Postinor and its analogues, which is better. "Postinor": analogues, contraindications Analogue of Postinor but less harmful

In case of unplanned unprotected sexual intercourse on help will come Postinor. The drug is intended to cleanse the uterine cavity and tubes of fertilized cells.

The tablets are not indicated for regular use. Read the instructions for use, about the features of the drug, as well as what cheap analogues of Postinor are available.

Instructions for use

Hormonal medication works as a means to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. The active substance is levonorgestrel.

Postinor is available in the form of dragees, 2 or 4 tablets in a blister. The active ingredient is effective in 85% of cases.

However, there are several nuances that must be taken into account when taking:

  • The tablet should be taken within 3 days (72 hours) after possible conception.

    The shorter the interval between unprotected sex and taking the pill, the more likely it is that the medication will work.

  • The second tablet must be consumed 12 hours after the first tablet, but no later than 16 hours.

Such hormonal drugs are now available only by prescription and are taken under the guidance of a gynecologist. The main effect is abortifacient.

The active component of the drug prevents the sperm from fertilizing the egg. If a zygote has already formed, the hormone prevents penetration into the uterus.

After some time, the dead cells come out along with menstruation.

Postinor can be prescribed to women who have a long delay in menstruation. The medication is not prescribed for girls under 16 years of age.

The drug is used at a young age in extreme cases, when a minor has been raped, etc.

The list of contraindications also includes pregnant women and nursing mothers. You should not use the drug if you have liver or kidney failure.

The list of side effects is long. The most common violations include:

  • Malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Bleeding from the uterine cavity.
  • Severe fatigue, migraine.
  • Your breasts may hurt and your regular menstrual cycle may be disrupted.
  • After taking the drug, periods become less or more heavy than usual.

If you experience severe discomfort or abdominal pain, consult your doctor. Sometimes reactions of individual intolerance to the components of the composition are observed.

Cheap analogues of Russian production

The cost of the original is about 400 rubles for a small package. The Russian manufacturer offers its own pharmacological agents.

The most famous close substitutes on the domestic market are Zhenale and Ginepriston.

Compare synonyms with the Hungarian generic:

  • Genale. Does not differ in composition and main active component.

    However, if pregnancy continues after taking the drug, then the risk of giving birth to a sick child with many pathologies is high.

    The list of contraindications and side effects is almost identical to the original. However, it is better to check the dosage and regimen of taking the tablets with your doctor.

    The price does not differ from the cost of the Hungarian original, depends on the number of tablets in the blister and ranges from 360 to 780 rubles.

  • Gynepristone. The drug is also prohibited for pregnant and nursing mothers.

    If it is necessary to take the pill during lactation, breastfeeding the child is prohibited for two weeks until the active substance is completely eliminated from the body.

    The drug should not be used by patients with a history of heart disease and dysfunction of the kidneys, adrenal glands and liver.

    Disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system often occur after taking the pills; abdominal pain and dizziness often appear.

    In case of individual intolerance to the components, allergic reactions appear. The active substance is mifepristone. Gynepristone is in price category from 250 rubles.

Russian generics differ little from Postinor. The list of indications, contraindications and side effects is almost identical.

Ginepristone differs in its hormonal composition. However, the domestic manufacturer offers to purchase the product cheaper than the Hungarian original.

Other foreign substitutes

Imported substitutes have always been very popular among the population. Foreign products are considered to be of better quality and performance.

Check out the differences between imported products and the original in the table:

Name Indications for use and description Contraindications Side effects Average cost per package
Microlute A German-made drug of similar action and composition This method emergency contraception Do not use during pregnancy or lactation.

