Compatibility in love between the zodiac signs Libra and Pisces. Compatibility of Libra and Pisces in love and marriage

They treat people differently, the world as a whole, are guided by different principles, have dissimilar characters, and each does not consider it necessary to adapt to the other. The logic and rationality of Libra clash with the extreme emotionality of Pisces, who rely on their inner feelings. In such relationships, Libra usually has to take the reins of power, but neither party is happy with this, which makes this union even more complex and fragile.

Libra and Pisces - compatibility in love and marriage

Compatibility Libra man - Pisces woman

Often, friends of this couple have the feeling that she should have lived in some other century, when romance, certain sublime feelings and ideals were valued. The harsh realities of everyday life are not for these two. For a relationship to pass the test of strength, both must do tremendous internal work.

The Libra man and the Pisces woman are each in their own world, which has few points of contact with reality. Neither one nor the other wants to be responsible for solving material, everyday, and any important issues in general. They respect each other's independence very much, trying not to interfere in the other's personal space - and by doing this they do a disservice to both the partner and the future together. Being talented and capable people, representatives of these zodiac signs may not open up throughout their lives if no one gives them the impetus to do so. While protecting each other from pressure, the Libra husband and Pisces wife do not receive incentives for further development from their other half.

Staying in the world of illusions inevitably ends in a collision with a huge number of problems that need urgent solutions. And if the partners cannot change anything in themselves (and they do not do it quickly enough), such a family, as the horoscope warns, may fall apart. First of all, the Libra man must have his say, especially since he is quite capable of making sure that the spiritual and material components of them life together were in harmony.

Libra and Pisces rarely quarrel, do not tolerate long-term loneliness, do not tolerate arguments and aggression saturated with negativity, but they can easily get stuck in the quagmire of problems and go their separate ways without understanding them, although if they wanted they could very well find common language, since Libra is very diplomatic, and Pisces is sympathetic and merciful. Living together and active interaction should lead both to the need to grow and show their strengths and talents to the world, otherwise this union will quickly exhaust itself.

Most often, early marriages of representatives of these zodiac signs end sadly, while later relationships, when the partners become wiser and more flexible, have better prospects.

Compatibility Pisces man - Libra woman

The basis for creating such a union is often the desire to bring joy to the life of a loved one, but this brings little happiness to both. It is difficult for Pisces to decide to marry; real actions are harder for this man than dreams of his high life mission. The company of a restrained, unquarrelsome woman seems tempting to him, but the Libra woman’s poise is often just an illusion, her soul is filled with constant doubts, which she would gladly get rid of by marrying a stronger person than herself. Striving for stability, the spouse will diligently put things in order around her, including in family relationships, and at the same time can establish certain rules for living together, which Pisces men will try to avoid by any means.

As a result, the Libra woman, who dreamed of finding support, discovers that the man who talks about feelings and lofty ideals does nothing to ensure that their family has a stable position. Pisces are also disappointed, because instead of romance and high feelings, they are faced with the need to deal with everyday life, to live according to new rules that were not established by them.

To prevent a Libra woman’s relationship with a Pisces man from turning into a trap for both, the horoscope advises them to clearly distribute responsibilities around the house and the degree of participation in decisions family problems, coming from outside. Against the backdrop of everyone's positive qualities, this will help them find peace of mind. Libra is that rare woman who is able to restore harmony in the soul of her husband, and he, in turn, is better than many able to feel her personal problems and show participation.

Representatives of both zodiac signs are not particularly practical, but they also do not make big claims against each other when their life is not entirely comfortable or there is not enough money in the family. It happens that a Pisces man and a Libra woman set the goal of getting rich and succeed a lot in this field, using non-standard ways of earning money, including not the most decent ones. It should be noted that for such couples such down-to-earth aspirations are useful, although not necessarily in such a radical form. The more practical and specific their joint goals are, the greater the chances of making this relationship truly close and long-lasting.

