What do the letters v mean? Letters of names

The name influences a person’s character, helping his development or, conversely, slowing him down. Each letter in a word has its own semantic and emotional connotation; it is a wave of a strictly defined frequency. The waves affect the body, each in its own way, and have the ability to form various spiritual qualities in a person. Getting used to the name, the child, as it were, adjusts the vibrations of his “I” to the vibration of the name.

Take the letters of your name and see what they reveal to you. The influence of each letter in the name is not equal in strength. The letter that begins the word is most pronounced, followed by the most audible and repeated more than once. It’s good to analyze full and pet names and understand how they differ. By understanding and feeling the vibration of your name, you can better understand your purpose in life. You can also realize, by analyzing your last name letter by letter, what vibrations it carries family name for the whole generation to which you belong, and also determine the set of traits that the person you are interested in possesses.

The influence of the letters of a name on a person’s fate

A - in all languages ​​it carries a symbol of beginning - this is the strength and desire to start and implement something, the desire to be the first, leadership and organizational abilities, a great tendency to take action. You don’t have to force people whose names contain the vowel A to work: work is their natural need. But not any work, but only in the field that they independently choose. What does this field look like? This is dictated by the other letters contained in the name.

B - This consonant introduces a need for thrills into a person’s character. Dizzying love, risk in commerce or on the tourist trail, breakthrough abilities - these are the colors of his life. Such a person is often indomitable and prone to insolence. Where others would break their necks ten times over, he may be lucky. A penchant for early amorous life, which never ends, but at the same time imparts constancy and spiritual romanticism. Causes a desire to financially secure one’s life.

IN - the consonant B forces a person to first carefully plan his future, and then fight to fulfill his fantasy. Gives perseverance and realistic plans, so often the dreams of such a person come true.

You can conquer him only with deeds, and not with passionate promises. They have sociability and internal unity with nature. This is a creative person looking to the future.

G - try to remember your friend whose name contains the consonant G. Do you remember? Now agree that what distinguishes him from your other friends is his disgust. This may manifest itself, for example, as an aversion to being in an unclean room, or a reluctance to listen to an unprofessional singer, or squeamishness about food. There may be a tendency to change partners, because they always find something to find fault with in everyone. They pay attention to their health, the cleanliness of their home and have the need to do everything in good faith. There is a desire for knowledge and the secrets of life.

D - If an enterprise has distributed land for plots, the first person to fence his lawn with pegs will be the one whose name contains the letter D. True, he will fence it first, and only then will he think about whether he is able to cultivate this land. And if it turns out that no, he is not able to, he will still regularly update the pegs around the area overgrown with weeds. Thoughtful, thinking before starting a task, family oriented, helpful, sometimes moody. If he commits a daring act without thinking about the consequences, he will often face punishment.

E - this letter gives the character two mutually opposite features at once: ingenuousness and the desire for power. If the power-hungry thoughts of these people prevailed, then they were immediately visible to the naked eye. The need for self-expression, the exchange of ideas, the tendency to act as a mediator, insight. Talkativeness may appear.

Yo - energy of self-expression, emotionality. A person does not always manage to restrain his passions.

AND - the desire for aesthetic completeness is a trait introduced into the character of the consonant J. Contentfulness, an inner world that is not open to everyone. Emerging desires can manifest themselves as an impulse to action.

Z - z-z-z. What is this sound associated with? Of course, with the annoying buzz of a saw. People with the consonant Z in their name are somewhat similar to this instrument. True, some nag themselves (feeling guilty, always finding something to do), others nag those around them. It all depends on the presence of other letters in the name. They can take up a perimeter defense of the “I” from the outside world or take the position of an ostrich hiding its head in the sand. Gives a rich imagination and high intuition.

subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature. Don’t promise a person with the vowel I in his name something that isn’t real—he won’t believe it, because he looks at things soberly. And he also has a wonderful sense of harmony.

J - The letter Y in his name does not promise anything good to a person. It provokes impulsive attacks of fear for the well-being of his body, the fear of being left without money. Fear is usually completely unfounded.

TO - A person with the letter K in his name is always characterized by mystery. He may secretly have a hobby and not want anyone to know about it, and is endowed with the ability to keep other people's secrets. Passion for your chosen line of work. Endurance, which comes from fortitude, insight. Often the credo in life is “all or nothing.”

M - The desire to go everywhere and try everything from one’s own experience is introduced into a person’s character by the consonant M. They need impressions like air. Possible shyness. If the owner of this letter disrespects nature, he is harming himself and will be punished for all misdeeds. It's good to be caring.

N - The consonant N makes a person strictly selective in his heart’s affections, as well as in his words and actions. Inner strength not to accept everything indiscriminately. A sharp critical mind, a diligent worker, but cannot stand “empty” work.

ABOUT - Often people with the vowel O are prone to a conservative way of thinking and adherence to principles constrains their capabilities. The worldview of parents or home life can limit their thinking and take root so firmly in the consciousness of these people that they may simply no longer need a different outlook on life. They have deep feelings and demonstrate ability to handle money.

To be fully realized, they must understand their purpose, for which they need to use their rich intuition to understand the goal predicted by them.

P - to outline an unapproachable peak, conquer it and, without giving out all the interviews and autographs, set off to storm a new one, where he knows nothing - this is a distinctive feature of people who have the consonant P in their name. They have a wealth of ideas, established stable opinions, care about their appearance. These are minds striving for generalizations, wanting to comprehend reality in its integrity.

R - If a person with the letter P in his name borrowed money from you before payday, don’t worry - he will return it on time. Loyalty to his word, as well as to his chosen goal, is his distinguishing feature. The ability to bring a task to the desired conclusion. The ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the being. Getting carried away, a person can succumb to stupid risks.

WITH - creates a desire for a strong position and material security. When irritated, he displays authority and capriciousness. It is important for a person to find his own path in life. Shine, sparkle - this is the impression that a person with the letter S in his name leaves behind.

T -“I am not the same today as I was yesterday” is the motto of a person with the letter T. The passion for variety, especially in small things, can reveal the motive of his life. An intuitive, sensitive, creative person, a seeker of truth, who does not always balance desires and possibilities. Gives you the feeling that life is not endless and you shouldn’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today—act effectively every minute.

U - The vowel U introduces cunning into the character, namely, the ability to carefully hide the true purpose of one’s intentions, the ability of a politician. At the same time, he can also be a generous, empathetic person, a philanthropist, striving to rise to the highest spiritual level. Activates the imagination.

F - The toughest nuts to crack are those who have the consonant F in their name. They will be able to defend their interests. There may be a need to shine, to be the center of attention. Friendly, native speakers original ideas, which at first glance may seem chaotic, but they often contain a valuable grain of truth. There are people with a tendency towards internal contradictory views, for example, they have the ability to lie, to put into practice supposedly necessary lies with the best intentions, for example, to make people happy.

X- but you will not meet a more responsive person than the owner of the consonant X. Even if you consider him of little interest to you, still appreciate him and do not lose him as a friend - you are more likely to find healing from mental wounds next to such a person.

