The goddess to whom the golden apple was awarded. What fruit should Paris have awarded to one of the goddesses? A modern version of the Judgment of Paris

Apple of discord

Apple of discord
From ancient greek mythology. One day, the goddess of discord and enmity, Eris, threw a golden apple onto the banquet table. There was only one word of dedication on it - “To the most beautiful.” The female goddesses who were at the feast - Hera, Athena and Aphrodite - began a dispute about who should own this apple. They called the young man Paris, the son of the Trojan king Priam, as a judge. And Paris awarded this apple to the goddess of love Aphrodite. In gratitude for this, Aphrodite helped Paris kidnap Helen, the wife of the Spartan king Menelaus, which later became the cause of the Trojan War.
So the goddess of discord Eris achieved her goal: first a dispute arose, then a war.
Synonymous with a reason for hostility and dispute. This phrase was first used in this meaning by the Roman historian Justin (2nd century), who, apparently, should be considered the author of this catchphrase.

Encyclopedic dictionary of popular words and expressions. - M.: “Locked-Press”. Vadim Serov. 2003.

Apple of discord

This expression means: the subject, the cause of a dispute, enmity, was first used by the Roman historian Justin (2nd century AD). It is based on a Greek myth. The goddess of discord, Eris, rolled a golden apple with the inscription “To the Fairest” between the guests at the wedding feast. Among the guests were the goddesses Hera, Athena and Aphrodite, who argued about which of them should receive the apple. Their dispute was resolved by Paris, the son of the Trojan king Priam, by awarding the apple to Aphrodite. In gratitude, Aphrodite helped Paris kidnap Helen, the wife of the Spartan king Menelaus, which caused the Trojan War.

Dictionary of catch words. Plutex. 2004.


See what “Apple of Discord” is in other dictionaries:

    "Apple of discord"- Apple of discord. Judgment of Paris. Painting by P.P. Rubens. 1638 39. Prado. “APPLE OF DISTRESS”, in Greek mythology, an apple with the inscription “most beautiful”, thrown by the goddess of discord Eris at the wedding feast of the mortal Peleus and the goddess Thetis; served... ... Illustrated encyclopedic dictionary

    - (foreign) subject of dispute. Wed. There is an apple of discord between him and Linkin, and this apple is Daria Mikhailovna herself. Saltykov. Innocent stories. Arrival of the auditor. Wed. Among the movables was the famous tarantass, which almost served as a bone of contention... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    Cm … Dictionary of synonyms

    A golden apple with the inscription of the most beautiful, which was thrown by the goddess of discord Eris at the wedding feast of the mortal Peleus and the goddess Thetis because they forgot to invite her to this wedding. Hera, Athena and Aphrodite began to lay claim to this apple. Goddesses... ... Encyclopedia of Mythology

    In Greek mythology, an apple with the inscription most beautiful, thrown by the goddess of discord Eris at the wedding feast of the mortal Peleus and the goddess Thetis; caused a dispute between the goddesses Hera, Athena and Aphrodite; was awarded by Paris to Aphrodite for... Modern encyclopedia

    In Greek mythology, an apple with the inscription most beautiful, thrown by the goddess of discord Eris at the wedding feast of the mortal Peleus and the goddess Thetis; caused a dispute between the goddesses Hera, Athena and Aphrodite; for a promise to help in the abduction of Elena... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    APPLE OF DISTRESS, in Greek mythology, an apple with the inscription “most beautiful”, thrown by the goddess of discord Eris (see ERIDA) at the wedding feast of the mortal Peleus (see PELEUS) and the goddess Thetis (see THETIS); caused a dispute between the goddesses Hera... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

    APPLE, ah, plural. apples, apples, cf. Apple tree fruit. Antonovsky, anise, cinnamon apples. Summer varieties of apples. Dried, soaked, baked apples. Apple compote. I don’t fall far from the apple tree (a message about someone who inherited something bad, unseemly... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

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    APPLE OF DISCORD- who, what [between whom, between what, in what] That which gives rise to conflict, serious contradictions, quarrel, argument. It is understood that any conflict situation is not groundless and is not created on its own: there is always something that provokes it, is... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language


  • Apple of Discord, Offenbach Jacques. Reprint sheet music edition of Offenbach, Jacques`Pomme d`api`. Genres: Operettas; Stage Works; Operas; For voices, orchestra; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring the orchestra; For voices...

