What is the normal penis size, does size matter? What is the normal size of the penis in men: the norm and possible deviations What is the size of manhood.

The average length of the penis in men during sexual arousal varies between 13-16 cm. The greatest influence on the size of the penis is exerted by race, as well as individual characteristics: genetic heredity, endocrine disorders and some pathologies genitourinary system. According to studies, most men overestimate the optimal length of the penis, while women's preferences correspond to the average statistical data.

Average sizes

The collection of statistics for men has been carried out by many researchers, and their results are mixed:

The genital organ in men begins to actively increase during puberty, and by the age of 15-18 it reaches its maximum size. The average penis size by age is presented in the table:

Over the course of four years, from 1998 to 2002, Russian sociologist and sexologist Igor Kon surveyed 8,267 men over the age of 18 about the length of their erect penis. The data obtained in the form of a distribution of sizes according to their prevalence in percentage terms are summarized in the table:

Penis size (percentage of men surveyed)

It can be concluded thatThe most common (average) length of the penis in men in Russia is 15 cm.

The collected information from foreign researchers (LifeStyles Condoms company) correlates with the data of domestic doctors:

Based on a generalization of the obtained data from world statistics, it can be established that the normal length of an erect penis is in the range of 13.8-16.6 cm, and the circumference of its shaft is 11.4 cm. Most studies of the size of the penis were carried out in an erect state, since it is this is most important for men and women.

The degree to which the genital organs swell during sex varies from person to person. For many men with a long penis at rest, the increase in size during erection does not exceed 2 cm, and for those who have a short penis, it can increase 2-3 times.

A woman's vagina also changes in different ways. With strong excitement, the sizes can vary by 2 times.

Possible deviations

Penis sizes of 40-50 cm are observed in rare cases, with endocrine diseases or elephantiasis - a violation of the lymphatic flow, which results in swelling of the organ.

The largest officially recorded length of the penis in a healthy man is 34.5 cm in an erect state and 24 cm in a calm state.

A common problem is insufficient penis size. In surgical practice, there is another criterion for assessing the optimal length of the manhood. The lower limit of normal size is 9.5 cm, since with a smaller size full sexual intercourse becomes impossible.

In this regard, two concepts are also used in medicine:

  • small penis, the length of which is in the range of 2-9.5 cm;
  • micropenis: size less than 1.5-2 cm, diameter up to 1 cm. If the pathology is caused by endocrine disorders, then the use of hormonal therapy promotes normal. If such treatment is ineffective, an operation to change gender to female is performed.

Small penis size in children and adolescents may be due to several reasons:

  • lack of growth hormone or gonadotropic hormones produced in the human pituitary gland;
  • insensitivity of the genital organs to steroid male sex hormones;
  • congenital disorders of the adrenal cortex;
  • genetic abnormalities;
  • pathology of the central nervous system: absence of part or all of the pituitary gland, its underdevelopment, brain tumors, hydrocephalus;
  • deficiency of one of the enzymes involved in the synthesis of testosterone due to a lack of 5-alpha reductase.

The development of this pathology is influenced by the intake of certain medications mother during pregnancy: hydantoids (Difenin, Phenytoin, used in the treatment of seizures), estrogen- and progesterone-containing drugs, as well as adverse environmental factors leading to endocrine disorders.

The most active growth of the penis in boys occurs at 12-14 years of age. According to statistics, dissatisfaction with the size of the penis in men more often occurs at a more mature age. The length of the erect penis is influenced by several factors:

  • features of the anatomical structure;
  • elasticity of fabrics;
  • inflexibility of the tunica albuginea;
  • connection with surrounding tissues.

The extensibility of the genital organ depends on the content of elastic and collagen fibers in the tunica albuginea and cavernous bodies. Over the years, their flexibility and elasticity decrease. in length is observed in the following pathologies:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • injuries;
  • cavernous fibrosis;
  • congenital or acquired erectile deformation.

