Basic dog care rules. Recommendations and tips for caring for a dog Instructions for cleaning service dogs

All you need to know


For a service dog, as for any other animal, certain conditions are suitable. environment. If these conditions interfere with the dog's adaptability, the onset of the disease is possible.

It is worth remembering that the health and performance of a dog depends on vitamins for service dogs WOLMAR, physical, chemical and biological properties of air. It's about about temperature, humidity, air mobility, dust content, microbial contamination, etc. Therefore, maintaining an optimal microclimate in the air is considered a very important measure.

In the cold season, service dogs should be kept in rooms with a temperature of at least 15-16°C. To maintain a normal physiological state of the dog, a constant body temperature is necessary. This is ensured by the mechanism of thermoregulation, which is based on maintaining a certain ratio between the formation of heat and its release. The reason for overheating of the body of a service dog is insufficient heat transfer in the hot season and the lack of normal air exchange. This is especially true when animals are muzzled. Sudden hypothermia, in turn, can cause colds and frostbite. The increase in air humidity also negatively affects the animal. Therefore, indoor humidity indicators should fluctuate between 50-70%. Humid and cold air is a good thermal conductor. This is accompanied by the loss of a large amount of heat from the body.

As a result, the animal quickly becomes hypothermic. Overheating of the body occurs due to the presence of warm and humid air in the room. Dry air is characterized by drying of the skin and mucous membranes of the dog. This leads to an increase in the vulnerability of the skin and an increase in the permeability to microbes.

As a rule, the air of the premises where service dogs are located contains germs and mold. Their normal level should not exceed 15 thousand per 1 m3. An increase in the content of these pathogenic organisms is facilitated by low ventilation of the room and insufficient sunlight. To reduce dust and microbial contamination, regular cleaning of the litter, disinfection, cleaning of dogs outside the premises and its constant airing are provided.

It must be remembered that service dogs are indoors most of the day. Therefore, buildings must protect animals from factors such as rain, snow, dust, and heat. Slightly elevated, dry and level ground should be used for the construction of service dog accommodation. It should be at some distance from other buildings. To protect the room from wind and dust, you need to remember about green spaces. The soil used for the nursery site must be solid.

It also provides low standing groundwater. The location of the premises directly on the river bank is not recommended. This is due to the possibility of dampness. An important measure is the construction of a solid fence around the area intended for the nursery. Its height must be at least 2 meters. The fence in its lower part is subject to deepening by 0.5 meters. This is necessary to prevent dogs from undermining it.

It is envisaged to divide the premises for dogs into cabins, which should be connected with enclosures open from above. As a rule, enclosures are subject to metal mesh fencing. This prevents dogs from jumping into neighboring enclosures.

When a large number of dogs are together, the formation of a kitchen and an insulator is provided. The equipment of two cast-iron boilers is recommended. They are needed to cook food and heat water. The isolation ward is used for monitoring sick and suspected dogs with contagious diseases. The distance from the main building on which the isolation ward is built must be at least 500 meters from the nursery. Diseases and recommendations for the German Shepherd

In kennels where dogs are bred and puppies are raised, it is necessary to build maternity rooms and veterinary outpatient clinics with a hospital for dogs. For washing service animals, it is planned to equip premises at the veterinary outpatient clinic. For washing dogs, a heated room is used, in which there should be a column for heating water and a bathroom.

It is possible to keep one or two animals without enclosures and cabins. In this case, the construction of collapsible wooden booths is envisaged. A pole with a ring is equipped next to the booth to keep the dog on a chain. Note that it is harmful to constantly keep an animal on a leash. Therefore, periodically it is necessary to release the dog from the chain. However, you must make sure that the people around you are safe. In winter, the booths of service dogs are subject to insulation. To do this, use a tarp, an old blanket or other dense fabric attached to the top of the booth.

It is possible to keep a service dog in a city apartment. A prerequisite for this are daily three-time walks. They must be at least 30 minutes long. When kept in a room, the animal should be in a permanent place for rest and sleep. A small rug is placed in this place.

In order to maintain the health of animals, improve their performance and reproduction functions, the premises of the nursery must be clean. To clean the cabins, they use an iron shovel, a metal scraper on the handle, a broom, a broom, a metal scoop, a mop and buckets. Daily cleaning is carried out in the premises in the morning. Before cleaning, the dogs are taken for a walk and inspection.

Mouse-like rodents can cause great harm to premises for service dogs. They damage the floor and walls, eat animal food. Also, rats and mice can act as carriers of infectious diseases. For the destruction of rodents, the use of baits with zoocoumarin is recommended. This work is within the competence of specialists of deratization teams. It must be remembered that such baits can poison the dogs themselves. Also, high efficiency in relation to the destruction of rodents is characteristic of traps and other devices.

To destroy harmful insects, the ceilings and walls of pavilions are subject to spraying with insecticides. As a rule, they use chlorophos, dibrom, thiodrine, etc. This procedure should be carried out once a week. To prevent mosquito and other insect bites, a special oily liquid (dibutyl phthalate) is used.

To protect the skin from skin pathologies, regular cleaning of dogs is necessary. With this procedure, dandruff, dust and dirt are removed from the wool. In addition, cleansing promotes blood flow to the skin and improves metabolism. To clean the animal, use a brush, a comb, clean rags. Separate supplies are required for each dog.

Service dog care

Remember to take good care of service dogs. Importance is attached to the daily inspection of animals. As a rule, inspection of dogs is carried out during cleaning of premises. During the examination, an assessment is made of the general condition of the dog, its fatness, the condition of the coat and some organs and . As a rule, the following body parts of a service dog are especially carefully evaluated:

1. Eyes. It must be remembered that this organ may indicate a violation of the state of the body as a whole. We are talking about a sad look, redness of the mucous membrane of the eyes, etc.
2. Ears. With pathology, mites, brown sulfur, small foreign objects are detected in the ears of dogs. With an inflammatory disease, ear discharge has an unpleasant odor.
3. Paws. This organ is checked for damage and splinters. In addition, the claws of the animal are examined.
4. Wool. In pathology, excessive sheen of the coat and fallen hair are determined.

