We did not reach a consensus. Scientists have not come to a consensus on why we need sleep, but they have no doubt that it is very necessary.

On Saturday, September 15, residents of the Volga region organized a public rally against the tower cellular communications, which was placed under their windows. About 70 people came out into the street from houses on Dzerzhinsky Avenue.

As one of the local residents, Galina Mubarakshina, told Komsomolskaya Pravda, police officers were present at the event, but they did not interfere in the process, did not check documents and did not take anyone away.

According to a representative of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Nizhny Novgorod Region, no violations were recorded at the gathering.

We stood on the street and talked with MTS employees, who showed us documents according to which the tower did not pose a threat. But Rospotrebnadzor says that they have not received any documents on calculating the levels of electromagnetic fields for the base station of MTS PJSC to coordinate the size of the sanitary protection zone and restricted zones. We don’t believe these papers,” Galina shared.

The gathering lasted approximately an hour. The administration of the Volga region was not there.

In the end, of course, MTS and I never came to a common opinion. They stated that the tower was not dangerous and they would not dismantle it. But this doesn’t suit us,” the Volga woman confidently said.

According to her, after everything that happened, city residents decided to refuse MTS services.

We also learned that the range of this tower is 800 meters. Can you imagine? That is, such a structure can now be installed every 800 meters. None of the local residents want this. Residents of houses located far from ours even came to the gathering,” Galina said.

Now townspeople continue to collect signatures for the dismantling of the tower. They are going to draw attention to what happened and continue to contact supervisory stations and check the safety of the tower. At the moment, more than 200 signatures of Volga residents have been collected.

Let us remind you that at the beginning of September, a cellular communication tower from MTS PJSC appeared near house No. 55 on Dzerzhinsky Avenue. Many are unhappy with this because: firstly, the structure is located 10 meters from a residential building, secondly, the view from the window is spoiled, and most importantly, residents are afraid of radiation. They didn't like that their opinion wasn't even asked during installation.

However, the press service of MTS PJSC in the Nizhny Novgorod region, KP NN, reported that the tower was installed according to the law and it does not pose any danger to people.

The base station is installed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation - the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation, as well as the Law of the Nizhny Novgorod Region “On the fundamentals of regulating urban planning activities in the territory of the Nizhny Novgorod Region”. The sanitary passport of the facility has already been examined by positive result, A project documentation sent to Rospotrebnadzor. The distance from the installation site of the base station to residential building No. 55 also complies with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, which was developed taking into account all possible risks and dangers, MTS responded.

MOSCOW, May 16 - RIA Novosti. Rostekhnadzor has not established the cause of the accident at the Krylatskoye ice complex in Moscow, which had to be closed last November due to the threat of a roof collapse, the Kommersant newspaper wrote on Friday.

“The experts were unable to come to a consensus, since federal-level experts refuted the conclusions of Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov and his subordinates that the emergency was caused by poorly manufactured metal structures. According to experts, the error was inherent in the design of the palace itself,” the publication writes.

The five-story sports complex in Krylatskoye was built in 2004 and is one of the largest indoor ice palaces in Europe. The project of the complex was developed by the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosproekt-4", total cost construction amounted to about 180 million dollars. Structurally, the complex resembles a large tent - 19 cable cables, fixed to a load-bearing L-shaped support 72 m high, hold a metal roof attached to them with steel hinges.

On November 22 last year, one of these hinges suddenly burst, creating a real threat of roof collapse, and the complex had to be closed.

“On the same day, Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov blamed the accident on JSC Elektrostal Heavy Engineering Plant (EZTM), whose specialists cast hinges for the structure. The mayor promised to restore the structure and recover the money spent on repair work from the metallurgists through the court. two months later, the mayor’s conclusions were confirmed by experts from the Moscow construction industry. Elektrostal did not agree with the conclusions of the Muscovites,” the newspaper recalls.

The final word remains with the federal-level commission, which was supposed to announce its findings last Wednesday, but this did not happen.

The head of the federal commission of Rostekhnadzor, Yuri Artyukh, explained to Kommersant that the ice palace is a unique object from a design and architectural point of view, and it is not surprising that opinions differed about the causes of the emergency.

“As a result, we needed additional time to study all the submitted materials, as well as to order additional examinations and studies. I hope that we will reach the final conclusions by May 29, but I can’t call this date final yet,” Artyukh said.