Factors influencing penis size

In addition to pathological abnormalities, there are other factors that affect the size of the penis: race and anthropometric characteristics. The taller a man is, the longer his penis is, and the more he weighs, the shorter it is. Other types of relationships (sizes of feet, nose, fingers) with penis length have not received official confirmation.

The thickness of the penis at rest is directly related to height, but is not related to body weight. In obese men, the length may appear shorter due to the fold of fat in the pubis that hangs over the penis, although in fact its size remains the same. This phenomenon in andrology is called the hidden penis.

Some males underestimate the size of their penis because of the perspective they get when looking down at it or because of incorrect measurement techniques. The results are also influenced by the ambient temperature and the general health of the man.

There are medical studies indicating a relationship between penis size and race. In black men, the length in a calm state is on average 1-3 cm longer than in white men, and in an erect state the values ​​are almost comparable.

The smallest penis sizes in Asian men are in Cambodia, India, Thailand and Japan. The average length of the penis during erection is 11-12 cm. The obtained statistical data are taken into account when selling condoms and manufacturing penile prostheses in these regions.

Women's preferences

According to an anonymous survey, more than 70% of women would prefer a man with larger genitals. Other studies show that 85% of girls are satisfied with the size of their chosen one’s penis, and 6% consider it below average. For men, this figure is much lower - 55% are satisfied with the length of their penis, and 45% would like to increase it.

Most women attach importance to the width of the penis rather than its length. This is because a larger diameter penis stimulates the clitoral area more effectively. A penis that is too thick causes pain and discomfort during intercourse. There are no sensitive areas deep in the vagina, so length is not that important.

As statistical data show, women consider ideal penis sizes to be those at the upper level of the average: length 16 cm and girth 12 cm. Contrary to popular belief, the main role in obtaining sexual satisfaction is not played by the size of the organ, but by introductory caresses and attention from the partner.

How to enlarge your penis?

You can increase the size of the penis using several methods:

  • Vacuum. Using a hand pump, a vacuum is created around the soft tissue of the penis. The procedure is carried out for half an hour daily. The average is 3 cm in 3-6 months.
  • Traction, based on the principle of stretching tissue under the influence of constant, prolonged physical impact. Stretching is done using tourniquet, strap or vacuum extenders. The optimal wearing time is 6-8 hours a day for 2-4 approaches. The result is achieved within six months (an average lengthening of 3 cm).
  • Surgical. Allows you not only to make the penis longer, but also thicker. The most universal method of lengthening is ligamentotomy - cutting the suspensory ligament and releasing the cavernous bodies to the level of the arteries. After dissection, the corpora cavernosa is fixed in a new position. The operation allows you to enlarge the penis by 3-5 cm.


The standard result of surgical lengthening is 2.5-3 cm. There are no effective and reliable surgical techniques. The condition may be minimal or completely absent.

Produced in the following ways:

  • Injection under the skin of the penis of synthetic gels or alloderm - specially processed human adipose tissue extracted from corpses.
  • Transplantation (subcutaneous wrapping) of a fragment of the chest, back or rectus abdominis muscles taken from the patient.
  • Subcutaneous injection of implanted adipose tissue extracted from the suprapubic region.
  • Transplantation of a skin-fat flap cut from the gluteal or inguinal folds.

Incredible facts

The topic of sex is one of the most popular in our society and at the same time, the most taboo.

Despite the fact that not everyone can talk openly about sex and the things that are associated with it, many have a number of questions to which they would like to receive intelligible and reasonable answers.

How to determine penis size

Thus, there are many myths and misconceptions about what is of particular interest to both sexes. We are talking about the size of manhood. Here are the 10 most common erroneous criteria by which we often incorrectly judge the size of the penis.

What size should a penis be?

1. According to foot size

This is probably one of the most common methods used by people to measure their manhood. It's no secret that many people judge the size of their penis by looking at their shoe size.