All foreign bodies found during the examination must be removed. In the presence of characteristic symptoms pathologies call a veterinarian. When examining service animals, you must be very careful. It must be remembered that even accidentally causing pain to a dog is fraught with aggressive behavior of the animal. If swallowing is impossible, the lower jaw sags, the presence of a large bone in the dog's throat should be suspected. A dog in this condition needs emergency help.


To keep service dogs, you need certain equipment. We are talking about a collar, a muzzle, a short and long leash, a chain. The collar is worn around the animal's neck. A leash is attached to this item. For the manufacture of the collar, leather, leather substitutes, and special braid are used.

A muzzle is necessary to prevent dog attacks and bites. The greatest prevalence is characteristic of a leather deaf muzzle. Looped and mesh muzzles are also popular. The material for the manufacture of such items is leather, leather substitutes, metal mesh, etc. The muzzle and collar should not interfere with the animal. In addition, the possibility of resetting them should be excluded.

The length of a short leash does not exceed 1.5 m. Such a leash is necessary to lead the animal next to the owner. It is also used for training. A short leash is attached to the collar with a clasp or carabiner. A long leash is used when driving an animal at a distance from the owner. The distance, as a rule, exceeds 10 m. With the help of a chain, the dog is tied.

For cleaning dogs, they use a brush, a comb, a clean cloth, a cotton swab, a comb, a cloth, etc. Storage of equipment in pantries is provided.

Service dog cleaning

Regular cleaning of animals helps to remove dandruff, particles of dust and dirt from the skin and coat. In addition, cleaning helps to increase metabolic processes in the skin. As a rule, this procedure is carried out once a day. An indication for additional cleaning is severe contamination of the animal during work or walking.

To begin with, combing the animal's hair with a comb is carried out. Sequentially comb the head, neck, torso, tail and limbs of the dog. This procedure should be especially thorough in long-haired dogs. This is followed by brushing. First, the movement of the brush against the wool is provided. After that, you need to move along the wool. The condition is high pressure when brushing. It is necessary to periodically clean the brush on the comb. After that, a cloth pre-moistened in water is used. Cleaning the animal with a damp cloth is carried out in the same way as with a brush.

The eyes and ears of the animal must be wiped with a clean cloth or cotton swab. With abundant contamination of these organs, the cloth is moistened with water.

Gradual brushing training for excitable and aggressive dogs is recommended. Careful stroking with a hand and a brush is envisaged. Cleaning such an animal is possible only under the condition of getting used to it. A vacuum cleaner may be used to clean service dogs. In this case, the use of its small bristles is recommended.

Washing and bathing service dogs

When service dogs are kept in the yard, they are washed during the warm season. In most cases, there is a rapid addiction to washing. First, the wool is wetted with warm water. Then soap is used until a large amount of foam appears, which must then be washed off. In room conditions, after repeating this procedure, the animal is wiped with a warm cloth. When yard washing, wiping dogs is not recommended. This is due to the removal of water from wool with vigorous shaking. Driving the animal on a leash contributes to the complete drying of the coat. It is necessary to prevent the animal from wallowing on the ground.

Soapy foam is used to wash puppies. You can also use special shampoos designed for washing animals. Recently, there has been a great popularity of such funds. Any method of washing a service dog involves thoroughly rinsing off the remaining foam. Neglect of this rule is fraught with skin irritation and the occurrence of disease. We are talking, for example, about dermatitis.

In case of severe contamination of the animal, it is completely washed. As a rule, only paws need to be washed after walking.

During the hot season, bathing service dogs is considered very beneficial. For this, reservoirs are suitable, in which there are running water and sloping coasts. Places used for bathing people and watering livestock should not be used. As a rule, the animal is not afraid of water and will definitely enter it after the trainer (owner). In some cases, fetching objects are used to lure animals into the water. Before bathing the animal, it is mandatory to release the dog from the leash. It is also necessary to inspect the shore for the presence of objects of a piercing and cutting nature.

Bathing your dog should not be too frequent. This is due to the flushing of fatty substances that are secreted by the sebaceous glands. These substances lubricate the skin and hair of the animal. As a result of their lack, drying of the skin and its cracking are noted. In addition, fragility and fragility of the hairline is possible. This is due to the loss of water repellency properties. IN winter period washing and bathing of dogs in the yard is not carried out.

The frequency of washing and bathing service dogs depends on factors such as the time of year, the breed of the dog, the individual characteristics of its skin, and the conditions of detention. To resolve these issues, it is recommended to consult with experienced professionals. Due to the greater likelihood of contamination in summer, dogs are bathed much more frequently. In winter, cleaning service dogs with dry snow is common. For this, special brushes are used. An indication for an increase in the procedure for washing an animal is an increased activity of the sebaceous glands of the skin. On average, animals are washed once every 2 months.

Dogs are recognized as beloved and sought-after pets. People get dogs for hunting, protection, or just for fun. The enormous variety of breeds helps each person and family to choose the optimal breed, based on characteristics and temperament. When the dog crossed the threshold of the house, the newly-made owners begin to be interested in caring for the dog.

There are a number of points in care that require emphasis:

  • Hair care;
  • Washing the dog;
  • walking;
  • Vaccination.

Properly caring for a dog is necessary, regardless of the breed and the requirements of the content. Some people think that small dogs require a minimum of care, this is a common misconception. Small dog breeds have a number of features and weaknesses. For example, the Chihuahua exhibits an extremely weak stomach and gastrointestinal tract in general. For this reason, the pet requires special food and weight control. In addition, Chihuahuas are prone to a number of infectious diseases as they are extremely curious.

