Summary of an individual speech therapy lesson on sound automation. Development of the lesson “automation of sound with” Lesson summary: automating the sound with in syllables

Maloletkova Marina Vladimirovna

Summary of a subgroup speech therapy lesson

for preschoolers preparatory group

“Automation of the [S] sound in syllables, words and sentences”

Target: Fix the pronunciation of the sound [C] in syllables, words and sentences.


Correctional and educational:

Clarify the articulation and characteristics of sound [C];

Develop skills in agreeing a numeral with a noun; an adjective with a noun in masculine, feminine and neuter gender;

Develop skills in coordinating words in a sentence;

Strengthen ideas on the lexical topic “Autumn”.

Correctional and developmental:

Develop holistic perception, auditory-speech memory, attention, phonemic hearing;

Develop grammatical structure of speech, inflection skills;
- develop visual-spatial concepts;

Develop gross motor skills and coordination of movements;

Correctional and educational:

Promote the formation of positive emotions;

Promote the formation of self-esteem;

The ability to control your own speech.

Equipment: cards for articulation gymnastics, individual mirrors, teaching aid for breathing exercises, cut-out pictures, magnetic letters and numbers, digital diagram, teaching aid for the game “Listen, lay out, check!”, ball, object pictures, coloring pages.

Progress of the lesson

1 . Organizational stage.

1) Psychological attitude.

Hello guys. When we pass the ball, we will express wishes to each other for today. (Children take turns saying their wishes.)

I wish you a good day, may everything work out for you today.

2) Creation of a motivational field.

Guys, look at the picture. What season do you think it depicts? Why did you decide this? What's missing from the picture? (Krasok)

And the colors, what colors are needed to make autumn beautiful.

I suggest you bring back the colors of autumn today. To bring back the colors of autumn, you will have to work hard. You will have to speak so correctly and clearly that everyone can understand. Are you ready?

2. Main part

Guys, look at the first color you can bring back for fall. Yellow. What's yellow in autumn? Does autumn need yellow paint?

To return the yellow paint to you, you need to do articulation and breathing exercises.

1) Articulation gymnastics.

“Fence”, “Slide”, “Let’s brush your bottom teeth”, “Crocodile”

(Children perform articulation gymnastics using individual mirrors.)

2) Breathing exercises.

We will blow like the autumn wind, but what is the autumn wind?

Blow on the leaves smoothly so that they fly off the fungus.

Blow so that the leaves swirl.

(Children blow on the leaf smoothly and for a long time.)

Do you think you completed the task? Evaluate yourself. Denis, did you have any difficulties? What about your Maxim?

Take yellow paint.

3) Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

What's the next color we'll be bringing back for fall? Red. What is red in autumn? Does autumn need red paint?

To return the red paint, you need to listen to me carefully, think, and then answer.

Listen carefully to the words and determine which sound is the same in all the words: forest, boots, leaf, pine trees.

That's right, it's the sound [S]. The topic of our lesson: sound [S]. Today you will identify the sound [S] by ear, and also learn to pronounce the sound [S] in syllables, words and sentences.

4) Sound characteristics [C].

Tell me what position they should be in lips, teeth, tongue, to pronounce the sound [C] correctly. Take the mirrors and say the sound [S]. Is the air stream warm or cold when pronouncing the sound [C]?

Is [S] a vowel or a consonant? Hard or soft? Voiced or voiceless?

(Children characterize the sound [C] based on the diagram and tactile sensations).

Let's summarize. Maxim, do you think everything worked out for you, and Denis? Let's bring back the red color for autumn.

5) Development of phonemic hearing

What color will the next paint be? Orange. What will happen in the fall orange color? Does autumn need orange paint?

To get the orange paint back, you have to be very careful. You need to hear the [S] sound in syllables and words.

Game "Clap, don't yawn"

As soon as you hear the sound [C] in a syllable, clap your hands.

Sa, we, so, zu, na, sy, ru, do, se, us, yb, as, us, os.

Game “Listen, lay out, check!”

I will pronounce the words, and as soon as you hear the sound [C] in the word

fill the playing field with a picture (pump, plane).

