Odessa State University. The emergence of an educational institution

Many modern applicants do not know which university to choose after graduation. They are considering dozens of options. In Ukraine, Odessa National University is considered one of the worthy ones. I. I. Mechnikova. This is a classic European-style university that trains specialists in the main branches of the humanities and natural sciences.

The emergence of an educational institution

Odessa National University is one of the oldest universities in Ukraine. Its history began in 1865 with the emergence of the Imperial This educational institution was formed on the basis of the Richelieu Lyceum that existed in the past. There were 3 faculties at the university - historical and philological, legal, physics and mathematics. Later this list was supplemented by the Faculty of Medicine.

Novorossiysk University existed for 55 years. In 1920 it was disbanded. Faculties left its composition. They became independent institutions. In 1933, it was decided to restore the university. The educational organization began its work under the name of Odessa State University.

Further development of the university

After 1933, the educational organization no longer ceased its activities. Even the Great Patriotic War did not stop the work of the university. At first, the university had only 3 faculties. Over time, the number of structural divisions increased. In 1939 there were 6 of them.

During the Great Patriotic War The university was evacuated several times. He worked in Berdyansk, Krasnodar, Maykop, Bayram-Ali. Return of the university to hometown happened in 1944. A year later in history educational organization a significant event occurred. The university was named after I. I. Mechnikov, a famous scientist, Nobel Prize laureate in the field of medicine and physiology. This change became a symbol of further development for teachers and students.

Modern university

For a long time the university was Odessa State University. In 2000 it received national status educational institution. The university acquired its modern name. The university is currently operating. It has 17 thousand students and over 1,300 teachers, including doctors of science and professors.

Activities of Odessa National University named after. I. I. Mechnikova is recognized by European scientific and educational centers. This allows the university to maintain an active international activities. He cooperates with various foreign organizations in matters higher education, develops international and teachers.

Departments of the educational institution

Applicants entering Odessa National University named after Mechnikov have plenty to choose from, because the university has a variety of structural divisions. The main part of them is represented by faculties:

  • philosophy;
  • philology;
  • Romano-Germanic philology;
  • physicists;
  • chemistry;
  • biology;
  • history;
  • economics and law;
  • geology and geography;
  • publishing, advertising and journalism.

Also within the structure of the university there are educational and scientific institutes - information and social technologies, social sciences, mechanics, mathematics and economics. Included in the university and college of economics and social work. It has existed since 1998, training students at the educational and qualification level “junior specialist”.

Specialties at the National University

Each structural unit at Odessa National University. Mechnikova offers certain areas of training. For example, the Faculty of Economics and Law provides training in such higher education specialties as “Jurisprudence”, “Accounting and Auditing”, “Management of Foreign Economic Activity”. The university introduces applicants to all available areas at Open Days.

The university college offers applicants an education related to systems sciences and cybernetics, economics and entrepreneurship; social security. Available specialties for training junior specialists:

  • "Applied Mathematics";
  • "Finance and Credit";
  • "Accounting";
  • "Social work".

Tuition fees at Odessa National University. Mechnikov is established annually for each direction. In 2017, the most expensive study was at “Prav”, “ English language and literature”, “French language and literature”, “Journalism” and some other specialties. The cost of the first year exceeded 18 thousand hryvnia. Cheap training is possible in “Mechanics”, “Geology”, “Chemistry”, “Applied Mathematics”, etc. The cost of study is from 8 thousand to 9.6 thousand hryvnia.

Legal address

65082, Odessa, st. Dvoryanskaya, 2 (main building)


Odessa National University named after I. I. Mechnikov (ONU) Ukrainian Odessa National University named after I.I. Mechnikov), before the revolution known as Imperial Novorossiysk University, then in Soviet times as Odessa state university them. I. I. Mechnikova- the oldest university in the south of Ukraine.

Since its creation, the university has occupied one of the leading places in the formation of the education system, in the development of scientific research and culture of Ukraine. It is one of the oldest universities in Ukraine and, together with Kyiv, Kharkov and Lviv universities, actually determines the state and prospects for the development of education, science and culture in the educational network of Ukraine. It ranks 9th in the ranking of higher educational institutions in Ukraine.


Until 1917, about 6 thousand people graduated from Novorossiysk University.

