Greenhouse business on cucumbers. How to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse all year round: care features to increase productivity In a tray with water

All around the perimeter thermal insulation must be installed made of expanded clay to protect plants during periods of severe, prolonged cold. Frame lintels must be positioned longitudinally at a distance of 75–90 cm from each other. This design will help avoid damage to the walls during heavy snowfalls.

Greenhouse for growing tomatoes all year round should not just stand on the ground! Its recommended install on a wooden platform from thick beams. In addition, you need to do concrete base, on top of which lay foam. Otherwise, the plants may freeze when the soil cools too much.

The greenhouse must be equipped with good lighting and heating. For illumination usually sodium and fluorescent lamps . How to find it on site, read on our website.

In the fall, the room needs to be prepared:

  1. Clean the greenhouse from dirt and debris.
  2. Check all electrical appliances, plumbing system, troubleshoot and restore to good condition.
  3. All disinfect surfaces potassium permanganate solution. You can fumigate the room with sulfur bombs.

Suitable varieties

When choosing varieties, you should give preference to those that meet certain requirements:

  • indeterminateness. The bushes can be allowed to grow upward, making maximum use of the area of ​​the room;
  • high productivity;
  • early and very early dates fruit ripening;
  • excellent taste properties;
  • high resistance to various diseases and attacks by harmful insects;
  • long keeping quality.

These varieties include: tomato tree Sprut, Malyshok, Annabelle, Dobrun, Flamenco, Pink Flamingo, Junior, Samara, Yantarny, Hurricane.

Hurricane- high-yielding, early-ripening variety. It is universal in use, has excellent taste properties and a high content of vitamin C.

Amber- ultra early ripening, productive variety, very resistant to late blight and macrosporosis (see photo below).

Samara- indeterminate early ripening hybrid variety. Universal use, high resistance to most diseases (see photo below).

Junior- ultra-early, super-determinate hybrid. It is distinguished by strong resistance to many diseases and excellent taste of the fruit.

Pink Flamingo- early ripening, indeterminate variety. Produces very tasty and shelf-stable tomatoes. The shelf life is about 60–70 days (see photo below).

Flamenco- early maturing, semi-determinate hybrid. The fruits are used universally, the taste properties are excellent, and the yield is high. In addition, the variety is resistant to most diseases.

Dobrun- a hybrid indeterminate variety with high disease resistance and excellent keeping quality.

Octopus- a unique variety of tomatoes that are grown on a tree. It has phenomenal productivity (see photo below).

Annabelle- indeterminate high-yielding hybrid. Very resistant to a whole range of diseases and root-knot nematodes.

Baby- an early ripening super-determinate variety, intended only for cultivation in a greenhouse. The hybrid is distinguished by its genetic resistance to diseases.

Soil preparation

Before planting seedlings, the soil can be replaced with new soil or the old one can be disinfected. For this a solution of potassium permanganate is used medium concentration. They thoroughly pour over the entire soil.

After the soil dries, it is recommended to dig it up. At the same time, compost is added in an amount 1.5–2 buckets per square meter area. It can be replaced by a family of Californian worms. Their activity will improve the porosity of the soil and regularly enrich it with vermicompost.

It is also advisable to improve the soil mineral fertilizers. For this, the following complex is being prepared:

  • copper sulfate (5g);
  • potassium magnesia (50g);
  • ferrous sulfate (5g);
  • potassium chloride (30g);
  • double superphosphate (50g).

Features of care

How to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse in winter? Young sprouts are moved to the greenhouse only after they reach a height of 18–21 cm. Before this, they fed several times a mixture of phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium. In greenhouses, it is most convenient to use the strip planting method.

The distance between the ribbons should be at least 80 cm, between plants about 55–65 cm. It is recommended to tie a rope or wire along the ribbon of planted bushes so that the seedlings grow vertically. As they grow, they form regular bushes, carrying out timely stepsoning.

Indeterminate varieties are made in one shoot, the rest - in two. The tops of all excess stems are plucked off. It is also recommended to remove all lower foliage.