Words: chest, tablet, stroller, forest, notebook, floor, fox, compass, work.

6) Automation of the sound [C] in open and closed syllables.

What paint will we return? Brown. What will be brown in the fall? Need brown paint?

You will have to work hard and correctly pronounce syllables with the sound [C]

Using the digital scheme, repeat the syllables a given number of times:

Maxim Denis





(Children read the syllables and use the power of their voice to highlight the given syllable)

Fizminutka Game “Drawing autumn”

Most of the paints were returned. Let's draw the signs of autumn with our hands.

We paint a gray, gloomy sky.

(Raise your arms up, use your hands to “paint” the sky left and right.)

We draw big cold puddles.

(Bend over and “draw circles” with freely moving hands below.)

We draw a light drizzle.

(They move their fingers chaotically, lowering their hands from top to bottom, all the way to the floor.)

Development of facial muscles.

In autumn, the weather can change during the day. Imagine that a gloomy gray cloud came running and the rain started dripping, show how people are upset and cower from the cold and wind. Show how people rejoice when the sun comes out again and it gets warmer.

(Children complete the task using facial expressions and symbolic movements.)

7) Automation of the sound [S] in words.

What color will the next paint be? Gray. What will be gray in autumn? Need some gray paint for fall?

To bring back the gray color of autumn, you need to correctly and clearly pronounce words with the sound [C].

Game "One - Many" with a ball.

Let's play the game "One-many" , I say one thing you many and vice versa.

Nose-noses, bus-buses, tray-trays, pineapple-pineapples, foxes-fox, coconuts-coconut.

Game "1,2,5,9".

Make up phrases with the words sock, plane, dog, wasp according to the sample.

Sample: one cod, two cods, five cods, nine cods.

8) Automation of the sound [S] in sentences.

What color will the next paint be? Green. Does autumn need some green paint?

To return the green paint, you need to correctly and clearly pronounce words with the sound [C] in sentences. Only the sentences will be enchanted; you need to disenchant them.

Sanya put the boots on.

Sonya wears beads.

A pine tree sits on an owl.

The asters planted the gardener.

A piece of meat bites a dog.

The table was set on the dishes.

Get green paint.

3. Reflection.

All the colors of autumn have returned. Well done, guys!

Would you like to see a beautiful, colorful autumn? Then turn over the cards with paints and assemble a picture. Did you get the same pictures? Find the differences.

What sound did you learn to pronounce today?

Which task did you like the most?

What were the difficulties?

4. Homework.

Autumn has prepared coloring books for you, what colors will you use to paint autumn at home?

Target: automate the “S” sound in words consisting of two or three syllables.

Correctional and educational tasks.

  1. Reinforce the pronunciation of the sound “S” in complex words with a combination of consonants.
  2. Reveal the meaning of the words train, carriages (vocabulary work).
  3. Develop phonemic analysis and synthesis skills.

Corrective and developmental tasks.

  1. Reinforce with your child the concept of animate and inanimate nouns.
  2. Development of speech-auditory memory.

Educational tasks.

Developing self-control over speech.


  • Doll.
  • A drawn train with carriages, on the carriages the numbers 1, 2, 3.
  • Pictures: dog, catfish, nose, magpie, cabbage, bag, bitch, owls, fox, juice.
  • Pictures: sailor, wasp, son, fox; sausage, wheel, scales, beads.
  • Pictures: bush, leaf, stork, pig, owl, pillar, beet, cabbage, rhinoceros.

Progress of the lesson:

Organizational moment.

Speech therapist: Today you and I will continue to learn how to pronounce the sound [C] beautifully and correctly in syllables and words. A doll called Sonya came to visit us and she cannot read or write. She will sit quietly and watch your work. If you complete all the tasks, then you will find out what surprise she has prepared.

Sit upright, keep your back straight, hands on your knees.

1. Articulation gymnastics (complex 1, for whistling).


Pull your lips straight towards your ears

Frogs really like it.

Smiling... Laughing...

And their eyes are like saucers.

(The “Smile” exercise is performed 5-7 times, the lips are stretched in a smile, the teeth are exposed.)


