Hermit meaning in tarot. Hermit (9 Arcana) Tarot: upright and inverted meaning

There is nothing superfluous on the Hermit map. There are no images of gods or symbolic animals on it; You won’t find any unnecessary details or additional characters on it. All that is depicted is a traveler with a lantern in his hands, wandering in the night. His path is long and difficult, and hardly anyone knows what the end of this difficult path will be. This old man has no luggage - from his past life he took with him nothing except a staff, which gives him support, and a lantern, illuminating his further path.

Internal development map

9 Arcana Tarot has long acquired a reputation as a card that portends loneliness and isolation from society. Therefore, many questioners find this card unpleasant. But in reality, the Hermit is a real treasure for internal development. This dimension of existence instills fear, and for this reason the Hermit remains an undesirable card.

Return to yourself

This Arcanum speaks of being true to oneself, returning to one’s own desires, to the voice of the inner “I”. Its appearance in the reading may indicate that the questioner has become too involved in the vain phenomena of life. And now he has to return to the true path, to his true nature. And this applies to beliefs. The Hermit differs from the Hierophant in many ways - including the fact that he is not talking about external rules or concepts. 9 Arcana Tarot indicates the presence of an internal core.

The hermit speaks of truth, authenticity. A person could spend a long time doing something other than his own business, or live with those people who bring him only suffering. When a desire arises to change the state of things, the first thing such a person does is remain alone. This card focuses on the inner world, the search for one’s own truth, and following exclusively one’s own path. The hermit says that it is time to step away a little from public life and leave vain worries. After all, they prevent us from dealing with issues of the spirit. Every person needs this to finally understand themselves.

The main idea that the 9th Arcanum of the Tarot teaches is the rejection of other people’s opinions, or actions that contradict one’s desires for the sake of others. The Hermit is a card of spiritual independence and great personal strength, which is quite enough to follow your own path. A hermit does not suffer without companions. He doesn't need public approval either.

If the Arcanum points to a person

In layouts, the card may indicate a person who has refused to participate in a public event and seeks to protect himself from any external influences. Rushing or convincing him is a completely empty exercise, warns the 9th Arcanum of the Tarot. The characteristics of a person will not change from these beliefs. One way or another, he will do as he sees fit. If the Justice card is also located next to the Hermit, this indicates impeccable intuition. Such a person will not be mistaken about what is good and what is bad. The hermit knows what he wants and is able to defend himself. He is immune to external influences. Nice phrases or threats will not affect him. Persuasion and manipulation will not help. Putting pressure on such a person is completely pointless.

In some cases, the 9th Arcanum of the Tarot indicates the search and successful acquisition of a spiritual teacher, guru, or coach. The card indicates the possibility of receiving valuable advice from a professional.

Other card meanings

Sometimes a card may not speak of a spiritual journey, but of a very real journey. But most likely, it will concern visiting some spiritual places. As a card that speaks of the past, the Hermit testifies not so much to solitude as to the desire to draw a line under past events, to forget something. Whether temporary solitude will lead to a better life, other Arcana that appear in the reading will be able to tell.

The Hermit in the Tarot is a card that gives a person composure and concentration, allowing him to pay attention to the main thing. At the same time, achievements relate primarily to the inner world, and may have absolutely nothing to do with everyday affairs and work tasks. The Hermit is a card of inner work, not outer activity. Therefore, this Arcanum can speak of the slowness of any process.

The card indicates that the person is now busy defining his own position and psychological boundaries. At the existential level, there may be neither hearing nor spirit from her. A person thinks about why he needs his old life (no matter whether it is about love or work) and how far he is willing to sacrifice his own values ​​for the sake of it.

Negative traits of the Arcana

In some cases, a person can become so immersed in his inner world that he completely abandons it. Due to his independence or lack of connections with the outside world, he will evaluate certain events by his own standard.

The negative traits of the Hermit are the image of a smug pseudo-sage who is isolated from the outside world. He lacks positive experiences and is too hasty. He will often be aloof, introverted and withdrawn. A hermit always looks like an old man, regardless of his age. This manifests itself in uncompromising attitude towards the outside world. He experiences a midlife crisis immediately after reaching adulthood.

An important element of the Arcana: the lantern

One of the most mystical elements of the 9th Arcana of the Tarot cards is the lantern. To see its light - this is precisely the task of the Hermit. Helplessness or disappointment are alien to him. He is aware of what exactly he is doing and for what purpose. The most important qualities of the Hermit are prudence, prudence, and seriousness of intentions. The lantern means clarity of mind or the search for truth. In combination with the card, Strength speaks of the ability to pull yourself together in time and manage your emotional experiences.

Such a person deliberately makes himself invisible. Even if he has outstanding external characteristics, he strives to level them out - this is the meaning of the 9th Arcana of the Tarot. Based on name, gender or age, it cannot be ruled out that this card corresponds to a person. A hermit can be a man, a woman, a young person, or an elderly person. This is where the Hermit manifests itself, and gender, age or social status does not change the essence of the matter. The cloak on his back symbolizes the closed physical and social appearance of this character. But his lantern often becomes a guiding star for other people.

In relationships

The Hermit Tarot card is not favorable in relationships. If it appears in fortune telling, it means that the querent is more focused on himself and his needs than on his partner. In many ways, relationships can rest on the adaptation of one person to another.

The Hermit himself does not consider it necessary to adapt. The card often foreshadows separation or the end of a relationship. At a minimum, she can talk about the search for independence, psychological independence from a partner. This card is used to cancel already scheduled weddings and break engagements. The hermit thinks about what meaning the relationship is endowed with, what his role is in it, and why he needs all this. He checks whether this love affair corresponds to his own life values. The Hermit's main advantage is that he takes things quite seriously. He will not turn a blind eye to difficulties in relationships, believing that everything will “sort out on its own” (this character is well aware that things usually tend to “settle down” according to the Tower Arcana, when everything collapses suddenly).

The main disadvantage of the Hermit Tarot card in relationships is that the person it symbolizes is unlikely to rush to actively solve existing problems. Rather, he will begin to pull away (supposedly to “sort out his feelings”), and then go his own way. You can solve problems with a Hermit, but this requires one condition - he must see great meaning in the relationship. The person the card points to will not suffer from a lack of material wealth or care. After all, he lives by existential categories.

The inverted Hermit in the Tarot has a slightly different meaning in relationships. The card in this case indicates that the person does not want to be alone now and is looking for communication. For example, out of fear of being left alone in old age. Or he feels uncommunicative, and contacts with other people are difficult for him. Often the card indicates the person who has been abandoned or is about to be abandoned - in other words, the value of 9 Arcana Tarot in relationships in the reverse position indicates unwanted loneliness.

State of personality

The hermit jealously guards his spiritual world. Often the card indicates a fear of revealing secrets. If in the scenario, in addition to the Hermit, the Moon Arcanum also appears, then this fear is completely justified and strong. The hermit knows how to encrypt himself. It is useless to look for it on social networks - you can only find a completely formal page there.

Monetary position

9 Arcana Tarot cards are traditionally considered an unfavorable indicator in money matters. The hermit is indifferent to worldly goods, and he invites the querent to practice this skill. This card is the Arcana of financial restrictions, shortfalls in what is due, reduced wages and generally ascetic life. If the question to the deck was about some kind of agreement, then most likely all transactions will be canceled. The hermit in the Tarot reading recommends that the questioner abstract from money issues and look at the matter from a different angle, making it clear that finances are not the most important aspect of life.


This card is not favorable for health either. This Arcanum indicates that the body becomes decrepit and weak. There may be a decrease in energy, a decrease in tone, and a curtailment of vital activity. The Hermit is a map of descent into the depths. However, it can also speak of exhaustion after too much stress, and the need to use remaining resources sparingly.

The card indicates depression, insomnia, and health problems typical of old age. According to the Hermit, anesthesia and anesthesia are displayed in the Tarot.

Meaning at work

The hermit is completely indifferent to regalia and financial wealth. But on the other hand, he is completely focused on his goal. This Arcanum corresponds to “free artists” who do not obey a specific organization and, in principle, have a certain hostility towards work teams.

This card is favorable for scientific work, analysis, and the creation of fundamental works. It shows the consistency and perseverance needed in such matters - but only if the person himself sees the meaning in what he is doing. The Hermit is a card of those people whose activities are in one way or another connected with searches. On the one hand, it could be a researcher. On the other hand, an investigator, a prosecutor, a consultant.

Card 9 in the Tarot (The Hermit) is unfavorable for businessmen. At its core, it indicates the meaninglessness of the business that the entrepreneur is engaged in. You can consider this Arcanum as advice to get rid of the enterprise that the businessman is engaged in and switch to another type of activity.