They have an internal drive to succeed in life on our own, gain authority, an independent position in life. A person has increased sensitivity to what people say about him. They have a special responsibility to behave in such a way as not to violate any moral law.

C - the consonant C brings into a person’s life next feature: in a difficult social situation, personify hope for the best. These are leaders who are not devoid of pretensions, arrogance, conceit, but united with the whole, with traditions, unable to exist alone.

H - names containing this sound are more often heard in English-speaking countries, Italy and Indochina. He brings into his character the desire to help his neighbor, and unselfishly, solely out of knightly generosity. They feel like an inextricable part of the whole.

Sh - The consonant Ш makes a person cold-blooded - in an extreme situation, he does not give in to panic and maintains clarity of thought. Teaches you to be attentive to life and able to assess the situation based on the slightest changes. Gives you modesty and the ability to manage your affairs quietly. Developed sense of humor.

SCH - the tendency to generosity, generosity, the ability to penetrate, expand, strive forward is the driving force.

b - It instills an element of uncertainty even in the most balanced character. These are Natalya, Olga, Ilya, Tatyana, Albert. Gentleness of nature, the ability to smooth out the rough edges of relationships. The danger of becoming a slave to a strong-willed partner.

Y - a sense of belonging, practical acumen, a tendency towards materialism, a down-to-earth spirit. This letter gives rise to the desire for justice, and for the sake of its triumph, a person can decide to commit any evil and any violence.

Kommersant - the ability to classify, divide, put something into shelves.

E - gives the ability to see the background of events, the underside of people. Ability to master the language well in speech and writing. Curiosity, sometimes excessive, nosy. The desire to show that one belongs to a “good society.” There may be a desire to “row” everything into one’s own hands; it may be difficult to force or ask a person to do something in the interests of an outsider or for the sake of one’s own spiritual progress, or at least, only for the sake of the whim of one’s body.

Yu - this letter gives purposefulness, a desire for truth, but at the same time gives its owner an overly romanticized idea of ​​​​both himself and the people around him, without noticing the wrong side. They have the ability to self-sacrifice, but at the same time they can act cruelly, justifying themselves with higher considerations.

I - self-esteem, the desire to achieve respect and love from others and the ability to receive them. A person with the vowel “I” in his name can enjoy his own thoughts.

In case of compatibility, it is good that your name and the name of your chosen one have at least one identical consonant. But the more there are, the stronger the understanding between you is possible.

If your names do not have the same consonant letters, then do not be upset: it is possible that you met and are suitable for each other thanks to strong astrological synastry. And in order to become closer in terms of the energy of the name, everything can be corrected if you start addressing the object of your love with some kind of affectionate name or other gentle word that suits your name.

Some data was used from the books by F. Velichko “What is in your name...” and S. Popov “Divination by names”.

A name, like any word, consists of individual sounds. Sounds are waves of different but strictly defined frequencies. Each sound wave affects the human body in its own way. When others call a person by name, he experiences the influence of the same sound waves, which can form certain qualities in him - hardness, tenderness, irritability, insolence, etc.

The influence of each letter in the name is unequal: the first one has the greatest significance, and then the most sonorous and repeated more than once.

Deciphering the name

A – symbolizes the start, the beginning in the broadest sense. Combines well with other sounds and does not create difficulties in pronunciation. The sound “A” in a person’s name inspires him with cheerfulness and gives him strength to fight difficulties.

B – means “breakthrough” abilities, commitment to a solid material base. However, some prudence inherent in people whose name contains the letter “B” is compensated by the desire for spiritual communication.

B - speaks of sociability, the ability to live in harmony with nature and people, as well as some laziness. A person with a name starting with this letter is endowed with a desire for sublime feelings, for everything beautiful.

G – predetermines the desire for knowledge, practicality, the ability to correctly assess the situation and quickly respond to what is happening. But “G” also means touchiness, vulnerability and subtle mental organization.

D - speaks not only of a tendency to think, to think about both philosophical and everyday problems, but also of stubbornness, pride and independence. As a result, mistakes are made and assessment of one’s strengths and capabilities is not always correct.

E - symbolizes the need for self-expression, the exchange of ideas, as well as diplomatic abilities and insight. This letter suggests the possibility of nervous breakdowns due to relationships with loved ones. "E" speaks of adaptability and sexuality.

Z - symbolizes the desire to isolate yourself from the outside world, high intuition, developed imagination, painful sensitivity. But at the same time it also means devotion, goodwill, and religiosity.

And - gives a person sophistication, romance, sentimentality. Some detachment and uncertainty contained in “I” prevents you from making quick decisions and slows down your reaction. The letter “I” in the name imparts diplomacy to the character as a defensive reaction to rudeness and pressure from the outside.

K - symbolizes endurance, insight, secrecy in personal affairs, as well as the desire for power. The excessive pride of people named with “K” prevents them from implementing their plans. Many people come to religion from spiritual rebellion.

L - gives nature artistry, rich imagination, and literary abilities. A disposition towards laziness and contemplation makes it difficult to find your life purpose. But the desire for material wealth spurs and encourages action.

M - speaks of caring, willingness to help, some shyness, gentleness. The most common vice that a person with 'M' in his name is prone to is greed. Only by suppressing the desire to hoard will he be able to fully realize his potential.

N - means protest, an internal attitude not to accept everything that happens indiscriminately, the ability to “filter” the information received. Such people always have their own opinion and know how to defend it.

O - informs the owner of a name that contains this letter, developed intuition, the ability to experience deep feelings, as well as the ability to set goals and move towards them. The presence of this letter in the name speaks of a constant desire for self-improvement and self-realization, a desire to make the most full use of one’s abilities.

The meaning of letters in human life

P – defines such personality qualities as self-confidence and a penchant for philosophical reflection. Those with the letter “P” in their names are brave and persistent. They know how to defend their views, but try to avoid conflicts.

P – symbolizes determination, high efficiency, and the ability to correctly analyze the situation. Very often a person with this letter in his name is harsh and intemperate in his statements. It is difficult for him to climb the career ladder, and therefore he sometimes looks for an opportunity to realize himself in free creativity.

S – speaks primarily of the desire for stability and material security. But it also indicates imbalance, frequent mood swings, and excessive demands on oneself and others. Life promises such people many challenges, but common sense and a positive attitude help them easily overcome adversity.

T- indicates a sensitive, creatively gifted nature, with well-developed intuition, but arrogant and ambitious. A name with the letter “T” makes a person envious and vindictive; these people do not tolerate competition. For women, this letter inspires confidence in the irresistibility of their own charms and often turns them into coquettes.

U - means developed imagination, generosity, goodwill and, perhaps, excessive straightforwardness. People with names starting with “U” are neat and pedantic, prudent and thrifty.

F - speaks of the need to be first, to shine in high society, enjoy all the benefits of life, always be in the center of attention. But the inconsistency of character prevents the simple-minded owner of a name with the letter “F” from carrying out even half of the adventures he has planned. Nevertheless, such people are flexible and diplomatic, thinking through their every action to the smallest detail.