The drug is also prohibited for patients with diseases genitourinary system, should not be taken if you are hypersensitive to the components

The list of side effects has been added: in some cases, due to hormonal imbalance in the body, hair loss, swelling is observed, and a mental disorder may even appear 300 rubles
Escapelle Does not differ in indications and composition from Postinor Children under 16 years of age, should not be taken by women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The drug is also not indicated for people with cardiovascular diseases, liver and kidney disease

Abdominal pain may appear, the menstrual cycle may be disrupted, and the amount of discharge will decrease. Headaches often appear, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted 450 rubles
Eskinor Indian analogue of the Hungarian contraceptive Do not use in children under 16 years of age, for heart disease, liver and kidney dysfunction, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. The list of side effects occurs with the same frequency 250 rubles

Among foreign generics you can even find cheaper products. The composition, indications, contraindications and even side effects do not differ from the original drug.

Check with your gynecologist for the regimen, dosage and which emergency contraceptive medication to choose.

Important! Read the instructions for use carefully.

Postinor is used after unprotected sexual intercourse in cases of emergency contraception. The main active ingredient of the medicine is levonorgestrel. The product is not always on sale in pharmacies, but there are analogues of Postinor with a similar composition.

The drug reduces the likelihood of ovulation, has high bioavailability and is completely absorbed in a short period of time. The effectiveness of the drug depends on the time factor. It is recommended to use the product as soon as possible after unprotected sex.

The instructions say that ovulation can be avoided in 95% of cases if you use Postinor within the next 24 hours. Cost of packing 0.75 mg tablets, 2 pcs. is 350 rubles.

List of structural analogues of postinor

This list contains the means that most closely match postinor. The active substance is levonorgestrel.

1. Escapelle (Gedeon Richter, Germany). It is a synthetic gestogenic agent that can prevent fertilization. Upon admission escapella During the first 24 hours after sexual intercourse, the effectiveness of the medication is 95%, on the second day 85 percent, on the third day only 58%.

Used as an emergency method of contraception. It has a list of restrictions for use: age under 16 years, individual intolerance to components, dangerous sensitivity to lactose, lactase deficiency, impaired absorption of simple carbohydrates in the intestines, pregnancy, liver failure.

After taking Escapelle during lactation, you should stop feeding the baby for a day, since levonorgestrel is absorbed into mother's milk. One of the best analogues of postinor with an identical composition.

  • Packaging cost 1.5 mg, 1 pc. - 390 rub.

2. Eskinor-F (Family Care Limited, India). Used within the next 72 hours as a way to prevent unwanted pregnancy. The action of the drug is associated with local influence on the endometrium, fallopian tubes and the viscosity of mucus in the cervical canal, which creates obstacles to the movement of sperm. Contraindications coincide with the drug described above (Escapelle).

P.S. At the time of writing this article Eskinor-F was not found in stock at most online pharmacies.

  • Packaging price tab. 0.75 mg 2 pieces - 340 rub.

Analogs by pharmacological group and action

1. Zhenale (Izvarino Pharma, Russia). Active substance mifepristone. The effect of the drug is associated with blocking ovulation and reducing the likelihood of a fertilized egg attaching to the walls of the uterus. Allows you to avoid unintended pregnancy.

Genale is quickly absorbed, bioavailability approaches 70%. Contraindications: intolerance mifepristone, pregnancy, lactation, liver and kidney diseases in the acute phase, low level hemoglobin, weakened adrenal function, prolonged use of glucocorticosteroids.

  • Price tab. in a blister 10 mg 1 piece - 330 rub.

2. Ginepristone (Obninsk Chemical Physics Complex CJSC, Russia). Active ingredient mifepristone. Under the influence of the medication, the functional layer of the endometrium peels off. Taking it after unprotected sexual intercourse in the first 72 hours prevents pregnancy. It has a large list of contraindications; use strictly under medical supervision.

  • Tablet per package 10 mg 1 pc. - 340 rub.

These postinor analogues can cause side effects: urticaria, dizziness, spotting, nausea, cycle disorders. The medication is prescribed by a gynecologist taking into account chronic and current diseases. Only a doctor is able to assess the possible risk of taking these medications.

Today, there are many contraceptives to prevent pregnancy. And, despite this, not all women choose this method of protection. But there are cases when you need to resort to emergency help, and postinor can be such help. Postinor is like a next-day pill, and if you have had unprotected sexual intercourse, then you can protect yourself with it.