The history of higher education in the south of Russia is inextricably linked with the activities of the university: a significant part of higher education institutions in the south of Ukraine was created on the basis of its faculties: (Odessa State Medical University, Odessa State Economic University, Odessa National Law Academy).

In 1933 it was restored under the name: Odessa University.

ONU is the only one among Ukrainian universities that functioned during the Great Patriotic War, even while being evacuated. The alternative Odessa University functioned in the occupied territory since 1942.

The name of Mechnikov was given in 1945.

For outstanding services in training specialists, in 1965 OSU was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, and in 1978 it was included in the list of leading universities of the USSR.

Scientists - employees and graduates of the university


Institute of Mathematics, Economics and Mechanics (IMEM)

Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies

  • Department of Methods of Mathematical Physics
  • Department of Optimal Control and Economic Cybernetics
  • Department of Computer Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
  • Department of Computational Mathematics
  • Department of Mathematical Support of Computer Systems

Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics

Faculty of Economics

  • Department of Economic Theory and History of Economic Thought
  • Department of Management and mathematical modeling market processes
  • Department of World Economy and International Economic Relations

Faculty of Psychology

Institute of Social Sciences

  • Department of Sociology
  • Department of Political Science
  • Department of History and World Politics
  • Department of International Relations

Institute of Innovative and Postgraduate Education (IIPO)

  • Department of System Software and Distance Learning Technologies
  • Department of Economics and Modeling of Market Relations
  • Department of Clinical Psychology
  • Department of Art History
  • Department of Social Theories
  • Department of Design


  • Faculty of Biology
  • Faculty of Geology and Geography
  • Faculty of History
  • Faculty of Romano-Germanic Philology
  • Faculty of Chemistry
  • Faculty of Philology
  • Faculty of Economics and Law
  • Faculty of Philosophy
  • College of Entrepreneurship and Social Work
  • Faculty of Pre-University Training
  • Preparatory Faculty for Foreign Citizens

ONU branches

  • Pervomaisky Educational and Scientific Center
  • Ilyichevsk Educational and Scientific Center
  • Nikolaev Educational and Scientific Institute

Institutions at the University

Scientific library

Botanical Garden

Main article: Botanical Garden ONU

One of the oldest and most famous scientific centers in Ukraine for preserving the diversity of the world flora, founded in 1867. From to The botanical garden was headed by academician, ex-president of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine V. I. Lipsky. The botanical garden has the status of a natural monument and, by a resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers, is classified as a natural reserve fund of Ukraine. Its collections of introduced plants number 3,840 species, forms, varieties and hybrids.

Petrographic-Mineralogical Museum

The Petrographic-Mineralogical Museum, founded in 1865, is a national treasure. The museum's holdings include 12,500 samples from all over the world, among which the collection of samples of ore formations, including iron-manganese nodules, from the bottom of the World Ocean is unique in scientific value. The most valuable collection of the museum is the collection of meteorites, the richest in Ukraine and Europe.

Zoological Museum

Paleontological Museum

The paleontological museum, created on the basis of the collection of the Richelieu Lyceum, has existed since 1873. The museum is one of the 10 best museums in the world and has more than 40 thousand exhibits. Many collections are standards in the study of faunas of the former Black Sea region. The paleontological museum has no analogues in Ukraine in terms of the composition of fossil materials, and a significant number of exhibits are unique. A national treasure is also the underground paleontological reserve in the karst caves of Odessa, which is a unique burial place in terraced deposits of more than 40 species of extinct animals.

Scientific research

Scientific research is concentrated in 28 scientific departments, including 4 research institutes, 8 research centers, 14 problem and industry research laboratories.

Research institutes

  • Astronomical Observatory Directions of scientific activity - study of physics and evolution of constants, physical variables and close double stars, meteoric, cometary and interstellar matter; cosmology; photometry of artificial satellites and the dust component of the atmosphere, astronomical instrumentation. Director - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Sergei Mikhailovich Andrievsky.
  • Directions of scientific activity - creating the foundations of photo technologies; theoretical and experimental study of photosensitive and photochromic materials; semiconductor electronics. Director - Doctor of Physics and Mathematics. Sciences, Professor Tyurin Alexander Valentinovich
  • Institute of Combustion and Non-Traditional Technologies Areas of scientific activity - problems of energy, conversion, non-traditional technologies and ecology; fundamental problems of combustion and explosion. The director of the institute is Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Andrey Nikonovich Zolotko.