X - speaks of the desire to conquer universal recognition surrounding people, which means strict adherence to accepted laws in society and moral principles. Meanwhile, stubbornness and high self-esteem prevent the owner of the letter “X” in the name from correctly assessing their relationships with others, and a predisposition to depression leads to nervous breakdowns.

C - in the name is a symbol of a leader, a purposeful person, speaks of an extraordinary personality, especially gifted in the field of exact sciences. As a rule, owners of names with “C” have difficult relationships with their parents.

H - symbolizes a sense of duty, loyalty to principles, and a caring attitude towards others. The sound has a beneficial effect on the subconscious, being associated with the words “daughter”, “honor”, ​​“honesty”.

Ш - speaks of calm and stability, a subtle sense of humor, and an analytical mind. People with “sizzling” names are gifted in the field of fine arts, have good artistic abilities, and have an innate sense of tact. They love to travel, preferring car trips.

b - means softness and even some spinelessness of nature, increased vulnerability, but at the same time kindness and altruism towards loved ones. People with a soft sign in their name have a rare talent for avoiding quarrels and conflicts; often they have no enemies at all.

E - speaks of well-developed intuition, curiosity, and the ability to identify the most important thing from a set of disparate facts. The letter “E” in a name makes people temperamental, energetic, and sexy. They make good businessmen and journalists.

Yu - symbolizes stubbornness and perseverance, explosive temperament, unpredictability, the desire to stand out from the crowd. These people tend to be narcissistic. In their personal lives they are not very lucky; they may not have harmony in the family.

I - symbolizes a sense of superiority, speaks of narcissism, the desire to win universal love, respect and recognition. Its bearers sometimes irritate others with excessive ambitions.

Let's put it into practice

How to connect together the characteristics of the letters in a name? Let's analyze the female character using the example of the name Marina.

In childhood and adolescence, she is distinguished by her kindness and curiosity. Sometimes shy (letter “M”), not prone to laziness, willingly carries out any assignment (letter “A”). The second syllable is formed by the letters “P” and “I”. Having matured, Marina becomes bold and self-confident. He doesn’t have his head in the clouds, but tries to get to the heart of the matter and bring it to the end. True to her word (letter “R”). The second letter of the syllable gives it exquisite taste and a sense of harmony. The consonant “N” makes her cautious and selective in her words and actions. Marina is capable of much in the name of her goal. The second vowel “A” enhances this character trait with efficiency. As a result, Marina achieves the desired spiritual comfort and material well-being.

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Name is a set of letters and sounds pronounced with a certain timbre, and each letter has an individual sound. The great Russian actor Mikhail Chekhov said: “He who seeks meaning listens to words. Whoever wants to hear the essence listens to the sound.”
Different names- different sets of sounds and, accordingly, different stimuli, which, in turn, affect different brain structures. The sounds of one name cause a feeling of lightness and softness, as they say, “caress the ear,” while the sounds of another name can cause tension and anxiety. This is the so-called “melody of the name”, and since the musical effect occurs subconsciously, it has the greatest impact on the psyche.
And the nature of this music largely determines the attitude of others towards the owner of the name, as a result, developing certain qualities in him.

When deciphering the first name, patronymic, last name, the first one is taken into account more capital letter- it determines the leading qualities of a person, the rest are secondary. The number of identical letters also matters - the more of them there are in the first name, last name and patronymic combined, the more clearly the qualities inherent in them are expressed.

A symbol of beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort. You don’t have to force people whose names contain the vowel A to work: work is their natural need. But not any work, but only in the field that they independently choose. What does this field look like? This is dictated by the other letters in the name. In what area these qualities will be applied can be judged by the remaining letters of the name.

Spiritual romanticism, constancy, strength, breakthrough abilities, the desire to financially secure one’s life. This consonant introduces a need for thrills into a person’s character. Dizzying love, risk in commerce or on the tourist trail - this is the flavor of his life. The presence of this letter speaks of the highest patronage and protection of the person in whose name it is present.

Sociability, connection with life, unity with nature. Creative personality, aspirations for the future. The consonant B forces a person to first carefully plan his future, and then fight for the scrupulous fulfillment of his fantasy.

The desire for knowledge, an introduction to a hidden secret, the ability to understand everything in an inextricable connection with life, attention to detail and the need to do everything in good faith. Try to remember your friend whose name contains the consonant G. Do you remember? Now agree that what distinguishes him from your other friends is his disgust.

Thoughtful, thinking before starting a task, family oriented, helpful, sometimes moody. Often - psychic abilities. If the enterprise has distributed land for plots, he will be the first to stake his own lawn. True, he will first fence it in, and only then will he think about whether he is able to cultivate this land. And if it turns out that no, he is not able to, he will still regularly update the pegs around the area overgrown with weeds.

The need for self-expression, exchange of ideas, the tendency to act as a mediator, insight thanks to skill enters the world of secret affairs. Possible talkativeness. Two mutually opposite characteristics: ingenuity and the desire for power. Maybe that’s why the power-hungry thoughts of these people are visible to the naked eye. Characterized by energetic self-expression and emotionality. A person does not always manage to restrain his passions.

It carries rudeness, covered with external sophistication, internal harshness, intolerance, assertiveness, rigidity, but also the ability to control oneself.

Gives passion, the desire for aesthetic completeness in clothing and in everyday life, the desire for significance, exaggerated attention to oneself, strengthens vitality. In the worst case - pettiness, too much activity and rigidity, the desire for leadership through the suppression of others, intolerance, arrogance, shamelessness.

All-round defense of the “I” from the outside world, high intuition, rich imagination. A person sometimes takes the position of an ostrich, hiding its head in the sand. Some nag themselves, others - those around them. It all depends on the presence of other letters in the name.

Subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature. Don’t promise him half a kingdom just for a horse, he won’t believe it. He knows what and how much it costs in this life. And he also has a wonderful sense of harmony.

This does not bode well for a person. It provokes impulsive attacks of fear for the well-being of one's body. Fear is usually completely unfounded.

Associated with clarity, demarcation, adaptability to life, great firmness. In the worst case - pettiness, too much specificity, lack of ideals.

Caring personality, helpful, maybe shy. At the same time, a warning to the owner that he is part of nature and should not succumb to the temptation to “pull the blanket over himself.” By being predatory towards nature, the owner of this letter harms himself. The desire to go everywhere and try everything first-hand.

A sign of protest, the inner strength not to accept everything indiscriminately, a sharp critical mind, an interest in health. He is a hard worker, but cannot stand “monkey work.” Strictly selective in affections of the heart, as well as in words and deeds.

Deep feelings, ability to handle money. To be fully realized, however, a person must understand his purpose. The goal is prepared for him and he needs to use his rich intuition to highlight it from the bustle of existence. These are limited people, a conservative way of thinking and adherence to principles constrains their capabilities.

A wealth of ideas, established strong opinions, caring about one’s appearance. This letter directs a person’s mind to generalizations and comprehension of reality in its integrity. Identifying an unapproachable peak and conquering it, and without giving out all the interviews and autographs, set off to storm a new one - this is their distinctive feature.

