buckwheat honey, 0.05 ml. cream. Pour the yeast with heated cream. Add flour and honey. Apply the mask to clean skin for 15 minutes. Rinse off and apply cream to skin.

All these masks will help restore smoothness and elasticity to the skin, and also prevent the recurrence of acne.

Ways to prevent acne on the skin

Not all dairy products cause acne. Yogurt and cheese do not provide negative influence on the skin. Microorganisms in fermented milk products can even improve the condition of the epidermis. But if pimples appear too often, you should reduce your milk intake and watch your skin's reaction.

Sometimes you have to wait for results within two months. Cow's milk can be replaced with almond or soy milk. If the rash continues, cheese should be excluded from the diet. In addition to a healthy diet, you need to lead an active lifestyle, take care of your skin and use high-quality cosmetics.

Milk is a nutritious, tasty product with a unique composition; a popular proverb calls it a complete lunch or dinner; nine out of ten housewives never leave it out of the refrigerator. But are dairy products always good for everyone?

Research by scientists has proven no. Lactose intolerance in milk occurs in 1 in ten people; this anomaly is found in newborns; adults also suffer from an allergy to this product. Acne from cow's milk is the main manifestation of the pathology, unpleasant, irritating and frightening.

Could acne be caused by milk or could acne be caused by something else? How are milk and acne actually related - or is this just another myth? To maintain good health and health appearance To get rid of panic and unjustified dietary restrictions, it’s worth finding out the answers to these questions.

Pimples on the face from milk can really appear. But if you can’t imagine the morning without a glass of milk, the refrigerator is crowded with jars of yogurt, cottage cheese, bags of kefir and fermented baked milk, you don’t have to exclude your favorite dairy products.

By understanding how milk and acne are interconnected, and why acne occurs, you can control the situation and prevent the occurrence of unwanted side effects - or reduce them to a minimum.

Why does milk cause acne?

Parents try to include milk in their child’s diet; it is still given free of charge in preschool and school institutions. Since childhood, we are accustomed to hearing how useful and necessary it is for health, growth and normal development. Many doctors are convinced that milk is a panacea for all ailments.

It is recommended to take it not only internally, but also to use it externally as medicinal compresses and cosmetic masks. And the patient follows the advice, not suspecting that such a procedure can be an impetus for the development of severe acne. Why does this happen, because not everyone gets acne from dairy products. Can they actually cause harm instead of benefit? And what factors influence this?

There are three main reasons:

  1. Individual intolerance. Acne from whole milk in most cases is caused by this factor. A person may not suspect that he is allergic to milk and products made from it; he continues to consume them in the same quantity; as a result, acne from lactose does not go away for months, returning again and again. They can cover the face, other parts of the body - shoulders, neck, chest, back, buttocks. The rash can be short-term, periodic, with single pimples or extensive inflamed foci. In children with allergies, their body temperature often rises, they are capricious, whiny, and may refuse to eat.
  2. Abuse of milk. This is the second most common cause of acne from any dairy product. Even the most useful thing for the body will cease to be so if there is too much of it. Moderation is the main rule of healthy eating, which should not be neglected. If you drink milk once or twice a week, acne on your back and face will not pop up. But if you drink a glass three times a day, the situation will change.
  3. Low quality product. Allergies and acne are found mainly in residents of large cities who purchase food from chain supermarkets. This problem rarely occurs among villagers. They drink natural, freshly milked milk without additives. Packaged milk contains many of them. Their main task is to improve taste and extend shelf life. The purchased product also contains hormones that are used to “feed” cows to increase milk yield.

Dairy products and acne are indeed linked, but we're talking about about store-bought products containing many impurities. Homemade milk causes a rash if it is fatty and is abused.

Why supermarket dairy products are dangerous

Any milk contains hormones and fats - the main culprits of acne on the face and body. Cows feed their calves with milk; they need these two components for growth. But the producer does not think about the development of calves, but about profit.

Together with grass, it feeds cows not only with vitamins - hormones and antibiotics are used.

Now let’s analyze what multiple blows are caused to the skin and sebaceous glands if you regularly drink an “enriched” product from the store:

  1. The concentration of progesterone and steroids responsible for regulating the sebaceous glands increases two to three times - the amount that is produced naturally in the body, supplemented with hormones from milk.
  2. With an excess of progesterone and steroids, hormonal imbalance occurs, creating a favorable environment for the formation of acne.
  3. The unbalanced composition of store-bought milk causes an increase in blood sugar. The amount of insulin produced changes - we are back again to hormones associated with the intensity of the sebaceous glands.