The optimal soil temperature is about 19ºC, air temperature is 23ºC–26ºC. It is better to water before lunch, moistening the soil as it dries. With a constant lack of moisture, the development of bushes stops, and the ovaries and inflorescences begin to fall off. Loosening of the soil between the tapes and under the bushes is carried out regularly throughout the entire life of the plants.

When growing tomatoes in a greenhouse in winter, it is necessary to fertilize. Without the constant addition of mineral complexes to the soil, plants will stop bearing fruit and fully developing.

Feed bushes desirable every 13–15 days. To do this, use a mixture of ammonium nitrate (15g), superphosphate (40g) and potassium salt (20g).

Before the formation of inflorescences, a 0.6% concentration of the working solution is used, and then it is increased to 1%. Consumption rate - bucket of mortar per square meter r soil. To ensure normal photosynthesis under artificial conditions, open containers filled with a mixture of mullein and water must be placed in the greenhouse. This will enrich the air with carbon dioxide, necessary for the process of photosynthesis.

When grown in open ground The inflorescences are pollinated by bees. There are none in the greenhouse, so pollination will have to produce independently. To do this, each tassel with flowers is lightly shaken, and then gently watered from above from a watering can.


The yield of tomatoes in a greenhouse per 1 square meter per year can average 50...55 kg.

With proper maintenance and creation of the most suitable conditions for plants from one bush you can collect from 11 to 24–26 kg of fruits. This figure varies depending on the variety.

The process of growing tomatoes in a greenhouse in winter is more complicated than just in open soil. This requires financial investments and high physical costs. But you can achieve amazing results!

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The climatic conditions of some regions and unfavorable environmental background negatively affect the development of cucumbers. As a result of exposure external factors there is low seed germination, a shortening of the fruiting period, and a decrease in the taste of the fruit. For these reasons and to obtain early harvest gardeners grow crops in greenhouse conditions. You can increase the yield of cucumbers per square meter by planting plants in a greenhouse.

Greenhouse conditions for plants are the most acceptable: the desired temperature regime and a high degree of air humidity are created. Cucumbers react very positively to both factors, making them easy to pick good harvest. In addition, there are many advantages of this cultivation method:

  • opportunity to enrich the soil composition nutrients or replace it completely;
  • limit the access of precipitation to the garden bed;
  • reduce the risk of plant infection;
  • obtaining an early harvest and extending the fruiting period;
  • control of irrigation (amount of liquid and its temperature);
  • competent introduction of fertilizing.

When using greenhouse growing technology, it is important to choose suitable varieties. Among the existing ones there are many that are not suitable for greenhouses.

You need to prepare the greenhouse for planting in the fall. The surfaces of the structure are washed and treated with lime mortar for disinfection. The soil is fertilized and covered with a thick layer of mulch. In the spring, after cleaning the soil and walls, the soil is enriched with organic matter (manure, humus).

Planting is done in rows to make it easier to tie the vines to the trellises. 3 bushes are planted per square meter. The interval between the rows is at least 50 cm, so that it is convenient to move along the beds.

Productivity largely depends on the selected variety and type of greenhouse. Among the most prolific varieties are the following varieties:

  • Tumi - up to 11 kg per bush;
  • Amur F1 – from 30 to 50 kg per m2;
  • Herman F1 – up to 25 kg per m2;
  • Prestige F1 – up to 28 kg per m2;
  • Ecole F1 – up to 9 kg per bush.
Cucumber yield

Correct ways to store fresh cucumbers

Growing a good harvest is half the battle. It is important to preserve it for fresh consumption and preservation. There are many proven and new technologies that can be adopted. How long cucumbers can be stored depends on the storage conditions.

To ensure that cucumbers retain their presentation and taste longer, it is recommended to use the refrigerator. Knowing some rules and techniques will allow you to enjoy the aroma and freshness of greens from 3 days to a month and achieve an increase in shelf life.

Vegetable tray

The fruits do not change their quality for about 3 days if they are placed in a vegetable tray. There is no need for special training.

In a plastic bag

The fruits remain edible for up to 10 days if they are placed in a plastic bag and covered with damp gauze. The packaging should be left open for air circulation.

In paper towels

If you wrap each green with a paper towel and place it in a plastic bag without closing it at the top, the shelf life increases to 2 weeks.