People come up with a lot of equations and calculations in an attempt to find the relationship between the size of a man's legs and the length of his penis. However, you can divide, multiply, add various numbers and combinations ad infinitum.

Experts say that this will not lead you to an accurate result, and the dependence of the size of the penis on the length of the foot is just another myth invented by ordinary people.

2. By the distance between the index finger and thumb

Sexologists say that this is the most reliable way measuring the length of manhood. If the thumb is pulled out to the side as far as possible, the hand forms a shape similar to the letter L.

Distance from the nail plate thumb to the nail plate of the index finger and is considered to be identical to the size of this man’s penis. This method of measurement was considered the most popular and accurate.

However, as it turned out later, this distance is the average length of a man's penis. Therefore, the result obtained from such measurements is only approximate.

Male penis size

3. According to the man’s height

It has been proven that, like shoe size, height appears to have little to do with penis length. Experts say it is wrong to assume that tall men have large penises and short men have small ones.

This is a common misconception that scientists have long refuted. The existing stereotypes are also being destroyed by women who claim that short representatives of the opposite sex have a manhood of very immodest proportions.

4. According to thumb size

Another way to measure the penis is the length of the thumb multiplied by 3. However, as practice has shown, this method of measurement is erroneous. It is wrong to think that by measuring the length of your thumb and multiplying it by the number 3, you will accurately obtain the length of your penis.

5. Depending on the race of the man

There are stereotypes that the length of the manhood depends on the race and nationality of the man. And there is some truth in this statement.

As a rule, Asians do not have a huge penis, but Africans, on the contrary, are known to have a very impressive size manhood. Caucasians have an average organ size.

However, it would be wrong to evaluate everyone only on racial and national grounds. As with any rule, there are quite frequent exceptions to this sensitive issue.

6. Distance from the wrist to the tip of the middle finger

Another common way of measuring length and, like all the previous ones, is erroneous. After all, if you believe these calculations, the palms of porn stars should be like those of basketball players.

On average, the distance from the wrist to the tip of the nail of the middle finger is 27.94 cm. Thus, following this theory, one can imagine a man for whom his dignity will simply prevent him from moving.

Of course, this method of measuring penis length is incorrect.

However, a beautiful low timbre does not yet indicate that the same man is the owner of a large genital organ.

As practice shows, sometimes a man with a high-pitched voice can boast that he has a large penis. Note to all ladies: you shouldn’t expect that the owner of a chic baritone has “the snake Gorynych” hiding in his pants.

8. According to the sexual orientation of men

There are rumors that the size of the penis of homosexual men exceeds the size of those who have a normal orientation. Why did such a theory arise?

Perhaps it’s all about that very prenatal hormone, which affects the size and structure of the genital organs and certain areas of the brain, which in turn affect a person’s sexual orientation.

However, as studies have shown, penis size does not depend on a man's sexual preferences. Both homosexuals and heterosexual representatives of the stronger sex can be the owners of a powerful penis.

9. According to the length of the “flaccid” penis

It seems that if in a calm state the penis is not large enough, then in a state of excitement it will also not be particularly large. And vice versa, if a man has a large penis, when an erection occurs, it will increase to an unprecedented size.

However, in reality everything is completely different. During sexual arousal, large genital organs, as a rule, do not increase much, and those who have a small penis in a calm state become the owners of a very large masculine size during an erection.

And again, a note to the fair sex: do not make hasty conclusions when looking at the “bump” in the area of ​​a man’s fly.

10. By the ratio of numbers

Today this measurement method is the most popular. Many people claim that this is the only correct method to get the right result.

Korean scientists conducted a series of studies in which 144 men took part. After the administration of anesthesia, the length of their penis was measured. The results obtained were compared with the length of the index and ring fingers.

The resulting data suggests that men with longer index fingers have shorter penises. The reason for this, according to experts, is that these figures are a good indicator that prenatal androgen and testosterone are present in the proper amount in a man’s body.