Competition, conflicts and alliances among the goddesses play out in the soul of a woman in the same way as it once happened on Olympus. Which goddess does a woman pay attention to? Who is she ignoring? How many of them will she choose? These inner figures, representing powerful archetypal patterns, compete for primacy, just as the Greek goddesses themselves competed for the golden apple, the prize awarded by Paris.

Judgment of Paris

All the Olympian gods and goddesses, with the exception of Eris (Eris), the minor goddess of discord, were invited to the wedding of the king of Thessaly Peleus and the beautiful sea nymph Thetis. The offended Eris decided to take revenge for the neglect of herself. She brought discord into the celebration by throwing a golden apple with the inscription “To the Fairest” on the banquet table. It rolled across the table and was immediately claimed by Hera, Athena and Aphrodite. Each believed that, in fairness and deservedly, this apple should belong to her. Of course, they could not decide among themselves which of them was the most beautiful, so they turned to Zeus so that he would resolve their dispute. He evaded the choice by directing them to an unusually handsome young man, the shepherd Paris, and commanding him to be the judge.
The three goddesses found Paris living an idyllic life with a mountain nymph on the forested slopes of Mount Ida. Each of the three goddesses took turns trying to influence his decision through bribery. Hera promised him power over all of Asia, Athena promised him military glory and victories, and Aphrodite promised him the most beautiful of mortal women as his wife. Without hesitation, Paris proclaimed Aphrodite the most beautiful and gave her the golden apple - and thus incurred the eternal hatred of Hera and Athena.
The court of Paris later led to the Trojan War. The shepherd Paris was the son of King Priam of Troy. The most beautiful woman in the world there was Elena, wife
Menelaus, king of Sparta. Paris caused his terrible anger when he kidnapped Helen and took her with him to Troy. This act provoked a ten-year war between the Greeks and Trojans, which ended with the destruction of Troy.
The five Olympian gods were on the side of the Greeks: Hera and Athena (their allegiance to the Greek heroes stemmed from hostility towards Paris), Poseidon, Hermes and Hephaestus. Four Olympians took the side of the Trojans: Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares and Artemis.
The Judgment of Paris Inspired the Greatest of Western Civilization literary works. The events that followed his decision were immortalized in the three great classical epics - the Iliad, the Odyssey and the Aeneid, and in the tragedies of Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides.

A modern version of the Judgment of Paris

Each modern woman carries out his personal court of Paris. The questions are the same ones that the Olympic guests had to answer: “Which of the goddesses will receive the golden apple?” and "Who should be the judge?"

Which goddess gets the golden apple?

According to the myth, of the goddesses present, three demanded a golden apple for themselves. They were Hera, Athena and Aphrodite. However, in a woman’s soul, the composition of rivals can be different. Perhaps this competition for the apple is played out between two, three or four - any combination of seven goddesses could form a community of forces in conflict with each other. Awakened archetypes often vie for supremacy or influence within each woman.
What does it mean, according to the original myth, to choose the "fairest" among Hera, Athena and Aphrodite, fighting for supremacy over two rivals? As I considered what these three goddesses symbolized, it suddenly dawned on me that they represented the three main directions of a woman's life, three aspects that often conflict in her soul. Hera puts marriage first - and so would a woman who identifies with Hera's goals. Athena values ​​the use of intelligence to achieve mastery and power, and a woman who revered her as the most beautiful would consider her career most important. Aphrodite patronizes beauty, love and passion, creativity as the main values, and a woman who agrees with this puts the vital energy of her life above long-term close relationships and achievements.
These choices are fundamentally different because all three goddesses belong to different categories. Hera is a vulnerable goddess, Athena is a virgin goddess, Aphrodite is an alchemical goddess. In the lives of women, one of the three styles represented by these categories usually predominates.

Who should judge? Who decides which goddess gets the golden apple?

