Wild bird of the duck family. Sukhonos is a waterfowl of the duck family.

Waterfowl of the duck family

Alternative descriptions

Large wild and domestic waterfowl with a long neck

Our geese: gray, bean goose, white-fronted, white-necked, barnacle goose, white, mountain, Canada goose, red-breasted goose, swan-nosed goose, lesser white-fronted goose, brent goose

Tributary of the Oka

Pig enemy

A bird that doesn't care about water

Panikovsky's bird

The bird whose liver is used to make the “king of pates”

Which animal was sacred to the Roman goddess Juno, whose temple was located on the Capitol?

This poultry has the highest calorie meat

Nils' vehicle from Selma Lagerlöf's fairy tale

Who was Martin, saved by the boy Nils in Selma Lagerlöf's fairy tale?

. “red paws, pinches your heels, run without looking back” (riddle)

. “I swam in water, but remained dry” (riddle)

Merry fellow at grandma's


Bird of the duck family

The pig is not a friend


Bird in a dish

Red paws, pinching the heels

Important clawed bird

The rooster crows and he cackles


Swine uncomrade

The hen needs a rooster, but what about the goose?

Who was Martin to Nils?

cackling bird

An important bird that is not a friend to a pig

I swam in the water but stayed dry

The rooster's neighbor in the poultry house

Nils' feathered transport

Claw type


Grandma's bird

A pig is no friend, according to the proverb

Large waterfowl with a long neck


The bird that saved Rome

River in the city of Gus-Khrustalny

River, tributary of the Oka

Rogue, swindler

A bird that doesn't care about water

. "... a pig is not a friend"

Which animal was sacred to the Roman goddess Juno, whose temple was located on the Capitol

Who was Martin to Nils?