Research laboratories

  • Problem research laboratory of engineering geology of the sea coast, reservoirs and mountain slopes, PNIL-1 Directions of scientific and production activities - development theoretical foundations and methods for predicting engineering-geological processes of the sea coast, reservoirs and shelves; assessment of the effectiveness of bank protection measures
  • Problem research laboratory fuel cells, PNIL-2 Areas of scientific and industrial activity - chemical energy sources; electrochemical energy converters; electrochemical ecology
  • Problem-based research laboratory of physics of aerodisperse systems, PNIL-3 Areas of scientific and industrial activity - high-temperature aerosols; physics of aerodispersion systems
  • Problem-based research laboratory of soil geography and protection of soil cover in the Chernozem zone, PNIL-4 Directions of scientific and production activities - comprehensive study dynamics of soil formation processes that are caused by irrigation and drainage.
  • Problem-based research laboratory for the synthesis of medical preparations, PNIL-5 Directions of scientific and industrial activity - development scientific foundations directed synthesis of new organic substances.
  • Industry Research Laboratory of Marine Geology and Geochemistry, ONIL Directions of scientific and production activities - Marine geology; marine geoecology; physical and chemical methods for studying bottom sediments and solid minerals.
  • Research Laboratory of Non-Crystalline Electronics Systems Directions of scientific and industrial activity - Optical properties of non-crystalline systems; luminescent properties of fast systems
  • Research Laboratory of Theoretical and Molecular Physics, NIL-14 Directions of scientific and industrial activity - theoretical study of micro-inhomogeneous media, extremely viscous liquids with hydrogen bonds of solutions.
  • Research Laboratory of Physics and Chemistry of Low Temperature Plasma Directions of scientific and industrial activity - physics of combustion products; spectral and probe flame studies; processes of coagulation and growth of the condensed phase in the flame.
  • Research Laboratory of Sensors and Recording Systems Areas of scientific and industrial activity - development of sensors for modernization of existing equipment and creation of promising technologies
  • Research Laboratory of Electronic, Ionic and Molecular Processes in Semiconductors Directions of scientific and industrial activity - photoelectronic; electron-ionic and molecular processes in semiconductors; luminescence


  • Educational-research-production center Directions of scientific and industrial activity - computer science; computer technology; solid state electronics; sensory
  • Regional interdepartmental center for integrated monitoring and environmental research Directions of scientific and production activities - environmental protection natural environment; technogenic and environmental safety; protection and preservation of the natural and recreational potential of the Black Sea coast and the Black Sea.
  • Center of Expertise for Touch Electronics, Reliability and Electronic Engineering Directions of scientific and production activities - scientific and technical support for the reliability of radio electronics products based on an analysis of the physics of formation, development and manifestation of defects, degradations and failures.

ONU is the only one among Ukrainian universities that functioned during the Great Patriotic War, even while being evacuated. The alternative Odessa University functioned in the territory occupied by the Romanians since 1942, its rector was the surgeon P. G. Chasovnikov.

In 1945, the university was named after Nobel laureate I. I. Mechnikov.

For outstanding services in training specialists, in 1965 OSU was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, and in 1978 it was included in the list of leading universities of the USSR.

During the years of Ukraine's independence, the university continued its development in new socio-political conditions. In 2000, it was granted national status. On May 18, 2003, Odessa National University was one of the first in Ukraine to sign the Bologna Declaration. The university currently has about 17 thousand students, more than 1,300 teachers, of whom more than 200 are doctors of science and professors. More than 40 new specialties, about 100 new departments and centers have been opened. Educational units have been created in the cities of Odessa, Nikolaev and Kherson regions.

In 1991, the university received an invitation to the European University Association (EUA), and in 1995 to the World Association of Universities (IAU) at UNESCO. The ONU team took an active part in the activities of such world-famous international organizations as the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the Fulbright and Muskie foundations (USA), in the programs of UNESCO, the European Union TEMPUS (TACIS), INTAS, the US government (CRDF), in joint programs with the embassies of Great Britain, USA, Italy, Germany, France, etc.

The university trains specialists on the basis of an appropriate license in 20 areas and more than 40 specialties. The university system has three educational and scientific institutes - mathematics, economics and mechanics, innovative and postgraduate education, social sciences - and ten faculties (physical, chemical, geological and geographical, biological, philosophical, historical, philological, Romano-Germanic philology, economics -legal, journalism, advertising and publishing), fifty scientific institutes, research departments, problem and industry laboratories.