It turns out that each breed of dog has features and unique differences. Let's take a closer look at care items.

Hair care

It is necessary to take care of the dog's coat from a young age. Puppies are not prone to excessive shedding, but exhibit sensitive and still thin skin. For the latter reason, it is not recommended to comb the puppies intensively, for fear of damaging the skin or causing irritation.

Even adult dogs have thin and delicate skin. The property depends on the characteristics of the breed. For example, a Chihuahua does not require regular combing at all, especially haircuts.

It is not difficult to take care of a Chihuahua dog; nutrition that requires strictness and adjustments hides difficulties. It is believed that the size of the dog is directly proportional to the troubles associated with maintenance and care. There is a rational grain in the statement. For example, the Caucasian Shepherd requires daily grooming for its long coat and undercoat. Caring for a massive pet will become difficult if the owner does not have the proper amount of free time.

Some have seen dogs take care of puppies. The sight is wonderful and good. Mothers carefully lick the children, clean up. Care also includes regular feeding. At the moment when several puppies tirelessly suck on their mother's breasts, the happy expression of the dog's face is noticeable.

When the baby gets into the family, he wants to feel no less affection, care and love. Fortunately, people are aware of this and try to give maximum love to their pet.

It is necessary to take care of the dog from the first days of being in a new environment. Care and affection will allow the animal to quickly get used to and relax in an unfamiliar environment.

Water procedures

Often dogs are madly in love with bathing. Water procedures should be given special attention.

It happens that dog breeders are convinced that the dog needs to be washed regularly. This is especially true for owners of small, lap dogs. There is a common misconception that has no basis. Dogs should not be bathed frequently. Regardless of size and breed. Frequent washing has a negative effect on the coat and skin of the animal.

Bathing a dog is supposed to be no more than once a month. Selected breeds are supposed to be washed only when absolutely necessary. The restriction does not apply to feet that require daily washing in order to keep the cleanliness of home decoration.

Here are some important points about bathing your dog:

  1. If the dog has a thick coat, the choice of shampoo is taken seriously. Modern pet stores offer a wide range of detergents for dogs, choose a decent brand.
  2. For washing it is possible to use laundry soap. After its use, the dog's hair smells characteristic, but the risk of skin irritation is minimized.
  3. When visiting a body of water in which swimming is prohibited, exclude bathing your pet. Swimming is prohibited in places where the water contains a high amount of harmful substances and waste. The effect of poison on the body of an animal is fatal, mainly with an internal hit.
  4. It is permissible to wash the dog without care products daily, no more than 5-6 minutes. The undercoat contains a special fat secreted by the skin. The substance smells unpleasant, but the presence of a secret is necessary for the skin and coat of the animal, frequent washing negatively affects the condition of the coat.
  5. After washing, it is not required to comb the dog. It is worth waiting until the skin is completely dry.

Simple rules will help you avoid the difficulties associated with the condition of the coat.

dog walking

Caring for a large dog is expensive in terms of time. Large dog breeds show excellent musculature and a powerful skeleton. The colossal physical potential causes the desire and need for long walks. The competition will be small dogs, which can only be taken out for 5-7 minutes.

paddock large dogs It is advised to carry out in a sparsely populated or deserted area. In order for a pet to grow up well-mannered and strong, you will need to pay attention to his physical fitness. It is recommended to take your pet to special areas for dog training. It is better to visit walking places early in the morning or in the evening, at sunset. This is due to the smaller number of people and dogs, not all animals adequately respond to each other.

Before the first trip to the territory of the training complex, it is recommended to conduct an educational conversation with the dog. You need to walk down the street and see how the animal reacts to the dogs passing by. If the slightest aggression is shown, the training together with other animals will have to be canceled.

Before a full-fledged “going out”, the dog must know at least the simplest commands, strictly obey the owner. The hierarchy remains marked in the mind of the pet, otherwise a long training walk will be a shock to both: the owner and the animal.

Taking care of a small dog in terms of walking is much easier. Toddlers do not require long walks. For example, the Pekingese and Shih Tzu breeds themselves are eager to go home after doing street chores. The explanation is simple. In summer, the dogs are hot, they are thirsty, so they rush home. In winter, the paws are cold. Long walks are possible only in spring and autumn, in the absence of heavy winds.

Dog vaccination

Vaccinations are given close attention. Every animal is vaccinated on time. It is not recommended to neglect, the risk of infection is extremely high. Especially the warning applies to small and extremely curious dogs, who want to try everything on the street and at home. Pets can become infected from any passing dog or feces.

Vaccinations are indicated at 2-3 months. Modern veterinary stations offer a comprehensive vaccination, instead of the usual three. It has certain advantages, but it can be difficult for the animal's body to transfer the result. Small dogs can even lie down for a couple of days, experiencing weakness and malaise.

The pet deserves proper attention and care. You should not treat a dog like a toy, a living being is able to love a family with heart and soul and selflessly stand up for protection if necessary.

248. Service of dogs in the guard units of camps and colonies is carried out by full-time counselors. Control and responsibility for the correct maintenance is assigned directly to the unit commander, instructors and veterinarians.

249. No more than 4 dogs are assigned to each caretaker.

250. The duties of the counselor include: cleaning, feeding, washing - bathing and walking the dogs assigned to him. The counselor is also responsible for keeping the equipment and facilities in order.

251. Dogs are cared for during morning and evening cleaning, the time of which is set by the unit commander.

252. Morning cleaning of dogs consists of: a) inspection of dogs, b) walking, c) cleaning, d) cleaning of premises, territory and feeding. In the evening, only walking, cleaning and feeding is done.

Note. Feeding dogs at the wrong time, as well as products that are not provided for by the standards, is prohibited.