The Hermit is a favorable card for obtaining education and business trips (as a rule, the character of this Arcana is on the road, and his staff is a travel one). This card is good for honing your professional skills. You can do this on your own or under the guidance of a wise mentor.

The meaning of the 9th Arcana of the Tarot for a person in the professional sphere can sometimes be like this: an employee thinks about the meaning of his activity. He reflects on how professionally he is suitable for his work, and how well it corresponds to his inner aspirations. Arkan often indicates a departure from usual work activity, retirement, or the transfer of experience accumulated over many years of work practice to others.

9 Arcana Tarot: meaning by date of birth

To calculate a Tarot card by date of birth, take the day, month and year of a person’s birth and add up all the available numbers. For example, the date of birth is 02/10/1965. If the number is 22 or less, then no additional operations are required. If the number is more than 22, you need to subtract 22 from it. For example, the Arcana number corresponding to this person is calculated as follows: more than 22. 24-22 = 2. This person's birth tarot card is II, The High Priestess.

Sometimes this number is called the number of fate. The Hermit Tarot card by fate (or by date of birth) indicates that a person has traits characteristic of this character: love of solitude, philosophical reflection. He will not attach much importance to money matters, preferring spirituality to material things. But this card also has a dark side. It can often indicate a gloomy person, a misanthrope, or a pronounced introvert. Perhaps he has a mental disorder.

Upside down

In this position, Arkan implies too strong a desire for perfectionism, demanding the impossible from oneself and others. And sometimes the card indicates carelessness or imprudence in circumstances where caution is required. Perhaps the questioner claims knowledge and skills that he does not actually possess.

The meaning of the 9th Arcana of the Tarot in an inverted position indicates that a person is afraid to examine circumstances in too much detail, or refuses to see the truth that is right in front of his nose. He does not want to listen to others. In some cases, an inverted card indicates a desire to keep important information secret from other people. The meaning of the 9th Arcana of the Tarot in this position speaks of a disapproving attitude towards the events happening around. Arkan recommends immersing yourself in emotional experiences in order to find their original source.

Sometimes a card in an inverted position indicates a midlife crisis. Despite the actual age, it indicates a fear of old age and decrepitude. A person can seek refuge in infantilism, falling into childhood. The other extreme is that he gets stuck in his old ideas and habits. After many decades, the ideals of youth are still relevant to him.

In combination with other Arcana

For a more accurate interpretation of the layout, you need to pay attention to which cards fall next to the Hermit.

  • Jester - the time of self-knowledge will come very soon, the questioner should start researching his “I”.
  • A magician is a person who has a talent that he strives to hide from the public.
  • The High Priestess - the purpose of the questioner is to reveal secrets and mysteries.
  • Empress - what the querent has been looking for for a long time will be found by him.
  • Lovers - a fateful meeting will soon occur, and loneliness will come to an end.
  • Chariot - a person wants to be alone, but someone is constantly disturbing him.
  • Force - the need to follow certain rules is oppressive.
  • Wheel of Fortune - the moment has come to free yourself from the limiting framework and go beyond your comfort zone.
  • Justice - the questioner has to judge two people close to him.
  • Hanged Man - an urgent need for solitude. This period will last indefinitely.
  • Death is a feeling of complete emptiness and apathy towards everything that happens.
  • Moderation - the questioner will face mental torment.
  • The Tower is now the best time to search for the truth. If this is not done, the old foundations of life will collapse in a short time.
  • Star - now is a good time to find your calling.
  • Luna - a long illness, the need to be within the walls of a hospital. Depending on other cards in the reading, it could mean imprisonment.
  • The sun is the end of the period of loneliness.
  • The trial is a valuable experience, learning an important life lesson.
  • The world - the questioner is an integral personality, independent of the opinions of other people.

The importance of correct interpretation

The main meaning of the 9th Arcana of the Tarot is detachment from the bustle world, the path to oneself. The card indicates a long period of self-absorption, when a person closes himself off from external influences in order to find peace and find himself. Thus, the Hermit is an important symbol. It shows a person what he should strive for and who he really is. Many are afraid of this card, but completely in vain. Only where the qualities of a given Arcanum can be interpreted incorrectly does fear of solitude and loneliness arise. But the one who is internally ready to follow the call of the Hermit does not lose himself, but, on the contrary, finds himself. Such a person gains clarity of mind and the ability to live in harmony with himself.


In every religion you can find stories about spiritual journeys, about prophets and wise teachers who went to seek truth in the desert. The map indicates the connection between the higher and lower worlds and reminds a person of the duality of the world. By comprehending something on a spiritual level, we have a chance to realize it on a physical level. Since the subtle world controls the material, all spiritual achievements make life easier in the real, physical world and make it happier.

The hermit is a symbol of wisdom in solitude, a wise teacher or an inner voice that gives good advice. The hermit carries a lantern, which symbolizes the light of knowledge illuminating the path ahead for you. The hermit lives in solitude. Only in solitude can one reflect and gain wisdom, which is symbolized by the Hermit’s staff. You may be afraid of being alone: ​​one of your biggest fears in school is being considered a loner, but the card encourages you to follow your instincts and take the time to explore yourself. However, the opposite is also true: sometimes people withdraw from social contacts because they do not know how to establish and maintain proper relationships with other people. Cutting off a part of your life in this way makes you suffer from loneliness and significantly limits your opportunities. If you pull this card, you need to embrace your own individuality rather than suppressing yourself. You should be yourself, even if you are noticeably different from others. Calmness, concentration and firmness will elevate you above the surrounding bustle.

Questions to ask if you get a Hermit
  • Are you ever alone?
  • Have you become too distant from people?
  • Are you able to be alone and not feel abandoned?
  • Do you feel wiser than you should be at your age?
  • Do you have someone who you can call a "guiding star"?
  • Is your life right for you? Have you gotten used to it?
Key ideas
Have the courage to be yourself. If you need solitude, go and be alone.
Upright Card: You are an amazing person. You not only enjoy doing your own things, but also interacting with other people. Everything related to friendship and partnership is in proper balance with you.

Reversed: This can mean false or superficial friendships and backbiting people behind their backs, causing pain and suffering. The card may also indicate suffering from loneliness. Don't isolate yourself from others. People are not islands.

Direct Card: You are wise enough not to turn away from the eccentric teacher that everyone laughs at. You can learn a lot from him (or her).

Reversed: Your preferences isolate you. You don't work much in a group, and now this is slowing down your learning.

Direct Card: You may be attracted to someone who is a little older than you.

Reversed Card: Romance is difficult for you. Don't spend so much effort trying to get acquainted and liked, relax. Do what you love to do, and sooner or later someone will be drawn to you, and not because you were looking hard for a partner, but because you enjoy life. Those who know the secret of joy are always attractive to others.

Direct card: The family respects you and admires your individuality.

Reversed: Some part of you may be refusing to grow up and see your family and the world in general for what it really is. Your parents are imperfect, they are people just like everyone else.

Direct Card: You are attracted to individual activities, such as playing chess or exploring the capabilities of the computer. They will give you a lot if you keep them in moderation.

Reversed card: Don't spend all your free time alone. People will be happy to get to know you a little better and share some of your interests.

Upright Card: You are one of those people who looks younger than your age. You may not like it now, but later your peers will envy your appearance.

Reversed card: You are stuck in the rut of your usual style, afraid of innovation and change. Try experimenting a little with your appearance. Change your hairstyle or at least your facial expression.

Direct Card: You are very careful with money and never spend more than you earn.

Reversed Card: Focusing too much on money can take away the joy of shopping. Balance is the key to everything.

Fortune telling in half a minute
Sarah suffers from bulimia (a nervous disorder that results in abnormal feelings of hunger). She tries to avoid communal feasts and regularly forces herself to vomit because she eats more than her body needs. It started when a friend told her she was fat. What can you do here? The hermit, who identified the nutrition problem, says that if Sarah continues her previous course of action, she will achieve nothing and will only become more unhappy. She needs to ask a doctor for help. Bulimia is a disease that requires qualified treatment.

Annie Lionnet. “Tarot. Practical guide."

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A lit lamp illuminates the bottomless depths of our inner world.

The hermit is a teacher who offers us his guidance and deep spiritual knowledge.

Patience. Privacy. Reflection.

This card most often contains an image of an old man with a lantern and a staff. Over the years, he has acquired wisdom and patience and is able to remain in solitude without feeling lonely. He is associated with Jung's archetype of the old man or wise old man, as well as with the ancient Greek god Cronus. This card symbolizes one of the four moral principles. Relying on his inner strength, the Hermit does not depend on the support of other people and relies on himself in everything. He received as a reward the precious gift of peace and inner harmony.