The ability not to deceive with appearances, but to delve into the essence; self-confidence, desire to act, courage. When carried away, a person is capable of taking stupid risks and is sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments. If this person borrowed money from you before payday, don’t worry, he will return it on time. Loyalty to his word, as well as to his chosen goal, is his distinguishing feature.

Common sense, the desire for a strong position and material security, in irritation - imperiousness and capriciousness. It is important for a person to find his own path in life. Shine, sparkle - this is the impression that a person with the letter S in his name leaves behind.

An intuitive, sensitive, creative person, a seeker of truth, who does not always balance desires and possibilities. The symbol of the cross is a reminder to the owner that life is not endless, and one should not put off until tomorrow what can be done today - act, using every minute effectively. “I am not the same today as I was yesterday” is the motto of this man. Passion for variety, especially in small things, is the leitmotif of his life.

Active imagination, generous empathetic person, philanthropist. We will strive to rise to the highest spiritual level. At the same time, a reminder to the owner not to make utopian plans and to remember that not every truth can be announced at every crossroads: in life there is something unpronounceable! Cunning, or in other words, the ability to carefully hide the true purpose of one’s intentions.

The need to shine, to be the center of attention, friendliness, originality of ideas, which at first glance are chaotic, but contain a very valuable grain of truth. The pleasure of making people happy. The internal inconsistency of the view is a bizarre mess of all philosophical systems. The ability to lie, to use supposedly necessary lies with the best intentions. Tough nuts are those who have the consonant F in their name. They will be able to defend their interests.

The intention to succeed in life on your own, to gain authority, an independent position in life. A person is sensitive to what people say about him. This letter reminds the owner that he must behave in such a way as not to violate any moral law. But you won’t meet a more responsive person. Even if you consider him of little interest to you, still keep him among your friends just in case.

A leader, not devoid of pretensions, arrogance, conceit, but united with the whole, with traditions, unable to exist alone. In a difficult social situation, they represent hope for the best.

A part that feels like an inextricable part of the whole, without losing sight of it. The desire to help others, and unselfishly.

Attentiveness to life, the ability to assess the situation at the slightest hint, whisper, rustle. Modesty and the ability to manage your affairs quietly. Developed sense of humor. This is a cold-blooded man. In an extreme situation, he does not panic and maintains clarity of thought.

Generosity, generosity, ability to penetrate, expand, forward striving, driving force.

Gentleness of nature, the ability to smooth out the rough edges of relationships. The danger of becoming a slave to a strong-willed partner.

A sense of belonging, practical acumen, a tendency towards materialism, a down-to-earth spirit. Striving for justice. Moreover, for the sake of its triumph, a person can commit any evil and any violence.

The ability to classify, divide, put into shelves. It instills an element of uncertainty even in the most balanced character. These are Natalya, Olga, Ilya, Tatyana, Albert.

The ability to see the background of events, the underside of people, good command of the language in speech and writing. Curiosity, sometimes excessive, nosy. The desire to show that one belongs to a “good society”. “Let the hand that does not row itself wither dry up” - this is how these people reason.

The desire for truth, the ideals of universal equality and brotherhood, the ability for self-sacrifice and at the same time for cruel acts, supposedly dictated by higher considerations. Purposefulness and at the same time an overly romanticized idea of ​​both yourself and the people around you.

Self-esteem, the desire to achieve the respect and love of others and the ability to receive them. The greatest pleasure comes from your own thoughts.

The word has power, and a person is exposed not only to its sound vibrations, but also to the influence of its numerological meaning. The sequence of letters and their numerical values ​​should also not be ignored. Each letter of the alphabet represents a well-known numerological pattern of energy transmission, designated by a number.

The alphabet has a strict energy vibration, “amenable to numerical calculation.” The code contained in the letters, according to numerologists, is the key to unlocking the secrets of nature and man, who is part of it. These numeric codes are not arbitrary. their symbolism and rational division according to quantitative and qualitative meanings have been worked out for centuries. You can recognize the code using numerological decoders and formulas.

In earlier times, there were alphabets where the letters were also numbers. This was also the native alphabet of Pythagoras - ancient Greek. Each letter in it had not only a numerical expression, but also its own special name and separate meaning. It is believed that Pythagoras (this is the second letter of his name) was the first to understand the hidden meaning of the letter upsilon. The letter upsilon, shaped like a fork, symbolized the choice between the path of virtue and the path of vice.

The right branch of the letter was usually depicted as a straight line directed towards the sky: it corresponded to virtue. And the left branch is a squiggle, turned downwards: it meant a vice. Upsilon was even nicknamed the Pythagorean letter, and in the ancient world there was an expression for quite a long time: “Choose the road according to the Pythagorean letter,” that is, make a worthy choice in life. People initiated into these wonderful properties of the Greek alphabet could use it for predictions, as well as secret writing. Each word, composed of Greek letters, was transformed into a series of numbers according to a special system. They were added up and the final number was obtained.

In this way, knowledge was encrypted that was not intended for everyone. And the art of encryption itself was called hematrix. Numbers acquired not only a mathematical meaning, but a science about their magical meaning arose - numerology. When Arabic numerals came into use in Europe in the 15th century, the connection between numbers and letters became less obvious, and science became even more secret. But modern numerology is constantly evolving, being discovered and learned by inquisitive minds, thanks to which it is possible to systematize and calculate the meanings of letters.

Alphabets codes

The outstanding numerologist of our time, Alexander Kisel, published the book “The Fount of the Abyss” in 1992. In this book, he described how he made a breakthrough into a new numerology, carrying out incredible and evidence-based research into the use of numerical and digital forms and their manifestations in real life.

A. Kisel believes that the Russian alphabet has a mathematical structure strictly coordinated by the cosmos and its creation is a mathematical (numerological) property of our thinking. “Letters are words,” he writes, “a set of words is a thought, but thoughts rush in our brain in mathematical order, according to some formulas... when we speak, our thought has a mathematical appearance,” This means that a thought can be expressed in numbers or a graph. The numbers and formulas embedded in the alphabet help to identify “numerical resonances” between words and concepts, complementing their semantic meaning with a new level of numerological understanding. According to A. Kisel, thanks to this, a universal numerical relationship is established with the surrounding world, its karmic purposes and influences on humans are better understood.

The research of many numerologists has proven the mathematical harmony of the structure of the alphabet, its numerical harmony and symmetry. A. Kisel, Cairo, p. Vronsky and others established that, when forming words, letters have a “numerical resonance” with those phenomena and objects of nature in the structure of which the same codes are embedded.

In numerology, there are several types of numerological alphabet codes. All of them have been tested by numerologists, and each person can choose the one that appeals to him most.