The hen needs a rooster, and the goose needs

M. gander and goose, southern. goose, sowing goose, app. goose, a famous yard and wild bird of Anser; goose, goose, gosling, baby gosling, chick. Chinese goose, dry-nosed goose, with a bump on the nose, cygnoides. Bean goose, dark-feathered segetum, hot beak; gray goose, cinereus, from it Russian, yard geese. Our northern industrialists distinguish seven species: Bean grass, large gray goose , gray goose, motley goose, babble, squealer and black goose, building a nest together with the powder, white owl. Red goose, Phoenicopterus, on the Caspian Sea. sea, long-legged, crooked; flaming or flaming. Goose, one of the northern constellations. *Pawed goose, a man with a mind of his own. Just like the gander: the heart is small, but the liver is big! talk about angry. Semka stole the pig and said it to the gosling. Do not catch the goose either in the oven or under the table, but on the table; in the oven: early; under the table: late, only bones. They drag a goose to a wedding, and into cabbage soup. Some you can eat with a bite, but others you can’t even eat with a goose. I would serve the goose, but there is no baking tray! The goose won't come out of the oven! wedding, says the cook, and the groom treats her with wine and shoots a gun into the oven, then the goose is served. Astrich. Our sexton doesn't eat geese; and the sexton doesn’t even know how to pinch them. All goose: if only there were feathers! The seagull is a goose, and the crow is a goose. You'll give a goose for a chicken. Like a cockroach in front of a goose. Would you ask the goose if its feet are cold? Belt your goose for cold weather. That being said, it's a goose's head. it happens that a pig eats a goose. God allows it, and the pig eats the goose. The goose pig is not a friend. A big goose cannot hatch a calf. You can't trample a field with just one goose. We'll kill the geese and plug up the holes (in the garden). We're in trouble like water off a duck's back! Trouble falls like water off a duck's back! Drink, goose, water, not from the boyar family! It's water on a duck's back, but I've had enough of incredible words. Water is off a duck's back, incredible words. Our bride was not herding geese, but shaking a spindle. The goose flew by and didn't hit him with its wing. A goose is flying to Holy Rus', Napoleon. The ducks were flying, the geese were flying, the cows were flying, the goats were flying! a game where, after one thing, everyone raises their hands if something flies, and for a mistake they give a payback. He knows a lot about how a blind man felt for milk, having felt his hand, instead of a goose: the leader boasted that he had taken a sip of milk; and what is it, asked the blind man? "Sweet and white." what is white? "Like a goose." what is a goose? The counselor bent his hand with a crutch: “Like this.” The blind man felt it and realized what kind of milk it was. The goose drinks lard, the eagle. talk if someone does not drink wine after meals. A goose and a duck dive into the rain. The goose presses its paw towards the cold. The goose stands on one leg, facing the frost. Geese flap their wings to indicate frost; gargle for warmth. A goose (or crow) hides its nose under its wing to indicate the cold. The geese are flying, there will be a lot of water; low, little. Geese and oak socks are flying, saying: so-and-so, so-and-so! threshing. The geese are flying, the oak socks are flying, the geese are saying: chekot, chekot, chekotushka? threshing. Game of geese: the queen drives a flock of geese into the field and calls them: “geese, come home!” For what? "The wolf is behind the mountain! "They run home, and the wolf intercepts and catches them from the side. Goose, gander, liver, heart, root, breast ox giblet, spirit vein with lungs, heart and liver, by the similarity of these giblets with a flying goose. Siberian goose. Samoyed clothing, a parka; in this case the goose is made of thick and woolly deer fur, with a long shirt, with the wool facing out, with a cap on the collar, and is worn on the road in addition to the malitsa and a parka. in the form of a sugar loaf, geese (see below). Geese, hard, with bloody cracks on their legs, in a single file, in a row, in a trail, in a thread, not scattered, not in a bunch, one at a time. Harness a goose, ride like a goose, ride at full speed, along narrow winter roads, in deep snow, harnessing horses one in front of the other, three at a time, up to five Gusev, gusak, gusynin, gusenyshev, etc. belongs to them: goosey, goosey, characteristic of geese, related to them, consisting of them, etc. Goose cry. We sell goose feathers. A bunch of goose. The goose step, in the former recruiting school, is training, the longest. Goose memory, chicken memory, turkey memory, unconsciousness. Goose Road, Batyeva, the Milky Way, in the direction of which the geese fly away. Crow's foot, diverging branches of a tunnel. Goose foot, plant. Alchemilla vulgaris, sundew, mantle; Chenopodium, pigweed, winch different types. Goose grass, goose pasture, plant. Potentilla anserina, mighty goose, caterpillar, ringlets, goose's feet, metograss, femur. Goose, single-file path, riding and road by a goose (see also jib). Gander, gander, gander, in various meanings. related to the gander. Gander shop, sale of boiled gander, liver, liver, etc. Gander membrane, also known as gander and gander. diaphragma, blona separating the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity; very poorly called the chest-abdominal barrier. A gander is a hunter of geese and ganders before they fight, and he lets the ganders fight for fun. A vendor selling gander, offal, boiled liver and lungs from a stall. Gusachnikov, belonging to him; gander, belonging to ganders, characteristic of. Gusyatina goose meat. Gusyatnik m. hunter of geese; selling geese; shepherd with geese; with a bird. Eagle, goose grabber. Gosling, September day, also known as hussars, Nikita's flight of goose, gosling, reporez. Festival of goose birds. Sheep are sheared and geese are killed. Departure of geese. Placate the merman by throwing him a goose without a head, which is taken home to count the brownie. Goose barn and goose barn. goose barn, poultry house for geese. Goose eagle. peasant withdrawal guard, for example. to the fair. Gooseberry, plant. Polygonum avicul. knotweed, pork burkun, plantain, trample. Plant. Potentilla anserina, goose grass. Anthriscus sylvestris Gosling, woman with geese, grazing. Gusyatnikov, Gusyatnitsyn, belonging to him, her. Gosling, belonging to or characteristic of goslings. Hussarnya goose barn, goose house, goose barn. Hussar is a nickname for peaceful marauders carrying backyard poultry. Goose hunting, hunting geese, breeding them for sale. Gusek will belittle. gander, breast giblets. A type of game, with checkers in squares, with dice thrown: the checkers go in single file, one after another. Fillet, similar to a goose neck; brick, hewn by selection or angle; a small bracket, a support for a shelf, cut with a rounded slope, etc. Crawling game. jib. Gusyanka w. covered barge along the Oka, Tsna (from the Gus River); more than fathom long; width depth

Not a pig's friend

Sukhonos is a large goose, which is also called the Chinese goose. In appearance, it resembles a bean goose, but only from afar.