The lamp of knowledge in the Hermit's hand illuminates our inner life. It reflects our spiritual needs that arise during our search for the true meaning of life. Contemplation, meditation and reflection are the paths leading to the depths of our consciousness. Self-examination can lead us to understand that ultimately we are all alone in this world, and awareness of this fact can help us feel more at ease with thoughts of inevitable death. Sometimes the Hermit indicates the inevitability of certain restrictions in our lives or circumstances that are not subject to our will and which only time can change. By coming to terms with the realities of life and gaining a wise understanding of the futility of fighting what we cannot change, we gain the necessary humility and calm acceptance of life. These are very important qualities, because without them it would be difficult for us to put up with unexpected turns of fate. The hermit teaches us to believe that time will put everything in its place. Nothing can be achieved by force; we can only wait silently, listening to our inner voice. The hermit can also serve as a harbinger that a wise mentor will enter our lives, who will show us the path to the inner source of our wisdom.
If you get a Hermit, it means that the time has come for you to seek spirituality. This may require you to isolate yourself from the affairs of the outside world so that you can delve more deeply into the mysteries of your spiritual world. You can begin learning the art of meditation and clearing out unnecessary thoughts in order to achieve inner peace. Loneliness may be an unpleasant experience for you, but it is necessary for the development of your inner resources. Choosing this card means that you have a chance to study yourself and get to the bottom of the hidden depths of your “I”. You may have a strong desire to become an independent person and master of your life. To do this, you may have to make some sacrifices and evaluate your life in a new way.

Stuart R. Kaplan. "Classic Tarot. Origin, history, fortune telling."

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A bearded man in a loose robe holds a lantern in his raised right hand, partially obscured by his cloak. The lantern is a symbol of knowledge of the occult sciences. The hermit walks, leaning on a staff in his left hand, along the path of initiation into the sacraments and knowledge. He is ready to help his fellow traveler with guidance and advice. The hermit is the keeper of time. He is a sage who dispenses the wisdom and truth of the eternal knowledge that existed before him. This is an ancient elder in monastic robes, whose consolation lies in age-old knowledge. The light of knowledge he protects is related to the entire esoteric teaching. Unfortunately, his knowledge, although complete, is often lifeless and impractical, except in the intellectual sphere. At times his knowledge is so overwhelming that he carries it as a burden, and while it is meant to propel him forward, it sometimes gets in the way of the Hermit's creative thinking.
Meaning in fortune telling
Advice. Knowledge. Anxiety. Prudence. Caution. Warning. Vigilance. Forethought. Self-denial. Delete. Return. Under certain circumstances, this card also means regression. Cancellation. Insincerity. Inexpressiveness. A reference to a loner or a person unable to take part in another person. Deceptiveness. A deluded person. A person who tends to hide his feelings. Afraid of discovery. Unable to face facts. Holder of secrets that may or may not be revealed. The tendency to be complacent in the world of the wealth of one's knowledge, to consider it correct and not to look for a way to apply it to achieve any goal or find another use for it.
Reversed meaning
Recklessness. Haste. Carelessness. Prematurity. Stupid actions. Wrong advice. Failure caused by thoughtlessness. Excessive prudence leading to unnecessary delay. Immaturity.

P. Scott Hollander. "Tarot for Beginners."

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This is an image of quest and need for light (the lantern symbolizes understanding and knowledge) to achieve a goal.

The Hermit corresponds to the number nine and the Hebrew letter tet.

Searches. Self-knowledge.
An old man, usually bearded, dressed in a robe. The attire is very simple, without decoration, although it may give a hint of the religious orientation of the deck: Egyptian or Old Testament clothes, a medieval monastic robe, rags. The robe is often hooded and belted with a rope.

Hermit is always standing or (in many decks) walking. The background may be desert or other open space, although mountains may be in the distance. He carries a lantern in his hand to light the way; in some decks it may also rest on a staff.

This is an image of quest and need for light (the lantern symbolizes understanding and knowledge) to achieve a goal. The Hermit has nothing except what he carries with him; he is not attracted by honors or wealth. He only needs to finish his quest; this means for him that he has achieved his goal.

Inner meaning
Almost all religions contain legends about the journeys of the spirit, about great teachers or prophets who walked the world in search of truth or God.

The hermit teaches that the moment of your spiritual improvement is coming, when you must renounce the temptations and needs of civilization, “go into the desert” in search of your own soul and the meaning of existence, and find your God. Divine power will not be able to speak openly to you while you are distracted by the worries of everyday life. The search for truth must begin in solitude.

In many ways it is a search for yourself, not just a search for God, but the image suggests that you will receive divine inspiration in your search if it is honest.

The lantern symbolizes your own knowledge, which must be used to illuminate the path of quest. The staff can symbolize God, support in your quest and protection against enemies that may meet along the way.

Inaccessible to the temptations of civilization and seeking only truth, the Hermit is an allegory of the experience of self-initiation.

Value in the layout
Direct or positive: self-knowledge, moderation, wisdom, silence. Hidden truth. Prudence, detachment, discretion, caution, solitude. Knowledge through experience; quest. Can also predict upcoming travel.

Reversed or negative: deception, lies, misinformation. Corruption, cover-up. False ideals. Secrecy and even fraud.

If the Eighth Arcanum symbolizes Justice in its pure form, then the Ninth Arcanum shows the search for truth in its pure form, uncorrupted by ideology, preferences or needs. If this card represents the Questioner, then you will have a period of self-discovery. This is a time to re-evaluate your life, connections and goals. Possible changes that will occur in life will be suggested by other cards in the layout.

Mary Greer. "The Complete Book of Reversed Tarot Cards."

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Like the Hierophant, the Hermit can also be a teacher or guru, but he is more like a guide, mentor, or even a role model - Jung's Wise Old Man, or senex. You may be going through a period of loneliness and introspection. Despite the obvious hostility towards groups and organizations, this card can also mean continued education. However, it is more likely that you are seeking truth, wisdom and knowledge outside the traditional paths. As the last whole number, nine - the number of this Arcana - symbolizes the level of fulfillment that imposes responsibility and prescribes serving others on a humanistic, philanthropic basis. Perhaps someone will turn to you for advice and guidance.

In this card, you withdraw into yourself and focus on internal tasks, abandoning everything that distracts and entertains. Perhaps you are honing a skill or working on finishing a project. Perhaps you now enjoy activities such as meditation, journaling, and psychotherapy. You want to once again comprehend this or that situation or understand the meaning of certain events that happened to you. Knowing your past will help you choose a path that will further unlock your potential. This lasso promotes understanding of how past experience determines the probabilistic lines of the future.

Perhaps you are developing a smart, forward-thinking strategy based on experience, internal integrity and your unique perspective on the situation. In older decks, the Hermit holds an hourglass, so you can organize your schedule and prioritize to ensure the process is as efficient as possible. Or perhaps you have chosen a dead-end path and this means that your time is slipping away like sand between your fingers. You act in your own way, but do not strive to demonstrate it to everyone, but calmly and confidently use original and unconventional methods. Perhaps the card shows your need for caution and prudence. When it comes to relationships, you or your partner should be alone for a while. The Hermit also indicates a period of chastity or lack of sexual interest. Perhaps you are now in close contact with a person much older than you in age or work with older people. There is a tendency towards asceticism, perfectionism and inflexibility.

Traditional meanings: prudence, precaution, consciousness, prudence, caution. Wisdom. Vigilance. Restrictions, restraint, resignation. Solitude, isolation. Meditation, reflection. Advice. Secrecy, disguise, secrets. Treason, fraud, corruption.

Reversed Hermit
The Reversed Hermit often shows that you don't want to be on your own right now and are looking for a relationship with another person - perhaps out of fear of a lonely old age. Or you feel unsociable and avoid close contacts. You have been abandoned or you have turned your back on your family and friends. Perhaps the teacher or guru was chosen incorrectly - he turned out to be deceitful or betrayed you. The Reversed Hermit implies excessive perfectionism and demanding of oneself and others to meet impossible standards. And sometimes this card speaks of your carelessness, imprudence and impetuosity in circumstances where caution is required. You may be claiming knowledge and skills that you don't actually possess.

You're probably afraid to examine a situation too closely or refuse to see what's right in front of your nose. Excessive caution can turn into paranoia. You refuse to listen to others, you receive or give bad advice. Sometimes this card means keeping a secret and the desire to hide something from others. The Reversed Hermit shows your disapproval of what is happening. He is compassionate and encourages you to dive into emotional experiences in order to find their source, hidden in the depths of the psyche or in the past. Sometimes it shows that you are simply forced to turn inward and gain a new understanding of the current situation.