Pisces and Libra - sexual compatibility

Sex with these partners is painted in slightly different tones than with other zodiac signs. Even in bed, the greatest importance for them is close contact at the emotional and psychological level, and not the physical proximity of bodies. Both have a rich erotic imagination, which they further awaken by creating a special dating atmosphere, using romantic melodies, pleasant smells, intimate lighting, etc. In such a couple, neither the man nor the woman will behave rudely or too straightforwardly, even if they do not get what they want.

Compatibility horoscope for Pisces and Libra in work and business

While maintaining a certain distance, Libra and Pisces can work well together if we're talking about about routine, simple tasks. It is difficult for them to understand each other completely, but they do not strive for this, but thanks to them, a comfortable environment is usually created in the team - if both do not enter into confrontation. Such employees are rarely visited by work enthusiasm, and if problems begin, then both Pisces and Libra will try to find the culprits and shift the responsibility, or even the work itself, to someone else. Business partners of these signs cannot boast of breakthrough abilities and do not always clearly understand why they have joined forces. In addition, none of them wants to bear the burden of responsibility for the results of joint activities.

Pisces - Libra couple: compatibility in friendship

Pisces and Libra rarely become true friends, although they are in friendly relations quite often. What they have in common is their affinity for a quiet pastime, pleasant company, and interest in art, culture, and religion. They lack complete trust in each other and spiritual closeness, but they have a calm and pleasant time together, so a friendly connection can last for many years. Both can use each other for personal gain, and both sense when they are being manipulated. Although it often happens that for some reason they allow each other to do this.

See Libra's compatibility with other zodiac signs:

See the compatibility of Pisces with other zodiac signs.

The compatibility of Libra and Pisces is very ambiguous. The inconsistency of the union is justified by the patronage of completely different planets and elements.

Sensual and magnetically attractive Libra sometimes does not understand the loving, fantasy-oriented Pisces.

Libra is indecisive, but at the same time, discouraging supporters of eternal balance. By expressing their point of view they can immediately cross out the above.

A heightened desire for justice, combined with timidity, creates a serious internal conflict, expressed in the inability to clearly formulate one’s thoughts.

There is a feeling that Libra often doesn’t know what they want. But Libras are charming to the point of madness, and they simply have countless fans, which they successfully use until it’s their turn to indulge in all the seriousness of serious feelings.

Due to the fact that there is a large choice, this problem haunts them. Often serious feelings arise spontaneously, at first sight.

Pisces, suspicious and insecure, are accustomed to acting clearly; they need to put everything in order. Pisces, living in reality, are endowed with extraordinary intuition.

Those who are able to bypass any obstacles achieve their goals. Passionate, mysterious, sentimental nature. Created for love, but can spend many years searching for the one.

Sensitivity and attentiveness are not alien to them. They have an incredible love of life and are able to endure any difficulties and adversity. One tiny but significant drawback is the susceptibility to mood changes depending on the phases of the moon, hence many oddities that are incomprehensible to others.

But as we know, opposites attract. A penchant for daydreaming and admiring beauty can be an excellent connecting element. Perhaps the union of Libra and Pisces is not intended to be ideal, but it certainly cannot be called boring.

Union Libra man, Pisces woman

Both are a little frivolous and tend to have their heads in the clouds and build sand castles. They often behave childishly. A man sometimes shows himself to be too refined in comparison with the harsh reality, although he is unlikely to give up earthly goods.

He is often unable to understand a mystery woman who sympathizes with everyone; she sometimes quite realistically desires something impossible or sometimes inappropriate.

Frequent quarrels, the reason for which can be any nonsense, even incidents from a past life. Although they are together incapable of prolonged disputes and emotional showdowns.

They cannot withstand a tense atmosphere, so their quarrels can most likely be compared to intellectual discussions, secular dialogue. Or quarrels are explosive, but lightning fast. Five minutes of screaming and broken dishes, and then a stormy reconciliation and idyll.

The Libra man is jealous; a woman cannot accidentally talk to a neighbor or passerby on the street. The anger will be all-encompassing. The best solution would be to protect yourself from strangers and follow each other inseparably.

This couple is subject to all sorts of enticing and confusing temptations: prohibited drugs, sects, orgies. It is better to protect yourself from such influences in advance and not to be led by temptations.