What to do - give up milk and products made from it or put up with acne in the hope that the body will adapt and use camouflage cosmetics? What is the way out of this situation? If it is impossible to give up drinking milk, buy homemade products from grandmothers at the market - they do not mix hormones into livestock feed and prepare cottage cheese the old fashioned way by hand. As a last resort, switch to kefir or fermented baked milk, they are more difficult to counterfeit.

Acne from dairy products do not appear as often as you might think. After all, the main reason for the appearance of rashes, especially in adolescence, these are hormonal changes in the body.

At this age, hormone levels always increase, but the amount of androgens becomes especially high.

This provokes not only the appearance of acne on the body. Androgens are responsible for the transition from teenager to adult. This means that hair appears where there was none before, boys’ voices begin to break, and the sweat and sebaceous glands begin to work especially actively. Many people experience mood changes.

It has been proven that at this age you should especially carefully monitor your diet, as there is a whole series products that can cause a lot of acne. And not only on the face, but also on the body.

At the same time, acne can appear not only from sweets, but also from dairy products in both teenagers and adults.

Yes, that's true.

Acne from milk and dairy products is a very real phenomenon. And such rashes do not occur as rarely as one would like to think. Moreover, it is milk that is in the first place in the risk zone for acne.

And you can always find your own reason for this. Moreover, there can be several of them at once.

  1. Allergy. If acne appears from dairy products, and you were even able to notice such a connection, then most likely you have an allergic reaction to this food product. To accurately answer the question of whether you are allergic to milk, it is recommended to consult a doctor.
  2. Drinking milk too often. In this case, the rule, the more the better, does not work. Therefore, you should not drink milk five times a day. Yes, and nutritionists recommend giving up milk after 18 years of age, and it is better to eat fermented milk products.
  3. Eating only store-bought products. Store-bought milk, and not only milk, but all dairy products, is a mixture of unpleasant and unhealthy. It is not advisable to use such products for food. If you have the opportunity, it is better to purchase milk from trusted sellers on the market or avoid such food altogether.

Why can dairy products cause acne on your face? The fact is that a cow eats not only hay and grass. In order to increase the amount of milk she can produce, she is fed hormones and antibiotics. All this goes into the milk, which is obtained from such a cow.

Therefore, along with the hormones of cow's milk, which is generally not intended for humans, but is needed by a calf, you also get that same artificial additive. And no one can say what they used on the farms.

Why is milk from the store dangerous?

Dairy products cause acne if you only drink milk from the store, and buy the cheapest options. And also you don’t buy packages with the word “milk”, but packages that say “ dairy product».

At the same time, hormones from such milk, and these are most often steroids and progesterone, begin to have an intense effect on the sebaceous glands. The sebaceous glands begin to produce large amounts of sebum.

In addition, the level of glucose in the blood increases after drinking milk. And to cope with this, a large amount of insulin is produced. And insulin already makes the sebaceous glands work much more actively.

And the hormones themselves from milk can lead to hormonal imbalance, and it will not be so easy to correct this condition.

Dairy actually causes acne. But this applies exclusively to products from supermarkets and stores. Homemade cow's milk does not have such properties. But no one will recommend drinking it in liters.

We figured out why dairy products cause acne. Now it remains to understand how we feel about another category called fermented milk products?

Should I give up all dairy products?

Which dairy products are most likely to cause acne? Most often it is milk. But can acne appear from kefir, or, for example, from yogurt?

Natural fermented milk products - cheeses, yoghurts, fermented baked milk, kefir, katyk - are a salvation for the skin. They will be the fierce enemies of acne. But only under one condition - they must be made from natural milk and natural sourdough.

If these products are made from the same milk with hormones and antibiotics, then there simply can be no talk of any benefit.

Natural yogurt without dyes and preservatives, which you can prepare at home, will be especially useful.

Can acne be caused by dairy and fermented milk products? Of course they can. Therefore, try not to buy in stores those packs and packaging that say “dairy product”, “kefir product”, “yogurt product”. Be sure to read the ingredients before purchasing. And pay attention to the expiration date. If the product is natural, it can be stored for no more than a week.

Symptoms of acne from milk and dairy products

Acne from dairy products in adults will have the same symptoms as the most common acne, which appears, for example, due to hormonal imbalances.

The severity of the rash will depend on how much milk or dairy products you eat or drink.

In the most severe cases painful internal pimples begin to appear literally the next day.

Women need to be especially careful at the very beginning menstrual cycle. If you usually only get a few pimples at this time and they go away within a few days, that's normal.

But if, after you ate cottage cheese or drank milk, a whole scattering of pimples appeared on your face, then you should give up dairy products. Look at this photo to see what acne caused by dairy products looks like.

As for men, they are allergic to milk and dairy products in the form of rashes on the face and other parts of the body, which appears quite rarely.

Acne from dairy products. What to do?