Also, this card in an inverted position means a midlife crisis. No matter how old you really are, it speaks of a fear of old age and decrepitude. You can seek salvation in infantility or fall into childhood. The other extreme is that you become stuck in old ideas, habits, and outdated ideals. Attacks of irresistible nostalgia are possible, you act sanctimoniously or turn into a grump, intolerant of youth and the young - especially if you yourself are full of regrets about what has not come true. Sometimes the map speaks of genealogical research.

When projecting the inverted Hermit onto others, you see them as sophisticated but lonely. These are either picky grumblers and conservatives, or examples of personal integrity and wisdom. This card is an internal mentor and guide that helps you get rid of unnecessary projections and recognize your own strengths and weaknesses.

In terms of health, these are a variety of problems related to digestion. Also, this card can indicate all the problems of old age - from a decrease in former mobility to the loss of vision, hearing and the appearance of senile insomnia.

From a shamanic and magical point of view, the inverted Hermit is an alchemist, hermeticist, occult scholar, or metaphysical bookstore owner. This is a psychopomp, a driver of souls. Nevertheless, both Waite and Crowley see in this card a hidden Persephone, the queen of Hades, who in winter sometimes escorts souls to another world, and in the spring leads them to rebirth.

Traditional Reversed Meanings: shy, reclusive, hermit, loner, misanthrope. Isolation, loneliness. Unsociability, gloominess, isolation. Fear. Excessive caution, imprudence. Inactivity. Immaturity, prematurity. Stupid, bad advice. Concealment, disguise, concealment. Chastity, poverty, silence.

Larisa Moon. "All the secrets of the Tarot."

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"And the Angel said to me: go, leave their cities,
Hide yourself in the desert, so that there is a fire of a lamp,
your attorney, to save you until the deadline,
so that when they realize the vanity of vanities,
they will thirst for Truth and Light,
They would have something to light their lamps with!”

Apollo Maykov

Description of the card and its internal meaning
The endless white plain stretched out before me in all its splendor. The snow shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow. These shades are so bright that you have to close your eyes. I'm cold. Or maybe it just seems like it? Perhaps I am wandering through the desert, sweltering from the heat? And what obscures my light is not the wonderful shine of snow, but sandy dust? I don’t understand anything anymore, I can’t distinguish reality from visions. I've been on the road for so long that I don't even remember my name. I've been communicating with people for so long that I've forgotten their language. I am an eternal wanderer who set out to seek the Truth.

The ninth Arcanum reveals the laws of earthly Nature, in which Adam lives, expelled from paradise. In other words, this is the doctrine of the Spirit, which has broken away from the One Whole and is located not only in the real world, but also in its own separate phenomenal environment. This environment lies outside a person’s consciousness and weighs on him. She still has not completely lost contact with the One Whole and therefore, striving to reunite with it again, pushes a person to search for it, to meet the Spirit of Truth, and leads to the desire to find his place in the world.

It is believed that a person cannot live simultaneously with the subtle vibrations of his soul and rough real forms - having adapted his nature to the perception of some sensations, he loses the ability to perceive others. However, there are extremely developed personalities who are equally capable of both exploits and crimes. Having risen above the general level of the crowd, the Spirit of such a person will be burdened by it, striving to go to where the conditions of existence will be more acceptable for him. That's when this individual becomes a Hermit.

Connection of the card with other occult sciences
According to ancient sources, the Hermit card corresponds to the Hebrew letter tet, which has its own unique translation. The connection with the rest of the occult sciences is as follows:

(tet) - And the eternal will never change their foundations,
Letter - I/Y, number - 9,
Ruled by the zodiac sign – Virgo,
Correspondence according to the Book of Changes - 26 hexagram (“Education for the Great”),
Rune correspondence - Perth (Perth),
Time of day - evening,
Weather conditions - wind, flood,
The corresponding color is purple,
The corresponding chakra is Vishuddha Jana (throat chakra), the secondary chakra is the crown chakra,
According to Kabbalah, it connects the sephira Hesed with the sephira Tifferet.

Card meaning
Straight position
If the ninth Arcanum describes a personality, then the Questioner will see a lonely person leading an ascetic lifestyle, and such an existence completely suits him. This person can give very practical advice to the Questioner, because he has deep spiritual knowledge.

If the Hermit card describes a situation, then it has the following meanings: solitude, wisdom, searching and finding truth, self-knowledge, caution, leisurelyness, accuracy, practicality. It can mean getting help when needed, as well as traveling.

Inverted position
In this case, the ninth Arcanum warns of a meeting with an insidious person who cares most about his own good.

When describing a situation, the Hermit card has the following meanings: deception, deceit, hypocrisy, political machinations, illusory ideals, indecision, erroneous views.

In order to correctly assess the situation, you need to take some time to think about it. Haste can lead to unpredictable consequences. The advice can be formulated as follows: “It’s time to leave petty worries and usual entertainment behind. We need to think about spiritual development. The period of solitude has come, the time to understand yourself.”

Daniela Chris. "Magic book of Tarot. Fortune telling."

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Thought form: Wisdom, Prudence.
Number: nine.
Hebrew letter: tet.
Color: black.
Stone: black marble.
Astrological analogy: Leo, Saturn in Capricorn, Jupiter in Leo.
Other names: “Inner Light”, “Bequeathed Lamp”.
Everything on this black map is very strict and simple. There are no gods or sacred animals, no unnecessary details or characters. Only a traveler wandering in the night. He's alone. His path is long and difficult, and no one knows where and what the end of this path will be. The black color of the card is not the thick and bright color of black velvet, which is used to depict the southern night, and not the glossy color of a lacquer box that keeps a secret. This black - faded and hazy - reflects the night inside rather than outside. The traveler has no luggage. He did not take with him anything from his past life, except for a staff that gave support and fire that illuminated the path. He went into the desert, as many sages went in search of God or their own soul and the meaning of existence. The Hermit steps heavily along the road leading upward. For the path of knowledge is difficult. On his face is the stamp of reflection on the vicissitudes of human fate. An undrawn mouth indicates asceticism and a vow of silence. His bare head is exposed to the rain and wind, and he feels the ground with his bare feet. He wears only a simple robe of blue color (the color of receptivity and understanding). The whole appearance of the Hermit speaks of his readiness to feel and perceive everything. But he raises his fire high, “not covered by a vessel” - he wants others to know what he knows. Fire is a symbol of knowledge that must be used to illuminate the path of quest. The staff on which the traveler leans is red and symbolizes God, support in his quest and protection from enemies who may meet along the way.

If the eighth Arcanum symbolizes justice, then the ninth Arcanum shows the search for truth in its pure form, untainted by ideology, preferences or needs. So if the Arcanum “Hermit” falls in an upright or inverted position, then it means that a period of solitude (hermitage) has come in order to focus on the main thing or understand oneself.

Value in the layout
In a straight position
The card represents a mature personality, gaining wisdom and inner strength through the renunciation of base desires, capable of rising above the vanity of the world. It can mean an emotional connection with a spiritual, very wise person, and also - either you have internal spiritual guidance, or you are under the invisible tutelage of Higher powers.

In the sphere of the psyche it means patience, foresight, prudence, caution, a sense of proportion in everything. Sensitivity, discipleship, intuition.

In the practical sphere, the card speaks of an ascetic lifestyle, the search for spiritual values ​​and deepening into one’s inner world. Involves internal and external rejection of the influence of public opinion. It means that you have everything you need to solve your problems. Sometimes it indicates loneliness and isolation from life, but the situation may turn out to be such that temporary loneliness will lead to the best.

Advice. Even when alone, a person can always communicate. Talk to yourself. Or are you an uninteresting interlocutor?

In an inverted position
The card also speaks of loneliness, but for different reasons. This is an unnatural, egocentric loneliness. Refusal to help, stubbornness, suspicion, rashness. There may be a lack of patience and prudent caution.

May represent a capricious, eccentric person with a high ego, unable to enjoy human company.

Advice. Self-sufficiency is wonderful. But is only yourself enough for you?

Original card meanings that come with the Rider White Tarot deck.

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Straight position:
prudence; also (and these are the main meanings) betrayal, pretense, fraud, corruption.

Reverse position:
concealment, deceptive appearance (mask), politics, fear, foolish caution.

Hayo Banzhaf. Self-instruction manual for Tarot.