Although a fantasy mood within a couple can fill their lives with fairy-tale light, unite them, bring variety and joy to daily life, defuse the situation.

Often Pisces, prone to empathy, provide an invaluable service to Libra, who suffers from time to time from the uncertainty of life's disappointment. Significant participation, mutual experience, boundless faith in a partner can cure any blues.

This couple is able to protect their relationship from excessive demands and claims against each other. The opportunity to find a compromise and a way out of deadlock situations contributes to mutual enjoyment of the results of their painstaking diplomatic work.

And romance, sentimentality and sensuality can maintain peace and tranquility for a long time.

The family path of such a couple is thorny and tortuous only until the appearance of children. Then everything gets better. The Libra father is caring, his children obey him perfectly. Mother Pisces, in general, is obsessed with children, she always knows, is interested in, studies everything that is needed and not needed.

She certainly needs to have more than one child, preferably two or three. Children are her calling.

Union Pisces man, Libra woman

If a couple consists of a Pisces man, a Libra woman, compatibility often runs the risk of going south. Mutual movement along the flow of relationships can lead anywhere.

If you're lucky, you'll make a great couple. Over the years and the birth of children, this can turn out to be an ideal family: caring parents, cozy home, shared life.

The most important obstacle may be that neither one nor the other has the determination. There was a meeting, an acquaintance, a lot of compliments so necessary for the lady, the all-consuming charm of the gentleman, and then, without outside help, things may not work out.

According to the horoscope, the man is not in the mood for decisive action, much less aggression or tough measures. He tends to immerse himself in his dreams and hobbies.

Being engaged in universal affairs detached from reality (esotericism, yoga, meditation), he is far from reality. Although he is also able to find time for pressing matters.

The Libra lady is prone to entertainment and noisy companies. Where she appears, everyone is friendly, singing and dancing. The Pisces man also loves freedom, but more often he gravitates towards mental relaxation. From long binges, a man begins to fall into melancholy, he is drawn to nature.

A partner with joy and delight can succumb to the idea of ​​minimalism, actively participate in the development of a family concept of abandoning unnecessary material values, and over time realize that this is completely alien to her, even completely contrary to her natural essence.

As a result, thanks to male pride, the wife will become guilty of the failure of the philosophy he so selflessly developed, and in addition, she may turn out to be the culprit of all endeavors.

There is a solution to the situation: rely on a favorable outcome due to astrological benefits. The female sign in this case is the leading one. The initiative should radically change everything.

If you also use an arsenal of female charms to help with this, then a successful outcome is guaranteed. Add a little charm to the cold calculation and the direction of movement is ready.

The most important thing here is not to overdo it. A total dictatorship can ruin the whole thing: a man can be afraid of such selfless zeal and go home. You need to act carefully; reliable and affectionate support will be much more effective.

If everything happened and the couple worked out, then an incredibly happy life together awaits them. With the advent of children, the Libra lady becomes an ideal wife. Family traditions, home evenings, cozy atmosphere. Everything a Pisces husband needs. And what a magnificent mother she turns out to be - just a fairy tale. The Pisces man is also not far behind. We still need to look for such a caring father.

Better compatibility between Pisces and Libra can be achieved with the help of simple psychological tricks:

  • Any constructive goal can replace excessive doubts and worries;
  • There is no need to bring exclusively clearly defined ideas, a whole heap of rash thoughts, for general consideration, otherwise this will only infuriate the partner;
  • Completely abandon the phrase: - “Do it quickly.”

There is a possibility that the previous advice did not have its effect. Then there is nothing else left to do but to do everything yourself.

The following advice comes with a caveat: often, in order to attract a partner to an activity, you just need to imitate your violent actions.

This way you can involve them in action and get the desired result. Both partners are unsurpassed masters of illusion, so why not use this skill when necessary.

Selfishness can become a serious opponent that hinders harmonious relationships. It is characteristic of both partners, but each manifests it in its own way.

The first one completely shifts the burden of obligations and responsibility onto the shoulders of the second one. And he takes revenge on him by withdrawing, erecting an impregnable ice wall.