In the myth, the choice was made by a mortal man. And in patriarchal cultures, mortal men do this too. And, of course, if men decide what place a woman should occupy, then the choice is limited to what suits them. For example, the boundaries of the lives of most German women were once determined by the three Cs - Kinder, Kuche, Kirche (children, kitchen, church).
On a personal level, the question "Which goddess gets the golden apple?" describes a competition between lines of behavior, lifestyle, and habits. It all starts with parents and relatives. Then teachers and classmates, girlfriends, those she dates, husbands and even children - everyone continues and continues the trial of Paris. This judgment continues with everyone who gives or holds the "golden apples", rewarding her with approval for what pleases him. For example, a little girl whose personality has an aspect of calm and a need for privacy (thanks to Hestia), is a good tennis player (under the influence of either Artemis or Athena), shows maternal tendencies towards her little siblings and cousins, finds that she receives more approval for one thing than another. Is her father praising her for a well-played tennis game - or for showing the qualities of a future good mother? What does her mother value? Is this an introverted family, where it is customary for each member to spend time on their own, or an extroverted one, where the desire to be alone seems somewhat odd? Is a girl taught to hold back, not to show that she has a good backhand, and to always let a man beat her? Does she try to live up to others' expectations?
If a woman allows others to decide what is important to her, she will live up to her parents' expectations and conform to her class's social expectations of what she should do. It is up to others to decide which goddess will dominate her life.
If she decides for herself which of the goddesses within her will "get the golden apple", basing her decision on the power of that goddess within herself, then whatever she decides will be meaningful to her. And whether her family and culture supports her or not, she will always remain herself.

Goddesses in Conflict: Committee as Metaphor

Inside, female goddesses can compete with each other - or power goes to one of them. Whenever a woman has to make an important decision, a dispute may arise among the goddesses over the golden apple. If so, is it the woman herself who chooses among competing priorities, instincts and patterns? Or is the direction she takes determined for her by the ruling goddess?
Jungian analyst and my supervisor Joseph Wheelwright argues that what goes on in our heads can be thought of as a committee made up of different aspects of our personality - male and female, young and old, noisy and quiet, dominant and repressed - sitting around a table. If we are lucky, a healthy ego sits at the head of the table, presiding and deciding when and who should speak or whose turn it is. The Chairman maintains order by being an executive participant and an effective leader - qualities of a well-functioning ego. If the ego functions well, the result is appropriate behavior.
Leading a committee is not an easy task, especially when the woman has demanding and power-hungry goddesses who at times conflict with each other. When a woman's ego cannot maintain order, the archetype of one of the goddesses can intervene and take over the personality. Metaphorically speaking, this goddess rules over mortals. There may also be an internal equivalent of an Olympian war with equally powerful archetypal elements in conflict.
When a person is in a state of internal conflict, the outcome depends on how the members of this special “personality committee” work together. Like all committees, the functioning of the group depends on the chairman and members - who they are, how strong their views are, how coherent the group is or how quarrelsome it is, how well the chairman maintains order.

Organized process: the ego functions as chairman and all goddesses have the opportunity to be heard

Today is Saturday, January 28, 2017, and the game is on air - who wants to become a millionaire. As always, we start with simple questions and then they become more and more complex. so next question - What fruit should Paris have awarded to one of the goddesses?

Answer options

  • A pomegranate
  • B peach
  • C apple
  • D orange

The correct answer is C apple

Then Hermes handed Paris the golden apple of discord and disappeared. The goddesses approached the young man, who, by the will of Zeus, became the judge of their beauty. Hera and Athena, the supreme goddesses of Olympus, relied on their greatness and dignity and did not use any means to give themselves greater charm. Aphrodite did not do that: she put on shiny, flowery clothes, soaked in the incense of spring flowers; the Harites and Oras combed her lush curls and decorated them with flowers and gold. The young man Paris was so blinded by the sight of the goddesses that he could not judge their appearance and beauty and thought only about the dignity of the gifts that the goddesses promised him. Hera, the most powerful of the goddesses, was the first to approach Paris and promised, if he awarded the apple of discord to her, to give him strength and power, promised to make him king over Asia and Europe; the warlike Athena, the goddess of wisdom, came second and said that she was ready to give him the glory of victories, the glory of the first among heroes and sages; after Hera and Athena, Aphrodite, who had hitherto stood at a distance, approached the timid young man; looking tenderly at Paris, she took his hand with a smile and promised him, in exchange for the apple of discord, the greatest happiness in love - the possession of Helen, the most beautiful of all mortal wives, similar in beauty to Aphrodite herself. Enchanted by the beauty of the goddess and seduced by her promises, Paris gave the apple of discord to Aphrodite. Since then, she has become Paris's faithful protector and assistant;

According to myth, Paris awarded the apple of discord with the inscription “Most Beautiful” to the goddess of love, Aphrodite. Therefore, if an ancient Greek man threw an apple at a woman, it symbolically expressed his feelings for her. And if a woman caught an apple, she accepted this love.