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Astrological meaning:
Saturn in Aquarius as a desire for wisdom and independence.
The hermit is a card of detachment from the world, a path to oneself. This is a period of introversion, when we “close ourselves off” from external influences in order to find peace away from bustle and people and, most importantly, to find ourselves. Thus, the Hermit symbolizes important events that show us who we are, what we strive for and how to achieve it. It combines two poles: the deepest experiences and the highest knowledge. Many are afraid of this card, but in vain. Only where these qualities of the Hermit are misunderstood does the fear of loneliness and abandonment arise. However, the one who is ready to follow the call of the Hermit does not lose himself, but finds himself, gaining clarity, strength and the ability to get along with himself.

Rider White Tarot. Theory and practice. Series "Secrets of Predictions". Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

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Astrological meaning: Virgo
The ninth card of the Major Arcana is called the Hermit, and it depicts an old man leaning on a staff and wearing a monk's cloak with a hood. This card is believed to depict Diogenes in search of an honest man. In the Hermit's right hand is a lamp, partially hidden by the sleeve of his cloak. The hermit hides ancient wisdom from the profane. The staff in his hand is a symbol of knowledge, which is the only support for a person. Sometimes the mystic staff is divided by knots into seven parts - a subtle analogy with the seven sacred centers of the human spine.
The Hermit card reminds us of the connection between the heavenly and the earthly, symbolizing the closure of the higher and lower worlds, their similarity and unification. And since the higher and lower, inner and outer worlds are similar, in order to attune oneself to the light that is in heaven, a person is sometimes forced to retire into the depths of his inner world.
On the Tarot card, the Hermit is depicted with a hood pulled down over his face and holding a lantern in his hand. The sun is shining in the sky, but the Hermit has turned away from it: he prefers a flashlight of his inner light, which helps him awaken his personal desire for perfection. The spiritual perfection of the Hermit leads to the comprehension of the primordial wisdom of the structure of the world. This card corresponds to the humble and selfless sign of Virgo and relates to concrete knowledge. Associated with the HERMIT is also the comprehension of the order of life manifestations and the mind of the will, that mind that prepares each individual individual for the conviction of universal universality and which encourages one to learn to control one’s consciousness and to cognize the sequence and order of the manifestations of the world.
The hermit seeks God within himself, he searches during the day with fire for that invisible foundation of his existence, in which lie the sources of life and the future. Knowledge leads to action, and for the time being, the Hermit’s face is hidden: he remains silent until his aura is cleansed and shines with a new light. The HERMIT must first illuminate his own soul with the beauty of order before it becomes a torch for others.
A HERMIT is characterized by a desire to escape from life, to withdraw into himself, but the reason for this is not fear, but a thirst for knowledge and finding oneself.
This is not the Charioteer, who is looking for himself in the outside world, performing actions, but a solitary exploration of the well of his soul.
The Hermit is characterized by inner depth, seriousness of thoughts and... secret vices, not to mention such manifestations as ossification, rigidity and alienation from people.
The ninth Arcanum is comparable to the sign of Virgo - the sign of organizing the internal resources of the present in order to create favorable soil for the future, with its thirst for service and dedication and - incredibly dirty depravity. Sometimes these properties are combined in one personality.
In the upright position, the card symbolizes the search for spiritual values ​​and deepening into one’s inner world, as well as balance, caution and prudence. Sometimes it indicates caution and isolation from life. But circumstances may also develop in such a way that temporary loneliness can lead to a better life.
In the reversed position, the card indicates that light may have descended on you. You have found a teacher and there is no need for you to wander around during the day with fire in search of a Man. Signals independent achievement of a goal and an emotional connection with a spiritual and very wise person. But (depending on neighboring cards) it can also mean refusal to help, stubbornness, suspicion, continuation of an unproductive lifestyle, as well as unnecessary secrecy and caution.
“Prudence is the weapon of a sage. Prudence gives him the opportunity to avoid pitfalls and anticipate betrayal. Always be cautious. Remember that the word is silver, but silence is gold.”

Evgeny Kolesov. "The ABC of Tarot".

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A man in a monastic robe holds in his raised hand a lantern in which a star is burning. With his other hand he rests on a golden staff. He slouched because he was tired from work and worries, but he was calm. He stands on the top of a mountain, and there are only mountains around him.
The Hermit card means giving up the desire for material and physical benefits, turning to the mind and soul. What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul? - Jesus asked. It would seem a simple truth, but sometimes a person needs a whole life to understand it. That is why the Hermit depicted on the map is old. Only now did he truly enter the purest of paths - the path of knowledge, the path of Tao and Buddha. His eyes are usually closed, because in order to see the light of Truth, he no longer needs earthly vision. Hence the name of this card in the Egyptian Tarot: Inner Light. But he was able to achieve this only after many searches and temptations. If he didn't have the golden staff, he might never have made it to the top. However, now he doesn’t need the staff.
In the old days, this card was called “The Old Man” and was considered the personification of all-consuming Time: instead of a lantern, the person depicted on it held an hourglass. Then she spoke not about wisdom, but about fear and could foretell imminent death.

Meaning of the card:
It's time to leave petty worries and entertainment that has become familiar: they prevent you from thinking about your soul. Every person needs a period of solitude (“hermitage”) to finally understand himself.
For esotericists and people in general who care about their spiritual growth, the Hermit can mean a feeling of loneliness because his former comrades and loved ones have ceased to understand him: he has gone ahead, and they remained where they were. Therefore, he can now communicate only with the same Hermits, but there are few of them, and there may not be any nearby. He can, of course, come back, and his old friends will gladly accept him, but this will be the end of his spiritual development. Better go forward, this card says, conquer the next peaks, and you will find new friends.
For ordinary people, for example, a girl abandoned by a guy (“Will he come back?” Or: “Will I get married soon?”) simply means loneliness, at least in the near future, that is, the answer to such everyday questions will be negative. Although the same card also gives her advice: for now, it’s better to take care of your spiritual growth, use the loneliness allotted to you for the benefit of your cause.

On the contrary, the Hermit says that the girl will not be left alone, and perhaps she will get married very soon. For esotericists, it means that, alas, the peak has not yet been reached (perhaps the path was wrong), that there is no creative solitude and is not yet in sight. That is, the result is rather unfavorable.

For businessmen:
The hermit is so and so unfavorable. The only advice is to immediately quit the business he is currently engaged in and switch to something else.

Many people in Russia are now interested in the history and practice of tarot cards. Brought from the West, this tradition appealed to the people, and its popularity is growing every day. This is constantly evidenced by all the new decks being developed and published in Russia itself and by the countless circulations of thematic literature, both translated and published by domestic specialists. In this article we will touch on just one aspect of this deep tradition, namely a card that bears the intriguing and mysterious name “The Hermit”.

About the appearance of cards

We will begin our review of cards, which in the tradition of the tarot itself are called arcana (that is, secrets, riddles, if translated from Latin), with a description of its type. It must be said right away that today there are several thousand tarot decks. The designs of some of them are so unique and original that, in principle, there is no way to choose a description of the “Hermit” card that would suit everyone. Therefore, we will limit ourselves only to the traditional, classic image, which serves as the basis not only for the oldest, but also for the most popular decks today.

Description of the Hermit card

So, the lasso, known as the Hermit, is a card that depicts a gray-haired old man dressed in a robe and a long gray cloak. A hood is thrown over his head, and he himself is walking along a difficult mountain road. His journey takes place at night, and therefore he illuminates his path with a lantern, which he holds in his left hand. A six-pointed star burns with bright fire in the lantern. A long wooden staff serves as a support for the old man on his way. Sometimes he is accompanied by an animal. Most often it is a snake, but there are also wolves, turtles, monkeys and other representatives of the fauna.

Symbolism of the Hermit card

The old man, dressed in rags, is a representation of the archetype of the monk, that is, the hermit, in a broader sense. He is separated from society and its life, from everyday life and follows his own path - difficult and thorny, sometimes emphasized by the mountains. However, the mountains themselves are also a symbol of the spiritual height of the hermit, his wisdom, insight, high level of development, the sphere of the heavenly, the divine, to which he is involved. Representing the image of a mediator between heaven and earth, the “Hermit” is also a lasso depicting a prophet, whose task, on behalf and on behalf of higher powers, is to tell people the truth about themselves and exercise supreme leadership in human evolution. The “hermit,” thus, being separated from society, is its spiritual leader, moral, religious, ethical guide, which is symbolically expressed in the lantern that the elder holds in his right hand. Being a pioneer into the mountain world, he goes through spiritual darkness and darkness of ignorance to the heights of spiritual revelations, illuminating the way for himself and others with the help of this very lantern, the light of which is the light of divine guidance and revelation, which is emphasized by the six-pointed star. A “hermit” is an old man, because to achieve his level of development, to conquer the top of the mountain, it is necessary to overcome a difficult, many-year path of daily practice of development and ascent. The experience and wisdom acquired over many years are expressed in the old man’s gray hair and his stoop and fatigue. This means that the path of development, the path of ascent, requires significant effort and is fraught with many dangers and difficulties. To pass it, you need fortitude, self-confidence, as well as freedom from all human passions and weaknesses. The latter is expressed in a cloak and a hood, which mean that the “Hermit” is completely separated from the world, is not dependent on anyone and does not scatter himself with glances around, does not turn back, in longing for the abandoned glory, wealth and other joys of human life.