In a tray with water

Cucumbers will stay firm and fresh for up to 3-4 weeks when stored in a tray of water. To do this, 1-2 cm of liquid is drawn into the container. All fruits are placed vertically in it with their tails down. The tray itself fits into the vegetable compartment. The water needs to be changed every 2-3 days.

In egg white

You can extend the shelf life of cucumbers to 1 month using egg whites. To do this, you will need to prepare the fruits - wash and dry with a paper towel. While the vegetables are drying natural method, you need to separate the white from the yolk and beat it a little with a whisk. Then each cucumber needs to be soaked and dried on a wire rack. The resulting protein film prevents the evaporation of moisture, as a result of which the greens are stored for a long time (at least a month) in the vegetable tray of the refrigerator.

Cucumbers in the refrigerator

How to preserve cucumber at home

There are enough methods for storing cucumbers indoors.

In a cardboard box

The shortest delivery time (2-3 days) is provided by a cardboard box or wooden box. The harvested crop is carefully laid out in containers and placed in a room with temperature conditions at least 10-15°.

In damp cloth

Greens remain fresh for about a week if they are wrapped in a damp cloth and placed in a cool room with a temperature of 6-7°. Where it is important to prevent the fabric from drying out so as not to disturb the humidity regime.

Regardless of the method used, it is necessary to inspect vegetables every 3 days and remove damaged specimens.

Storing cucumbers indoors

Basic mistakes when storing crops

The home method of storing cucumbers has its own nuances. They came up with all sorts of ways to increase the shelf life of cucumbers, while making the most serious mistakes. Among the most incorrect pieces of advice, the following stand out.

  • Packing the fruits in cellophane where there is no air access to the cucumbers. With such storage, a microenvironment quickly forms, which leads to the spread of rot.
  • Filling a vegetable tray or container with cucumbers and other fresh fruits and vegetables that emit ethylene. The substance provokes biochemical processes that accelerate the overripening of greens.
  • You cannot leave containers with cucumbers in a lit room. Under the influence of ultraviolet light, the skin changes color and yellowness appears.
  • Fruits should only be placed in boxes or boxes when they are dry. If the harvest took place during the rain, then you need to give it time to dry. Wet cucumbers quickly wither and rot.
  • Before preparing the fruits for storage, they are kept for several days at room temperature. This is a mistake; the picked fruits should be prepared as quickly as possible and sent to the refrigerator or cellar.

Proper storage cucumbers

Building a greenhouse is not at all difficult, since the choice of materials allows you to choose the optimal design option. For residents of regions with harsh climates, growing any crop is quite problematic, and greenhouse conditions allow you to replenish your diet for 4-6 months fresh vegetables. Proper storage will extend the period of replenishment of the body with vitamins and minerals, which cucumber is rich in.

Growing strawberries in greenhouse conditions requires the creation of special conditions and certain monetary costs. How justified the latter is is of interest to every gardener. The issue of self-sufficiency and profit is especially important when a crop is grown for further sale.

To calculate possible income, draw up an appropriate business plan. Its main point is the yield of harvested strawberries in a greenhouse with 1 m2, which is multiplied by the total usable area. The resulting revenue minus expenses is profit.

What criteria influence yield?

The fundamental factors on which crop fruiting depends include the following:

  1. Planting density. What matters is the size of the landing tanks involved and the layout.
  2. Conditions of detention. Properly organized care directly affects the fruiting of the crop.
  3. Variety It is necessary to choose exclusively the best and high-yielding varieties.
  4. Technology. Year-round cultivation of strawberries involves choosing between the Dutch and Russian methods.

Each nuance is reflected in the final volume of products received.

This is interesting to know! Sweet and juicy strawberries contain virtually no sugar. There are even entire weight loss systems for those who want to gain slimness.

The best greenhouse varieties

When cultivating strawberries for themselves, gardeners choose varieties according to their taste and preferences. Farmers interested in the success and profitability of the event need to focus on the following features:

  • number of blooms per year;
  • regularity of ovary release;
  • resistance to diseases and pests;
  • quality of berries.