Up close, the species of the bird is easily determined by a clearly visible dark stripe located along the upper side of the head and the back of the neck.

Description of the sukhonos

The lower body of the bird is painted in light shades of yellow-brown, the forehead is decorated with a white stripe, the back and sides of the head, and the upper part of the neck are reddish-brown. The sides of the body are covered with blackish-gray plumage with light transverse stripes. The undertail and sides of the neck are white, and the crop and chest are brownish-gray.

The base of the beak is edged with a narrow white stripe, which is absent in young geese.

The weight of an adult suknos is 2.8-4.5 kg, body length reaches 90 cm, wingspan 1.5-1.6 m.

Males have a characteristic swelling on the beak. Young birds are light in color, covered with brownish-gray feathers, light stripes missing on the sides. Legs light yellow.

Birds form noisy flocks and talk loudly as they fly, emitting a long, loud “go-go-oo-o”, like the sound of a trumpet.

Habitat and nesting of sukhenos

The dry-nosed goose occupies a not very extensive habitat. These birds were once widespread throughout southeastern Siberia, but currently only small areas remain where they nest wild goose. Sukhonos is found in the Primorsky region, Sakhalin, Transbaikalia, Southern Baikal region, Southeast and Southern Altai, and lives in the Amur tributary basin.

The bird is migratory, spring arrival occurs in April, geese fly in small flocks, and in September they migrate to south-eastern China, Japan, Korea, and are also found in small numbers in Uzbekistan during the winter. Perhaps the appearance of the name Chinese goose is associated with the autumn migrations of rare birds to China.

The Sukhonos is easy to distinguish from other geese by its heavy flight. Water is the native element for the Chinese goose; it swims and dives well. During molting, when the bird loses its flight feathers and cannot rise to the wing, it becomes accessible prey to predators. But in moments of danger, the dry fish immerses its body in the water so that only one head remains on the surface, or it completely goes under the water and swims to a safe place.

The bird's habitat is confined to the shores of fresh and salty reservoirs, overgrown with bushes, located on the plains and in the mountains. The nest is located in reed thickets in a dry area among swamps, or less often located on the ground on a remote island.

Sukhonos builds a nest of stems coastal plants, their own feathers and blades of grass are used for bedding. The clutch contains from 3 to 12, usually 5-8, white eggs. Incubation lasts about 30 days. Only the female heats the eggs, while her partner swims nearby. The chicks emerge from the brood type, quickly dry out and leave the nest with their parents.

Several broods form small groups. When a predator appears, they hide in thick grass if they are on land. By diving into the water, they escape from enemies in the pond. Adult birds distract the enemy from their offspring by pretending to be wounded and dragging one wing to lead the enemy away from the brood or simply trying to drive them away. In early June, young birds begin to molt. Adult geese molt one month later. The change of plumage lasts 30 days. In autumn, birds form large flocks that move in a caravan during migration.

The sukhonos is a herbivorous bird; it feeds on sedges, cereal seeds, shoots, pine needles, and aquatic plants. Berries and insects add variety to the diet.

Dry-nosed goose and man

The dry-nosed goose is an extremely rare bird. As a result of habitat reduction, the number of this species is decreasing. This is the rarest goose in our country. Several reasons can be cited why the bird lost its nesting sites: construction of hydroelectric power stations, regulation of river flows, development of floodplain lands, deterioration of conditions during wintering, anxiety due to human presence.

Since the number of dry-nosed snakes is too small, it is hardly possible to talk about hunting these birds. However, in some areas, local residents destroy nests, take the chicks and feed them for meat. Eggs placed under poultry hatch into chicks that easily tolerate captivity and get used to humans.