Place your tongue with a spatula.

And hold it calmly.

The tongue needs to be relaxed

And keep it under counting:

One, two, three, four, five!

The tongue can be removed.


My lips are a tube -

They turned into a pipe.

I can blow loudly:

Doo-doo, doo-doo-doo,

Doo-doo, doo-doo-doo.

(The exercise is performed with closed teeth, lips extended forward 5-7 times.)

Exercise “Smile-tube”. (Exercises “1” and “2” alternate 5 times.)

2. Clarification of the articulatory structure of the sound “C”. Sound analysis: blue, dull. The air stream is cold. The tongue rests on the lower front teeth.

3. Game "Train".

On the board are models of carriages with numbers 1, 2, 3, as well as pictures: dog, catfish, nose, magpie, cabbage, bag, bitch, owl, fox, juice.

Speech therapist: This is a magic train. He will bring words and pictures. The train will move only when the words and pictures take their places correctly.

The first carriage should include pictures-words of one syllable,

in the second - of the two,

in the third - of three syllables. Let's help the pictures take their places. Name all the pictures. Choose pictures with one syllable in the title and put them in the first carriage (pictures in the second and third carriages are also selected). All the pictures took their places. The locomotive set off and carried the carriages.

4. Differentiation between animate and inanimate nouns.

There are two rows of pictures on the board:

1st row: sailor, wasp, son, fox;

2nd row: sausage, wheel, scales, beads.

The speech therapist asks a question for each of the pictures in the first row: Who is this? What question did I ask about this picture?

Questions are also formulated for the pictures in the second row: What is this? What question did I ask about these pictures?

Look at the pictures of the first and second row. For the pictures in the first row, I asked the question Who? And to the pictures of the second row I asked the question What? How are they different? The pictures in the first row depict which objects are: living or inanimate? What about the pictures in the second row?

Conclusion: about living objects we ask Who? About inanimate objects - What?

6. Guessing riddles:

Lives in the forest

and climbs into the chicken coop,

called a cunning beast?

Antoshka stands on four legs,

on Antoshka soup and spoons?

The child determines which question the answer words answer. The speech therapist puts a picture of a fox on the board on the left, the table on the right.

6. Game “Select Pictures”.

On the board there are pictures: bush, leaf, stork, pig, owl, pillar, beet, cabbage, rhinoceros. The child names them.

Speech therapist: Name the words that answer the question Who? Place these pictures next to the picture of the fox. Select pictures that answer the question What? and put them next to the picture on the table.

7. Clarify the articulation of the sound “C”. Name words with the sound “S” that answer the question Who? What? Well done, now look what a surprise the Sonya doll brought.

Sections: Speech therapy


1. Educational: clarify children’s ideas about sound (Ш).

2. Corrective:

  • consolidate the skills of correct pronunciation of sound (Ш) in syllables, words, sentences, and phrases;
  • develop articulatory and fine motor skills;
  • develop phonemic hearing;
  • develop speech breathing;
  • learn to change the strength of your voice;
  • develop clarity of diction and intonation expressiveness.

3. Developmental:

  • consolidate the ability to determine the place of sound in a word;
  • develop the ability to combine sounds into words;
  • develop attention, memory, thinking;
  • practice agreeing nouns with numerals;
  • practice the ability to complete a sentence grammatically correctly.

4. Educational:

  • create positive motivation in class;
  • develop verbal communication skills with a toy and with each other, listening skills.

Equipment: toys (Masha and Bear), sound symbols ( color designation), the “Sound Mosaic” manual, red and green chips, mnemonic tables “Leaves”, mnemonic tables of pure sayings cut into cards, dry autumn leaves or cut out leaves from paper, object pictures with sound (Ш), basket with cones and nuts, small toys with sound (Ш), bag, balloons.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

We are invited to visit the forest,
They offer to play there.

Speech therapist shows the invitation to the children and reads it: “I’m waiting for everyone in the forest house, let’s play and relax.”

Shall we go visit? (Yes)

Let's go along the path into the forest,
We'll find a house in the clearing.

Children sit on chairs. The speech therapist shows a picture of a forest house.