Meanwhile, scientists involved in the investigation as technical experts have already made their conclusions.

Professor Vladimir Larionov, scientific director of the leading Russian organization in the field of metal structures design, TsNIIPSK named after Melnikov, believes that the culprit of the emergency was not the hinge at all, “but the designer who proposed to install it in the structure.”

The scientist believes that the mistake of the designers of the ice palace was that under load the hinge began to work according to an unusual pattern for such a unit: its finger began not only to bend, but also to twist and stretch. As a result, cracks appeared in the central part of the element, which led to its complete destruction on November 22.

“The analysis showed that the structure was in a pre-emergency condition throughout the entire period of operation,” Larionov points out in his conclusion.

In his opinion, the design of the hinges itself needs to be changed. “However, in this case, it will be necessary to change not only the hinges, but also the entire structure of the roof of the palace,” the scientist believes. “In other words, we need new project structures and its large-scale reconstruction."

The State Unitary Enterprise "Mosproekt-4" told Kommersant that they do not agree with the calculation methods presented by Professor Larionov.

Several reports on ethnic clashes that occurred in southern Kyrgyzstan in June 2010 have become public. Their colleagues abroad got acquainted with the conclusions of Kyrgyz experts.

The National Commission for the Investigation of Ethnic Clashes in the Southern Regions of Kyrgyzstan on June 10-15, 2010, the Independent Commission of the Ombudsman of Kyrgyzstan, and the Osh Initiative group published the results of their work in mid-January.

Human Rights Watch report

A report by the international human rights organization Human Rights Watch was previously published. The international commission, which plans to release its report in early February, also announced the completion of the independent investigation. Several groups were simultaneously collecting information, trying to analyze the causes of the conflict and find those responsible.

"Pogroms of Uzbeks with the approval of official Bishkek"

Each of the commissions in its report names the historical, social and political prerequisites for the outbreak of conflict in Osh. The conclusions and assessments contained in the reports are sometimes completely opposite. Thus, the Osh Initiative organization, consisting of Uzbek and Kyrgyz human rights activists, believes that pogroms of the Uzbek population took place in Osh in June.

“Pogroms were sanctioned and planned not by third forces, but by individual Kyrgyz politicians in solidarity with the leaders of organized crime in the country and supporters of ex-president Kurmanbek Bakiev,” the report says. In its conclusions, the Osh Initiative claims that the June riots “occurred with the approval and connivance of official Bishkek.”

" Interethnic conflict provoked by Uzbek communities and the Bakiyev clan"

According to the findings of the national commission of inquiry into the June events in Osh, the perpetrators of the events that took place in the south of Kyrgyzstan are representatives of the Bakiyev clan and the leaders of the Uzbek community, in particular, Kadyrzhan Batyrov. "We do not agree that this was genocide or civil war. We believe that a major inter-ethnic conflict has occurred, provoked by the Uzbek communities and the Bakiyev clan, accompanied by violence, arson and looting."

As Abdygany Erkebaev emphasized, “these events began thanks to the extremist actions not of the Kyrgyz or Uzbek people, but of Kadyrzhan Batyrov and his accomplices, who organized rallies and were the ideological inspirers of those events. Then other forces began to gather there, which had different goals, including including the Bakiyev clan."

" The National Commission's report is superficial"

The human rights organization "Kylym Shamy", led by Aziza Abdirasulova, also collected data on the Osh tragedy. Last fall, Abdirasulova resigned from the national commission, accusing it of superficiality. In an interview with Deutsche Welle, Aziza Abdirasulova said: “I agree that this is a major interethnic conflict, but I do not agree that it was provoked by the Uzbek community or the Bakiyev clan. And I also do not agree with the fact that the national commission is asking to nominate the President of Uzbekistan for an award Islam Karimov."

According to the human rights activist, the national commission did not take into account or kept silent about many facts during the investigation. “The commission’s conclusion does not say anything about the huge number of firearms that fell into the hands of the crowd. It says nothing about snipers. It doesn’t say anything about the responsibility of government officials,” says Aziza Abdirasulova.

“People must know the truth, no matter how bitter it may be: neither the Kyrgyz nor the Uzbeks were the first to use weapons,” the human rights activist emphasized. According to her version, they were the first to use firearms law enforcement officers. “They were forced to shoot at the crowd at the Alai Hotel, because they began to burn, cut, and kill. And the law enforcement agencies did not have special equipment on hand: rubber bullets, flash-noise grenades.”