The next disagreement arises due to the fact that one accepts arguments and facts, the other appeals to intuitive feelings and sensations. Against this background, an information imbalance arises.

That is why various debates cannot be ruled out, and difficulties in forming mutual decisions are possible: it is often difficult to understand each other, and there is a feeling that the spouses speak different languages.

Despite this, an undeniable advantage is a similar perception of reality. Spouses appreciate beauty and strive for harmony.

In addition, there is excellent sexual compatibility between the partners of these signs, thanks to which many problems of the mortal world fade into the background.

Despite many contradictions, compatibility in love relationships Pisces Libra is very good.

Good sexual compatibility can be an excellent ally. Moreover, such a couple mutually strives for a marriage; family values ​​are important to them.

Many contradictions and oddities in the natures of the Libra and Pisces couple do not interfere with their ideal union. You just need to see each other in the turmoil of life and not be afraid to take the first step towards your happiness.

Zodiac signs Libra and Pisces can achieve amazing harmony in love relationships, despite the fact that their characters will always remain mysteries to each other. Pisces and Libra show excellent compatibility when the Sun and Moon are in a favorable position, but even if the luminaries are not on their side, lovers have a chance to harmonize their relationship.

The union of Libra and Pisces will never be the result of the law of similarity, but representatives of these zodiac signs brought together by chance will certainly become interested in each other. Each of the partners will seem like an attractive riddle to the other, which they will want to solve for a lifetime.

But there is a dangerous nuance in this union - Pisces are so ready to help everyone and everyone that their partner faces a serious temptation to abuse such dedication.

Relationships with Libra strengthen this tendency, risking turning the family union into a kind of vector marriage, existing on the principle of “master and servant.” In addition, these zodiac signs have completely different attitudes towards marriage. If for Libra marriage is natural and desirable, then Pisces is afraid of such a step, often preferring voluntary loneliness to partnership.

Libra man and Pisces woman – compatibility in love and marriage

Compatibility between a Pisces woman and a Libra man is based on a mutual craving for beauty, belief in justice, calm, interesting and non-aggressive communication. The refined nature of the first attracts the second like a magnet - they have a million interesting topics for conversation and objects for admiration. They both love to help others and are compassionate and friendly. In the first period of their life together, they seem to each other and everyone around them to be simply an ideal couple.

Few women can resist a Libra man - sensual, charming, intelligent. The planet Venus has endowed him with amazing attractiveness, which Pisces are able to fully appreciate. However, soon the friend of her life will be faced with a surprise - it turns out that her husband is more superficial than she initially thought. He may not feel beauty so deeply, but he is fully endowed with the ability to weigh everything and evaluate it objectively. His tastes are more secular than refined; he makes a lot of acquaintances, but rarely maintains strong and warm relationships with anyone.

LIBRA + PISCES - Compatibility - Astrotypologist Dmitry Shimko

Compatibility of Pisces man and Libra woman

Compatibility of Libra man and Pisces woman

Libra and Pisces. Compatibility Horoscope Love and Sexual Horoscope

Pisces and Libra

love compatibility of zodiac signs Libra and Pisces

psychology. Compatibility of the sign Libra with the signs Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

His pedantic desire for justice sometimes hurts the woman he loves. Especially if sensitive Pisces at the moment needs support and sympathy, and not an objective assessment of the situation. In response to an insult, she is able to withdraw and withdraw, without reacting in any way to her partner’s attempts to make contact. The compatibility of Pisces with a Libra man comes to naught when alienation begins.

The compatibility horoscope of Pisces and Libra highlights the following advantages of this union:

  • Libra and Pisces rather complement each other, but also have common points of contact - they are interested in being together;
  • Both partners do not like aggression and conflicts (Mars is not expressed in their horoscopes), they prefer to peacefully resolve problems that arise;
  • A woman in this union gives a man great value, namely, unshakable faith in him and unquestioning support, and he, in turn, knows how to cheer her up and instill confidence in his own abilities.

Libra woman and Pisces man – compatibility in love relationships and marriage

The reason for the couple's separation was financial problems.

