How a person thinks. Allen James


James Allen's book As Man Thinks was first published in 1902. Since then, it has gone through many reprints and has become a true classic of positive thinking.
James Allen is one of the first Americans in the 20th century who, in his literary works, gave a serious analysis of an individual’s motivation to reveal his inner potential. This book, standing on a par with the works of Dale Carnegie, will help all men and women, regardless of whether they are rich or poor, educated or uneducated, have life experience or not, to find in themselves the source of any success, happiness, fulfillment of any of their desires and creation of any reality.
Reason is the Supreme Power.
Man is a creative Mind,
Creator of everything he desires,

James Allen

How a person thinks (translation by A. Yashurin)

(c) 2006 Andrey Yashurin, translation into Russian

Reason is the Supreme Power.
Man is a creative Mind,
Creator of everything he desires,
Be it a thousand blessings or a thousand diseases.
Secret thoughts become clear
The environment is just a mirror of thoughts.

James Allen's positive philosophy is based on concepts he calls law, justice and righteousness. They are the driving and creative forces that exercise spiritual control of the world. A righteous person realizes that the nature of the universe is also righteous. An individual who has achieved spiritual perception understands that his attitude towards the world determines the attitude of the world towards him. A person's point of view changes as he abandons limiting stereotypes. All objects, phenomena and processes are designed to direct the individual to the formation of a spiritual worldview.


This short book, which is the fruit of reflection and personal experience, does not pretend to be a comprehensive treatise on the power of thought. Many works have already been written on this topic. She suggests rather than explains. Her goal is to inspire men and women to discover and fully embrace the truth that they are the creators of their lives.
Reason reigns due to the thoughts that people choose and support. The mind can be likened to the weaver of the inner “garment” of character, as well as the outer “garment” of circumstances. And if until now a person has been “weaving” ignorance and pain, he can achieve enlightenment and happiness with the help of right thinking.

Chapter 1. Thinking and character

“As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” This aphorism embraces the entire human existence, and also includes all the states and circumstances of his life. An individual is exactly what he thinks. His character is the total sum of his thoughts.
Just as a plant grows from a seed, every human action comes into being from the hidden seeds of thoughts. Without thinking, action is impossible. This applies equally to “spontaneous” and “unintentional” actions, as well as to conscious behavior.
Action is the ripe bud of thought, and joy or suffering is ripe fruit. A person reaps the sweet or bitter fruits of what he himself has planted.
The individual grows by virtue of the law; his life is not a completed creation. The cause-and-effect relationship is absolute and unchangeable both in the hidden reality of thought and in the world of visible and material things. A noble and spiritual character does not arise by the whim of luck or chance. It is the natural result of persistent right thinking and man's identification with the Divine in his mind. An ignoble and base character, in turn, is a consequence of persistent adherence to base thoughts.
Man creates or destroys himself. In the workshop of the mind, he forges weapons with which he can inflict wounds on himself. On the other hand, he is able to create tools for building heavenly abodes of joy, strength and peace. By making the right choice and using thought properly, the individual ascends to divine perfection. Abuse of thought lowers a person below an animal. Between these two extremes lies a wide variety of characters created by people.
Many laws of mental life have been rediscovered and become common knowledge in recent years. The truth discussed in this book is one of the most promising. According to it, man is the master of his thoughts and the creator of his character. He creates for himself an environment, living conditions and destiny itself.
Being master of his own thoughts, a person firmly holds the keys to every situation in life. Thoughts contain a transformative and regenerative power through which an individual can change as he pleases.
A person always remains a master, even in moments of weakness and humiliation. Being in weakness and humiliation, he manifests himself as a careless owner who poorly manages his “house”. By reflecting on his condition and earnestly striving to understand the law on which his existence is based, the individual gradually acquires wisdom and begins to intelligently direct energy to achieve favorable results. To become a conscious master, a person must discover the law of thought within himself. This discovery is directly related to introspection and practical experience.
To find gold and diamonds, you need to dig up the ground. A person can know the truth of his existence only if he “digs” a “deep mine” in his soul. How can an individual make sure that he is the creator of his own character, life and destiny? He needs to carefully observe his own thoughts, controlling and changing them, tracking their impact both on himself and on others, as well as on everyday circumstances. It is important for him to learn to connect causes and effects. Even trivial experiences and everyday events help a person gain new knowledge about himself - knowledge that will bring wisdom, understanding and strength. The absolute law declares that “everyone who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.” Only a person who shows patience and perseverance can enter the door of the temple of knowledge.