According to Abdirasulova, the events in the report of the Osh Initiative are presented one-sidedly. “They began their report on May 19, when a crowd of Kyrgyz destroyed a university owned by Kadyrzhan Batyrov. But they remained silent about the facts on May 14, when, led by Kadyrzhan Batyrov and representatives of the Ata-Meken party, supporters of the governor of the Jalal-Abad region, they They went and burned a house that belonged to the Bakiyevs’ relatives. The whole tragedy began with this.”

The commission also made its conclusions Ombudsman of Kyrgyzstan

According to the findings of the Kyrgyz Ombudsman Commission, interethnic conflicts in the south are “the fruit of the work of the ousted presidents Akaev and Bakiev.” The roots of inter-ethnic tension in the south, as stated in the report, "lie in poverty and poverty, which are easy to mobilize under any slogans."

In particular, the authors point to the activities of the leader of the Uzbek community, Kadyrzhan Batyrov. “Batirov’s provocative speeches at rallies in Jalal-Abad were the detonator of the emergence of an interethnic conflict,” says the report of the Kyrgyz Ombudsman Commission. “The main reason for such a large-scale and bloody conflict in the south was the inability of the state to protect its citizens, regardless of race and nationality.”

"The law of the street, aggression in society, settling scores"

According to German expert on Central Asia Beate Eschment, some of the conclusions of the national commission are beyond doubt, although the causes of the conflict require much more in-depth study. “I am almost sure that both the Uzbeks and representatives of the Bakiyev clan are involved in this conflict. But searching for those responsible in this form will not bring anything. It is much more important now to understand how to improve the situation,” says the expert. In her opinion, a number of preconditions led to the outbreak of conflict in the south of Kyrgyzstan.

“Of course, the important fact is that the socio-economic situation of the Uzbeks all these years was much better, while the Kyrgyz were in power. But the decisive factor is that due to the events taking place in the country in recent years, the population everywhere is trying to solve their problems by holding protests, rallies, and demonstrations. The Kyrgyz people chose the law of the street, no longer relying on the government. This situation was exploited by people from the Bakiyev clan and the leaders of the Uzbek diaspora. The conflict in such conditions was almost impossible to prevent!”

Another German expert from the Institute for Peace and Security Policy in Hamburg, Anna Kreikemeier, also says that she would not name the culprits now. “With such a high level of aggression, any tension in relations between representatives of different nationalities in the south of Kyrgyzstan led to serious consequences: the image of an enemy began to take shape in society, then the search for “scapegoats” began.

According to Anna Kraikmeier, “during the investigation, it became quite obvious that the Bakievs, especially Maxim Bakiev, the son of the president, and Zhanysh, the president’s brother and head of the presidential security service, were very closely connected with criminal structures. The events in Osh became a kind of settling of scores.”


The international commission began work in the south of Kyrgyzstan with a great delay

Due to difficult negotiations at the international level, an independent investigation into the conflict in southern Kyrgyzstan is starting almost two months later than previously planned. Preparation of the report has been postponed for more late date. (18.10.2010)

Today, June 27, at the social committee, deputies of the Legislative Assembly discussed the increase retirement age in Russia. Parliamentarians did not come to a consensus: to make changes to the law or to pass a resolution on their inadmissibility.

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To get out of a difficult situation

About the project federal law, which involves raising the retirement age to 65 for men and 63 for women, said German Goncharov. According to him, its adoption will ensure indexation of pensions by 7.5%.

Nowadays there is a constant increase in pension recipients against the backdrop of a reduction in the number of people for whom payments are made. insurance premiums, - noted the speaker.

He called changing the pension legislation an urgent need, called for conceptual support for the initiative and to include the proposals received in the text of the resolution.

Alexandra Karimullina called the bill genocide of the people and proposed not to support it.

“We have a critical situation in the pension system,” Goncharov began.

“She has been critical for many years,” Karimullina interrupted.

We have one worker for one pensioner,” he continued.

“We are taking the 8th skin off the people, and billions are going abroad,” she insisted.

Entered the conversation Anatoly Churin:

“Why can’t we increase taxes on those 200 families who own the entire economy?” He called the adoption of the initiative a crime against voters.

Do you think that raising the retirement age is not an infringement on the rights of citizens? - asked the deputy chairman of the OZS Vladimir Kostin.