A wedding without a fight is a waste of money, says a well-known popular saying. For the Olympian gods who inhabited Ancient Hellas, everything happened “like for people” - so the wedding feast of Peleus, who married a nymph, ended in a political scandal. Three dazzling beautiful goddesses did not share the golden apple, which Eris, the goddess of discord, slipped to Peleus (always carefully check the guest lists - what if you forgot to invite and shower the main quarrelsome woman with honors?)

The idea of ​​disrupting the merry celebration came to the mind of Eris, who only from afar listened with envy to the exciting sounds of Apollo's lyre. At the wedding table, Zeus and his wife Hera, the warlike Athena and Ares drank nectar (on the occasion of the feast, they even parted with their shields and spears), and the beautiful Artemis and Aphrodite danced along with the nymphs and Nereids. And only Eris, forgotten by everyone, did not find a place at the table due to the groom’s absent-mindedness! Having scratched three words on the golden apple she had begged from the Hesperides, the deeply offended Eris threw it into the crowd.

“Beauty that surpasses all!” It was as if a flash of lightning blinded those present. The strings of the cithara fell silent, the songs fell silent, and the round dances stopped. Hera, Athena and Aphrodite rose majestically from their seats. Each of them extended her hands to the treasured apple.

The goddesses argued among themselves for a long time and finally turned to the wise and fair Zeus. The elderly lightning lord shirked his duties as an arbitrator - and for good reason! Dearest wife, Hera, would be the first contender for the golden apple. Otherwise, the family scandal would have ended in at least an earthquake and a global flood. Therefore, Zeus sent his confidant, Hermes, on a business trip to Mount Ida - along with three beauties. There, in solitude, carefree Paris grazes the bulls and plays the flute, and he will judge which of the...

Prince Paris, the son of Priam and the goddess Hecuba, grew up in the family of a simple shepherd thanks to his mother’s superstitions: the goddess dreamed that her firstborn would destroy Troy and Priam’s entire kingdom. The king ordered the baby to be taken and abandoned on Mount Ida (what a touching manifestation of paternal feelings, isn’t it?). Since the prince was still of divine blood, he managed to escape. A wild bear nursed him, and the royal shepherd Agelay, authorized to take the baby from the world, nevertheless sheltered him and raised him as his own son.

So, young Paris played the flute under the shade of cool green foliage, a herd grazed peacefully nearby, the beloved nymph Oenone listened to his pastoral tunes and songs - nothing foreshadowed trouble. And then Hermes appeared with the goddesses...

Thunder and lightning! The frightened young man fled, throwing his flute. The cry of Hermes stopped the young man.

“Don’t be afraid, Paris,” Hermes shouted after him, “and don’t run from us!” Zeus sent these goddesses to you: you must decide which of them surpasses the others in beauty; to the one you find better, give this apple, which caused discord between us.”

Having handed the golden apple to the shepherd, Hermes washed his hands and simply disappeared. The young shepherd remained surrounded by powerful goddesses.

Like any respectable matrons, Hera and Athena began to promise the young man the benefits that they had at their disposal: the first - unlimited power and honors, the second - the glory of the conqueror and... also honors. Paris was so breathtaking that he did not see the women standing in front of him, and therefore began to think about the gifts being promised. However, with purely feminine insight, Aphrodite turned to Paris (so as not to inadvertently blind the young man and allow herself to be carefully examined, she stood at a distance). She did not tire the young handsome man, waiting for love and affection, with brutality. Dressed in a delicate silk peplos and with loose golden curls, Aphrodite enchanted with everything that is inherent in a woman - a sweet voice, the aroma of perfume, the innocence of her gaze, her beautiful alluring forms and the promise to give all this into his complete possession. That is, she promised him Elena the Beautiful as his wife.

Enchanted Paris handed Aphrodite a golden apple.

Of course, Troy came to an end - the angry Athena and Hera helped destroy the homeland of the treacherous prince, who did not appreciate their undoubted merits. But Aphrodite did not leave her admirer without help. Moreover, she kept her promise, taking Elena into the arms of Paris.

So, because of the apple, enmity flared up between nations (oh, how right Hecuba was! Don’t forget to look in the dream book...)