253. Dogs are kept freely in open-air cages; without a leash, without a collar and a muzzle.

254. Unauthorized persons are not allowed in the premises of service dogs.

255. Making a fire, grazing animals and birds on the territory where dogs are placed, as well as smoking near the premises and in the premises themselves, is prohibited.

256. On the territory where dogs are located, as well as in close proximity to it, to shoot, if this is not provided for by the training program or training dogs, prohibited.

257. A leader must undergo a medical examination at least once a decade, and in daily work must observe the rules of personal hygiene.

A. Dog cleaning

258. To keep the coat and skin of dogs clean, they are cleaned once or twice a day, and after work they are stripped.

259. For cleaning each dog is assigned: a brush, comb, comb and cloth. The purpose of each of these items is as follows: a) a brush is used to clean the dog, b) a comb for cleaning the brush from dandruff and dust, c) a comb for combing the coat, d) a cloth for wiping the entire body of the dog after cleaning.

Note. To wipe the eyes and ears, the counselor should have a piece of cotton wool or a clean cloth.

260. For cleaning, dogs are led out on dog leashes and tied briefly, and after cleaning the head, in order to prevent bites, a muzzle is put on the dog.

Note. Cleaning dogs in cages is prohibited. In rainy and snowy weather, cleaning is allowed in walking areas.

261. Before cleaning, the handler must examine the dog for skin diseases that prevent cleaning and to establish its general condition.

If a dog’s disease is detected, if it refuses to eat or is bitten by foreign animals, the counselor must immediately report this to the unit commander, and the latter should call a wind worker to examine the dog.

Note. Until the cause of the dog's illness is clarified or the dog refuses to eat, and in the case of a bite, until the state of health of the bitten animal is clarified, it is kept isolated from others.

262. Dog cleaning starts from the left side of the body and is performed in the following sequence:

a) first, the hair is combed with a comb over the entire body (in the direction of hair growth);

b) then brush the head, neck, trunk, limbs and tail;

c) after that, all the wool is lightly rubbed with a damp cloth along and against the wool;

d) finish cleaning by wiping the entire dog with a damp cloth only along the coat.

Note. It is forbidden to forcibly comb out tangled, matted wool. Wool in these places is preliminarily disassembled by hand or washed with warm water and soap.

263. During brushing, the brush should be moved: first against the coat, then along the coat, and every 3-4 strokes, the brush should be cleaned of dandruff and dust on the comb.

264. To knock out the comb from dust, the counselor must have a plank - a chock; it is not allowed to knock out the comb against the walls of the cage or the poles of the dog tie, as the dust spreading again pollutes the dog and the one doing the cleaning, and when cleaning near the cage, the dust settles on the walls of the latter.

265. During molting (in autumn and spring), cleaning should be done carefully, avoiding forced hair removal. 266. When cleaning, special attention should be paid to those places that the dog cannot lick - this is the head, back of the head, ears, and others.

267. Upon completion of cleaning, care items must be put in order (cleaned of dust and wool) and placed in boxes - lockers.

268. The place where the cleaning of dogs was carried out, after the end of that, must be cleaned (excrement, garbage, etc. are collected). Hair and tow are collected in sacks - bags for further use.

269. Care items are disinfected periodically, but at least once a month.

270. Grooming dogs, as a rule, is permitted only for medical purposes, as directed by the veterinary staff.

Note. In Caucasian and South Russian Shepherd Dogs, the hair around the eyes, which interferes with vision, is allowed to be cut.

B. Bathing

271. In summer time, as one of the methods of caring for a dog, bathing them is used.

272. Bathing dogs is allowed when the water temperature in the reservoir is not lower than 20-22 ° C. The best time of the day for bathing dogs is in the morning and evening, before feeding and not earlier than 10 minutes after work (when the dog has rested and cooled down), 273 When choosing a place for swimming, avoid steep and swampy banks, rapid flow, underwater pits" and stones.

Note. Bathing dogs from rafts and bridges is not allowed.

274. While bathing, the leash and muzzle are removed from the dog.

275. Duration of bathing should not exceed 10-15 minutes. During normal bathing (not for training purposes), you should not use any dog ​​training techniques (apportation, etc.).

276. After bathing, a dog should not be allowed to wallow. water With it needs to be pushed out.

B. Dog walking

277. Before cleaning the dog should be walked. Walking during the day should be allotted 25-30 minutes.

Note. Dog walking should also be done during the fieldwork.

278. Walking dogs is carried out on a long leash. It is allowed to let the dog off the leash during the walk only if there are areas designated for this purpose, equipped with a fence or wire mesh, when the dog cannot leave or meet other dogs.

279. No more than two mated dogs may be given for each walker.

280. Empty bitches for a walk are taken out by a separate group after all other dogs, and sick bitches - with the permission of a veterinary worker,

D. Feeding and watering dogs

281. Common foods for dogs are: meat (beef, horse meat, dolphin, etc.), fish, fishmeal, animal fats, milk, cereals (oatmeal, pearl barley, barley, etc.), vegetables, potatoes, bread ( white and black) and, in addition, the dog's diet should include table salt in quantities in accordance with general culinary rules.

It is allowed to feed dogs with table leftovers with a thorough examination of them and the removal of small bones.

282. Cooking. Food for dogs is produced in special kitchens. Supervision of the maintenance of kitchens and the preparation of feed is carried out by the veterinary staff.

283. Feed is prepared for each feeding separately. In winter, it is allowed to cook food for the whole day (for two meals a day).

Note. It is forbidden to feed dogs with leftovers from a previous feeding. It is also not allowed to feed leftover food from one dog to another.

284. Dogs are fed every day at the same hours, twice a day.

285. Dogs should be fed not later than 1.5-2 hours before work and not less than half an hour after work. After feeding, the dogs are given rest for 1-2 hours.