The fruits should be large in size, bright red in color and have excellent taste. The most popular among buyers are the aromatic berries.

Time-tested varieties

They have been successfully grown for many years in a greenhouse and consistently produce a rich, high-quality harvest. Each has its own characteristics, which must be taken into account before planting.

Evie 2

Remontant high-yielding variety with large sweet berries. The variety is intended for protected ground. The main advantage is that the culture tolerates transportation well. If agrotechnical standards are met, about 2 kg of crop is harvested from each Evi bush.


Can be grown in open ground. The variety is highly resistant to one of the biggest scourges for all varieties kept indoors - gray rot. The culture is not afraid of temporary increases in humidity and decreases in temperature, and does not deteriorate during transportation. The fruiting of the variety is not the highest. From a bush you get about 500 g of sweet and sour berries.


An early ripening variety with tasty conical berries. Like most varieties grown in protected ground, it tolerates transportation well. For a long time can be kept in unfavorable conditions, but it yields 1.2 kg from each bush only if all cultivation rules are observed.


On average, it produces about 1.5 kg of medium berries from each bush. It has excellent taste, but is demanding to care for. These strawberries can only be kept in a heated greenhouse, since they may die during frost. With the exception of low temperatures, the variety almost never gets sick and is not affected by pests.


Fruits well in closed ground conditions. The berries have a wonderful aroma and excellent taste characteristics. The early-ripening variety tolerates low temperatures well, so a short absence of heating will not lead to the death of the bush, and it is also resistant to many pests.


Dutch variety with large aromatic dessert berries. Excellent resistance powdery mildew and gray rot. Has proven itself well in greenhouse conditions.


How to improve productivity?

We are constantly receiving letters in which amateur gardeners are worried that due to the cold summer this year there will be a poor harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year we published TIPS on this matter. But unfortunately, many did not listen, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we would like to recommend plant growth biostimulants that will help increase the yield by up to 50-70%.


A non-repairing, early-ripening variety, bred by Russian breeders for planting in protected soil. The culture is resistant to almost all diseases. Sweet berries with a characteristic strawberry taste ripen on the bushes.

High-yielding varieties

If strawberries are grown in a greenhouse for commercial purposes to make large deliveries, farmers give their preference to the following varieties:

  • Baron Solemacher. The variety bred by Dutch breeders allows you to harvest up to 4 kg of sweet small berries.
  • Albion. It is not a remontant variety, but has good yield. At proper cultivation gives a yield of 2 to 4 kg. Small berries ripen on the bush, each of which weighs on average about 12 g.
    Picture 7
  • Brighton. Repair variety. It is especially attractive for cultivation for commercial purposes, since one berry weighs approximately 80 g. In addition, the variety is characterized by excellent resistance to transportation and a long shelf life.
  • Diva F1. A remontant Dutch variety that is perfect for cultivation in our country. The hybrid tolerates transportation well and has sweet fruits.
  • Elizabeth II. Juicy and sweet strawberries ripen on the bushes. From one plant you can get up to 4 kg of fruit. Does not tolerate transportation well.

The choice is determined not only by yield, but also by the characteristics of the variety.

How much harvest can be obtained per year from one bush?

The fruiting of each variety has its own limitations. The maximum number of berries can be obtained only if all conditions are ideally observed. Largest harvest from one plant does not exceed 4 kg. You can care for the hybrid as much as you like, but it will not allow you to get more fruits.

If we talk about early selection varieties, they yield up to 400-500 g per fruiting. A similar result can be achieved without any special effort, but if yield is a priority, care and maintenance are given paramount importance.

How to properly grow strawberries in greenhouse conditions?

Planting is carried out from the end of February until the first half of March. Land in which cereals grew as green manure is considered ideal. It is imported from the fields, which is not always possible. You cannot use soil in which potatoes or cabbage were grown. An alternative to imported substrate can be turf soil. It is first loosened by adding sawdust.

The culture is quite demanding on the length of daylight hours. During the flowering period, strawberries in the greenhouse should be illuminated from 14 to 17 hours a day. This is one of the main conditions for obtaining a rich year-round harvest. It is also important to monitor air humidity. The first 3 weeks after planting the seedlings it should be 80, before the flowering period - 75, and during the growing season - 70%.