How does a person think? James Allen

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Title: How a Man Thinks

About the book “As a Man Thinks” by James Allen

James Allen's positive philosophy is based on concepts he calls law, justice and righteousness. They are the driving and creative forces that exercise spiritual control of the world. A righteous person realizes that the nature of the universe is also righteous. An individual who has achieved spiritual perception understands that his attitude towards the world determines the attitude of the world towards him. All objects, phenomena and processes are designed to direct the individual to the formation of a spiritual worldview.

On our website about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online the book “As a Man Thinks” by James Allen in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

Quotes from the book "As a Man Thinks" by James Allen

Just as a wise gardener tends a garden, weeding out weeds and growing the flowers and fruits it needs, you can do the same with your mind, not allowing anything harmful or useless into your thoughts. This will allow the garden of your mind to bloom wildly and bear fruit abundantly, giving free rein to pure, noble thoughts.

The world is designed in such a way that we must constantly seek and find the highest justice in everything. Having taken this right path, we will find that we begin to look at many things differently, treat others differently, and they, in turn, change their attitude towards us for the better.

Suffering is always caused by wrong thinking. They indicate that the individual is not in harmony with himself, with the law of his being. The only highest goal of suffering is to cleanse and burn everything unclean. Suffering ceases for a purified person. Once all the slag has been removed from the gold, there is no point in melting it down. A completely pure and perfect being cannot suffer.

James Allen's book As Man Thinks was first published in 1902. Since then, it has gone through many reprints and has become a true classic of positive thinking. * * * James Allen is one of the first Americans in the 20th century who gave in his literary works a serious analysis of an individual’s motivation to reveal his inner potential. This book, standing on a par with the works of Dale Carnegie, will help all men and women, regardless of whether they are rich or poor, educated or uneducated, have life experience or not, to find in themselves the source of any success, happiness, fulfillment of any of their desires and creation of any reality.

Reason is the Supreme Power.

Man is a creative Mind,

Creator of everything he desires,

Be it a thousand blessings or a thousand diseases.

Secret thoughts become clear

The environment is just a mirror of thoughts.

James Allen's positive philosophy is based on concepts he calls law, justice and righteousness. They are the driving and creative forces that exercise spiritual control of the world. A righteous person realizes that the nature of the universe is also righteous. An individual who has achieved spiritual perception understands that his attitude towards the world determines the attitude of the world towards him. A person's point of view changes as he abandons limiting stereotypes. All objects, phenomena and processes are designed to direct the individual to the formation of a spiritual worldview.

James Allen is one of the first American authors of motivational literature. Allen was born in 1864 in England into the family of a businessman. Since childhood, he studied the literature of the classics, including Leo Tolstoy, as well as the scientific works of Charles Darwin. He was, oddly enough, also interested in religious literature, especially Buddhism and Hinduism. At the age of 38, James Allen and his family move to a small town, where he lives a simple and modest life. For 9 years, the writer creates more than 15 works, and also publishes the magazine “Light of Reason”. The author's works always have a motivating component. For many years he studied the human thought process, as well as the factors influencing personality development. James Allen himself was not a rich man, but today his books are an impetus for millions of readers to take action and change their own lives.

James Allen's most famous work is the book “As a Man Thinketh,” first published in 1902. In this text, the writer shares his thoughts on positive philosophy, which, in his opinion, has three foundations: law, justice and righteousness. It is these driving spiritual forces that provide the energy to control your life. A righteous person understands that the world is also righteous, and one who is close to the spiritual perception of reality realizes: the Universe always reciprocates. All objects, natural phenomena, processes are aimed at forming spiritual perception in the individual. And James Allen’s work “As a Man Thinks” is aimed at preparing and understanding this principle.

Thoughts completely determine our existence. Therefore, James Allen in his book “As a Man Thinks” urges readers to take care of their health and not blame other people for their poverty or find reasons for it. As a man of the early 20th century, Allen unconditionally believes in the power of reason, in the rationality of man. The book consists of seven chapters that consistently reveal the philosophy of the American writer. You can listen to an audiobook in mp3, read online or download the e-book “As a Man Thinks” in fb2, epub, pdf, txt – by James Allen for free on the website. In the first part of the work, the reader gets acquainted with the dependence of thinking and character, but in the finale of the book we learn how to put these relationships into practice. Allen's writing style is consistent, he creates clear and precise chains of cause and effect, his story is not replete with fictitious stories and real-life examples.

“As a Man Thinks” is a motivating guide by James Allen that helps you rediscover yourself in life. And although the book was written at the beginning of the 20th century, it is still read with interest today, and the ideas and practices presented in it are still relevant.. Read also a summary of the book (abbreviated retelling) and reviews of the book.