On May 13, 2015, Odessa National University named after I. I. Mechnikov solemnly celebrated the 150th anniversary of its foundation.


Rectors of Novorossiysk University

Rectors of the Odessa Institute of Public Education (period of reorganization of higher education)

1920–1923 Volkov Roman Mikhailovich

1923–1925 Samulevich Pavel Alexandrovich

1925–1926 Khait I. A.

1926 Elin Vladimir Leontievich (Borukh Izrailevich)

1926–1930 Vnukov Tikhon Nikolaevich

1930 Klochko Arseny Porfirievich

Rectors of Odessa State University

1936-1937 Weinstein M. S.

1937-1939 Pekarsky F. F.

Rectors of Odessa State University named after I. I. Mechnikov

Rectors of Odessa National University named after I. I. Mechnikov

Scientists - employees and graduates of the university

The golden names of ONU named after I. I. Mechnikov are world-famous professors and graduates of the university who are the founders of new scientific teachings, the founders scientific theories and methods, creators of scientific schools and discoverers of new scientific phenomena. All of them were the authors of time-tested scientific ideas.

Nobel Prize Laureates


  • Faculty of Biology
  • Faculty of Geology and Geography
  • Faculty of History
  • Faculty of Philology
  • Faculty of Romano-Germanic Philology
  • Faculty of Chemistry
  • Faculty of Journalism
  • Faculty of Economics and Law
  • Faculty of Philosophy
  • College of Entrepreneurship and Social Work
  • Faculty of Pre-University Training
  • Preparatory Faculty for Foreign Citizens

Scientific research

Research institutes

  • Directions of scientific activity - study of physics and evolution of constants, physical variables and close double stars, meteoric, cometary and interstellar matter; cosmology; photometry of artificial satellites and the dust component of the atmosphere, astronomical instrumentation. Director - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Sergei Mikhailovich Andrievsky.
  • Directions of scientific activity - creating the foundations of photo technologies; theoretical and experimental study of photosensitive and photochromic materials; semiconductor electronics. Director - Doctor of Physics and Mathematics. Sciences, Professor Tyurin Alexander Valentinovich
  • Institute of Combustion and Non-Traditional Technologies Areas of scientific activity - problems of energy, conversion, non-traditional technologies and ecology; fundamental problems of combustion and explosion. The director of the institute is Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Andrey Nikonovich Zolotko.

Research laboratories

  • Problematic research laboratory of engineering geology of the sea coast, reservoirs and mountain slopes, PNIL-1 Directions of scientific and production activities - development of theoretical foundations and methods for predicting engineering geological processes of the sea coast, reservoirs and shelves; assessment of the effectiveness of bank protection measures
  • Problem-based research laboratory of fuel cells, PNIL-2 Areas of scientific and industrial activity - chemical energy sources; electrochemical energy converters; electrochemical ecology
  • Problem-based research laboratory of physics of aerodisperse systems, PNIL-3 Areas of scientific and industrial activity - high-temperature aerosols; physics of aerodispersion systems
  • Problem-based research laboratory of soil geography and soil protection of the Chernozem zone, PNIL-4 Areas of scientific and production activity - a comprehensive study of the dynamics of soil formation processes that are caused by irrigation and drainage.
  • Problem-based research laboratory for the synthesis of medical preparations, PNIL-5 Directions of scientific and industrial activity - development of scientific foundations for the targeted synthesis of new organic substances.
  • Industry Research Laboratory of Marine Geology and Geochemistry, ONIL Directions of scientific and production activities - Marine geology; marine geoecology; physical and chemical methods for studying bottom sediments and solid minerals.
  • Research Laboratory of Non-Crystalline Electronics Systems Directions of scientific and industrial activity - Optical properties of non-crystalline systems; luminescent properties of fast systems
  • Research Laboratory of Theoretical and Molecular Physics, NIL-14 Directions of scientific and industrial activity - theoretical study of micro-inhomogeneous media, extremely viscous liquids with hydrogen bonds of solutions.
  • Research Laboratory of Physics and Chemistry of Low Temperature Plasma Directions of scientific and industrial activity - physics of combustion products; spectral and probe flame studies; processes of coagulation and growth of the condensed phase in the flame.
  • Research Laboratory of Sensors and Recording Systems Areas of scientific and industrial activity - development of sensors for modernization of existing equipment and creation of promising technologies
  • Research Laboratory of Electronic, Ionic and Molecular Processes in Semiconductors Directions of scientific and industrial activity - photoelectronic; electron-ionic and molecular processes in semiconductors; luminescence