In this situation that has arisen in our state, I really think so. Many countries have followed this path, and everyone has come to the same decision: in order to get out of this difficult situation, it is necessary to raise the retirement age,” Goncharov answered.

He cited the example of the Lepse plant, where about 1,000 people aged 70-72 work.

Not from a good life,” Churin noted, adding that there is a ban on raising the retirement age in the Constitution.

Sergey Redkin believes that the bill “sounds vulgar towards the population” and wondered why public organizations are silent:

We must take into account the opinions of all citizens, the entire public. Have you taken it into account?

“We have made our proposals, so that this does not worsen the situation of citizens, including economic ones, so that we do not slide into the hole that we may end up with as a result of reforming the pension system,” the speaker answered.

Alternative bill

He was introduced Vladimir Kostin:

We suggest that you do not support the contributions made to State Duma bill, thereby not launching the pension reform that we are currently planning.

He cited data from VTsIOM, according to which 92% of the population are against changing pension legislation.

Suddenly the number of workers is less than the number of pensioners,” he explained. - How many jobs do we have so that we can allow retirees to continue working? Can we assign this responsibility to them? No, because we have the lowest unemployment, and by obliging pensioners to work longer, we will deprive young people of jobs, or we will doom pensioners, who will most likely lose their jobs, to starve in their old age.

According to Kostin, the reform is pushing the economy onto an extensive path of development:

We say that we need to work more, forgetting about labor productivity.

What does he think Pension fund?

Nikolay Pasynkov, the head of the Pension Fund for the Kirov region, noted that the decision should be made not emotionally, but objectively. He turned to history: fertility for a long time influenced by the Great Patriotic War.

The system of financing pension payments is absolutely heterogeneous, it comes next year, and we see that payments for pensions are significantly higher, the next period comes - there will be significantly less of them. Now we are at the peak of increasing the number of pension recipients,” he said.

According to him, in 2017 the number of jobs and the number of people receiving pensions were equal.

Any pension system is considered unstable if it does not have a coefficient of 3, that is, three workers support one pensioner,” he continued.

Pasynkov noted that 35% of the total pensions are provided by insurance contributions, and the rest are subsidies from the Pension Fund.

After reaching retirement age of 60, 51% of men continue to work. If we look at 70 years, 13% of those who live to 70 continue to work, he said. - I cannot agree that people do not live to retirement age.

To the roar of the deputies, he continued:

In 2018, 5,310 people reach the age when they can enter into an employment relationship, and 7,159 people retire. These are men. If a decision is made to change the retirement age, then by 2028 the balance will be the same, this will allow maintaining the number of jobs at the level necessary to support one pensioner with one worker.

Some parliamentarians noted that the problem is still not being solved. There was an opinion that citizens are paying for the mistakes of “state people” who previously allowed their savings to be transferred to non-state pension funds.

The Federation of Trade Union Organizations of the Kirov Region believes that it is impossible to accept the bill proposed by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Let us note that both initiatives did not receive enough votes to be recommended for adoption at the OZS “plenary”. The proposal of A Just Russia, which opposed the pension reform, was also not accepted.

In Kyiv this evening it was announced the suspension of the operation using the army in the eastern regions. This was stated in the commentary of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry to the agreements reached in Geneva. Regarding them, the acting head of the department said a little earlier that the force operation would continue until the protesters were completely disarmed.

There are other inconsistencies regarding the document that Switzerland had been working on all day the day before. According to the Kyiv version, there are two types of rallies: the only correct one and all the others.

Unexpected interpretation Kyiv authorities achieved in Geneva, were announced, as they say, first-hand. Andrei Deshchytsia, acting head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, commented on the demands for the disarmament of all illegal armed groups.

"If you read the agreements carefully, then we're talking about on the liberation of roads and squares that were illegally occupied by protesters. As far as I know, Maidan’s activities are legal,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Geneva agreements spell out literally the following: “All illegal armed groups must be disarmed; all illegally occupied buildings must be returned to their rightful owners; all illegally occupied streets, squares, and other public places in all cities of Ukraine must be vacated.”

That is, the Maidan, at a minimum, occupies buildings that do not belong to the Maidanites, and at a maximum, it is armed. The Russian Foreign Ministry also expresses disappointment with such free interpretations.