The berries on the bushes grow to their maximum size provided that the fertilizer is properly selected. Experienced farmers advise using complex fertilizers, which include superphosphate, magnesium, potassium, urea. Producing organic fruits involves the use of compost or manure, but such fertilizing will result in poorer fruit production.


Most difficult moment strawberry content. To get a good harvest, it is necessary to achieve a gradual decrease in temperature. Otherwise, fruiting will be quite poor or will not occur. Whiskers and fruits do not form on the bushes if the air temperature drops below +12. Most varieties do not tolerate temperature fluctuations from the beginning of the flowering period, even within 5 degrees.

The optimal maintenance regime is considered to be:

  • from planting to rooting +25;
  • during flowering from +22 to +15 degrees.

The temperature decrease should be smooth. Any sharp jumps during the flowering period or a drop in the thermometer below +15 threatens the lack of full pollination, which negatively affects fruiting. Hybrid varieties They are fine with drafts, but it is allowed to ventilate the greenhouse only at a temperature of 7 degrees above zero.

How is pollination carried out in a greenhouse?

If the choice is not made in favor of a self-pollinating hybrid, the plants will have to be pollinated artificially. In greenhouse conditions there is no wind, insects, or rain. The exception is structures with an openable roof. If this was not provided for, you have to resort to other methods.

Creating artificial wind

Carries out by installing fans that drive air flows directed towards different sides. One device is required for an area of ​​30 square meters. Turn on the fans once a day for several hours. This is done during the period of active flowering.

Remontant hybrids bloom almost constantly. They require regular pollination by means of “artificial wind”, turned on for at least 3 hours. In large greenhouse areas it is better to install several installations, but in small ones you can use a conventional portable device.


Most effective method pollination, but also the most labor-intensive. The hive requires additional space in the greenhouse. Another disadvantage is that the bees must be released, and therefore cannot be indoors without a protective suit. Otherwise, there is a risk of being stung.


Created using powerful sprayers. Flowering bushes are watered from installations. The feasibility of this method is questionable, since the pollination efficiency is no more than 45%. More than half of the pollen is washed away by artificially created rain.


Formed by opening windows located opposite each other. Such pollination brings especially high efficiency in warm weather with average speed wind. The technique is suitable for greenhouses that have a strong frame that can withstand the load from gusts of air masses.

Which technology to choose?

Two systems for cultivating strawberries in a greenhouse have become widespread - Russian and Dutch. Each has its own characteristics. Profitability and fruiting directly depend on the choice of specific technology and strict adherence to agrotechnical standards.


Strawberries are planted directly in ground beds, and not in containers. Each one is one meter wide. Passages must be provided. Top the beds with 5 cm of fine crushed stone or expanded clay chips, 10 cm of sand and 8 cm of fertile soil.

For every sq. m. add 10 g of superphosphate and ammonium nitrate. Rosettes are planted in a checkerboard pattern or in increments of 30 cm. The holes are made 8-10 cm deep. Covering the plantings with film or agrofibre can increase humidity and prevent the growth of weeds.

Watering is organized by drip. For the first 3-4 weeks it should be daily, and after rooting - once a week. Nitrogen fertilizing is applied with a transition to saltpeter, potassium, superphosphate after 2 months. Carbon dioxide promotes the development of bushes.

The advantage of the technology is that there is no need to replace bushes after each flowering, but this leads to lower yields.


It has a lot of advantages and is most widespread far beyond the Netherlands. Plantings are placed in several tiers, which allows you to “plant” 1 square. m. at least 50 bushes, and with proper placement, more.

Fruits are much easier to collect from pots, pipes or bags than from beds. Increased productivity is achieved thanks to a compact layout of sockets, better access to light and oxygen. Cold air remains below, and savings on watering reach 50%.

The only drawback is the renewal of plantings after the end of the fruiting period. The gardener needs to constantly purchase new seedlings or prepare his own.

What strawberry yield in a greenhouse can realistically be obtained from each square meter?