This study was conducted exclusively on Korean men and without their consent. The fact is that the measurements were taken at the time of preparation for urological surgery, while the patients were under anesthesia.

In conclusion, I would like to say the following: no matter how many ways there are to measure the most important organ of a man, you need to remember that you cannot rely on any of them with one hundred percent certainty.

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And even if one of the above-mentioned measurement methods leads to an accurate result, it is worth understanding that this is nothing more than a simple coincidence. In fact, there is only one true way to find out what size your partner’s penis is...

Penis size is something that bothers most men, even if they have nothing to be ashamed of. In order to get rid of complexes once and for all, you need to figure out what the normal penis size is for people of different nationalities.

If a man is able to satisfy a girl in bed and have children, his reproductive organs are fine

While many men measure the penis with a ruler in different positions, hoping to at least visually gain an extra half a centimeter, doctors say that the normal size of the penis is a length sufficient for full sexual intercourse and conceiving a child.

From a physiological point of view, a normal penis size can be considered a length greater than 8 centimeters. This is explained by the peculiarities of female physiology, because for conception it is necessary that ejaculation occurs deep in the vagina, and for this approximately 6 cm is enough. To satisfy a woman during sexual intercourse, it is necessary to know the peculiarities of female physiology. Thus, the main number of nerve endings sensitive to stimulation are located at a depth of approximately 7-10 cm. This determines the physiological norm for the size of the sexual organ.

A penis size of less than 7 cm is a disorder known as micropenia.

In other words, the normal size of the penis is determined by the main function of the organ, that is, the possibility of fertilization. It is interesting that a man with a normal penis size, that is, about 10 cm, who wants to undergo surgery to enlarge the organ, may be refused in most clinics, since from a medical point of view this is the normal length of the penis, which does not require surgical intervention.

The diameter of the penis, the norm of which is not determined in any source, should be comparable to the length of the organ. On average, the girth of the organ in a man with a small penis is about 8.5-9.5 cm.

Statistical norms

As a result of research, it turned out that for the majority of the fairer sex, size is not fundamentally important

Having figured out what the normal size of the penis is from a medical point of view, you should turn to statistics. It is disappointing for Asians, and Russians may also disagree with the data presented, but these are official statistics; measurements of volunteers’ organs were carried out by medical personnel.

What is the normal length of a penis - it depends on where you live. Statistics provide the following data:

  • Asian countries - 10-11 cm;
  • Europe – 15.5 cm;
  • USA – 13.5 cm;
  • Africa – 17 cm.

Each region has its own fluctuations in average sizes. Thus, the smallest penises among Asians belong to Koreans - about 10 cm. Moreover, due to the peculiarities of life, the residents North Korea penises are 9.5 cm, while those of the South Korean population are 10.5.

Residents of India also cannot boast of large sizes; the average length of the penis is 11 cm.

In Europe, the sex giants are the Czechs, the average size is 16.5 cm. For the countries of the post-Soviet space, the statistics are generally much more modest than is commonly believed:

  • Russia – 13 cm;
  • Belarus – 14.3 cm;
  • Ukraine – 14.6 cm;
  • Georgia – 15.2 cm.

But among “hot Italians” the average length of the penis is 15 cm. Of course, there are exceptions among every nationality. The given data does not mean that all Russians have penises that do not exceed 13 cm.

Interesting! According to some reports, the “average” penis increases in size every year. The reason is affordable, high-quality nutrition and fewer serious diseases suffered in childhood.

The normal thickness of the penis is not given in any statistics. The fact is that in medicine this indicator is not taken into account, since if the genital organ is of sufficient length, fertilization occurs regardless of the thickness of the penis.

The only statistics that take into account the thickness of the organ is the norm for penis size by age.

The normal length of the penis in teenage boys is important information that allows timely recognition of a number of anomalies in the development of the reproductive system. The average data is shown in the table.