286. In order to diversify the feed and taking into account the availability of cereals, a layout is compiled for each day of the week.

Food for dogs is given in the form of soup-pottage. The procedure for preparing the soup is as follows: first, boil the meat in one water, when the meat is half cooked, add the grits (according to the norms), and the soup is cooked.

Note. The meat is put into the cauldron, depending on the number of dogs on allowance, in whole pieces weighing up to 2-3 kg.

287. Soup should not be boiled until the groats are boiled, because it loses its taste, and the groats lose their nutritional value.

288. Cooked soup is poured into the feeders and taken out to cool.

Notes: 1) feeders must be assigned to each dog with the dog's name written on it.

2) In winter, the feed cools down to +25-30°C, and in summer the feed temperature may be lower.

289. After the dogs have eaten the food, the troughs are collected, rinsed with hot water (boiling water) and dried.

290. The volume of feed for a single feeding of an average-sized dog should not exceed 2 liters. This rate can be changed depending on the condition of the dog, its size and workload.

291. If dogs are fed table leftovers and they are too thick, then they should be diluted with boiled water to the required volume (up to 2 liters on average).

292. In order to maintain the working capacity and physical condition of dogs, both excessive and insufficient feeding should not be allowed.

Note. Overfeeding "leads to the dog's obesity and lethargy in work, and insufficient to exhaustion and to the reception of food from the wrong hands.

293. When introducing any new food into the diet of dogs, the transition to this type of food should be gradual - add it to the old food within 6-7 days.

Notes: 1. When replacing the meat of one type of animal with the meat of another, gradual transition is not required.

294. Table leftovers used for feeding dogs should be collected in clean dishes (barrels, buckets) and fed on the same day.

295. Table leftovers containing fish bones are not allowed in dog food, and small bones from meat must be removed.

296. In the summer, dogs are given clean, fresh water, which should be changed at least twice a day.

297. Feeding troughs and drinking troughs, when they are not occupied with food - water, are stored indoors in permanently fixed places.

VETERINARY SERVICE FOR SERVICE DOGS Disease prevention for service dogs

298. In order to prevent diseases of dogs and maintain their performance, the veterinarians and the command of the security units take a number of preventive measures aimed at:

a) maintaining the resistance of the body of dogs against diseases;

b) timely detection of diseases and their recognition:

c) preventing the introduction of diseases from outside; and d) timely and correct treatment of diseased dogs. 299. Maintaining the resistance of the organism of dogs against diseases is achieved:

a) organization of zoo-hygienic maintenance of service dogs;

b) daily cleaning of dogs and proper organization of feeding them;

c) proper organization of the use of dogs at work. 300. Timely detection of diseases and their recognition is achieved through daily veterinary supervision and regular monthly veterinary and sanitary examinations of dogs.

301. The time of monthly inspections is set by the security headquarters.

At the inspection there are: the commander of the unit, the instructor of service dog breeding and the veterinary worker.

302. An act is drawn up on the results of the inspection, which notes shortcomings in the maintenance, feeding, care and use of service dogs, and also includes data in the form:

Dog names

Weight at previous visit

Weight at examination


Comp. health

Comp. purges

3a who assigned the dog


303. In order to prevent the introduction of contagious diseases into units, service dogs are kept isolated from other animals in conditions that exclude contact with dogs of the local population, for which: a) the area where dogs are located is enclosed by a fence;

b) dogs arriving at the units (newly purchased, returning from business trips, transferred from other units, on the run) are subjected to a veterinary examination, and then kept in quarantine for 21 days.

304. All sick dogs, until the diagnosis of the disease is established, are immediately isolated from the rest and kept at the direction of wind workers.


A. The main signs of diseases

305. The main signs of the disease are: a) a change in the dog's behavior - the dog becomes lethargic, reluctantly goes to the owner's call, lies or often moves from place to place, squeals, groans, sometimes bites for no reason;

b) change in appearance - the coat is disheveled, does not shine, the dog is losing weight, the mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth are pale or reddened, the tip of the nose is dry, the discharge from the nose;

c) a change in appetite and a violation of food intake - the dog refuses food or accepts it reluctantly, appetite is perverted, the dog swallows inedible objects (wool, stones, chips, etc.), the dog chokes when eating food, sometimes vomiting occurs;

d) violation of bowel movements and urination - diarrhea or constipation, impurities in the feces of blood, the presence of worms in the feces, difficulty or frequent urination, involuntary leakage of urine, abnormal coloring of it, impurities in it of blood, pus, etc .;

e) change in breathing - breathing is rapid, sniffling, shortness of breath, coughing;

f) change in body temperature and pulse - an increase or decrease in temperature (normal temperature in dogs is 38-39 "), an increase or decrease in the number of pulse beats (normal in adult dogs is 60-80 beats, in young dogs - 100-120), a change in rhythm - interruptions, etc.

B. Most Common Dog Diseases and First Aid Wounds:

306. Causes: severe bruises with damage to the skin and muscles, injections with sharp objects, gunshot wounds, etc. Signs: rupture of the skin, subcutaneous tissues, bleeding. 307. First Aid: Measures must be taken first to stop the bleeding. If the limbs are injured, they should be tied up above the wound with a bandage, braid, rope or rubber band and kept for 20-30 minutes. In case of injury in other places of the body, a pressure bandage of gauze, cotton and bandage is applied to the wound, or the wound is tightly tamponed - filled with sterile gauze and cotton. Separate damaged vessels are tied up with silk. Can be used as a hemostatic - cold in the form of ice or cold lotions and vice versa, heat is used in the form of wound irrigation hot water, and bleeding vessels are cauterized with a red-hot iron.