Postinor is a hormonal contraceptive drug that contains a large dose of the hormone levonorgesterel, the main active ingredient. With its help, ovulation is stopped, preventing sperm from reaching the egg.

The most famous analogues of Postinor are:

  • Escapelle;
  • Microlute;
  • Genale;
  • Eskinor-F;
  • Gynepristone;

Such analogues and postinor cannot be considered a contraceptive, since their action is a little different than that of real contraceptives. They are not designed for constant use, since with frequent use the structure of the endometrium changes, side effects appear in some organs, with prolonged use addiction occurs and the effect of the drug decreases, and uterine bleeding may even occur. Based on this, Postinor and analogues are recommended to be taken only in emergency cases: in case of accidental unprotected sexual intercourse, if a condom breaks, rape and other unforeseen cases.

What to take - postinor or analogues?

If you cannot take the drug due to individual intolerance, contraindications to the use of any of the components or its absence in the pharmacy, then you can. Girls think that after taking postinor analogues there will be no consequences and if there are any, they will be insignificant. But they are mistaken, as they also contain a large amount of levonorgesterel, which means they are not inferior to Postinor in terms of the number of side effects.

Among such drugs, Postinor was launched first, and after taking it, women experienced nausea. And during pregnancy, it can have a negative effect on her. Postinor analogues act in exactly the same way. Although there are some differences.

For example, analogue of Escapelle created later and does not have as many side effects, and you can take it a little longer than Postinor. Generally speaking, all new drugs have more effect and are not so harmful.

But if you compare analogue of Ginepriston with Postinor, they are very similar in side effects. Gynepristone also causes nausea, vomiting, discharge and even disrupts the menstrual cycle. When taking one of these drugs, weakness, dizziness, urticaria, and hyperthermia often occur. For these reasons, taking Postinor and analogues without a doctor’s prescription is not recommended, as the consequences can be very serious.

Postinor is a popular drug for preventing unwanted pregnancy. This is a synthetic gestagen with a contraceptive effect, pronounced gestagenic and antiestrogenic properties. Efficacy: The pill can prevent pregnancy in about 85% of cases. The more time passes between sexual intercourse and taking the drug, the lower its effectiveness (95% during the first 24 hours, 85% from 24 to 48 hours and 58% from 48 to 72 hours).

Indications for use

Contraceptive pills for emergency prevention against unwanted pregnancy are used for:

  • condom rupture during sexual intercourse;
  • condom slipping off during sexual intercourse;
  • skipping a contraceptive pill once;
  • spontaneous prolapse of the intrauterine device;
  • unprotected sexual intercourse during expected ovulation;
  • not resulting interrupted act;
  • unprotected sexual intercourse;
  • rape.

Contraindications for use

Postinor has a number of contraindications for use, these include:

  • allergic reaction to the components contained in Postinor;
  • age less than 18 years (also not recommended for women over 40 years of age due to the risk of thrombosis);
  • liver failure;
  • pregnancy that has already been established;
  • allergic reaction (intolerance) to lactose;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • varicose veins of the lower extremities;
  • breastfeeding.

Why is Postinor dangerous?

The same pills affect each woman individually. That is why, when describing side effects, all these symptoms do not mean that this occurs in every woman when taking the drug. Side effects include:

  • Digestive tract disorders (nausea, vomiting, indigestion, stool disorders).
  • Pain in the breast area.
  • Crash menstrual cycle(manifests itself as a delay in menstruation or, conversely, an earlier onset of menstruation).
  • The appearance of bleeding after taking the pills, which is not associated with menstrual bleeding.
  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • Violation from the central nervous systems s, manifests itself in the form of increased fatigue, migraine, dizziness.