“When we talk about disarmament in Ukraine, we mean, first of all, the confiscation of weapons from the Right Sector militants and other pro-fascist groups that participated in the coup in Kyiv,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said in an official statement.

It is clear why the Verkhovna Rada, which spent the whole day trying to develop a memorandum on resolving the situation in the east, went on Easter holidays without agreeing on anything. They just talked about different things. The meeting, by the way, began with a brawl. Presidential candidate Lyashko kicked out of the hall Vladimir Oleynik, the one who, during the confrontation between Maidan and Yanukovych, was the author of the law restricting the rights of rally participants.

Neither the regionalists nor the communists believed the parliamentary majority, which proposed to set a certain deadline for the surrender of weapons for the armed formations as a solution to the conflict. True, when asked whether this concerns Kyiv, the deputies answered evasively.

“This is a clear statement about the time by which this should happen. Whoever does not do so will use the force of the law. There are no territorial instructions, the law must be the same throughout the entire territory,” said the acting. Chairman of the Batkivshchyna faction Sergei Sobolev.

Such general phrases and lack of specifics did not please the opposition deputies, who sensed a catch.

“They don’t hear us when we assume specifics point by point, saying that disarmament and liberation of buildings should take place throughout the country,” says Verkhovna Rada deputy from the Communist Party Oksana Kaletnik.

“The adoption of a separate amnesty law will not solve anything. People in the east do not consider themselves criminals. They say that in Kyiv they are activists, and here we are terrorists? And the buildings there are occupied, and the buildings here are occupied. Why such double standards? " - Chairman of the Party of Regions faction Alexander Efremov is perplexed.

Whoever was the first to arm himself and seize buildings should be the first to set an example of disarmament. In addition, the authorities must release detained and arrested Anti-Maidan activists, drop charges against the protesters, return the army to their places of deployment and remove special forces from the southeast, and finally stop the threats.

According to self-defense leaders in the east, Kyiv must actually prove that it will comply with the Geneva agreements, but so far this is not in sight.

"We continue preparations for the referendum. Kyiv is not going to fulfill these agreements, they already started violating them yesterday, they announced their refusal to withdraw troops from Slavyansk and Kramatorsk. The buildings need to be vacated either by everyone or by no one. Both Turchinov and Yatsenyuk will vacate the illegally occupied buildings," says Denis Pushilin, co-chairman of the Presidium of the Donetsk People's Republic.

And these are not the demands of some political group, people on the streets of Donetsk and Lugansk are talking about this. This is exactly what Vladimir Putin spoke about the day before. Without people's trust in the government, the crisis cannot be resolved.

“Why are Kyiv politicians going to the east? Who are they talking to there? With their appointees? You don’t need to travel for this. You need to talk to the people, to those whom people trust. And they are dragging the army. And they say - disarm. Well, the east will disarm, and who will disarm the Right Sector? Then they will say, sorry, it didn’t work out?” - is perplexed Russian President.

But what kind of trust can we talk about if, while demanding that the East stop resistance, the authorities simultaneously place large rewards on the heads of the so-called “Russian saboteurs,” only fueling the paranoia reigning in society?

“For each transferred saboteur, the Headquarters of National Defense of the Dnepropetrovsk Region announces a reward of 10 thousand US dollars. For each liberated administrative building, I announce a reward of 200 thousand US dollars,” said the commander of the Dnepr-1 unit, Yuriy Bereza.

What kind of trust can we talk about if the Right Sector is still recruiting fighters on the Maidan, including to be sent to the eastern regions?

“Mobilization is going well, several groups have left for Dnepropetrovsk, Poltava, and Kharkov regions. They are learning to shoot, disassemble and assemble weapons. Their instructors are military men to teach the basics of military affairs,” said Right Sector coordinator for the Kyiv region Igor Gorban.

Supporters of the Right Sector are making their contribution to the persecution of politicians disliked by Kyiv. Here they are picketing the Rada, demanding to literally put an end to presidential candidate Oleg Tsarev, against whom, by the way, they are already going to open a third criminal case under the article “Separatism” - this is how calls for federalization are now called in Kiev. True, the right-wingers could not explain why it was necessary to end Tsarev. Just "annoying".

The people of Kiev themselves are calling to finally disarm the radicals. And today people, mostly pensioners and students, came to a spontaneous rally at the building of the National Bank of Ukraine. They demanded that its chairman resign and stop the endless rise in prices.