And the ancient Greeks, expressing their tender feelings for their chosen ones, simply threw apples at them, imagining themselves as Paris. Most beautiful girl they threw fruit at us, like a failed artist. So, dear ladies, if in Greece you see an apple flying in your direction, be sure to catch it! You might be in for a big Greek wedding and not what you thought...

“Talking with writers of other centuries is almost the same as traveling.”


An ancient Greek legend says that an uninvited person to a wedding Peleus and Thetis, goddess of discord and enmity Eris threw gold onto the wedding feast table apple, taken from gardenHesperides, on which the only word was written - “The most beautiful.” The goddesses who were at the feast - Hera, Athena and Aphrodite They argued about who should own this apple. Each of them was rightfully worthy to own the apple of the Hesperides, and even Zeus refused to be their judge. He took the apple, gave it to Hermes and ordered the goddesses to be taken away in the vicinity of Troy, on the slope of Mount Ida, where their dispute was to be resolved by the beautiful son of the king of Troy, Priam, Paris(literal from Phrygian "place of struggle"(place of dispute)) . So Peleus's wedding feast ended in the discord of the goddesses. Legend claims that this dispute brought many disasters to people. And a little later we will try to tell you about what disasters we're talking about in this legend.

Judgment of Paris.

Hekabe will give birth to a son, who will be responsible for the death of Troy shepherds and became a wonderful young man. Hermes gave the apple to Paris and said: “Take this apple, Paris, and give it to the most beautiful goddess. “So Zeus commanded you”. Hera promised Paris power over all of Asia, Athena - glory and victories, and Aphrodite promised him a wife most beautiful Elena, daughter of the thunderer Zeus and Leda. Hearing Aphrodite's promise, Paris gave the apple to her. Thus, Aphrodite was recognized by Paris as the most beautiful of the goddesses. Since then, Paris became the favorite of Aphrodite, and Hera and Athena hated Paris, hated Troy and all the Trojans and decided to destroy the city and all the people. And Aphrodite helped kidnap Paris Elena, First time term "apple of discord", Paris (P a r i z , Paris) - (in Phrygian verb. "place of struggle" son of Priam and Hecuba.

Hecuba (Hecate).

Her father was considered to be Kisseus, the eponym of the Thracian city Kissos. She is the mother of twenty children, among whom were sons Hector, Paris, Helen, Deiphobus and Troilus, as well as daughters Cassandra and Polyxena. The main place of cult of this Asia Minor goddess was in Lycia, and her sacred animal was considered dog. According to legend, she rushed in the form of a dog to the Hellespont, as a result of which her grave is located on the cape Kinossema (“dog mound”) in the Hellespont. This the mound is considered a monument to Hecate. She is the daughter of Persian and Asteria. Hecate has power over the Earth and its seas and is revered by Zeus himself. Hecate is a terrible chthonic night goddess, with a flaming torch in her hands and snakes in her hair.

Hecate is a pre-Olympic deity who connects the two worlds - the living and the dead. She is a symbol of darkness and the black moon, close to Selene. However, Selena is a white moon. At the same time, the image of Hecate is the image of a huntress of the night, similar to Artemis. Hecactus hunts in the world of the dead, in the underworld, among many graves. Unlike Hecate, Artemis is accompanied by pack of dogs- hunts during the day. Hecate, according to Roman belief, was a goddess Trivia- “goddess of three roads.” Therefore, the image of Hecate was placed at the crossroads, where abundant sacrifices were made to her. Hecate, being another ancient symbol of the “comet of retribution,” combines the new world of heroic mythology and ancient archaic demonism.

Selena (Elena).

In Greek mythology Selena(literally “shine”) is the personification of the Moon, more precisely, the day of “Passover”, i.e. day space catastrophe . This is why Selene is identified with the Greek Artemis, Roman Diana And Hecate. She is the daughter of the titans Hyperion And Teii and sister Helios And Eos. Selena is a symbol of the "old moon", in contrast to the “young Moon” - Hecate. The concept of “old” and “young” Moons is associated exclusively with the phases of the Moon, and serves to designate the day of “Passover” (the last quarter of the Moon). the abduction of Spartan Helen by Paris. (According to one version, Paris deliberately sailed with Helen in the direction opposite to Troy, to Phenicia and Cyprus). Arrived to Troy, Helen, despite the disasters that she brought upon the city, won the love of all the Trojans with her beauty. After the death of Menelaus, she was expelled by his sons and fled to Rhodes(according to another version in Tavrida). Another one, the most beautiful version legend, claims that after her death she was transferred to the island of Levka at the mouth of the Danube, where she united in eternal union with someone who died in the Trojan War Achilles. (see Art. Achilles)