Basically, all side effects go away on their own within two to three days, but if you do not feel better after taking the pills and more than four or five days have passed, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Description of the drug, instructions for use

The onset of pregnancy depends on the menstrual cycle, or more precisely on the immediate day of the menstrual cycle. U healthy woman During reproductive age, ovulation occurs within 12 hours. Let's remind you what ovulation is. Ovulation means when a mature egg is released from the ovary where it begins to move into fallopian tube towards the sperm, where they meet. If such a meeting occurs, then an embryo begins to form. To achieve pregnancy, one unprotected sex 3 days before ovulation is sufficient. And after ovulation for one day. After a successful meeting and formation of the embryo, it takes 3-5 days for its implantation.

In order to decide to take emergency hormonal medications, it is necessary to assess the exact possibility of pregnancy. If you know the exact time of ovulation, then you cannot get pregnant 2-3 days after ovulation. Nowadays, the onset of ovulation is quite easy to find out. There are special tests.

Thus, the use of Postinor is necessary within the first day after unprotected sexual intercourse and no later than 3 days after unprotected sexual intercourse.

It must be remembered that the drug is absolutely ineffective if implantation has already occurred. Postinor does not cause miscarriage.

Postinor itself is two tablets white, shaped like a disc and engraved INOR

The drug is able to prevent unwanted pregnancy by 85%, but the more time passes after sexual intercourse, the less effective it is. So for example:

  • 90% - taking the drug in the first 24 hours after sexual intercourse;
  • 80% - taking the drug from 24 hours to 48 hours after sexual intercourse;
  • 50% - taking the drug from 48 hours to 72 hours after sexual intercourse.

Tablets are used internally. The first tablet is taken no later than 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse, and the second tablet is taken exactly 12 hours after taking the first, no later than 16 hours.

If no more than 3 hours have passed after taking the tablet and vomiting occurs, then it is urgently necessary to take another Postinor tablet.

Postinor is used at any time of the day and on any day of the menstrual cycle.

Repeated use of Postinor is strictly not recommended during one menstrual cycle.

Doctors recommend using all emergency contraceptive drugs no more than once every six months. More frequent use may lead to the development of pathologies in the reproductive system. The result may be infertility. As practice shows, a woman who does not use emergency protective equipment does not disrupt the natural process of the menstrual cycle and does not have problems in the future with conception.

Terms of sale, storage and expiration dates

The drug must be stored at room temperature not lower than 15 degrees and not higher than 25 degrees, out of the reach of children.

The shelf life of the drug is 5 years.

The drug is available with a doctor's prescription.

How to tell if Postinor has worked?

If the menstrual flow came on time: the duration, the volume of the flow did not change, then the drug definitely worked. But there are times when you need to urgently consult a doctor, for example, you observe:

  • copious discharge;
  • discharge is very scanty;
  • delay of menstrual flow for more than 6 days;
  • menstrual flow is accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen (the pain is aching or cramping);
  • the appearance of sharp pain in the lower abdomen.

What does the delay after taking the drug mean?

Initially, pregnancy must be excluded. To do this, you can take a pregnancy test at home. If the test is positive, then you are pregnant. And if negative, then there is no pregnancy. In this case, it is necessary to exclude an ectopic pregnancy. To do this, you need to either consult a gynecologist or do an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs.

If pregnancy is completely excluded, then a delay after taking Postinor (more than 10 days) can be justified:

  • inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs (endometritis, adnexitis, vaginitis, colpitis);
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • the presence (more precisely, the influence of Postinor) of endocrine disorders;
  • pathology of the urinary system.

When does menstruation begin after taking the drug?

Usually, the onset of menstruation after taking the drug may not coincide with the expected date. The first discharge may be scanty, which disappears 2-3 days after the onset and can be repeated 2 times within one month. This speaks of proper operation drug.

But mostly menstrual bleeding comes either on time or 2-5 days before the expected date. And also with a delay of up to 5-7 days before the expected date.

Is it worth taking Postinor if NPK occurs during menstruation?

The menstrual cycle is considered one of the complex physiological processes. If we consider the full phase of the menstrual cycle, then the most favorable conditions for conception are the middle of the cycle.