Letters and their numerical values:

  • A - 1
  • B - 2
  • B - 3
  • G - 4
  • D - 5
  • E, Yo, E - 6
  • F - 7
  • 3 - 8
  • I, J, Y - 9
  • K - 10
  • L - 11
  • M - 12 = 3
  • N - 13 = 4
  • 0 - 14 = 5
  • P - 15 = 6
  • P - 16 = 7
  • C - 17 = 8
  • T - 18 = 9
  • Y - 19 = 10 = 1
  • f - 20 = 2
  • x - 21 = 3
  • C - 22
  • H - 23 = 5
  • W - 24 = 6
  • Ш - 25 = 7
  • Yu - 26 = 8
  • I - 27 = 9

In this code of the Russian alphabet, the letters E, Ё and E are considered the same vibration 6, the letters I, Y, Y are considered vibration 9, the letters b and b do not have their own vibrations, therefore they are not taken into account when calculating. Thus, in this code, the letters from A to I correspond to natural numbers from 1 to 9 (these are the basic numbers of numerology), therefore these letters are also basic. Their characteristics will exactly match the characteristics of their numerical value. The letters corresponding to numbers after 9 are converted into natural numbers in the code. In numerology, the study of the energy of numbers, such a transformative process, on the one hand, leads to the complication of the numerical root of the letter, and on the other, makes it more diverse, and this quality, as we know, underlies humanity.

It is necessary to remember that the number 10 is equal to 1, but despite this transformation, it does not lose its meaning as 10. It contains all the properties of the numbers from 1 to 9, and as a result of the transformation of 10, a special kind of unit is obtained. It is endowed with a vibrating combination of all 10 meanings, although after transformation it appears in the form of a singular number. So when 10 becomes 1, a vibrating space is created around it.

The letters of the Latin alphabet also have their own numerological meaning.

  • A - 1
  • B - 2
  • S - 3
  • D - 4
  • E - 5
  • R - 6
  • G-7
  • N - 8
  • I - 9
  • J - 10 = 1
  • K - 11
  • L - 12 = 3
  • M - 13 = 4
  • N - 14 = 5
  • 0 - 15 = 6
  • P - 16 = 7
  • Q - 17 = 8
  • R - 18 = 9
  • S - 19 = 10 = 1
  • T - 20 = 2
  • U - 21 = 3
  • V - 22
  • W - 23 = 5
  • X - 24 = 6
  • Y - 25 = 7
  • Z - 26 = 8

Numerology also uses other coding methods.

Letter meanings

In numerology, the shape of each letter is critical. A well-written letter will create maximum vibrations (this also applies to numbers). Energy connections are everywhere. They are created by the constant interaction of form and space, which are necessary to obtain the result. The energy connections of letters follow the same laws as the energy connections of numbers. As numerology teaches, each letter of a person’s name gives him certain character traits.

The letter A is “single”. This letter is a grounded symbol that stands on two legs. Its upper part is an upward-pointing Pyramid, the lower part is a container for the energy of the Earth. The letter A is single, grounded and closed. It symbolizes standing up for one's own opinion and people who are able to follow the voice of intuition. This letter is a symbol of the beginning: strength and desire to accomplish something, the desire for spiritual and physical comfort.

The letter B is “harmonizer.” This letter consists of a semicircle, a horizontal line and a vertical line connecting them. The lower semicircle symbolizes the energy of the emotional and physical realms, the upper horizontal line - the mental level. Thus, the letter B symbolizes harmony of mind, heart and body, romanticism, constancy and reliability in relationships with people, as well as initiative, the ability to overcome difficulties, and the desire for material well-being.

The letter B is “creator”. This letter consists of two balanced semicircles. They are connected on the left by a vertical line that passes through the junction point of the semicircles. The semicircles form two containers of energy. The upper one contains spiritual and mental energy, the lower one contains the energy of the emotional and physical realms. The letter B symbolizes balance and internal stability, constancy, ease of communication, the ability to quickly establish contacts, and an adequate perception of reality; unity with nature, creative personality. This is the letter of the builder.

The letter G is “lover of order.” Consists of a long vertical line and a short horizontal one. The energy flow collects the energy of heaven and earth. This letter represents a force to be reckoned with. It symbolizes activity and often spiritual motivation, which encourages many things. The letter G is a thirst for knowledge, a desire to reveal secrets, the ability to perceive everything that happens in life in close connection, attention to even the little things, conscientiousness in all matters.

The letter D is “man of action.” This letter is a semicircle curved inward and vertical lines that are connected by upper and lower horizontal lines. Vertical direction the flow of energy, which limits the semicircle, forms a closed energy space. The purpose of this letter is to be a gate. She is reliable and calm, orderly and grounded. Symbolizes comprehension, reflection before starting any business. It means the main focus on the family, the desire to help those in need; some capriciousness, a tendency towards extrasensory perception.

The letter E is a “connoisseur of comfort.” It consists of four straight lines - three horizontal ones of the same length and a vertical connecting them, twice as long. Horizontal lines extend from the top, bottom and middle vertically, creating two balanced sections to the right of it. The energy flow of the letter E is a strong vertical line, three horizontal energy flows guide it, dividing it into mental, spiritual and physical. Mental and emotional energies mix in the upper part, emotional and physical - in the lower part. The letter E symbolizes outstanding analytical skills, the ability to understand and structure. It is very stable when connected with life, and consists of equal parts of spiritual and mental, emotional and physical energies. The letter E is the desire for self-expression, the need to exchange ideas, and the readiness to play the role of mediator in conflict situations. Insight, intuitive understanding of the world of secret and incomprehensible. Sometimes talkative.

Letter E. It has the same structure as the letter E, but its energy is enhanced by two dots above it. Symbolizes the emotionality of nature, energetic self-expression, and violent passions that are not always restrained.

The letter Z is “seeker.” This letter is formed by three straight lines intersecting in the center. Their energy flows receive the energy of the Earth and heaven and collect it in the center. This letter symbolizes endurance, perseverance in the face of adversity, a harmonious personality with a rich inner world, as well as some secrecy, desires as impulses to action.

The letter Z is “confident strength.” The letter Z is formed by two semicircles directed in one direction - to the left. The curves of the letter connect heaven and Earth, its energy fields twist like a snake, rising to the heavens. This letter symbolizes mystical and intellectual knowledge, earthly charisma, the movement of life and serpentine power. Expresses strong imagination, intuition, the desire to isolate yourself from external reality and live in your own closed world; in difficult situations - self-removal from solving the problem.

The letter I is “humanitarian.” It is formed by three straight lines of equal length - two vertical and one diagonal, which connects the top of the right vertical line and the bottom of the left. The energy flow of this letter rises from the earth to the sky. The diagonal attracts the force of heaven and earth to the points of contact with the verticals. The voids form energy-gathering triangles. This letter is the reaper of what is sown, it gives the ability to multiply. Symbolizes sophistication, sensitivity, kindness, and the desire for harmony with the outside world. Romantic soft nature. In the negative: efficiency and practicality are most often a screen to hide the true (and often harsh) essence.

The letter K is “justice.” This letter is formed by a strong vertical line and a second line curved in the middle and connecting diagonally to the vertical. The energy flow of a vertical line is directed towards heaven and earth, as is the flow of a diagonal line that changes direction in the middle. The interior space forms an open swoosh, equally open to the sky and the earth. This letter is a spiritual teacher, it symbolizes spiritual development and stability, balance between heaven and earth. Expresses endurance, fortitude, ability to keep secrets, insight; The main principle in life is all or nothing.