According to the Gnostics, Helen was a harlot in the Phoenician city ​​of Tire, and her image merges with the image of Astarte. Due to the relationship of her name with Selena, Elena has lunar symbolism. After such an explanation, the mythological terms “apple of discord” and “judgment of Paris” become absolutely clear. The term “apple of discord” was used by ancient authors to designate the Cretan cosmic catastrophe (Noah’s Flood), which brought untold disasters to the peoples of the earth, and the term “judgment of Paris” denoted the epicenter of this catastrophe on Mount Ida near Troy. And earlier I have already cited the testimony of Thrakil from Merides, who reported that during this catastrophe, “Mount Sipylus collapsed, and Troy was flooded by waves”. The legends about Helen have a clear geographical interpretation, for they indicate the epicenters of the Cretan comic catastrophe. And the commonly used symbolism of royal power is also associated with the mythological term “apple”.

Apple. Sovereign apple.

Sovereign apple (power)- a symbol of the state power of the monarch, which represented ball topped with a crown or cross. (The cross as a symbol of a global cosmic catastrophe, appeared with the advent of the Christian era.) The sovereign apple is the insignia of the highest monarchical power in the countries of the Christian world. Russia used the Byzantine version of the insignia. Historically, the sovereign apple was the insignia of the emperors of the Roman Empire. Images of the power are found as early as 27 BC. e. on the coins of the Roman Emperor Augustus. Initially, a statue was installed on the ball goddess of victory. Later, the emblem of royal power was a ball topped with a cross, representing a symbol of dominion over the earth. The symbol of supreme power was borrowed from the Romans by English kings and Western European monarchs. Russia adopted this symbol in 1557 from Poland, where it was called an apple. If the scepter is considered a symbol of the masculine, then the orb is considered to be feminine. The sovereign apple in the Russian Orthodox Christian tradition symbolizes the Kingdom of Heaven. In medieval painting and iconography, God the Father and Jesus Christ were depicted with a sovereign apple. The iconographic prototype of the power is the mirrors of the archangels Michael and Gabriel - as a rule, these are gold discs with the initials of Jesus Christ. The sovereign apple symbolizes the Kingdom of Heaven, the power over which belongs to Jesus Christ and through the rite of anointing transferred to the monarch.

Sovereign apple(as well as “apple”, “sovereign apple”, “autocratic apple”, “apple of the royal rank”, “power of the Russian kingdom”) - is considered a symbol of knowledge and an image of the world. The apple is a symbol of the fruit of the tree of knowledge in the Bible. The sovereign apple is depicted on the spire, under the cross of the church, or under the state eagle on the spire of the tower. In the biblical tradition, the apple is considered an attribute of heaven. The apple is a symbol of Adam's fall. In Celtic mythology, the island of the blessed (the other world, the kingdom of the dead, Champs Elysees) - named Avalon (Avvallah) (literally “apple”). The island got its name from the word "afal" - apple. In medieval texts this word was written “abblah” - “island of apples”. It was believed that the “golden apples of the Hesperides” symbolize immortality. In Christianity, the apple symbolizes temptation, enticement, forbidden fruit. In Latin, apple is"malum", I is synonymous with the word "evil". In Russia an apple was placed on the grave of the deceased. The apple tree is one of the symbols of the Roman goddess Ceres. In the mythology of the Baltic countries, the apple is a symbol of the setting sun. And all we have to do is report that ancient civilizations used the mythological term “apple” to designate a meteorite, and the generalized image of a global cosmic catastrophe, caused by a “comet of retribution,” was embodied in the symbolism of the sovereign apple.

Apple. Apples of the Hesperides.