It all depends on the technology, variety, and compliance with agrotechnical standards. Russian technology is less labor-intensive, but produces a smaller harvest, which can vary from 5 to 15 kg. The Dutch method is much more effective. On average, if all conditions for proper maintenance are fully met, from 1 sq. m. you can pick 25 kg of berries. Considering that 3-4 harvests are obtained per year, the result is 75-100 kg of strawberries, and the total volume depends on the size of the greenhouse itself.

Crazy strawberry harvest

And a little about the author’s secrets

Have you ever experienced unbearable joint pain? And you know firsthand what it is:

  • inability to move easily and comfortably;
  • discomfort when going up and down stairs;
      • 1. Seedlings
      • 2. Vegetables
      • 3. Flowers
      • 4. Strawberry
      • 5. Greens
    • How much can you earn
    • Tax system
    • Permissions to open

    What What What is profitable to grow in a greenhouse? This question is asked by many beginning farmers and owners of private farms who want to succeed in the difficult greenhouse business. However, before talking about the profitability of a particular greenhouse plant, it is worth talking about back side question - expenses. Depending on climatic conditions, the profitability of growing individual crops, and the greenhouse business in general, can vary dramatically. On some forums you can meet people who are eager to start a greenhouse business in the conditions of Siberia and the northern regions of the Russian Federation. Some enthusiasts even plan to carry out year-round production. Due to their inexperience, they still have no idea how much resources can be spent on maintaining a greenhouse.

    The main disadvantage of the greenhouse business

    The very first thing that can bring any greenhouse project into the red is heating the greenhouse. Heat brick house and a polycarbonate greenhouse are not the same thing. For example, heating a house of 50 square meters. m costs 2500 rubles/month in winter, then a thin greenhouse of the same area will cost 5-10 times more. Even in the southern regions, farmers do not keep greenhouses all year round, but open the season only in February - March. A similar arrangement goes with greenhouse lighting. Dim light like in an apartment definitely won’t work. Plants in the cold season need the same daylight hours as they receive in the warm season. The light must be bright, and this means very high energy costs. What can I say, even for growing tomatoes Additional light is needed on the windowsill. Someone may object: “Well, we will sell the product at a high price, look how much a tomato costs in February.” Prices that can be observed in grocery chains should not be a guide. Vegetables and herbs are sold in bulk at almost half the price shown on the shop window. This happens because retail has its own costs associated with logistics, markdowns, taxes, salesperson salaries, and so on. Do you want to trade without intermediaries, and with a wide variety of goods? Now this is not a problem at all, you can place your ad on Avito. Find out how to get a stable income from ads, what is better to sell on the Internet and what is the best way to make money.

    How much money do you need to start a successful business growing vegetables and plants in a greenhouse?

    Worth considering! If a farmer does not have any experience in growing a particular crop, he will not be able to obtain the required volume of products and the losses will be enormous.

    Of course, this does not mean that year-round cultivation in greenhouses in temperate climates is impossible. It is quite possible and there are many similar farms. But all such projects cost a lot of money and are naturally beyond the means of a small farmer. Before starting any business, it is advisable to learn how to manage money. Think about your future today. Go money management marathon and learn about the secrets of rich people and where to invest money to receive stable passive income.

    When is the best time to start a greenhouse business?

    What can be concluded is that profitable greenhouse cultivation should be started with small volumes and before the opening of the season. The main task of the greenhouse is to obtain a harvest several weeks days earlier than a similar product appears on the market from summer cottages. Prices will still be very attractive, and demand will be high, so you can sell the product without any problems. A small greenhouse, firstly, will not bankrupt the farmer if he fails. And secondly, it will allow you to evaluate the market and make it clear whether this business is worth pursuing or not.

    Greenhouse plant growing technology

    So, let's move on directly to revealing the main question of our topic - which plants are most profitable to grow in a greenhouse? And here is our TOP 5 best greenhouse ideas.