2. Development of phonemic hearing.

Development of a sense of rhythm, auditory attention, memory. Exercise “Knock like me.”

Who is waiting for us in the house? To find out, you have to knock like I did.

Children take turns producing a rhythmic pattern by knocking on wooden spoons.

The speech therapist takes out toys (Mishka and Masha).

Mishka lives in the house. Masha often visits him. What identical consonant sound do you hear in their names - Mishshshka, Mashshsha? (sound (SH))

Mishka found out that you are learning to correctly pronounce his and Masha’s favorite sound and decided to invite you to visit so that you can play with the sound (Ш) together.

3. Articulation gymnastics with elements of finger gymnastics.

Mishka suggests first waking up the tongues so that they try to speak. Let's show what we see in the forest, and our fingers will help us:

There are wide paths in the forest ( exercise for the tongue “Scapula”, turn your palms back down).

The hare jumps from hummock to hummock (exercise for the tongue “Swing”, alternately raise and lower your hands up and down).

Squirrel cracks nuts (tongue exercise “Horse”, exercise with fingers “Clicks”).

Mushrooms grow under the trees (exercise for the tongue and fingers “Mushroom”).

- Let's collect mushrooms in a basket ( exercise for the tongue “Cup”, exercise with fingers “Lukoshko”).

Let's hide behind the trees (exercise for the tongue “Hide and Seek”, exercises with fingers “Into the fist”, “Out of the fist”).

4. Pronunciation of an isolated sound (Ш).

A breeze blows in the forest, shakes the branches of the trees, leaves rustle (Sh - sh - sh...).

Children depict with their hands how the wind shakes tree branches and pronounce the sound (Ш) for a long time.

5. Analysis of sound articulation (Ш).

What do sponges, teeth, and tongue do when we pronounce the sound (Ш)? ( Lips “Ring”, teeth “Fence” with a small slit, tongue at the top and looks like a “Cup”.)

6. Sound characteristics (Ш).

Prepare your fingers. We bend them into a fist and talk about the sound (Ш):

  • Sound (Ш) - consonant or vowel? (consonant);
  • What is the barrier to sound (Ш)? (teeth, tongue);
  • Voiced or voiceless? (deaf);
  • Hard or soft? (solid);
  • What color do we use? (blue).

Find the sound symbol (Ш) on the board.

Children show the color designation of the sound (Ш) (blue circle with a cap).

7. Automation of sound (Ш) in syllables.

Auditory pronunciation differentiation of syllables. Working on your voice power. Reliance on mnemonic tables “Leaves”. Coordination of speech with movement.

Leaves are falling in the forest. What is this natural phenomenon called? (leaf fall)

The leaves are falling and rustling their syllabic songs. Listen carefully which syllable-song is different (reliance on mnemonic table No. 1):

sha - sho - sha - sha (sho)

ush - ush - ush - ush (ash)

Name the first and last syllable:

sha – sho – shu – shi (sha, shi)

shta – shtu – shty – shto (what, what)

The leaves rustle differently. Let's repeat their songs (syllable rows with a change in rhythmic pattern, relying on mnemonic tables No. 2, 3):

sha-sha – sha-sha-sha

shku-shku - shku-shku-shku

ish-ish-ish – ish-ish

shosh-shosh-shosh – shosh-shosh

Now let's play the game "Quiet - loud, vice versa." If the leaves rustle loudly, then you can barely hear it. If you hear a quiet rustling, then you are rustling loudly.

Children reproduce syllable rows, depicting with their hands how leaves fall and change the strength of their voice:

sha - asha - sha - asha

ush - wushu - ush - wushu

Let's collect an autumn bouquet of leaves. Repeat the syllabic songs after me, try not to make mistakes and collect the leaves.

Children reproduce a series of syllables. For each syllable they take an autumn leaf, making a bouquet of them.

sha – sho – shushi

ash - osh - ush - ish

8. Development of phonemic hearing.

Distinguishing between correct and incorrect pronunciation of sound (Ш). Exercise "Right - Wrong."

Manual "Sound mosaic".