In all cases of wounds, the hair around the wound is cut off, the wound is wiped with cotton wool or gauze dipped in some kind of disinfectant solution (2 ° / o solution of creolin, potassium permanganate 1: 500, 10 ° / o solution table salt etc.), after which it is smeared with tincture of iodine, a solution of pyoctanin, fish oil, etc., or sprinkled with powders (iodoform, xeroform, talc mixed with tannin or zinc oxide).

308. Causes: blows with some hard object, falling, etc.

309. Signs: hot swelling at the site of injury, soreness, redness, bruised limbs - lameness.

310. First aid: during the first days after an injury, cold is applied in the form of ice, snow, clay mixed with water and vinegar. From the second or third day, apply massage, warm compresses and apply a bandage.

Stretching and dislocations:

311. Causes: slipping, sharp turns, jumping and falling from a height.

312. Signs: lameness, soreness, after a few hours (6-10) a hot swelling appears at the site of injury.

313. First aid for sprains: A sick dog is given complete rest. A pressure bandage is applied to the injury site. Cold is applied, as with bruises. On the second and third days, when the tumor or the site of damage is cold, a warming compress or rubbing with a volatile liniment is made (ammonia and camphor oil 1: 3). In case of dislocations, it is necessary to set the dislocated bone, then apply a fixed bandage and give the dog complete rest.

Bone fractures:

314. Causes: strong blows, falling.

315. Signs: mobility of bones at the fracture site, crunching, severe pain and lameness (with fractures of limb bones). . .

316. First aid: a fixed bandage is applied to the fracture site, and the ends of the broken bone must be correctly connected to each other.

To apply a fixed bandage (lubok), two thin plywood strips are taken, wrapped in cotton wool and tightly bandaged to the inner and outer sides of the broken bone. A sick dog should be taken to a wind farmer immediately.

317. Causes: exposure to high temperature or alkalis and acids.

318. Signs. There are three degrees of burns.

The first degree is accompanied by redness and slight swelling.

Second degree - blisters with watery contents form on the surface of the skin.

Third degree - accompanied by necrosis and the formation of a scab.

319. First aid. For first degree burns, the burn site is sprinkled with soda or starch, lubricated with petroleum jelly or some pure fat (not salty). For burns of the 2nd and 3rd degrees, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.

In case of burns with acids and alkalis, they should be immediately removed from the surface of the skin: acid with a solution of ammonia, alkali with a solution of acetic acid.


320. Causes: prolonged exposure to low temperature on any part of the body. Frostbite is more common on the lower limbs, ears, tail tip and udder in bitches.

321. Signs: as in burns, there are three degrees of frostbite: in the first degree, swelling and redness of the affected area appear, the second degree is accompanied by the formation of blisters on the skin with bloody-serous contents, the third degree is characterized by tissue necrosis, which does not appear immediately, but after 24-36 hours.

322. First aid. Frostbite rubbed with snow or cold water in a warm room, then a layer of glycerin or zinc ointment is applied to the affected area and covered with a cotton bandage. You can put frostbitten limbs and tail in a warm bath at 15-20 ° with a gradual increase in temperature to 38 °;

Skin diseases:

In all cases of skin disease, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Due to the untidy keeping of dogs, with the use of used straw for bedding, fleas, lice and lice eaters settle on the skin of dogs.

Disease of the gastrointestinal tract: 326. Causes: feeding spoiled food, hot or too cold food, insufficient movement and infection.

327. Signs: change in dog behavior (fatigue, lethargy), abnormal bowel movements (diarrhea or constipation), lack of appetite.

328. First aid consists in eliminating the causes (changing food or a starvation diet, etc.), giving a laxative (1-2 tablespoons of castor oil), wrapping the abdomen warmly, administering an enema (1-2 glasses of water at room temperature). In the future, the dog should be shown to the wind worker.

Infect my disease or I:

329. The most dangerous contagious diseases of dogs are distemper and rabies. The first is accompanied by a large case, the second is dangerous for humans.

Plague of dogs.

330. Mostly young dogs (up to 2 years old) get sick with plague. Infection occurs through contact with sick dogs and through infected objects and food. In addition, disease

can be introduced by a person who has had contact with sick animals. Favor the disease: colds, dirty room maintenance, malnutrition, etc.

331. Signs: There are four forms of manifestation of diseases: skin, pulmonary, intestinal and nervous, depending on the predominance of phenomena from one or another organ. The initial signs for all forms of disease are: high fever, lethargy in the dog, loss of appetite, runny nose, reddening of the mucous membrane of the eyes and watery eyes.

If you find these signs, you should immediately contact the wind worker.

332. Prevention of this disease consists in the proper organization of the rearing and upbringing of puppies, good maintenance of the premises (cleanliness, sufficient light, etc.) and sufficient and rational feeding.


333. The disease is incurable and contagious for all kinds of animals and humans. Infection occurs when a sick animal bites, when the feed is contaminated with the saliva of a sick animal, or when it comes into contact with damaged skin and mucous membranes.

Note. The saliva of a sick animal becomes contagious 10-15 days before the first signs of disease appear.

334. Signs: there are two forms of manifestation of the disease - violent and quiet or paralytic.

The main signs of rabies. The dog becomes irritable, hides in dark corners, under furniture, reluctantly goes to the call of the owner, gasps for air, catches non-existent flies. There is a perversion of appetite: the dog refuses food or swallows inedible objects (wood chips, wool, rope, etc.). Swallowing is difficult, barking becomes hoarse, the dog attacks, bites, etc.

335. In all cases of a dog being bitten by another dog (not known) or if signs appear that even slightly resemble rabies, the dog should be immediately isolated and contacted by a wind farmer.

336. The manifestation of rabies among dogs should be immediately reported to the workers of the sanitary service.

337. Dogs with rabies are not treated, but must be destroyed. Service dogs of the most pure breeds, bitten by a rabid dog, are subject to safety vaccinations, but no later than 7 days after the bites.

Worm diseases.