The letter L is “spiritual innovator.” Formed by two diagonal lines meeting at the apex. Her energy flow collects the energy of the earth and directs it to the sky. The letter L stands firmly on the ground. She perceives ideas and translates them into physical reality. This is a majestic letter. It symbolizes a subtle understanding of beauty, extraordinary artistic and artistic abilities, the desire to share knowledge and impressions, the consciousness of the inadmissibility of wasting life, the need to find one’s true purpose.

The letter M is “creative power for yourself and others.” This letter consists of two parallel vertical lines connected by two diagonal lines that meet at ground level. It receives energy from a strong connection with the earth, the energy flow moves through the bases of upward triangles. But this letter also contains a triangle pointing downward and governing celestial energy. This letter is the embodiment of down-to-earth femininity, caring, like a smart mother who knows when to use the stick and when to give the carrot. Symbolizes the desire to help others, sometimes shyness; rejection of predatory attitude towards nature; internal struggle with the temptation to become the center of everyone's attention.

The letter N is “strong, creative, organized.” It is formed by two strong vertical lines, the middles of which are connected by a horizontal “bridge”. Two points of contact are with the heavens and two with the earth. They are stabilized by a central line, forming two open "containers". This is a very strong letter. It symbolizes people who are self-confident, remain strong under external pressure and have developed intuition. This letter is a sign of protest, a critical approach to reality; desire for spiritual and physical health. Diligence in work, dislike of monotonous and uninteresting work.

The letter O is “bringing ideas to life.” It is a closed circle, the beginning of which can be considered any point. It has neither beginning nor end. This letter symbolizes a broad outlook, developed imagination and intuition. She controls deep inner rhythms and symbolizes great wisdom. Expresses strong and deep feelings, the need for self-knowledge, the desire to understand one’s purpose, rich intuition, the ability to highlight the most essential in the hustle and bustle of life. Ability to handle money.

The letter P is “a self-believing adventurer.” It consists of two vertical lines and a horizontal one connecting them at the top. This letter stands firmly on the ground and “rests its head” in the sky. A container closed at the top indicates hidden strength and energy. It symbolizes a wealth of thoughts, strong opinions, the ability to generalize, the desire to comprehend reality as a whole, and concern for one’s appearance.

The letter P is “the power of creative analysis.” It is formed by a straight vertical line and a semicircle that connects its top and middle. The vertical line rests on the ground. The semicircle contains the energy of heaven and emotions. This is an elegant and kind letter, a powerful builder. Symbolizes spirituality, the ability not to succumb to external influences, the ability to delve into the essence, self-confidence, the desire for active action, courage, and passion. Sometimes thoughtless risk, adventurism, a tendency to indisputable judgments.

The letter C is “strong and independent.” This letter consists of one line forming an open circle. The letter curves to the right and also has a curved top and base. It is a protected container, receptive, the energies mix in it. His relationship with the Earth is one of war and peace. This letter is reliable, calm, creative and cheerful. It symbolizes the desire for a strong position and material security, common sense; irritability, imperiousness, sometimes moodiness, understanding the importance of realizing one’s purpose in life.

The letter T is “battle with the purpose of power.” Formed by a vertical line that starts on the ground and ends at the top, it is covered on top by a horizontal line that supports celestial energy with the help of logical analysis. The vertical line attracts this force to the ground. This letter symbolizes the ability to see opportunities and do right choice. This letter is prone to compromise. Creative personality, sensitive nature, possessing intuition; constant search for the truth. Desires are not always commensurate with possibilities. The symbol of the cross reminds us of the transience of life, so you should not put off until later things that can be done immediately.

The letter U is “great spiritual vision.” The letter U is formed by three straight lines connected in the center. Two are above the connection point, and one is below. The energy flows of this letter connect at the center, where the top two unite and are directed towards the earth. This letter symbolizes decision making. It is balanced and symbolizes spiritual wisdom, rich imagination, generosity, the ability to empathize, altruism, the constant desire to reach a higher spiritual level, the awareness that the truth does not always need to be announced at every crossroads.

The letter F is “the need to make a choice.” This letter is a vertical line and two semicircles facing different sides. The vertical line rests on the ground, and the two semicircles symbolize the emotional and spiritual spheres. This is a harmonious letter that symbolizes balance; the desire to always be in the center of attention, to amaze others with your brilliance, friendliness, originality of ideas (which sometimes actually contain valuable grains of truth), the desire to make people happy and enjoy it yourself, the ability to present a supposedly necessary lie with the best intentions. A contradictory worldview is a bizarre mixture of a variety of philosophical teachings.

The letter X is “receptive creativity.” Formed by two straight lines intersecting in the center. Its energy flows go from right to left diagonally, receiving the energy of the earth and heaven and collecting it in the center. This letter symbolizes endurance and a harmonious future, courage, willingness to help oneself and others. The desire to gain authority, to take an independent position in life, increased sensitivity to evaluations from others. Compliance with moral laws.

The letter C is “the embodiment of ideas in the physical world.” This letter consists of two vertical lines, a horizontal line connecting them and a “shoot” going into the ground. The letter C represents an open container for heavenly, spiritual energy, but a strong base and “shoot” allow this letter to stand firmly on the ground. Leadership, adherence to traditions, arrogance and conceit, inability to exist alone.

The letter Ch is “a purposeful act of creation.” Consists of a vertical line and an open arc that begins in the middle of the vertical line. The top of the letter is open to spiritual energy. However, the asymmetry of the letter makes it unstable. The letter H is the letter of doubt and hesitation. Feeling like an integral part of a single whole. A clear sense of the rhythm of life.

The letter Ш is “strength, protector of the weak.” This letter consists of three vertical lines and a lower horizontal crossbar connecting them. The letter Ш stands firmly on the ground, but is directed towards the sky, personifying the harmony of the physical, emotional and spiritual world. This letter means confidence, justice, inspiration. Symbolizes special attention to life, the ability to evaluate what is happening in the slightest detail; modesty, the ability to arrange one’s affairs quietly; sense of humor.

The letter Ш - “decision maker”. The shape of the letter Ш almost completely repeats Ш, with the exception of a small “shoot” that goes into the ground, so Ш gravitates more towards the earth than towards the sky. This letter symbolizes physical strength, carnal pleasures. Generous and generous nature. The ability to penetrate into the essence of things, a powerful driving force, forward striving.

Letter b- ability to detail, lay out on shelves; the danger of the influence of a strong and strong-willed partner.

Letter Y- involvement in the experiences of others; attraction to material things, earthiness, practical savvy.

Letter b- gentleness, the ability to smooth out rough edges in relationships.

The letter E means “to see and be able to.” Consists of a line forming an open circle, within which it is equally divided by a horizontal line. The letter curves to the left and has a curved top and base. The energies are clearly separated, so positive or negative flows can predominate. This letter symbolizes the ability to see the hidden essence of events, good command of oral and written language, excessive curiosity, and the desire to show that one belongs to a good society.