In forest clearings, sour berries turn red. What is it called? (cranberry)

Let's lay out a pattern of berries. If you hear the correct sound (Ш), place a red chip, if incorrect, place a green chip. Let me remind you that we lay out the chips from left to right, starting from the top row.

The speech therapist alternates between correct and incorrect pronunciation of the sound (Ш) in words. Children lay out a pattern of chips on a tablet.

What came out of the red chips? (cross)

9. Automation of sound (Ш) in words.

A Christmas tree is superimposed on the object picture with sound (Ш). Children, one piece at a time, name the object drawn in the picture and remove the Christmas tree. Exercise “Guess what the object is.”

Mishka hid various objects in the forest. Guess what's behind the Christmas trees?

10. Automation of sound (Ш) in sentences.

Think about what things might be in Masha’s closet, and what things might be in Mishka’s?

Children choose and post pictures with the words:

In Masha’s closet... (shampoo, hat, reel, fur coat, matryoshka doll, gouache).

In Mishka’s closet... (hockey stick, pencil, shorts, shirt, awl, chess set).

11. Consolidating the skill of sound analysis of words.

Determining the place of sound (Ш) in words. Exercise “Put it into pieces.”

Let's help Mishka clean up the mess. Let's put things in the closet on shelves. On the top shelf we will put objects with the sound (Ш) at the beginning of the word. On the middle shelf are objects with the sound (Ш) in the middle of the word, and on the bottom shelf - at the end of the word.

Children determine the place of the sound (Ш) in the word and put the pictures on the shelves. Then they name all the objects on each shelf, checking that the task was completed correctly.

12. Automation of sound (Ш) in words.

Agreement of numerals with nouns. Exercise “Count it.”

Masha collected forest treats for Mishka. Count how many cones and nuts are in the basket?

Children take out cones (nuts) from the basket and count:

One bump, two bumps...

One nut, two nuts...

What's more in the basket? What is less in a basket?

13. Phys. just a minute.

Attention exercise “Tick-tock, Masha, wake up.”

Look, Masha got tired and fell asleep. We will walk around her quietly so that she does not wake up. But to the words “Masha, wake up,” you must wake her up by taking Masha in your hands. Let's check who is the most attentive and fastest of you.

Tick-tock, Masha... sleeps for one hour,
Tick-tock, Masha... sleeps for two hours,
Tick-tock, Masha... sleeps for three hours,
Tick-tock, Masha... wake up.

14. Automation of sound (Ш) in sentences.

Development fine motor skills. Exercise with fingers “Man”.

Mishka has many friends. Let's find them.

Children, using their fingers to depict a “walking man,” choose a toy with the words:

I walked, walked, walked and... (a mouse, a frog, a horse, a cat, a monkey, a bear) I found.

How can you name all of Mishka’s friends in one word? (beasts, animals)

The animals want to play Hide and Seek with you. Look, they hid in a bag (the speech therapist puts the toys in a bag).

Development of visual, tactile memory. Exercise “Who’s making noise in the bag?”

Children identify the toy by touch and take it out of the bag with the words:

The bag is noisy...

Development of visual attention and memory. Exercise “Who’s playing naughty in the sack?”

Children close their eyes. The speech therapist puts several toys in a bag. Having opened their eyes, children must determine which toys are missing:

Playing naughty in the bag...

15. Automation of sound (Ш) in pure language.

Development of clarity of diction and intonation expressiveness.

Masha and Mishka, we have learned simple sayings about you. Do you want to listen to them? (Yes, very much). But first, the guys will collect pure sayings.

Mnemonic tables are cut into cards (Fig. No. 4). Children select pictures of their pure speech from the mixed cards, compose it and tell it (mneatric tables No. 5, 6).

Our Masha washes her neck and ears in the shower.

Mishka has bumps, Mishka has bumps.

Now let’s try to tell pure sayings on behalf of Masha and Mishka. How would they pronounce them?

Children pronounce pure sayings, changing their voices (for Masha - in a high voice, for Mishka - in a low voice).

16. Summary of the lesson.

What sound did you make most often today?

What game would you like to play again?

What was difficult for you?

17. Assessment of children's speech activity.

You did a great job today, you pronounced the sound (Ш) correctly.