The Hermit's gaze is directed at his feet, at the road, because he is attentive and circumspect, and his attention is entirely focused on the path, the purity of which he vigilantly monitors, so as not to deviate either to the right or to the left. The strength of his spirit, inner core, firmness of conviction, as well as divine help along the way are symbolized by the staff on which the elder leans. The Hermit's cassock or robe indicates a rejection of material wealth, attachments to wealth and the desire to possess something other than the truth.

The meaning of the Hermit card in ancient times

The presented image of an old hermit is the result of the development of the arcana over more than five hundred years - since the appearance of the first tarot decks. Initially, this card was called “Old Man” and symbolized the inexorable passage of time. This was emphasized by the fact that the elder was holding an hourglass in his hands. In this role, the “Hermit” personifies the transience of life and can predict imminent death or the end of something.

Interpretation of the map in an upright position

Some tarot card experts share the meaning of cards in upright and inverted positions. I must say that this tradition is quite new and not practiced by everyone. However, for those who adhere to it, the possible value of the cards, thanks to it, doubles. Thus, instead of the traditional seventy-two basic (without taking into account nuances) meanings, they have one hundred and forty-four. What does “Hermit” mean in the upright position? Tarot, or rather each of its cards, can be described with several keywords. For the card we are interested in, they will be something like this: renunciation, loneliness, knowledge, wisdom, inner growth, introspection, introspection, mentoring, spirituality, disappointment, teacher, teaching, value system and its revaluation, growing up, crisis, liberation from outside influence, freedom , self-sufficiency, spirit of inquiry, revelation, divinity, old age, patience, waiting, blessing, observation.

Of course, this is only an approximate list of keys and should not be taken as an exact list. The basic meanings of the cards are just instructions that serve the purpose of interpretation during the session. But the real, actual meaning of “The Hermit” (tarot as a whole, to be more precise) is established by the master himself during practice. True understanding of maps comes from within, not from books, reference books or articles. All this only helps show the beginner the way and direction. This is how you should treat both the listed values ​​and those that will be given below.

Interpretation of a card in an inverted position

There are several options for what "Hermit" reversed could mean. Tarot, the meaning of the cards in itself is quite multifaceted, has three interpretation options in an upside-down position: inversion, proper meaning, underlining.

As for inversion, this is simply giving the card exactly the opposite meaning to what it has in the upright position. Thus, it is quite easy to establish what the meaning of “The Hermit” is (the tarot, however, as already mentioned, in its traditional system does not provide for any inverse meanings of the cards) inverted. This is the end of loneliness, inclusion, stupidity, infantilism, pride, mediocrity, mundaneness, lack of spirituality, extraspection, internal regression, spiritual and cultural decline, worldliness, loss of freedom, pressure, fussiness, immorality, materialism, rest, the end of expectations.

The second approach to inverted cards is to give them their own meanings, in no way dependent on their direct meaning. Here, each tarot reader independently, based on his own associations, comes up with and establishes what this or that card will mean. This is what, for example, the meaning of “The Hermit” may be (tarot, or rather, its interpretation, also depends on the characteristics of a particular deck and its cultural and symbolic code. So the proposed keys are just a few of many possible options): depression, despair, failure, losing oneself, a new job, the end of a financial crisis, confrontation, lies, illness, an unexpected trip.

Finally, the third way of interpreting inverted arcana is not based on giving them special meaning, but on emphasizing the importance of the card that appears upside down in the context of the entire layout. Sometimes this position is considered as emphasizing the most negative meanings of the card. Thus, in the first case, the interpretation will remain generally the same as in relation to the direct position of the card. As for the second, painful loneliness, exile, isolation, excessive self-confidence, selfishness, suspicion, arrogance, self-pity, breakup - all this can mean an inverted “Hermit”. Tarot, the meaning of the cards of which is multivariate, in relation to the Hermit can, as can be seen, provide both positive and negative meanings. Which of them is relevant in each specific layout will help establish the context of the layout itself and, of course, the experience of the master.

Love meaning. “The Hermit” (tarot) in love readings

Regarding the topic of gender relations, as a rule, this lasso is understood in the following way. It is very important to note that isolation and loneliness are the basic meaning of the Hermit card. Tarot, the meaning of the cards in love is determined not only by one’s own interpretation of the card, but also by the context of the layout, provides for a number of additional interpretations for the Hermit. Firstly, this is an indication of a break in the relationship. Secondly, temporary separation, testing relationships with distance. Also, the search for an ideal and an ideal relationship is one of the options for what “Hermit” can mean. Tarot meaning in relationships of this card also correlates with such a quality as lack of confidence in oneself and one’s feelings. In addition, this is a sign of aloofness and coldness, as well as resentment and cooling of passion. In rare cases, the card indicates betrayal or, conversely, devotion and overcoming one’s own selfishness for the sake of preserving and deepening relationships. Another aspect is rejection on the part of the object of passion.

“The Hermit” (tarot) - meaning in finance

As for the sphere of material values, this lasso postulates the renunciation of the desire to possess them. In other cases - the need to neglect them in order to achieve the goal. In addition, forced poverty and poverty are also things that "Hermit" can mean. Tarot establishes the meaning and interpretation of its arcana on an associative series. Therefore, this card can also mean debts, business collapse, rupture of partnerships, contracts, job loss and stagnation of career growth.

The meaning of the card in yes-no questions

Now a few words about what the Hermit card (tarot) means in questions that require monosyllabic answers. Arcana acquire a “yes-no” meaning depending on the context. Therefore, the answer depends on what question is asked. For example, in relation to questions about money, career and love, this lasso will most likely mean “no”. But he will get the answer “yes” to questions about academic success, research, internal growth and health.

Astrological attribution

Many people associate the tarot arcana with astrological categories, planets, zodiac signs, and so on. The “hermit” is most often associated with Mercury and the constellation Virgo.

If this lasso came up as tarot advice, then it should be understood as the need to turn your gaze inward, engage in introspection and devote time to your spiritual and personal growth. This is also advice to rethink values ​​and reevaluate priorities.

Reversed Hermit

In Tarot card readings, the reversed Hermit often shows that you do not want to be on your own right now and are looking for a relationship with another person - perhaps out of fear of old age. Or you feel unsociable and avoid close contacts. You have been abandoned or you have turned your back on your family and friends. Perhaps the teacher or guru was chosen incorrectly - he turned out to be deceitful or betrayed you. The Reversed Hermit implies excessive perfectionism and demanding of oneself and others to meet impossible standards. And sometimes this card speaks of your carelessness, imprudence and impetuosity in circumstances where caution is required. You may be claiming knowledge and skills that you don't actually possess. You're probably afraid to examine a situation too closely or refuse to see what might be right in front of your nose. Excessive caution can turn into paranoia. You refuse to listen to others, you receive or give bad advice. Sometimes this card means keeping a secret and the desire to hide something from others. The Reversed Hermit shows your disapproval of what is happening. He is compassionate and encourages you to dive into emotional experiences in order to find their source, hidden in the depths of the psyche or in the past. Sometimes it shows that you are simply forced to turn inward and gain a new understanding of the current situation. Also, this card in an inverted position means a midlife crisis. No matter how old you really are, it speaks of a fear of old age and decrepitude. You can seek salvation in infantility or fall into childhood. The other extreme is that you become stuck in old ideas, habits, and outdated ideals. Attacks of irresistible nostalgia are possible, you act sanctimoniously or turn into a grump, intolerant of youth and the young - especially if you yourself are full of regrets about what has not come true. Sometimes the map speaks of genealogical research. When projecting the inverted Hermit onto others, you see them as sophisticated but lonely. These are either picky grumblers and conservatives, or examples of personal integrity and wisdom. This card is an internal mentor and guide that helps us get rid of unnecessary projections and recognize our own strengths and weaknesses. In terms of health, these are a variety of problems related to digestion. Also, this card can indicate all the problems of old age - from a decrease in former mobility to the loss of vision, hearing and the appearance of senile insomnia. Traditional Reversed Meanings: Shy, recluse, hermit, loner, misanthrope. Isolation, loneliness. Unsociability, gloominess, isolation. Fear. Excessive caution, imprudence. Inactivity. Immaturity, prematurity. Stupid, bad advice. Concealment, disguise, concealment. Chastity, poverty, silence.