The table shows the length of the penis in an erect state.

The normal size of the penis changes with age only during puberty. The data is given for Europe, so it may be slightly higher than the statistical average for the Russian Federation or Belarus. It is interesting that until the age of 16, the penis grows mainly in length, but after that it quickly increases in girth. Due to the change in size, the length of the penis decreases by about 3-6 mm, so the size after 17 years becomes slightly smaller.

Upon reaching puberty, the size of the penis does not change. These indicators cannot be affected by hormonal therapy and other conservative methods other than surgery.

What determines the size of an organ?

Problems during pregnancy can lead to underdevelopment of the baby's genitals

Contrary to popular belief, penis size is not dependent on other physical characteristics such as the size of the ears, nose or feet. Maximum size is achieved during puberty, and the penis remains the same size until the end of life as it was at 18-19 years of age.

Factors that may affect the final penis size:

  • genetics;
  • diseases suffered in childhood;
  • ecology and nutrition;
  • intrauterine developmental anomalies.

Genetics plays an important role. If all the men in the family had small members, the normal size of the penis in the descendants will remain approximately at the same level, with minor deviations of 1-2 cm.

The most important factor influencing the development of the genital organs is the functioning of the hormonal system. Lack of testosterone and somatotropin leads to slow growth of the penis. Disturbances in the production of these hormones are associated with intrauterine anomalies of fetal development, or with serious illnesses suffered in childhood. The synthesis of these hormones in adolescents may be adversely affected by long-term glucocorticoid therapy or cancer chemotherapy.

Another important factor is ecology and nutrition. People living in industrial regions, areas of increased radioactivity, or in areas with a high content of heavy metal salts in the soil may experience delayed sexual development and weakness of the hormonal system, which leads to the fact that their normal penis length is noticeably lower than statistics say .

Nutrition has the same effect. A lack of beneficial vitamins and microelements can cause various disorders in the development of a child, including delayed puberty. It is precisely due to the fact that the general environmental indicator and the quality of food have increased that every year there is a slight “increase” in the average size of a normal penis.

Due to severe illnesses in early childhood, the reproductive organ may not form

Having figured out what size of the penis is considered normal, you should consider the extreme degrees of deviation. It is interesting that a deviation from the norm is not a pathology and is not considered by medicine as a problem.

Today, it is considered normal to have a penis whose size exceeds 10 cm. If the length is less than this value and is in the range of 5-9 cm, a diagnosis of “small penis” is made. This size may not be enough for fertilization, so a decision may be made to surgically enlarge the penis.

The extreme degree of deviation is micropenia or micropenis syndrome. The genital organ in this case is developed normally, but its dimensions are 2-4 cm in the erect state. It is for the timely detection of this problem that it is necessary to know what the normal size of a teenager’s penis is, since the first signs of micropenia are noticeable already at the beginning of puberty.

How to measure the penis?

Knowing what the normal length of a man’s penis is, everyone will want to compare their performance with the norm. To do this, you need to take the measurements correctly.

The man should stand up straight and lower his erect penis slightly so that it is parallel to the floor. Then a measuring tool is applied to the base. When taking measurements, the distance between the base and the head is taken into account.

Pay attention! Measuring the penis from below is incorrect. Due to the proximity of the scrotum, such measurements differ significantly from the result obtained when measuring the upper part of the organ.

To measure the circumference or girth of the penis, the norm of which depends on the length of the organ, it is necessary to take three measurements at once - at the base, in the center and near the head. To do this, you need to take a measuring tape and wrap it around the organ, recording the final value. Afterwards, all three numbers are added, divided by three, and the resulting number is considered to be the girth of the penis. Such calculations are more accurate than simply measuring the penis in one place, since its width varies from the base to the head.

The resulting value indicates the girth of the penis. To calculate the diameter, this number must be divided by 3.14.