Masha and Mishka liked to play with you. So that you don’t forget about them, they have prepared surprises for you with sound (Ш).

Make a “Lukoshko” out of your fingers. The bear will put sounds there. You will connect them and find out what Masha and Mishka want to please you with:

Sh, a, r, s (balls).

Children are given balloons.

Used literature:

  1. Kodolbenko E.A. Encrypted tongue twisters. M., 2011.
  2. Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. Automation of sounds in children. M., 2007.
  3. Smirnova L.N. We learn the sounds of Sh, S. M., 2002.
  4. Schoolboy Yu.K. Speech therapy. M., 2006.

Elena Ladygina
Summary of individual speech therapy lesson “Automation of sound [s] in words”


automate the sound [s] in words.

Main tasks:

Correctional and educational:

Practice correct pronunciation of the sound [s] at the beginning, middle and end of words;

Activate vocabulary on the topic: "Transport".

Correctional and developmental:

Improve phonemic processes;

Develop speech breathing;

Develop gross, fine and articulatory motor skills;

Improve spatial orientation.

Correctional and educational:

Develop self-control while pronouncing a sound;

Cultivate perseverance.

Type of lesson:


Work stage:

sound automation.

Organizational form:


Child's age:


individual mirror, pictures on the topic: “Transport” (plane, helicopter, car, bus, dump truck, gazelle, tram, trolleybus, excavator, boat).

Linguistic material:

words (including those rich in sound [s]) on the topic: “Transport” (plane, helicopter, car, bus, dump truck, gazelle, tram, trolleybus, boat, excavator).

Lesson plan:

1. Organizational moment. Announcing the topic of the lesson.

2) Finger gymnastics “Boat”.

4) Game “Lay out the pictures.”

4. Continuation of the main correctional and speech therapy work:

1) Game “Guess the riddles.”

5. Summary of the lesson.

6. Literature used.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

On the table of the speech therapist teacher there are pictures on the topic: “Transport” (plane, helicopter, car, bus, dump truck, gazelle, tram, trolleybus, boat, excavator).

Speech therapist teacher:

Look at the pictures. Think and name the topic of today's lesson.

Announcing the topic of the lesson.

2. Basic correctional and speech therapy work:

1) Articulation gymnastics.

Speech therapist teacher:

Now you and I will go on a trip by plane, during which we will learn a lot of new and interesting things. Let's fly! (The speech therapist teacher and the child pretend to fly on an airplane)

The first city we found ourselves in is called Vesyoliy Yazychok. The speech of all residents of this city is always correct and beautiful, because they constantly perform articulatory gymnastics.

Let's do articulation gymnastics.

Repetition of previously practiced articulation exercises “Smile”, “Proboscis”, “Watch”, “Swing”, “Gutter” in front of the mirror.

2) Finger gymnastics “Boat” (development of fine motor skills).

Speech therapist teacher:

Now we get into the boat and sail along the river.

Performing finger gymnastics “Boat”.

I will press two palms

And I'll float along the river.

(Palms connected with a boat)

Two palms, friends, -

This is my boat.

(Perform wave-like movements with your hands)

I'll raise the sails

I'll swim in the blue sea.

(Raise straightened palms up above your head)

And with me on the waves

Fish swim here and there.

(Wave movements with two palms at the same time, imitating the movements of fish and waves)

3) Breathing exercises “Breeze”.

Speech therapist teacher:

Let's do the Breeze breathing exercise.

Bring the palm of your right hand to your lips. Between the lips and the palm - 10-15 cm. Blow a cold air stream onto the palm. The same thing applies to the palm of the left hand. Make sure that your shoulders do not rise when you inhale, and your cheeks do not puff out when you exhale.

4) Game “Lay out the pictures” (to improve phonemic processes).

Speech therapist teacher:

Now let’s play the game “Lay Out the Pictures.”

In front of you are pictures depicting types of transport (plane, helicopter, car, bus, dump truck, gazelle, tram, trolleybus, boat, excavator). Arrange these pictures in two piles: in one - types of transport, the names of which have the sound [s] (plane, bus, dump truck, trolleybus, excavator), in the other - types of transport, the names of which do not have the sound [s] (helicopter, car, gazelle, tram, boat).