338. Verminous diseases are widespread among dogs and affect both young and old.

Dogs affected by worms, despite their preserved appetite and good food, lose weight.

340. Measures against these diseases should be as follows:

a) daily cleaning of dog rooms, burning or burying excrement;

b) periodic disinfection of territories and premises for dogs or scalding of premises with boiling water;

c) strict assignment of places for dogs (in cages and on dog tie), grooming items and utensils; d) destruction of fleas and their larvae by washing dogs; e) feeding dogs meat, slaughterhouse waste and fish in a well-cooked form. Give raw meat only with the permission of the wind worker;

f) sources of water supply must be protected from contamination with excrement and sewage, etc. g) treatment of sick dogs with a veterinary composition. When developing this section, we used:

1. Manual on dog breeding - military publishing house of the NK.O of the USSR;

2. Guidelines for the training of specialists in service dog breeding part 2 - Prof. Andreeva.

The acquisition of a thoroughbred dog is always associated with a change in the lifestyle of the owner. After all, caring for a dog of any breed requires time, effort and financial investment. Some four-legged animals will need a minimum of attention, while others will need a lot. Therefore, before buying, you should learn in more detail how to properly care for a dog so that this information does not take you by surprise.

Skin and coat care

In order for the animal to attract attention to itself with a clean, shiny coat, over its appearance you have to work regularly. Some dogs' coats tend to get dirty quickly and require frequent washing. For others, rare combing will be enough to look decent. Consider the requirements for caring for dogs in different breeds:

  1. Shedding and low shedding dogs. Yes, there are those. Of course, their hair falls out, but continues to stick together with the rest until it is combed out or plucked. In the apartment they are ideal guests.

Such wonderful breeds include most terriers and some others:

  • Kerry Blue Terrier;
  • Boston Terrier;

Terriers are entitled to trimming twice a year (plucking out dead hairs), and the rest of the regular visits to the groomer for a haircut. At home, such dogs need combing 2-3 times a week. Owners of hairless dogs need to be prepared for the fact that their skin secretes a kind of secret and needs regular cleansing. Caring for a dog that sheds little is just as important as caring for a fluffy poodle.

  1. Long-haired dogs, due to the specificity of their coat, require maximum attention. If you do not walk through the thick hair with a special dog comb once every 2 days, the hair will tangle into tangles that will have to be cut.

These breeds include:

  • spaniels;
  • afghan hounds;
  1. Smooth-haired/short-haired dogs. Caring for this type of dog is easy. Due to the lack of an undercoat, the dog will need to be combed out quite rarely - during molting. The rest of the time, the coat looks great even without a brush. In winter, a smooth-haired pet should be bathed once every 2-3 months, and a little more often in summer.
  • bulldog.

  1. Dogs with a normal medium length coat with an undercoat need treatments about once a week. During the molting period, it is better to comb them out for a walk, somewhere in a wasteland.

These dogs include:

Eye care

As a rule, a dog's eyes do not need any care if they are healthy. Sometimes, after walking in windy weather, in the morning, crusts and small streaks can form in the corners, which are removed with clean cotton wool or a bandage dipped in furatsilina solution. If a foreign body enters the eye or the cornea is injured during a game or fight, you should contact your veterinarian for treatment.

However, you should be aware that there are breeds of dogs prone to eye diseases due to the anatomical features of the muzzle and the unsuccessful growth of hair on it:

  • basset hounds;
  • terriers;
  • schnauzers;
  • cocker spaniels;
  • bloodhounds.

Ear care

The rules for caring for a dog include a weekly examination of the auricle and cleaning it if necessary. Working with puppies is much easier, but cleaning the ears of an adult dog will be very problematic, so the procedure should be taught from childhood. The following sequence of procedures must be followed.

  1. Inspection of the ear. If it is clean, pink, then there is no need for cleaning.
  2. If sulfur is found - brown discharge, it must be removed with a cotton swab.
  3. When there is too much sulfur and it has stuck to the auricles, a special ear spray will be required.
  4. Some breeds need to pluck out dead outer hairs in the auricle.
  5. A flare found in a domestic dog that likes to dig close to the auricle should be removed as soon as possible.
  6. If the dog shakes his ears and whines as soon as the owner touches them, then this painful condition requires the intervention of a veterinarian.

Dental and gum care

Keeping the mouth in perfect condition is just as important for a dog as it is for its owner. Indeed, many diseases of the digestive system occur precisely when the teeth are in a deplorable state. Dogs are even more prone to tartar than humans. If it is not removed, then the gum becomes inflamed, gingivitis begins, followed by periodontal disease, the teeth begin to stagger and eventually fall out.

In order for dog care to be complete, puppies need to be instilled with a patient attitude towards the process of brushing their teeth. To do this, you will need a toothbrush (you can buy one that fits on your finger) and a special toothpaste for dogs. Teeth are cleaned in the same way as a person, capturing even hard-to-reach places. In addition to cleaning, from time to time, the dog should be given special solid food that massages the gums and prevents the formation of stone.

Paw and claw care

On asphalt, the claws grind themselves, but it is not always possible to walk a pet on hard ground. Then the claws gradually begin to grow and cause pain to the dog. Therefore, they need to be trimmed. To avoid breakage and damage to the claws, which can lead to pain and bleeding.

To trim your dog's nails, secure the dog's position by squeezing it tightly with your knees, or ask someone to help you. Press down on your dog's toe pads to get a better view of the claw. Determine where the sensitive part of the nail begins and cut a little further than that (at a 45 degree angle). For breeds with dark nail color, cut off the nail a little at a time. Until a dark spot appears. This means that there is a sensitive area of ​​​​the claw next, which should not be touched.

Puppies it is necessary to trim the nails once a week, as they grow very quickly.

IMPORTANT! If you do not cut your dog's nails in time, they can grow into the skin, which can lead to serious consequences.