The letter U is “the great power of intuition.” It consists of a closed circle, a vertical line and a crossbar connecting the circle and the vertical. The circle symbolizes a broad outlook, developed imagination and intuition, and the vertical symbolizes the individual inner world, the ability to understand spiritual wisdom and the ability to adapt one’s life to one’s needs. This letter means commitment to the ideals of universal equality and brotherhood, the pursuit of truth, the ability to self-sacrifice and at the same time to cruel acts, the necessity of which is determined by one’s own considerations.

The letter I is “gentleness, compassion.” This letter is formed by a straight vertical line, to which a semicircle adjoins the top left. An inclined line extends down from the lower end of the semicircle, the other end of which rests on the ground. This letter receives energy from the direct connection between heaven and earth. The semicircle contains a mixture of mental and spiritual energies. The lower support of the letter I conducts the energy of the physical plane. This letter symbolizes self-acceptance and communication with others. It improves karma. The letter I is self-esteem, the desire to achieve the love and respect of others; the ability to get what you want.

Different names mean different sets of sounds and, accordingly, different stimuli, which, in turn, affect different brain structures. The sounds of one name cause a feeling of lightness and softness, as they say, “caress the ear,” while the sounds of another name can cause tension and anxiety. This is the so-called “melody of the name”, and since the musical effect occurs subconsciously, it has the greatest impact on the psyche.
And the character of this music largely determines the attitude of others towards the owner of the name, as a result, developing certain qualities in him. Thus, people who have the same letters in their names, and, consequently, the same character traits, are willingly drawn to each other due to the phenomenon of wave resonance.
It should be noted that the closer the letter is to the beginning of the name, the stronger its impact on a person. Towards the end the influence is weaker. In addition, repeated letters tend to enhance their meaning.

A - A symbol of beginning, the desire to do something, the desire for physical and spiritual comfort, hard work. In what area these qualities will be applied can be judged by the remaining letters of the name. People whose name begins with this letter are leaders in love. Routine in relationships is not for them. Initiative in everything. Labor is their natural need. But not just anyone, but only in the field that they choose on their own.

B - Stability, strength, ability to achieve goals, desire for financial well-being, as well as romanticism. In addition, the presence of this letter speaks of the highest patronage and protection of the person in whose name it is present. This consonant introduces a need for thrills into a person’s character. Dizzying love, risk in commerce - this is the flavor of his life.

IN - The ability for the highest manifestations of the soul, as well as sociability, the desire for risk and extreme situations. The consonant B forces a person to first carefully plan his future, and then fight for the scrupulous fulfillment of his own fantasy. They have powerful love instincts and an inability to deceive. A lover of life and an optimist in everything, in love too. That's why everyone is drawn to him. Being a passionate partner, you can, however, love one person for the rest of your life.

G - Pedantry, the desire for perfection, the ability to sacrifice for the sake of loved ones and for the sake of moving towards a goal, a thirst for knowledge, an understanding of everything that happens in life in close connection, attention to even minor details, conscientiousness in all matters, some dependence on the opinions of others. Doesn't want to tie the knot. He is the initiator of unusual fantasies in love. His weapon is a smile that can dispel the gloomy mood of his partner. What distinguishes him from others is his disgust. But many forgive him for this, since this trait is organically combined with innate aristocracy and intelligence.

D - Thoroughness, thoughtfulness of actions, sense of proportion, duty; ability to keep one's word, family orientation, willingness to help, some capriciousness in relationships, a tendency to extrasensory perception. People with the letter D are brave, charming and cruel. True, when rushing into battle, they rarely think about the consequences. Why are they punished? They have many chances that love will be broken in everyday life. Romantics, reliable in love, and entertainers in sex. They do not like to admit guilt, blaming it on their partner and circumstances.

E - Sociability, the need to exchange ideas, insight, a tendency to mediate in conflict situations, intuitive understanding of the secret and incomprehensible world, sometimes talkativeness. This letter gives the character two mutually opposite features at once: ingenuousness and the desire for power. They persistently achieve what they want, but are not burdened by loneliness. They are interesting partners, both in ordinary communication and in sex. However, they are very independent and are not easy to conquer, so they may be at risk of loneliness. the desire for self-expression, the need for mutual exchange of ideas, the tendency to act as a mediator, insight.

Yo - Ambitiousness, emotionality of nature, vivid manifestations of feelings, energetic self-expression, violent passions that are not always restrained.

AND - The desire for external effects, pedantry, impulsiveness, as well as some pettiness, a rich inner world, some secrecy, desire as an impulse to action. Their life flows as if on stage - the lines are weighed, everything in the costume is thought out. They strive for aesthetic completeness. A thorough partner with a lot of sentimentality. Being honest and devoted, they expect the same from their partner, and he (she) may disappoint them by not fitting into the created image. They try to control others under the guise of caring for them.

Z - High intuition, rich imagination, the desire to isolate oneself from external reality and live in one’s own closed world, in difficult situations, withdrawal from solving problems, some tediousness. They constantly nag themselves or those around them. It all depends on the presence of other letters in the name. They are restless and love to show off. Often they cannot settle on one partner. Ambitious in life, they can shock their relatives. In marriage they are faithful to the chosen one.

AND - Love of art, subtle spirituality, sensitivity, sophistication, grace, kindness, the ability to harmonize relationships and the environment around oneself, a romantic soft nature, efficiency and practicality are most often a screen for hiding one’s true essence. They have a wonderful sense of harmony, healthy skepticism, a sense of irony and humor. They are direct and honest, but this is not always a virtue: often, “slashing the truth in the face,” you can offend a loved one. Busy and energetic. Either a tedious chain of weddings and divorces, or a delightful series of love affairs awaits them.

Y - Unpredictability of reactions, impulsiveness, impetuosity and violent temperament, passion and serenity.

TO - Insight, ability to keep a secret, diplomacy, endurance due to fortitude, some secrecy, mystery, exceptional insight, the main life principle - all or nothing. They are naturally tactful, charming, endowed with graceful manners, and have great sexuality.

M - Peacemaking, peacefulness, subtle irony, love of nature, comfort, acceptance of other people's shortcomings, some aloofness. The desire to go everywhere and try everything from one’s own experience is introduced into a person’s character by the consonant M. These are caring natures, they strive to help, and are sometimes shy. They like to plan for the future. They have a warm heart and impeccable imagination, and their smile is simply enchanting.

N - A sharp critical mind, selectivity in communication, interest in one’s own health, a spirit of contradiction, a sign of protest, rejection of everything indiscriminately, inner strength, desire for spiritual and physical health, diligence and diligence in work, rejection of monotonous and uninteresting work. The consonant N makes a person responsible, strictly selective in affections of the heart, in words and in actions. They are honest, charming and versatile, but can also bristle. They need friendly support from their other half. They can become a wonderful parent and thereby strengthen their happiness, forgetting about their weaknesses.