    1. Seedlings

    Oddly enough, growing seedlings is one of the most profitable ideas for a greenhouse. In spring, the demand for seedlings is widespread - they are bought by both owners of summer cottages and home areas, as well as other farms specializing in crop production. There can be a lot of options here. Take, for example, strawberry seedlings. Even in the fall, you can make preparations of frigo seedlings (for more details about frigo seedlings, read the article “ Strawberry business - 4 ways to grow strawberries profitably"), and in the spring, plant these seedlings in a greenhouse and sell them over several months. On one square meter you can safely arrange up to several hundred roots. The retail price of one bush, depending on the variety, ranges from 50 to 100 rubles. We sold 10,000 roots and earned over 500 thousand rubles. To be convinced of the real demand for strawberry seedlings, just look at the statistics of Yandex search queries. Thus, according to Wordstat data, the phrase “buy strawberry seedlings” is searched about 18,000 times in April alone. Of these, Moscow accounts for just over 4,000 requests. This suggests that seedlings can be sold not only through markets and nurseries, but also via the Internet.

    The same can be said about seedlings of flowers (petunias), tomatoes, cabbage. The demand is colossal.

    2. Vegetables

    Cucumbers and tomatoes are the most proven greenhouse crops. Vegetables are bought always and everywhere, regardless of the crisis. The big advantage of cucumbers is that they can be stored for quite a long time. The harvested crop can be stored for weeks, although it sells out fresh cucumber very quickly. Especially if it is grown in the same region where it is sold. The yield of greenhouse cucumbers and tomatoes, with proper technology, is 30 - 45 kg per square meter. m. Greenhouse for 300 sq. m. can bring up to 12 tons of vegetables per season. In 2016, in the month of May, cucumbers in our stores (Ulyanovsk) cost an average of 80 rubles/kg. If for some reason it is not possible to come to an agreement with vegetable kiosks and grocery stores, then you can sell the goods on your own without any problems. If the farm has a spacious car, then you can simply stand by the road with good car traffic, hang up a sign “vegetables from private household plots”, indicate a price tag slightly lower than store prices and there will be no end to customers. You can distribute business cards to each buyer and soon you will be selling products directly from your greenhouse plot.

    3. Flowers

    A slightly more complex and rather southern version of the greenhouse business is the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bgrowing cut flowers. The primary task in this case is to get the main harvest by the March and then May holidays. How much can you earn here? So, modern technologies Growing roses allows you to get up to 250 cuts per year from one bush. Up to 4 bushes can grow freely on one square meter. That is, from 1 sq. m. 1000 sections are collected per year. Greenhouse for 100 sq. m. will allow you to grow up to 100 thousand slices! The average wholesale price for one rose cut is 40 rubles. By simple calculation, we get annual revenue of 4 million rubles. This is a lot of money, and even taking into account the high costs of maintaining a greenhouse, the profit remains high. There are, however, several serious pitfalls that hinder the widespread development of this business. Firstly, flowers, and especially roses, are very capricious and require special care. Small deviations from the norm - the flowers turn out to be frail and not marketable. Secondly, the costs of creating greenhouse conditions for growing flowers are slightly higher than in the case of vegetables. Finally, thirdly - sales! Flowers today are grown by more and more farmers, and the lion's share of the goods comes from abroad. The competition is extremely high and not everyone can survive in it.

    4. Strawberry

    In more southern regions (Krasnodar Territory, Kuban), growing strawberries in a greenhouse is quite common. Today there are several effective strawberry growing technologies in greenhouses: Dutch and Israeli technology, vertical beds (trukars), growing frigo seedlings, hydroponics. For some of them, it is possible to achieve a yield of 30 tons per hectare. In the south, fresh strawberries can be seen on the shelves as early as May. But in the central and Volga regions, finding locally produced early strawberries is not an easy task. This happens due to the fact that the berry has an extremely short shelf life (only 2 days) - it simply does not reach solvent buyers in the northern regions. And the one that arrives, as a rule, is prohibitively expensive and doesn’t really look like a berry. On May 25, I decided to “monitor” the prices for strawberries in our city (Volga region) and somehow found a berry on sale, which, surprisingly, was delivered from Uzbekistan. Price - 350 rubles/kg! And surprisingly, people took it. What can we conclude - at such prices, growing strawberries in a greenhouse, even in a temperate climate, looks like a very promising idea. You can start small - with a greenhouse of 50-100 square meters. m. Even using primitive technology using drip irrigation and agrofibre, you can get a good harvest 10 - 12 days earlier than the summer berries. And this will be enough to sell strawberries at a high price. Even 200 rub. per kilogram will allow you to gain profit. When will people see imported berries for 350 rubles? and local for 200 rub. their choice will be obvious.