That is why it is believed that it is impossible to become pregnant during menstrual bleeding. But, as practice shows, there is still a chance of pregnancy during menstruation.

The most good conditions for conception, this is the middle of the cycle, where female hormones begin to stimulate the production of follicles and eggs. In other phases, conditions are not favorable for conception to occur, but it is impossible to say unequivocally that pregnancy will not occur in other phases.

That is why, it is only your choice whether or not to drink Postinor after unprotected sexual intercourse during the menstrual cycle.


As practice shows, no cases of overdose have been described. The only possible side effects are nausea, vomiting, and bleeding.


According to the results of the study of the drug, it was revealed that:

  • Metabolism is accelerated when used simultaneously with inducers of liver enzymes.
  • Metabolism slows down when used simultaneously with drugs such as: phenytoin, carbamazepine, St. John's wort preparations, ritonavir, rifabutin, griseofulvin.

Bleeding after taking the drug, how to stop it correctly

Postinor is a fairly strong hormonal drug. Many women are interested in whether there should be bleeding after taking the drug.

Due to the effect of Postinor on a woman’s hormonal background, some epithelial rejection occurs. This is why spotting may occur and this is considered normal.

Such discharge is usually brown in color and rather scanty in volume. They occur after taking the pills on the 3rd, 6th day.

It is worth remembering that if spotting began a week after taking the drug, this indicates the development of a pathological process. It is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

Normally, bleeding can last for 3-7 days, but in some cases, this discharge can last for two weeks. In this case, consultation with a specialist is necessary. You should also pay special attention to urgently visiting a doctor if:

  • there was pain in the lower abdomen;
  • the discharge is mixed with pus;
  • the appearance of foamy discharge;
  • increased body temperature not associated with a cold.

How to stop bleeding? This issue is of particular interest to women. In such cases, independent treatment can lead to the development of pathologies and complications. If the bleeding is profuse and lasts more than 8-10 days, then you should urgently consult a specialist. The doctor is already prescribing therapy.

The nature of the discharge after taking Postinor

Any bleeding can cause enormous harm to a woman’s life and health. Particular attention should be paid if a woman begins to feel:

  • weakness;
  • copious discharge that does not subside;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • shortness of breath;
  • the duration of discharge is more than 14 days.

Special instructions

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding: Postinor should not be used during pregnancy. This remedy does not terminate pregnancy.

During breastfeeding, the use of Postinor is possible. Since it has been proven that levonorgestrel generally does not pass into breast milk. It is recommended to take both the first and second tablets immediately after breastfeeding. And skip breastfeeding once after taking the pills. This will significantly reduce the effect of the pills on the child’s development.

Is it possible to get pregnant after taking Postinor?

Improper use of Postinor tablets can lead to pregnancy. The instructions must be strictly followed. And remember, the sooner you start taking the drug, the greater the chance of protecting yourself from unwanted pregnancy.

Postinor and its analogues

Escapelle. Most often, doctors prescribe Escapelle as a replacement for Postinor. Also the main substance, as in Postinor, is levonorgestrel. But it is considered stronger. So its concentration is increased several times. The drug is available in one tablet per package. It is used once, within three days after unprotected sexual intercourse. All side effects are quite similar. These include:

  • weakness;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • headache;
  • pain in the mammary glands.

Genale. The main component includes mifepristone. Can be used once. It is recommended to use either 2 hours before or after meals. It is recommended to use the drug no later than 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse. Side effects are basically the same, they include:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • stool disorder;
  • migraine;
  • dizziness;
  • disruption of the menstrual cycle;
  • intermenstrual bleeding.

Gynepristone. The main component of this drug is mifepristone. Apply once within 72 hours or 2 hours before or after meals. But there are slightly other side effects, these include:

  • hives;
  • pathological vaginal discharge;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • discomfort in the external genital area;
  • weakness.

Postinor and alcohol.