Tarot card Hermit: meaning, description and combination

The Hermit Tarot card depicts a wise old man standing in solitude on a snow-capped peak. In one hand he tightly grips a tall staff, and with the other he raises a lantern high, illuminating the road. The light source in the Hermit's lantern is a hexagonal star. The old man is dressed in a light gray cloak, with a hood thrown over his bowed head.

Each of the objects depicted on the map is deeply symbolic. The Star of David, illuminating the path of the Hermit, in Indian philosophy is also a symbol of Anahata, the heart chakra. Thus, only the light of Love can help us see things clearly and impartially. In addition, the meaning of this symbol is the fusion of two principles, conscious and unconscious, which constitute the true essence of a person.

The staff is the Hermit's only support. It is often interpreted as the embodiment of pure knowledge, however, if viewed through the meaning of the suit of the same name, the staff can also embody the unshakable principles of the Hermit, the single law on which the world rests.

The hermit stands on the top. The best view opens up from here, but no matter what the old man sees, he cannot influence this event.

Solitude can give knowledge, but it cannot give the power of influence. The Hermit's hood indicates his voluntary "retreat into the shadows." The sage has no need to interfere in what is happening. The light of his lamp is enough for the Hermit to continue on his way, looking around with a wise look at the surroundings.

Upright position - solitude, inner growth

The Archetypal Hermit within us has a great need for solitude. This is the part of our soul that strives at all costs to understand ourselves and the world around us. However, unlike the Fool, the Hermit’s vector of knowledge is directed inward. This Arcanum presupposes intense internal growth, spiritual practices that are performed for oneself, and not for others.

In ancient times, monks of all faiths moved away from people into mountains, forests and deserts so that no vanity would distract them from comprehending the Truth. The ninth Arcana of the Tarot symbolizes voluntary seclusion, a person’s need to detach himself from everything external and superficial and concentrate on the main thing.

Astrological correspondence of the 9th Arcana of the Tarot - Virgo. This implies strictness and many restrictions that come with solitude. Spiritual growth is impossible among luxury and idleness, therefore the Hermit is always stern and ascetic. In matters of business and education, Major Arcana 9 always indicates the need to pay sufficient attention to the theoretical side of the matter, carefully study all aspects and only then act.

In relationship readings, this card can be a signal for a break in communication, which is necessary in order to rethink their meaning for both partners. It can mean a platonic marriage, joint scientific activity, mutual severity and coldness, as well as an order that neither party is ready to violate.

Personality 9 Arcana is a self-absorbed philosopher, a seeker of truth.

It should be remembered that Arcanum the Hermit is a card of knowledge. Moreover, this knowledge is not intuitive, as in the Arcanum of the High Priestess, and not ordered, as in the High Priest. This knowledge is within each of us and is an end in itself at the moment. The period of the 9th Arcana in a person’s life is a period of voluntary loneliness, when we completely surrender to introspection and reassessment of values ​​within ourselves.

In matters of health, the appearance of the 9th Arcana should be perceived in two ways. On the one hand, this may indicate that a person is experiencing an illness inside himself, “on his feet,” trying not to show his feelings to others. On the other hand, this card speaks of the need to limit yourself in food and alcohol to improve your condition. Perhaps you should go to a sanatorium in the area of ​​treatment you are interested in.

As a layout tip, the Hermit card shows the questioner the benefits of solitude and severity towards oneself. You should take an impartial look at the situation and try to grasp its very essence, without allowing vanity and emotions to cloud your eyes.

Reversed meaning - time to go out to people

Major Arcana of the Tarot Hermit in an inverted position means that your time of solitude is over, and it’s time to share your acquired knowledge with those around you. Reclusion will no longer bring any benefit; you stew in your own juices and lose the thread of understanding the situation. The Reversed Hermit warns that the information you have may be subjective and exaggerated, and should be double-checked with other people.

The personality of the inverted Arcana 9 is a person who has lost his internal guidelines. Confusion, recovery from illness, establishing social connections.

Combinations with other Tarot Arcana

  • The meaning paired with the Tower may indicate internal changes associated with the shock experienced. A condition when it is best to leave a person alone so that he can recover from the experience on his own.
  • In combination with the Two of Swords, it shows a person’s conscious isolation from any contact due to the fact that he does not want to make an unpleasant decision and is delaying the moment of making it with all his might.
  • The inverted Major Arcana of the Mage Next Door characterizes a person who does not want to give control over the situation to anyone, because he is afraid that no one else can handle it except him. Mistrust, self-confidence, distancing.
  • The combination with the Arcana High Priestess and Hierophant indicates a period of active internal (spiritual) growth. Moreover, the Priestess indicates the intuitive nature of knowledge, and the Hierophant indicates conscientious adherence to the postulates of an already existing system.
Video: The meaning of the Hermit Tarot card

Seven Soul Cards

Justice Hermit Wheel of Fortune Strength
Hanged Death Moderation
© Author: Alexey Krivenky. Photo: depositphotos.com

Hermit, wise and patient, feeling the way with a staff, symbolizes the inner light that does not allow you to go astray, no matter how dark it is around. In solitude he forges the sword of victory...

Internal mood: I gained knowledge and wisdom.

Hermit- a wise and knowledgeable old man who left civilization to live as a monk, in solitude and away from active life. Raising the lantern, he illuminates the path for everyone who follows the path of spiritual enlightenment. The very image of an old man symbolizes wisdom, maturity and the search for clarity. Yet, despite his remote habitat, people seek his wise counsel and guidance. The lantern he holds indicates the search for truth and meaning, or it is a beacon pointing others to a place of refuge. Hermit - search for self-knowledge, influence of spiritual forces, discovery of the meaning of life.

Hermit found his way and can help everyone follow their own path. His gray beard and cloak symbolize the fusion of masculine and feminine principles. He should not be confused with , who is an ordinary and orthodox teacher. The Hermit is an anti-prejudice guru who presents the spiritual quest through personal experience rather than religious dogma. The staff he leans on is a phallic symbol representing the subconscious. This card can mean turning away from worldly concerns or being comfortable in solitude. Sometimes each of us needs to be alone with ourselves and engage in self-knowledge. The hermit reached the top of the mountain, i.e. reached his goal.

Hermit in straight position:
Search for answers. Loneliness. Wisdom gained through experience. The ability to do everything right. Finding a teacher or mentor. Meditation classes. Gaining new experience at work. Newly built relationships with others. Getting advice from a trusted or authoritative person. Setting new goals. Spiritual development. Search for spiritual values. Deepening into your inner world, caution. Internal composure. Tolerance. Completion of the project, Planning trips and trips. Meeting with an elderly man, an old man...

Hermit in an inverted position:
Lack of wisdom and insight. Selfishness and intolerance. Suspicion. Unproductive lifestyle. Rejection of help that would get you out of a difficult situation. Critical view and superficial judgments. Limited thinking and views. Complexes in sex. Inability to understand... Lack of desire for spiritual growth and development. Fear and guilt. Lack of growth, development. Failures. Material and physical needs are in the foreground.

The hermit devoted his entire life to the search for truth. He strove for loneliness, silence and freedom. Those who are lucky enough to earn his approval will be able to receive his wise advice. For young people, this card can mean a period of solitude from vanity and idleness, a transition to fulfilling duty. A newly started business will require work and overcoming obstacles that arise in abundance at every step. You need to be able to rise above the daily bustle, abandon pettiness, nit-picking and dissatisfaction.

The person personified by this card is not bored alone, he is looking for peace and quiet. He has a patron who will not help financially, but will help with good advice and inspire him in difficult times.

The Hermit's teaching should teach us that difficult periods should not negatively affect us: this time gives us a chance to go deeper into ourselves, to reconsider our life, feelings and emotions. Everything great is born in the darkness of emotions...

Instructive card tip:
Take up meditation or think deeply about what is happening. Ask yourself: What goals do I need to strive for now? Develop your spiritual potential and strive for high goals.

Don't isolate yourself from the world! Don't deceive yourself!

Arcana Hermit

Compliance with "Liber 777":

The letter is iodine.

The meaning of the letter is hand.

The ruler is Virgo.

Position on the tree – Chesed – Tiphareth.

Colors are green-yellowish and slate gray.

Egyptian gods - Isis (in the aspect of a virgin) and Heru-pa-kraat.

Indian gods - the shepherdess Gopi and the lord of yoga.