Are Libra woman and Pisces man compatible? It is not difficult for them to find a common language. The Libra girl will charm a man with her oriental softness and femininity, given to her in abundance by Venus. In turn, she will find deep feelings, romance and some magic in her partner - all that she values ​​​​so highly. The friendship between Pisces and Libra is based on common interests and pleasant communication. They never quarrel, they can only discuss calmly. Love compatibility Pisces and Libra presuppose equality, but still the more practical girl in this union often takes a leadership position. She shouldn’t be zealous about this - in response to excessive pressure and authority, a man is able to discard the gentleness inherent in his sign and quite decisively break off the union.

Most often, their sex life is full of harmony.

Perhaps the Libra woman sometimes wants her partner to be more ardent in bed, but this does not become a serious problem, since, in essence, the romance and tenderness of the Pisces man suits her quite well. Sometimes the test of whether Libra and Pisces are truly compatible is a financial crisis in the family. For the former, this is a fairly serious test, while for the latter, financial well-being is not particularly important. Many couples break up for such a trivial reason as the inability to cope with financial problems, believing that they are incompatible in family life.

So what underlies the compatibility of the signs of Libra and Pisces?

  • The Libra girl and the Pisces man are suitable for each other in character - both are calm, non-conflict, fair and sensitive;
  • They are united by a love of creativity and the beautiful aspects of life, as well as romantic and sexual harmony;
  • Whether a Libra woman and a Pisces man will be compatible largely depends on female tact - a more practical wife should guide her husband without suppressing or insulting his dignity;
  • Since the compatibility of the signs of Libra and Pisces can be shaken by financial problems, they need to think about how to protect themselves in this area - for example, make some savings or enlist the support of good friends.

Compatibility of Libra and Pisces in love and marriage is 50%. These zodiac signs are ruled by different planets (Venus for Libra and Neptune for Pisces), they are associated with different elements, so it will not be easy for them to work together. A breath of Air, the element of Libra, can lead Water, the element of Pisces, into an unstable state. Mutual attraction easily arises between them, love can bring them unforgettable moments. In many ways they are similar, both want to make their romantic dreams come true. There is attraction and romance, but relationships rarely last long as they began, because there are many difficulties in their compatibility.

Libra easily gets along with most people, but Pisces is more picky, and this is the source of their disagreements. Nothing will make Libra more unhappy than the sight of Pisces dejected and full of pretensions. In addition, Libra will quickly tire of their partner’s desire to find support in them. In turn, Pisces will not be happy with the fact that the other half has many diverse interests and acquaintances. In such a union, Libra easily becomes irritable, and Pisces becomes despondent. Sounds sad? Yes, that's right.

Compatibility of Pisces woman and Libra man

As a rule, their interests and values ​​do not coincide, and the emotionality of the partners creates difficulties in the relationship. The Pisces woman needs to understand that the Libra man makes all decisions based on a thorough analysis of the pros and cons. He is ready to consider every idea and action from a logical point of view. She is used to being guided by intuition, so it will not be easy for her to accept the behavior and personality of a partner that is so different from her own. The Libra man loves contradictions; even if she listens and agrees with his opinion, after a while he will refute what he defended. The power of Neptune and Venus is strong in this couple; they are both romantic and impressionable natures, so they must be careful not to hurt each other’s feelings. However, the attraction between a Pisces woman and a Libra man can be very strong, each of them will feel that the partner is exactly what he or she is looking for. At least for now.

She will find him charming, intelligent and outgoing, but at times completely impossible. His impeccable logic and tendency to constantly point out her mistakes can irritate the Pisces woman. A Libra man will be attracted to her emotionality, developed intuition and sophisticated mental perception. They are both creative individuals, but Libra tends to use their imagination and talents to pave the way to success, while Pisces lives in their own fantasy land. It is important for her not to sacrifice her interests, not to allow him to set his own rules of the game and not to begin to see herself through his eyes. If he wants to be a leader, let him be, and the Pisces woman will freely surf the expanses of the mysterious ocean to which she belongs from birth.