  • Educational-research-production center Directions of scientific and industrial activity - computer science; computer technology; solid state electronics; sensory
  • Regional Interdepartmental Center for Integrated Monitoring and Environmental Research Directions of scientific and production activities - environmental protection; technogenic and environmental safety; protection and preservation of the natural and recreational potential of the Black Sea coast and the Black Sea.
  • Center of Expertise for Touch Electronics, Reliability and Electronic Engineering Directions of scientific and production activities - scientific and technical support for the reliability of radio electronics products based on an analysis of the physics of formation, development and manifestation of defects, degradations and failures.
  • Ilyichevsk Educational and Scientific Center

History of the University

The history of higher education in the south of the Russian Empire began in the year with the establishment of the Imperial Novorossiysk University and its further development is inextricably linked with the activities of ONU. The nationwide influence of ONU on education lies in the fact that a significant part of higher educational institutions in the south of Ukraine was created on the basis of university faculties (Odessa State Medical University, Odessa State Economic University, Odessa National Law Academy).

ONU is the only one among Ukrainian universities that achieved a unique labor feat, working continuously during the Great Patriotic War, even while in evacuation.

For outstanding services in the training of specialists, ONU was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor this year, and was included in the list of leading universities in the USSR.

Scientists - employees and graduates of the university


  • Institutes
    • Institute of Mathematics, Economics and Mechanics (IMEM)
      • Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
      • Faculty of Mathematics
      • Faculty of Information Technologies
      • Faculty of Business and Management
      • Department of Economics
      • Department of Psychology
    • Institute of Social Sciences (ISN)
      • Department of Sociology
      • Department of Political Science
      • Department of History and World Politics
      • Department of International Relations
    • Institute of Innovative and Postgraduate Education (IIPO)
      • Department of System Software and Distance Learning Technologies
      • Department of Economics and Modeling of Market Relations
      • Department of Clinical Psychology
      • Department of Art History
      • Department of Social Theories
      • Foreign Languages ​​Section
  • Faculties
    • Faculty of Geology and Geography
    • Faculty of History
    • Faculty of Romano-Germanic Philology
    • Faculty of Chemistry
    • Faculty of Physics. Faculty website.
    • Faculty of Philology
    • Faculty of Philosophy
    • College of Entrepreneurship and Social Work
    • Faculty of Pre-University Training
    • Preparatory Faculty for Foreign Citizens
  • ONU branches
    • Pervomaisky Educational and Scientific Center
    • Ilyichevsk Educational and Scientific Center
    • Nikolaev Educational and Scientific Institute

Institutions at the University

Scientific library

Botanical Garden

The Botanical Garden is one of the oldest and most famous scientific centers in Ukraine for preserving the diversity of the world's flora, founded in 2007. From to The botanical garden was headed by academician, ex-president of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine V. I. Lipsky. The botanical garden has the status of a natural monument and, by a resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers, is classified as a natural reserve fund of Ukraine. Its collections of introduced plants number 3,840 species, forms, varieties and hybrids.

Petrographic-Mineralogical Museum

The Petrographic-Mineralogical Museum, founded in 2007, is a national treasure. The museum's holdings include 12,500 samples from all over the world, among which the collection of samples of ore formations, including iron-manganese nodules, from the bottom of the World Ocean is unique in scientific value. The most valuable collection of the museum is the collection of meteorites, the richest in Ukraine and Europe.

Zoological Museum

Paleontological Museum

The paleontological museum, created on the basis of the collection of the Richelieu Lyceum, has existed since a year. The museum is one of the 10 best museums in the world and has more than 40 thousand exhibits. Many collections are standards in the study of faunas of the former Black Sea region. The paleontological museum has no analogues in Ukraine in terms of the composition of fossil materials, and a significant number of exhibits are unique. A national treasure is also the underground paleontological reserve in the karst caves of Odessa, which is a unique burial place in terraced deposits of more than 40 species of extinct animals.

Scientific research

Scientific research is concentrated in 28 scientific departments, including 4 research institutes, 8 research centers, 14 problem and industry research laboratories.

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