Meditation is a bloated corpse.

Greek gods - Atys.

Roman gods - Ceres, Adonis.

Animals - any lonely animal ( see steppenwolf).

Plants – snowdrop, lily, daffodil.

Precious stones – peridot, olivine.

Magic weapons - lamp and wand.

The scents are narcissus.

Magical powers - invisibility, virgin birth.

The human body is the back.

Mythical creatures - mermaids.

Diseases in case of improper operation - weakness of the spine, paralysis.

Wander alone, carrying the Light and your Staff.

And let the Light be so bright that not a single person will see you.

Let nothing outside or inside touch you, keep Silence always.

Enlightenment from within, a secret inner impulse;

practical plans arising from it.

Disqualification from current events.

Possible meanings for divination: “Enlightenment from within, a secret internal impulse, practical plans arising from it. Withdrawal from active participation in current events” (Aleister Crowley, “The Book of Thoth”).

Loneliness, alienation, solitude, isolation, strangeness. Each of these words has its own connotation, but at the same time they belong to the same archetype, just as madness and genius are so close that they sometimes turn into each other. The madman and the genius are always misunderstood and lonely; the two extreme poles turn out to be equally cold.

The experience of loneliness, isolation (negative) or solitude, chosenness, otherness (positive) equally correspond to the archetype of the ninth arcana - the Hermit or the path of yod.

Let's look closely at the image - a flash of light coming from the center fills the map with its rays in all directions. The sperm is directed from the bottom of the card to its center. In the background we see an old man in a red robe with his back turned, towards whom small ears of wheat are directed from all sides. On the left half of the card there is a small egg entwined with a serpent, which, like the sperm, symbolizes the embryo of a new life. Just above the flash in the very center of the card there is a hand holding a lantern, light emanates from it in all directions.

The correspondence to the Hermit, which Crowley insistently points out, is sperm, seed. Let's try to understand what this means in this context. We know that the loneliest people are geniuses, because they carry new ideas, knowledge, and worldviews. Genius is alien to this world because, like a seed thrown from the world of spirit into the world of matter, it already carries within itself the germ of the future. And, like a seed that fell into the ground (see the Death lasso), he must die, giving up himself, so that the seed can germinate - as one magician said, “what is the use if the seeds, falling into the ground, do not die, but remain the same” . This sentiment was best expressed by the poet Dmitry Merezhkovsky:

We sense the unknown.

Our speeches are bold,

But they are doomed to death,

Too early forerunners

Too slow spring.

Try to imagine how painful the loneliness of Leonardo Da Vinci, who was unable to explain even a hundredth part of his knowledge even to his closest students. What a terrible abyss of loneliness opens up under the feet of anyone who is ahead of his time and carries the future within himself!

That is why modern life perceives a genius as a threat to itself, as a potential murderer, and seeks to neutralize it, even to the point of physical destruction. Socrates, Jan Hus and many poets and philosophers who perished in prisons and concentration camps are a vivid example of this pattern. The stronger the potential of the new, the more the present fears this new as its killer. A new life is always a revolution against the life of the past.

The time when the new is in a latent state is the time of the Hermit. The pregnant maiden of the apocalypse, who fled into the desert from the dragon, Rhea, nursing the infant Zeus, Mary, who went to Egypt to escape Herod - these archetypal figures are directly related to the lasso of the Hermit. The basic correspondence of the lasso is the constellation Virgo. The logic of this correspondence is obvious: the maid, virginity, loneliness, pathogenesis, the virgin birth - an archetypal symbol that exists in all cultures, but is still interpreted in an extremely primitive way. The Immaculate Conception is, in essence, similar to bhadi yoga: the practitioner is identified with feminine qualities (passivity, receptivity) and conceives from the spiritual sun-phallus the embryo of a new being, an idea, a symbol.

Associated with the Virgo archetype is the idea of ​​hermeticity. Magical hermeticity - that is, isolation from all influences of the outside world - is a prerequisite for the great work of alchemy. This is how it sounds translated into psychological language in the work of Carl Gustav Jung: “Take the unconscious in the most suitable form (say, in the form of a spontaneous fantasy, a dream, a strong emotion) and operate on it. Give it special attention, focus on it and objectively monitor the changes taking place. Dedicate all your energy to solving this problem, carefully observe the process of transformation of spontaneous fantasy. The most important thing is: don’t let anything from the outside world get into her, because she already has everything she needs.” (K. G. Jung “The Mystery of Unification”) It is the virgin who is a symbol of energy directed deep into oneself, introspection, solitude and introversion in general.

Therefore, the Hermit’s cloak can be correlated with a hermetic vessel, a crucible, in which great work takes place.

If in his youth, before the crisis, Jung considered introversion of the libido to be a neurotic phenomenon, then, having gone through a mid-life crisis, he completely changed his mind, and by the end of his life, in the eyes of those around him, he himself was the archetype of the Hermit - the “wise old man from Xanth”, who had retired to his own place. the tower he built.

In this regard, it is especially interesting to analyze the image of a lamp or in other, more ancient Tarots, candles. The Candlelight Path is a very important archetype of individuation, indicating that a given person is the Chosen One and is involved in the hermit archetype. Please pay attention to Jung's dream, which, in his own words, became his “epiphany”:

“Then I saw an unforgettable dream, which both frightened me and encouraged me. In it, I found myself in an unfamiliar place and slowly walked forward in thick fog towards a strong, almost hurricane-force wind. In my hands I held a small light that could go out at any moment. And everything depended on whether I would save his life. Suddenly I felt that someone was following me and, looking back, I saw a huge black figure. She followed on my heels. And at that very moment, despite the horror that gripped me, I realized that I had to go and, despite all the dangers, carry through and save my little light. When I woke up, I realized that this “Broken ghost” was just my own shadow on the cloud, created by the play of light from that light. I also realized that this light - the only light I possessed - was my consciousness, my only treasure. And even though fire is small and weak in comparison with the forces of darkness, it is still light, my only light.”

We can find the same motive in Andrei Tarkovsky’s film “Nostalgia”. The hero must cross a dried-up pool with strange fumes, carrying a lit candle.

This symbol, in essence, answers our question about the meaning of human life, and, what is especially important, the answer is given not at the level of another philosophical dogma, but at a deep symbolic level that penetrates to the very center. I think that meditation on the Hermit should be built based on these symbols.

The hermit is an introverted model of a creator, artist, poet, who has a source of inspiration within himself. However, this source can also be located in the outside world, which will correspond to the 11th lasso.

Yod corresponds to fire and the begetting father in all magical formulas. “Yod is the first letter of the Tetragrammaton, symbolizing the Father, who is Wisdom; he is the highest form of Mercury, Logos, Creator of all worlds” (A. Crowley “The Book of Thoth”). As has already been said, this correspondence is not accidental and falls completely within Crowley’s system. In one of Alistair’s Gnostic hymns to the secret father, the following lines sound: “The hidden source of existence, unknown, alienated and lonely. You are the flame of truth in the reed, the one who conceives and gives birth.” In many myths, a single god (first principle) creates other gods and the world from himself in order to overcome his loneliness (brahman). In fact, if we assume for a moment the possibility of the existence of some kind of superintelligence, the only thing that can be said about it objectively is that it will in fact be alone.

The idea associated with the yod path is the idea of ​​uniqueness, uniqueness, and even chosenness. The one who is chosen is always alone. I think there is no point in explaining this axiom.

Plants corresponding to the Hermit are lily, snowdrop and daffodil. The logic of the correspondence is obvious: the lily symbolizes virginity, the snowdrop, being the first flower, is like the seed from which spring is born, and the name “narcissus” has become a common noun - narcissistic in psychoanalysis refers to any autoerotic and autistic tendencies in the psyche. The correspondences from the animal world are no less remarkable, for according to the tables, any single animal can correspond to the yod path. Hermann Hesse, calling his novel, which became a symbol of loners, nonconformist seekers, “Steppenwolf,” fully confirmed this thesis.

The shadow side of the Hermit archetype is neurotic alienation in its illusions, which do not allow one to enter into full contact with life. The candle should be carried through the storm, and not hidden under the table and burned out in safe conditions. If the genius is lonely because he transcends the world and already belongs to the future, then the neurotic is lonely because he belongs to the past. The neurotic is a “monkey of genius,” copying the tragedy of a genius, but in his performance the tragedy turns into a farce. False foolishness, pretentious speeches about loneliness are generated by the shadow aspect of the Hermit, which is in many ways related to the path of the meme. Remember Grebenshchikov: “Each of them will kill if you touch his melancholy with a finger”? This aspect will be discussed in more detail in the chapter on the Hanged Man.