So, having figured out which penis is considered normal, you should not forget about the diameter. The average man with a penis larger than 12 cm has a diameter of approximately 4 cm.

When should you enlarge your penis?

The indication for penis enlargement surgery is that the length is insufficient for full sexual intercourse or fertilization. On average, surgery is indicated in all cases where the penis is less than 9 cm.

Since the operation is complex and can lead to serious consequences, surgical penis enlargement is not performed on men with average and normal sizes due to the risk of complications. For example, a man with a 15 cm penis who wants to enlarge the organ to 18-19 will find it difficult to find a surgeon who will take on such responsibility.

Mandatory indications for surgical treatment are a small penis and micropenia. In these cases, the penis is enlarged by cutting the tissue at its base, as well as removing fat in the pubic area.

For micropenia, hormonal treatment is indicated, but it is prescribed only in adolescence, since testosterone injections do not help men over 18 years old to enlarge the penis.

Having figured out what penis size is considered normal, you should think carefully before attempting to enlarge it. Home enlargement methods are especially dangerous, as they most often involve injury to the tissues of the genital organ. It is important to understand that the average size of the penis is comparable to the average size of the female vagina, so men with small penises do not experience problems in their personal lives.

Of course, every man pays great attention to his penis, because the latter is of great importance in terms of self-esteem and communication with the opposite sex. For this reason, almost all representatives of the stronger half of humanity are concerned about the answer to the question of what is the optimal size of the penis.

Opinions about the ideal parameters of manhood have changed repeatedly throughout history until modern standards were finally developed. What is the optimal penis size will be discussed in the article below.

During the heyday of the first developed civilizations ( we're talking about about Ancient Rome and Greece) the ideal penis size was 10-. This was explained by the fact that it is precisely these parameters that make it possible not to test during intimacy no unpleasant sensations for either the woman or the man. However, the fashion for small size member did not last long and sank into oblivion along with the fall of ancient civilization.

New ideas about beauty were brought by barbarian peoples, among whom a large penis was associated with masculinity and was an attribute of a real warrior. Probably, it was precisely because of the ideas of the inhabitants of the early Middle Ages that later humanity developed a stereotype that the most ideal penis size was more than 15 centimeters.

Such parameters began to be actively cultivated in the minds of large groups of people during the period of the sexual revolution, which hit the world in the middle of the last century. The most zealous people who took up the popularization of long penises were porn directors who invited people with truly gigantic penises to play roles in their films. Because of this, in the future, many men began to worry about the discrepancy between the length of their dignity and the size that actors from adult films could boast of.

However, recently a number of studies on what the optimal length of the penis should be, as well as numerous surveys of women, have completely dispelled such stereotypes. It turned out that the standards imposed by the porn industry, to put it mildly, do not correspond to the real state of affairs.

Ideal dimensions of manhood: what scientists say about it

Modern scientists began to look for an answer to the question of what the ideal penis size is around the 1980s. First, they classified all penises by shape. So, in their opinion, male dignity can be:

  • cylindrical. Such a member is characterized by almost equal circumference of both the base and the head;
  • mushroom-shaped. Penises of this shape are characterized by a rather narrow base and an overly wide head;
  • pointed. In this case, the base is much more massive and voluminous than the head, which is why the penis takes on the appearance of a spear tip.

Also, leading sexologists have developed a line of members according to their length. You can see this data in the following table:

Recent works by the staff of the French National Academy of Surgery should still shed light on what is the optimal penis size. The research result somewhat surprised supporters of the theory that “the more, the better.” It turned out that the average size of the penis ranges from 13-, and its volume is about 10 cm during erection.

Afterwards, a series of studies were conducted, the ultimate goal of which was to find out what the ideal penis size is. It took more than one year to determine the optimal dimensions. The parameters of manhood of representatives of various races and nationalities were analyzed, during which it turned out that Negroids can boast the largest average length, while Mongoloids have a small member.