Well done! I arranged the pictures correctly.

3. Dynamic pause “Airplane”.

The speech therapist teacher performs movements and pronounces words, the child repeats both movements and words after the teacher:

Let's fly, fly,

(Stand legs apart)

They twirled their hands forward.

(Rotate arms in front of chest)

Hands to the sides - fly

We're sending the plane

(Spread your arms horizontally to the sides)

Right wing forward

(Turn the torso to the right with the right arm moving forward)

Left wing forward.

(Turn your torso to the left with your left arm moving forward)

One, two, three, four -

Our plane took off.

Wonderful pilot

The plane was sent on its way.

(Random running with arms out to the sides)

4. Continuation of basic correctional and speech therapy work.

1) Teacher-speech therapist:

And this city is called Riddles-Riddles.

Game "Guess the riddles."

Speech therapist teacher:

Now guess the riddles.

It doesn't flap its wings, but flies.

Not a bird, but outruns birds. (Airplane)

What a miracle - a long house!

There are a lot of passengers in it.

Wears rubber shoes

And it runs on gasoline. (Bus)

What a miracle house, guys!

There are a lot of passengers in it.

The mustache touches the wires,

It's called transport. (Trolleybus)

Raises the body upward -

Gets rid of cargo. (Dump truck)

Who with his ladle to glory

Will he dig a ditch for you?

Build a house and a grain elevator

Helps. (Excavator)

2) Game “Clap if you hear the sound [s] in a word.”

Speech therapist teacher:

Let's play the game “Clap if you hear the [s] sound in a word.” I will pronounce words denoting types of transport, and you listen carefully. If you hear the [s] sound in a word, clap your hands.

Bus, car, plane, helicopter, dump truck, tram, trolleybus, gazelle, boat, excavator.

Well done. You completed the task.

5. Summary of the lesson.

Speech therapist teacher:

Name a sound that you often heard in class? (sound [s])

It's time for us to return home. Let's fly!

Literature used

1. Agranovich Z. E. Collection of homework to overcome the underdevelopment of the phonemic aspect of speech in older preschoolers. To help speech therapists and parents. St. Petersburg, 2007.

2. Zhukova N. S. Speech therapist lessons: correction of speech disorders. – M.: Eksmo, 2013.

3. Iskhanova S.V. Game therapy in speech therapy: articulatory transformations. – Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2013.

4. Kiriy Anna. Speech therapy games for kids. – Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2014.

5. Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V., Kremenetskaya M.I. individual-subgroup work on sound pronunciation correction. – M.: GNOM Publishing House, 2012.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of individual speech therapy lesson “Automation of sound [T] in words” Topic: Sound [Ts] Stage: Automation Goal: Consolidating the correct pronunciation of the sound [Ts] in words. Tasks:1. Educational: Automate.

Summary of individual speech therapy lesson “Automation of sound [L] in words, sentences, text” Objectives: Correctional and educational: 1. Clarify the characteristics and articulation of sound [r]. 2. Automate the sound [r] in words and sentences.

Summary of an individual speech therapy lesson “Automation of the sound [r] in words and phrases” Goal: automate the sound [r] in words and phrases. Main tasks: Correctional and educational: - exercise in the use of words and.

Abstract of an individual speech therapy lesson “Automation of the sound [w] in words” Goal: automate the sound [sh] in words. Main tasks: Correctional and educational: - exercise in the correct pronunciation of the sound [w].

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten combined type No. 185, Khabarovsk. Individual summary.

Summary of individual speech therapy sessions

on sound automation [s]

Subject: Sound [s]. (Automation stage.)

Speech therapy conclusion: Phonetic underdevelopment of speech in a child with dysarthria.

Age: 4 years



    Consolidating the idea of ​​correct articulation of sound [s];

    Consolidating the skill of correct pronunciation of the sound [s] by imitation;

Correctional and developmental:

    Development of subtle differentiated movements of the tongue when organizing the articulatory structure for the sound [s];

    Development of communicative behavior skills when answering questions;

    Strengthening the conditioned reflex connection between articulatory and acoustic images of sound [s];

    Automation of the skill of pronouncing the sound [s] in words;

    Development of the skill of coordinated movements of the fingers when performing a series of exercises.