The paws of the animal bear the entire weight of its body. It doesn't matter if it's a large Caucasian or a miniature lapdog. Therefore, every owner should know how to care for a dog, protecting its limbs from damage.

  1. Great damage to paw pads in winter is caused by spilling the salt composition on sidewalks and roads. To protect your pet, before a walk, they lubricate the pads with petroleum jelly or any greasy cream. It is advisable for small dogs to wear waterproof boots.
  2. Long-haired dogs should be trimmed regularly between the toes to prevent matting.

Care of the anal glands

Not every dog ​​owner knows what paraanal glands are and how to care for them. They are located on both sides of the anus and are not visible to the naked eye. Under normal functioning, the dog has no problem with them. But sometimes, due to an inactive lifestyle, improper diet, weak immunity or heredity, they stop cleaning themselves. Then the dog's hair climbs, allergic rashes occur.

To clean the glands, you can visit a veterinarian or do everything yourself at home, because it's not difficult at all. The dog needs such a procedure every 3-6 months. The dog is placed in a bath, and having attached a dense napkin to the anus, at the same time they make money on the paraanal glands, while slightly squeezing the sphincter. In this case, a viscous yellow-brown substance is released.

Nose care

A moist and warm nose is wonderful. But if suddenly the dog sneezes, she has a discharge from her nostrils, or she hurts her nose, then she needs veterinary help.

  • Features of the breed: the intensity of salivation, molting, aggressiveness, life expectancy, common diseases.
  • Daily activity and sleep mode. This information will help you fit new concerns into your schedule and not leave your dog unattended.
  • The conditions in which the dog was kept before coming to you. A long stay of a puppy without contact with people, abuse, early separation from the mother - all this can damage the psyche of the dog and cause a lot of problems.
  • Recommendations about nutrition. Find out if it's worth buying food or if it's better to stick with homemade food, how to determine the portion size, if you need to add vitamins.

Do I need to buy anything besides food?

You need to purchase a few essentials:

  • leash;
  • collar with an identification token;
  • couch;
  • tray;
  • toys;
  • goodies;
  • bowls for food and water;
  • cage, aviary or fence.

Also, you need to determine and equip the space for the pet in advance.

How to arrange a space for a pet and why do you need to do it?

At first, it is important to limit the puppy's movement around the house, so choose a clean place and enclose it with an aviary or fence. Place the purchased items inside the fence: a stove bench, a toilet, bowls of food and water, toys.

All small sharp objects, poisonous and dangerous substances should be out of reach of the pet.

In order not to take out resentment on the animal later, remove all valuable and fragile things that the puppy can ruin in advance.

And so that other members of your family do not hold a grudge, discuss the appearance of a pet with them in advance.

And why conduct any explanatory conversations with relatives?

If you get a dog on your own initiative, discuss in advance all possible troubles and inconveniences: loud barking during rest, partial damage to furniture and shoes, and other troubles.

If you're getting a pet together, share the responsibilities. Who will feed the dog, with whom the dog will walk in the mornings and evenings, who will clean his place. Make sure everyone agrees with their responsibilities.

Everything was sorted out with everyone. Now how to bring the dog home?

If you are transporting a dog in a car, you should not let him roam freely around the cabin - this is dangerous for both the pet and you.

There are several options for safe transportation of a pet:

  • harness with attachment or special harnesses for dogs;
  • in a bag on the passenger's lap;
  • in a dog carrier strapped to the seat.

Some dogs feel sick while riding in a car, especially out of habit. Therefore, drive slowly and carefully, choose the streets, not the freeways, try to keep the car shaking less.

If you have a long trip ahead of you, make stops every three hours to give your dog water, stretch, and vent the accumulated energy.

You can open the window a little to Fresh air circulated through the car. But do not open the windows wide open: the dog may try to jump out of a moving car, even on a harness.

When you get home, take the puppy to a place prepared for him so that he recovers from the trip and begins to get used to the house in a calm environment.

How can I help my pet in the first days in a new place?

  • Show the dog the space prepared for it. At first, the pet should remain in its place - encourage the dog with treats, interest in toys, show where the bed is.
  • Show me where the toilet is. Put the puppy in the tray and wait until he does his business. Be patient and take your pet to the toilet more often at first. This will help him quickly remember where to relieve himself.
  • Arrange a tour of the house. When the puppy gets used to his place, you can introduce him to the rest of the house. If the dog tries to go to the toilet in the wrong place, stop him with a stern "no" and immediately take him to the place intended for the toilet.
  • Protect your dog from stress: noisy gatherings, increased attention from people or other animals.

How then to acquaint the puppy with a new family?

  • You need to start getting to know family members gradually - one person at a time.
  • Before introducing the puppy to the children, remind them not to shout loudly in front of the dog, do not squeeze it or grab it roughly.
  • If you already have dogs or other animals, don't leave them alone with a new pet until they get used to each other.
  • Be sure to give the dog time to explore the territory on its own, let it be alone for some time, in peace and quiet.

And do not worry if the puppy from the first days does not rejoice at your arrival, does not show friendliness and playfulness. A sudden change in environment is stressful for a puppy and needs time to get used to.

And how long will it take to get used to? How to help him?

Each dog has its own character and temperament, which affect the behavior and timing of adaptation. A day is enough for one dog, the other will need at least a month to get used to and fall in love with new owners.

You, in turn, can speed up the addiction a bit.

  • Show care and love, do not leave the puppy alone. For example, you can bring him home on Friday and stay together all weekend.
  • In no case do not scold or punish the puppy in the first days. He simply cannot do something “out of spite”, most likely you are to blame for his faults.
  • Protect him from stress and shock, play more often. As soon as the puppy gets used to you and feels safe, he will begin to show his love.

Be wise and patient. A dog is for a long time, and her love and devotion are forever.