These data almost completely coincide with the results obtained by American and British scientists. Sexologists from the United States came to the conclusion that the most optimal penis size is 15 cm, and representatives of the United Kingdom called the average size 14 cm.

What sizes do women like?

However, the last word in assessing the optimal penis length always remains with the fair half of humanity, because these parameters are extremely important for them when choosing a partner for sex. What is the optimal length, according to women, for a penis in fighting condition?

As the American scientists already mentioned above assure, girls give preference to members whose size is not much larger than the statistical average. We also draw your attention to the fact that when conducting these studies, it turned out that only those women who are just preparing to enter into a close relationship with their chosen one think about what the ideal penis size is. Girls who have been married for a long time practically do not pay attention to this nuance.

To ensure the accuracy of the experiment, employees of several universities 3D printed over 30 models of erect penises of various lengths and shapes. The phallus of an ordinary American with the following dimensions was taken as a basis:

  1. length – a little more than 15 cm;
  2. volume – 12.5 cm.

Participants in the experiments were asked to choose, among all this variety, the optimal penis size for sex (moreover, a gradation was assumed for intimacy for one night and for long-term sexual intercourse). The responses from the majority of the 75 women revealed that the ideal size of a man's penis for casual sex is larger than that for a serious relationship.

A good size for one-day affairs was recognized as 16 cm, which exceeds the average by approximately 1 cm. For regular sexual contacts, the most optimal length of the penis is 15.5 cm, which almost completely coincides with the results obtained by American sexologists when calculating the average size of the penis organ. The optimal indicator is within 12.5 cm.

According to sexologists, the choice of longer-term relationships is due to the fact that women, on a subconscious level, try to protect themselves from possible unpleasant sensations associated with the penetration of giant-length penises. Scientists also remind us that the psychological component is primarily important for women during sex, so when they fall in love, they do not pay attention to the dimensions of their partner’s phallus.

At the same time, a higher indicator of the optimal length of the penis for one-night stand suggests that girls are not averse to experimenting and adding to their intimate life diversity. It is also likely that the desire to have a relationship with a man with a large penis is associated with a woman’s instinctive desire to submit to a dominant male with pronounced primary sexual characteristics.

Well, to summarize, it is worth noting that about 40% of respondents prioritized not the optimal size of the genital organ, but its shape and aesthetic appearance. Thus, the conclusion suggests itself that if you want to succeed with the opposite sex, you must carefully care for your manhood.

When should you resort to surgical penis enlargement?

As we can see from all of the above, the ideal penis length, according to girls, is quite comparable to the average results, so the vast majority of men should not think about enlarging the penis.

The only exception is the owners of the so-called micropenises, who may experience both physical and psychological discomfort from the unsatisfactory dimensions of their phallus.

The best solution in this case would be for them to contact an experienced surgeon who will be able to lengthen the penis using the muscles of the groin area. However, in pursuit of optimal size male member, do not forget about the possible risks. Thus, at an advanced age or with serious illnesses, it would be prudent to refuse such interventions and try other methods.

We should not forget that after such operations ugly scars may remain (therefore, the best option would be the scrotal augmentation method, which leaves virtually no scars), and the end result will not always please the patient.

Curious facts

To conclude our discussion of what is the optimal penis size, we offer several interesting facts related to the topic of this conversation. First of all, let's say that women in the post-Soviet space are in solidarity with American women in assessing penises. This is evidenced by the fact that 80% of girls from the CIS consider the optimal size of a man’s penis to be 15 cm.

The following should also be highlighted:

  • 42% of our compatriots pay attention to the thickness of the penis, and not to the length. They explain this by the fact that optimal volume guarantees much more pleasant sensations from physical intimacy with a man;
  • height, contrary to popular belief, does not affect the size of the penis. Optimal dimensions of the phallus can be observed in both tall and short males;
  • Condom manufacturers say that only 4% of men have a penis larger than 18 centimeters. The average length varies between 14-16 cm.

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