In addition, a few words should be said about the apples of the Gesprerides, because in the future, when talking about the island of the Atlanteans, this information will be in demand. The legend of the apples of the Hesperides has several versions. This legend is interesting to us insofar as it determines the location of the island of Atlanta. After all, information about the island of the Atlanteans formed the basis of Plato’s legend of Atlantis, which is still not understood by scientists. By determining the exact location of the island, we can immediately understand dozens of unsolved mysteries of the Ancient World. Therefore, we will repeatedly return to the story of Atlantis and the Canary Islands, to which I dedicated an entire book, and our subsequent story about these islands will be long and detailed. An ancient Greek legend tells us that the earth goddess Gaia gave apples from a golden apple tree to Hera as a wedding gift. Hera was delighted with the gift and planted a tree in her magical garden. The legend directly states that the garden was located on the slopes of the Atlas Mountains, where the tired horses from the solar chariot completed their journey and where Atlanta’s thousand sheep and thousand cows grazed in his pastures.

One version of the legend says that Hera placed the dragon Ladon, who was born, to guard her apple tree Typhon And Echidna. That is, this is the site of the epicenter of the next cosmic catastrophe. He had a hundred heads and a hundred tongues.Hercules did not know whether the Hesperides lived on the Atlas Mountains in Mauritania, or somewhere else beyond the Ocean River, or on two islands lying off a cape called the Western Horn near the Ethiopian Hesperia, on the coast of Africa. Not knowing where the Garden of the Hesperides was, Hercules went through Illyria to the Po River, where the prophetic sea god Nereus lived. On the way he crossed Ejedor- a river in Macedonia, where the son of Ares and Pirene named Kikn challenged him to a duel. Ares acted as a comrade of Cycnus and brought the opponents together, but Zeus stopped the fight by striking Perun between them. Nereus advised Hercules not to pick the apples himself, but to use Atlas for this, for a while, freeing him from the enormous burden. After some time, Atlas returned with three apples picked by his daughters the Hesperides. Hercules gave the fruits to Athena, who returned them to Hera. Hercules did not return to Mycenae by a direct route. He went to Libya, where King Antaeus, the son of Poseidon and Gaia, forced all travelers to fight him, and then killed hisenemy. Gaia conceived Antheus in a Libyan cave and was proud of him more than of her ownterrible older children - Typhon and Briareus.And it would not have been good for the Olympians if Antaeus had fought against them in the valleys of Phlegra. Legend says that the duel between Antaeus and Hercules took place in Lixe, a small Moorish town fifty miles from Tangier, which was formerly called Tingis. Here, not far from the sea, there still stands a hill considered to be the grave of Antaeus. Local residents believe that if several baskets of earth are taken from this hill, it will begin to rain and continue until the earth is returned to its place. And we must say once again that this legend has a clear geographical interpretation, because it marks the epicenters of cosmic catastrophes.

Paris, the son of Priam, before the arrival of the goddesses and Hermes, grazed herds on the slope of Mount Ida. Before the birth of Paris, his mother Hecuba (aka Hecabe, aka Hecate) had a terrible dream: she saw how a fire threatened to destroy all of Troy. Frightened, Hekabe hurried to tell her dream to her husband. Priam turned to the soothsayer, and he told him that Hekabe will give birth to a son who will be responsible for the death of Troy. And when Hekabe had a son, Priam ordered his servant Agelaus to take him to high Ida and abandon him there. But Priam's son did not die - he was fed by a bear. A year later, Agelay found the child and raised him, calling him Paris. Paris grew up among shepherds and became a wonderful young man. Hermes gave the apple to Paris and said: “Take this apple, Paris, and give it to the most beautiful goddess. “So Zeus commanded you”. Each of the goddesses began to convince the young man to give the apple to her. Hera promised Paris power over all of Asia, Athena - glory and victories, and Aphrodite promised him the most beautiful wife Elena, daughter of the thunderer Zeus and Leda. Hearing Aphrodite's promise, Paris gave the apple to her. Thus, Aphrodite was recognized by Paris as the most beautiful of the goddesses. Since then, Paris became the favorite of Aphrodite, and Hera and Athena hated Paris, hated Troy and all the Trojans and decided to destroy the city and all the people. And Aphrodite helped kidnap Paris Elena, the wife of the Spartan king Menelaus, which later became the cause of the Trojan War.

First time term "apple of discord", as a synonym for a reason for hostility and dispute, was used by the Roman historian Justin (2nd century), who, apparently, should be considered the author of this popular expression. This legend is not at all difficult to understand rationally, but to do this we must clarify the meaning of several mythological terms. Paris (P a r i z , Paris) - (in Phrygian verb. "place of struggle", (“place of dispute between the gods”), meaning “place of cosmic catastrophe”) - Trojan prince, son of Priam and Hecuba