If you understand for sure that your acne is caused by dairy products, you should definitely reconsider your diet.

Acne should be treated with the same methods that are used to treat ordinary teenage acne.

Creams and ointments based on antibiotics, for example, can help here. It also has a good effect, which is recommended primarily for the treatment of moderate acne.

Skin care requires careful attention - cleansing twice a day, applying medicinal preparations, and mandatory use of lotions for problem skin.

As a rule, complete recovery occurs literally within a couple of weeks. At the same time, you should give up once and for all from consuming low-quality dairy products. But natural kefir or yogurt will be very useful.

What to do with goat milk

Can dairy products made with goat's milk cause acne?

Goat's milk has a different composition than cow's milk.

It practically does not cause allergies, so it is recommended for children with early age. Goat's milk is absorbed faster and better, and most importantly, many teenagers with a lot of acne on their faces after replacing cow's milk with goat's milk felt a noticeable improvement in their skin condition.

Powdered milk

I wrote above why acne appears from dairy products. But can acne appear from milk powder?

Most often this is the case, because milk formulas are very similar in composition to the composition of regular cow's milk.

And if you are allergic to milk, then it is better not to risk it and not replace it with powdered milk formulas.

How to check if dairy products cause acne

Everything is simple here. If after eating milk or fatty cottage cheese, acne begins to appear on your face, it means that the cause of such rashes was precisely milk and dairy products.

Be sure to visit a dermatologist and consult with a specialist. It wouldn’t hurt to visit a nutritionist to choose proper diet nutrition to prevent the appearance of new pimples and blackheads.

Video: Why does milk cause acne?

Our readers write

How Inblanc changed my life

Hi all! My name is Marina, I am 23 years old, and I am the mother of a charming daughter. But my motherhood is overshadowed by one unpleasant circumstance - every day in the mirror I see ugly pigment spots on my cheeks and forehead.

I tried everything I could to get them out! I tried both celandine and chamomile, and even signed up for chemical peeling, but thought better of it in time.

And then somehow my husband, quite by accident, came across this amazing article on the Internet, which described milk for the treatment of age spots. And knowing about my problem, without saying anything, I ordered this product.

I received my unexpected gift literally a week later. And on the very first day I smeared the hated spot on my forehead and a couple of spots on my cheeks 5 times a day. I don't think it was much - the hyperpigmentation on my face was too strong.

This went on for a week. And literally on the 10th day from the start of use, it began to seem to me that my spots began to lighten. I immediately interrogated my husband, and he confirmed my joy. And to accurately confirm my guess, I went to my friend. And do you know what she said?

- What happened to your spots? They are no longer so noticeable, my dear! Let me try to cure my freckles with this drug!

I showed her website where I first read about it after my husband ordered it for me. And then we made an order together.

Surprisingly, Inblanc has made my motherhood even more wonderful, and now I am truly happy!

How I got rid of age spots on my face

Hello everyone!

Age spots are very unpleasant. But until I was 23 years old, I didn’t even know what it was. It all started with hormonal changes in the body, which happens to every woman during pregnancy and after childbirth.

My face looked terrible - the pigment spots were large, occupying almost the entire forehead and cheeks. I simply could not look at myself in the mirror.

Caring for a small child somehow brightened up my days. But when my daughter grew up a little, I finally decided to regain my previous appearance. And I realized that the first thing I needed to do was get rid of age spots.

And then, quite by accident, I came across a product called Inblanc on the Internet. This whitening milk could be ordered right here, which is what I did.

I received my purchase quickly and started working on it the same day. I used whitening milk 3 to 5 times a day and was able to see the first results in just a week. The pigment spots on the forehead became lighter, but on the cheeks did not respond to treatment.

Hello! Not long ago I went to the dermatologist because a dark spot appeared on my cheek. The doctor told me that this was increased pigmentation and advised me not to be too upset.

The beach season is starting soon, and you really want to be beautiful! And here is such a misfortune! I didn’t believe that nothing could be done about this spot and went to read about what hyperpigmentation is on the Internet. More precisely, I wanted to know only one thing - how to get rid of this scourge.

And quite by accident I read this one, where an amazing product was described in detail and with reviews - Inblank cosmetic whitening milk.

I had never used this drug before, but decided to try it. I ordered one bottle to try. And I was right!

I started smearing my unattractive spot 5 times a day, each time after washing my face. I approached the treatment according to all the rules, because I really wanted to get the desired result.

And you know, my efforts were crowned with success! After a week, the spot began to lighten. After three weeks it decreased in size. and then it was time for a second bottle of milk for age spots Inblanc, which I did.

As a result, now I have completely clear skin, and only a small reminder remains of the stain. But I continue to use this product and would never trade it for anything else!