If you study the instructions for use of Postinor, they do not describe the effect of alcohol while taking the pills. Since Postinor itself is a rather complex drug and has many side effects. That is why, to avoid unwanted complications, it is better to give up alcohol.

Postinor is a means to prevent unwanted pregnancy, and its effectiveness has been proven in practice by many women. This potent drug belongs to the line of emergency contraception; it is based on the effect of an artificial hormone on the body. Due to its powerful effects, Postinor should be used with extreme caution, preferably after consulting a doctor.

Chemical composition

The active substance is an artificial hormone - levonorgestrel. 1 tablet of the drug contains 0.75 milligrams.

Action of the hormone:

  • delays or stops ovulation, preventing the release of an egg from the ovary;
  • blocks sperm, preventing fertilization of an already released egg;
  • prevents an already fertilized egg from implanting, thus preventing pregnancy.

In addition to the hormone, the product includes excipients: colloidal silicon dioxide, potato starch, magnesium stearate, talc, corn starch, lactose monohydrate.

Release form

Postinor is available in foil and PVC blisters, 2 tablets per blister. The cardboard package contains 1 blister and instructions for use of the medicine.


Postinor is indicated for women with a regular menstrual cycle for emergency postcoital contraception. At its core, the drug is an alternative to traditional contraceptives.

  • slippage or mechanical damage to the condom;
  • rupture, shift of the diaphragm or cervical plate;
  • incorrect calculation of ovulation days when using the calendar method;
  • unsuccessfully interrupted sexual intercourse;
  • removal or loss of an intrauterine contraceptive device;
  • missing 3 or more tablets of permanent oral contraceptive pills.

Methods of application

The effectiveness of Postinor directly depends on the time of its use. The first tablet is taken no later than 72 hours after sexual intercourse.

Postinor does not guarantee 100% contraception, but if you take the first tablet in the first 24 hours after intercourse, the effectiveness of the drug is 95%. Then it decreases noticeably: if Postinor is taken within 25-48 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse, then the chances of preventing an unwanted pregnancy are 85%, and if the drug is taken for the first time within 49-72 hours, they are reduced to 58%. The second tablet must be taken 12 hours after the first.

Postinor cannot replace traditional means of contraception, and its use is an emergency, emergency method. The drug has a strong effect on the body, and therefore it is strongly not recommended to take it repeatedly during one menstrual cycle. The interval between courses of Postinor should be at least 3-6 months.


  • Diseases of the liver, gall bladder and small intestine (Crohn's disease);
  • Pregnancy and period breastfeeding;
  • Allergic reaction to components;
  • Adolescence, since the drug can cause hormonal imbalance, which will negatively affect the unformed reproductive system.

To avoid a decrease in effectiveness, it is not recommended to use Postinor in cases of concurrent use of medications used in the treatment of fungal infections and thrombosis, or containing medications that conflict with the active substance of Postinor, in particular, St. John's wort.

Side effects

  • Disorders of the digestive system (nausea, pain in the lower abdomen, vomiting, diarrhea);
  • Increased fatigue;
  • Bleeding not associated with menstruation;
  • Allergic reactions (urticaria, itching, swelling of the face);
  • Headaches;
  • Painful swelling of the mammary glands;
  • Delayed menstruation.

Typically, the duration of side effects does not exceed 5-7 days, after which the body returns to normal. Otherwise, you need to consult a doctor.


An overdose of a drug is manifested in the idea of ​​increasing its side effects. In case of overdose, you should not treat yourself; the doctor should prescribe symptomatic therapy, which will eliminate the unpleasant consequences of using Postinor.


Postinor has been produced since the 70s of the 20th century. Despite many side effects and contraindications, it is successfully used for emergency contraception today. At the same time it is released a whole series modern analogues of Postinor.

The mechanisms of action of alternative drugs are similar - these drugs inhibit ovulation, disrupt the process of fertilization of the egg by sperm and prevent its movement to the uterus.


A relatively new postcoital contraceptive. The active substance is ulipristal acetate in an amount of 30 milligrams. It is enough to take the drug in the amount of 1 tablet. Dwella is a hormonal drug indicated for emergency contraception within 120 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse.

Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, adolescence, lactose intolerance (the drug contains lactose as an excipient), bronchial asthma, severe renal and liver failure.

Side effects: headache, nausea, abdominal pain, increased irritability, fatigue, allergic reactions, in rare cases, sleep and appetite disturbances.


Developed by the Russian pharmaceutical company Nizhpharm OJSC as a gentle analogue of Postinor. Active substance: mifepristone containing 0.01 grams per tablet. Mifepristone is of non-hormonal origin. Gynepristone should be taken once, no later than 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse or unreliable contraception.

Contraindications: bronchial asthma, renal, liver and heart failure, pregnancy and lactation. Due to the non-hormonal nature of the drug, there are no contraindications to the use of gynepristone in adolescence.

Side effects:


The drug is manufactured under license from Pfizer and is an almost complete analogue of gynepristone - the active substance, its content and tablet form are identical. The differences between these drugs are only in the composition of the excipients. Zhenale should be consumed once within 72 hours after sexual intercourse.

Contraindications: bronchial asthma, renal, liver and heart failure, pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects: headache, weakness, nausea, allergic reactions, bleeding, menstrual irregularities.


A drug based on levonorgestrel. Production - India. Lupinor is available in tablets containing 1.5 milligrams of levonorgestrel, which is twice the content of this hormone in a single dose of Postinor. Lupinor should be taken once, no later than 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse.

Contraindications: diseases of the liver, gall bladder and small intestine (Crohn's disease), pregnancy and breastfeeding, adolescence, allergies to components.

Side effects:


The drug is available in mini-pill format, 35 tablets per blister. The content of levonorgestrel per tablet is 0.03 milligrams. Microlute is used not only as an emergency contraceptive, but also as a permanent oral contraceptive. For emergency prevention of pregnancy, the drug should be taken twice, 20 tablets each: the first time - no later than 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse, the second time - 12 hours later.

Contraindications: pregnancy, breastfeeding, adolescence.

Side effects: nausea, headaches, fatigue, bleeding, menstrual irregularities, allergic manifestations.

Model 911

The drug is made in Israel. It is a tablet containing 1.5 milligrams of levonorgestrel. Model 911 is taken once for emergency prevention of pregnancy no later than 72 hours after the need arises. The manufacturer claims that timely use of Modell 911 prevents pregnancy in 85% of cases.


Side effects: nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding not associated with menstruation, delayed menstruation, itching, urticaria.

Evadir 2

Tablets made in India containing 0.75 milligrams of levonorgestrel. 2 tablets should be taken in a course similar to Postinor.

Contraindications: pregnancy, adolescence and breastfeeding.

Side effects: disorders of the endocrine (non-menstrual bleeding, delayed menstruation) and nervous systems (dizziness, headaches), gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, nausea, vomiting), fatigue.


The drug differs from Postinor in the dosage of levonorgestrel. 1 tablet of Escapel contains 2 times more active substance - 1.5 milligrams.

Taken once no later than 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse. Some sources claim that a single dose of levonorgestrel in the amount of 1.5 milligrams has a less negative effect on a woman’s body, however, opinions vary.

Contraindications: diseases of the liver, gall bladder and small intestine (Crohn's disease), pregnancy, lactation, adolescence, allergies to components.

Side effects: nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding not associated with menstruation, delayed menstruation, itching, urticaria.


Cheap analogue of Postinor. This Indian-made product is available in 2 dosages: 1 tablet with 1.5 milligrams of levonorgestrel, or 2 tablets containing 0.75 milligrams of this hormone. They should be taken according to the packaging - either once within 72 hours, or in a course of 2 doses.

Contraindications: liver failure, diseases of the gallbladder and small intestine (Crohn's disease), lactose intolerance, pregnancy, lactation, adolescence, allergies to components.

Side effects: nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding not associated with menstruation, delayed menstruation, itching, urticaria.