Correctional and educational:

    Formation of the skill of preserving and holding a training pose within the framework of a lesson;

    Development of productive perception skills within the lesson.


Saika Dog Toy, Butterfly on Flower Toy, Encouragement Sticker

Progress of the lesson


Lesson stage

Org. moment

Hello! I'm glad to see you.

Well, shall we begin our lesson?
Look who came to us! Who is this? This is a dog. What's the dog's name? Don't know? I don't know either. Let's ask. Our dog's name is Saika. Introduce yourself to Saika, she is wondering who she will play with today.

Articulation gymnastics

Let's do exercises for the tongue. What do you think he will do now?

Why do you need to exercise your tongue?( so that he is obedient and pronounces sounds correctly)

1. "Smile"

Lip doors are flexible.

They can become a smile.

2. “Tube”

They can gather into a tube,
Then smile again.

3. “Fence”

The entrance to the house is locked.

There are different doors.


They close securely.

4. "Proboscis"

We are greeted by a kind elephant.

He pulls his long trunk.

If you really want it,

You can twirl your trunk.

5. "Swing"

He doesn't close the window

The tip goes downwards.

The tongue does not get tired:

Now it's moving forward.

I walked around quite a bit,

He opened the window wide.

He doesn't close the window

The tip lifts upward.

6. "Spatula"

The tongue is a little tired.

He lay quietly.

7. "Gorka"

Deftly made a bridge,

Tucked his tail down.

Finger gymnastics

The pussy snuck into the hole,

Locked it with a padlock

She's looking through the hole

The dog is sitting behind the fence.

Breathing exercises

Game "Butterfly"
Saika came to us
Brought my butterfly

Play with the butterfly

And develop your breathing

Look, our butterfly is sitting on a flower. Blow a butterfly off a flower. Exhale smoothly, do not puff out your cheeks.

Physical minute

We'll blow high: S-S-S

(When pronouncing sounds, the child stands on his toes and raises his arms up)

We'll blow low: S-S-S

(Child squats)

We will blow far: S-S-S

(The child straightens up, leans forward, arms outstretched)

We'll blow close: S-S-S

(Standing straight, hands to mouth)

It's great that you can blow!

Articulatory image of sound

What position do the lips occupy? They are stretched out in a smile. The teeth are brought together and create a barrier to the air stream. The tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth.

Audio automation

Blow like the breeze. S-S-S

Blow like a teapot. S-S-S

Blow like a pump. S-S-S

Let's sing our song:





What a beautiful song we made!

Do you remember how you and I learned to speak in a whisper? Let's try again.

[A] whisper [O] whisper [I] whisper [C] whisper

[A] loud [O] loud [I] loud [Z] loud

Development of phonemic hearing

I will name the word, and you determine whether it has the sound [s]

Traffic light, chair, pencil case, vacuum cleaner, fox, armchair, frame, paints, pan, globe, bicycle, juice, pen, table, elephant.

Automation in plain English

Can you imagine, our Saika was bitten by a wasp.

Now she is not friends with the wasp.

And you and I must reconcile them.

We will repeat all the syllables,

We will win this fight.


bitten on the nose by a wasp.


my nose became like a wheel.


I carry a wasp in my hand.


I'm not afraid of the evil wasp.

Formation of singular and plural forms of nouns


Sonya has a chair; at Sanya's... (chairs)

Sonya has a table; at Sanya's...(tables)

Sonya has boots; Sanya has...(boots)

Sonya has a bag; Sanya has...(bags)

At Sanya's soup; at Sonya's...(soup)

Sani has elephants; Sonya has...(elephant)

At Sanya the dog; Sonya has...(dog)

Sanya has cheese; at Sonya's...(cheese)

Lesson summary

What did you like most?

Who did you play with today?
What is the dog's name?


You did well today! And he deserves a sticker!


Homework will be waiting for you in your notebook.