ABOUT - Having a certain calling, the ability to feel deeply, rich intuition, strong and deep feelings, the ability to handle money, the need for self-knowledge, the desire to understand one’s purpose, the ability to highlight the most important and significant from all the vanity of life. In the vowel O one hears the eternal mystery of the Cosmos and the attractive force of the boundless Ocean. You will never be able to guess the persons whose names contain this letter. They see their happy life in a closed world.

P - Accuracy bordering on pedantry, wealth of ideas, frugality, scrupulousness, concern for the impression made, established strong opinions, concern for one’s appearance, the ability of the mind to generalize, the desire to comprehend reality in its integrity. Onslaught, pressure, risk, desire for self-affirmation - these are the distinctive features of those whose names contain the letter P. Strong passion, craving for secrets and forbidden partners.

R - Insight, ability to craft, responsibility, the ability not to be deceived by external ideas, the ability to delve into the essence, self-confidence, desire for active action, courage, passion, sometimes thoughtless risk and adventurism, a tendency to dogmatism in judgments. Loyalty to the word, as well as to the chosen goal, is their distinguishing feature. Often bold and decisive. The most patient and compliant. However, not indefinitely. They cannot be brought to their knees. To avoid family troubles, they need to choose a partner from among their friends.

WITH - The desire to stand out from the gray mass, the desire for pleasure, common sense, the ability to “shine off”, the desire for material security and well-being, a good worker, common sense in judgment, irritability, a tendency to be domineering, sometimes capriciousness, the importance of realizing one’s true purpose in life . Glitter, extravagance, sparkle - this is the impression that a person with the letter S in his name leaves behind. His whole life is waiting for the prince (princess). Unfortunately, his demands are too high, which is why the novels end in nothing.

T - Sensitive, creative personality, desire for diversity, inventor and inventor, sacrifice, high intuition, passion and sexuality. Passion for diversity, originality in actions and thinking, especially in small things, is the leitmotif of his life. He is characterized by hobbies at first sight, a desire for a constant search for the truth, but desires are not always commensurate with possibilities. These people get sick very often and for a long time.

U - Developed imagination, desire for higher values, psychic abilities, ability to empathize, generosity. The letter U in the name introduces cunning, cunning and hypocrisy into the character. These people can deceive and make wrong decisions quite often. They are non-conflictual and save the day by making compromises, but must fight suspicion towards their other half.

F - Self-confidence, the ability to withstand any situation, friendliness, as well as some eccentricity. Undoubtedly, those who have the consonant F in their name are tough nuts to crack. They will be able to defend their interests. Initiative. Characterized by strong tension and excitement, it is difficult with such people, but it is never boring. You won’t envy them; dramatic passion with constant breakups and reconciliations awaits them. This is due to the fact that they are used to taking more than giving. They always strive to be the center of attention, to amaze others with their brilliance. These people are characterized by friendliness, originality of ideas, sometimes containing very valuable grains of truth, a desire to make people happy and enjoy it themselves, the ability to present supposedly necessary lies with the best intentions, a contradictory inner worldview generated by a bizarre mixture of a variety of philosophical teachings.

X - Reliance on oneself and one’s own strengths, the desire to succeed in life, respect for other people’s opinions, responsiveness, the desire to gain authority, a tendency to an independent position in life, increased sensitivity to the assessments given by others, some religiosity. You will not meet a more responsive person than the owner of the consonant X. He is compassionate and merciful. This letter is a reminder of compliance with moral laws. He is a materialist by nature and shows his affection with generous gifts. His pursuit of wealth can stifle love, since it needs human attention, and not just money. You need to be able to be not only strong, but also... weak, to communicate more with the object of your love, giving him attention.

C - Ambitiousness, sometimes out of nowhere, a leader, a tendency to arrogance and conceit, the presence of pretensions, cohesion with the whole, adherence to traditions, lack of ability to exist alone, dependence on the environment. The letter C brings a special feature to a person’s life: in a difficult situation, it represents hope for the best. This is a dreamer and romantic, who is characterized by despotism and stubbornness. His chosen one (tsa) must come to terms with the fact that his (her) life will pass “under the thumb” or “in a golden cage.” Many are looking for people like him, to be as if behind a stone wall. With their perseverance, people of this type, as a rule, achieve high positions and wealth.

H - The ability to selflessly participate and help, as well as fight against opponents and ill-wishers, feels like an inextricable part of the whole. This letter introduces into the character the desire to help one’s neighbor selflessly, solely out of knightly generosity. Romantic idealism and a strong family are his credo. He was raised with strong moral principles. The only advice: do not be so gullible, do not take on the role of a doe - the victim of a tiger.

Sh - High intuition, modesty, self-control, the ability to assess what is happening at the smallest hint, the ability to organize one’s affairs without noise, a developed sense of humor. The consonant Ш makes a person cold-blooded. In an extreme situation, he does not panic and maintains clarity of thought. At the same time, it seems to them that they are looking at the world through someone else’s eyes, living someone else’s life. Hence the tendency to daydreaming and depression. They attract with their unusualness and mystery. They will find happiness with a person like them. They have a special attentiveness to life.

SCH - Generosity, generosity, ability to penetrate into the essence of things, forward striving, driving force.

Kommersant - Gentleness, the ability to smooth out rough edges in relationships, the danger of falling under the influence of a strong and strong-willed partner.

Y - Extravagance, desire to impress, attraction to material things, practicality, involvement in empathy, down-to-earth spirituality, practical savvy. This letter gives rise to the desire for justice. For the sake of its triumph, a person can commit any evil and any violence.

b - Soft, easy-going character, ability to analyze, detail, dismember and put into pieces. In the most balanced character, this letter instills an element of uncertainty, shyness, timidity and charm.

E - The ability to persuade, snobbery, the desire to be original, coquetry, the ability to see the hidden essence of events, the ability to see the wrong side of people, good command of language in speech and writing, a tendency to excessive curiosity, the desire to show one’s involvement in a good society. They cannot be forced to do anything for the benefit of an outsider or for their own spiritual progress. Caprice, high self-esteem. Knows how to love passionately, wait and find out news before anyone else. They are thorough, unfussy, and able to seize the moment. This is a passionate person, although he knows how to wait. Reliable in family life.

Yu - Romanticism, self-deception, a penchant for the ideals of universal equality and brotherhood, the desire for truth, the ability for self-sacrifice and, at the same time, for cruel acts, the necessity of which is determined by higher considerations. Yu gives purposefulness, but at the same time gives its owner an overly romanticized idea of ​​both himself and the people around him. They are charming and irresistible, but they are afraid of new love as the bearer of change. However, having decided to take a serious step (marriage), they become gentle and attentive, capable of making the chosen one (tsu) happy.

I - Self-sufficiency, a high level of consciousness, constancy, a developed sense of self-esteem, the desire to achieve love and respect from others, the ability to get what you want. A person with the vowel “I” in his name derives the greatest pleasure from his own thoughts and experiences. Romance. He hides many secrets. Too fond of making jokes and being sarcastic. At the same time, he is very passionate, with a rich sexual fantasy. If there is a person who can tolerate his evil tongue, he has every chance of creating an interesting couple.