    5. Greens

    It may be a profitable business growing greens in the greenhouse. First of all, these are: onions, lettuce, parsley, dill, cilantro, basil and sage. The big plus of greenery is that, unlike others greenhouse crops The period from sowing to harvest is the shortest here. So, onions, spinach and parsley can be obtained within 30 - 35 days after sowing. The yield with hydroponic technology can be up to 6 kg per 1 sq. m. And the price per kilogram, as you know, reaches 200 rubles in the spring. per kg. In just three to four months, you can harvest up to three harvests. Another advantage of growing greens is the cost of planting material. They are essentially “penny”, unlike strawberries or flowers. The only difficulty that will certainly await any entrepreneur is the sale of products. You won’t be able to get into retail chains, the volumes are wrong, and the entry price may not be profitable. Many farmers find a way out by selling greens to enterprises catering: cafes, restaurants and canteens. Such organizations are always happy to cooperate, since in their activities they are constantly faced with the problem of supplying ingredients.

    How much can you earn

    In this type of business, it is difficult to calculate income, since some individual entrepreneurs already have greenhouses, while others will make investments in their construction, and income also depends on the size of the greenhouse. A sample business plan would look like this. To grow seedlings you need:

    1. Greenhouse (film or made of polycarbonate), area 18 sq.m. If you grow seedlings in two tiered boxes, then the usable area doubles and is 36 sq.m. This area yields 7,500 cups of seedlings. The cost of one cup of seedlings ranges from 8 to 15 rubles, depending on the region. Thus, 7,500 glasses of at least 8 rubles will bring an income of 60,000 rubles.
    2. Purchase of varietal seeds and bulbs with a germination rate of up to 80%. The cost of one seed is approximately 12 kopecks per piece. For growing 7,500 pcs. 9,000 seedlings need to be purchased. seeds, 1,080 rubles will be spent on this.
    3. Purchase of soil for cups, approximately 10 cubic meters. will be 8,000 rubles.
    4. The cost of 1 glass is 1.8 rubles, in total you will need 13,500 rubles.
    5. Heating a greenhouse during the period of seedling growth will cost 2,000 rubles.

    Total expenses will be: 1,080+8,000+13,500+2,000= 24,580 rubles. Net profit will be 35,420 rubles. (For more details, read the article “ Greenhouse business plan") Which OKVED should I indicate for the purpose of registering OKVED 2 Section A: agriculture, forestry, fishing and fish farming. OKVED 2 01 Plant and animal husbandry, hunting and the provision of related services in these areas. OKVED 2 01.3 Growing seedlings OKVED 2 01.30 Growing seedlings

    What documents are needed to open

    This business will require a package of documents related to agricultural production and retail trade. It is necessary to register a business entity: this can be individual entrepreneur, or collective farming. The prepared documents must be submitted to government authorities or to multifunctional public service centers (MFCs).

    Tax system

    This business relates to the production of agricultural products, therefore a taxation system for agricultural producers, the so-called single agricultural tax, is applied. (ESKHN). The main condition of this tax is that the proceeds from the sale of these products are at least 70% of the total revenue, and also that the enterprise must be engaged in the production of agricultural products, and not in their sale. Unified agricultural tax is calculated as follows: StxB, where St is the tax rate, B is tax base. The tax rate is 6%, and the tax base is calculated from income received in the reporting period, minus expenses.

    Professional business plans on the topic:

    • Business plan farm(14 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇
    • Plant nursery business plan (25 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇
    • Business plan for growing potatoes (15 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇

    Permissions to open

    For this type of activity, the seedling seller must obtain sanitary phytocertification. You can get it from the sanitary inspection. It is also necessary to register the enterprise with government authorities, register with the tax office as an agricultural producer, purchase land or enter into a lease agreement. In fact, there are still a huge number of ways to get rich. The author of this blog writes in great detail about these methods in article about investment methods and starting a business.