Compatibility of Libra woman and Pisces man

Libra women do not feel good alone, they need love, relationships and marriage as fresh air. Pisces men also do not like to be alone, but they value freedom and the opportunity to express themselves creatively, so it takes them a lot of time to decide to get married. Having fallen in love, he will look at the Libra woman as a goddess, but she needs to change a lot in herself in order to keep this creative personality next to her for a long time.

The Pisces man is quite flexible, able to adapt to various circumstances. At the same time, he does not like being told what and how to do, so the Libra woman should avoid this. He can listen to her and agree for the sake of appearance, but he will still do everything his own way. It also makes no sense for her to expect a high level of responsibility, leadership qualities and financial discipline from him. Most likely, she will have to take over the family's finances. Their compatibility will improve if the partners have common interests, hobbies, and are fond of art.

Compatibility of Libra in love with other zodiac signs

Compatibility of Pisces in love with other zodiac signs

The Libra and Pisces horoscope shows the creation of interesting, unusual and quite romantic, old-fashioned in a good way, but little adapted to real life union. Pisces are endlessly searching for their ideal, and at first Libra simply captivates them with their sociability, impeccable upbringing and romance. But over time, it turns out that Pisces needs emotional support, and Libra likes to distance itself. At the same time, Libra likes the tenderness and open love of Pisces, but they do not want to take responsibility and tie themselves to marriage.

Libra and Pisces: communication compatibility

These signs have an undeniable artistic taste and strive for creativity. Very often they converge precisely on the basis of common interests. Libra and Pisces strive for harmony; it is easier for them to adapt to the world than to aggressively change it. But at the same time they live on different planets and take different paths in life.

Pisces expect financial success from their partner, but Libra does not know how to work long and hard. This sign itself is not averse to someone providing a high material level. At the same time, Libra loves to spend money beautifully, and Pisces, without proper inspiration and support, hardly know how to earn money.

Libras often feel that Pisces stifles their interests and hobbies and does not allow them to develop spiritually. In most cases, this is true.

What makes communication very difficult is the fact that both signs need a strong, confident and strong-willed partner. Pisces tend to doubt themselves and rush from side to side. But Libra does not know how to hold on for a long time and can hesitate for a long time before deciding on something.

Libra and Pisces: Compatibility in Love

Physically, they are quite attractive to each other. They treat their chosen one tenderly and touchingly. However, Pisces is not able to fully open up in sex because Libra rarely causes them to fly high emotionally. Therefore, sex becomes quite formal and cool over time.

They can talk long and sublimely about love, about the meaning of beauty and harmony, and find complete mutual understanding in this. But in practical matters they are both equally weak. Pisces and Libra can find it very difficult to provide for their family, furnish their home, and resolve specific pressing issues without outside support.

Libra and Pisces: compatibility in the family and at home

As a rule, it is very rare for these relationships to start a family. The union of Libra and Pisces often falls apart due to a lack of a solid material foundation. Only if they can make concessions and clearly fulfill their family responsibilities will they be able to stay together. In a family, oddly enough, these signs suppress the best sides of the partner. They can only come to terms with negative manifestations each other and learn thriftiness and stability.

Marriages between Libra and Pisces are often concluded by older people who already have adult children, and the main ones have been achieved. Then they can simply calmly enjoy each other’s unusual company, without demanding anything in terms of everyday life and finances.

Libra and Pisces: Compatibility in Friendships and Partnerships

In the area of ​​​​friendship, everything is better, because they have something to talk about. Their interests in life often converge, and the mystery of the partner and the desire to get to know him better makes the friendship strong and long-lasting. They may not get along in business because they tend to suppress each other rather than reveal their best qualities and support each other.

Pisces perceive communication with Libra as a test and the need for change, and for Libra such an alliance is a compulsion to permanent job, even to the detriment of health. Libra perceives this as a sacrifice on their part, and more often tries to escape than to submit to the demands of Pisces. Both Libra and Pisces have a hard time in this relationship; they are both forced to suffer and change. Nobody knows how long they can stand each other. It is impossible to understand with ordinary logic why these two live together.